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崔文博  向喜琼  王晗旭 《地下水》2013,(3):145-147,153
在暴雨触发作用下,2006年5月18日贵州都匀马达岭发生滑坡,滑体随即形成的碎屑流,充填了坡下长达1km的沟谷。滑坡堆积物在空间上有明显的分区特征,由上至下可分为滑源区、滑体堆积区、碎屑流流通区、碎屑流堆积区四个区域进行研究。在对马达岭滑坡进行详细野外调查的基础上,从滑坡的地形条件、堆积情况及运动特征等方面探讨滑坡的发生机理及运动过程,结果表明:马达岭滑坡为一高速远程滑坡,滑坡迅速启动并在特殊的破坏模式和地形条件下,形成了"一快一慢"两种不同的运动方式,即大块岩体"坐着"下伏流体的缓慢运移以及碰撞、铲刮形成的碎屑物质的高速抛飞。  相似文献   

贵州省六盘水水城高位远程滑坡流态化运动过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高位远程滑坡是中国西南山区常见的一类灾难性地质灾害,其发生往往伴随有碰撞解体效应,导致滑体碎裂化,转化为碎屑流或泥石流,具有流化运动堆积的特征。2019年7月23日发生于中国贵州省六盘水市水城县的鸡场镇滑坡是典型的高位远程流态化滑坡,滑坡前后缘高差430 m,水平运动距离1340 m,堆积体体积200×104 m3,导致21幢房屋被掩埋,51人遇难。基于野外详细调查和滑前滑后地形对比,采用DAN-W软件对水城滑坡的整个运动堆积过程进行了模拟,结果显示:水城滑坡在滑源区残留堆积体厚度最大为27 m,堆积区最大堆积厚度为15 m,滑坡碎屑流前缘最大运动速度为27 m/s,最大动能为6.57×106 J;滑坡高位剪出,由于势能转化为动能,滑坡快速达到速度峰值,并铲刮地表松散土层;由于强降雨,滑体高速运动使基底孔隙水来不及排出,导致基底摩擦力下降,降低能量损耗,滑体解体促进颗粒流化运动,减少了摩擦,也是滑坡远程运动的重要原因。   相似文献   

近年来,在汶川地震等强震区常发生一种特大的高位滑坡地质灾害,它从高陡斜坡上部位置剪出并形成凌空加速坠落,具有撞击粉碎效应和动力侵蚀效应,导致滑体解体碎化,从而转化为高速远程碎屑流滑动或泥石流流动,并铲刮下部岩土体,使体积明显增加。新磨滑坡就是这种典型,它发生于2017年6月24日,滑坡后缘高程约3450m,前缘高程约2250 m,高差1200 m,水平距离2800 m,堆积体体积达1637×10~4m~3,摧毁了新磨村村庄,导致83人死亡。新磨滑坡地处叠溪较场弧形构造带前弧西翼,母岩为中三叠统中厚层变砂岩夹板岩,是1933年叠溪Ms7.5级震中区(烈度X度)和汶川Ms8.0级强震区(烈度IX度),形成震裂山体。滑源区分布多组不连续结构面,将厚层块状岩体分割成碎裂块体,在高程3150~3450 m区间形成明显的压裂鼓胀区,特别是存在2组反倾节理带,具有典型的"锁固段"失稳机理。滑坡体高位剪出滑动,连续加载并堆积于斜坡体上部,体积达390×10~4m~3,导致残坡积岩土层失稳并转化为管道型碎屑流;碎屑流高速流滑至斜坡下部老滑坡堆积体后,因前方地形开阔、坡度变缓,转化为扩散型碎屑流散落堆积,具有"高速远程"成灾模式。据此,可建立强震山区高位滑坡的早期识别方法,当陡倾山脊存在大型岩质高位滑坡时,应当考虑冲击作用带来的动力侵蚀效应和堆积加载效应,特别是沿沟谷赋存丰富的地下水时,发生高速远程滑坡的可能性将明显增加。因此,在地质灾害调查排查中,在高位岩质滑坡剪出口下方的斜坡堆积体上的聚居区等应划定为地质灾害危险区。在强震山区地质灾害研究中,不仅应采用静力学理论分析滑坡的失稳机理,而且应采用动力学方法加强运动过程的成灾模式研究。  相似文献   

2013年7月10日发生的四川省都江堰市中兴镇三溪村五里坡滑坡-碎屑流,属于典型的降雨型高位斜向层状岩质滑坡-碎屑流灾害。在前人研究成果梳理和进一步野外调查的基础上,分析总结了五里坡滑坡-碎屑流的成因及演化模式,并对五里坡高位滑坡在降雨作用下的后缘裂隙扩展判据和滑坡启动判据进行了定量计算。研究表明,五里坡滑坡的演化模式为后缘拉张裂隙形成→降雨作用下裂缝开始扩展→动、静水压力联合作用下斜坡沿泥质软弱层滑动→后缘拉裂槽形成→“7?10”强降雨诱发滑坡复活→滑体前缘临空崩落、加速→崩滑体沿沟谷铲刮、运移→堆积停止。从力学角度推导了前期降雨作用下滑体后缘裂缝自动扩展的最小深度、滑坡失稳的临界水头高度和临界降雨强度的计算公式,得出充满水的后缘裂缝在静水压力作用下开始自行扩展的临界深度为11.3 m;后缘裂隙贯通至滑带后,当五里坡斜坡体在后缘裂缝水头高度达到9.8 m时滑坡处于启动的临界状态。  相似文献   

贵州都匀马达岭滑坡碎屑流形成泥石流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年5月18日,贵州都匀市马达岭发生滑坡,滑坡体位于马达岭沟上游采煤区,部分滑坡体滑入沟内并碰撞解体形成碎屑流堆积在沟道中上游,形成约800m长的淤积段,沟道内固体物质总量约16×104m3。滑坡后采煤区内老窑水迅速释放汇流至沟道启动沟道内物源形成泥石流运动至下游,从流通区下游逐渐淤积并少量冲出沟口,沟道内淤积长350m,堆积区体积约0.7×104m3。马达岭沟泥石流呈滑坡—碎屑流—水作用形成泥石流的连续性过程,具有典型的滑坡碎屑流形成泥石流特征。由于沟道内仍有较多物源,同时沟道内形成两处巨石淤塞形成的堰塞坝,后期强降雨作用下仍可能形成泥石流。  相似文献   

沟道型滑坡-碎屑流具有隐蔽性强、危险性高、力学机理复杂的特点,研究其运动距离预测模型具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。本文基于遥感GIS技术,结合野外调查,获取了汶川地震触发的38个沟道型滑坡-碎屑流的基础数据。通过相关性分析确定沟道型滑坡-碎屑流最大水平运动距离L的影响因素从大到小依次是滑坡体积V、最大垂直运动距离H、滑源区高差Hs、沟道段坡度β。采用逐步回归方法建立了滑坡-碎屑流最大水平运动距离L的最优多元回归模型,检验结果表明模型具有较高精度。将最优多元回归模型与国际上应用较多的滑坡运动距离和泥石流运动距离预测模型进行对比,表明考虑滑坡体积、地形落差和沟道段坡度的运动距离预测指标体系,具有最高的拟合优度和较好的物理含义,可为沟谷山区滑坡-碎屑流危险性评价提供参考依据。  相似文献   

烂泥沟滑坡是我国最著名的巨型高速远程滑坡之一。1965年烂泥沟滑坡活动造成近百年来最严重的单体滑坡灾害。此后,1991年和2007年滑坡又经历2次较大规模活动。然而,对于1965年烂泥沟滑坡前兆和2个序次活动的成生关系、此后滑坡活动特征,尚无定论;对滑坡现今状态尚不清楚。本文基于多时相、多源遥感卫星影像及近期无人机测量和现场调查数据,对上述问题进行了分析。研究发现,1965年滑坡前,滑源区北侧山体表开裂明显;1965年11月22日、23日2次滑动为北、南两侧山体分别滑动;其成生关系是:北侧山体沿倾向坡外结构面高位剪出,高速冲向南侧山坡,受其冲击,南侧山体次日沿倾向坡外结构面高位、高速滑出,第一序次滑动规模远大于第二序次;高速运动的部分滑坡碎屑流从流通区北侧山坡飞跃通过、且铲刮冲击强烈,滑坡碎屑流最远运动至烂泥沟与普福河交汇处向东2.8 km;1991年滑坡滑源区紧邻1965年北侧滑坡滑源区的西侧边界,滑坡碎屑流终止于沟道中段;2007年滑坡滑源区位于1991年滑坡滑源区上部,滑坡碎屑流运动距离略小于1991滑坡碎屑流。目前,滑源区西北侧、西南侧山坡上地表开裂明显,西北侧山坡上其中一条裂缝扩展速率约16.7 m/a,西南侧山坡上裂缝扩展迹象不明显。因此,西北侧山坡显示再次滑动之势,须引起关注。  相似文献   

汶川八级地震触发何家沟碎屑流滑坡基本特征及形成机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川地震造成大量次生斜坡地质灾害,包含崩塌、滑坡及泥石流等灾种,其中以滑坡分布最为广泛、破坏力最强,且多以高速碎屑流为表现形式,何家沟滑坡即是其中典型例证。滑坡距发震断裂——映秀-北川南枝断裂不足5km,震前斜坡为双向临空的单薄山脊,其走向与断裂走向小角度相交,岩层走向与坡面斜交,中风化基岩结合紧密,结构面延伸性较好,强风化基岩较破碎,浅表部残坡积物较为松散。调查分析表明:残坡积物与强风化基岩是碎屑流滑坡的物质基础;中风化基岩面构成碎屑流滑坡滑床;斜坡临空面是滑坡产生的地形条件;高强度、长历时强震是导致滑坡产生的根本因素。滑坡的形成经历以下4个阶段:强震导致坡体表层残坡积物与强风化基岩松弛和解体;在强震作用下滑体从高位整体下错;松散物质沿中风化基岩面溃滑形成碎屑流和碎屑流堆积阶段。碎屑流产生后,受地形限制,停积于沟床内,在随后的“9.24”特大暴雨过程中进一步转化为泥石流次生灾害。  相似文献   

贵州关岭大寨高速远程滑坡碎屑流研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
2010年6月28日,贵州关岭因突降暴雨发生高速远程滑坡,滑程约1.5km,体积约174.9万m3,两个村组被毁,99人遇难。滑坡区位于西南地区常见的煤系地层区,上部为灰岩、白云岩,中部为相对较缓的砂岩地层,下部为页岩、泥岩地层,局部含煤,具有上硬下软的山体地质结构和上部富水下部隔水的水文地质结构,极易形成滑坡地质灾害。从地形上看,斜坡上陡下缓,形似靴状地形,上部陡峭地形导致山体易于失稳,而中下部开阔伸展良好的沟谷提供了远程的运动条件,较大的势能向动能的转化,容易形成高速远程滑坡碎屑流。6月27日和28日的降雨是触发此起特大灾害的主要原因,其24h降雨量达310mm,超过了当地近60a来的气象记录,分析表明,降雨产生的沟谷径流量是平时强降雨(100~150mmd-1)的沟谷径流的2倍之上,一是在滑源区砂岩裂隙岩体中形成静水压力和渗透压力,触使滑坡的失稳下滑; 二是在沟谷中产生地表径流,为碎屑流远程流动形成饱水下垫面,导致了碎屑流流动距离和速度的显著增加。近年来随着极端强降雨等灾害性天气的重现期缩短,高速远程滑坡造成的群死群伤特大地质灾害在我国呈逐渐增加趋势,应加强对这种灾害类型的调查与防范,特别是要进行滑坡安全避让范围和逃逸速度的研究。  相似文献   

利用FLAC3D软件对四川省雅安市汉源县二蛮山滑坡坡体进行建模,模拟降雨滑坡过程,并进行应力应变特征及稳定性计算分析,从而为深入研究地震及降雨诱发再次滑坡及防灾减灾提供可靠依据。研究中假设地震工况,对边坡进行详细的动力分析,得到了各监测点动力特征曲线;通过降雨工况下坡体稳定性系数分析得到了不同强度折减安全系数。研究结果表明,滑源区相对特殊的地形条件和地质构造以及不利的结构面组合是滑坡的基础;前期强降雨期间饱水加载以及大量雨水沿斜沟张裂结构面的下渗软化作用,是诱发滑坡发生的关键因素。   相似文献   

A catastrophic rock avalanche–mud flow was triggered by the heavy rainfall in Sichuan, China, on July 27, 2010. A mass of strongly weathered basalts with a volume of ∼480,000 m3 was initiated from a valley side slope and then moved downstream along the valley, entraining a large amount of unconsolidated substrate and bilateral materials and colluviums. The entrainment increased the volume of slide to ∼1.0 million m3 and may also enhance the mobility of the landslide. Approximately 30 min after the first failure, the deposits of the rock avalanche in the steepest part of the valley started to creep slowly down as a mud flow. It reached a small town at the foot of the slope after several hours, causing the damage of 92 houses and the urgent evacuation of 1,500 people. The field investigation, mapping, grain size test, and aerial photo interpretation were applied to analyze the dynamic process and the formation mechanism of the landslide. The strongly weathered and fragmented basalts as well as the most vulnerable combination of joint sets were revealed to be the most contributive factors. The antecedent torrential rainfall is the direct trigger, which affected the slope stability in three aspects: induced debris flow that scoured the toe of the sliding surface of rock avalanche; caused the increase of the slope unit weight, and penetrated into the steep joints reducing the strength of the materials.  相似文献   

During the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the river valley from Yingxiu to Wenchuan experienced numerous landslides and became a prominent area of landslide complexes. The present large landslide complex near the earthquake epicenter consisted of Laohuzui slide 1, Laohuzui slide 2 and Douyaping slide. The scale, geology, morphology, sliding process, and failure mechanism of the landslide complex are analyzed by means of field investigation, aerial photograph and stereographic projection technique. Characteristics of these three slides including seismic response of slope, landslide debris, damage and potential failure are discussed: the convex slope and the upslope of fractured granitic rock at high altitude are highly prone to landsliding under earthquake; the high source altitude and long travel path determine grain sizes and the deposit angle of the slide debris; the landslide complex completely buries the G213 roadway and dams up the Minjiang River in these sections; after the earthquake, rainfall, aftershocks and river erosion may retrigger new failures, such as retrogressive slide of weathered fractured rock, colluvial landslide, debris flow, embankment failure and rockfall. The following are presented as suggested remedial measures to protect the roadway and stabilize the slope: the removing and trenching, protective concrete/rock blocks against erosion, retaining structure, rockfall stopping wall, rockfall restraining net, rock bolt, and the planting of vegetation.  相似文献   

三眼峪特大泥石流形成的物源条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对舟曲县"8.8"特大山洪泥石流三眼峪沟进行现场调查,从泥石流的岩土体类型及特征、地质构造、水文地质、新构造运动及地震等方面,对物源条件的地质环境背景进行了总结.调查结果表明:①三眼峪沟泥石流的松散固体物质主要包括崩塌堆积物、滑坡堆积物、残坡积物和冲洪积物.②三眼峪沟松散固体物质总量4079.42×104m3,流域...  相似文献   

针对叶城柯克亚乡波龙7.20突发泥石流灾害,现场开展了应急科学调查。对沟下游泥石流堆积区进行量测,对上游突发小型滑坡-堰塞湖-泄流全过程开展实时观察。结果发现:泥石流固体物质主要是晚更新世风积土滑坡和中元古变质岩及碳酸盐岩崩塌,水体来源主要是强降雨导致的上游洪水及堰塞湖溃决;沟谷上游以稀性泥石流为主,下游加入了崩塌块体及河道砂砾石,粘度有所增大;堆积区呈块石散落和淤积状态。据现场多个老堰塞坝推测,波龙沟泥石流发生周期约15~20年。现有停车场位于沟口堆积区,需加大极端洪水及泥石流排泄空间,拓宽排导沟槽净空。  相似文献   

This paper uses the catastrophic rockslide at Sanxicun village in Dujianyan city as an example to investigate the formation mechanism of a rapid and long run-out rockslide-debris flow of fractured/cracked slope, under the application of a rare heavy rainfall in July 2013. The slope site could be affected by the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 Earthquake in 2008. The sliding involved the thick fractured and layered rockmass with a gentle dip plane at Sanxicun. It had the following formation process: (1) toppling due to shear failure at a high-level position, (2) shoveling the accumulative layer below, (3) forming of debris flow of the highly weathered bottom rockmass, and (4) flooding downward along valley. The debris flow destroyed 11 houses and killed 166 people. The run-out distance was about 1200 m, and the accumulative volume was 1.9?×?106 m3. The rockslide can be divided into sliding source, shear-shoveling, and flow accumulative regions. The stability of this fractured rock slope and the sliding processes are discussed at four stages of cracking, creeping, separating, and residual accumulating, under the applications of hydrostatic pressure and uplift pressure. This research also investigates the safety factors under different situations. The double rheological model (F-V model) of the DAN-W software is utilized to simulate the kinematic and dynamic processes of the shear-shoveling region and debris flow. After the shear failure occurred at a high-level position of rock, the rockslide moved for approximately 47 s downward along the valley with a maximum velocity of 35 m/s. This is a typical rapid and long run-out rockslide. Finally, this paper concludes that the identification of the potential geological hazards at the Wenchuan mountain area is crucial to prevent catastrophic rockslide triggered by heavy rainfall. The identified geological hazards should be properly considered in the town planning of the reconstruction works.  相似文献   

北京市山区泥石流灾害的发育特征及预报方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京山区泥石流灾害较为发育。泥石流分布地域广泛,但相对集中于部分乡镇、主干断裂构造带附近或几组断裂构造交汇部位、坚硬岩石分布区、末级和二级沟谷以及降雨高值区内,且多发生在7-8月份暴雨季节。受地形地貌、地质条件、降雨分布、土壤类型、气温条件以及植被覆盖程度等影响明显。对于泥石流的预报,目前主要依据的是临界雨量值。本文通过认真研究北京地区泥石流的发育规律,深入分析了泥石流的形成条件和影响因素,并在此基础上对北京地区泥石流预报方法进行了初步探讨。建立了综合考虑地形地貌、地质条件、土壤类型以及降雨情况等因素的判断公式,并就如何开展北京地区泥石流预报工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

The Todagin Creek landslide is located at 57.61° N 129.98° W in Northwest British Columbia. A seismic station 90 km north of the landslide recorded the event at 1643 hours coordinated universal time (UTC; 0943 hours Pacific daylight time (PDT)) on October 3, 2006. The signal verifies the discovery and relative time bounds provided by a hunting party in the valley. The landslide initiated as a translational rock slide on sedimentary rock dipping down slope at 34° and striking parallel to the valley. The landslide transformed into a debris avalanche and had a total volume estimated at 4 Mm3. An elevation drop of 771 m along a planar length of 1,885 m resulted in a travel angle (fahrb?schung) of 21.3°. The narrowest part of the landslide through the transport zone is 345 m. The widest part of the divergent toe of the landslide reaches a width of 1,010 m. Landslide debris impounded a lake of approximately 32 ha and destroyed an additional 67 ha of forest. The impoundment took 7 to 10 days to fill, with muddied waters observed downstream on October 13. No clear linkage exists with precipitation and temperature records preceding the landslide, but strong diurnal temperature cycles occurred in the days prior to the event. The Todagin Creek area appears to have an affinity for large landslides with the deposits of three other landslides >5 Mm3 observed in the valley.  相似文献   

Landslide is one of the devastating natural phenomenon that threatens human life and property. Every year a number of persons lost their lives due to the landslides. Therefore, a better understanding and characterization of landslide is very essential for adopting mitigation strategies to contain the adversities of this natural hazard. Information on landslides from different climatic setup are very essential for better understanding of the influence of weathering, rainfall, or topography on landslide generation. Weathering is one of the important causative factor for landslide generation in the moderate topography or inactive mountainous terrain. The Western Ghats including the Deccan Traps, an inactive mountain range, receives torrential rainfall. Intense rainfall in these areas enhances the weathering processes and fabricates thick soil covers. Mahabaleshwar area, Maharashtra was chosen as a case study, where high elevated part is covered by lateritic layer and each lava flow unit is separated by a thin weathered bed of red bole. The area experiences series of landslides during the summer monsoon months. Mainly two types of landslides have been identified in the area confined with the red bole bed and powdery lateritic soil. The first type of landslides occur at higher elevations (≥1200m) where horizontal beds of permeable laterites underlined by impermeable thick basalt beds. The rain water infiltrates down and spread laterally within the permeable lateritic beds. It finally spouts at lower plateau elevations and triggers mainly debris flows. The other category of landslides occurs where the weathered red bole bed separates two successive lava flows. The percolating water from the secondary porosities (joints and inter connected vugs) comes out from the contact zones of basalt and red bole bed in the form of seepages. It erodes the red bole bed and as a result the overlying masses hang and consequently lead to rock fall. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of the representative samples from landslide locations indicates significant weathering. The CIA values for the fine lateritic soil are up to 98% whereas for the red bole bed it varies from 77 to 85%. This suggests a high chemical weathering and higher erodibility. The association of active landslide locations with the red bole bed and fine lateritic soil suggests a close relation between weathering and landslide occurrences in the area.  相似文献   

由于复杂地形条件和地质条件以及降雨、地下水等因素的影响,山区公路易受到泥石流、滑坡、崩塌、溜砂坡等地质灾害的危害。文章在对山区公路地质灾害模型研究和分析的基础上,建立了滑坡稳定性分析、泥石流活动性分析、泥石流危险范围预测与危险性分区、滑坡区公路整治方案优选、拦砂坝优化设计等灾害分析模型和减灾决策模型,通过数据库、分析模型和决策模型的集成,建立了基于组件式GIS的山区公路地质灾害减灾决策支持系统。作为系统应用的实例,文章最后讨论了系统在古乡沟泥石流危险范围预测的应用,预测了一定条件下泥石流堆积扇上的泥深,泥石流运动过程中出现的最大泥深、最大速率、最大动量和最大动能,为古乡沟泥石流的预防和治理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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