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The Saar basin contains bituminous coals (high volatile A and B). Five coals of Westphalian and Stephanian age with distinctly varying maceral compositions were analysed by Soxhlet extraction and supercritical extraction with different solvents and microscopically. From the data obtained it is concluded that the oldest coals have a potential for oil generation, whereas the younger coals do not. This conclusion is explained by varying liptinite contents and varying adsorption capacities of different vitrinite macerals for bitumen.  相似文献   

<正>The Bohai Bay Basin is a Mesozoic subsidence and Cenozoic rift basin in the North China Craton.Since the deposition of the Permo-Carboniferous hydrocarbon source rock,the basin has undergone many tectonic events.The source rocks have undergone non-uniform uplift,twisting,deep burying,and magmatism and that led to an interrupted or stepwise during the evolution of hydrocarbon source rocks.We have investigated the Permo-Carboniferous hydrocarbon source rocks history of burying,heating,and hydrocarbon generation,not only on the basis of tectonic disturbance and deeply buried but also with new studies on apatite fission track analysis,fluid inclusion measurements,and the application of the numerical simulation of EASY%R_o.The heating temperature of the source rocks continued to rise from the Indosinian to Himalayan stage and reached a maximum at the Late Himalayan.This led to the stepwise increases during organic maturation and multiple stages of hydrocarbon generation.The study delineated the tectonic stages, the intensity of hydrocarbon generation and spatial and temporal distribution of hydrocarbon generations.The hydrocarbon generation occurred during the Indosinian,Yanshanian,and particularly Late Himalayan.The hydrocarbon generation during the late Himalayan stage is the most important one for the Permo-Carboniferous source rocks of the Bohai Bay Basin in China.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地石炭二叠系盖层及其沉积控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对渤海盆地石炭一二叠系盖层泥岩特征观察的基础上,通过对粘土矿物含量的相对定量分析及孔隙度、渗透率的统计分析,结合沉积控制,评价了该区盖层泥岩的封闭能力:结果表明,渤海湾盆地上、下石盒子组盖层泥岩分布范围广,保存完整,湖泊相和泛滥平原相泥岩具有较好的封闭性,可作为区域盖层,下石盆子组盖层泥岩的孔隙度和渗透率又明显低于上石盆子组,封盖性更好;太原组和山两组的泻湖相和三角洲平原相发育的泥岩也作为局部盖层。泥岩的异常压力封闭是该区盖层研究的重点。  相似文献   

The Dniepr–Donets Basin (DDB) is a Late Devonian rift structure located within the East-European Craton. Numerical heat flow models for 13 wells calibrated with new maturity data were used to evaluate temporal and lateral heat flow variations in the northwestern part of the basin.The numerical models suggest that heat flow was relatively high during Late Carboniferous and/or Permian times. The relatively high heat flow is probably related to an Early Permian re-activation of tectonic activity. Reconstructed Early Permian heat flow values along the axial zone of the rift are about 60 mW/m2 and increase to 90 mW/m2 along the northern basin margin. These values are higher than those expected from tectonic models considering a single Late Devonian rifting phase. The calibration data are not sensitive to variations in the Devonian/Carboniferous heat flow. Therefore, the models do not allow deciding whether heat flows remained high after the Devonian rifting, or whether the reconstructed Permian heat flows represent a separate heating event.Analysis of the vitrinite reflectance data suggest that the northeastern Dniepr–Donets Basin is characterised by a low Mesozoic heat flow (30–35 mW/m2), whereas the present-day heat flow is about 45 mW/m2.  相似文献   

The Lower Saxony Basin, Germany, is one of the several sedimentary basins within the Central European Basin system. In its southwestern part, anomalously high maturity of organic matter has been observed to reach 4.5% VRr in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in an area which coincides with a magnetic and a positive gravimetric anomaly. This anomaly was often interpreted as the consequence of a deep-seated igneous intrusion, the so-called Bramsche Massif. However, results obtained from calibrated numerical modelling are not in accordance with this scenario. Instead, a burial by approximately 4 km of now-eroded Cretaceous rocks was revealed to be the probable cause for the anomaly. Data and modelling results from six boreholes and two pseudo-wells support this view.  相似文献   

Thermal maturity information has been compiled for one of the deepest parts of the Central European Basin system, the Schleswig-Holstein area in northern Germany. New vitrinite reflectance data were obtained and old data were evaluated from a total of 31 wells. Furthermore, numerical 1D basin modelling was performed in order to interpolate/extrapolate vitrinite reflectance data to base Zechstein and base Keuper. For these two horizons, maturity maps were finally compiled revealing large differences in present-day thermal maturity within the basin. For example, vitrinite reflectance at base Zechstein ranges from greater than 4.5% in the Glueckstadt Graben to less than 1% in the northern part of the study area. Highest thermal maturity of base Keuper occurs in the West Holstein Trough and in the northern part of the Glueckstadt Graben. The timing of maturation is greatly affected by the complex tectonic evolution of the area. For six key wells distributed over the entire study area, burial and temperature histories as well as evolution of maturity were evaluated using 1D basin modelling. Deepest burial and maximum temperatures occurred either during Jurassic, Upper Cretaceous or Neogene times in these wells. Only some parts of the sedimentary package in Schleswig-Holstein show a significant increase in maturity during the Tertiary leading to additional hydrocarbon generation and entrapment.  相似文献   

沁水盆地石炭-二叠系含煤地层,其空间展布受沉积环境和层序地层的控制。以沁水盆地西南缘为研究对象,利用岩心、钻井等资料分析含煤地层岩相类型、沉积相、层序地层及聚煤作用特征,得到以下认识:①石炭-二叠系主要由粗砂岩、中细砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩、灰岩和可燃有机岩组成,发育三角洲平原相、三角洲前缘相等三角洲沉积体系及障壁-滨外陆棚沉积体系;②识别出区域不整合面、下切谷冲刷面及沉积体系转换面等3种层序界面,将石炭-二叠系含煤地层划分为3个三级层序,并进一步划分出低位、海(湖)侵及高位体系域,其中层序Ⅰ、层序Ⅲ中发育厚度稳定的可采煤层;③障壁-滨外陆棚环境下煤层在层序地层格架中位于最大海泛面附近,三角洲平原环境下煤层位于湖侵体系域早中期,可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率相平衡条件下,形成厚层煤层。  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷热历史及构造—热演化特征   总被引:23,自引:9,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
根据镜质组反射率和磷灰石裂变径迹古温标方法模拟的济阳坳陷地温演化情况表明,地温梯度在坳陷的演化过程中是逐渐降低的。在孔店组-沙河街组沉积期间地温梯度是较高的,最高可达5.5~6.0℃/100m,但在此期间地温梯度下降较快,在东营组沉积时期降为3.5~4.5℃/100m;在馆陶组沉积时期地温梯度变化很小,至第三纪末地温梯度已降至目前的3.5℃/100m左右。济阳坳陷的构造沉降特征表现为孔店组至沙四段沉积期间(65~43Ma)的快速构造沉降阶段和沙三段沉积(43Ma)以后的热沉降阶段,盆地的地热史模拟结果和构造沉降所揭示的坳陷演化阶段具有很好的对应关系。坳陷热历史研究为渤海湾盆地的构造-热演化提供了重要的认识。  相似文献   

朱传庆  饶松  徐明  胡圣标 《地质科学》2011,46(1):194-202
沉积盆地热体制与油气资源勘探有着密切的联系.基于石油钻井的Ro数据,采用古地温梯度法恢复了四川盆地钻井的最高古地温.结果显示,四川盆地西部、川东南和川东北的钻井,顶部的剥蚀量在3 700 m左右,盆地中部的剥蚀量约3 100 m.钻井古地温梯度在13.2~24.5℃/km之间,古热流在31.2~60.1 mW/m2之间...  相似文献   

针对影响石炭系—二叠系油气地质条件与油气资源潜力评价的关键地质问题,开展产、学、研联合攻关,采用盆山结合、地质与地球物理结合的工作手段,在石炭纪—二叠纪盆地形成与演化、沉积体系与沉积相展布、石炭系—二叠系烃源岩评价等方面取得了系列新认识。明确了银额盆地及其邻区石炭纪—二叠纪为典型的裂谷裂陷盆地,晚石炭世—早二叠世为盆地发育的鼎盛时期,以浅海陆棚相沉积为主;发现多套厚度大、横向分布稳定,且有机质丰度中等—高,并以II型干酪根为主的成熟—高成熟烃源岩,不存在区域变质;于上古生界风化壳钻获的天然气和原油地球化学特征指示与石炭系烃源岩具有显著亲缘关系;初步预测研究区石炭系—二叠系油气资源前景,圈定了有利勘探区和较有利勘探区。  相似文献   

三江盆地白垩纪-第三纪地层剥蚀厚度恢复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用泥岩声波时差法和总声波时差法相结合,辅以镜质体反射率法,恢复了三江盆地白垩系—第三系地层剥蚀厚度。研究表明,三江盆地前进坳陷宝泉岭组剥蚀厚度具有东多西少,北多南少,富锦组剥蚀厚度则具有西多东少,南多北少的特点。滨参1井地区剥蚀作用使生烃处于停滞状态,对油气生成起破坏作用。  相似文献   

利用镜质组反射率和磷灰石与锆石的(U-Th)/He年龄一起模拟了川东北地区三叠纪以来的构造-热演化特征。结果表明早三叠世的热流值在51~66mW/m2,自晚三叠世至白垩纪随盆地性质由前陆盆地演化为陆内坳陷盆地,热流缓慢降低直至现今的44.5mW/m2。但在晚白垩世—古新世时期受燕山晚期构造运动的影响,热流有一个微弱增高的现象。同时,磷灰石和锆石的He年龄揭示了川东北地区大致在晚白垩世期间开始隆升且抬升剥蚀量较大。因此,磷灰石和锆石的(U-Th)/He年龄可以揭示后期详细的冷却历史。  相似文献   

晋东南沁水盆地的煤层气储层主要是石炭-二叠系煤层,其厚度变化明显受控于当时的沉积环境及层序地层格架.本文对该盆地含煤岩系的太原组和山西组进行了高分辨率层序地层分析,并探讨了主采煤层15号和3号煤层在层序地层格架下的分布模式.以区域性分布的与下切谷砂岩共生的间断面、不整合面、海侵方向转换面、下切谷砂岩底面、由深变浅-再由浅变深的沉积相转换面以及共生的古土壤层为界,将含煤岩系划分为3个三级复合层序和9个四级层序.15号厚煤层和3号厚煤层位于三级海侵(泛)面附近,前者形成于障壁一渴湖及滨外陆棚沉积环境,较低的泥岩堆积速率与较慢的可容空间增长速率相平衡;后者形成于三角洲平原分流间湾环境,较高的泥炭堆积速率与较高的可容空间的增长速率相平衡.太原组的以"根土岩-煤层-海相石灰岩"旋回为代表的四级层序中的煤层可能形成于"海相灰岩层滞后时段",即从海平面抬升到陆棚之上到碳酸盐岩真正沉积下来之前的时段,因为缓慢的海平面抬升速率与泥炭堆积速率保持较长时间的平衡,从而聚集了厚层的泥炭/煤层.  相似文献   

邵龙义  肖正辉  汪浩  鲁静  周俊 《地质科学》2008,43(4):777-791
晋东南沁水盆地的煤层气储层主要是石炭-二叠系煤层,其厚度变化明显受控于当时的沉积环境及层序地层格架。本文对该盆地含煤岩系的太原组和山西组进行了高分辨率层序地层分析,并探讨了主采煤层15号和3号煤层在层序地层格架下的分布模式。以区域性分布的与下切谷砂岩共生的间断面、不整合面、海侵方向转换面、下切谷砂岩底面、由深变浅-再由浅变深的沉积相转换面以及共生的古土壤层为界,将含煤岩系划分为3个三级复合层序和9个四级层序。15号厚煤层和3号厚煤层位于三级海侵(泛)面附近,前者形成于障壁——潟湖及滨外陆棚沉积环境,较低的泥岩堆积速率与较慢的可容空间增长速率相平衡;后者形成于三角洲平原分流间湾环境,较高的泥炭堆积速率与较高的可容空间的增长速率相平衡。太原组的以“根土岩——煤层——海相石灰岩”旋回为代表的四级层序中的煤层可能形成于“海相灰岩层滞后时段”,即从海平面抬升到陆棚之上到碳酸盐岩真正沉积下来之前的时段,因为缓慢的海平面抬升速率与泥炭堆积速率保持较长时间的平衡,从而聚集了厚层的泥炭/煤层。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地渭北隆起奥陶系构造-热演化史恢复   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
鄂尔多斯盆地渭北隆起区构造位置独特,演化历史复杂.该区下古生界奥陶系碳酸盐岩有机质丰度较高,是寻找天然气的有利地区.奥陶系碳酸盐岩由于缺乏有效的古温标,热演化程度的确定及热演化历史的恢复一直是研究的难题.本文利用渭北隆起奥陶系碳酸盐岩大量的沥青反射率测试资料,结合上覆晚古生代、中生代地层的镜质组反射率资料及磷灰石和锆石裂变径迹等古温标,恢复了渭北隆起的构造热-演化史.研究结果表明古生界奥陶系热演化程度具有北高南低的特点.奥陶系等效镜质组反射率普遍大于2.00%,处于过成熟干气阶段.磷灰石裂变径迹资料表明渭北隆起抬升冷却具有南早北晚的特点.南部奥陶系-下二叠统抬升早,约为102~107 Ma,北部自65 Ma以来抬升,主要抬升时期为40 Ma以来.渭北隆起自早白垩世晚期(102~107 Ma)以来开始隆升,40 Ma以来具有整体快速隆升的特点.热演化史研究表明奥陶系经历的最大古地温是在早白垩世达到的,早白垩世发生过一期构造热事件,古地温梯度可达4.60℃/100 m,早白垩世是奥陶系烃源岩的主要生气期,生气期主要受构造热事件控制.奥陶系热演化程度及热演化史的研究对渭北隆起奥陶系天然气成藏条件研究及天然气勘探有重要意义.  相似文献   

澳大利亚波拿巴盆地侏罗系海陆过渡相烃源岩热史及成熟史研究对波拿巴盆地浅水油气勘探具有指导意义.在恢复波拿巴盆地北部地史和热史的基础上,利用EASY%Ro模型计算了波拿巴盆地下—中侏罗统(Plover组泥岩)和中—上侏罗统(Elang组泥岩和Frigate组页岩)两套烃源岩的成熟史,并分别对比了下—中侏罗统和中—上侏罗统...  相似文献   

The Late Carboniferous–Early Permian Itararé Group is a thick glacial unit of the Paraná Basin. Five unconformity-bounded sequences have been defined in the eastern outcrop belt and recognized in well logs along 400 km across the central portion of the basin. Deglaciation sequences are present in the whole succession and represent the bulk of the stratigraphic record. The fining-upward vertical facies succession is characteristic of a retrogradational stacking pattern and corresponds to the stratigraphic record of major ice-retreat phases. Laterally discontinuous subglacial tillites and boulder beds occur at the base of the sequences. When these subglacial facies are absent, deglaciation sequences lie directly on the basal disconformities. Commonly present in the lowermost portions of the deglaciation sequences, polymictic conglomerates and cross-bedded sandstones are generated in subaqueous proximal outwash fans in front of retreating glaciers. The overlying assemblage of diamictites, parallel-bedded and rippled sandstones, and Bouma-like facies sequences are interpreted as deposits of distal outwash fan lobes. The tops of the deglaciation sequences are positioned in clay-rich marine horizons that show little (fine-laminated facies with dropstones) or no evidence of glacial influence on the deposition and likely represent periods of maximum ice retreat.  相似文献   

Three subsequent Tertiary paleostress fields that are deduced from fault-slip data for the eastern part of the Tajo Basin are analyzed by finite-element studies. The modelling results show that maximum horizontal stresses (SHmax) are mainly controlled by the geometry of the model limits and the boundary conditions applied. The models are used to test two hypotheses on the origin of the Altomira Range. A local stress field responsible for its formation (‘Altomira') can be modelled successfully by superposition in time and place of two major paleostress fields (‘Iberian' and ‘Guadarrama'). Stress trajectories have been modelled with respect to a homogeneous cover and heterogeneous basement to investigate the role of rheological contrasts between different basement blocks on the orientation of the stress field. Results of this kind of modelling suggest a mechanical decoupling between the cover and the basement, especially for the ‘Altomira' paleostress field.  相似文献   

山西沁水盆地热史演化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沁水盆地是华北克拉通内的构造盆地,是天然气勘探的潜在重要区域,盆地的热史研究是天然气储层评价的重要基础。重点应用磷灰石裂变径迹的分析与模拟,配合镜质体反射率的分析与模拟以及区域构造地质背景分析,恢复了沁水盆地的古地温梯度和地热演化模型:早古生代地温梯度稳定,为3℃/100 m,晚二叠世至三叠纪地温梯度较前期略有降低,约为2.5~3.0℃/100 m;早、中侏罗世地温梯度开始上升,约为3.0~4.0℃/100 m;晚侏罗世—早白垩世地温梯度大幅度上升,为4.5~6.5℃/100 m;晚白垩世至古近纪早、中期为高地温场的延续时期,地温梯度为5.5~6.5℃/100 m;古近纪晚期—新近纪早期地温梯度大幅度降低,从6.0℃/100 m骤降至4.2℃/100 m左右;中新世以来地温场逐渐趋于稳定,地温梯度由4℃/100 m演变到接近现代地温场的3℃/100 m左右。  相似文献   

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