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四川松潘东北寨金矿黄铁矿标型特征研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对东北寨金矿中黄铁矿形态、成分、晶胞参数、物理性质及红外谱学特征5个方面进行了详细研究,分析了黄铁矿的成因和找矿标型特征,认为东北寨金矿床属于浅成低温渗滤热卤水热液成因金矿,指出本区的黄铁矿标型特征是找寻东北寨式金矿的重要找矿标志。  相似文献   

Gold Deposits in Beishan Mountain, Northwestern China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The Beishan Mountain spans three provinces ‐ Gansu, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, having an area of 120,000 km2 Tectonically, it transverses three different tectonic units, i.e. Siberia, Kazakhstan and Tarim plates, and is composed of nine ter‐rains with widely exposed Precambrian and Paleozoic strata, complex structures, intensive magmatic activities and widespread ore deposits. It is not only a main part of Tianshan‐Yinshan‐Great Hinggan metallogenic belt in China, but also a key to under‐stand the evolution of central‐Asian orogenic system. At present, more than 100 gold deposits and prospects have been discovered, explored and mined, among which Nanjinshan, Mazhuangshan, Liushashan, Jinwozi, Zhaobishan and Xiaoxigong are the most important ones. Based on the host rocks and the geological features, all these gold occurrences can be subdivided into three groups (or types): (1) hosted by Carboniferous or Permian volcanic or subvolcanic rocks; (2) hosted by or related to plutonic intrusions; and (3) hosted by Precambrian metamorphic rocks. The first group includes the Mazhuangshan gold deposit, which occurs in Hercynian quartz por‐phyry and rhyolite porphyry as gold‐bearing quartz veins. The second group is composed of the Liushashan, Nanjinshan Zhaobishan and Jinwozi gold deposits. Gold mineralization at these four deposits occurs within Hercynian granitoids intrusion: or late Paleozoic sedimentary rocks as quartz veins, veinlets and altered rocks. The Xiaoxigong gold deposit belongs to the third group, and is hosted by Precambrian schist, amphibolite and migmatite as quartz veins and altered rocks. Isotopic age dating data, geological and geochemical evidence suggest that most of the groups 1 and 2 gold deposits were generated during the emplacement of the Hercynian or partly Indosinian intrusions. These intrusions may provide both heat and metals for groups 1 and 2 deposits. In contrast, although the formation is closely related to the Hercynian magma‐tism, the ore‐forming materials of the group 3 deposits may not only come from the intrusions, but also from the Precambrian metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

水晶屯金矿位于我国重要的金矿集中区——河北省张宣(张家口-宣化)幔枝构造区南部,是张宣地区比较有代表性的中型金矿,张宣幔枝构造演化过程中形成的一系列多期次、多阶段的褶皱和断裂构造体系对该矿的形成和演化起着重要的控制作用。该文以幔枝构造理论为指导,在总结前人资料基础上,通过野外调查,室内综合分析,认为其外围及深部仍具有较大找矿潜力。  相似文献   

川西北金矿的证据权模型及其预测应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在深入理解川西北地区金矿成矿特征的 基础上,建立了该区的地质、物探、化探 、遥感和金矿床(点)数据库,优选了10个致矿证据层。应用证据权模型对该区进行成矿分 析,认为本区共有NW、NE、SN、EW四个方向上的金矿成矿区,同时分析了四个成矿区的分布 特征 和空间耦合关系。在此基础上,根据该区成矿概率分布进行了有利成矿远景区的预测,并对 证据权模型在成矿预测中的应用提出了相应的改进意见。  相似文献   

岩矿石主微量元素地球化学特征以及黄铁矿微量元素地球化学特征对大尹格庄金矿和夏甸金矿矿化规模和矿化特征的差异具有重要的指示意义。岩矿石主量元素迁移特征显示夏甸金矿矿化过程SiO2、Fe2O3的带入量较尹格庄多,表明夏甸金矿具有较好的硅化、黄铁矿化以及较强的金矿化。岩矿石微量元素迁移特征显示大尹格庄金矿成矿过程中Cu、Pb、Zn带入量以及CaO、MgO带入量较夏甸金矿少,表明大尹格庄金矿成矿期活动较弱,携带成矿物质较少。黄铁矿微量元素LA-ICPMS测试分析显示夏甸金矿黄铁矿Cu+Pb+Zn、Ga+In+Cd+Tl、As含量较大尹格庄金矿多,反映夏甸金矿热液活动性较强,金矿化较好。夏甸金矿从围岩到矿体SiO2、Fe2O3含量变化幅度较大以及不同成矿阶段黄铁矿中微量元素Cu+Pb+Zn、Ga+In+Cd+Tl、As变化幅度较大,显示矿化不太稳定,矿化规模较大尹格庄金矿小的特征。  相似文献   

金山金矿成矿年龄测定及华南加里东成金期的讨论   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
金山金矿是中国南方的一个重要金属床,属于变质细碎屑岩型,产于中元古界双桥山群中,矿石由超糜棱岩型及石英脉型组成。对于其形成时代有晋宁期,燕山期,晋宁期+燕山期,晋宁期+加里东期+印支期+燕山期等多种观点。  相似文献   

Liqiang Yang    Jun Deng    Chunying Guo    Jing Zhang    Shaoqing Jiang    Bangfei Gao    Qingjie Gong    Qingfei Wang 《Resource Geology》2009,59(2):181-193
The Dayingezhuang gold deposit is located in the central part of the Zhaoping Fault Zone, which is one of the most important gold-hosting faults in the Jiaodong gold province of China. Dayingezhuang is a typical large-scale shear zone-hosted disseminated gold deposit with superimposed silver mineralization. Fluid inclusion (FI) petrography and microthermometry, and analysis of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes for fluid inclusions were conducted to determine the characteristics of the ore-forming fluids and the processes of silver mineralization. Microthermometry data of FI indicated that ore-forming fluids are characterized by low salinity and low density. Homogenization pressures of FI are estimated at 20 × 105–220 × 105 Pa. The change in ore-forming fluids from K2SO4 type to NaCl type indicates the superposition of two hydrothermal mineralizing events. Ore-forming fluids were dominated by magmatic components in the early mineralization period, and affected by meteoric waters in the late period. Gold may have been transported as Au-S or Au-Cl complexes, whereas silver was transported as Ag-Cl complexes. Early fluid boiling and later fluid mixing are thought to be two of the main factors causing the deposition and superimposing of gold and silver to form the large deposit.  相似文献   

川西北马脑壳金矿床流体相分离作用及其成矿意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
马脑壳金矿床是近年来在川西北地区发现的一大型微细浸染型矿床。本文通过对流体包裹体系统研究,指出了石英-(白钨矿)-辉锑矿脉型金矿化阶段成矿流体曾发生过较强的相分离作用,并运用热力学原理探讨了流体相分离机制下金的沉淀成矿机理,提出了微细浸染型金矿床形成过程中流体相分离作用与成矿的关系。  相似文献   

四川会东新田金矿矿床地质特征及找矿远景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周邦国 《地质与勘探》2013,49(5):872-881
四川会东县新田金矿是本项目组在康滇中东部地区取得的重要找矿成果。在矿产资源调查评价时,已圈定2个铜金矿体,其中K1矿体控制长1200m,平均厚1.88m,矿石平均品位Au 2.53g/t,Cu 0.45%;K2矿体控制长400m,平均厚2.65m,矿石平均品位Au 4.56g/t,Cu 0.74%。初步估算(3341)金属量Au 5218 kg,Cu 1.27万t。本文详细介绍了新田金矿床成矿地质背景、矿床地质特征,通过对控矿因素的研究,认为新田金矿属于构造蚀变岩型金矿床,其成矿时代、矿床成因与紧邻的播卡金矿床类似,受喜山期南北向的韧性剪切带控制。结合区内化探异常成果,提出在新田矿区及外围地区,具有继续寻找同类型矿床的潜力。  相似文献   

The Xiaoban gold deposit is a large-size deposit recently found in middle area of Fujian Province. It belongs to magmatic hydrothermal type occurred in Mayuan Group metamorphic rocks of Middle Proterozoic and is controlled by low angle fault (detachment) structures. The contents of Au in Mayuan Group metamorphic rocks, Caledonian-Indosinian deformed granite and early Yanshanian granite are higher with Au enrichment coefficient of 2.06-5.68, 5.11 and 6.67 than those in other geological bodies. And the higher enrichment coefficients (>2) of Ag, S, Sn and Te are similar to those of gold ore. Meanwhile, the distribution of Au in Mayuan Group metamorphic rocks and early Yanshanian granite with a low D-value (0.58 and 0.67) is favorable to gold mineralization. REE characteristics of gold ore, ratios of (LREE/HREE), (La/Sm)n, (Yb/Lu)n, (La/Tb)n and (Sm/Nd)n are similar to Mayuan Group metamorphic rocks, only non or little normal Eu abnormal of ore is dissimilar to metamorphic rocks. The δ(34S) of the gold ore, with a high homogenization, is (-4.7×10-3)-(-2.7×10-3). The study of inclusion indicates 180-249 ℃ of mineralization temperature, 3.69 %-11.81 % of salinities and 0.869-0.991 g/cm3 of densities of mineralization fluid. Based on hydrogen and oxygen isotope (δ(18O)=11.0×10-3-11.7×10-3, δ(D)=(-48×10-3)-(-62×10-3)) and initial w(87Sr)/w(86Sr) =0.715,combining to the analysis of geological history, regional metamorphism and magamtic activity, the authors confirm that the source for the ore fluid was mainly from magmatic, partly from metamorphic water, and with a little influence of meteoric water. Isotopic dating made on Rb-Sr isochron age of 182 Ma, by using alteration minerals of gold-ores from the deposit, indicates that the mineralization occurs in early Yanshanian epoch. This is close to the age of 187 Ma of the Anchun magmatite with a similar alteration and gold mineralization to the Xiaoban gold deposit. The age of early Yanshanian epoch of the Xiaoban gold is indentical with the characteristics of southern China gold metallogenic belt and the geotectonic evolution of the transition from paleo-Asian system and paleo-Tethyan system to paleo-Pacific active continental margin in eastern Asia.  相似文献   

Gold deposits such as the Aketishikan, Togetobie, Tasbig-Kokeydlas, Kums and Hongshanzui gold deposits in the Nurt area in Altay of Xinjiang were found in Member 3 rhyolite tufflava, fragmental lava and ignimbrite of the Carboniferous Hongshanzui Group. Trace and rare earth elements, sulfur, lead, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, and geochronological studies indicate that the ore-forming material was mostly supplied by the Carboniferous volcanic rocks through water-rock interaction under a low-to-moderate temperature, and the hydrothermal ore-forming fluid came from meteoric water with some magmatic water input evolved from the granitic magmas. Gold deposits in the Nurt area as well as in the northern Altay might form in multiple stages, and the Yanshanian mineralization period should be paid more attention besides the Variscan mineralization period.  相似文献   

新疆伊犁吐拉苏地区的线性构造及控矿特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肖龙  HaywardNick 《地球科学》2003,28(2):191-195
采用多种数值图像进行线性构造解译,其中DEM和NOAA主要用于区域尺度,TM用于勘探区尺度,地面磁法数据用于靶区范围的解译分析。研究认为该区线性构造与金矿床的空间分布关系密切,表现为:(1)区域尺度的一级控矿构造为NEE、NE和NW向构造的交汇部位;吐拉苏地区的一级控矿构造为WNW和NNW及NE方向构造的交汇部位;(2)吐拉苏地区的次级控矿构造为NNE和环形构造的交汇部位;(3)靶区的一级控矿构造为NE、SN和环形构造。线性构造异常分析结果显示,当线性构造的优益度大于40时,有较大的成矿可能性。  相似文献   

Gold deposits such as the Aketishikan, Togetobie, Tasbig-Kokeydlas, Kums and Hongshanzui gold deposits in the Nurt area in Altay of Xinjiang were found in Member 3 rhyolite tufflava, fragmental lava and ignimbrite of the Carboniferous Hongshanzui Group. Trace and rare earth elements, sulfur, lead, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, and geochronological studies indicate that the ore-forming material was mostly supplied by the Carboniferous volcanic rocks through water-rock interaction under a low-to-moderate temperature, and the hydrothermal ore-forming fluid came from meteoric water with some magmatic water input evolved from the granitic magmas. Gold deposits in the Nurt area as well as in the northern Altay might form in multiple stages, and the Yanshanian mineralization period should be paid more attention besides the Variscan mineralization period.  相似文献   

孙荣良 《华南地质》2023,39(3):581-587
热液矿床成矿温度的准确限定是正确理解成矿作用过程和矿床成因的重要前提。为查明山西义兴寨金矿床的成矿温度,本文对不同期次脉状金矿中的黝铜矿和银金矿开展了电子探针元素分析和热力学计算。研究结果表明义兴寨矿床脉状金矿黄铁矿−石英阶段、黄铁矿−黄铜矿−石英阶段和石英−多金属硫化物阶段的成矿温度分别为290~300℃、(330±10)℃、(250±10)℃。该结果与此矿床不同阶段流体包裹体均一温度一致,且更为精确,表明黝铜矿热力学温度计能准确地限定热液矿床的成矿温度。  相似文献   

山东海阳郭城地区金矿床成矿特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在山东海阳郭城地区郭城断裂下盘发现了多处金矿床(点)。研究发现,该地段金矿成矿特点与胶东其它地区存在较大的差异。通过对矿区的矿床地质、控矿构造和成矿流体等方面的研究,揭示了该地区金矿体形态复杂和产状多样的原因系多组结构面联合控矿所致。区内成矿期构造应力场是以郭城断裂为主干断裂的左行剪切作用,成矿流体环境为中高盐度的H2O-CO2-NaCl-CaCl2体系,硫同位素特征反映了成矿热液来源于古老变质岩部分熔融形成的壳源岩浆热液。  相似文献   

基于对粤西河台韧性剪切带型金矿的构造解析,本文提出了韧性剪切带型金矿成矿的一种新构造模式,即:在大型韧性剪切带运动指向的前锋,当扩展弱化而出现分支糜棱岩带时,就会在韧性剪切带中出现由强变形带包绕的构造透镜体弱变形域。由于透镜体域中央岩石处于脆性环境,在变形分解过程中,强变形带中含金流体会通过岩石中的微破裂渗透到相对低压的弱变形构造透镜体域中央,并通过构造泵吸机制在其中产生周期性的液压致裂与裂开-愈合,这为在韧性剪切阶段活动的金提供了一个理想的沉淀场所。上述构造机制很好地解释了河台金矿床中透镜状特富矿体的成因。河台含金韧性剪切带在韧性、韧-脆性及脆性阶段在同位空间并列与叠加了不同类型金矿体,从早到晚分别形成细脉-浸染型、石英脉型与破碎带蚀变岩型金矿体。河台韧性剪切带群为粤西深层次逆冲推覆构造前缘陡坡带的分支糜棱岩带,其韧性剪切阶段为左旋平-逆剪切,韧-脆性与脆性阶段转变为右旋平-逆剪切,并依此讨论了金矿体的侧伏规律及隐伏矿体的预测方向。  相似文献   

Abstract. Denggezhuang gold deposit is an epithermal gold‐quartz vein deposit in northern Muru gold belt, eastern Shandong, China. The deposit occurs in the NNE‐striking faults within the Mesozoic granite. The deposit consists of four major veins with a general NNE‐strike. Based on crosscutting relationships and mineral parageneses, the veins appear to have been formed during the same mineralization epochs, and are further divided into three stages: (1) massive barren quartz veins; (2) quartz‐sulfides veins; (3) late, pure quartz or calcite veinlets. Most gold mineralization is associated with the second stage. The early stage is characterized by quartz, and small amounts of ore minerals (pyrite), the second stage is characterized by large amounts of ore minerals. Fluid inclusions in vein quartz contain C‐H‐O fluids of variable compositions. Three main types of fluid inclusions are recognized at room temperature: type I, two‐phase, aqueous vapor and an aqueous liquid phase (L+V); type II, aqueous‐carbonic inclusions, a CC2‐liquid with/without vapor and aqueous liquid (LCO2+VCC2+Laq.); type III, mono‐phase aqueous liquid (Laq.). Data from fluid inclusion distribution, microthermometry, and gas analysis indicate that fluids associated with Au mineralized quartz veins (stage 2) have moderate salinity ranging from 1.91 to 16.43 wt% NaCl equivalent (modeled salinity around 8–10 wt% NaCl equiv.). These veins formatted at temperatures from 80d? to 280d?C. Fluids associated with barren quartz veins (stage 3) have a low salinity of about 1.91 to 2.57 wt% NaCl equivalent and lower temperature. There is evidence of fluid immiscibility and boiling in ore‐forming stages. Stable isotope analyses of quartz indicate that the veins were deposited by waters with δO and δD values ranging from those of magmatic water to typical meteoric water. The gold metallogenesis of Muru gold belt has no relationship with the granite, and formed during the late stage of the crust thinning of North China.  相似文献   

锡力诺尔金矿位于二连-贺根山断裂带偏南侧,为国土资源大调查中新发现的金矿点。本文在系统研究苏左旗-阿巴嘎旗地区成矿地质背景和成矿规律基础上,对锡力诺尔金矿点的地质特征和控矿因素进行了阐述,认为金矿化体主要赋存于二叠系上统林西组的细砂岩、砂砾岩的层间破碎带中,受控于北东向韧性剪切构造带和次级张性裂隙。通过锡力诺尔金矿点与外围金矿点的对比分析,初步认为锡力诺尔金矿体的成因类型为石英脉与蚀变岩复合型,矿体主体为低品位蚀变岩型,显示出较好的找矿前景。本文可为摸清该地区的金矿找矿思路和圈定金矿找矿靶区提供借鉴。  相似文献   

木里梭罗沟大型金矿是目前四川省内探明金属量最大的金矿床,但对其研究程度较低,尤其是矿区东部大量出露的数条煌斑岩脉从未做过详细的地球化学研究。对煌斑岩脉的研究可以从地球动力学角度揭示区域构造演化,有助于对矿床成因的认识。本文选取10个煌斑岩样品,采用X荧光光谱和等离子体质谱,以及黑云母K-Ar年代学的分析测试。结果显示,其SiO2含量为42.7%~46.9%,K2O/Na2O值为1.16,黑云母K-Ar年龄为26.7~26.4Ma,说明其为形成于古近纪晚期渐新世的碱性煌斑岩。其ΣREE较高(平均708×10-6),LREE/HREE值为14.6~16.5,具弱的负Eu、Ce异常。其大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素相对富集;高场强元素和重稀土元素亏损,且Ta、Nb和Ti具有"TNT"负异常。从而推断梭罗沟煌斑岩形成于晚碰撞与后碰撞转换时期的板内构造环境,可能起源于残留洋壳板片对地幔楔的交代富集作用,其母岩浆为石榴子石二辉橄榄岩地幔源区低程度部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   

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