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Eugene I. Smith 《Icarus》1976,28(4):543-550
New central peak-crater size data for Mars shows that a higher percentage of relatively unmodified Martian craters have central peaks than do fresh lunar craters below a diameter of 30 km. For example, in the diameter range 10 to 20 km, 60% of studied Martian craters have central peaks compared to 26% for the Moon. Gault et al. (1975, J. Geophys. Res.80, 2444–2460) have demonstrated that central peaks occur in smaller craters on Mercury than on the Moon, and that this effect is due to the different gravity fields in which the craters formed. Similar differences when comparing Mars and the Moon show that gravity has affected the diameter at which central peaks form on Mars. Erosion on Mars, therefore, does not completely mask differences in crater interior structure that are caused by differences in gravity. Effects of Mars' higher surface gravity when compared to the Moon are not detected when comparing terrace and crater shape data. The morphology-crater size statistics also show that a full range of crater shapes occur on Mars, and craters tend to become more morphologically complex with increasing diameter. Comparisons of Martian and Mercurian crater data show differences which may be related to the greater efficacy of erosion on Mars.  相似文献   

Michael Gurnis 《Icarus》1981,48(1):62-75
Improved crater statistics from varied Martian terrains are compared to lunar crater populations. The distribution functions for the average Martian cratered terrain and the average lunar highlands over the diameter range 8–2000 km are quite similar. The Martian population is less dense by approximately 0.70 from 8 to 256 km diameter and diverges to proportionally lower densities at greater diameters. Crater densities on Martian “pure” terra give a lower limit to the Mars/Moon integrated crater flux of 0.75 since the last stabilization of the respective planetary crusts. The crater population >8 km diameter postdating the Martian northern plains is statistically indistinguishable from that population postdating the lunar maria. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to constrain plausible mechanisms of crater obliteration. The models demonstrate that if the crater density difference between the lunar and Martian terra has been due to resurfacing processes, random intercrater plains formation cannot be the sole process. If plains preferentially form in and obliterate larger craters, then the observed Martian distribution retains its “shape” as the crater density decreases. This result is consistent with the morphology of Martian intercrater plains.  相似文献   

Reta F. Beebe 《Icarus》1980,44(1):1-19
The simple-to-complex transition for impact craters on Mars occurs at diameters between about 3 and 8 km. Ballistically emplaced ejecta surround primarily those craters that have a simple interior morphology, whereas ejecta displaying features attributable to fluid flow are mostly restricted to complex craters. Size-dependent characteristics of 73 relatively fresh Martian craters, emphasizing the new depth/diameter (d/D) data of D. W. G. Arthur (1980, to be submitted for publication), test two hypotheses for the mode of formation of central peaks in complex craters. In particular, five features appear sequentially with increasing crater size: first flat floors (3–4 km), then central peaks and shallower depths (4–5 km), next scalloped rims (? km), and lastly terraced walls (~8 km). This relative order indicates that a shallow depth of excavation and an unspecified rebound mechanism, not centripetal collapse and deep sliding, have produced central peaks and in turn have facilitated failure of the rim. The mechanism of formation of a shallow crater remains elusive, but probably operates only at the excavation stage of impact. This interpretation is consistent with two separate and complementary lines of evidence. First, field data have documented only shallow subsurface deformation and a shallow transient cavity in complex terrestrial meteorite craters and in certain surface-burst explosion craters; thus the shallow transient cavities of complex craters never were geometrically similar to the deep cavities of simple craters. Second, the average depths of complex craters and the diameters marking the transition from simple to complex craters on Mars and on three other terrestrial planets vary inversely with gravitational acceleration at the planetary surface, g, a variable more important in the excavation of a crater than in any subsequent modification of its geometry. The new interpretation is summarized diagrammatically for complex craters on all planets.  相似文献   

Population-density maps of craters in three size ranges (0.6 to 1.2 km, 4 to 10 km, and >20 km in diameter) were compiled for most of Mars from Mariner 9 imagery. These data provide: historical records of the eolian processes (0.6 to 1.2 km craters); stratigraphic, relative, and absolute timescales (4 to 10 km craters); and a history of the early postaccretional evolution of the uplands (> 20 km craters).Based on the distribution of large craters (>20 km diameters), Mars is divisible into two general classes of terrain, densely cratered and very lightly cratered—a division remarkably like the uplands-maria dichotomy of the moon. It is probable that this bimodal character in the density distribution of large craters arose from an abrupt transition in the impact flux rate from an early intense period associated with the tailing off of accretion to an extended quiescent epoch, not from a void in geological activity during much of Mars' history. Radio-isotope studies of Apollo lunar samples show that this transition occurred on the moon in a short time.The intermediate-sized craters (4 to 10 km diameter) and the small-sized craters (0.6 to 1.2 km diameter) appear to be genetically related. The smaller ones are apparently secondary impact craters generated by the former. Most of the craters in the larger of these two size classes appear fresh and uneroded, although many are partly buried by dust mantles. Poleward of the 40° parallels the small fresh craters are notably absent owing to these mantles. The density of small craters is highest in an irregular band centered at 20°S. This band coincides closely with (1) the zone of permanent low-albedo markings; (2) the “wind equator” (the latitude of zero net north or south transport at the surface); and (3) a band that includes a majority of the small dendritic channels. Situated in the southermost part of the equatorial unmantled terrain which extends from about 40°N to 40°S, this band is apparently devoid of even a thin mantle. Because this belt is also coincident with the latitutde of maximum solar insolation (periapsis occurs near summer solstice), we suggest that this band arises from the asymmetrical global wind patterns at the surface and that the band probably follows the latitude of maximum heating which migrates north and south from 25°N to 25°S within the unmantled terrain on a 50,000 year timescale.The population of intermediate-sized craters (4–10 km diameter) appears unaffected by the eolian mantles, at least within the ±45° latitudes. Hence the local density of these craters is probably a valid indicator of the relative age of surfaces generated during the period since the uplands were intensely bombarded and eroded. It now appears that the impact fluxes at Mars and the moon have been roughly the same over the last 4 b.y. because the oldest postaccretional, mare-like surfaces on Mars and the moon display about the same crater density. If so, the nearness of Mars to the asteroid belt has not generated a flux 10 to 25 times greater than the lunar flux. Whereas the lunar maria show a variation of about a factor of three in crater density from the oldest to the youngest major units, analogous surfaces on Mars show a variation between 30 and 50. This implies that periods of active eolian erosion, tectonic evolution, volcanic eruption, and possibly fluvial modification have been scattered throughout Martian history since the formation and degradation of the martian uplands and not confined to small, ancient or recent, epochs. These processes are surely active on the planet today.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper develops a methodology to establish absolute Martian ages by deriving isochrons on a plot of Martian impact crater density vs. crater diameter, calibrated by lunar crater/age data. The isochrons illustrated here are based on a Mars/Moon cratering ratio of 1.6 at constant size, but there is a factor of 2 to 4 uncertainty in this ratio and the consequent model ages. Martian crater diameter distributions are determined in several areas down to diameter D = 16–45 m; the shapes of the curves in young areas are found to be close to that of the predicted isochrons and close to the standard production function found by Neukum. The youngest areas studied here display the lunar-like production function down to D ~30 m, where saturation equilibrium sets in. Model crater retention ages of several volcanic units are found to be a few hundred million years or less, with estimated uncertainties ranging from a factor of 2 lower to a factor of 4 higher. The results are consistent with Martian meteorite ages. Volcanism on Mars has probably persisted into the last 10 to 15% of the planet's history and is likely ongoing. Because surfaces as young as a few hundred million years have reached crater saturation equilibrium at D < ~60 to 100 m, Mars is likely to have widespread impact-produced regoliths at least a few meters deep, and this may contribute to the widespread mobile dust and boulder fields of Mars.  相似文献   

Clark R. Chapman 《Icarus》1974,22(3):272-291
Computerized cratering-obliteration models are developed for use in interpreting planetary surface histories in terms of the diameter-frequency relations for craters classified by morphology. An application is made to a portion of the lunar uplands, revealing several episodes of blanketing, presumably due to the formation of some of the major basins.Application to Martian craters leads to the following picture of Martian cratering and obliteration history. During a probable period of intense early bombardment, craters were degraded by two processes: a depositional-type process connected with the declining cratering rate, and a process tending to flatten the largest craters (e.g., isostatic adjustment). During late stages of the early bombardment, or subsequent to it, there occurred a major relative episode of obliteration (probably atmosphere related), but it ceased concurrently with the massive (presumably volcanic) resurfacing of the cratered plains. Subsequent resurfacing episodes have occurred in the smooth plain terrains, but obliteration processes have been virtually absent in the low-latitude cratered terrains.Recent global Martian cratering interpretations of Hartmann and Soderblom are compared. Absolute cratering chronologies are only so good as knowledge of the absolute cratering flux on Mars. The crater data of Arvidson, Mutch, and Jones do not confirm the basis, whereby Soderblom requires the dominant Martian crater obliteration process to be coincident in time with the early bombardment. If the asteroidal-cometary impact flux on Mars has averaged five times the lunar flux during post-lunar-mare epochs, then the obliterative episode lasted about half a billion years and occurred about 1.5 × 109 yr ago.  相似文献   

The size and radial distributions of ejecta blocks around craters (D = 0.8 to 10 km) on Phobos and Deimos have been compared to those around lunar craters (D = 0.2 to 3.5 km). The radial distribution of blocks was found to be similar on Phobos and the Moon, but more dispersed on Deimos. For the best imaged crater on Deimos (D = 800 m), the size distributions of blocks and the fraction of excavated volume present as blocks are similar to those on the Moon. The wider dispersal of blocks on Deimos is consistent with other findings on the spread of finer ejecta over the satellite.  相似文献   

We report here on a survey of distal fine-grained ejecta deposits on the Moon, Mars, and Venus. On all three planets, fine-grained ejecta form circular haloes that extend beyond the continuous ejecta and other types of distal deposits such as run-out lobes or ramparts. Using Earth-based radar images, we find that lunar fine-grained ejecta haloes represent meters-thick deposits with abrupt margins, and are depleted in rocks ?1 cm in diameter. Martian haloes show low nighttime thermal IR temperatures and thermal inertia, indicating the presence of fine particles estimated to range from ∼10 μm to 10 mm. Using the large sample sizes afforded by global datasets for Venus and Mars, and a complete nearside radar map for the Moon, we establish statistically robust scaling relationships between crater radius R and fine-grained ejecta run-out r* for all three planets. On the Moon, r* ∼ R−0.18 for craters 5-640 km in diameter. For Venus, radar-dark haloes are larger than those on the Moon, but scale as r* ∼ R−0.49, consistent with ejecta entrainment in Venus’ dense atmosphere. On Mars, fine-ejecta haloes are larger than lunar haloes for a given crater size, indicating entrainment of ejecta by the atmosphere or vaporized subsurface volatiles, but scale as R−0.13, similar to the ballistic lunar scaling. Ejecta suspension in vortices generated by passage of the ejecta curtain is predicted to result in ejecta run-out that scales with crater size as R1/2, and the wind speeds so generated may be insufficient to transport particles at the larger end of the calculated range. The observed scaling and morphology of the low-temperature haloes leads us rather to favor winds generated by early-stage vapor plume expansion as the emplacement mechanism for low-temperature halo materials.  相似文献   

From an analysis of 1173 craters possessing single (Type I) and double (Type 2) concentric ejecta deposits, Type 2 craters are found to occur most frequently in areas that have also been described as possessing periglacial features. The frequency of occurence of central peaks and wall failure (terraces plus scallops) within the craters indicate that, by analogy with previous analyses, Type 1 craters form in more fragmental targets than Type 2 craters. The maximum range of the outer ejecta deposits of Type 2 craters, however, consistently extends ~0.8 crater radii further than ejecta deposits of Type 1 craters, suggesting a greater degree of ejecta fluidization for the twin-lobed Type 2 craters. Numerous characteristics of Ries Crater, West Germany, show similarities to craters on Mars, indicating that Martian fluidized ejecta craters may be closer analogs to this terrestrial crater than are lunar craters.  相似文献   

The rayed crater Zunil and interpretations of small impact craters on Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 10-km diameter crater named Zunil in the Cerberus Plains of Mars created ∼107 secondary craters 10 to 200 m in diameter. Many of these secondary craters are concentrated in radial streaks that extend up to 1600 km from the primary crater, identical to lunar rays. Most of the larger Zunil secondaries are distinctive in both visible and thermal infrared imaging. MOC images of the secondary craters show sharp rims and bright ejecta and rays, but the craters are shallow and often noncircular, as expected for relatively low-velocity impacts. About 80% of the impact craters superimposed over the youngest surfaces in the Cerberus Plains, such as Athabasca Valles, have the distinctive characteristics of Zunil secondaries. We have not identified any other large (?10 km diameter) impact crater on Mars with such distinctive rays of young secondary craters, so the age of the crater may be less than a few Ma. Zunil formed in the apparently youngest (least cratered) large-scale lava plains on Mars, and may be an excellent example of how spallation of a competent surface layer can produce high-velocity ejecta (Melosh, 1984, Impact ejection, spallation, and the origin of meteorites, Icarus 59, 234-260). It could be the source crater for some of the basaltic shergottites, consistent with their crystallization and ejection ages, composition, and the fact that Zunil produced abundant high-velocity ejecta fragments. A 3D hydrodynamic simulation of the impact event produced 1010 rock fragments ?10 cm diameter, leading to up to 109 secondary craters ?10 m diameter. Nearly all of the simulated secondary craters larger than 50 m are within 800 km of the impact site but the more abundant smaller (10-50 m) craters extend out to 3500 km. If Zunil is representative of large impact events on Mars, then secondaries should be more abundant than primaries at diameters a factor of ∼1000 smaller than that of the largest primary crater that contributed secondaries. As a result, most small craters on Mars could be secondaries. Depth/diameter ratios of 1300 small craters (10-500 m diameter) in Isidis Planitia and Gusev crater have a mean value of 0.08; the freshest of these craters give a ratio of 0.11, identical to that of fresh secondary craters on the Moon (Pike and Wilhelms, 1978, Secondary-impact craters on the Moon: topographic form and geologic process, Lunar Planet. Sci. IX, 907-909) and significantly less than the value of ∼0.2 or more expected for fresh primary craters of this size range. Several observations suggest that the production functions of Hartmann and Neukum (2001, Cratering chronology and the evolution of Mars, Space Sci. Rev. 96, 165-194) predict too many primary craters smaller than a few hundred meters in diameter. Fewer small, high-velocity impacts may explain why there appears to be little impact regolith over Amazonian terrains. Martian terrains dated by small craters could be older than reported in recent publications.  相似文献   

Schroeter's ratios (ratios of the rim volume to the apparent volume) are determined for a sample of 29 large, degraded Martian craters selected from the Goldstone Mars radar altimetry data. On the average, the values of the calculated Schroeter's ratios are about two orders of magnitude smaller than the same ratios for fresh lunar craters. This indicates a severe rim volume deficit in degraded Martian craters and it provides an additional support to the notion of a widespread resurfacing of intercrater plains on Mars. Schroeter's ratios for degraded craters could provide a semi-quantitative measure of the effects of the modification processes that had been active on Mars and on the other planetary bodies.  相似文献   

A study of lunar impact crater size-distributions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Discrepancies in published crater frequency data prompted this study of lunar crater distributions. Effects modifying production size distributions of impact craters such as surface lava flows, blanketing by ejecta, superposition, infilling, and abrasion of craters, mass wasting, and the contribution of secondary and volcanic craters are discussed. The resulting criteria have been applied in the determination of the size distributions of unmodified impact crater populations in selected lunar regions of different ages. The measured cumulative crater frequencies are used to obtain a general calibration size distribution curve by a normalization procedure. It is found that the lunar impact crater size distribution is largely constant in the size range 0.3 km ?D ? 20 km for regions with formation ages between ≈ 3 × 109 yr and ? 4 × 109 yr. A polynomial of 4th degree, valid in the size range 0.8 km ?D ? 20 km, and a polynomial of 7th degree, valid in the size range 0.3 km ?D ? ? 20 km, have been approximated to the logarithm of the cumulative crater frequencyN as a function of the logarithm of crater diameterD. The resulting relationship can be expressed asND α(D) where α is a function depending onD. This relationship allows the comparison of crater frequencies in different size ranges. Exponential relationships with constant α, commonly used in the literature, are shown to inadequately approximate the lunar impact crater size distribution. Deviations of measured size distributions from the calibration distribution are strongly suggestive of the existence of processes having modified the primary impact crater population.  相似文献   

An analysis is performed of 91 panoramic photographs taken by Lunokhod-1 and -2, 17 panoramic images composed of photographs taken by Apollo 11–15 astronauts, and six LROC NAC photographs. The results are used to measure the height-to-visible-diameter (h/d) and height-to-maximum-diameter (h/D) ratios for lunar rocks at three highland and three mare sites on the Moon. The average h/d and h/D for the six sites are found to be indistinguishable at a significance level of 95%. Therefore, our estimates for the average h/d = 0.6 ± 0.03 and h/D = 0.54 ± 0.03 on the basis of 445 rocks are applicable for the entire Moon’s surface. Rounding off, an h/D ratio of ≈0.5 is suggested for engineering models of the lunar surface. The ratios between the long, medium, and short axes of the lunar rocks are found to be similar to those obtained in high-velocity impact experiments for different materials. It is concluded, therefore, that the degree of penetration of the studied lunar rocks into the regolith is negligible, and micrometeorite abrasion and other factors do not dominate in the evolution of the shape of lunar rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— A model for emplacement of deposits of impact craters is presented that explains the size range of Martian layered ejecta craters between 5 km and 60 km in diameter in the low and middle latitudes. The impact model provides estimates of the water content of crater deposits relative to volatile content in the aquifer of Mars. These estimates together with the amount of water required to initiate fluid flow in terrestrial debris flows provide an estimate of 21% by volume (7.6 × 107km3) of water/ice that was stored between 0.27 and 2.5 km depth in the crust of Mars during Hesperian and Amazonian time. This would have been sufficient to supply the water for an ocean in the northern lowlands of Mars. The existence of fluidized craters smaller than 5 km diameter in some places on Mars suggests that volatiles were present locally at depths less than 0.27 km. Deposits of Martian craters may be ideal sites for searches for fossils of early organisms that may have existed in the water table if life originated on Mars.  相似文献   

The location, size, and principal characteristics of the currently known proven and probable terrestrial impact structures are tabulated. Of the 78 known probable structures, only 3 are Precambrian and the majority are <300 my in age. A survey of the variation in preservation with size and age indicates that, unless protected by sedimentary cover, a structure <20 km in diameter has a recognizable life of <600 my. The depth-diameter relationships of terrestrial structures are similar to lunar craters; however, it is believed that terrestrial craters were always shallower than their lunar counterparts. Complex structures formed in sedimentary targets are shallower than those in crystalline targets, and the transition from simple to complex crater morphology occurs in sedimentary strata at approximately one-half the diameter of the morphology transition in crystalline rocks. This is a reflection of target strength. Although observations indicate that crater size, target strength, and surface gravity are variables in the formation of complex craters, they do not permit an unequivocal choice between collapse and rebound processes for the formation of complex structures. It may be that both processes act together in the modification of crater morphology during the later stages of excavation. The major emphasis of recent shock metamorphic studies has been toward the development of models of cratering processes. An important contribution has been the identification, through meteoritic contamination in the melt rocks, of the type of bolide at a number of probable impact structures. This has served to strengthen the link between the occurrence of shock metamorphic effects and their origin by hypervelocity meteorite impact.  相似文献   

We studied a data set of 28 well‐preserved lunar craters in the transitional (simple‐to‐complex) regime with the aim of investigating the underlying cause(s) for morphological differences of these craters in mare versus highland terrains. These transitional craters range from 15 to 42 km in diameter, demonstrating that the transition from simple to complex craters is not abrupt and occurs over a broad diameter range. We examined and measured the following crater attributes: depth (d), diameter (D), floor diameter (Df), rim height (h), and wall width (w), as well as the number and onset of terraces and rock slides. The number of terraces increases with increasing crater size and, in general, mare craters possess more terraces than highland craters of the same diameter. There are also clear differences in the d/D ratio of mare versus highland craters, with transitional craters in mare targets being noticeably shallower than similarly sized highland craters. We propose that layering in mare targets is a major driver for these differences. Layering provides pre‐existing planes of weakness that facilitate crater collapse, thus explaining the overall shallower depths of mare craters and the onset of crater collapse (i.e., the transition from simple to complex crater morphology) at smaller diameters as compared to highland craters. This suggests that layering and its interplay with target strength and porosity may play a more significant role than previously considered.  相似文献   

R.A.F. Grieve  M.R. Dence 《Icarus》1979,38(2):230-242
The terrestrial cratering record for the Phanerozoic has a size-frequency distribution of NαD?2.05 for D > 22.6 km and NαD?0.24 for D < 11.3 km. This shallowing of the distribution slope at D > 22.6 km reflects the removal of small terrestrial craters by erosion. The number of large craters on the North American and East European cratons provide estimated terrestrial crater production rates for D > 20 km of 0.36 ± 0.1 and 0.33 ± 0.2 × 10?14 km?2 year?1, respectively. These rates are in good agreement with previous estimates and astronomical observations on Apollo bodies. Comparisons with the lunar rate, taking account of the effects of variations in impact velocity, surface gravity, and gravitational cross section, indicate that the lunar and terrestrial rates overlap, if the cratering flux has been constant during the last 3.4 by. If the early (pre 4.0 by) high-flux rate did not decay to a constant value until 3.0 to 2.5 by then the rates differ by a factor of 2 and the Phanerozoic can be interpreted as a period of higher than normal cratering.  相似文献   

New crater size-shape data were compiled for 221 fresh lunar craters and 152 youthful mercurian craters. Terraces and central peaks develop initially in fresh craters on the Moon in the 0–10 km diameter interval. Above a diameter of 65 km all craters are terraced and have central peaks. Swirl floor texture is most common in craters in the size range 20–30 km, but it occurs less frequently as terraces become a dominant feature of crater interiors. For the Moon there is a correlation between crater shape and geomorphic terrain type. For example, craters on the maria are more complex in terms of central peak and terrace detail at any given crater diameter than are craters in the highlands. These crater data suggest that there are significant differences in substrate and/or target properties between maria and highlands. Size-shape profiles for Mercury show that central peak and terrace onset is in the 10–20 km diameter interval; all craters are terraced at 65 km, and all have central peaks at 45 km. The crater data for Mercury show no clear cut terrain correlation. Comparison of lunar and mercurian data indicates that both central peaks and terraces are more abundant in craters in the diameter range 5–75 km on Mercury. Differences in crater shape between Mercury and the Moon may be due to differences in planetary gravitational acceleration (gMercury=2.3gMoon). Also differences between Mercury and the Moon in target and substrate and in modal impact velocity may contribute to affect crater shape.  相似文献   

Mark Settle  James W. Head 《Icarus》1977,31(1):123-135
The variation of rim topography as a function of range from the crater rim has been determined for a group of morphologically fresh lunar craters (D = 10–140 km) using the recent series of Lunar Topographic Orthophotomaps. The rate at which exterior crater topography converges with the surrounding surface is highly variable along different radial directions at individual craters as well as between different craters. At several craters, oblique impact appears to have contributed to azimuthal elevation/range variations. The topographic expression of a crater above the surrounding surface typically decreases to one-tenth of the estimated rim height at a range of 1.3R–1.7R, well within the rough-textured ejecta deposit surrounding the crater. Comparisons with terrestrial craters suggest that the topographic crater rim is predominantly a structural feature. In most craters large portions of the hummocky facies and virtually all of the radial facies, in spite of their rough appearance and local topographic variations, provide no significant net topographic addition to the preexisting surface. The extreme variability of crater rim topography strongly suggests that ejecta thicknesses are highly variable and that a unique power-law expression cannot truly represent the radial variation of ejecta deposit thickness.  相似文献   

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