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This paper presents a synthetic analysis method for multi-sourced geological data from geo-graphic information system (GIS). In the previous practices of mineral resources prediction, a usually adopted methodology has been statistical analysis of cells delimitated based on thoughts of random sam-pling. That might lead to insufficient utilization of local spatial information, for a cell is treated as a point without internal structure. We now take “cell dusters“, L e. , spatial associations of cells, as basic units of statistics, thus the spatial configuration information of geological variables is easier to be detected and utilized, and the accuracy and reliability of prediction are improved. We build a linear multi-discriminating model for the dusters via genetic algorithm. Both the right-judgment rates and the in-class vs. betweewclass distance ratios are considered to form the evolutional adaptive values of the population. An application of the method in gold mineral resoerces prediction in east Xinjiang, China is presented.  相似文献   

Application of GIS in Mineral Resource Prediction of Synthetic Information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper introduces the fommtion mechanism and synthetic information prediction of large and superlarge deposits in Shandong Province by analyzing and studying on the GIS platform.The authors established a prospecting model of synthetic information from large and superlarge gold deposit concentration region, and the multi-source spatial database from concentration region of deposits and anomalies. On the basis of the spatial database, a target map layer, a model map layer and a predictive map layer were set up. Based on these map layers, geological variables of the model unit and predictive unit were extracted, then launched location and quantitative prediction of the gold deposit concentration region. The achievement of predicting large and superlarge deposits by the GIS platform has enabled the authors to design automation (or semi-automatic) interpretation subsystems, namely geophysics, geo-chemistry, geologic prospecting and comprehensive prognosis, and a set of the applicable GIS sofeware for mineral resmwcm prognosis of synthetic infornmtion.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe GIS-based WofE model is a statistics-basedmethod that weights a variety of evidential data onthe basis of prior probabilities (PRP) and combinesall these weights to produce a potential map of poste-rior probability (POP) . The model can be used toprovide support for decision-makers in many fields .For example ,this model was originally used in themedical field,especially for prediction of the proba-bility that a new patient would be diagnosed with adisease .In geology …  相似文献   

A number of fractal/multifractal methods are introduced for quantifying the mineral de-lmsit spectrum which include a number-size, grade-tonnage model, power spectrmn model,multi-fractal model and an eigeavalue spectrmn model The first two models characterize mineral deposits spec-tra based on relationships among the measures of mineral deposits.These include the number of deposits,size of deposits,concentration and volume of mineral deposits.The last three methods that deal with the spatial-temporal spectra of mineral deposit studies are all expected to be popularized in near future.A case study of hydrothermal gold deposits from the Abitibi area,a world-class mineral district is used to demonstrate the principle as well as the applications of methods proposed in this paper,It has been shown that fractal and multifractal models are generally applicable to modeling of mineral deposits and occurrences.Clusters of mineral deposits were identified by several methods including the power spectral eral deposits in the Timmins and Kirkland Lake camps.  相似文献   

Based on a study of Neoproterozoic carbonates in the Jilin-Liaoning-Xuzhou-Huaiyang area, especially its cyclic sequence stratigraphy and Sr isotopes, two maximum sea flooding events (at 820 Ma and 835 Ma) have been identified. The resulting isochronous stratigraphic correlation proves that these Precambrian strata were connected between the Qingbaikou and the Nanhuan systems with a time range from 750 Ma to 850 Ma. The disappearance of microsparite carbonate and coming of a glacial stage offer important evidence for worldwide stratigraphic correlation and open a window for further correlation of the stratigraphic successions across the Sino-Korean and Yangtze Plates. A new correlation scheme is therefore provided based on our work.  相似文献   

地理信息系统与水文模型集成研究述评   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
从地理信息系统与水文模型的集成方式,水文模型计算域的空间离散等方面讨论了GIS与水文模型的集成问题,再从四个方面分析了GIS与水文模型集成存在的问题。由于分布式水文模型对空间数据的需求,又从GIS、RS与水文模型的集成现状与发展讨论了集成研究的目标。  相似文献   

论煤炭地质行业管理信息的特点与MIS应用对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了煤炭地质行业管理信息的特点,论述了充分开发和利用管理信息资源对煤炭地质行业的意义,并提出了煤炭地质行业MIS(管理信息系统)应用对策。  相似文献   

介绍了用地理信息系统进行综合信息矿产资源预测的方法,以及一些特殊问题的处理“定量数据库”的建立等。  相似文献   

简述了信息技术与地学的发展现状,并对MAPGIS进行展望。  相似文献   

地籍管理信息系统建设作为国土资源信息化建设的一部分,对于国土资源信息化建设具有重要意义。文中主要介绍了济宁市市级地籍管理系统的建设和系统设计,并着重介绍市级系统中特有的一些功能,可以实现对基础地理信息数据及地籍资料数据进行动态管理和分析,为国土资源调查评价、规划、保护和合理利用提供最新和准确的科学依据。  相似文献   

根据国家开展地理国情监测工作的要求,结合上海规划和土地管理中的实际情况,阐述了对地理市情监测主要内容和技术方法的认识和思考,分析了上海地区开展此项工作的基础以及存在的主要难点。  相似文献   

组件技术在GIS系统中的研究与应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
刘丹  彭黎辉等 《地球科学》2002,27(3):263-266
为了适应软件组件化潮流,新一代地理信息系统-组件式地理信息系统越来越成为今后GIS发展的趋势。在阐述组件式地理信息系统的概念和技术的基础上,讨论了组件式地理信息系统的发展历程和特点及其在实际的地理信息系统平台中的应用情况,在此基础上较为深入地介绍了MAPGIS组件式地理信息系统的设计开发原理和实用特点。针对MAPGIS组件开发平台多层次的体系结构,进行举例说明,按照其功能把组件分成不同的类型,分别实现相应的操作。然后详细地阐述了利用GIS组件进行应用系统开发的优点和方法:各个模块之间既可相互关联共同处理数据,又可独立操作互不影响,可以实现高效无缝的系统集成。  相似文献   

网络数据库技术在节水管理信息系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈晓燕  陈明  陆桂华  秦福兴  齐兵强 《水文》2003,23(3):40-42,33
应用ASP技术和数据库技术,通过脚本语言、ASP技术和SQL命令,将节水管理信息以Browser/Server的形式展现,最终使用户可通过浏览器输入、更新、检索和删除网络服务器的数据库内信息。  相似文献   

随着GIS应用中系统结构与数据量的庞大,人们对地理空间服务的需求越来越高,传统的GIS应用系统难以满足这些需求。在GIS中应用云计算可在一定程度上解决当前GIS面临的一些问题。二者相结合.能够为GIS的信息存储、处理及应用提供新的发展前景。  相似文献   

为了能够准确有效地针对滑坡地质灾害进行监测和预报工作,给出一种新型的滑坡监测预报系统。该系统以GIS技术为基础,通过MapGIS软件形成图形文件的链接输入,实现与地理信息系统的融合。这种方法引入了滑坡空间滑动特征,可针对滑坡不同时段的特点采用多种预报模块实现对空间数据的处理,并通过VB6.0集成开发将结果还原至图形以可视化,来实现各类滑坡预报以及空间分析。将该监测预报系统应用到抚顺西露天矿地质灾害防治工作中,以GPS监测站等监测设施对抚顺西露天矿地质灾害开展的多类型的现场监测为依据, 对抚顺西露天矿地质灾害防治及预报进行分区模块处理;并以抚顺西露天矿E3200剖面滑坡为例,结合非线性回归分析及二次曲线拟合得到了X-3、X-5监测点的中短期预报数据和水平及竖直方向的速度、加速度等参量。根据竖直最大加速度为正值、竖直负向加速度小于10-5 m/d2以及水平加速度均为负值等特点,得到该滑坡基本处于匀速变形阶段及位移变化有收敛趋势的结论。  相似文献   

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