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Rice is the major staple food of Asia, and an important source of employment and income in rural areas, particularly in low-income countries. Research has contributed significantly in achieving food security by increasing the yield potential of rice in irrigated systems, reducing the crop maturity period and achieving yield stability by developing resistance against major insects and diseases in the modern high-yielding varieties. Poverty is, however, still extensive in fragile rainfed rice ecosystems where rice yield has remained low, as scientists have yet to develop high-yielding varieties resistant to abiotic stresses and problem soils. Rice production needs to be increased by another 70% over the next 30 years to meet growing food needs. This has to be achieved with less land, less water, and less labor to accommodate the demand for these inputs from the expanding nonagricultural sectors. The challenge to the rice research community is to make further shifts in yield potential of rice for the irrigated systems, to close the yield gaps in the rainfed systems through developing resistance of high yielding varieties to abiotic stresses, and greater understanding of the interactions between genotypes and environment, developing durable resistance against pests and diseases to reduce farmers' dependence on harmful agrochemicals, and to increase efficiency in the use of water, labor and fertilizers. As further intensification of rice cultivation is inevitable, scientists must understand the negative environmental side-effects of increasing rice productivity, to develop appropriate mitigation options.  相似文献   

The Precambrian geologic history of Peninsular India covers nearly 3.0 billion years of time. India is presently attached to the Eurasian continent although it remains (for now) a separate plate. It comprises several cratonic nuclei namely, Aravalli–Bundelkhand, Eastern Dharwar, Western Dharwar, Bastar and Singhbhum Cratons along with the Southern Granulite Province. Cratonization of India was polyphase, but a stable configuration between the major elements was largely complete by 2.5 Ga. Each of the major cratons was intruded by various age granitoids, mafic dykes and ultramafic bodies throughout the Proterozoic. The Vindhyan, Chhattisgarh, Cuddapah, Pranhita–Godavari, Indravati, Bhima–Kaladgi, Kurnool and Marwar basins are the major Meso to Neoproterozoic sedimentary repositories. In this paper we review the major tectonic and igneous events that led to the formation of Peninsular India and provide an up to date geochronologic summary of the Precambrian. India is thought to have played a role in a number of supercontinental cycles including (from oldest to youngest) Ur, Columbia, Rodinia, Gondwana and Pangea. This paper gives an overview of the deep history of Peninsular India as an introduction to this special TOIS volume.  相似文献   

This paper details the author’s experiments with accessing the visceral realm in research on the food-based social movement, Slow Food (SF). “Visceral” is defined as the bodily realm where feelings, sensations, moods and so on are experienced. Fieldwork methods aimed at participatory co-creation of data through verbal communications in the form of in-depth conversations and group discussions, as well as non-verbal communications in the form of “intentionally designed experiences” and other forms of sensory involvement. Communications centered on understanding how foods and food-based settings elicit feelings and sensations that move and power bodies differently, and specifically how SF guides bodies to be affected by specific foods and environments. The paper details how data were created and recorded, specifically exploring how sensory-based research events were translated to data through the creation of imagined bodily empathies. The paper also discusses the emergence of change-oriented communications that pushed for transformation in SF’s (in)attention to visceral differences, thus demonstrating how visceral research can challenge researchers and participants to critically reflect upon, and perhaps transform, how their own bodies feel (and respond to) the world.  相似文献   

Alteration textures in volcanic glass from the seafloor fall into two classes, one suggestive of abiotic/diffusive hydration and chemical exchange, and another likely to be caused by microbial, cavity-forming, congruent dissolution. Glass bioalteration is common in submarine lavas throughout the world's ocean, dominant in the upper 300 m of the oceanic crust, and found in all well-preserved ophiolites and greenstone belts dating back to 3.5 Ga. It may yield a significant fraction of the global biomass and geochemical fluxes and is relevant to the development of the earliest life on Earth. We present a critical review concerning these glass bioalteration textures and present new data on their microchemical environment. We explore arguments for their biogenicity and further develop the prevalent model for their formation by relating corrosion morphology to the mechanism of microbial dissolution. Biological alteration produces conspicuous micron-scale granular and tubular textures. Granular glass alteration is well explained by colonizing microbes that selectively dissolve the glass in their contact area, forming a sponge-like interconnected network of micron-sized cavities along glass surfaces. Tubular alteration meanwhile, is more likely to be caused by filamentous cell extensions in a process similar to fungal tunneling of soil feldspars and marine carbonates. While we see clear functional similarities to fungal dissolution behavior, we do not know whether fungal or prokaryotic organisms are involved. However, this functional constraint may eventually help to identify potential microbes responsible for these features, potentially including eukaryotic or prokaryotic organisms. Yet, we caution that these organisms may be difficult to identify and to study, because they are likely to be sparsely distributed, slow growing, and difficult to cultivate.  相似文献   

Analysis of δ18O in igneous zircons of known age traces the evolution of intracrustal recycling and crust-mantle interaction through time. This record is especially sensitive because oxygen isotope ratios of igneous rocks are strongly affected by incorporation of supracrustal materials into melts, which commonly have δ18O values higher than in primitive mantle magmas. This study summarizes data for δ18O in zircons that have been analyzed from 1,200 dated rocks ranging over 96% of the age of Earth. Uniformly primitive to mildly evolved magmatic δ18O values are found from the first half of Earth history, but much more varied values are seen for younger magmas. The similarity of values throughout the Archean, and comparison to the composition of the “modern” mantle indicate that δ18O of primitive mantle melts have remained constant (±0.2‰) for the past 4.4 billion years. The range and variability of δ18O in all Archean zircon samples is subdued (δ18O(Zrc)=5–7.5‰) ranging from values in high temperature equilibrium with the mantle (5.3± 0.3‰) to slightly higher, more evolved compositions (6.5–7.5‰) including samples from: the Jack Hills (4.4–3.3 Ga), the Beartooth Mountains (4.0–2.9 Ga), Barberton (3.5–2.7 Ga), the Superior and Slave Provinces (3.0 to 2.7 Ga), and the Lewisian (2.7 Ga). No zircons from the Archean have been analyzed with magmatic δ18O above 7.5‰. The mildly evolved, higher Archean values (6.5–7.5‰) are interpreted to result from exchange of protoliths with surface waters at low temperature followed by melting or contamination to create mildly elevated magmas that host the zircons. During the Proterozoic, the range of δ18O(Zrc) and the highest values gradually increased in a secular change that documents maturation of the crust. After ∼1.5 Ga, high δ18O zircons (8 to >10‰) became common in many Proterozoic and Phanerozoic terranes reflecting δ18O(whole rock) values from 9 to over 12‰. The appearance of high δ18O magmas on Earth reflects nonuniformitarian changes in the composition of sediments, and rate and style of recycling of surface-derived material into magmas within the crust. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Natalia Yakovleva 《Geoforum》2011,42(6):708-719
Traditional economic activities, lifestyles and customs of many indigenous peoples in the Russian North, such as reindeer herding, hunting and fishing, are closely linked to quality of the natural environment. These traditional activities that constitute the core of indigenous cultures are impacted by extractive sector activities conducted in and around traditional territories of indigenous peoples. This paper examines implications of an oil pipeline development in Eastern Siberia on the Evenki community in the Aldan district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It examines community concerns about potential environmental damage and impacts on traditional livelihood. The paper analyses the interaction of indigenous communities with the pipeline project through interrogation of elements such as impact assessment, consultation, compensation, benefits, communication and public activism. The paper discusses how state policy and industry’s approach towards land rights and public participation affects the position of indigenous peoples and discusses barriers for their effective engagement. The analysis shows a number of policy failures in the protection of traditional natural resource use of indigenous peoples and provision of benefits with regards to the extractive sector that leave indigenous peoples marginalised in the process of development. There is a need to involve indigenous peoples on the basis of dialogue and partnership, improve regulation and shift industry’s approach towards consideration and engagement.  相似文献   

The Protopangaea-Palaeopangaea model for the Precambrian continental crust predicts quasi-integrity reflecting a dominant Lid Tectonics defined by a palaeomagnetic record showing prolonged near-static polar behaviour during very long time intervals (~2.7–2.2, 1.5–1.2, and 0.75–0.6 Ga). Intervening times show polar loops radiating from the geometric centre of the crust explaining the anomalous Precambrian magnetic inclination bias. The crustal lid was a symmetrical crescent-shaped body confined to a single hemisphere on the globe comparable in form to the Phanerozoic supercontinent (Neo)Pangaea. There were two major transitions in the tectonic regime when prolonged near-static motion was succeeded by widespread tectonic-magmatic activity, and each coincided with the major isotopic/geochemical signatures in the Precambrian record. The first comprised a ~90° reconfiguration of crust and mantle at ~2.2 Ga terminating the long 2.7–2.2 Ga static interval; the second was the largest continental break-up event in geological history and is constrained to the Ediacaran Period at ~0.6 Ga by multiple isotopic and geochemical signatures and the subsidence history of marine passive margins. Break-up of the lid at ~0.6 Ga defines a transition from dominant Lid Tectonics to dominant Plate Tectonics and is the primary cause of contrasts between the Precambrian and Phanerozoic aeons of geological times. The long interval of minimal continental motion in the mid-Proterozoic correlates with extensive emplacement of anorogenic anorthosite-rapakivi plutons unique to these times, and high-level emplacement was probably caused by blanketing of the mantle and comprehensive thermal weakening of the crust. Continental velocities were low during the two Proterozoic intervals characterized by profound glaciation (~2.4–2.2 and ~0.75–0.6 Ga) when partial or complete magmatic shutdown is likely to have reduced volcanic greenhouse gas production. Specific implications of Protopangaea-Palaeopangaea include: (i) support for recent evidence that 60–70% of the present continental crust had accreted by ~2.5 Ga; (ii) recognition from spatially constrained mineral provinces that sub-crustal lithosphere was already chemically differentiated by mid-Archaean times; (iii) strong axial alignment of younger greenstone belts, major Palaeoproterozoic shear zones, and later Meso–Neoproterozoic mobile/orogenic belts; (iv) concentration of anorogenic magmatism and progressive contraction of activity towards the orogenic margin subsequently to become the focus of Grenville (~1.1 Ga) orogenesis; and (v) late Neoproterozoic arc magmatism/tectonics at the instep margin of the continental crescent persisting until the Ediacaran continental break-up.  相似文献   

Oil-bearing fluid inclusions occur in a ca. 2.45 Ga fluvial metaconglomerate of the Matinenda Formation at Elliot Lake, Canada. The oil, most likely derived from the conformably overlying deltaic McKim Formation, was trapped in quartz and feldspar during diagenesis and early metamorphism of the host rock, probably before ca. 2.2 Ga. Molecular geochemical analyses of the oil reveal a wide range of compounds, including CH4, CO2, n-alkanes, isoprenoids, monomethylalkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, low molecular weight cyclic hydrocarbons, and trace amounts of complex multi-ring biomarkers. Maturity ratios show that the oil was generated in the oil window, with no evidence of extensive thermal cracking. This is remarkable, given that the oils were exposed to upper prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism (280-350 °C) either during migration or after entrapment. The fluid inclusions are closed systems, with high fluid pressures, and contain no clays or other minerals or metals that might catalyse oil-to-gas cracking. These three attributes may all contribute to the thermal stability of the included oil and enable survival of biomarkers and molecular ratios over billions of years. The biomarker geochemistry of the oil in the Matinenda Formation fluid inclusions enables inferences about the organisms that contributed to the organic matter deposited in the Palaeoproterozoic source rocks from which the analysed oil was generated and expelled. The presence of biomarkers produced by cyanobacteria and eukaryotes that are derived from and trapped in rocks deposited before ca. 2.2 Ga is consistent with an earlier evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis and suggests that some aquatic settings had become sufficiently oxygenated for sterol biosynthesis by this time. The extraction of biomarker molecules from Palaeoproterozoic oil-bearing fluid inclusions thus establishes a new method, using low detection limits and system blank levels, to trace evolution through Earth’s early history that avoids the potential contamination problems affecting shale-hosted hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Brasier MD  Lindsay JF 《Geology》1998,26(6):555-558
Carbon isotopes through 6km of fully cored drill holes in 1.7 to 1.5 Ga carbonates of the Mount Isa and McArthur basins, Australia (which host the earliest known eukaryote biomarkers) provide the most comprehensive and best-dated delta 13C stratigraphy yet obtained from such ancient rocks. Both basins reveal remarkably stable temporal delta 13C trends (mean of -0.6% +/- 2% PDB [Peedee belemnite]) and confirm the impression of delta 13C stasis between 2.0 and 1.0 Ga, which, together with other evidence, suggest a prolonged period of stability in crustal dynamics, redox state of surface environments, and planetary climate. This delta 13C stasis is consistent with great stability in the carbon cycle controlled, we suggest, by P limitation of primary productivity. Recent evidence shows that P depletion is a major factor in obligate associations between photosymbionts and host cells. We argue that a billion years of stability in the carbon and nutrient cycles may have been the driving force that propelled prokaryotes toward photosymbiosis and the emergence of the autotrophic eukaryote cell.  相似文献   

B. K. Maloney 《GeoJournal》1991,23(2):121-124
Much research has been carried out on the origins of long grained rice, the cereal which is the staple of most of mankind, in the last few years. This article briefly summarises the botanical results and data from archaeological excavations in China, India and Thailand especially. There is no recent information on the origins of glutinous rice but botanical evidence points to a West African origin.  相似文献   

Giant iron-ore deposits, such as those in the Hamersley Province of northwestern Australia, may contain more than a billion tonnes of almost pure iron oxides and are the world's major source of iron. It is generally accepted that these deposits result from supergene oxidation of host banded iron formation (BIF), accompanied by leaching of silicate and carbonate minerals. New textural evidence however, shows that formation of iron ore at one of those deposits, Mount Tom Price, involved initial high temperature crystallisation of magnetite-siderite-iron silicate assemblages. This was followed by development of hematite- and ferroan dolomite-bearing assemblages with subsequent oxidation of magnetite, leaching of carbonates and silicates and crystallisation of further hematite. Preliminary fluid inclusion studies indicate both low and high salinity aqueous fluids as well as complex salt-rich inclusions with the range of fluid types most likely reflecting interaction of hydrothermal brines with descending meteoric fluids. Initial hematite crystallisation occurred at about 250 °C and high fluid pressures and continued as temperatures decreased. Although the largely hydrothermal origin for mineralisation at Mount Tom Price is in conflict with previously proposed supergene models, it remains consistent with interpretations that the biosphere contained significant oxygen at the time of mineralisation. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 14 May 1999  相似文献   

运用烃类勘察地球化学方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地南部彬县大佛寺井田钻遇中休罗统煤层的耽钻孔,进行了垂向剖面多指标的综合地球化学研究。结果表明:剖面中所有岩样中的烃类物质均为热解烃生成初期演化阶段的煤成烃产物,具明显的同一性;由煤层至地表黄土,所有岩样中的烃类呈明显的、规律性垂直向上运移。这证实地下煤层烃类在近地表具有很好的地球化学信息显示,利用勘察地球化学方法找煤/煤层气是可行的。  相似文献   

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