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Farm Size Change in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The size of farm holdings is a commonly used indicator of change in rural societies and economies. This paper reviews the explanation for changes in farm size in developed western countries and identifies the inadequacy of national data in presenting an accurate explanation of change. The literature is characterised by relative neglect of the influence of different farming systems, policy and legislative changes and other factors. In New Zealand, national farm size has decreased since the mid-1970s, but the experiences of different parts of the country has varied considerably. Farm size has decreased the most where subdivision and intensification of land use have taken place, whilst in some pastoral regions farm size has been maintained or has even increased.  相似文献   

Agricultural deregulation in the mid-1980s altered the economic and political climate in which farm families in New Zealand operate. The results of a survey of sheep/beef farmers in Southland shows that the main response to the new conditions and the rural downturn was to 'self exploit'. Impacts varied, depending on farm finances at the start of the downturn. Farming practices and farmers' attitudes changed… but only partly because of deregulation.  相似文献   

Farm households in New Zealand have responded to the changing political and economic environment since the mid-1980s in a variety of ways. This paper explores the various farm adjustment strategies adopted by farm households in Waihemo (East Otago) and ways in which these influence both the household and enterprise domains of the family farm unit. It examines the complex interrelationships between specific farm adjustments, drawing attention to the ways in which these are redefining the nature of family farming in the area.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper explores the impediments to optimizing the economic and environmental performance of agriculture in the North Island hill country. The work draws on a range of data sources including consolidated statistical data obtained from The New Zealand Meat and Wool Board's Economic Service (NZMWB) for all North Island hill and hard country farms for the period 1976–77 to 1996–97 and interviews in June and July 1999 with 35 farm households throughout the North Island. Despite generally low levels of profitability, there is considerable evidence that New Zealand farmers have engaged in moves to sustainability to a significant extent.  相似文献   

The paper explores the role of landscape in New Zealand films. How is the New Zealand landscape imagined and revealed? What kind of landscape do filmmakers present? I argue that New Zealand filmmakers tap into specific geographical imaginations when they make films, and that this results in certain kinds of landscapes being produced. I sketch the methodology used in a survey of New Zealand films and ‘read’ a selection of opening and closing sequences and ‘generic places’ found in a selection of contemporary New Zealand films. 1 then offer some conclusions about New Zealand films, and their production, portrayal and imagining of New Zealand.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper explores the post-World War II 'green revolution' in agricultural chemicals and its representation in Service , a New Zealand chemical industry journal. In particular, I describe how various 'texts' within the journal constructed the revolution largely in utopian terms. Critically rereading these texts reveals the extent to which chemical use in agriculture was tied to post-war discourses of unwavering optimism about science, technology and progress.  相似文献   

Earlier research shows that between 1971 and 1981, the number of farmers in New Zealand increased and their average age decreased, whereas between 1981 and 1991, the opposite trend occurred. This article addresses the issue of change in the average age of farmers since 1991 using recent census data. It reviews the difficulties in obtaining good data and describes the adjustments need to be made to obtain a consistent data series from 1971 to 2006. The long-term trend for increasing age of farmers and farm workers continues. This demographic aspect of farm structural change is then discussed in terms of the sustainability of farming by reference to productivity and potential problems with succession.  相似文献   

Abstract: The focus of this article is on examining how resource management plans prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991 can be used to control the effects of activities for the purpose of preserving the integrity of an organic farm. The article examines effects that can potentially threaten an organic farm and identifies methods that could be employed in a District or Regional Plan to avoid or mitigate those effects. It concludes that the use of resource management plans represents a substantial opportunity to secure the position of the organic farm in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Banking is going through a revolution that is radically altering the way banks work and the way customers use them. It is a revolution driven by global competition and enabled by technology. Unlike the back-room developments of previous decades, contemporary restructuring is directly affecting the network of bank branches and opportunities customers have to interact with them. Today virtually all retailing banks are seeking ways of reducing their extensive and costly network of branches and experimenting with alternative means of interacting with customers. Many of the difficulties of deciding what branches to close relate to predicting the impact of such closures on remaining parts of the bank’s network. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the application of a GIS-based spatial interaction model designed to help banks make that decision. Applied in the New Zealand context, it draws attention to some of the opportunities, as well as difficulties, a spatial interaction model creates in assessing the consequences of closing branches, both for the bank itself and for the wider community.  相似文献   

The East Coast of the North Island of New Zealand is world renowned for its severe erosion, flooding, and sedimentation. Extensive deforestation between 1880–1920 initiated this period of dramatic landscape transformation, and today reforestation is seen as the panacea. However, a century of pastoral farming has left a legacy of a highly degraded landscape, which is currently redistributing the products of this erosion. The rate and level of landscape recovery will influence the ability of communities to carry out future land use. This paper uses the results of a decade of geomorphic research into the controls and processes of landscape change to illustrate some of the likely future impacts on the landscape and its land use, and to identify some still unanswered questions. This increasing understanding, together with changing community attitudes, provides the opportunity to maximise the benefits of reforestation and other management interventions.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article examines the decline of New Zealand's active dunes in relation to the introduction of marram grass ( Ammophila arenaria ). The area of active dunes in New Zealand declined from 129 000 ha in the early 1900s to about 39 000 ha in 2000; a reduction of 70%. The extent of active dunes has declined since the 1950s in all regions, particularly in Northland, Auckland and the Manawatu. The loss of active dunes on the west coast of the North Island resulted primarily from the introduction of marram grass, followed by the establishment of Pinus radiata plantations and extensive pastoral farming. Between 1985 and 2005 marram grass extended its range to the detriment of the indigenous foredune flora. Conservation and resource management agencies should urgently identify dune systems for conservation management and marram grass eradication.  相似文献   

New Zealand is a food producer and exporter that combines neoliberal policy with performance-based environmental management, using ‘soft’ governance and actions where possible. Voluntary environmental farm awards are analysed to identify the landscape management activities recognised as best practice by peers at a farm level. Results highlight the importance of whole farm system management. However, the efficacy of reliance upon voluntary mechanisms is coming under increasingly critical scrutiny, as environmental conditions in intensive agricultural landscapes continue to decline. The research question this poses is whether whole farm plans can be practically and formally connected in three concurrent ways – to supply chain management, and to statutory planning frameworks and environmental regulations and to local landscape co-management – while still maintaining flexibility of action for the farmer.  相似文献   

The records of two large stock and station agents, Loan & Mercantile Agency in Dunedin and Wright Stephenson in Invercargill, allowed us to track the timing, nature, magnitude and rate of landscape change in southern New Zealand between 1896 and 1920. This period extends from the final years of subdivision of large estates, and includes closer settlement, the shift from pastoral farming to intensive agriculture, growth of dairying, and increasing mechanisation of agriculture. These changes are reflected in clients’ annual expenditures on capital items such as fencing and building materials, tools and implements, materials for drains.  相似文献   

Debt and income are keystones to financial resilience on New Zealand farms. This article utilises a survey on finance to assess farm financial health using a new model of resilience. It shows the majority of farms are financially strong. Further borrowing and development are possible. With increasing variability resulting from the longer term trade liberalisation as well as global warming impacts, the high equity will provide future resilience. On the other hand, profit levels are not high relative to the investment, but this has been the case for decades and has not caused problems due to farmer and farm family resilience.  相似文献   

A review of social research on rural New Zealand undertaken as part of the National Science Challenge (NSC 11) “Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities” allows a fresh look at rural development within the context of New Zealand's colonial history. The research suggests that government development programmes and legislation privileged those responsible for producing the bulk of New Zealand's export income. Cultural attitudes, structural inequalities and a failure to understand how the character of, and social relations in, rural areas have changed has impeded particularly Māori economic growth, the participation of women, and non‐farm sectors of rural society, to the detriment of all.  相似文献   

Abstract. Internationalisation is used as a device with which to reexamine geographies of national development and geography in national development in New Zealand. The second half of the paper discusses national and internationalised forestry in New Zealand before considering some of the new possibilities confronting geographers as the New Zealand economy becomes increasingly internationalised.  相似文献   

Remnants of the Waikato: Native forest survival in a production landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: This paper addresses the issue of conservation of native biodiversity on privately owned farmland in New Zealand. Based on surveys of Waikato dairy farmers as exemplars of intensive agricultural practice, it examines factors that influence the survival of native forest on land with potential for commercial production. Results suggest that a significant proportion of Waikato dairy farmers regard native forest favourably, although the proportion of farmers who actively conserve their forest is small. Factors that assist the persistence of native forest on dairy farms include personal characteristics of the farmer, past accidents of history which have left forest remnants in place, and physical characteristics of the farm such as topography. While the conservation of native biodiversity within this intensively farmed landscape is strongly influenced by political economy pressures that encourage production, non‐utilitarian motives such as aesthetic enjoyment and family heritage can serve to counter the production ethic.  相似文献   

New Zealanders have little collective vision of their position and future in a globalising world. Recent developments in New Zealand's primary sector show potential pathways to the future. We explore two claims: thinking about New Zealand is to think about the emergence of Fonterra Co-operative Group in New Zealand's globalising economy. Thinking about Fonterra is to think about New Zealand and the implications that spring from globalising activities. Fonterra is a lens to understand better the possibilities and development options and the challenges that are arising as New Zealand forges its place in a globalising world.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that, although Mackinder never mentions New Zealand in his influential 1904 paper and despite the absence of a formal Kiwi geopolitical tradition, 'The geographical pivot of history' provides a useful framework with which to approach New Zealand geopolitics. The argument uses two Mackinderian ideas to suggest three phases in New Zealand's security relationships during the Mackinder century. First, New Zealand's commitment to Mackinder's 'pivot area' notion of 'imperial defence' and 'collective security' characterized its dependent security phase. Between 1973 and 1990/91 there was a transitional security phase towards Mackinder's second 'global interconnectedness' idea. Third, this shift led to a current interdependent security phase which is characterized by the recognition that New Zealand's security relationships, despite its geographic isolation, are mutually dependent on political, economic, and military events around the world. The impact of 11 September 2001 and the consequent 'war on terror' are also considered. The paper concludes by suggesting that New Zealand's post-conflict reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq point to the continuing relevance of Mackinder's 'The geographical pivot of history' to New Zealand geopolitics.  相似文献   

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