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During the hour preceding the March 9, 1998, eruption of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, the deformation network of the Observatory recorded some large deformations in the summit area. A broadband seismic station of the GEOSCOPE global network, RER, is located about 8 km away from the summit of the volcano. Signals from that station may be interpreted as tilt changes. The combination of the above two kinds of signals allows, by using a tensile fault model, to constrain the geometry as well as some characteristics (volume, propagation velocity) of the dyke that intruded the summit area during the hour preceding the beginning of eruptive activity.  相似文献   

A clear model of structures and associated stress fields of a volcano can provide a framework in which to study and monitor activity. We propose a volcano-tectonic model for the dynamics of the summit of Piton de la Fournaise (La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean). The summit contains two main pit crater structures (Dolomieu and Bory), two active rift zones, and a slumping eastern sector, all of which contribute to the actual fracture system. Dolomieu has developed over 100 years by sudden large collapse events and subsequent smaller drops that include terrace formation. Small intra-pit collapse scars and eruptive fissures are located along the southern floor of Dolomieu. The western pit wall of Dolomieu has a superficial inward dipping normal fault boundary connected to a deeper ring fault system. Outside Dolomieu, an oval extension zone containing sub-parallel pit-related fractures extends to a maximum distance of 225 m from the pit. At the summit the main trend for eruptive fissures is N80°, normal to the north–south rift zone. The terraced structure of Dolomieu has been reproduced by analogue models with a roof to width ratio of approximately 1, suggesting an original magma chamber depth of about 1 km. Such a chamber may continue to act as a storage location today. The east flank has a convex–concave profile and is bounded by strike-slip fractures that define a gravity slump. This zone is bound to the north by strike-slip fractures that may delineate a shear zone. The southern reciprocal shear zone is probably marked by an alignment of large scoria cones and is hidden by recent aa lavas. The slump head intersects Dolomieu pit and may slide on a hydrothermally altered layer known to be located at a depth of around 300 m. Our model has the summit activity controlled by the pit crater collapse structure, not the rifts. The rifts become important on the mid-flanks of the cone, away from pit-related fractures. On the east flank the superficial structures are controlled by the slump. We suggest that during pit subsidence intra-pit eruptions may occur. During tumescence, however, the pit system may become blocked and a flank eruption is more likely. Intrusions along the rift may cause deformation that subsequently increases the slump’s potential to deform. Conversely, slumping may influence the east flank stress distribution and locally control intrusion direction. These predictions can be tested with monitoring data to validate the model and, eventually, improve monitoring.  相似文献   

An eruption on the eastern flank of Piton de la Fournaise volcano started on 16 November, 2002 after 10 months of quiescence. After a relatively constant level of activity during the first 13 days of the eruption, lava discharge, volcanic tremor and seismicity increased from 29 November to 3 December. Lava effusion suddenly ceased on 3 December while shallow earthquakes beneath the Dolomieu summit crater were still recorded at a rate of about one per minute. This unusual activity continued and increased in intensity over the next three weeks, ending with the formation of a pit crater within Dolomieu. Based on ground deformation, measured by rapid-static and continuous GPS and an extensometer, seismic data, and lava effusion patterns, the eruptive period is divided into five stages: 1) slow summit inflation and sporadic seismicity; 2) rapid summit inflation and a short seismic crisis; 3) rapid flank inflation, onset of summit deflation, sporadic seismicity, accompanied by stable effusion; 4) flank inflation, coupled with summit deflation, intense seismicity, and increased lava effusion; and finally 5) little deflation, intense shallow seismicity, and the end of lava effusion. We propose a model in which the pre-intrusive inflation of Stage 1 in the months preceding the eruption was caused by a magma body located near sea level. The magma reservoir was the source of an intrusion rising under the summit during Stage 2. In Stage 3, the magma ponded at a shallow level in the edifice while the lateral injection of a radial dike reached the surface on the eastern flank of the basaltic volcano, causing lava effusion. Pressure decrease in the magmatic plumbing system followed, resulting in upward migration of a collapse front, forming a subterranean column of debris by faulting and stoping. This caused intense shallow seismicity, increase in discharge of lava and volcanic tremor at the lateral vent in Stage 4 and, eventually the formation of a pit crater in Stage 5.  相似文献   

Piton de La Fournaise is in a period of intense volcanic activity since 1998. To constrain the magma dynamics responsible for this activity, we combined GPS ground deformation monitoring interpreted through numerical modelling and geochemistry. Two cycles of continuous volcano inflation are evidenced for the May 2004–December 2005 period, with a rest from March to October 2005. These inflations are consistent with two cycles of compatible major element enrichment in the emitted lavas. Numerical models indicate that the pressurization of a single magma reservoir may be responsible for the observed pre-eruptive inflations of the volcano. The reservoir, located at 2300 m depth, has a radius of  500 m. At the beginning of each cycle, dykes propagate from the roof of the reservoir and yield eruptions of differentiated basalt near the summit. At the end of the cycle, dykes propagate from the eastern sidewall of the reservoir and yield distal eruptions of primitive magmas away from the summit. The volumes of magma emitted during the primitive eruptions seem too large to explain the surface deformations and therefore suggest some refill of the reservoir by deeper magmas. Our results may be used to predict the location and lava volume of future eruptions at Piton de La Fournaise volcano, depending on the timing of these eruptions within a cycle of volcanic activity.  相似文献   

We explore the possible relationships between a structural heterogeneity, the hydrothermal system, and the intrusive activity at Piton de la Fournaise volcano. Geological and geophysical data show that as the result of repeated collapses (the last one in 2007), a cylinder of faulted, fractured, and crumbled rocks must exist between the surface and the top of a magma reservoir at about sea level. This structure constitutes a major geological heterogeneity. An obvious spatial correlation exists between this column of fractured and brecciated rock and the location of (1) most of the seismic activity, (2) a low-resistivity dome, (3) a huge self-potential anomaly, (4) thermal evidence of hydrothermal activity, and (5) the root of magma intrusions. The dominant factors that make this structural heterogeneity a trap for the activity are probably its higher permeability and its weaker mechanical strength. Evidence exists for the presence of an active hydrothermal system confined in this permeable zone. The long-term stability of the activated zone above sea level and the similarity of the pre-eruptive crises, in spite of the inferred large perturbation of the magmatic system in 1998, suggest a common triggering mechanism for all the eruptions since at least the first data recorded by the observatory in 1980. This mechanism can be purely magmatic, resulting from the pressurization of a reservoir, but we also propose that the hydrothermal system may play a role in the development of volcanic instabilities. A qualitative model is proposed to explain the triggering of magma intrusions by hydrothermal processes, and its speculative aspects are discussed. This work represents a first attempt to integrate the structural and dynamic information in a unified framework at Piton de la Fournaise.  相似文献   

The Grand Brûlé borehole intersects a thick pile of basaltic lavas, down to 1010 m, and a basic-ultrabasic intrusive complex, from 1010 to 3003.50 m.The lavas are, in general, unaltered except in two fractured zones, where hydrothermal fluids circulated at temperatures not exceeding 350 ° C. The main secondary minerals there are pyroxene, feldspar, epidote, actinolite and chlorite.The entire thickness of the intrusive body intersected contains secondary minerals representing three stages of cooling:
1. 1. A late magmatic episode (600–900°C) characterized by biotite, kaersutite, edenite and pargasite.
2. 2. A hydrothermal episode (T<- 350°C) characterized by epidote, albite, biotite, actinolite and chlorite.
3. 3. A phase of serpentinization (T≤ 350°C).
It is very likely that the two later events occurred simultaneously, with physical and chemical interference.  相似文献   

The Millennium uranium deposit is located within the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan. The basement rocks, comprised primarily of paleo‐Proterozoic gneisses, are electrically resistive. However, the deposit is associated with highly conductive graphitic metasediments that are intercalated with the gneisses. An unconformity separates the basement rocks from the overlying, horizontally stratified, Proterozoic sandstones of the Athabasca Group (which are also highly resistive). The strike extents of the graphitic metasedimenary packages are extensive and therefore electromagnetic (EM) survey techniques are successful at identifying these zones but do not identify the specific locations where they are enriched in uranium. Through drilling it has been noted that hydrothermal processes associated with mineralization has altered the rocks in the vicinity of the deposits, which should in theory result in a resistivity low. A significant resistivity low has been mapped coincident with the Millennium deposit using ground resistivity survey techniques. However, a comparison of the airborne EM and ground resistivity results reveals that the two data sets have imaged different features. The resistive‐limit (on‐time) windows of the MEGATEM data show conductive features corresponding to lakes located to the west and south of the deposit. The late‐time windows show a feature to the east of the deposit, interpreted as being associated with the east‐dipping graphitic basement conductors (similar to that observed in historical ground EM data collected in this area). The early‐time TEMPEST windows (delay times less than 0.2 ms) show a broad resistivity low located at approximately the same location as where the alteration has been identified through drilling. Modelling the data is not easy but a response that decays prior to 0.3 ms is consistent with 500 Ωm material in the sandstone, a resistivity value close to the lower limit with respect to the hydrothermally altered Athabasca group sediments in this area. The MEGATEM system does not see a conductive zone over the alteration as clearly but the high signal‐to‐noise ratio in the late‐time MEGATEM data means that the conductive material at a greater depth is more coherently imaged.  相似文献   

In October 1998 a precipitation‐triggered flank collapse occurred at Casita volcano, Nicaragua, leading to a devastating lahar. In this paper the failure volume was calculated using a range of methods. Several pre‐ and post‐failure digital elevation models (DEMs) were created, based on photogrammetric, cartometric and surveying data. The wide range in resulting volumes prompted an assessment of the accuracies and potential problems associated with each of the datasets and techniques used. The best estimate for the failure volume is 1·6 × 106 m3. It is based on a vegetation‐corrected pre‐failure DEM, generated using automated digital photogrammetry, and a post‐failure surface based on a field survey carried out with a Total Station. The volume figure is approximately an order of magnitude higher than values reported in previous publications, all of which are based solely on field estimates. This demonstrates that values reported in the literature, if they are not based on rigorous quantitative analysis, must be regarded with caution. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) allow accurate solar wind velocity measurements to be made at all heliographic latitudes and at a range of distances from the Sun. The data may be obtained with either single, double or multiple antennas, each requiring a different method of analysis. IPS data taken during the 1998 whole sun month (30th July–31st August 1998) by EISCAT, the ORT (Ooty Radio Telescope), India, and the Nagoya IPS system, Japan, allow the results of individual methods of analysis to be compared. Good agreement is found between the velocity measurements using each method, and when combined an improved understanding of the structure of the solar wind can be obtained.On leave from the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 380 009, India  相似文献   

The use of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT; non‐intrusive geophysical technique) was assessed to identify the hydrogeological conditions at a surface water/groundwater test site in the southern Black Forest, Germany. A total of 111 ERT transects were measured, which adopted electrode spacings from 0·5 to 5 m as well as using either Wenner or dipole‐dipole electrode arrays. The resulting two‐dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity distributions are related to the structure and water content of the subsurface. The images were interpreted with respect to previous classical hillslope hydrological investigations within the same research basin using both tracer methods and groundwater level observations. A raster‐grid survey provided a quasi 3D resistivity pattern of the floodplain. Strong structural heterogeneity of the subsurface could be demonstrated, and (non)connectivities between surface and subsurface bodies were mapped. Through the spatial identification of likely flow pathways and source areas of runoff, the deep groundwater within the steeper valley slope seems to be much more connected to runoff generation processes within the valley floodplain than commonly credited in such environmental circumstances. Further, there appears to be no direct link between subsurface water‐bodies adjacent to the stream channel. Deep groundwater sources are also able to contribute towards streamflow from exfiltration at the edge of the floodplain as well as through the saturated areas overlying the floodplain itself. Such exfiltrated water then moves towards the stream as channelized surface flow. These findings support previous tracer investigations which showed that groundwater largely dominates the storm hydrograph of the stream, but the source areas of this component were unclear without geophysical measurements. The work highlighted the importance of using information from previous, complementary hydrochemical and hydrometric research campaigns to better interpret the ERT measurements. On the other hand, the ERT can provide a better spatial understanding of existing hydrochemical and hydrometric data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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