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矿产资源规划环境影响评价指标体系及方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了减少矿产资源开发过程中对环境造成的影响,从源头上控制污染,最有效的方法之一就是对矿产资源规划进行环境影响评论.结合我国矿产资源规划的情况,从矿产资源的特点出发,提出了以自然地理环境、地貌环境、大气环境、水环境、生态环境和社会经济环境等6类环境影响组成作为评价因子,并探讨了可适用于矿产资源规划环境影响评价的方法:环境成本-效益分析法,基于可持续发展能力的评价方法,这为矿产资源规划环境影响评价提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

贵州省矿产资源总体规划(第二轮)的环境影响评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合贵州矿业开发对环境的影响程度、地质灾害危险性大小及矿山环境治理的难易程度,划分了矿山环境影响严重区、矿山环境影响较严重区及矿山环境影响一般区;对《贵州省矿产资源总体规划》(2006-2010)进行规划合理性及协调性分析、规划实施的环境影响预测评价,提出了减缓环境影响的措施,得出《规划》是可行的结论。  相似文献   

毛光烈 《中国地质》2000,(3):9-11,8
矿产资源作为自然资源的重要组成部分,在国民经济和社会发展中处于十分重要的地位.搞好矿产资源规划工作,对于实现人口、资源、环境的可持续协调发展;对促进资源利用方式和管理方式的转变,走出一条适合我国国情的、资源节约型经济发展的新路子;对于实现宏观调控,维护矿产资源国家所有,履行好政府职能;对于促进矿业活动从有序走向科学具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

矿产资源开发环境影响评价的指标体系及方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对矿产资源开发环境影响因素的系统分析,建立了环境影响评价的指标体系,它包括自然环境和社会经济环境两大指标体系;简评了矿产资源开发的环境影响评价方法;提出了建立矿产资源开发环境影响评价信息系统的设想,并简要介绍了该信息系统的组成、主要功能及值得重视研究的几个问题。  相似文献   

魏泽权 《贵州地质》2013,(2):153-156
随着国土资源信息"一张图"建设的要求,国土资源部也相继出台了矿产资源规划数据库建设的相关规范。笔者在编制第二轮矿产资源规划过程中,基于ArcGIS平台直接建立矿产资源规划数据库所采用的一些方法及发现的一些问题,供大家探讨,同时也为我国第三轮矿产资源规划积累经验。  相似文献   

GIS在矿产资源规划环评中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从矿产资源规划环评的现状出发,阐述了国内外环境影响评价方法.在对比分析了已有环境影响评价方法的基础上,提出了利用GIS(Geographic Information System)技术进行矿产资源规划环评的思路和技术框架,并围绕其中的关键技术,如空间信息存储、矢量数据图层的创建、缓冲区分区、栅格叠加与模型分析、距离制图等进行了详细的分析,并以江苏省矿产资源规划环境影响评价为例,验证了GIs应用思路和技术框架的可行性,其成果为矿产资源规划以及其它相关领域的规划环评提供了极有价值的参考.  相似文献   

通过对煤矿区总体开发规划环境影响评价工作的全面研究,按照煤矿区规划环评指标体系的选取原则,提出了煤矿区规划环境影响评价指标体系,为确定煤矿区规划环境影响评价指标体系提供参考。  相似文献   

矿产资源规划数据库是矿产资源规划的重要组成部分。在规划编制过程中会收集到一些非图形的、带有不同拐点坐标类型的规划文本资料,该文通过实践,总结了应用这类规划资料在 MapGIS 软件中直接生成规划数据库所规定专题图层的处理技术方法。  相似文献   

1 提高认识,统一思想,树立积极为实施西部大开发战略服好务的观念实施西部地区大开发战略是党中央的重大决策。党中央、国务院历来十分重视促进地区经济合理布局和协调发展,逐步缩小全国地区之间的发展差距,实现全国经济社会的协调发展,最终达到全体人民的共同富裕。江泽民总书记近年来多次强调,加快开发西部地区,对于推进全国的改革和建设,对于保持党和国家的长治久安,是一个全局性的发展战略,不仅具有重大的经济意义,而且具有重大的政治和社会意义。加快中西部地区发展的条件已经基本具备,时机已经成熟。江泽民总书记强调,加快开发西部地…  相似文献   

范光  温志坚 《国外铀金地质》2010,(4):229-232,238
矿产开发过程中的辐射环境影响日益被管理部门和广大公众所重视。针对我国南方某铜矿开采项目,在详细工程分析和现状调查的基础上,对铜矿开采可能带来的辐射环境影响进行了细致分析,预测和评价项目建设对辐射环境的可能影响,并针对性地提出环境保护措施。相关结论和措施对于铜矿资源合理开发和保护环境具有指导意义。  相似文献   

尤正平 《吉林地质》2005,24(1):67-71
矿产资源开发和环境保护问题是政府、企业、民众十分关心的问题。本文从吉林省这个矿产资源大省应重视解决矿产资源开发与环境保护问题的角度出发,引用国内外有效解决这一问题的实例,阐述了解决吉林省矿产资源开发与环境保护问题的必要性、可能性及相应对策。  相似文献   

The achievements of the mineral industry of Israel and an overall reconnaissance of the natural resources endowment of the country have been evaluated by the areal value estimation method, using the COMOD software package. In broad terms, the evaluation relies on geological variables obtained from quantifying the geological map of a region and on cumulative past production records, which, when prorated per unit area, yield a series of unit regional values (u.r.v.)measurements for individual commodities, resource sectors, and total resources. The two groups of variables facilitate conducting comparisons with other well-developed and/or geologically similar regions from which the future potential of the region, with respect to both overall endowment and individual commodities, can be assessed. The model underlying this appraisal method assumes that all regions above a size of about 5,000 sq kms are equally valuable with respect to total endowment in natural resources, regardless of inherent geological characteristics. To date, several areal value estimation studies have been carried out for 11 different countries, encompassing a total of 111 politically-administratively defined regions. These studies provide an adequate information base for between-region comparisons. The individual states of the United States, constituting what can be regarded as well-developed regions, may serve as an expectation for all such comparisons. The distribution of the u.r.v. of total resources of the individual states is lognormal with a geometric mean of 54,954 1967 U.S. dollars per square kilometer. Based on the above assumption, this value can serve as a conservative estimate for the total output any region can be expected to produce. Thirty different mineral commodities are known to exist in Israel. Of these, 19 are economically exploited and the remaining 11 are at present uneconomical mineral occurrences. Past production records have been obtained and assembled for 14 of the exploited commodities. From these records, a number of statistics were computed to evaluate the development of the mineral industry of the country and its future potential. In absolute figures, the overall cumulative production has been rather small, amounting to only 1,679.8 million deflated 1967 U.S. dollars (equivalent to 2,082 million current U.S. dollars or 10,260 million current Israeli pounds). Only bromine, potash, and phosphate are of worldwide significance, amounting respectively to 10, 2.9, and 1 percent of the world production in 1977. Construction materials, with the longest production history, have been the most valuable, accounting for 53.6 percent of the total cumulative output. They are followed by nonmetals (34.7 percent),metals (8 percent)and fuels (3.7 percent).The value-ranking of individual commodities and their respective contribution to the total cumulative output is: cement, 35 percent; potash, 19 percent; stone, 15 percent; phosphate, 11 percent; copper, 8 percent; sand and gravel, 4 percent; bromine, 3 percent; petroleum, 2.5 percent; natural gas, 1 percent; periclase, 0.7 percent; salt, 0.4 percent; and glass sand, 0.2 percent. Total annual output for the period 1948–1977 exhibited a constant growth with no indication of approaching a plateau of diminishing returns. As new commodities became exploited, the share of constructional materials in the total output gradually declined from 100 percent in 1948 to 45 percent in 1977. The contribution of the mineral industry to the annual gross national product rose steadily from 0.55 percent in 1951 to 2.2 percent in 1964. Thereafter, it fluctuated around an average of about 1.8 percent. Total output and production of constructional materials correlate very highly with both gross national product (GNP)and population size. However, when only the annual changes in these variables are considered, the correlation coefficients are found to be insignificant. The u.r.v. of Israel (with an area of 20,700 sq kms and a population of 3,653,000)is 81,154 deflated 1967 U.S. dollars per sq km. It exceeds the expected value for well-developed regions. It can therefore be concluded that Israel is not exceptionally poor in natural resources, as is commonly felt. On the other hand, its high u.r.v. also implies (unfortunately)that the development potential of its mineral industry is rather limited. The u.r.v. estimates, which are based on area alone, can be refined to some degree by considering the geological characteristics of the investigated area. The geological composition of the country was quantified by point counting the geological map, using a grid network of 40.3 sq km cells. Each map unit was assigned to one of 65 standard time-petrographic units. This sampling density results in the recognition of 11 time-petrographic units (instead of 15, which are actually present).Based on linear statistical association between mineral resource diversity and geological diversity established for the states of the United States, Israel can be expected to possess 31 different commodities. Since only 19 have thus far been exploited, Israel can be expected to produce 12 additional commodities. The identity of these missing resources can be inferred by examining the inventory of commodities produced in other regions with a similar geological framework and by evaluating the potential of the 11 noneconomical mineral occurrences, which have already been discovered in the country. The geology of Israel was compared to 12 other regions; of these Egypt, Libya, Sudan, and Sinai were found to be most similar to Israel, each having 8 or 9 time-petrographic rock types in common with Israel, 7 of which are identical. Based on these comparisons and on additional information from other sources, it appears that the commodities that are more likely to be produced in the foreseeable future include manganese, feldspar, uranium (from phosphates),lignite, oil shale, and iron. The mineral industry of Israel accomplished quite significant achievements in the course of its modern history of only 35 years. These resulted from concerted national exploration and development efforts, which were supported by massive governmental capital investments. The areal value method of mineral resources appraisal is based on a cybernetic black box system model in which the degree of commitment derived from the socioeconomic infrastructure is viewed as the driving agent in converting the inherited geological characteristics of the region into economic marketable mineral commodities. The case history of Israel provides a strong substantiation for this generalized system model.  相似文献   

矿产资源定量评价工作的目的是从试验、观测、收集到的大量的各类专题数据中,提取相对应的专题信息。长期的地质工作积累了大量的原始数据,其中文本型的定性数据在地质数据中占了很大的分量,但是在常规的地质定量评价工作中针对这类数据的处理方法却很有限。文本型数据挖掘是现今数据挖掘的热点问题之一,为了充分利用前人所积累的文档报告,并有效地从中提取各类信息,这里提出了一种矿产地质数据库中文本数据挖掘的方法。在数据挖掘过程中,空间数据属性的小规模文本数据挖掘主要分四步进行,即数据挖掘相关的预处理;基于关键字的属性分解;属性归纳和关联规则分析。其中,挖掘关联规则问题可以分解为以下两个问题:1找出存在于数据库D中的所有频繁项集(或物品集)。频繁项集的支持度support应不小于用户或领域专家给定的最小支持度minsup阈值;2利用频繁项集生成强关联规则。根据定义,这些规则必须满足最小支持度minsup和最小可信度(置信度)minconf。对于每个频繁项集A,如BA,B,且Confidenceminconf,则构成关联规则B(A-B)。在文本的研究工作中开发了相应的软件系统,取得了较好的应用效果。属性数据是空间数据库的重要组成部分,它所荷载的专业方面的信息量是常规型数值数据所无法比拟的。如果能够进一步实现深层次属性数据挖掘,那么常规的信息源将得到极大的扩充,地质数据分析的层次也将会提升到一定的高度。  相似文献   

Through elementary geophysical prospecting, chemical exploration and geological exploration, there are above 100000 t Mo reserves in Wenquan Wushan, Northwest China. Presently, the molybdenum mine has gone deploitation and construction. Data from drillings indicated many associated elements such as Cu, Pb, Zn, etc. with Mo. Through complete water quality analysis, we found water here comes up to drinking-water standard. This paper investigated the environmental geochemistry characteristics and evaluated water quality in mine field under existing conditions, which may present reference for forecasting the trends of environmental pollution change, underwater environmental monitoring and protection after exploitation. In exploitation of mineral areas, the surroundings of ore areas and groundwater environmental quality are affected correspondingly. The paper analyzed benefication process and tailing disposal process, and consequently, predicted pollution sources, pollution pathway and post-effect that may come along. Also, the interactions between water and rocks with human activity are discussed.  相似文献   

吉林省煤炭、铁矿资源储量严重不足,原煤、铁矿石自给率低,严重影响地方经济发展,通过加大勘查投资,煤、铁资源储量有望取得重大突破,提出了全省2008年煤、铁矿勘查部署和保证措施。  相似文献   

广东省某高速公路工程放射性环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱国华 《铀矿地质》2009,25(4):245-252
文章以现场调查和环境监测结果为依据,对广东省某高速公路工程的放射性环境影响进行了分析、预测与评价。  相似文献   

邱国华 《铀矿地质》2010,26(3):178-186
在放射性核素走向分析和环境现状调查的基础上,对某氯化法钛白粉生产项目的放射性环境影响进行了分析、预测与评价。放射性环境现状调查表明,评价因子总体在区域环境本底范围内,经分析确定了放射性敏感点。经放射性环境影响预测,工作人员和公众所受的附加剂量分别为0.59mSv/a和9.28×10-4mSv/a,均低于年有效剂量管理限值。在落实辐射防护和环境保护措施并加强放射性环境监测后,该项目的放射性环境影响符合国家有关法规和标准限值要求。  相似文献   

中国锡矿床时空分布特征与潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锡矿是中国传统优势矿种,但是近年来遇到了找矿潜力区不足和找矿方向不明等问题,急需进一步分析和总结其地质特征、成矿规律和资源潜力,为今后地质找矿工作提供借鉴。文中采用矿床模型综合地质信息预测方法,在各省区锡矿资源潜力预测成果的基础上,以MapGIS为平台,进行数据库汇总与综合分析研究。首先,基于全国893处锡矿产地数据的统计分析,初步总结了中国锡矿时空分布特征,岩浆岩、构造和地层等控矿因素。其次,根据锡矿床及预测区的空间分布和大地构造单元,划分了44个锡矿成矿区带。再次,将锡矿的预测类型划分为石英脉型、锡石硫化物型、夕卡岩型、云英型、伟晶岩型、火山岩型和砂矿型,并建立了主要锡矿类型的预测模型。最后,在全国范围累计圈定1 179个最小预测区,累计预测资源量1 861.13×104 t。根据锡矿区域成矿特征,将最小预测区归并为405个二级预测区,并进一步合并为109个锡矿三级预测区,其中找矿潜力大的湖南香花岭-千里山和塔山-大义山、云南个旧和薄竹山-都龙、内蒙古黄冈梁等5个三级预测区可优先部署锡矿勘查工作。预测结果还表明锡矿在500 m以浅的找矿空间里仍有很大资源潜力,因此,找矿工作应注重深浅结合,在重视老矿山深部外围找矿的同时,还应重视覆盖区和非传统锡矿类型等新领域的找矿勘查。  相似文献   

大数据思维下的矿产资源评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
肖克炎  李楠  王琨  孙莉  范建福  丁建华 《地质通报》2015,34(7):1266-1272
以大数据时代的预测思维方法,结合重要矿产资源潜力评价具体工作,探索了矿产资源预测评价的基本理论基础。认为大数据的相关性预测方法和常用的综合信息矿产预测方法是一致的,矿产预测模型理论、多学科信息相关性分析、预测地质求异理论、矿产区域趋势分析方法是矿产资源评价的四项基本理论。总结了在数字化、信息化时代矿产资源预测评价的主要工作流程。建立数字化预测数据平台、根据预测矿产模型进行数据清洗、编制预测要素图件、建立预测模型、圈定预测靶区和成矿远景区、进行资源潜力估算等是预测评价的基本任务与流程。  相似文献   

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