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IntroductionWith the development of science and technology, especially with the development of spatial geodetic technology (Tralli, Timothy, 1988), it is possible to precisely obtain the continuous geodetic data on the earth surface by Global Positioning System (GPS) observation. The spatial geodetic technology can be used to observe the deformation response on the earth surface caused by the stress field variation, and some deformation and movement feature in the earth crust during the pro…  相似文献   

刘月  吕晓健 《地震学报》2016,38(2):208-219
基于区域-时间-长度(RTL)算法,本文以汶川MS8.0、 于田MS7.3、 芦山MS7.0、 鲁甸MS6.5及景谷MS6.6地震为例, 对强震前地震活动异常空间分布与发震地点的关系进行分析, 并根据新提出的物理参数区域-时间-长度的面积分IRTL探索区域地震活动水平与地震发生时间的关系. 结果显示:3次MS≥7.0强震前均检测到地震活动平静, 2次MS>6.0地震前均检测到地震活动增强, 这些地震活动平静和增强异常主要分布在震中及其附近潜在发震断裂带及周边, 异常范围和异常程度随时间由小到大再到小. MS≥7.0强震前, 地震活动平静主体区的IRTL曲线在震前1—3年从零值下降至低谷后回升,低谷点与地震发生的时间间隔为9—18个月; 鲁甸MS6.5和景谷MS6.6地震前, IRTL曲线分别在震前1年和1.8年由低值开始上升, 达到峰值后回落, 峰值点与地震发生的时间间隔分别为3个月和9个月. 本文结果表明, 地震活动平静的IRTL低谷点和地震活动增强的IRTL峰值点对地震发生可能有一定的指示意义.   相似文献   

2008年3月21日新疆于田发生MS7.3级地震.本文通过处理、分析GPS数据,得到破裂断层北侧100 km附近的同震位移及震后形变信息.在观测区域GPS点监测到10 mm左右的同震位移,其中最大为南向14 mm,东向5 mm.同震位移呈现一致性的东南向运动特征,证实于田地震存在显著的左旋走滑分量.震后台站向西南方向运动,与同震位移方向不同,说明同震位移和震后形变具有不同的形变源.近普鲁断裂两侧的GPS点震后运动方向存在明显差异,表明于田地震可能触发了普鲁断裂的左旋滑动.普鲁断裂在于田地震发生后呈现的构造活动特征揭示普鲁断裂是康西瓦—西阿尔金断裂带的一部分,兼具左旋走滑与逆冲分量,吸收了青藏高原西北缘相对于塔里木盆地的东向逃逸与北向入侵作用.  相似文献   

GPS水平形变面应变率梯度与强震危险区关系探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张晶  武艳强  刘琦  陈荣华 《地震学报》2013,35(6):828-835
全球定位系统(GPS)观测和信息处理技术的发展, 为获取高精度地壳水平运动和相关的应用研究提供了良好的基础. 应用中国地壳运动观测网络中心提供的1999—2007年GPS水平形变速率观测结果, 研究了地壳水平形变面应变率梯度与强震发生的关系, 探索了地震中长期预测对强震危险区的判识方法. 结果表明, 中国大陆2001—2011年发生的大部分MS6.8以上强震, 地震地点均位于面应变梯度高-低值过渡区与块体边界带相交汇的部位; GPS面应变率梯度可以作为中长期强震危险区判识的一种方法, 与最大剪应变率分布相比, 缩小了强震孕育地点的判识范围. 文章最后给出了中国大陆地区未来10年或稍长时间的强震危险区.  相似文献   

Introduction From the records of Wudalianchi volcanic group eruption in 1720~1721 obtained from the Man ethnic group files of Heilongjiang General Yamen in Qing Dynasty (WU, 1998; CHEN, WU, 2003), we have discovered the eruption time, state, material and scale of Laoheishan and Hu-oshaoshan volcanoes, as well as numerous seismic records. These historical materials are discov-ered for the first time although the study on Wudalianchi volcanic group has a long history. These earthquakes co…  相似文献   

Current horizontal strain field in Chinese mainland derived from GPS data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Introduction In the years when the reliable data could not be obtained and in the analysis of strain property and magnitude in history, the intensity, property and activity pattern of strain field were mainly inferred on the bases of geometric characters of surface traces and behaviors (especially the faults) as well as the characteristics of petrology (XIE, et al, 1993; Molnar, Tapponnier, 1975, 1977; Tapponnier, Molnar, 1977; FU, et al, 2000). However, they are the averaged results accumu…  相似文献   

地震数据采集器中的GPS授时技术和校时技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从模拟地震观测到数字地震观测,地震事件的时间标识一直是地震观测中的关键技术之一。当一个地震事件发生时,模拟观测时代是通过短波授时和校时技术为地震事件标识时间,而数字观测时代则是借助于精度更高的全球定位系统(Global Position System,简称GPS)为地震事件标识时间。本文详细介绍地震数据采集器中的GPS授时技术和校时技术。  相似文献   

The great Wenchuan earthquake of M8.0 on May 12, 2008, occurred in an area with dense GPS observation stations in the regional network of the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC). Non-continuous observations were carried out at the 1 000 GPS stations of the regional network in 1999, 2001, 2004 and 2007. The horizontal displacements at GPS stations in the regional network before the Wenchuan earthquake show that the main driving tectonic force of the earthquake was the northward pushing of the Indian plate, added at the same time by the pushing of plates on the east and south. In comparison to the displacements in other regions, the horizontal displacements near and around the seismic area is characterized by diverging eastward displacements, that is, the stations to the north of the epicenter moved in the ENE direction while those to the south of epicenter moved in ESE direction with smaller displacements at stations near the epicenter. The accuracy of the estimated strain results is briefly discussed. In order to obtain the anomalous information before the earthquake, the methods of both best fits by trend surface and statistics have been used in the study for finding the future epicentral area from the strain accumulations in the regional network observed from 1999 to 2007 before the Wenchuan earthquake. Besides the epicentral area of the western Kunlun mountain pass earthquake of M8.1 in 2001, the results of best fits by trend surfaces of the strain accumulations from 1999 to 2007 in the regional network show that the Wenchuan earthquake occurred at the eastern fringe of a large area with relatively large accumulations of the first shear strains and also at the northeastern fringe of a smaller area with significant accumulated areal compressions. The statistics of the accumulations of the strain components demonstrates that they also showed anomalous distribution patterns in this area and its neighborhood with increasing accumulations of both shear strains and areal compressions.  相似文献   

Teleseismic and GPS data were jointly inverted for the rupture process of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. The inversion results show that it is a bilateral rupture event with an average rupture velocity less than 2.0 km/s along the fault strike direction. The source rupture process consists of three sub-events, the first occurred near the hypocenter and the rest two ruptured along the up-dip direction and broke the sea bed, causing a maximum slip of about 30 m. The large-scale sea bed breakage may account for the tremendous tsunami disaster which resulted in most of the death and missing in this mega earthquake.  相似文献   

王永哲 《地震学报》2015,37(5):796-805
本文首先对Envisat/ASAR数据进行干涉处理, 获取2011年日本东北MW9.0地震的地表InSAR同震形变场; 然后通过对InSAR同震形变数据重采样方法的深入分析, 选择条纹率法结合干涉图的空间相干性对InSAR同震形变数据进行重采样; 最后基于弹性半空间位错模型, 联合InSAR与GPS形变数据, 采用最小二乘法反演发震断层的滑动分布. 研究结果表明: 考虑相干性的条纹率重采样方法, 更适用于形变场中存在除断层外的有限边界、 且形变场范围较大的InSAR数据重采样处理; 断层滑动主要发生在地表以下50 km范围内, 最大滑动量为49.9 m, 矩张量为4.89×1022 N·m, 所对应的矩震级为MW9.1, 与地震学反演的结果比较吻合.   相似文献   

刘仕锦  李杰  李学川 《四川地震》2007,(4):31-36,45
结合甘孜地区的地震构造,对甘孜县境内及县城附近55 km范围内发生的ML≥3.0级以上地震与周围地区的中强地震活动分析,发现甘孜附近3.0级以上地震与附近地区的中强地震的发生具有一定对应关系,提出了2个预测指标,预测时间为半年的通过了置信水平为97.5%的R值检验,分析认为甘孜地区的地震活动是鲜水河地震带强震活动及附近中强地震活动的指示窗口。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川(31.0°N,103.4°E)MS8.0大地震发生在中国地壳运动观测网络区域网GPS观测站相当密集的地区.1000个站的GPS 非连续观测区域网分别在1999,2001,2004年和2007年作了4次观测.震前区域网GPS观测站得到的水平位移表明,汶川大地震主要力源是印度板块向北对中国大陆的挤压,但同时也受到东部与南部板块的挤压.与其它地区相比,震前震中附近水平位移最显著的特点是,汶川地震发生在南北地震带上位移分叉部位,即震中北部明显向东北位移,震中南部明显向东南位移,而震中附近的水平位移则明显小于其北面和南面的水平位移.简要讨论了应变计算结果的精度.为获取地震前的异常信息,分别采用趋势曲面拟合和统计方法研究了汶川地震前(1999—2007年)区域网的应变积累,寻找震中的大致区域.除了2001年昆仑山口西大地震震中及其周围地区外,1999—2007年震前区域网的应变积累的趋势曲面拟合表明,汶川地震发生在中国大陆第一剪应变积累大、范围最广的区域的东侧,且在此区域内积累较大的面压缩区的东北边缘.应变分量的统计分析表明,震前其分布在此区域及其附近同样有明显的异常,剪应变和面膨胀积累均增强.   相似文献   

以UNAVCO公布的阿拉斯加地区GPS 1 Hz和30 s采样观测数据为基础,采用双差定位方法分别对两种采样率的数据进行处理分析,获得2020年7月22日阿拉斯加MW7.8地震震时地表动态变形及同震三维形变场。结果显示,震中270 km范围内高频GPS震时波形明显,最大振幅达600 mm。根据各个GPS站的动态形变波形振幅及响应时间认为,其振幅和响应时间受地震的破裂传播方向和场地效应影响较大。静态同震位移矢量指向震中,同震位移大小基本符合随震中距离增大而减小的特征,除站点AC13外,其中距离震中最近站点的最大水平位移达26.7 cm。GPS测定的同震形变表明,2020年阿拉斯加地震是发生在阿拉斯加阿留申俯冲大断裂的一次逆冲型地震。  相似文献   

Vertical total electron content (VTEC) time series were obtained from 22 GPS stations near the epicenter of the Lushan earthquake. In this paper, we have adopted a sliding average method to detect and analyze anomalous VTEC associated with the earthquake. The results show that signif- icant, negative ionosphere VTEC anomalies appeared over the 5 days before the earthquake, and on the day when earthquake occurred. The maximum value of VTEC anoma- lies that exceeded the lower bound reached 20 TECU. The spatial distribution of VTEC anomalies showed a conjugate structure, which shifted to the magnetic equator, and subse- quently moved westwards.  相似文献   

目前,在地球动力学和地震预测预报研究领域中,在处理GPS数据时,一般利用精度比较高的每周解(7天解)结果,由于时间较长,每周解只能为中长期的地震预测提供服务,而不能为短期的地震预测提供服务.本文根据北京市GPS地震监测网的高密度和连续性的特点,通过控制影响GPS精度定位因素,对1~7天解的时间序列、相关系数、点位平均精度进行对比分析,研究表明,3天解以上的结果在点位精度、最终的时序变化等指标上都能达到地震短临分析工作的要求.  相似文献   

Vertical total electron content (VTEC) time series were obtained from 22 GPS stations near the epicenter of the Lushan earthquake. In this paper, we have adopted a sliding average method to detect and analyze anomalous VTEC associated with the earthquake. The results show that significant, negative ionosphere VTEC anomalies appeared over the 5 days before the earthquake, and on the day when earthquake occurred. The maximum value of VTEC anomalies that exceeded the lower bound reached 20 TECU. The spatial distribution of VTEC anomalies showed a conjugate structure, which shifted to the magnetic equator, and subsequently moved westwards.  相似文献   

An earthquake of Mw6.4 occurred in Pishan County in Xinjiang Province, northwestern Tibetan Plateau, on July 3,2015. The epicenter was located on an active blind thrust system located at the northern margin of the Western Kunlun Mountain Orogenic Belt southwest of the Tarim Basin. We constructed a shovel-shaped fault model based on the layered-crust model with reference to the seismic reflection profile, and obtained the rupture process of the earthquake from the joint inversion of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar(InSAR) measurements, far-field waveform data, and Global Positioning System(GPS) data. The results show that the seismic fault dips southward with a strike of 109°, and the rupture direction was essentially northward. The fault plane rupture distribution is concentrated, with a maximum recorded slip of 73 cm. The main features of the fault are as follows: low inclination angle(25°–10°), thrust slip at a depth of 9–13 km, rupture propagation time of about 12 s, no significant slip in soft or hard sedimentary layers at 0–4 km depth and propagation from the initial rupture point to the surrounding area with no obvious directionality. The InSAR time-series analysis method is used to determine the deformation rate in the source region within 2 years after the earthquake, and the maximum value is ~17 mm yr-1 in the radar line-of-sight direction. Obvious post-earthquake deformation is evident in the hanging wall, with a similar trend to the coseismic displacement field. These results suggest that the Pishan earthquake has not completely released the accumulated energy of the region, given that the multilayer fold structure above the blind fault is still in a process of slow uplift since the earthquake. Post-earthquake adjustment models and aftershock risk analysis require further study using more independent data.  相似文献   

Solution of the gradiometric boundary value problems leads to three integral formulas. If we are satisfied with obtaining a smooth solution for the Earth’s gravity field, we can use the formulas in regional gravity field modelling. In such a case, satellite gradiometric data are integrated on a sphere at satellite level and continued downward to the disturbing potential (geoid) at sea level simultaneously. This paper investigates the gravity field modelling from a full tensor of gravity at satellite level. It studies the truncation bias of the integrals as well as the filtering of noise of data. Numerical studies show that by integrating T zz with 1 mE noise and in a cap size of 7°, the geoid can be recovered with an error of 12 cm after the filtering process. Similarly, the errors of the recovered geoids from T xz,yz and T xx-yy, 2xy are 13 and 21 cm, respectively.  相似文献   

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