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Typhoon-induced waves and surges are important when predicting potential hazards near coastal regions. In this paper, we applied a coupled modeling system for ocean–wave interaction to examine prediction capabilities for typhoon-induced waves and surges around the Korean Peninsula. To identify how ocean–wave coupling impacts wave and surge simulations during typhoon conditions, a set of comparative experiments was performed during Typhoon Bolaven (2012): (1) a fully coupled ocean–wave model, (2) a one-way coupled ocean–wave model without surface current feedback and ocean-to-wave water levels, and (3) a stand-alone ocean model without considering wave-based sea surface roughness (SSR). When coupled with the ocean model, the surface current reduced significantly the wave height on the right-hand side of the advancing typhoon track and improved prediction accuracy along the southern coast of Korea. Compared with the observed surge levels, the simulated surge height yielded improved results for peak height magnitude and timing compared with the uncoupled model. For wave-to-surge feedback, we found that wave-induced SSR plays an important role by modulating wind stress in the surface layer. The modulated wind stress directly affected the surge height, which improved surge peak prediction during the typhoon.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of magnetospheric factors, such as convection and energetic electron precipitation during the formation of positive disturbances in the total electron content under the conditions of the summer evening ionosphere. à numerical model of the ionosphere and plasmasphere, where time variations in the magnetospheric convection velocity and electron precipitation parameters correspond to the main phase of a magnetic storm, has been used for this purpose. It has been indicated that the total electron content sharply increases (the “dusk effect”) in the eastern and western sectors at approximately the same geomagnetic latitudes corresponding to the subauroral zone provided that a sudden storm commencement is registered in the morning hours. local time. This peak of the total electron content is formed as a result of joint reconstruction of the magnetospheric convection pattern and energetic electron precipitation during the main phase of a storm. In this case, magnetospheric convection plays the main role, raising the F2 layer by 40–80 km into the region with a lower recombination rate.  相似文献   

F. Worrall  J. K. Adamson 《水文研究》2008,22(14):2531-2541
This study considers the impact of managed rotational burning of vegetation and sheep grazing upon the composition of soil waters within an upland peat soil. The study has considered soil water compositions from a complete factorial design of treatment plots where three different burning treatments were considered in replication with grazing and no grazing. All plots were sampled across a complete year with three dipwells in each plot. The study included aluminium (Al), iron, calcium, sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), potassium, sulphate, chloride (Cl?), bromide, fluoride, phosphate (PO )and nitrate; and in order to clarify the nature of the results, the pH, conductivity and dissolved organic carbon were also considered, but the major results for these are reported elsewhere. The study finds: (1) Ca, Na, Mg and PO concentrations are significantly lower on all burnt plots, with only Al concentration being significantly higher on burnt plots. (2) Only Cl? showed any significant changes (a decrease) with the presence of sheep grazing, and then only when plots were also burnt. (3) A principal component analysis shows that the composition of most soil waters can be described by rainwater and soil water components, but in unburnt plots a base‐rich, high ionic strength water is sometimes present. The study suggests that burning, but not grazing, caused significant changes in soil water composition leading to increased interaction between incoming rainwaters and the peat soil but led to loss of interaction with deeper waters. However, no evidence was found for structural change in the soils even after long term (50 years) grazing and burning management. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A more detailed scenario of one stage (August–November 2004) of the quasibiennial MHD process “Origination ... and dissipation of the four-sector structure of the solar magnetic field” during the decline phase of cycle 23 has been constructed. It has been indicated that the following working hypothesis on the propagation of an MHD disturbance westward (in the direction of solar rotation) and eastward (toward the zone of active longitudes) with the displacement of the large-scale open solar magnetic field (LOSMF) from this zone can be constructed based on LOSMF model representations and data on sunspot formation, flares, active filaments, and coronal ejections as well as on the estimated contribution of sporadic energy release to the flare luminosity and kinetic energy of ejections: (1) The “explosion” of the LOSMF singularity and the formation in the explosion zone of an anemone active region (AR), which produced the satellite sunspot formation that continued west and east of the “anemone,” represented a powerful and energy-intensive source of MHD processes at this stage. (2) This resulted in the origination of two “governing” large-scale MHD processes, which regulated various usual manifestations of solar activity: the fast LOSMF along the neutral line in the solar atmosphere, strongly affecting the zone of active longitudes, and the slow LOSMF in the outer layers of the convection zone. The fronts of these processes were identified by powerful (about 1031 erg) coronal ejections. (3) The collision of a wave reflected from the zone of active longitudes with the eastern front of the hydromagnetic impulse of the convection zone resulted in an increase in LOSMF magnetic fluxes, origination of an active sector boundary in the zone of active longitudes, shear-convergent motions, and generation and destabilization of the flare-productive AR 10696 responsible for the heliospheric storm of November 3–10, 2004.  相似文献   

During the past decades, Daqing City, China has experienced unprecedented urban expansion due to the rapid development of petroleum industry. With rapid urbanization and lack of strategic planning, Daqing is facing many socio-economic and environmental problems, and it is essential to examine the process of urbanization, and to develop policy recommendations for sustainable development. To address this problem, this paper examined the urbanization process of Daqing City through developing two multi-level models: an integrated system dynamic (SD) and CLUE-S model (SD-CLUES), and an integrated SD and stochastic cellular automata model (SD-CA). Analysis of results suggests that these two models generate significantly different results. With the SD-CLUES model, new urban developments are clustered in the downtown area or along major transportation networks, indicating exogenous driving forces playing an important role in shaping urban spatial dynamics. With the SD-CA model, on the contrary, the resultant new urban cells are spread over the entire study area, and associated with existing urban areas. Further, visual comparisons and validations indicate that the SD-CA model is a better alternative in explaining the urbanization mechanism of Daqing City. In addition, analysis of results suggests that the stochastic factor in the CA model has significant impact on the modeling accuracy.  相似文献   

Mid-high maturity shale oil is the most realistic field for the scale breakthrough of terrestrial shale oil production in China. Generally, three deficiencies hinder shale oil development in China: heavy oil density, small sweet spot areas, and poor distribution continuity. Thus, identifying the “sweet spots” in shale oil reservoirs is critical for the efficient exploration and development of terrestrial shale oil. This study targets the siltstone type(Class-Ⅱ shale oil) and pure shale type(Clas...  相似文献   

The increasing drought due to climate change poses a threat to issues such as safe and accessible drinking water, food safety, and protection from diseases. The provision of water supply is vital for agricultural and livestock activities, which are commonly practiced around natural ore deposits. Examining traditional “irrigation water quality” methods alone is insufficient; investigating potentially toxic metal content in the region's waters is vital, especially around metallic ore deposits. This study focused on the Kiraz district in Turkey, known for its agricultural activities, to assess the impact of geogenic water pollution on irrigation water quality and its implications for food safety and human health. Geology determines nutrient availability, water resources, and land suitability for agriculture. Conventional irrigation water quality parameters indicate groundwater suitability for irrigation in the study area, considering Na%, sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index, Kelly ratio, magnesium hazard, and potential salinity. However, when examining the potential toxic metal content in the region, it was determined that the values of Al ranged from 96 to 8676 ppb, Ni values ranged from 27 to 360 ppb, and Sb concentrations varied between 9 and 53 432 ppb. Utilizing geogenically contaminated water for irrigation and its indiscriminate use in livestock, dairy, and food industries can lead to foodborne illnesses (cancer, endocrine disruptors, tuberculosis, antimony spots, thyroid tumors, goiter, neurologic and cardiovascular diseases) that endanger human health. The use of low-quality water throughout the agricultural sector and food production chain increases food safety risks.  相似文献   

Pb, Hf, Nd and Sr isotopes of basaltic lavas from the two Réunion Island volcanoes are reported in order to examine the origin of the sources feeding these volcanoes and to detect possible changes through time. Samples, chosen to cover the whole lifetime of the two volcanoes (from 2 Ma to present), yield a chemically restricted (compared to OIB lavas) but complex distribution. Réunion plume isotopic characteristics have been defined on the basis of the composition of uncontaminated shield-building lavas from the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. The average ?Nd, ?Hf, 87Sr/86Sr and 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios calculated for this component are + 4.4, + 9.1, 0.70411, 18.97, 15.59 and 39.03, respectively. In Pb–Pb isotope space, each volcano defines a distinct linear trend but slight variations are also detected within the various volcanic sequences. The Piton des Neiges volcano yields a distinct and significantly more scattered isotopic distribution than Piton de la Fournaise for both Pb, Hf and Nd isotope tracers. A principal component analysis of the Pb isotope data from Piton de la Fournaise reveals a major contribution of the C and EM-1 components (with a clear Dupal flavor) as main components for the modern Réunion plume. The same components have been identified for Piton des Neiges but with a stronger participation of a depleted mantle component and a weaker EM-1 contribution. The compositional change of the lavas erupted by the Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes is attributed to the impingement of two small-scale blobs of plume material at the base of the Réunion lithosphere. Compared to other hot-spots worldwide, in particular Hawaii and Kerguelen, magmas beneath Réunion are generated from a considerably more homogeneous, compositionally more primitive plume higher in 206Pb. Although shallow-level contamination processes have been locally detected they did not alter significantly the composition of the plume magmas. This is tentatively attributed to mantle dynamics producing small, high-velocity blobs that ascend rapidly through the lithosphere, and to the lack of a well-developed magma chamber at depth in the lithosphere.  相似文献   

The arguments presented in Melsen et al. advance ideas in the “Panta Rhei” decade (2013–2022) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, which focuses on change in hydrology and society. While we reiterate that, despite acknowledged shortcomings, the enterprise of integrating societal feedbacks into hydrological models is beneficial in prediction and adaptive management, we also agree with the sentiments of the authors. In response, we offer concrete steps the socio-hydrologic community can take to educate modellers to become aware about unconscious biases embedded in model structure and clearly communicate assumptions. We stress the need for “knowledge brokers” that can help modellers work with stakeholders, instead of doing everything themselves. We also caution, however, against the danger of over-reaching. Young scholars already pay a big price by having to master both the natural and social sciences. As coupled human–water problems increase in societal importance, along with calls for more holistic thinking, we also need to promote an academic culture that rewards reaching across the aisle.  相似文献   

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