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—We determined the response to P- and S-wave incidence of the permanent stations of the seismic network of Baja California (RESNOM) using two independent methods. We selected 65 events with magnitudes between 2.2 and 4.8 and hypocentral distances ranging between 5 and 330 km. The site response of the ten stations analyzed was first estimated using average spectral ratios between the horizontal and the vertical components of motion (H/V ratios). As a second approach we performed a simultaneous inversion for source and site. In order to invert the spectral records to determine the site response, we made an independent estimate of the attenuation for two different source-station path regions. Then we corrected the spectral records for the attenuation effect before we made the inversion. Although the average H/V ratio of many sites is inside the error bars of the site response estimated with the spectral inversion, the spectral inversion tends to give higher values. For the S wave some sites show similar frequency of predominant peak when comparing the responses obtained with both methods. In contrast, for the P waves the H/V ratios disagree with the results of the inversion. In general, the site response of the stations is strongly frequency dependent for both P and S waves. We also found that the natural frequency of resonance of the sites is near 0.5 Hz for P and near 0.8 Hz for the S waves.  相似文献   

The interaction among tidal currents, sediment transport, and long-term changes of the sea bottom in the Colorado River Delta have been investigated applying a two dimensional nonlinear hydrodynamic-numerical finite differences model. The system was forced by the dominant M 2 tidal component at the open boundary. We carried out calculations to study the morphodynamics of the actual bathymetry caused by the bedload sediment transport. To investigate the origin of actual morphological features, we performed experiments using a smoothed bathymetry, in which the islands Montague, Gore, and Pelícano were eliminated. Under the imposed tidal hydrodynamics, the results indicate that the bedload transport contributes significantly in the genesis of sandbanks and in the formation and maintaining of the Montague and Gore Islands.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic volcanism in Baja California records the effects of cessation of subduction at a previously convergent, plate margin. Prior to 12.5 m.y., when subduction along the margin of Baja ceased, the predominant volcanic activity had a calc-alkaline signature, ranging in composition from basalt to rhyolite. Acidic pyroclastic activity was common, and possibly represented the westermost, distal edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental province. After 12.5 m.y., however, the style and composition of the magmatic products changed dramatically. The dominant rock type within the Jaraguay and San Borja volcanic fields is a magnesian andesite, with up to 8% MgO at 57% SiO2, low Fe/Mg ratios, and high Na/K ratios. These rocks have unusual trace-element characteristics, with high abundances of Sr (up to 3000 ppm), low contents of Rb; K/Rb ratios are very high (usually over 1000, and up to 2500), and Rb/Sr ratios are low (less than 0.01). Furthermore, Lan/Ybn ratios are high, consistent with derivation from a mantle source with fractionated REE patterns. 87Sr/86Sr ratios are less than 0.7048, and usually less than 0.7040, whereas the pre-12.5 m.y. lavas have 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.7038 and 0.7063. We have previously termed these rocks bajaites, in order to distinguish them from other magnesian andesites. Bajaites also occur in southernmost Chile and the Aleutian Islands, areas which also have histories of attempted or successful ridge subduction.It is proposed that the bajaite series is produced during the unusual physico-chemical conditions operating during the subduction of young oceanic lithosphere, or subduction of a spreading centre. During normal subduction, the oceanic crust dehydrates, releasing volatiles (water, Rb and other large-ion lithophile elements) into the overlying wedge. Subduction of younger crust will result in a progressive decrease, and eventual cessation of the transfer of volatiles when subduction stops. Thermal rebound of the mantle may cause the slab to melt, perhaps under eclogitestable conditions. The resulting melt will be heavy-REE-depleted, perhaps dacitic, but will otherwise inherit MORB-like Rb/Sr and K/Rb ratios. The ascending melt will react with the mantle to form the source of the bajaitic rocks. Furthermore, any amphibole in the mantle, stabilised during the higher PH2O conditions of earlier subduction, will break down and contribute a high-K/Rb ratio component.The implications of this study are that firstly, the subducted slab does not contribute a highly fractionated REE component in most modern arcs (i.e. the slab does not melt); secondly, Rb has a very short residence time in the mantle, and its abundance in arc rocks is a direct reflection of the input from the dehydrating slab; and thirdly, bajaitelike rocks may provide recognition of attempted or successful ridge subduction in the geologic past.  相似文献   

The basement in the Bahía de Los Angeles basin consists of Paleozoic metamorphic rocks and Cretaceous granitoids. The Neogene stratigraphy overlying the basement is formed, from the base to the top, by andesitic lava flows and plugs, sandstone and conglomeratic horizons, and Miocene pyroclastic flow units and basaltic flows. Basaltic dikes also intrude the whole section. To further define its structure, a detailed gravimetric survey was conducted across the basin about 1 km north of the Sierra Las Flores. In spite of the rough and lineal topography along the foothills of the Sierra La Libertad, we found no evidence for large-scale faulting. Gravity data indicates that the basin has a maximum depth of 120 m in the Valle Las Tinajas and averages 75 m along the gravimetric profile. High density bodies below the northern part of the Sierra Las Flores and Valle Las Tinajas are interpreted to be part of basaltic dikes. The intrusive body located north of the Sierra Las Flores is 2.5 km wide and its top is about 500 m deep. The lava flows of the top of the Sierra Las Flores, together with the distribution of basaltic activity north of this sierra, suggests that this intrusive body continues for 20 km along a NNW-trending strike. Between the sierras Las Flores and Las Animas, a 0.5-km-wide, 300-m-thick intrusive body is interpreted at a depth of about 100 m. This dike could be part of the basaltic activity of the Cerro Las Tinajas and the small mounds along the foothills of western Sierra Las Animas. The observed local normal faulting in the basin is inferred to be mostly associated with the emplacement of the shallow magma reservoirs below Las Flores and Las Tinajas.  相似文献   

Abstract Bahía Concepción is located in the eastern coast of the Baja California peninsula and it is shaped by northwestern–southeastern normal faults. These are associated with a 12–6 Ma rifting episode, although some have been reactivated since the Pliocene. The most abundant rocks correspond to the arc related Comondú Group, Oligocene to Miocene, which forms a mainly calc‐alkaline volcanic and volcaniclastic sequence. There are less extensive outcrops of sedimentary rocks, lava flows, domes and pyroclastic rocks of Pliocene to Quaternary ages. The Neogene volcanism in the area indicates a shift from a subduction regime to an intraplate volcanism related to continental extension and the opening of an oceanic basin. The Bahía Concepción area contains numerous Mn ore deposits, being the biggest at El Gavilán and Guadalupe. The Mn deposits occur as veins, breccias and stockworks, and are composed by Mn oxides (pyrolusite, coronadite, romanechite), dolomite, quartz and barite. The deposits are hosted in volcanic rocks of the Comondú Group and, locally, in Pliocene sedimentary rocks. Thus, the Mn deposits formed between the Middle Miocene and the Pliocene. The mineralized structures are associated with Miocene northwestern–southeastern fault systems, which are analogous to those associated with the Cu‐Co‐Zn‐Mn deposits of El Boleo. The Bahía Concepción area also bears subaerial and submarine hot springs, which are associated with the same fault systems and host rocks. The submarine and subaerial geothermal manifestations south of the bay are possibly related with recent volcanism. The geothermal manifestations within the bay are intertidal hot springs and shallow submarine diffuse venting areas. Around the submarine vents (5–15 m deep, 87°C), Fe‐oxyhydroxide crusts with pyrite and cinnabar precipitate. In the intertidal vents (62°C), aggregates of opal, calcite, barite and Ba‐rich Mn oxides occur covered by silica‐carbonate stromatolitic sinters. Some 10–30 cm thick crustiform veins formed by chalcedony, calcite and barite are also found close to the vents. The hydrothermal fluids exhibit mixed isotopic compositions between δ18O‐enriched meteoric and local marine water. The precipitation of Ba‐rich Mn oxides around the vent sites could be an active analog for the processes that produced Miocene to Pliocene hydrothermal Mn‐deposits.  相似文献   

The study of the geochemical compositions and K-Ar or Ar-Ar ages of ca. 350 Neogene and Quaternary lavas from Baja California, the Gulf of California and Sonora allows us to discuss the nature of their mantle or crustal sources, the conditions of their melting and the tectonic regime prevailing during their genesis and emplacement. Nine petrographic/geochemical groups are distinguished: ??regular?? calc-alkaline lavas; adakites; magnesian andesites and related basalts and basaltic andesites; niobium-enriched basalts; alkali basalts and trachybasalts; oceanic (MORB-type) basalts; tholeiitic/transitional basalts and basaltic andesites; peralkaline rhyolites (comendites); and icelandites. We show that the spatial and temporal distribution of these lava types provides constraints on their sources and the geodynamic setting controlling their partial melting. Three successive stages are distinguished. Between 23 and 13 Ma, calc-alkaline lavas linked to the subduction of the Pacific-Farallon plate formed the Comondú and central coast of the Sonora volcanic arc. In the extensional domain of western Sonora, lithospheric mantle-derived tholeiitic to transitional basalts and basaltic andesites were emplaced within the southern extension of the Basin and Range province. The end of the Farallon subduction was marked by the emplacement of much more complex Middle to Late Miocene volcanic associations, between 13 and 7 Ma. Calc-alkaline activity became sporadic and was replaced by unusual post-subduction magma types including adakites, niobium-enriched basalts, magnesian andesites, comendites and icelandites. The spatial and temporal distribution of these lavas is consistent with the development of a slab tear, evolving into a 200-km-wide slab window sub-parallel to the trench, and extending from the Pacific coast of Baja California to coastal Sonora. Tholeiitic, transitional and alkali basalts of subslab origin ascended through this window, and adakites derived from the partial melting of its upper lip, relatively close to the trench. Calc-alkaline lavas, magnesian andesites and niobium-enriched basalts formed from hydrous melting of the supraslab mantle triggered by the uprise of hot Pacific asthenosphere through the window. During the Plio-Quaternary, the ??no-slab?? regime following the sinking of the old part of the Farallon plate within the deep mantle allowed the emplacement of alkali and tholeiitic/transitional basalts of deep asthenospheric origin in Baja California and Sonora. The lithospheric rupture connected with the opening of the Gulf of California generated a high thermal regime associated to asthenospheric uprise and emplaced Quaternary depleted MORB-type tholeiites. This thermal regime also induced partial melting of the thinned lithospheric mantle of the Gulf area, generating calc-alkaline lavas as well as adakites derived from slivers of oceanic crust incorporated within this mantle.  相似文献   

— An algorithm recently developed by RUNDLE et al. (2002) to find regions of anomalous seismic activity associated with large earthquakes identified the location of an M w = 5.6 earthquake near Calexico, Mexico. In this paper we analyze the regional seismicity before this event, and a nearby M w = 5.7 event, using time-to-failure algorithms developed by BOWMAN et al. (1998) and BOWMAN and KING (2001a,b). The former finds the radius of a circular region surrounding the epicenter that optimizes the time-to-failure acceleration of seismic release. The latter optimizes acceleration based on the expected stress accumulation pattern for a dislocation source. Both methods found a period of accelerating seismicity in an optimal region, the size of which agrees with previously proposed scaling relations. This positive result suggests that the Rundle algorithm may provide a useful technique to identify regions of accelerating seismicity, which can then be analyzed using signal optimization time-to-failure techniques.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of two apparently unrelated lava suites (one tholeiitic and the other alkalic) coexisting in the central parts of the Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico, were measured in this study. Macroscopic indicators and measurements of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) were combined to infer the flow direction on those lavas. These measurements were used to investigate the likelihood of the existence of an abnormally long tholeiitic lava flow in this part of the Peninsula. The obtained results indicate that the tholeiitic flows in the region constitute regular length flows, and are likely to have been issued through vents located within the area of study. Additionally, comparison of the magnetic signature of tholeiitic and alkalic lavas reveals a systematic difference in some of the magnetic parameters (bulk susceptibility and Curie temperatures). In particular, it is proposed that the narrow range of Curie temperatures characteristic of each lava type can be used as a reliable proxy for the identification of each lava type in the region. All of these findings show that the alkalic and tholeiitic lavas of the region are more closely related to each other than previously suspected.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   

We present a case of detailed analysis of fracture arrays spanning four orders of magnitude in length; all of them measured at a single natural site by acquiring images at progressively larger scales. There is a high dispersion of cumulative-length exponents, box dimensions and fracture densities. However, the fractal analysis supports the fractal nature of fracture arrays. Our data indicate the existence of an upper limit for the density parameters, as similarly reported by other authors. We prove that box dimension is in inverse relation with fracture concentration and in direct relation with fracture density. These relations are also observed in our data and additionally there is an upper limit for the box dimensions. We interpret the dispersion in our results as more fundamental than methodological problems. It represents a truncation in the complete evolution of the fracture systems because in natural cases strain initiates overprinting of previous fracture arrays. Considering that larger fractures accommodate strain more efficiently than small fractures, the generation of small fractures is inhibited in the presence of pre-existing larger fractures. Maximum values of fracture density prevent accommodating an excess of strain in a single or restricted range of scales; we claim this condition produces migration of fracturing to larger scales originating fracture scaling.  相似文献   

Shallow submarine hydrothermal activity has been observed in the Bahía Concepción bay, located at the Gulf coast of the Baja California Peninsula, along faults probably related to the extensional tectonics of the Gulf of California region. Diffuse and focused venting of hydrothermal water and gas occurs in the intertidal and shallow subtidal areas down to 15 m along a NW–SE-trending onshore–offshore fault. Temperatures in the fluid discharge area vary from 50 °C at the sea bottom up to 87 °C at a depth of 10 cm in the sediments.Chemical analyses revealed that thermal water is enriched in Ca, As, Hg, Mn, Ba, HCO3, Li, Sr, B, I, Cs, Fe and Si, and it has lower concentrations of Cl, Na, SO4 and Br than seawater. The chemical characteristics of the water samples indicate the occurrence of mixing between seawater and a thermal end-member. Stable isotopic oxygen and hydrogen composition of thermal samples plot close to the Local Meteoric Water Line on a mixing trend between a thermal end-member and seawater. The composition of the thermal end-member was calculated from the chemistry of the submarine samples data by assuming a negligible amount of Mg for the thermal end-member. The results of the mixing model based on the chemical and isotopic composition indicate a maximum of 40% of the thermal end-member in the submarine vent fluid.Chemical geothermometers (Na/Li, Na–K–Ca and Si) were applied to the thermal end-member concentration and indicate a reservoir temperature of approximately 200 °C. The application of K–Mg and Na/Li geothermometers for vent fluids points to a shallow equilibrium temperature of about 120 °C.Results were integrated in a hydrogeological conceptual model that describes formation of thermal fluids by infiltration and subsequent heating of meteoric water. Vent fluid is generated by further mixing with seawater.  相似文献   

The subsurface geometry of the Sebastián Vizcaíno Basin is obtained from the 2D inversion of gravity data, constrained by a density-versus-depth relationship derived from an oil exploration deep hole. The basin accumulated a thick pile of marine sediments that evolved in the fore-arc region of the compressive margin prevalent along western North America during Mesozoic and Tertiary times. Our interpretation indicates that the sedimentary infill in the Sebastián Vizcaíno Basin reaches a maximum thickness of about 4 km at the centre of a relatively symmetric basin. At the location of the Suaro-1 hole, the depth to the basement derived from this work agrees with the drilled interface between calcareous and volcaniclastic members of the Alisitos Formation. A sensitivity analysis strongly suggests that the assumed density function leads to a nearly unique solution of the inverse problem.  相似文献   

The El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake sequence started with a few foreshocks in March 2010, and a second sequence of 15 foreshocks of M?>?2 (up to M4.4) that occurred during the 24?h preceding the mainshock. The foreshocks occurred along a north?Csouth trend near the mainshock epicenter. The M w 7.2 mainshock on April 4 exhibited complex faulting, possibly starting with a ~M6 normal faulting event, followed ~15?s later by the main event, which included simultaneous normal and right-lateral strike-slip faulting. The aftershock zone extends for 120?km from the south end of the Elsinore fault zone north of the US?CMexico border almost to the northern tip of the Gulf of California. The waveform-relocated aftershocks form two abutting clusters, each about 50?km long, as well as a 10?km north?Csouth aftershock zone just north of the epicenter of the mainshock. Even though the Baja California data are included, the magnitude of completeness and the hypocentral errors increase gradually with distance south of the international border. The spatial distribution of large aftershocks is asymmetric with five M5+ aftershocks located to the south of the mainshock, and only one M5.7 aftershock, but numerous smaller aftershocks to the north. Further, the northwest aftershock cluster exhibits complex faulting on both northwest and northeast planes. Thus, the aftershocks also express a complex pattern of stress release along strike. The overall rate of decay of the aftershocks is similar to the rate of decay of a generic California aftershock sequence. In addition, some triggered seismicity was recorded along the Elsinore and San Jacinto faults to the north, but significant northward migration of aftershocks has not occurred. The synthesis of the El Mayor-Cucapah sequence reveals transtensional regional tectonics, including the westward growth of the Mexicali Valley and the transfer of Pacific?CNorth America plate motion from the Gulf of California in the south into the southernmost San Andreas fault system to the north. We propose that the location of the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah, as well as the 1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine earthquakes, may have been controlled by the bends in the plate boundary.  相似文献   

Body waveform modeling is used to determine the source processes of three large earthquakes (magnitude 6.8, 6.4, 6.3) occurring between February 9 and 15, 1956 along the San Miguel fault in northern Baja California, Mexico. Results of the modeling suggest that the mainshock on February 9 was responsible for the 20 km of surface faulting observed during the sequence. Although previous researchers have suggested a complex rupture history for the mainshock, uncertainty estimates of source-time function shape indicate single or double source models fit the observed waveforms equally well. The February 15 aftershock, however, appears to have consisted of two events. Locations and focal mechanisms obtained for the three events suggest that the rupture process may have been controlled by cross faults to the main trace of the San Miguel fault. The good correlation between source parameter information and the surficial geology/geometry of the San Miguel fault zone demonstrates the usefulness of waveform modeling studies in unravelling the complexities of historic multi-event earthquake sequences.  相似文献   

 For first time, during 1991, seismic activity was recorded during an eruption at Colima volcano. We analyze these data to obtain a stress pattern using a composite focal mechanism technique. From the analysis of regional seismicity, the Tamazula Fault and the Armeria River appear as active features and the dip of the slab east of the Jalisco Block is approximately 12°. Southwest of Colima volcano a vertical alignment of seismic events was observed. We estimate five different composite focal mechanism solutions from our data set, which indicate a change of the stress field at the volcano after the 1991 eruption. These solutions suggest that the stress field in the volcanic edifice was controlled by stresses related to the emplacement of magma superimposed on the regional stress field. No evidence of active local faults in the volcanic edifice was found. We propose a model for the eruptive process that involves tilting of the volcanic edifice. Received: 15 October 1995 / Accepted: 26 October 1998  相似文献   

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