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M. Velli  A. W. Hood 《Solar physics》1987,109(2):351-354
The resistive stability of coronal loops to perturbations with short wavelength across the magnetic field is analysed, taking full account of the line tying effect due to the presence of the photosphere. The results presented are similar to those previously obtained for arcades: configurations with a pressure profile decreasing with distance from the loop axis at some point are found to be always unstable, the growth rate increasing monotonically with the wavenumber (n) and scaling approximately as (n 2 D r)1/3 in the limit of large n.  相似文献   

M. Velli  A. W. Hood 《Solar physics》1986,106(2):353-364
The stability of coronal arcades to localized resistive interchange modes in the ballooning ordering, including photospheric line tying, is investigated. It is found that the anchoring of magnetic footpoints in the photosphere is not sufficient to stabilise ballooning modes, once resistivity is taken into account. All configurations with a pressure profile decreasing from the arcade axis at some point are unstable, a purely growing mode being excited. The dependence of the growth rate on the parameter Rm –1 k 2 , where is the resistivity and k the wavenumber in a direction perpendicular to the equilibrium field, can be described by a power law with varying index: for small values of k 2 and an ideally stable field one finds Rm –1. As k 2 is increased or marginal stability is approached one finds Rm–1/3. T implications of these localised instabilities to the temporal evolution and overall energy balance of arcade structures in the solar corona is discussed.  相似文献   

The stability equations for localized (or ballooning) modes in the solar atmosphere are formulated. Dissipation due to viscosity, resistivity, and thermal conduction are included using the general forms due to Braginskii (1965). In addition, the effect of gravity, plasma radiation, and coronal heating are included. The resulting equations are one-dimensional and only involve derivatives along the equilibrium magnetic field. Thus, the stabilising influence of photospheric line-tying, which is normally neglected in most numerical simulations, can be studied in a simple manner. Two applications to sound wave propagation and thermal instabilities in a low-beta plasma are considered with a view to determining realistic coronal boundary conditions that model the lower, denser levels of the solar atmosphere in a simple manner.Research Assistant of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research.  相似文献   

The structure of the slow mode coupled with Alfvén mode in the axially symmetric magnetosphere is studied in the paper. Due to the coupling, the slow magnetosonic wave gets dispersion across magnetic shells and becomes not strictly guided. The slow mode is found to be captured between the resonant and cutoff surfaces, where the wave vector radial component goes to infinity and to zero, accordingly. The resonant surface is farther from the Earth than the cutoff surface. The slow mode resonance frequency is much lower than the Alfvén resonance frequency due to small value of the sound velocity near the equator. The maximum of the slow mode amplitude expressed in terms of the parallel magnetic field is concentrated near the equator, but expressed in hydromagnetic terms is concentrated near the ionospheres.  相似文献   

The instability of a linearly-polarised electromagnetic ordinary mode in counterrotating plasmas and propagating perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field caused by a counterstreaming of electrons along the latter is studied using a cold-plasma model. It is found that: (i) In the presence of either a streaming or a rotation or both, the ordinary-wave propagation is possible even for frequencies less than the plasma frequency; (ii) the Coriolis forces like the applied magnetic field stabilise the ordinary modes.  相似文献   

The study of resistive ballooning instabilities in line-tied coronal magnetic fields is extended by including viscosity in the stability analysis. The equations that govern the resistive ballooning instabilities are derived and the effects of parallel and perpendicular viscosity are included using Braginskii's stress tensor. Numerical solutions to these equations are obtained under the rigid wall boundary conditions for arcades with cylindrically-symmetric magnetic fields. It is found that viscosity has a stabilizing effect on the resistive ballooning instabilities with perpendicular viscosity being more important by far than parallel viscosity. The strong stabilizing effect of perpendicular viscosity can lead to complete stabilization for realistic values of the equilibrium quantities.Research Assistant at the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research.  相似文献   

Using a consistent perturbation theory for collisionless disk-like and spherical star clusters, we construct a theory of slow modes for systems having an extended central region with a nearly harmonic potential due to the presence of a fairly homogeneous (on the scales of the stellar system) heavy, dynamically passive halo. In such systems, the stellar orbits are slowly precessing, centrally symmetric ellipses (2: 1 orbits). We consider star clusters with monoenergetic distribution functions that monotonically increase with angular momentum in the entire range of angular momenta (from purely radial orbits to circular ones) or have a growing region only at low angular momenta. In these cases, there are orbits with a retrograde precession, i.e., in a direction opposite to the orbital rotation of the star. The presence of a gravitational loss-cone instability, which is also observed in systems of 1: 1 orbits in near-Keplerian potentials, is associated with such orbits. In contrast to 1: 1 systems, the loss-cone instability takes place even for distribution functions monotonically increasing with angular momentum, including those for systems with circular orbits. The regions of phase space with retrograde orbits do not disappear when the distribution function is smeared in energy. We investigate the influence of a weak inhomogeneity of a heavy halo with a density that decreases with distance from the center.  相似文献   

A rotating disc galaxy is modelled as a composite system consisting of thin stellar and gaseous discs, which are described by a two-fluid modal formalism. The composite disc system is assumed to retain axisymmetry in the background equilibrium. General density-wave perturbations in the two discs are coupled through the mutual gravitational interaction. We study the basic properties of open and tight spiral density-wave modes in such a composite disc system. Within the Lindblad resonances, perturbation enhancements of surface mass density in stellar and gaseous discs are in phase; this is also true during the initial growth phase of density-wave perturbations. Outside the Lindblad resonances, there exists a possible spiral density-wave branch for which perturbation enhancements of surface mass density in stellar and gaseous discs are out of phase. We discuss implications of these results on the critical parameters for global star formation in barred and normal spiral galaxies and on magnetohydrodynamic density waves within the Lindblad resonances.  相似文献   

The winds of the hot, luminous, OB stars are driven by the line-scattering of the star's continuum radiation flux. Several kinds of observational evidence indicate that such winds are highly structured and variable. This paper will review possible theoretical causes of such wind structure. For relatively small-scale, stochastic variability, I review the role of the strong intrinsic instability of the line-driving process itself. For larger scale structure, I describe recent efforts to examine how disturbances from the underlying, rotating star can be translated outward into propagating features in the wind.  相似文献   

A series of spatial intensity profiles across the sunspot penumbra is obtained at different wavelengths within the Caii K line (see Figure 1). A number of photometric properties of the penumbra are outlined, which may be useful for constructing a relevant inhomogeneous model.  相似文献   

Using a consistent perturbation theory for collisionless disk-like and spherical star clusters, we construct a theory of slow modes for systems having an extended central region with a nearly harmonic potential due to the presence of a fairly homogeneous (on the scales of the stellar system) heavy, dynamically passive halo. In such systems, the stellar orbits are slowly precessing, centrally symmetric ellipses (2: 1 orbits). Depending on the density distribution in the system and the degree of halo inhomogeneity, the orbit precession can be both prograde and retrograde, in contrast to systems with 1: 1 elliptical orbits where the precession is unequivocally retrograde. In the first paper, we show that in the case where at least some of the orbits have a prograde precession and the stellar distribution function is a decreasing function of angular momentum, an instability that turns into the well-known radial orbit instability in the limit of low angular momenta can develop in the system. We also explore the question of whether the so-called spoke approximation, a simplified version of the slow mode approximation, is applicable for investigating the instability of stellar systems with highly elongated orbits. Highly elongated orbits in clusters with nonsingular gravitational potentials are known to be also slowly precessing 2: 1 ellipses. This explains the attempts to use the spoke approximation in finding the spectrum of slow modes with frequencies of the order of the orbit precession rate. We show that, in contrast to the previously accepted view, the dependence of the precession rate on angular momentum can differ significantly from a linear one even in a narrow range of variation of the distribution function in angular momentum. Nevertheless, using a proper precession curve in the spoke approximation allows us to partially “rehabilitate” the spoke approach, i.e., to correctly determine the instability growth rate, at least in the principal (O(α T−1/2) order of the perturbation theory in dimensionless small parameter α T, which characterizes the width of the distribution function in angular momentum near radial orbits.  相似文献   

Submillimeter line observations of CO in the Venus middle atmosphere (mesosphere) were observed with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT, Mauna Kea) about the May 2000, February 2002 superior and July 1999, March 2001 inferior conjunctions of Venus. Combined 12CO and 13CO isotope spectral line measurements at 345 and 330 gHz frequencies, respectively, provided enhanced sensitivity and vertical coverage for simultaneous retrievals of atmospheric temperatures and CO mixing ratios over the altitude region 75-105 km with vertical resolution 4-5 km. Supporting millimeter 12CO spectral line observations with the Kitt Peak 12-m telescope (Steward Observatories) provide enhanced temporal coverage and CO mixing sensitivity. Implementation of CO/temperature profile retrievals for the 2000, 2002 dayside (superior conjunction) and 1999, 2001 nightside (inferior conjunction) periods yields a first-time definition of the vertical structure and diurnal variation of a low-to-mid-latitude mesopause within the Venus atmosphere. At the times of these 1999-2002 observations, the Venus mesopause was located at a slightly lower level in the nightside (0.5 mbar, ∼87 km) versus the dayside (0.2 mbar, ∼91 km) atmosphere. Average diurnal variation of Venus mesospheric temperatures appears to be ≤ 5 K at and below the mesopause. Diurnal variation of Venus thermospheric temperatures increases abruptly just above the mesopause, reaching 50 K by the 0.01-mbar pressure level (∼102 km). Atmospheric temperatures above and below the Venus mesopause exhibited global-scale (≥4000 km horizontal) variations of large amplitude (7-15 K) on surprisingly short timescales (daily to monthly) during the 2001 nightside and 2002 dayside observing periods. Venus dayside mesospheric temperatures observed during the 2002 superior conjunction were also 10-15 K warmer than observed during the 2000 superior conjunction. A characteristic timescale for these global temperature variations is not defined, but their magnitude is comparable to previous determinations of secular variability in nightside mesospheric temperatures (Clancy and Muhleman, 1991).  相似文献   

New, deep, wide-field [SII] images of the HL Tauri region show the extended spatial structure of the HH 30 jet and counter-jet. At an angular distance of 300 arcsec toward the NE, the HH 30 jet ends in a group of scattered condensations. This previously undetected structure might correspond to a broken-up working surface. Our images also include HH 262, which is shown to have a previously undetected extended emission region.  相似文献   

Linear dispersion characteristics of the coupled drift acoustic modes are investigated in inhomogeneous dusty magnetoplasmas both when the dust is considered immobile and when the dust dynamics is taken into account in the presence of nonthermal population of electrons and ions. In this regard, Cairns and Kappa distributed electrons and ions are considered. It is found that the nonthermal distributions affect the phase velocities and the fundamental scalelengths of the plasma. It is found that for both the ion and dust dynamics driven waves, the phase velocities are highest for Cairns, intermediate for Kappa, whereas they are minimum for the Maxwellian distributed electrons. The work presented here may be useful to understand the low frequency electrostatic modes in inhomogeneous dusty plasmas such as those found in planetary environments.  相似文献   

The longitudinal waves (Bernstein modes and plasma waves near the hybrid frequency) in a mixture of equilibrium coronal plasma and a small group of energetic electrons are investigated. The energetic electrons have a nonequilibrium momentum distribution inherent in trapped particles. The frequency dependence of the cyclotron instability increments is studied. Attention is paid to a significant role of the relativistic effects for the cyclotron instability of longitudinal waves. For sufficiently large velocity of nonequilibrium electrons the increments are shown to increase when the hybrid frequency coincides with one of the gyrofrequency harmonics (double plasma resonance). The results obtained are used in Parts II and III to explain tadpoles and zebra-pattern in solar radio bursts.  相似文献   

We have looked for and found a possible spatial correlation between the present pulsar distribution and the estimated locations of the spiral arms at earlier epochs. Through a detailed statistical analysis we find a significant correlation between the present distribution of pulsars and the mass distribution (in the spiral arms) expected about 60 Myr ago for a corotation resonance radius of 14kpc. We discuss the implications of this correlation for the minimum mass of the progenitors of pulsars. Interpreting the spread in the locations of pulsars with respect to the past locations of the spiral arms as predominantly due to their space velocities, we derive an average velocity for the pulsar population.  相似文献   

The spatial structure and stability properties of the coupled Alfvén and drift compressional modes in a space plasma are studied in a gyrokinetic framework in a model taking into account field-line curvature and plasma and magnetic field inhomogeneity across the magnetic shells. The perturbation is found to be localized in two transparent regions, the Alfvén and drift compressional transparent regions, where the wave vector radial component squared is positive. Both regions are bounded by the resonance and cut-off surfaces, where the wave vector radial component turns into infinity and zero, respectively. An existence of the drift compressional resonance is one of the most important results of this work. It is argued that on the surface of this resonance the longitudinal and azimuthal components of the wave's magnetic field have a pole and logarithmic singularities, respectively. The instability conditions and expressions for the growth rate of the coupled modes have been obtained. In the Alfvénic transparent region, an instability occurs in the presence of the negative plasma temperature gradient. This instability does not lead to a non-stationary wave behavior: all the energy gained from the resonance particles was finally absorbed owing to any dissipation process. In a drift compressional transparent region, a necessary condition for the instability is the growth of the temperature with the radial coordinate. The growth rate is almost independent of the radial coordinate, which means that the wave energy gained from the particles cannot disappear. It will lead to an ever increasing wave amplitude, and no stationary picture for the unstable drift compressional mode is possible.  相似文献   

The global structure of a self-excited magnetic field arising from the magnetic shear instability has been simulated in spherical geometry by a 3D fully non-linear approach. In order to model the structure of an accretion disc we prescribe a rotation profile of the Brandt type which is Keplerian in the outer regions but yields rigid rotation at the inner core. We performed a whole series of runs at different dynamo numbers with an increasing number of modes in spectral space, thereby checking the influence of the numerical resolution in our simulations. Starting from arbitrary small perturbations, the magnetic and kinetic energies grow by several orders of magnitude as soon as a certain azimuthal resolution of at least m =15 was used at a dynamo number of order C =105. Several phases of the transition to turbulence are realized and interpretations are given for the respective effects occurring at each stage. The resulting magnetic field is highly non-axisymmetric and possesses a pronounced inhomogeneous vortex structure of twisted flux tubes. The flow is almost axisymmetric but shows a Kolmogorov-like behaviour for small scales. The outer surface of the shell is penetrated by magnetic field lines in spot-like regions, which are located mainly in the equatorial plane. For very high dynamo numbers we find a cyclic behaviour of the averaged magnetic field amplitude. The problem of angular momentum transport is discussed in terms of the ShakuraSunyaev viscosity alpha , which depends exponentially on the radial distance and adopts values in the range 103105.  相似文献   

We present a discussion of the gradual burst event on May 13,1985 which is based on observations of the RATAN-600 telescope at ten fixed frequencies in the range between 37.5 and 0.95 GHz (0.8 and 31.6 cm wavelength) and on time profiles of patrol observations of the Observatory for Solar Radio Astronomy at Tremsdorf near Potsdam. This up to now most complete data set allows new conclusions on the extended spectral/spatial structure of the source region.There is strong evidence that only less than 24% of the microwave flux from this event is emitted by an excessive small-scale burst source while the bulk of the burst emission comes from a larger region consisting of two major components covered by the source area of the S-component radiation. The different components of the burst and S-component radiation are analyzed.  相似文献   

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