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Radon is a radioactive gas emanating naturally from uranium rich granites and shales. It may be emitted from the ground surface into the atmosphere as a gas, or it may be dissolved into stream water and transported over distance. The levels of radon gas in soils at ground surface depend on a number of factors relating to the source of the gas and to its transmission. Igneous rocks contain the highest mean concentrations of radium and uranium. The depth of cover is relevant also. Surveys over the years by the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) and others have indicated that the highest concentrations in the United Kingdom occur in Cornwall, Devon and northeast Scotland. However, recent reports have indicated that high concentrations of the gas may be detected in small pockets in counties outside of those considered at high risk. This survey relates to a series of measurements taken in and around Darlington, County Durham. The results showed the presence of small areas with strong concentrations of radon in soil gas, but only minor levels of dissolved gas in stream waters.  相似文献   

文中简要介绍了氡气测量和土壤天然热释光测量(TL)野外样品采集及室内样品分析的工作方法和应注意的事项。对下庄花岗岩型铀矿床的初步研究结果表明:(1)在硅化破碎带型铀矿体上方,氡气测量的高值异常主要反映构造破碎带在地表的出露位置,土壤天然热释光测量的高值异常则主要反映铀矿体的位置,当两种方法的异常重合时,找到铀矿体的可能性较大;(2)在“交点”型铀矿体上方,氡气测量的高值异常同样反映了构造破碎带在地表的出露位置,而土壤天然热释光测量的高值异常则反映了构造破碎带与中基性岩脉的交线处为铀矿体的赋存位置。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of near-shore fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was characterised from the coastal aquifers of the Willunga Basin, South Australia, an extensive aquifer system that supports an important viticultural region. Measurements of electrical conductivity (EC) and 222Rn (radon) activity were collected at 19 sites along the coastline during the Southern Hemisphere spring (2011) and summer (2013). At each site, samples were collected from the surf zone as well asporewater from beach sediment in the intertidal zone. Surf-zone radon activity ranged from <5 to 70mBq L–1, and intertidal porewater radon ranged over two orders of magnitude (220–36 940 mBq L–1) along the Willunga Basin coastline during both surveys. Overall, surf-zone and porewater EC was lower in the spring 2011 survey than in the summer 2013 survey. Porewater EC was similar to that of coastal water at most sites along the coastline, except at three sites where porewater EC was found to be lower than coastal water during both surveys, and three sites where evaporated seawater was observed in the summer survey. Based on the patterns in radon and EC along the coastline, two sites of localised fresh SGD were identified, in addition to a groundwater spring that is known to discharge to the coast. The results indicate that near-shore fresh SGD occurs as localised seeps rather than diffuse seepage along the entire coastline. The apparent absence of groundwater discharge at most locations is also consistent with current evidence suggesting that extensive groundwater pumping within the basin has resulted in seawater intrusion across much of the coastline. These observations also suggest that previous studies are likely to have over-estimated SGD rates from the Willunga Basin because they assumed that SGD occurred along the entire coastline.  相似文献   

通过对汰内井水氡多年年变动态的分析,发现台湾地区强震前后汰内井水氡测值表现出持续高值的异常,这些异常多为中期与中短期异常,有时也有短临异常和震后效应。研究结果表明,汰内井水氡对台湾地区的强震有一定的映震能力,可为台湾地区的强震预测服务。  相似文献   

直升机大比例尺航空物探在深部找矿中的应用前景   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为克服深部及矿区外围地面物探工作难度大、勘探周期长等不利因素,探讨了利用直升机快速获取高分辨率航空物探资料的方法。以成功应用实例,总结了直升机航空物探方法技术的特点和优势,并针对目前深部找矿工作区的部署特点,展望了直升机物探利用磁、电、能谱综合信息,挖掘矿山深部及外围资源潜力,直接为地质找矿服务的应用前景。  相似文献   

The ability of O-isopropyl-N-ethyl thionocarbamate (IPETC), O-isobutyl-N-ethoxycarbonyl thionocarbamate (IBECTC) and butyl ethoxycarbonyl thiourea (BECTU) collectors to increase the flotation of the sulphide minerals, chalcopyrite, galena and pyrite, has been studied. For each collector, the flotation characteristics of these minerals, flotation rate constant and flotation recovery maximum, have been calculated from the flotation data and compared as a function of pH and collector concentration. Overall, the flotation performance of these collectors is stronger for chalcopyrite than for galena and pyrite. Flotation increases with collector concentration and decreasing pH values. For chalcopyrite, the collector performances of BECTU are slightly better than those of IPETC but far superior to those of IBECTC, especially at high pH values or at low collector concentrations. The flotation performance of these collectors has been shown to be in good agreement with the amount of collector adsorbed at the mineral surface. The affinity of BECTU for the various minerals has been calculated using a multilayer adsorption model.  相似文献   

Groundwater surveys were performed by detailed(around 300 sites) grid-analysis of water temperature, pH, redox potential, electrical conductivity, 222Rn, alkalinity and by calculating the pCO2, throughout the Ciampino and Marino towns in the Alban Hills quiescent volcano (Central Italy). Following several episodes of dangerous CO2 exhalation from soils during the last 20 years and earlier ashistorically recorded, the work aimed at assessing the Natural Gas Hazard (NGH) including the indoor-Rn hazard. The NGH was defined as the probability of an area to become a site of poisonous peri-volcanic gas exhalations from soils to the lower atmosphere (comprising buildings). CO2 was found to be a ``carrier' for the other poisonous minor and in trace components (HsS, CH4, 222Rn, etc.). This assessment was performed by extrapolating in the aquifer CO2 and 222Rn conditions, and discriminating sectors where future CO2 flux in soils as well as indoor-Rn measurements have to be noted. A preliminary indoor-Rn survey was performed at about 200 sites. The highest values were found in the highest pCO2 and high 222Rn values in groundwater. This indicates convection and enhanced permeability in certain sectors of the main aquifer, i.e., along the bordering faults and inside the gas-trap of the Ciampino Horst., where ``continuous gas-phase micro-macro seepage mechanism' is invoked to explain the high peri-volcanic gases flux.  相似文献   

大中型水库坝前年最高水位统计变化特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据全国160座大中型水库的实际观测资料,对坝前年最高水位的变化特性进行了较系统的分析研究。结果表明:年最高水位为独立随机变量,概率分布多为负偏,可由三参数对数正态表征。参数由概率权重矩法估计。  相似文献   

A radon anomaly in a nuclear track detector placed on a fault was detected prior to the destructive (Ms = 8.1) Mexican earthquake of 19 September 1985. The fault is a structural feature of the geothermal field Los Azufres, 260 km NE of the epicentral area. Since no other phenomenon can be found as a possible cause for the radon anomaly, it is proposed that preseismic regional stress perturbations may produce changes in the fluid transport patterns at the fault, suggesting that radon measurements in similar conditions could provide a good precursor in high seismic risk areas.  相似文献   

大尺度水热通量观测系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于闪烁理论、孔径平均效应及莫宁-奥布霍夫相似理论(MOST),成功研制了大尺度水热通量观测系统样机YZ01,该系统主要由发射器、接收器、云台、瞄准器、气象传感器、数据采集器、数据处理软件、远程无线数据传输模块、太阳能供电系统等部分组成.该系统发射器平均功耗3W,接收器功耗1.8 W,比德国的BLS450和荷兰的LAS都更省电;发射器光源功率为100 mW,比荷兰LAS的80 mW更强,在同样条件下,YZ01接收器接收到的闪烁光解调信号比荷兰LAS强14%左右,说明在相同的安装距离下,YZ01比荷兰LAS更适于在能见度低的条件下使用,或者说在同样的环境条件下,YZ01比荷兰LAS可以测量更远的距离.YZ01在北京密云站与荷兰Kipp&Zonen公司的LAS、美国Campbell公司的涡度相关测定系统进行了短期的应用对比试验,结果为:空气折射指数的结构参数Cn2、感热通量H、潜热通量LE的日变化趋势都非常一致;YZ01与LAS之间Cn2的线性拟合系数为0.98,相关系数为0.7;H的线性拟合系数为0.90,相关系数为0.93;YZ01通过余项法算出的LE与涡度相关直接测得的LE的线性拟合系数为1.07,相关系数为0.78.YZ01在青海阿柔站与德国Scintec公司的BLS450进行对比结果为:空气折射指数的结构参数Cn2、感热通量H、潜热通量LE的日变化变化趋势也都非常一致,YZ01与BLS450之间Cn2的线性拟合系数为1.25,相关系数为0.93;H的线性拟合系数为1.17,相关系数为0.99;YZ01通过余项法算出的LE与涡度相关测定系统测得的LE的线性拟合系数为1.03,相关系数为0.84.表明该研究所研制的大尺度水热通量观测系统不仅可以达到国外同类仪器同样的应用水平,而且比国外同类产品更省电、比荷兰LAS更适应在低能见度条件下使用.  相似文献   

Annealing experiments on agate, quartz schist and metachert at 800–1000 °C, confining pressures of 400 and 800  MPa, and annealing times of 6.0×10–3.6×105s revealed normal grain growth of quartz in the agate, grain-size increasing with time, but the rate of grain growth decreasing with increasing grain size.
The boundaries of agate with quartz schist and metachert migrated into the agate at the expense of fine-grained quartz in the agate. The driving force for the migration appears to be the reduction of surface energy associated with removal of fine-grained quartz in the agate. Assuming the activation energy as Q m =11  kcal mol−1, a general expression for the relationship between velocity of boundary migration ( V   ) and driving force ( P ) is where γ is the specific surface energy of quartz, R is the gas constant and T  is the absolute temperature. The velocity is relatively fast at high temperatures on a geological time-scale. The expression assists a quantitative understanding of the microstructural development of quartz at metamorphic conditions.  相似文献   

黄恒  姜文姬 《福建地质》1995,14(1):67-73
本文简要叙述了数字图定议、传统的1:5地质图制作工艺流程,MAPCAD计算机制衅系统的组成及功能。重点介绍了1:5万地质图计算机制作工艺流程和方法,并与传统的1:5万地质图制作方法作了比较分析,最后指出计算机制图最终将取代传统手工地图制图。  相似文献   

道地药材生长与生态地球化学研究对实现中医药科学化和标准化具有重要意义。从承德市滦河流域与金沟屯和五道岭典型研究区阐明区域尺度和不同地质建造区Ge元素地球化学背景特征,结合多元统计采用基于Nb元素的质量迁移系数、化学蚀变指数CIA和残积系数RF、生物富集系数论述Ge元素在基岩-风化壳-土壤-黄芩系统中的迁移聚集规律,探讨Ge元素生态地球化学特征与道地药材黄芩的适生关系。结果表明:滦河流域表层土壤Ge元素平均含量为1.336 mg·kg-1,43.54%土壤样品Ge元素含量属丰富—较丰富水平;金沟屯和五道岭区表层土壤Ge元素平均含量分别为1.352 mg·kg-1和1.268 mg·kg-1。不同地质建造和表层土壤Ge元素含量与TFe2O3含量显著相关,土壤含铁矿物对Ge元素具有吸附作用。Ge元素含量随岩土风化程度升高而增大,金沟屯区土壤风化程度高于五道岭区,土壤成熟度相对较高,Ge元素富集程度相对较高。岩石风化过程中Ge元素与TFe2O3、V、Ti、Co、P、Pb、Cu、Zn、Al2O3、SiO2、K2O、Na2O质量迁移系数值相近,风化土壤与新鲜基岩Si和Ge含量发生明显分异,Ge元素主要来源于硅酸盐矿物风化过程中晶格破裂和金属硫化物矿物风化释放。金沟屯和五道岭黄芩Ge元素BCF平均值分别为0.014和0.020,黄芩根部对土壤Fe与Ge的吸收表现出明显的协同作用,土壤pH影响着Ge元素形态和生物有效性。区域土壤丰富的Fe、P和Sr元素含量为优质黄芩生长提供了有利条件;Fe族元素含量丰富,pH呈微碱性的沙壤质土壤为道地药材黄芩适宜生长和定向栽培种植区。  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地泥底辟发育演化与油气运聚机制   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
何家雄  黄火尧 《沉积学报》1994,12(3):120-129
第三系泥底辟是莺歌海盆地非常独特的地质体,其发育演化与烃类及流体的生、排、运、聚以及塑性泥的流动,均存在直接的成因联系。泥底辟是一个独立、完整的油气生、运、聚体系,或即油气运聚的封闭箱或封存箱,其烃类及流体运聚和塑性泥质物的流动均与该封闭体系(封闭箱)顶封闭层的形成与破坏密切相关,亦即顶封层的破裂刺穿与保存完整与否,直接控制了烃类及流体的运聚机制及模式和塑性泥的流动方式与形态特征。籍此,总结出两种不同的油气运聚机制及模式。  相似文献   

Summary  Numerical Manifold Method (NMM) is an extension of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis which contains and combines FEM and joint/block oriented DDA in a unified form. At present, application of NMM is mainly limited to two-dimensional analysis which is not realistic for many underground excavation works. In the present paper, three-dimensional NMM based on tetrahedron and hexahedron elements is proposed. The corresponding three-dimensional cover contact detection algorithms which have some fundamental properties different from the corresponding two-dimensional analysis are also developed. Based on the present formulations, engineering problems with arbitrarily oriented discontinuities can be modeled and realistic modeling of construction works becomes possible. Author’s address: Y. M. Cheng, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Room TV707, Hung Hom Kowloon, Hong Kong, P.R. China  相似文献   

Zosterophyllum longa sp.nov.is reported from the Lower Devonian Pingyipu Formation, Jiangyou District,northern Sichuan of China.This new plant has vertically elongate sporangia differing from all known species of Zosterophyllum,demonstrating morphological variations in Zosterophyllophytina.New materials of Zosterophyllum yunnanicum from the Lower Devonian Xujiachong Formation,Qujing District,eastern Yunnan of China show that fertile axes of this species are anisotomous or pseudomonopodial or K-shaped in branching.Sometimes fertile lateral axes are very short and bear an axUlary axis at the dividing point.Distinct thickening occurs along the whole margin of a sporangium,with sporangial lobes undeveloped.The evolution of Zosterophyllum is tentatively discussed.A biostratigraphic method of Gerrienne and Streel is introduced and applied to dating of the Lower Devonian Xujiachong Formation,which is considered as of the late Pragian-early Emsian.  相似文献   

This paper expounds the quantitative tectonic indicators and some qualitative indicators of large earthquakes in the coast areas of Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan and Hainan. The main quantitative indicators include uplift amplitude of the Moho, Quaternary and Late Holocene coasts. The paper also gives a brief account of the research method on quantitative indicators of surface uplifted zones. Taiwan is a famous neotectonic zone and an area of large earthquakes in the world. There is only one large-earthquake area in each of Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan Provinces. Along the coast large earthquake areas there are certainly many remains of crustal activity. Among these remains, coast activity, taking the sea level as the accurate marker horizon, can determine not only the amplitude of coastal elevation and subsidence in a certain period, but also the cycle and rate of positive or negative movements.  相似文献   

Meta-peridotites outcropping at different structural levels within the Alpine metamorphic complex of the Cycladic island of Naxos were studied to re-examine their metamorphic evolution and possible tectonic mechanisms for emplacement of mantle material into the continental crust. The continental margin section exposed on Naxos, consisting of pre-Alpine basement and c. 7 km thick Mesozoic platform cover, has undergone intense metamorphism of Alpine age, comprising an Eocene (M1) blueschist event strongly overprinted by a Miocene Barrovian-type event (M2). Structural concordance with the country rocks and metasomatic zonation at the contact with the felsic host rocks indicate that the meta-peridotites have experienced the M2 metamorphism. This conclusion is supported by the similarity between metamorphic temperatures of the ultrabasic rocks and those of the host rocks. Maximum temperatures of 730–760 °C were calculated for the upper-amphibolite facies meta-peridotites (Fo–En–Hbl–Chl–Spl), associated with sillimanite gneisses and migmatites. Relict phases in ultrabasics of different structural levels indicate two distinct pre-M2 histories: whereas the cover-associated horizons have been affected by low-grade serpentinization prior to metamorphism, the basement- associated meta-peridotites show no signs of serpentinization and instead preserve some of their original mantle assemblage. The geochemical affinities of the two groups are also different. The basement-associated meta-peridotites retain their original composition indicating derivation by fractional partial melting of primitive lherzolite, whereas serpentinization has led to almost complete Ca-loss in the second group. The cover-associated ultrabasics are interpreted as remnants of an ophiolite sequence obducted on the adjacent continental shelf early in the Alpine orogenesis. In contrast, the basement-associated meta-peridotites were tectonically interleaved with the Naxos section at great depth during the Alpine collision and high P/T metamorphism. Their emplacement at the base of the orogenic wedge is inferred to have involved isobaric cooling from temperatures of c. 1050 °C within the spinel lherzolite field to eclogite facies temperatures of c. 600 °C.  相似文献   

Migmatites with sub‐horizontal fabrics at the eastern margin of the Variscan orogenic root in the Bohemian Massif host lenses of eclogite, kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite and marble within a matrix of migmatitic paragneiss and amphibolite. Petrological study and pseudosection modelling have been used to establish whether the whole area experienced terrane‐wide exhumation of lower orogenic crust, or whether smaller portions of higher‐pressure lower crust were combined with a lower‐pressure matrix. Kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite shows peak conditions of 16.5 kbar and 850 °C with no clear indications of prograde path, whereas in the eclogite the prograde path indicates burial from 10 kbar and 700 °C to a peak of 18 kbar and 800 °C. Two contrasting prograde paths are identified within the host migmatitic paragneiss. The first path is inferred from the presence of staurolite and kyanite inclusions in garnet that contains preserved prograde zoning that indicates burial with simultaneous heating to 11 kbar and 800 °C. The second path is inferred from garnet overgrowths of a flat foliation defined by sillimanite and biotite. Garnet growth in such an assemblage is possible only if the sample is heated at 7–8 kbar to around 700–840 °C. Decompression is associated with strong structural reworking in the flat fabric that involves growth of sillimanite in paragneiss and kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite at 7–10 kbar and 750–850 °C. The contrasting prograde metamorphic histories indicate that kilometre‐scale portions of high‐pressure lower orogenic crust were exhumed to middle crustal levels, dismembered and mixed with a middle crustal migmatite matrix, with the simultaneous development of a flat foliation. The contrasting PT paths with different pressure peaks show that tectonic models explaining high‐pressure boudins in such a fabric cannot be the result of heterogeneous retrogression during ductile rebound of the whole orogenic root. The PT paths are compatible with a model of heterogeneous vertical extrusion of lower crust into middle crust, followed by sub‐horizontal flow.  相似文献   

正The order Diptera(Insecta)is one of animal groups most successful in the colonization of mineralized shallow aquatic and semiaquatic environments.At the same time,the taxonomic composition of Diptera,their role in  相似文献   

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