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If other stars possess Oort-like comet clouds, then some such clouds will pass sufficiently close to our Sun to induce an influx of Extra-Solar comets through the planetary region. We investigate this source, and find that while the expected number of planetary impacts due to Extra-Solar Oort comets will dominate impacts caused by free interstellar comets, only a few such comets have impacted the terrestial planets over time.  相似文献   

We re-examine the formation of the inner Oort comet cloud while the Sun was in its birth cluster with the aid of numerical simulations. This work is a continuation of an earlier study (Brasser, R., Duncan, M.J., Levison, H.F. [2006]. Icarus 184, 59–82) with several substantial modifications. First, the system consisting of stars, planets and comets is treated self-consistently in our N-body simulations, rather than approximating the stellar encounters with the outer Solar System as hyperbolic fly-bys. Second, we have included the expulsion of the cluster gas, a feature that was absent previously. Third, we have used several models for the initial conditions and density profile of the cluster – either a Hernquist or Plummer potential – and chose other parameters based on the latest observations of embedded clusters from the literature. These other parameters result in the stars being on radial orbits and the cluster collapses. Similar to previous studies, in our simulations the inner Oort cloud is formed from comets being scattered by Jupiter and Saturn and having their pericentres decoupled from the planets by perturbations from the cluster gas and other stars. We find that all inner Oort clouds formed in these clusters have an inner edge ranging from 100 AU to a few hundred AU, and an outer edge at over 100,000 AU, with little variation in these values for all clusters. All inner Oort clouds formed are consistent with the existence of (90377) Sedna, an inner Oort cloud dwarf planetoid, at the inner edge of the cloud: Sedna tends to be at the innermost 2% for Plummer models, while it is 5% for Hernquist models. We emphasise that the existence of Sedna is a generic outcome. We define a ‘concentration radius’ for the inner Oort cloud and find that its value increases with increasing number of stars in the cluster, ranging from 600 AU to 1500 AU for Hernquist clusters and from 1500 AU to 4000 AU for Plummer clusters. The increasing trend implies that small star clusters form more compact inner Oort clouds than large clusters. We are unable to constrain the number of stars that resided in the cluster since most clusters yield inner Oort clouds that could be compatible with the current structure of the outer Solar System. The typical formation efficiency of the inner Oort cloud is 1.5%, significantly lower than previous estimates. We attribute this to the more violent dynamics that the Sun experiences as it rushes through the centre of the cluster during the latter’s initial phase of violent relaxation.  相似文献   

Here, the role played by Lagrangian points and the Oort clouds of planets in the evolution and structure of the Solar System has been discussed. It is revealed that the Lagrangian points are not mere isolated points in space associated with the orbit of a planet at which the resultant gravitational force of the system of three bodies is zero as thought previously to be, but their existence has much deeper physical significance as regards the origin of the Solar System and those of satellite systems of planets.  相似文献   

We analyze the conditions for the formation and time evolution of peripheral comet structures of solar-type planetary systems. In the Solar system, these include the Kuiper belt, the Oort cloud, the comet spear, and the Galactic comet ring that marks the Galactic orbit of the Sun. We consider the role of the viscosity of a protoplanetary gas–dust disk, major planets, field stars, globular clusters, giant molecular clouds, and the Galactic gravitational field in the formation of these peripheral structures marked by comets and asteroids. We give a list of the closest past and future passages of neighboring stars through the solar Oort cloud that perturb the motion of its comets and, thus, contribute to the enhancement of its cometary activity, on the one hand, and to the replenishment of the solar comet spear with new members, on the other hand.  相似文献   

Oort cloud comets occasionally obtain orbits which take them through the planetary region. The perturbations by the planets are likely to change the orbit of the comet. We model this process by using a Monte Carlo method and cross sections for orbital changes, i.e. changes in energy, inclination and perihelion distance, in a single planet-comet encounter. The influence of all major planets is considered. We study the distributions of orbital parameters of observable comets, i.e. those which have perihelion distance smaller than a given value. We find that enough comets are captured from the Oort cloud in order to explain the present populations of short period comets. The median value of cos i for the Jupiter family is 0.985 while it is 0.27 for the Halley types. The results may explain the orbital features of short period comets, assuming that the active lifetime of a comet is not much greater than 400 orbital revolutions.  相似文献   

Oort cloud comets occasionally obtain orbits which take them through the planetary region. The perturbations by the planets are likely to change the orbit of the comet. We model this process by using a Monte Carlo method and cross sections for orbital changes, i.e. changes in energy, inclination and perihelion distance, in a single planet-comet encounter. The influence of all major planets is considered. We study the distributions of orbital parameters of observable comets, i.e. those which have perihelion distance smaller than a given value. We find that enough comets are captured from the Oort cloud in order to explain the present populations of short period comets. The median value of cos i for the Jupiter family is 0.985 while it is 0.27 for the Halley types. The results may explain the orbital features of short period comets, assuming that the active lifetime of a comet is not much greater than 400 orbital revolutions.  相似文献   

In a scenario produced by the Capture Theory of planetary formation, a collision between erstwhile solar-system giant planets, of masses 798.75 and 598.37 M , is simulated using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics. Due to grain-surface chemistry that takes place in star-forming clouds, molecular species containing hydrogen, with a high D/H ratio taken as 0.01, form a layer around each planetary core. Temperatures generated by the collision initiate D–D reactions in these layers that, in their turn, trigger a reaction chain involving heavier elements. The nuclear explosion shatters and disperses both planets, leaving iron-plus-silicate stable residues identified as a proto-Venus and proto-Earth. A satellite of one of the colliding planets, captured or retained by the proto-Earth core, gave the Moon; two massive satellites released into heliocentric orbits became Mercury and Mars. For the Moon and Mars, abrasion of their surfaces exposed to collision debris results in hemispherical asymmetry. Mercury, having lost a large part of its mantle due to massive abrasion, reformed to give the present high-density body. Debris from the collision gave rise to asteroids and comets, much of the latter forming an inner reservoir stretching outwards from the inner Kuiper Belt that replenishes the Oort Cloud when it is depleted by a severe perturbation. Other features resulting from the outcome of the planetary collision are the relationship of Pluto and Triton to Neptune, the presence of dwarf planets and light-atom isotopic anomalies in meteorites.  相似文献   

Solutions of Smoluchovski’ equation, describing merging processes in a system of giant molecular clouds, are investigated in detail. Both the case of a constant spatial gas density in the clouds and the case of a constant radial gas density are considered. It is shown that the solution of the coagulation equation is not expressed by a power law that is the same for the entire mass range under consideration. It is also demonstrated that the form of the solution depends on the width of the mass range of the clouds. A comparison with observations shows that the Oort model and the coagulation mechanism can describe the observed cloud mass spectrum quite adequately. Ways of improving the Oort model are suggested.  相似文献   

We estimated the gravitational influence of giant molecular clouds passing near the Solar system on the orbital evolution of Oort cloud comets. We performed a comparative analysis of the accuracies of the following two methods of allowance for the perturbations from giant molecular clouds: the impulse approximation and numerical integration. The impulse approximation yields fairly accurate estimates of the change in the energy of Oort cloud comets and the probability of their ejection under the influence of a molecular cloud if the path of the Solar system does not cross its boundary and if the molecular cloud may be treated as a point perturbing mass. The comet survival probability in the Oort cloud depends significantly on the internal structure of the perturbing molecular cloud and the impact parameter of the encounter. The most massive injection of comets into the planetary region and their ejection from the Oort cloud take place if the Solar system passes through a giant molecular cloud composed of several high-mass condensations. In this case, most of the comets injected into the planetary region were initially comets of the inner Oort cloud (a 10–4 AU) with high orbital eccentricities.  相似文献   

The Oort Cloud, the Kuiper belt and the Scattered Disk are dynamically distinct populations of small bodies evolving in the outer regions of the Solar System. Whereas their collisional activity is now quiet, gravitational interactions with giant planets may have shaped these populations both dynamically and collisionally during their formation. Using a hybrid approach [Charnoz, S., Morbidelli, A., 2003. Icarus 166, 141-166], the present paper tries to couple the primordial collisional and dynamical evolution of these three populations in a self-consistent way. A critical parameter is the primordial size-distribution. We show that the initial planetesimal size distribution that allows an effective mass depletion of the Kuiper belt by collisional grinding, would decimate also the population of comet-size bodies that end in the Oort Cloud and, in particular, in the Scattered Disk. As a consequence, the Oort Cloud and the Scattered Disk would be too anemic, by a factor 20 to 100, relative to the estimates achieved from the observation of the fluxes of long period and Jupiter family comets, respectively. For these two reservoirs to have a sufficient number of comets, the initial size distribution in the planetesimal disk had to be such that the mass depletion by collisional erosion of the Kuiper belt was negligible. Consequently the current mass deficit of the Kuiper belt needs to be explained by dynamical mechanisms.  相似文献   

The detection and investigation of EUV heated, extended and non-hydrostatic upper atmospheres around terrestrial exoplanets would provide important insights into the interaction of the host stars plasma environment as well as the evolution of Earth-type planets their atmospheres and possible magnetic environments. We discuss different scenarios where one can expect that Earth-like planets should experience non-hydrostatic upper atmosphere conditions so that dynamically outward flowing neutral atoms can interact with the stellar plasma flow so that huge hydrogen coronae and energetic neutral atoms (ENA) can be produced via charge exchange. By observing the size of the extended upper atmospheres and related ENA-clouds and by determining the velocities of the surrounding hydrogen atoms, conclusions can be drawn in respect to the origin of these features. Due to the large number of M-type stars in our neighbourhood and their long periods of strong and moderate stellar activity in comparison to G-stars, we expect that M-type stars represent the most promising candidates for the detection of hydrogen ENA-clouds and the subsequent study of the interaction between the host star and the planets?? upper atmosphere. We show that the low mass of M-type stars also makes them preferable targets to observe extended hydrogen clouds around terrestrial exoplanets with a mass as low as one Earth mass. Transit follow-up observations in the UV-range of terrestrial exoplanets around M-type stars with space observatories such as the World Space Observatory-UV (WSO-UV) would provide a unique opportunity to shed more light on the early evolution of Earth-like planets, including those of our own Solar System.  相似文献   

Globulettes are small (radii \({<} 10\) kAU) dark dust clouds, seen against the background of bright nebulae. A majority of the objects have planetary mass. These objects may be a source of brown dwarfs and free floating planetary mass objects in the galaxy. In this paper we investigate how many globulettes could have formed in the Milky Way and how they could contribute to the total population of free floating planets. In order to do that we examine H-alpha images of 27 H II regions. In these images, we find 778 globulettes.We find that a conservative value of the number of globulettes formed is \(5.7\times 10^{10}\). If 10% of the globulettes form free floating planets then they have contributed with \(5.7\times 10^{9}\) free floating planets in the Milky Way. A less conservative number of globulettes would mean that the globulettes could contribute \(2.0\times 10^{10}\) free floating planets. Thus the globulettes could represent a non-negligible source of free floating planets in the Milky Way.  相似文献   

The possibilities of lightning generation on other planets are considered, and the basic conditions that exist in terrestrial clouds during lightning discharges and the various theories of charge separation are reviewed. Recent measurements of cloud structure and whistlers, as well as optical observation of lightning on Jupiter, suggest that charge separation and lightning discharges occur on other planets in ways similar to those in which they occur on Earth. Using these terrestrial ideas, it is concluded that lightning on Venus will probably be found in clouds that are located in regions of convection such as those observed downwind of the subsolar point. It is also possible that if volcanoes on Venus are erupting, they too can produce lightning discharges in their plumes although it seems unlikely that this process can account for the observed rate of discharge. Jovian lightning is most probably generated in the lower water-ice clouds. These clouds are of moderate temperatures and have strong convection and large mass loading, all important ingredients for electrical buildup. Lightning is all but ruled out for Mars, even though some electrification is possible owing to the large dust storms on that planet.  相似文献   

A fraction of small bodies from the once existing proto-planetary disc was ejected, by the giant planets, to large heliocentric distances and start to build the comet Oort cloud. Considering four models of initial proto-planetary disc, we attempt to roughly map a dependence between the initial disc’s structure and some properties of the Oort cloud. We find that it is difficult to construct the proto-planetary disc if (i) the amount of heavy chemical elements in Jupiter and Saturn is as high as currently accepted and (ii) the total mass of the minimum-mass solar nebula is assumed to be lower than $\approx0.05\,\hbox{M}_{\odot}.$ The behaviour of the Oort cloud formation does not crucially depend on the initial disc model. Some differences in its structure are obvious: since the cloud is known to be filled mainly by Uranus and Neptune, the efficiency of its formation is higher when the initial amount of particles in the Uranus-Neptune region is relatively higher. A significantly large number of Jupiter Trojans in our simulation appears, however, only in the case of the initially non-gapped disc, with the particles situated also close to the Jupiter’s orbit.  相似文献   

We propose that astronomers will be eventually be able to discriminate between extrasolar Earth-like planets with surface oceans and those without using the shape of phase light curves in the visible and near-IR spectrum. We model the visible light curves of planets having Earth-like surfaces, seasons, and optically-thin atmospheres with idealized diffuse-scattering clouds. We show that planets partially covered by water will appear measurably brighter near crescent phase (relative to Lambertian planets) because of the efficient specular reflection (“glint”) of starlight incident on their surfaces at a highly oblique angle. Planets on orbits within 30° of edge-on orientation (50% of all planets) will show pronounced glint over a sizeable range of orbital longitudes, from quadrature to crescent, all outside the glare of their parent stars. Also, water-covered planets will appear darker than a Lambertian disk near full illumination. Finally, we show that planets with a mixed land/water surface will polarize the reflected signal by as much as 30-70%. These results suggest several new ways of directly identifying water on distant planets.  相似文献   

We develop a three-dimensional numerical model for an ensemble of molecular clouds moving in the fixed gravitational potential of a galaxy. This scheme is a modification of the widely known model of Oort and includes different processes of coagulation and fragmentation of clouds under pairwise collisions, interaction of clouds with the diffuse interstellar medium, and also feedback: the breaking up of clouds into small fragments under the action of stars arising in them. This model makes it possible to study the influence of various parameters of both the galaxy itself and the ensemble of molecular clouds on the process of large-scale star formation connected with giant molecular clouds and on the temporal changes of the global structure of the interstellar medium. We give as an example a computation of the evolution of the energy characteristics of an ensemble of molecular clouds in a spiral galaxy.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 4, 1994.  相似文献   

Comets must form a major part of the interstellar medium. The solar system provides a flux of comets into the interstellar space and there is no reason to suspect that many other stars and their surrounding cometary systems would not make a similar contribution. Occasionally interstellar comets must pass through the inner solar system, but Whipple (1975) considers it unlikely that such a comet is among the known cases of apparently hyperbolic comets. Even so the upper limit for the density of unobserved interstellar comets is relatively high.In addition, we must consider the possibility that comets are a genuine component of interstellar medium, and that the Oort Cloud is merely a captured part of it (McCrea, 1975). Here we review various dynamical possibilities of two-way exchange of comet populations between the Solar System and the interstellar medium. We describe ways in which a traditional Oort Cloud (Oort, 1950) could be captured from the interstellar medium. However, we note that the so called Kuiper belt (Kuiper, 1951) of comets cannot arise through this process. Therefore we have to ask how necessary the concept of the yet unobserved Kuiper belt is for the theory of short period comets.There has been considerable debate about the question whether short period comets can be understood as a captured population of the Oort Cloud of comets or whether an additional source has to be postulated. The problem is made difficult by the long integration times of comet orbits through the age of the Solar System. It would be better to have an accurate treatment of comet-planet encounters in a statistical sense, in the form of cross sections, and to carry out Monte Carlo studies. Here we describe the plan of action and initial results of the work to derive cross sections by carrying out large numbers of comet — planet encounters and by deriving approximate analytic expressions for them. Initially comets follow parabolic orbits of arbitrary inclination and perihelion distance; cross sections are derived for obtaining orbits of given energy and inclination after the encounter. The results are used in subsequent work to make evolutionary models of the comet population.  相似文献   

In the context of the survival of periodic comets of different origins, rotational breakup and tidal disruption could be important, especially of the short period comets injected from the Kuiper belt. This is because long-period comets from the distant Oort cloud tend to be subject to thermal stress and volatile 'explosion' far more severely. A simple calculation using the Öpik method of random planetary close encounters was performed to estimate the probability of tidal disruption of comets and scattered Kuiper belt objects (SKBOs) during their orbital migration. It was found that a large fraction of the short period comets and SKBOs might have been internally fragmented by single or multiple close encounters with the outer planets.  相似文献   

The tidal gravitational field of the Galaxy directed into the galactic plane changes the angular momentum of comets in the Oort cloud. For comet orbits with semimajor axis greater than 2 × 104 AU, the change of angular momentum in one orbit is sufficient to bring comets from the Oort cloud into the visible region, causing the infall of “new” comets. The limiting size orbit is weakly dependent on the angle between the major axis of the comet orbit and the galactic plane. The flux of comets into the inner Solar System caused by the galactic tidal field will be continuous and nearly isotropic. This effect appears to exclude any determination of the trajectories of passing stars by analysis of the angular distribution of new comets. The production of intense comet showers by the tidal field of a solar companion or of an interstellar cloud is considered. We show that the direction of a solar companion cannot be found from the present distribution of observable comets. The frequency of comet showers induced by encounters with interstellar clouds is found to be much lower than that from passing stars, and the tidal fields of interstellar clouds are not strong enough to cause comet showers of sufficient intensity to result in Earth impacts.  相似文献   

Several planets have recently been discovered around stars that are old and metal-poor, implying that these planets are also old, formed in the early Universe together with their hosts. The canonical theory suggests that the conditions for their formation could not have existed at such early epochs. In this paper we argue that the required conditions, such as sufficiently high dust-to-gas ratio, could in fact have existed in the early Universe immediately following the first episode of metal production in Pop. III stars, both in metal-enhanced and metal-deficient environments. Metal-rich regions may have existed in multiple isolated pockets of enriched and weakly-mixed gas close to the massive Pop. III stars. Observations of quasars at redshifts z~5, and gamma-ray bursts at z~6, show a very wide spread of metals in absorption from [X/H]??3 to ??0.5. This suggests that physical conditions in the metal-abundant clumps could have been similar to where protoplanets form today. However, planets could have formed even in low-metallicity environments, where formation of stars is expected to proceed due to lower opacity at higher densities. In such cases, the circumstellar accretion disks are expected to rotate faster than their high-metallicity analogues. This in turn can result in the enhancement of dust particles at the disk periphery, where they can coagulate and start forming planetesimals. In conditions with the low initial specific angular momentum of the cloud, radiation from the central protostar can act as a trigger to drive small-scale instabilities with typical masses in the Earth to Jupiter mass range. Discoveries of planets around old metal-poor stars (e.g. HIP 11952, [Fe/H]~?1.95, ~13 Gyr) show that planets did indeed form in the early Universe and this may require modification of our understanding of the physical processes that produce them. This work is an attempt to provide one such heuristic scenario for the physical basis for their existence.  相似文献   

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