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Utilizing Eliassen’s concepts, the forcing of the isentropic azimuthally-averaged mass-weighted radial-vertical circulation by diabatic heating and torques within an extratropical cyclone and a typhoon was studied through nu-merical simulations based on the linear diagnostic equation derived previously. The structure of the forcing associated with diabatic heating and torques was determined from quasi-Lagrangian diagnostic analyses of actual case studies. The two cyclones studied were the Ohio extratropical cyclone of 25-27 January 1978 and typhoon Nancy of 18-23 September 1979. The Ohio cyclone, which formed over the Gulf Coast and moved through Ohio and eastern Michigan, was one of the most intense storms with blizzard conditions to ever occur in this region. Typhoon Nancy which occurred over the South China Sea during the FGGE year was selected since relatively high quality assimilated data were available. Within the Ohio cyclone, the dominant internal processes forcing the mean circulation with em-bedded relatively strong hydrodynamic stability were the pressure torque associated with baroclinic (asymmetric) structure and the horizontal eddy angular momentum transport associated with the typical S-shaped thermal and wind structures of self-development. Within typhoon Nancy, the dominant internal process forcing the mean circula-tion with embedded weak hydrodynamic stability was the latent heat release. This analysis shows that the simulated azimuthally-averaged mass-weighted radial motions within these two cy?clones agree quite well with the “observed” azimuthally-averaged mass-weighted radial motions. This isentropic nu?merical study also provides insight into the relatively important internal forcing processes and the trade off between forcing and stability within both extratropical and tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

将Eliassen建立在平面等压柱坐标系中的径向环流强迫理论(用于研究在摩擦力和非绝热加热过程影响下的静止对称涡旋),推广应用到研究移动非对称气旋或反气旋的径向环流,导出了考虑地球曲面影响的准拉格朗日等压柱坐标系的切向平均径向环流诊断方程,并根据Eliassen的解析解所揭示的涡旋径向环流在涡旋演变中的作用,定 性地讨论了各种热力和动力的作用,这些热力和动力因子除了磨擦力和非绝热加热外,还有平均和涡动形式的惯性力,角动量平流(相当涡度平流),角动量的垂直对流,温度平流,温度的垂直对流(相当绝热加热)等。  相似文献   

徐飞亚  纪立人 《大气科学》1985,9(4):331-339
本文应用一个球面和σ坐标原始方程线性定常模式,模拟夏季青藏高原的动力和热力强迫作用下的定常扰动.计算得到的定常扰动,在对流层上层槽脊分布和实况基本相符,但南亚高压的位置稍偏东,中太平洋高空槽较弱.在对流层中层计算的扰动振幅较实况强,特别是西太平洋副高.对偏差的可能原因进行了讨论.文中比较了不同基本气流、热源的垂直分布和热力耗散的影响,结果表明不同的热源垂直分布可以影响定常扰动的位相分布;还指出线性模式中,随高度增强的热力耗散机制对解释定常扰动的位相和结构可能是重要的.  相似文献   

本文利用一个σ坐标的三层初始方程热带球圈数值模式,以全球夏季平均纬向风场为初始场,研究地形的纯动力作用和不同地区的大气热源、冷汇对亚洲夏季两支独立的季风环流系统形成的影响,针对它们对季风环流的主要成员如越赤道气流、季风槽、青藏高压等的相对重要性设计并进行了—系列试验,东亚季风环流和印度季风环流系统的成员被很好地模拟出来。  相似文献   

Unusual sea surface temperature (SST) warming occurred over the Yellow Sea (YS) in December 2004. To identify the causes of the abnormal SST warming, we conducted an analysis on atmospheric circulation anomalies induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) and their impacts on upper ocean characteristics using multiple datasets. With the analysis of various datasets, we explored a new aspect of the relationship between TC activity and SST. The results show that there is a significant link between TC activity over the Northwest Pacific (NWP) and SST in the YS. The integrated effect of consecutive TCs activity induces a large-scale atmospheric cyclonic circulation anomaly over the NWP and consequently anomalous easterly winds over the YS and East China Sea. The mechanism of the unusually warm SST in the YS can be explained by considering TCs acting as an important source of Ekman heat transport that results in substantial intrusion of relatively warm surface water into the YS interior. Furthermore, TC-related circulation anomalies contribute to the retention of the resulting warm SST anomalies in the entire YS.  相似文献   

揭示热带气旋在湖南的降水规律可为热带气旋影响湖南的降水预报提供技术支撑。采用近67 a的热带气旋影响资料,通过统计方法,分析了影响湖南降水的热带气旋特点及环流异常特征。结果表明:7—9月是影响的高峰季节,以在广东、福建沿海登陆的热带气旋对湖南影响次数最多、程度最重,浙江、福建沿海登陆的热带气旋在湖南形成的降水范围最大,热带气旋对湖南影响所产生的降水主要集中在湖南省东南部,热带气旋对湖南产生的强降水范围有增大的趋势,降水强度有增强的趋势。福建和广东沿海登陆对湖南影响的热带气旋的环流特征为南亚高压偏强、偏东、偏北,导致西太平洋副热带高压偏强、偏西、偏北,引导副热带高压南侧的东南气流与南海和菲律宾以东洋面的西南风气流汇合,形成季风槽,中国华南和华东沿海为东南气流,有利于热带气旋在该区域登陆影响中国。只是前者表现为南亚高压位置较后者偏北更明显,西太平洋副热带高压更偏北,季风槽更偏东,导致福建登陆对湖南影响的热带气旋在湖南大部为气旋性环流控制,湖南全省降水偏多;而广东登陆对湖南影响的热带气旋在湖南省东南部为气旋性环流控制,该区域降水偏多。  相似文献   

A numerical experiment was done by using the IAP 9-Level AGCM to study the effects of radiation anomaly over East Asia on the Asian general circulation. The results show that the changes of Asian summer general circula-tion are remarkable in the Indian and China southwest monsoon, precipitation in India and the Yellow River and Huaihe River valley in China and area around the north Japan, the easterly anomaly of low-level zonal wind in the tropical Pacific and so on.  相似文献   

洪伟  任雪娟  杨修群 《气象学报》2015,73(2):276-290
利用站点降水资料和再分析资料针对华南地区5—8月的持续性强降水过程,分析了低频异常非绝热加热的时空分布特征及其对低频大气环流的可能反馈作用。得到如下结论:5—6月和7—8月华南持续性强降水期间10—30 d低频非绝热加热的演变特征有所不同,5—6月持续性强降水发生前低频非绝热加热大值区从30°N(107°—115°E)以北向南传播发展至华南地区,而在7—8月降水前非绝热加热大值区从中国南海中部向西北方向传播,并在降水最强盛期到达华南。异常环流型控制着持续性强降水的强度和位置,从而决定异常凝结潜热的演变特征。异常凝结潜热则是通过影响涡度倾向变化而对大气环流有一个反馈作用。对于发生在华南5—6月和7—8月的这2组持续性强降水过程,当降水处于发展阶段,在低频非绝热加热作用项和低频涡度平流项的共同作用下,华南上空中层存在显著的10—30 d低频正涡度倾向变化,有利于低频气旋式环流的进一步发展。非绝热加热作用项主要由加热率的垂直梯度决定,涡度平流项则与气候背景风场有密切关系。5—6月持续性强降水期间涡度平流项位于非绝热加热项东侧,而7—8月持续性强降水期间涡度平流项位于非绝热加热项北侧。在持续性强降水的衰亡期,由于非绝热加热项和涡度平流项转为负值,华南被负涡度倾向变化控制,低频气旋式环流迅速消亡。  相似文献   

本文通过对1979-2017年夏季925 hPa经向风异常进行经验正交函数(EOF)分解,研究了亚澳季风区内越赤道气流的年际变化特征.结果表明,越赤道气流的第一模态表现为亚澳季风区内不同通道间的同相变化,即一致加强或减弱;第二模态表现为孟加拉湾和澳大利亚越赤道气流的反相变化,其中新几内亚和孟加拉湾越赤道气流的反相变化最...  相似文献   

使用1960—2015年6—10月上海台风研究所(CMA-STI)整编的热带气旋最佳路径数据集和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,借助相关性分析、典型相关分析、耦合场分离方法等统计学方法研究了热带气旋对东亚大气环流的影响。主要结论如下:热带气旋活动增强使得对流层高层温度增加,低层温度降低;对位势高度场的影响主要是使得位势高度降低,最大的影响区在500 hPa;分析东亚大气环流与热带气旋之间的耦合相互作用发现,大气环流和热带气旋相互反馈作用较强的区域往往也是热带气旋对大气环流独立影响较强的区域。两者相互耦合影响部分的解释方差(4%~7%)明显小于单方面由热带气旋引起的大气环流变化部分的解释方差(12%~18%)。  相似文献   

In this paper, the nonlinear stationary waves forced by topography and diabatic heating are investigated. It is pointed out that (1) the nonlinear interaction of different stationary waves forced only by topography might form dipole blocking in the atmosphere, this might explain the dipole blocking appeared in the Pacific and Atlantic regions; (2) the dipole blocking could not be caused by the nonlinear interaction of the different stationary waves forced by the diabatic heating alone; (3) the nonlinear interaction of the diffferent stationary waves forced by both topography and diabatic heating could initiate dipole blocking in the atmosphere. In winter, the dipole blocking mainly occurs in the west regions of the Pacific and the Atlantic, and the heat source over the western part of the two oceans is advantageous to the formation of dipole blocking in the west of two oceans. However, in summer, the dipole blocking could be formed in the east part of the two oceans, and the heat source over the eastern part of two continents is favourable for the formation of dipole blocking in the east regions of two oceans.  相似文献   

T. Yao 《大气与海洋》2013,51(3):235-252

Analysis of current measurements taken between June and October 1984 at four moorings in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, is discussed. The alongshore component of current exhibits baroclinic fluctuations coherent with the along‐bay component of wind stress at periods between 3 and 7 days. A two‐layer model of internal Kelvin waves propagating around the perimeter of an elongated bay and forced by a spatially uniform wind stress is presented. The observations support several features of the model response to wind forcing. Along the side of the bay on which Kelvin waves are incoming, the amplitude of the response increases into the bay and decreases with increasing frequency. Along the outgoing side of the bay the amplitude of the response generally shows a maximum at a frequency between 0.2 and 0.3 cpd. The phase lag between current and wind is consistent with a forced response. An example is given of upwelling and downwelling on opposite sides of the bay in agreement with the model behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, idealised conditions are used to study the influence of vertical structure of the bogus vortex on its motion in numerical models by comparing the resultant forecast tracks. Two vortices were used: one has a cyclonic circulation throughout the troposphere and the other has an upper tropospheric anticyclone. Both vortices have the same structure in the middle and lower troposphere. The two vortices were inserted into four different environmental flows on a beta-plane: (a) a resting atmosphere; (b) a uniform flow; (c) a horozontal shear flow and (d) a vertical shear flow. The results show that the forecast tracks are very sensitive to the vertical structure of the bogus vortex, especially when the environmental flow is very weak, or is westerly and has a cyclonic horizontal shear. However, this sensitivity is reduced in moderate vertical shear. This motion sensitivity is found to arise from the vertical coupling mechanism by which the upper-and lower-level circulations interact with each other when a horizontal displacement occurs between them.The vertical structure of the bogus vortex can also affect the intensity of the model cyclone, depending on the configuration of the environmental flow. In general, the bogus vortex without an upper-level anticyclone will intensify quicker and will develop more intense than the one with an upper-level anticyclone. The vertical coupling mechanism can result in different asymmetric rainfall pattern in cyclone core region depending on the vertical structure of the bogus vortex. The asymmetric divergent flow associated with these convective asymmetries may in turn further influence the vortex motion. It is suggested that care needs to be taken in determining the vertical structure of the bogus vortex in numerical models.With 14 Figures  相似文献   

史楠  王召民  何海伦 《气象科学》2022,42(2):171-181
进入北极地区的气旋在移动过程中往往伴有大风、强降水等特征,对北极气候变化有深刻的影响。基于NCEP2再分析资料,识别并跟踪了北半球夏季(6—8月)从中纬度进入北极的温带气旋,考察了其年际变化特征和影响因素。结果表明:1979—2019年夏季进入北极的温带气旋共867个,其中消失在北极边缘区域和中心区域的数量分别为688个和161个,且后者平均强度更大、平均持续时间更长。分区域研究发现,夏季从陆地进入极区的气旋个数较多,而从海洋进入极区的气旋强度更大,活动更为剧烈。对进入北极的气旋年际时间序列进行分析发现,夏季进入北极的气旋个数和强度均存在年际变率,其中气旋个数的年际变率尤为显著。气旋个数年际变率主要周期为5 a,强度的主要周期约为2.7 a。进一步分析发现,引导气流是影响气旋向北移动的重要因素。此外,夏季北大西洋气旋强度与同期北大西洋涛动(North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO)指数存在较好相关。研究还表明,进入极区气旋活动的年际变化受大气斜压不稳定性的影响,在北太平洋地区区域平均的Eady增长率与气旋个数和强度的相关性均最强,相关系数分别为0.4和0.5。  相似文献   

登陆中国大陆、海南和台湾的热带气旋及其相互关系   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
首先,针对登陆中国热带气旋的登陆地点资料仅为地名的现状,利用1951-2004年西北太平洋热带气旋资料和登陆中国热带气旋资料,研究制定了登陆资料信息化方案.该方案包括海岸线近似、登陆位置计算、其他特征量计算和误差订正4个方面.对资料信息化结果的分析表明:信息化登陆资料效果是良好的.在此基础上,对登陆中国热带气旋的基本气候特征进行研究,重点分析了在大陆、海南和台湾登陆的3类热带气旋以及它们的相互关系.结果表明:登陆热带气旋频繁的地区为台湾东部沿海、福建至雷州半岛沿海和海南东部沿海;台湾东部沿海和浙江沿海部分地区是登陆热带气旋平均强度最大的地区,平均登陆强度达到台风级别,其中台湾南端的平均登陆强度为最强,达到强台风级别;5-11月为热带气旋登陆中国季节,集中期为7-9月,8月最多;登陆热带气旋的强度主要集中在热带低压-台风,尤其以强热带风暴和台风最多.对于全部大陆、海南和台湾三地,50多年来登陆热带气旋频数都存在不同程度的减少趋势,但只有登陆海南热带气旋的减少趋势是显著的;而所有登陆风暴(含以上强度)频数均无明显增多或减少趋势.总体而言,登陆大陆的TC最多、初旋最早、终旋最晚、登陆期最长;登陆海南的TC居中;而登陆台湾的TC最少、初旋最晚、终旋最早、登陆期最短.从登陆方式看,登陆一地的TC最多、登陆两地的TC次之,分别占总数的79.2%和20.6%,仅有1个TC登陆三地.在登陆两地的TC中,经台湾登陆大陆的TC频数最多、强度减弱最快,经海南登陆大陆的TC频数次之、强度减弱较慢,经大陆登陆海南的TC频数排行第3、强度减弱较快.  相似文献   

王玉清  朱永禔 《大气科学》1992,16(5):573-582
本文对正压情况下双热带气旋的相互作用进行了机制分析.通过对两个理想涡旋间非线性涡度平流过程的分析,揭示了双涡气旋性互旋及其中心间距变化的涡度平流机制.分析表明,一个涡旋的切向风场对另一涡旋涡度场的平流相互作用可造成两者气旋性互旋;而一个涡旋的切向风场与另一涡旋涡度梯度间的相互作用所引起的次级环流可造成双涡中心间距的增大或减小(定义为排斥或吸引),由此提出了双涡相互作用的临界距离效应概念.对几类常用的理想热带气旋及合成热带气旋的分析证实,双热带气旋的相互作用存在这种临界距离效应,且临界距离平均在6—7个纬距  相似文献   

Poleward atmospheric moisture transport(AMT) into the Arctic Ocean can change atmospheric moisture or water vapor content and cause cloud formation and redistribution, which may change downward longwave radiation and, in turn, surface energy budgets, air temperatures, and sea-ice production and melt. In this study, we found a consistently enhanced poleward AMT across 60?N since 1959 based on the NCAR–NCEP reanalysis. Regional analysis demonstrates that the poleward AMT predominantly occurs over the North Atlantic and North Pacific regions, contributing about 57% and 32%, respectively, to the total transport. To improve our understanding of the driving force for this enhanced poleward AMT, we explored the role that extratropical cyclone activity may play. Climatologically, about 207 extratropical cyclones move across 60?N into the Arctic Ocean each year, among which about 66(32% of the total) and 47(23%) originate from the North Atlantic and North Pacific Ocean, respectively. When analyzing the linear trends of the time series constructed by using a 20-year running window, we found a positive correlation of 0.70 between poleward yearly AMT and the integrated cyclone activity index(measurement of cyclone intensity, number, and duration). This shows the consistent multidecadal changes between these two parameters and may suggest cyclone activity plays a driving role in the enhanced poleward AMT. Furthermore, a composite analysis indicates that intensification and poleward extension of the Icelandic low and accompanying strengthened cyclone activity play an important role in enhancing poleward AMT over the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

利用Yoshida and Ishikawa(2013)提出的一套客观分类方法对1979-2013年夏季(5-10月)共796个热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)生成前的大尺度环流背景场进行了分型,主要包括了季风切变线型(monsoon Shear Line,SL)、季风涡旋区(monsoon Gyre...  相似文献   

A case study was performed in Beijing in 2000 to observe concentrations of SO2 and NOx in the atmosphere and to evaluate their radiative impact. It was found that the concentrations of these gases are usually high in the morning due to a temperature inversion in the boundary layer. The average concentrations obtained from the observations are much higher than those used in the McClatchey reference atmosphere. The radiative impacts of these gases are calculated using a line-by-line radiative transfer model. The results show that the radiative forcing at the surface due to SO2 is 0.0576 W m-2 and that due to NOx is 0.0032 W m-2. These figures are almost compatible with that due to CFC11.  相似文献   

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