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Continuous acoustic transmission (133 Hz, 60-ms resolution) between a bottom-mounted source near Oahu, Hawaii, and a bottom-mounted receiver at 4000-km range near the coast of northern California was recorded to learn how to measure precisely the travel time so that basin-scale fluctuations in the Pacific can be detected. Daily incoherent averages of some of the multipaths exhibited stability during this period. The standard deviation of the travel time of the resolved peaks in the daily incoherent averages is about 30 ms. An acoustic method, based on cross-correlation, is derived to estimate the change in the average acoustic phase (travel time) to a precision of about 0.018 cycles (135 μs) every 2 min. Travel-time estimates based on the cross-correlator reduce the aberrations due to internal waves by about 19 dB in comparison with CW transmissions. The new travel-time estimator is applied to the measurements to examine some of the fluctuations of the Pacific  相似文献   


We estimate secular changes in steric sea level in the northeast Pacific Ocean using the 27‐year time series of monthly hydrographic observations for Station PAPA (50°N, 145°W). Linear trends based on the entire data record suggest that steric heights relative to 1000 db are increasing at a rate of 0.93 mm/yr and that 67% of this increase is due to thermosteric changes at depths below 100 m; the smaller halosteric contribution to the steric trend appears to be confined to the upper 100 m. A trend of 0(1 mm/yr) is consistent with estimates of sea level rise based on coastal tide gauge records. However, a critical examination of the results indicates that sea level changes of such small magnitude would be masked by the large (1–10 cm) interannual variability of open ocean steric height. This is verified by recalculation of trends using abridged versions of the data set. We conclude that our trend estimates are still open to question and that the present 27‐year time series is too short to permit accurate resolution of possible climate‐induced changes in global sea level.  相似文献   

通过统计方法利用一套海洋同化数据分析了热带太平洋次表层的盐度变化特征.结果表明次表层盐度的年际变化与ENSO相关,且次表层盐度信号区域呈东西方向“跷跷板”的分布.对影响这些次表层的盐度信号区域平均的纬向平流、经向平流、垂直运动和淡水通量异常等因素进行了分析,并且与影响表层盐度年际变化模态的影响因素差异进行了比较,结果表明,纬向平流的异常对表层盐度的异常变化影响较大,而对次表层盐度异常有较大影响的是海水的垂直运动异常.  相似文献   

PeriodcomponentsinthemonthlymeansealevelvariationsinthePacificOcean¥TianSuzhen;MaJirui;ZhengWenzhen;ChaiXinminandZhangQin(Rec...  相似文献   

To investigate the life cycle of marine sulfate aerosols, chemicophysical characteristics of marine aerosolswere measured during five cruises in the Pacific Ocean. Dimethyl sulfide concentrations in seawater and in the air were also measured. The geographic variation of sulfate-aerosol concentrations was studied in relation to biogenic and anthropogenic sources,transport with air trajectories, and chemical transformations in the atmosphere. The highest concentrations were found near Asian and American ports, indicating anthropogenic pollution is the major sulfate aerosols source. Higher concentrations were observed in the upwelling regions than in the oligotrophic areas. Along the coastal regions, both mass and number concentrations of sulfate aerosols depended on wind direction and wind speed, and land-breeze and sea-breeze oscillations; no clear diurnal variation was detected. In pelagic areas, along the equator, the concentrations of small sulfate particles showed a maximum in the afternoon and the m  相似文献   

Studies on the analysis of the Pacific Ocean surface temperature are presented based on the data of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. Two methods are used in the work. The first is a classical analysis of the empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) that makes it possible to identify the El Niño and La Niña phenomena in tropics. In this case, the anomalies of the ocean surface temperature (OST) are reconstructed during these events with quite high accuracy when using several first EOFs. In contrast, at the time between these events, more harmonics are required for the reconstruction. The OST variability in the middle and high latitudes cannot be identified highly accurately based on this approach, since it is considerably weaker than a strong signal in tropics. This signal was detected by the method of cluster analysis. The results show that, in addition to the signal in tropics, there are well-pronounced quasi-decadal signals between the eastern and western Pacific, as well as in the region of the Kuroshio continuation and in the subpolar gyre that can be identified with Pacific decadal oscillations (PDOs).  相似文献   

How well do existing ocean observation programs monitor the oceans through space and time? A meta-analysis of ocean observation programs in the Pacific Ocean was carried out to determine where and how key parameters defining the physics, chemistry, and biology of the oceans were measured. The analysis indicates that although the chemistry and physics of the Pacific Ocean are reasonably well monitored, ecological monitoring remains largely ad hoc, patchy, unsystematic, and inconsistent. The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI), for example, is the only Pacific Ocean program in which the zooplankton and micronekton are resolved to species with consistent time series of greater than 20 years duration. Several studies now indicate massive changes to nearshore, mesopelagic and other fish communities of the southern California Current but available time series do not allow these potential changes to be examined more widely. Firm commitment from the global community to sustained, representative, quantitative marine observations at the species level is required to adequately assess the ecological status of the oceans.  相似文献   

利用一个全球海洋环流模式在3组风应力资料的强迫下模拟分析了副热带太平洋向热带太平洋密跃层水量输送的年际变化特征及其和风应力的关系,并设计数值试验,研究了密跃层水量输送的变化机制.结果表明,副热带太平洋向赤道太平洋的密跃层水量输送具有显著的年际变化.在年际时间尺度上,南北太平洋西边界密跃层水量输送都起着补偿内部路径输送的...  相似文献   

EntropyofseawaveheightfieldanditsannualvariationinNorthwestPacificOceanSunFuandGuoPeifang(ReceivedOctober6,1995;acceptedOctob...  相似文献   

Interannual variations of the air-sea CO 2 exchange from 1965 to 2000 in the Pacific Ocean are studied with a Pacific Ocean model.Two numerical experiments are performed,including the control run that is forced by climatological monthly mean physical data and the climate-change run that is forced by interannually varying monthly mean physical data.Climatological monthly winds are used in both runs to calculate the coefficient of air-sea CO 2 exchange.The analysis through the differences between the two runs shows that in the tropical Pacific the variation of export production induced by interannual variations of the physical fields is negatively correlated with that of the air-sea CO 2 flux,while there is no correlation or a weak positive correlation in the subtropical North and South Pacific.It indicates that the variation of the physical fields can modulate the variation of the air-sea CO 2 flux in converse ways in the tropical Pacific by changing the direct transport and biochemical process.Under the interannually varying monthly mean forcing,the simulated EOF1 of the air-sea CO 2 flux is basically consistent with that of sea surface temperature(SST) in the tropical Pacific,but contrary in the two subtropical Pacific Ocean.The correlation coefficient between the regionally integrated air-sea CO 2 flux and area-mean SST shows that when the air-sea CO 2 flux lags SST by about 5 months,the positive coefficient in the three regions is largest,indicating that in the tropical Pacific or on the longer time scale in the three regions,physical processes control the flux-SST relationship.  相似文献   

Spreading cycles in the Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in the spreading rates in the Pharallon-Pacific-Izanagi (Kula) triple junction during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic are revised using new data of the dynamics of the Pacific plate. The cyclic character of the spreading is recognized, and the stages of its acceleration and deceleration are distinguished. Approximately 130, 87, and 42 My B.P., at the culminations of the cycles, when maximal spreading rates were reached, the principal rearrangements in the tectonic evolution of the ocean occurred. The spreading rates were minimal about 140, 120, 65, and 15 My B.P. The latter periods are marked by pulses of basalt magmatism in the west, east, and northeast of the Pacific Ocean. The study recognized no signs of the intrusion of the Middle Cretaceous superplume, which was suggested by Larson. Both the cycling revealed and the pulsations of the intraplate volcanism are most probably related to the regularities of the deformations of the oceanic lithosphere and reflect the periodic alternations of regimes of compression and extension of the Pacific plate during the last 180 My.  相似文献   

Four year-long time-series sediment trap experiments were conducted along the equatorial Pacific Ocean in order to understand the biogeochemistry of particulate organic matter (POM) on the basis of amino acid (AA) and hexosamine (HA) compositions of the settling particles. Total mass flux in the study area varied over 4 orders of magnitude without a common seasonality among all trap sites. Planktonic blooms were apparent in terms of total mass and AA fluxes at the easternmost end of the Niño-4 region. AA fluxes closely followed the total mass flux profiles, suggesting that increased particle flux delivered a greater amount of labile OM to the deep ocean. A labile OM index (LI)-based classification showed that during the El Niño conditions in 2002, the eastern side of the equatorial Pacific transported relatively more labile OM than the western equatorial Pacific. An overall change in AA and HA composition of settling particles could be revealed with the help of discriminant analysis, suggesting that settling particles during El Niño were compositionally different from those settling during La Niña condition in the equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   

A four-year record from an inverted echo sounder deployed near Palmyra Island at 6°N in the central Pacific Ocean is compared with a simultaneous record of subsurface pressure from this island lagoon. A factor m, converting round-trip acoustic travel time to surface dynamic height relative to a deep pressure level, was estimated from the ratio of the spectra of the two records in the energetic synoptic oscillation band. Year-to-year variation in m was not statistically significant. For the overall record, m was found to be -70±8 dynamic m/s, where the error bounds represent a 90% confidence interval. This is consistent with first-baroclinic-mode excitation  相似文献   

秘鲁外海茎柔鱼栖息地适宜性年代际变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茎柔鱼广泛分布于东南太平洋海域,是我国重要的远洋捕捞对象之一,其种群易受气候和栖息地环境的影响。利用海表面温度(SST)和海表面高度距平(SSHA)两个关键环境因子,计算1950−2015年1−12月秘鲁外海茎柔鱼栖息地适宜性指数(HSI),对比分析太平洋年代际涛动(PDO)位于冷暖位相下茎柔鱼渔场环境以及栖息地质量的变动。结果显示,1950−2015年PDO呈现冷、暖、冷3个位相变化,其中PDO冷位相内的SST距平(SSTA)和SSHA明显低于PDO暖位相。交相关分析结果表明,PDO指数与SSTA和SSHA均呈显著正相关,而HSI与PDO指数、SSTA和SSHA均呈显著负相关。PDO位于冷位相时,茎柔鱼渔场内水温变冷,海面高度下降,适宜的SST和SSHA范围增加,因此茎柔鱼有利的栖息地面积增大;而PDO位于暖位相时,水温增暖,海面高度上升,适宜的SST和SSHA范围缩减,导致茎柔鱼适宜的栖息地面积缩小。研究认为,太平洋年代际涛动调控了茎柔鱼渔场内的环境变化,进而对茎柔鱼栖息地质量及适宜栖息地范围产生显著影响。  相似文献   

太平洋潮波特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对TOPEX/Poseidon高度计资料直接分析得到4个主要分潮(M2、K1、S2和O1)的调和常数,将其与全球大洋潮波模式TPXO6.2的模拟结果以及太平洋中48个验潮站观测资料的分析结果进行了系统比较,得出高度计资料直接分析结果与潮波模式模拟结果总体比较一致.模拟出的无潮点的位置和高度计资料直接分析结果有差异,且K1和O1分潮差异较大.与站点结果比较表明TPXO6.2模式模拟结果与验潮站观测结果的振幅绝对偏差小于2cm的站点的百分比达到85%,迟角绝对偏差小于40°的站点的百分比达到70%以上,比高度计资料直接分析结果精确;矢量均方根误差比较表明,太平洋中部结果比整个太平洋结果准确,太平洋矢量均方根误差的值和其他研究者、其他模式的结果近似.  相似文献   

The Lagrangian eddies in the western Pacific Ocean are identified and analysed based on Maps of Sea Level Anomaly (MSLA) data from 1998 to 2018. By calculating ...  相似文献   

西北太平洋异常变化   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
根据国家海洋局全部海洋站的水温和水位资料,以及“热带海洋和全球大气(TOGA)”的ADCP测流和CTD资料计算并分析了黑潮源流区输入西北太平洋的北向质量通量和西北太平洋及其邻近海域的水温、水位的异常变化,同时还应用美国宇航局Goddard地球观测系统(GEOS)/四维资料同化系统(DAS)计算并分析了西北太平洋的海面潜热通量的空间和时间变化.结果表明,北向质量通量具有明显的年际变化.这种年际变化与西北太平洋水温、水位和潜热通量的变化有着合理的因果关系.当前者减少时,后3者也明显减小.其物理解释是从热带西太平洋输入西北太平洋的海水质量和热量的减少将导致西北太平洋的减水和热量收入的减少,而热量收入的减少又将会引起水温和潜热通量的减小.  相似文献   

The major and minor element compositions of a suite of abyssal sea-floor ferromanganese nodules and associated sediments from the eastern central Pacific have been used to examine inter-element relationships and the mineralogy of the nodules, the relationship between the composition of nodules and their associated sediments and regional variations in composition with respect to likely modes of formation of such deposits. Apart from Mn and Fe, significant proportions of the total Ti, Ca, Mg, K, Ba, Sr, Th and Y and almost all the P, As, Ce, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn and Zr are present in the oxide fractions of the nodules. The Mg, Ba, Cu, Mo, Ni and Zn contents are significantly correlated with the Mn content, while Ti, P, As, Pb, Sr, Y and Zr are similarly correlated with the total Fe content.Nodules from the northeastern tropical Pacific have Mn/Fe ratios higher than those in the oxide fractions of their associated sediments, todorokite as the principal Mn phase and relatively high concentrations of minor elements associated with Mn. Nodules from the south central Pacific have Mn/Fe ratios similar to those in the oxide fractions of the associated sediments, δ-MnO2 as the only Mn-phase, and relatively high concentrations of minor elements associated with Fe. There appears to be a smooth gradation in composition in the tropical Pacific between these two end members.The regional compositional variation is interpreted as a reflection of different sources of metals for, and different growth mechanisms of, sea-floor nodules. The oxide precipitate from sea water consists of δ-MnO2, has a relatively low Mn/Fe ratio and minor element contents related to the total Fe and Mn(δ-MnO2) content. The oxide precipitate forming in areas of very low sedimentation as a result of diagenetic remobilisation in the surface sediment consists of todorokite, and has a high Mn/Fe ratio and enhanced metal content in the Mn-(todorokite)phase. Available information on the morphology and compositional variation of individual nodules from the tropical Pacific corroborates these contrasting metal sources and suggests that they can be resolved on the scale of an individual oxide concretion.  相似文献   

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