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The problem of strong polarization of the zebra-type fine structure in solar radio emission is discussed. In the framework of the plasma mechanism of radiation at the levels of the double plasma resonance, the polarization of the observed radio emission may be due to a difference in rates of plasma wave conversion into ordinary and extraordinary waves or different conditions of escaping of these waves from the source. In a weakly anisotropic plasma which is a source of the zebra-pattern with rather large harmonic numbers, the degree of polarization of the radio emission at twice the plasma frequency originating from the coalescence of two plasma waves is proportional to the ratio of the electron gyrofrequency to the plasma frequency, which is a small number and is negligible. Noticeable polarization can therefore arise only if the observed radio emission is a result of plasma wave scattering by ions (including induced scattering) or their coalescence with low-frequency waves. In this case, the ordinary mode freely leaves the source, but the extraordinary mode gets into the decay zone and does not exit from the source. As a result, the outgoing radio emission can be strongly polarized as the ordinary mode. Possible reasons for the polarization of the zebra pattern in the microwave region are discussed.  相似文献   

Energy conversion rates from the extraordinary mode to the ordinary mode ofthe electromagnetic waves in the Jovian plasmasphere has been calculated for a model of the sharp boundary that is given in the vicinity of the position where ω = ωp, for an angular frequency ω and the angular plasma frequency ωp. The extraordinary mode electromagnetic wave that is obtained as a result of the transformation of a longitudinal propa- gating through an inhomogenous plasma is here considered. The results give conversion rates of 1–50 per cent, at the most, when a wave normal direction of an is nearly parallel to the boundary normal direction and when the Jovian magnetic field vector is close to the boundary normal direction within an angle range from 10° to 15°. The electric field intensity, in range from 7 to 70 mV/m, of the original electrostatic electron cyclotron plasma waves can give the power flux in a range from 10-22 to 10-20W/m2 Hz for the Jovian decameter waves observed at the Earth's surface. Efficient energy conversion is possible only when the ray direction of the emitted wave is in nearly perpendicular direction with respect to the magnetic field; this is the origin of the sharp beam emission of the Jovian decameter wave burst.  相似文献   

The electron–cyclotron maser is a process that generates coherent radiation from plasma. In the last two decades, it has gained increasing attention as a dominant mechanism of producing high-power radiation in natural high-temperature magnetized plasmas. Originally proposed as a somewhat exotic idea and subsequently applied to include non-relativistic plasmas, the electron–cyclotron maser was considered as an alternative to turbulent though coherent wave–wave interaction which results in radio emission. However, when it was recognized that weak relativistic corrections had to be taken into account in the radiation process, the importance of the electron–cyclotron maser rose to the recognition it deserves. Here we review the theory and application of the electron–cyclotron maser to the directly accessible plasmas in our immediate terrestrial and planetary environments. In situ access to the radiating plasmas has turned out to be crucial in identifying the conditions under which the electron–cyclotron maser mechanism is working. Under extreme astrophysical conditions, radiation from plasmas may provide a major energy loss; however, for generating the powerful radiation in which the electron–cyclotron maser mechanism is capable, the plasma must be in a state where release of susceptible amounts of energy in the form of radiation is favorable. Such conditions are realized when the plasma is unable to digest the available free energy that is imposed from outside and stored in its particle distribution. The lack of dissipative processes is a common property of collisionless plasmas. When, in addition, the plasma density becomes so low that the amount of free energy per particle is large, direct emission becomes favorable. This can be expressed as negative absorption of the plasma which, like in conventional masers, leads to coherent emission even though no quantum correlations are involved. The physical basis of this formal analogy between a quantum maser and the electron–cyclotron maser is that in the electron–cyclotron maser the free-space radiation modes can be amplified directly. Several models have been proposed for such a process. The most famous one is the so-called loss-cone maser. However, as argued in this review, the loss-cone maser is rather inefficient. Available in situ measurements indicate that the loss-cone maser plays only a minor role. Instead, the main source for any strong electron–cyclotron maser is found in the presence of a magnetic-field-aligned electric potential drop which has several effects: (1) it dilutes the local plasma to such an extent that the plasma enters the regime in which the electron–cyclotron maser becomes effective; (2) it generates energetic relativistic electron beams and field-aligned currents; (3) it deforms, together with the magnetic mirror force, the electron distribution function, thereby mimicking a high energy level sufficiently far above the Maxwellian ground state of an equilibrium plasma; (4) it favors emission in the free-space RX mode in a direction roughly perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field; (5) this emission is the most intense, since it implies the coherent resonant contribution of a maximum number of electrons in the distribution function to the radiation (i.e., to the generation of negative absorption); (6) it generates a large number of electron holes via the two-stream instability, and ion holes via the current-driven ion-acoustic instability which manifest themselves as subtle fine structures moving across the radiation spectrum and being typical for the electron–cyclotron maser emission process. These fine structures can thus be taken as the ultimate identifier of the electron–cyclotron maser. The auroral kilometric radiation of Earth is taken here as the paradigm for other manifestations of intense radio emissions such as the radiation from other planets in the solar system, from exoplanets, the Sun and other astrophysical objects.  相似文献   

Simultaneous MERLIN observations of the OH 1665- and 1667-MHz maser lines in the circumstellar envelope of the semiregular star W Hya have been taken in all Stokes parameters. The 1665-MHz emission comes from two elongated clusters located 80 au from the star. The 1667-MHz emission arises in an incomplete shell of radius 130 au, with the blueshifted features located in the northern part of the envelope and the redshifted components clustered south of the centre. The circularly polarized maser components exhibit spatial separation along the north–south direction. The linearly polarized components were found from the near side of the envelope. Their polarization position angles indicate that the projected axis of the magnetic field at PA ≃ −20° is consistent with spatial segregation of circular polarization. The intensity of the magnetic field, estimated from a tentative measurement of Zeeman splitting, is about 0.6 mG at the location of the 1667-MHz emission, with the field pointing away from the observer. A small change of position angles of linear polarization observed in both maser lines is interpreted as a weak Faraday effect in the maser regions with an electron density of about 2 cm−3. The overall polarization structure of the envelope suggests an ellipsoidal or weak bipolar geometry. In such a configuration, the circumstellar magnetic field may exert a non-negligible influence on mass loss. The velocity field in the circumstellar envelope recovered from observations of SiO, H2O, OH and CO lines at five radial distances reveals a logarithmic velocity gradient of 0.25 and 0.21 in the 1665- and 1667-MHz maser regions respectively. The acceleration within tens of stellar radii cannot be explained by the classical model of radiation pressure on dust.  相似文献   

The nonlinear interaction of the external magnetic field-aligned circularly polarized electro-magnetic radiation with a cold electron-positron plasma is considered. A set of nonlinear equations is derived describing the coupling of the radiation with cold electrostatic oscillations. Modulational instabilities and wave localization are discussed.  相似文献   

The electron-cyclotron maser is believed to be the source of microwave spike bursts often observed during solar and stellar flares. Partial absorption of this radiation as it propagates through the corona can produce plasma heating and soft X-ray emission over an extended region. In this paper, the propagation and absorption of the maser radiation during solar flares are examined through linear theory and electro-magnetic particle simulations. It is shown using linear theory that strong absorption of the radiation should occur as it propagates towards the second harmonic layer where the magnetic field is half as strong as in the emission region. Only radiation propagating nearly parallel to the magnetic field in a low-temperature plasma may be able to escape under certain, limited conditions. Finite temperature effects can cause radiation propagating nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field to refract, causing enhanced absorption. Particle simulations are then used to evaluate the nonlinear response of the plasma as the maser radiation propagates through the absorption layer. It is shown that some of the maser radiation is able to escape through a process of absorption below the second harmonic of the local gyrofrequency and re-emission above it. The fraction able to escape is much higher than that predicted by linear theory, although the amount of escaping energy is only a small fraction of the incident energy. The bulk of incident energy goes into the perpendicular heating of the ambient electrons, with the rate of energy absorption showing no signs of leveling off during the simulations. This indicates that the absorption layer does not become optically thin after continuous heating by the maser radiation. A few electrons are accelerated to several tens of keVs as a result of the heating.  相似文献   

The influence of radiation on the electron velocity distribution in a hot nonrelativistic plasma localized near the surface of magnetic white dwarfs is investigated. The part played by the plasma in the formation of cyclotron features in the optical spectrum of these stars is studied. The region of parameters where the transverse temperature of plasma is defined by the brightness temperature of extraordinary radiation at the gyrofrequency is found. When escaping from the plasma in a homogeneous magnetic field, this component forms a cyclotron line in absorption. The ordinary radiation at the gyrofrequency and both modes at higher cyclotron harmonics are in emission or absorption depending on the magnetic field strength and hot plasma density. Possible interpretation of the observed spectral features of magnetic white dwarfs in terms of the developed theory is discussed.  相似文献   

A complete dispersion relation for a whistler mode wave propagation in an anisotropic warm ion-electron magnetoplasma in the presence of parallel electric field using the dispersion relation for a circularly polarized wave has been derived. The dispersion relation includes the effect of anisotropy for the ion and electron velocity distribution functions. The growth rate of electron-ion cyclotron waves for different plasma parameters observed atL = 6.6R E has been computed and the results have been discussed in detail in the light of the observed features of VLF emissions and whistlers. The role of the combination of ion-cyclotron and whistler mode electromagnetic wave propagation along the magnetic field in an anisotropic Maxwellian weakly-ionized magnetoplasma has been studied.  相似文献   

本文从弱湍动等离子体理论出发,由Vlasov方程导出了Maser效应作用机制下共振波的演化规律;并且讨论了尘埃等离子体电子束入射情况下,共振Langmuir波的增长率.研究结果表明,Maser效应比其它不稳定性(如本文中论及的束流不稳定性等)能更好地解释空间中的反常Langmuir辐射现象.  相似文献   

In electron-positron plasmas the charge-to-mass ratio is the same for both species. This leads for different waves to the vanishing of certain coefficients in the dispersion laws and nonlinear evolution equations, and also to the decoupling of some of the plasma modes. In particular, there is a low-frequency mode which exists at all angles of propagation with respect to the static magnetic field, corresponding at parallel propagation to a degenerate case of circularly polarized waves, and at perpendicular propagation to part of the extraordinary mode. The nonlinear evolution of this generalizedX-mode is governed by a Korteweg-de Vries equation, valid at all angles of propagation except strictly parallel propagation, for which a different approach had been given already. The nonlinearity is strongest at perpendicular propagation.  相似文献   

马春玉  黄光力 《天文学报》1995,36(3):309-313
本文作者用相对论电子束在等离子体中运动时的色散关系讨论了纵向传播的波模的稳定性,发现静电Langmuir波和Alfven波是不稳定的,并计算了其增长率,而高频电磁模和硝声模是稳定的。相对论电子束激发的Langmuir波和Alfven波的不稳定性可用于解释射电喷流中相间的热斑、粒子再加速、辐射机制以及能量传输问题。  相似文献   

We investigated the angular direction and polarization of the solar radio millisecond spike emission in the model in which the spike emission is due to the second harmonic instability modes driven by electron cyclotron maser of loss cone distributed electrons during the propagation of a nonlinear plasma density wave near the magnetic mirror. We found that, when the angle θ between the wave vector and the magnetic field is > 60 °, the emission is in 100% X-mode polarization; when 40 ° < θ<60 °, the emission is in 100% O-mode polarization provided the amplitude of the density wave is below a certain limit; above that limit, the polarization will fall from 100% O-mode to even the X-mode. We also found that only 0.1% of the free energy of energy carrying electrons in the source region is converted into radiation wave energy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the polarization property of the radiation amplified by astronomical masers in the presence of a strong magnetic field. Our model explicitly takes into account the broad-band nature of the radiation field and the interaction of the radiation with the maser transition   J = 1–0  . The amplification of different realizations of the background continuum radiation by the maser is directly simulated and the Stokes parameters of the radiation field are then obtained by averaging over the ensemble of emerging maser radiation. For isotropic pumping and partially saturated masers, we find that the maser radiation is linearly polarized in two representative cases where the magnetic field   B   makes an angle  θ= 30°  and  90°  to the maser axis. The linear polarization for maser radiation obtained in our simulations for both cases is in agreement with the results of the standard model. Furthermore, no instability during amplification is seen in our simulations. Therefore, we conclude that there is no problem with the previous numerical investigations of maser polarization in the unsaturated and partially saturated regime.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(3):213-229
A flare-CME event on April 15, 1998 is studied with data of Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters (NoRP) and Heliograph (NoRH), the radio spectrometers of Chinese National Astronomical Observatories (1.0–2.0 GHz and 2.6–2.8 GHz), and the Astrophysical Institute of Postdam (200–800 MHz), as well as the data of YOHKOH, SOHO, BATSE, and GOES. There were strong fluctuations superposed on the initial phase of the BATSE hard X-ray burst, and the radio burst at 1.0–2.0 GHz with a group of type III-like positive and negative frequency drift pairs, which may be interpreted as the process of magnetic reconnection or particle acceleration in corona. A type II-like burst with a series of pulsations at 200–800 MHz followed the maximum phase of the radio and hard X-ray burst, and slowly drifted to lower frequencies with typical zebra feature. After 10 min of that, a similar dynamic spectrum was recorded at 2.6–3.8 GHz, where the type II-like signal drifted to higher frequencies with a series of pulsations and zebra structures. The polarization sense was strongly RCP at 2.6–3.8 GHz, and weakly LCP at 1.0–2.0 GHz, which was confirmed by the observations of NoRP. The radiation mechanism of these pulsations may be caused by the electron cyclotron maser instability. The local magnetic field strength and source height are estimated based on the gyro-synchrotron second harmonic emission. The ambient plasma density is calculated from the YOHKOH/SXT data. The ratio between the electron plasma frequency and gyro-frequency is around 1.3, which corresponds to the reversal value from extraordinary mode (LCP) to ordinary mode (RCP). Moreover, both the time scale and the modularity of an individual pulse increase statistically with the increase in the burst flux, which may be explained by the acceleration process of non-thermal electrons in the shock wave-fronts propagated upward and downward. Therefore, the radio observations may provide an important signature that flare and CME are triggered simultaneously by magnetic reconnection and are associated with the formation of bi-directional shock waves.  相似文献   

We look at time-dependent normal mode solutions to the Alfven wave equation in a uniform magnetic field, between planar ionospheres. In particular, the effect of sharp gradients in ionospheric conductivity on the spatial and temporal structure of the waves is considered. We show that the electric field of the wave must always be perpendicular to any conductivity discontinuities present, and that this is achieved by the generation of circularly polarized Alfven waves at the discontinuity. The results are applied to an ionospheric strip of high conductivity; this being relevant to Pi2s.  相似文献   

Chian  Abraham C.-L.  Abalde  José R. 《Solar physics》1999,184(2):403-419
Close temporal correlation between high-frequency Langmuir waves and low-frequency electromagnetic whistler waves has been observed recently within magnetic holes of the solar wind. In order to account for these observations, a theory is formulated to describe the nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and whistler waves. It is shown that a Langmuir wave can interact nonlinearly with a whistler wave to produce either right-hand or left-hand circularly polarized electromagnetic waves. Nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and whistler waves may lead to the formation of modulated Langmuir wave packets as well as the generation of circularly polarized radio waves at the plasma frequency in the solar wind. Numerical examples of whistler frequency, nonlinear growth rate and modulation frequency for solar wind parameters are calculated.  相似文献   

Location and parameters of a microwave millisecond spike event   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A typical microwave millisecond spike event on November 2, 1997 was observed by the radio spectrograph of National Astronomical Observatories (NAOs) at 2.6–3.8 GHz with high time and frequency resolution. This event was also recorded by Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters (NoRP) at 1–35 GHz and Radio Heliograph (NoRH) at 17 GHz. The source at 17 GHz is located in one foot-point of a small bright coronal loop of YOHKOH SXT and SOHO EIT images with strong photospheric magnetic field in SOHO MDI magnetograph. It is assumed that the electron cyclotron maser instability and gyro-resonance absorption dominate, respectively, the rising and decay phase of the spike event. For different harmonic number of gyro-frequency or magnetic field strength, a fitting program with free plasma parameters is used to minimize the difference between the observational and theoretical values of the exponential growth and decay rates for a given spike. The plasma parameters at third harmonic number are more comparable to their typical values in solar corona. Hence, it is able to provide a diagnosis for the source parameters (magnetic field, density, and temperature), the properties of radiations (wave vector and propagation angle), and the properties of non-thermal electrons (density, pitch angle, and energy). The results are also comparable with the diagnosis of the gyro-synchrotron radiation model, the frequency drift rates and a dipole magnetic field model, as well as the YOHKOH SXT and SOHO MDI data. This study is supported by the NFSC project nos. 10333030 and 10273025, and “973” program with no. G2000078403.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the loss-cone-driven electron cyclotron maser instability can account for the properties of millisecond microwave spike bursts observed during some solar flares. However, as it propagates outward from the corona, maser radiation undergoes gyroresonance absorption when its frequency is a harmonic of the local electron-cyclotron frequency. Existing analytical models using slab geometries predict that this absorption should be sufficiently strong to prevent the radiation from being seen at the observed levels, except under highly restrictive conditions or for unrealistic plasma parameters. A more comprehensive analysis is presented here to determine if and when maser radiation can escape to produce microwave spike bursts. This analysis employs numerical raytracing and incorporates propagation and absorption of fundamental maser emission in a realistic model of a coronal flux loop. It is found that ranges of physical conditions do exist under which maser radiation can escape to an observer and that these conditions are much more limiting for fundamental emission in the extraordinary ()-mode than in the ordinary (o)-mode. Detailed investigation implies that escaping radiation in the -mode is highly directional and chiefly observable toward the center of the solar disk, while escapingo-mode radiation is found to emerge from the corona over a much wider range of directions, with some cases corresponding to radiation observable near the solar limb.  相似文献   

Perpendicularly propagating electromagnetic waves in magnetized, multispecies, self-gravitating dusty plasmas are investigated in terms of their wave dispersion properties as well as with respect to their susceptibility to gravitational collapse. In particular, waves on the ordinary as well as extraordinary mode branches are considered. Within the one-dimensional propagation model employed, all modes except the ordinary mode produce density perturbations that can be unstable to gravitational collapse. The wavelengths that are unstable are comparable to the well-known Jeans length for a neutral gas/dust, but there are interesting modifications due to the presence of a magnetic field and charged particles. Furthermore, the effects of the gravitational coupling of a multicomponent plasma to a neutral dust are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The shadow events in the dynamic spectra of Jovian decametric emission are explained as the result of interaction between electron bunches responsible for S and L emissions. The relevant dispersion relation is derived for the fast extraordinary mode in the cold magnetospheric plasma in the presence of S and L electron bunches. The growth rate of the synchrotron maser instability is studied in the presence and absence of S-electrons. It is shown that the synchrotron maser instability responsible for L-emission can be temporarily quenched by the invasion of S-electrons, thereby stopping the L-emission. The theory accounts for various observed features of the shadow events.  相似文献   

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