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B.A. Conway 《Icarus》1982,51(3):610-622
A frequency-dependent model of tidal friction is used in the determination of the time rate of change of the lunar orbital elements and the angular velocity of the Earth. The variational equations consider eccentricity, the solar tide on the Earth, Earth oblateness, and higher-order terms in the Earth's tidal potential. A linearized solution of the equations governing the precission of the Earth's rotational angular momentum and the lunar ascending node is found. This allows the analytical averaging of the variational equations over the period of relative precession which, though large, is necessarily small in comparison to the time step of the numerical integrator that yields the system history over geological time. Results for this history are presented and are identified as consistent with origin of the Moon by capture. This model may be applied to any planet-satellite system where evolution under tidal friction is of interest.  相似文献   

The solid planets assembled 4.57 Gyr ago during a period of less than 100 Myr, but the bulk of the impact craters we see on the inner planets formed much later, in a narrow time interval between 3.8 and 3.9 Gyr ago, during the so-called late heavy bombardment (LHB). It is not certain what caused the LHB, and it has not been well known whether the impactors were comets or asteroids, but our present study lend support to the idea that it was comets. Due to the Earth’s higher gravity, the impactors will have hit the Earth with ∼twice the energy density that they hit the Moon, and the bombardment will have continued on Earth longer than on the Moon. All solid surface of the Earth will have been completely covered with craters by the end of the LHB.However, almost nothing of the Earth’s crust from even the end of this epoch, is preserved today. One of the very few remnants, though, is exposed as the Isua greenstone belt (IGB) and nearby areas in Western Greenland. During a field expedition to Isua, we sampled three types of metasedimentary rocks, deposited ∼3.8 billion years ago, that contain information about the sedimentary river load from larger areas of surrounding land surfaces (mica-schist and turbidites) and of the contemporaneous seawater (BIF). Our samples show evidence of the LHB impacts that took place on Earth, by an average of a seven times enrichment (150 ppt) in iridium compared to present-day ocean crust (20 ppt). The clastic sediments show slightly higher enrichment than the chemical sediments, which may be due to contamination from admixtures of mafic (proto-crustal) sources.We show that this enrichment is in agreement with the lunar cratering rate and a corresponding extraterrestrial LHB contribution to the Earth’s Hadean-Eoarchean crust, provided the bulk of the influx was cometary (i.e., of high velocity and low in CI abundance), but not if the impactors were meteorites (i.e. had velocities and abundances similar to present-day Earth-crossing asteroids). Our study is a first direct indication of the nature of the LHB impactors, and the first to find an agreement between the LHB lunar cratering rate and the Earth’s early geochemical record (and the corresponding lunar record). The LHB comets that delivered the iridium we see at Isua will at the same time have delivered the equivalent of a ∼1 km deep ocean, and we explain why one should expect a cometary ocean to become roughly the size of the Earth’s present-day ocean, not only in terms of depth but also in terms of the surface area it covers. The total impacting mass on the Earth during the LHB will have been ∼1000 tons/m2.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the Earth-Moon separation is at present increasing due to tidal dissipation. Values for the corresponding lunar deceleration and the related slowing of the Earth's rotation are obtained from astronomical observations and by studies of ancient eclipses. Extrapolation of these values leads to a close approach of the Earth and Moon 1–3 b.y. BP. However, justification for such an extrapolation is required. It has been hypothesized that periodicities in the Precambrian stromatolites can be used to determine the number of solar days in a lunar month prior to 500 m.y. BP. These data combined with dynamic constraints on the number of solar days in a lunar month indicate a close approach of the Earth and Moon at 2.85 ± 0.25 b.y. BP. It is suggested that the mare volcanism on the Moon and high-temperature Archean volcanism on the Earth prior to this date were caused by tidal heating. It is also suggested that the strong tidal heating during a close approach could have contributed to the formation of the first living organisms.  相似文献   

The observed density of Venus is about 2% smaller than would be expected if Venus were a twin planet of the Earth, possessing an identical internal composition and structure. In principle, this could be explained by a process of physical segregation of metal particles from silicate particles in the solar nebula prior to accretion, so that Venus accreted from relatively metal-depleted material. However, this model encounters severe difficulties in explaining the nature of the physical segregation process and also the detailed chemical composition of the Earth's mantle. Two alternative hypotheses are examined, both of which attempt to explain the density difference in terms of chemical fractionation processes. Both of these hypotheses assume that the relative abundances of the major elements Fe, Si, Mg, Al, and Ca are similar in both planets. According to the first hypothesis, a larger proportion of the total iron in Venus is present as iron oxide in the mantle, so that the core-to-mantle ratio is smaller than in the Earth. This model implies that Venus is more oxidized than the Earth, with its lower intrinsic density (i.e., corrected to equivalent pressures and temperatures) due to the larger amount of oxygen present. The difference between oxidation states is attributed to differing degrees of accretional heating arising from the relatively smaller mass of Venus. On the other hand, the second hypothesis maintains that Venus is more reduced than the Earth, with its mantle essentially devoid of oxidized iron. The difference intrinsic densities is attributed to the Earth accreting at a lower temperature than Venus as a result of the Earth's greater distance from the center of the nebula. As a result, large amounts of sulfur accreted on the Earth but not on Venus. The sulfur, which entered the core, is believed to have increased the mean density of the Earth because of its relatively high atomic weight. The hypothesis also implies that most of the Earth's potassium, because of its chalcophile properties, entered the core.These hypotheses are evaluated in the light of existing data. The second hypothesis leads to an intrinsic density for Venus which is only 0.4% smaller than that of the Earth. This difference is much smaller than is believed to exist. A wide range of chemical evidence is found to be unfavorable to this second hypothesis, but to be consistent with the interpretation that Venus is more oxidized than the Earth, as required by the first hypothesis.  相似文献   

Farouk El-Baz 《Icarus》1975,25(4):495-537
The Apollo missions have gradually increased our knowledge of the Moon's chemistry, age, and mode of formation of its surface features and materials Apollo 11 and 12 landings proved that mare materials are volcanic rocks that were derived from deep-seated basaltic melts about 3.7 and 3.2 billion years ago, respectively. Later missions provided additional information on lunar mare basalts as well as the older, anorthositic, highland rocks. Data on the chemical make-up of returned samples were extended to larger areas of the Moon by orbiting geochemical experiments. These have also mapped inhomogeneities in lunar surface chemistry, including radioactive anomalies on both the near and far sides.Lunar samples and photographs indicate that the moon is a well-preserved museum of ancient impact scars. The crust of the Moon, which was formed about 4.6 billion years ago, was subjected to intensive metamorphism by large impacts. Although bombardment continues to the present day, the rate and size of impacting bodies were much greater in the first 0.7 billion years of the Moon's history. The last of the large, circular, multiringed basins occurred about 3.9 billion years ago. These basins, many of which show positive gravity anomalies (mascons), were flooded by volcanic basalts during a period of at least 600 million years. In addition to filling the circular basins, more so on the near side than on the far side, the basalts also covered lowlands and circum-basin troughs.Profiles of the outer lunar skin were constructed from the mapping camera system, including the laser altimeter, and the radar sounder data. Materials of the crust, according to the lunar seismic data, extend to the depth of about 65 km on the near side, probably more on the far side. The mantle which underlies the crust probably extends to about 1100 km depth. It is also probable that a molten or partially molten zone or core underlies the mantle, where interactions between both may cause the deep-seated moonquakes.The three basic theories of lunar origin—capture, fission, and binary accretion—are still competing for first place. The last seems to be the most popular of the three at this time; it requires the least number of assumptions in placing the Moon in Earth orbit, and simply accounts for the chemical differences between the two bodies. Although the question of origin has not yet been resolved, we are beginning to see the value of interdisciplinary synthesis of Apollo scientific returns. During the next few years we should begin to reap the fruits of attempts at this synthesis. Then, we may be fortunate enough to take another look at the Moon from the proposed Lunar Polar Orbit (LPO) mission in about 1979.  相似文献   

The evolution of the atmosphere of the earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Michael H. Hart 《Icarus》1978,33(1):23-39
Computer simulations of the evolution of the Earth's atmospheric composition and surface temperature have been carried out. The program took into account changes in the solar luminosity, variations in the Earth's albedo, the greenhouse effect, variation in the biomass, and a variety of geochemical processes. Results indicate that prior to two billion years ago the Earth had a partially reduced atmosphere, which included N2, CO2, reduced carbon compounds, some NH3, but no free H2. Surface temperatures were higher than now, due to a large greenhouse effect. When free O2 appeared the temperature fell sharply. Had Earth been only slightly further from the Sun, runaway glaciation would have occured at that time. Simulations also indicate that a runaway greenhouse would have occured early in Earth's history had Earth been only a few percent closer to the Sun. It therefore appears that, taking into account the possibilities of either runaway glaciation or a runaway greenhouse effect, the continously habitable zone about a solar-type star is rather narrow, extending only from roughly 0.95 to 1.01 AU.  相似文献   

Abstract— The lunar surface is marked by at least 43 large and ancient impact basins, each of which ejected a large amount of material that modified the areas surrounding each basin. We present an analysis of the effects of basin formation on the entire lunar surface using a previously defined basin ejecta model. Our modeling includes several simplifying assumptions in order to quantify two aspects of basin formation across the entire lunar surface: 1) the cumulative amount of material distributed across the surface, and 2) the depth to which that basin material created a well‐mixed megaregolith. We find that the asymmetric distribution of large basins across the Moon creates a considerable nearside‐farside dichotomy in both the cumulative amount of basin ejecta and the depth of the megaregolith. Basins significantly modified a large portion of the nearside while the farside experienced relatively small degrees of basin modification following the formation of the large South Pole‐Aitken basin. The regions of the Moon with differing degrees of modification by basins correspond to regions thought to contain geochemical signatures remnant of early lunar crustal processes, indicating that the degree of basin modification of the surface directly influenced the distribution of the geochemical terranes observed today. Additionally, the modification of the lunar surface by basins suggests that the provenance of lunar highland samples currently in research collections is not representative of the entire lunar crust. Identifying locations on the lunar surface with unique modification histories will aid in selecting locations for future sample collection.  相似文献   

Raymond Siever 《Icarus》1974,22(3):312-324
Histories of the terrestrial planets are traceable to combinations of to five large-scale postaccretion processes: planetary differentiation, crustal differentiation, outgassing, plate tectonics, and recycling. All have operated on Earth to make a planet that was early differentiated into core, mantle, and crust and at very nearly the same time outgassed to form a differentiated crust, atmosphere and oceans. This gave rise to plate tectonics, recycling and thus two-way communication of the surface crust-atmosphere-ocean system with lower crust and upper mantle. Recycling of the Martian surface is probably restricted to limited chemical weathering of thin alteration surfaces of primary minerals because of the extreme slowness of diffusion controlled alteration where surfaces are not stripped by solution. There is evidence for neither subsidence of sedimentary basins nor subduction zones; thus internal recycling and two-way surface-interior communication is improbable. All sedimentary particles produced by mechanical erosion on Mars through its history are still at the surface or shallowly buried by later sediment. Any atmospheric components reacted with weathering crust are removed from the atmosphere. These and exospheric escape processes must have early reduced an original denser atmosphere to its present pressure after an early episode of planetary differentiation coupled to crustal differentiation and out-gassing. The early history of Mars may have been something like that of Earth until weathering and gas escape drew down its atmosphere.  相似文献   

Long-period (more than 20 min) quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) occurring in the Earth's magnetic field (EMF) before the proton flare are studied by the method of spectral correlation analysis of geomagnetic field H-component. The corresponding data have been obtained at six stations located from 12°41'E up to 180° 52'E and from 52°04'N up to 68°52'N.QPP space-time distribution is shown to be correlated with that of the Earth's ionosphere current systems. The results obtained indicate that QPP of the EMF are influenced by QPP of the solar X-ray and ultraviolet radiation modulated by oscillation processes in the active solar region.  相似文献   

Jean Meeus 《Icarus》1975,26(2):257-267
Several statements, on which the recent book The Jupiter Effect is based, are invalid: The planets will not be “aligned” in 1982, and such an alignment has no effect on solar activity; planetary tides on the Sun are negligible; tides raised on the Sun by Venus, Earth, and Jupiter have a period of 4 mo, not 11 yr, and Wood's curve has no physical justification; there are not more sunspots visible at the eastern limb of the Sun than at the western one; the mean number of sunspots is the same at Venus' inferior and superior conjunctions; the influence of solar flares on sudden changes in the Earth's rotation and on earthquakes is not proved. This leads to the conclusion that there is no evidence for a correlation between planetary positions and earthquakes. The “Jupiter effect” does not exist.  相似文献   

The first effects of a nearby (~ 10 parsec) supernova on the Earth's atmosphere will be caused by ultraviolet radiation dissociating molecular oxygen. The event will be of about one month's duration. Several months later nuclear gamma radiation may arrive, causing a decrease in atmospheric ozone. Cosmic radiation from the supernova remnant will not intercept the Earth for at least 1000 years at which time ozone will be seriously depleted.Supernova ultraviolet radiation increases column ozone and atomic oxygen. Atmospheric thermal structure is modified with a large temperature increase in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere and a decrease at higher altitudes caused by enhanced heat loss due to atomic oxygen radiation and conduction.  相似文献   

The baroclinic stability of Jupiter's zonal flow is investigated using a model consisting of two continuously stratified fluid layers. The upper layer, containing a zonal shear flow and representing the Jovian cloudy regions above p ~ 5 bars, is the same as Eady's (1949) model for the Earth. The lower layer has a relatively large but finite depth with a quiescent basic state, representing the deep Jovian fluid bulk below p ~ 5 bars. Due to the presence of the lower layer, the linearized non-dimensional growth rates are drastically reduced from the O(1) growth rates of the original Early model. Only very long wavelengths relative to the upper fluid's radius of deformation L1 are unstable. Eddy transports of heat are also reduced relative to estimates based on scaling arguments alone. Since the hydrostatic approximation for the lower-layer perturbation breaks down at great depths, a second model is presented in which energy propagates downward in an infinitely deep lower fluid obeying the full linearized fluid equations. In this model, the growth rates are again very small, but now all wavelengths are unstable with maximum growth rates occurring for wavelengths O(1) relative to L1. These results illustrate the importance for the upper-layer meteorology of the interface boundary condition with the lower fluid, which is radically different from the rigid lower boundary of the Earth's troposphere.  相似文献   

Multiple large impact basins on the lunar nearside formed in a relatively-short interval around 3.8-3.9 Gyr ago, in what is known as the Lunar Cataclysm (LC; also known as Late Heavy Bombardment). It is widely thought that this impact bombardment has affected the whole Solar System or at least all the inner planets. But with non-lunar evidence for the cataclysm being relatively weak, a geocentric cause of the Lunar Cataclysm cannot yet be completely ruled out [Ryder, G., 1990. Eos 71, 313, 322-323]. In principle, late destabilization of an additional Earth satellite could result in its tidal disruption during a close lunar encounter (cf. [Asphaug, E., Agnor, C.B., Williams, Q., 2006. Nature 439, 155-160]). If the lost satellite had D>500 km, the resulting debris can form multiple impact basins in a relatively short time, possibly explaining the LC. Canup et al. [Canup, R.M., Levison, H.F., Stewart, G.R., 1999. Astron. J. 117, 603-620] have shown that any additional satellites of Earth formed together with (and external to) the Moon would be unable to survive the rapid initial tidally-driven expansion of lunar orbit. Here we explore the fate of objects trapped in the lunar Trojan points, and find that small lunar Trojans can survive the Moon's orbital evolution until they and the Moon reach 38 Earth radii, at which point they are destabilized by a strong solar resonance. However, the dynamics of Trojans containing enough mass to cause the LC (diameters >150 km) is more complex; we find that such objects do not survive the passage through a weaker solar resonance at 27 Earth radii. This distance was very likely reached by the Moon long before the LC, which seems to rule out the disruption of lunar Trojans as a cause of the LC.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic and electrodynamic problems of solar wind interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere on the day-side are investigated.The initial fact, well established, is that the density of the magnetic field energy in the solar wind is rather small. Magnetic field intensity and orientation are shown to determine the character of the solar wind flow around the magnetosphere. For mean parameters of the wind, if the tangential component of the magnetic field is more or equal 5γ, the flow in the magneto-sheath will be laminar. For other cases the flow is of a turbulent type.For turbulent flow, typical plasma parameters are estimated: mean free path, internal scale of inhomogeneities and dissipated energy. The results obtained are compared with experimental data.For the case of laminar flow, special attention is paid to the situation when magnetic fields of the solar wind and Earth are antiparallel. It is suggested, on the basis of solid arguments, that the southward interplanetary field diffuses from the magnetosheath into the Earth's magnetosphere. These ideas are used for the estimation of the distance to the magnetopause subsolar point. A detailed comparison with results of observation is made. The coincidence is satisfactory. Theoretical investigation has been made to a great extent for thin magnetopause with thickness δRHe-gyroradius of an electron.It is shown that during magnetospheric substorms relaxation oscillations with the period τ = 100–300 sec must appear. A theorem is proved about the appearance of a westward electrical field during the substorm development, when the magnetosphere's day-side boundary moves Earthward and about the recovery phase, when the magnetopause motion is away from the Earth, when there is an eastward electrical field.In the Appendix, plasma wave exitation in the magnetopause is considered and conductivity magnitudes are calculated, including the reduction due to the scattering by plasma turbulence.  相似文献   

When Jupiter was on the order of three to ten Earth masses in size, there undoubtedly was a considerably larger mass of condensed matter in its zone, since Jupiter would have perturbed most of it to other parts of the solar system. Monte Carlo studies indicate a significant portion would have crossed the Earth's orbit. If the Earth and Moon had not yet fully formed, the probability of Earth-zone planetesimals being hit by this Jupiter-scattered material was high. Further Monte Carlo models of these collisions and their products indicate a significant portion of matter was heated to melting, even if less than 5% of the relative kinetic energy went into heat. The models include capture probabilities by an embryo Earth and a protolunar swarm. Because heat energy is correlated with comminution energy, and because the capture probability of the swarm is mass-dependent while the embryo's is not, the protolunar material suffered much higher heating on the average than did the proto-Earth material.  相似文献   

It appears possible to establish a preliminary geological model for the origin and evolution of the breccias of Boulder 1 at Station 2 in the Valley of Taurus-Littrow based on firm and probable geological constraints. The crystallization of plagioclase and other ANT-suite phases now present as clasts appears to have occurred in the lunar crust about 4.5 b.y. ago during the ‘melted shell stage’ of lunar history as that history is presently modeled. The original rocks containing these phases, which now make up the gray competent breccias of Boulder 1, were greatly modified by impact processes during the ‘cratered highland stage’ and the early part of the ‘large basin stage’, up to about 4.0 b.y. ago. About 4.0 b.y. ago, pigeonite basalts with KREEP affinities appear to have been intruded into the pre-Serenitatis crust from which the light friable breccias of Boulder 1 were later derived. During the large basin stage, three major dynamic events profoundly influenced the present character of the Boulder 1 materials. These events probably occurred as follows: (1) formation of gray competent breccia containing ANT-suite clasts in the hot ejecta blanket of an old large basin event, such as Tranquillitatis, that took place about 4.0 b.y. ago; (2) rebrecciation and redeposition of the gray competent breccia, mixed with light friable breccia and pigeonite basalt, in a relatively cool ejecta deposit, possibly produced by the northern Serenitatis event; (3) uplift and exposure of the Boulder 1 materials in the South Massif by the southern Serenitatis event about 3.90 b.y. ago.  相似文献   

A.W. Harris  W.M. Kaula 《Icarus》1975,24(4):516-524
Numerical calculation of a simple accretion model including the effects of tidal friction indicate that coformation is tenable only if the planet's Q is less than about 103. The parameter which most strongly affects the final mass ratio of the pair is the time at which the secondary embryo is introduced. Our model yields the proper Moon-Earth mass ratio if the Moon embryo is introduced when the Earth is only about 110 of its final mass. The lunar orbit remains at about 10 Earth radii throughout most of the growth.This model of satellite formation overcomes two difficulties of the “circumterrestrial cloud” model of Ruskol (1960, 1963, 1972): (1) The difficulty of accumulating a mass as great as the entire Moon before gravitational instability reduces the cloud to a small number of moonlets is removed. (2) The differences between terrestrial and outer planet satellite systems is easily understood in terms of the differences in Q between these planets. The high Q of the outer planets does not allow a satellite embryo to survive a significant portion of the accretion process, thus only small bodies which formed very late in the accumulation of the planet remain as satellites. The low Q of the terrestrial planets allows satellite embryos of these planets to survive during accretion, thus massive satellites such as the Earth's Moon are expected. The present lack of such satellites of the other terrestrial planets may be the result of tidal evolution, either infall following primary despinning (Burns, 1973) or escape due to increase in orbit eccentricity.  相似文献   

Here we present a crustal folding or buckling mechanism to explain the rootless 3–5 km high Alborz Mountains in northern Iran as well as  10 km of Late Miocene to recent subsidence in the south Caspian basin and  3–6 km of subsidence in the central Iranian basin in the context of the middle Miocene to recent Arabia–Eurasia collision. A key element of the mechanism is the presence of lateral and vertical lithospheric strength contrasts between the north Iranian continental and south Caspian oceanic crusts: when compression from the collision is applied across the region, the strong south Caspian oceanic crust, buried under > 10 km of premiddle Miocene sediment, interacts with the bottom of the mechanically strong continental upper crust of northern Iran, resulting in upward buckling of the continental crust and downward buckling of the oceanic crust. We test this mechanism using a finite-element numerical model with a Maxwell rheology and obtain results that are consistent with the geological and geophysical observations. The observations compiled here and the model results demonstrate the potential for using this region as a natural laboratory for studying the early stages of continent–oceanic collision, including processes like basin inversion, fault localization and, potentially, subduction initiation.  相似文献   

A. Bar-Nun  A. Shaviv 《Icarus》1975,24(2):197-210
The course of evolution of Earth's primitive reducing atmosphere is shown to possibly have been determined to a large extent by the effect of thunder shock waves, which is comparable to the effect of solar uv radiation. The major chemical reactions occurring during a thunderstorm in the troposphere were pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, their oxidation by water vapor and their reaction with molecular nitrogen. These reactions were studied by the single-pulse shock tube technique and their rates as well as their product distributions were determined.The greenhouse effect of water vapor and acetylene enhanced oxidation by water vapor and prevented the accumulation of large graphite and polymer deposits on the Earth's surface. This is in accordance with their absence on the contemporary Earth. Changes in the frequency and power of thunderstorms, within reasonable limits, affected the rate of evolution but caused only small changes in the concentration profiles of HCN and aldehydes, which are essential for further chemical evolution in the oceans. The surface temperature and relative hydrogen concentration are shown to be of prime importance in determining the course and outcome of atmospheric evolution.  相似文献   

William K. Hartmann 《Icarus》1976,27(4):553-559
Significant fractions of each planet's late-accreted mass originated not at its own distance from the Sun, but from a neighboring planet's orbit, according to results that follow from calculations by Wetherill (1975). “Late-accreted” refers to a loosely defined period after planets acquired most of their present mass. In an idealized model, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars received 47, 45, 37, and 52% of their late-accreted mass from planetesimals formed closer to other planets. Resulting compositional anomalies in outer parts of early planets could be significant; atmospheric tests of Lewis's predicted S deficiency on Venus may be inconclusive.The Moon's orbit around Earth puts it in a special category: sorting occurs between Moon-impacting and Earth-impacting material according to approach velocity. In the above model, the moon receives 60% of its late-accreted mass from planetesimals formed near Venus' orbit. Distant planetesimals could be perturbed into the Earth-Moon system and cause major changes in the Moon's composition with only minor effect on Earth. The entire lunar bulk composition anomaly could be explained by plausible reservoirs of distant low-density material.  相似文献   

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