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临洪河口现代沉积环境及重金属元素的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对江苏北部临洪河口不同区域的表层与柱状沉积物进行了粒度分析、石英颗粒表面微细结构和沉积物的测年分析以及沉积物中的重金属含量分析.将河口划分为不同的沉积环境区.探讨了不同沉积环境中沉积物的粒度分布、石英颗粒表面微细结构、沉积速率以及重金属元素分布差异的原因。结果显示,临洪河口可以划分为低潮滩上的波浪与潮流强烈混合作用区、高潮滩上的弱潮流作用区、口门附近的潮流与河流强烈混合作用区和河道内河流与潮流弱混合作用区。重金属的含量在柱样的30~40cm深度呈现向表层递增的趋势,Hg的污染比较严重.其他元素基本无污染,整个河口区域的生态危害性严重;沉积物粒度分布不是该区域重金属分布的主要影响因素,城市污水排放量增加、氧化还原层位、沉降方式和不同沉积区的水动力环境是影响本区域重金属元素分布和累积的主要原因。  相似文献   

Axial surveys were performed in the two river tributaries of the Cochin estuary, SW India during November 1988. Surficial sediments were subjected to sequential chemical extractions to delineate five metal fractions, namely, exchangeable, carbonate bound, easily reducible, organic/sulfide bound, and residual. The results indicated selective accumulation of Mn and Ni in carbonate bound and organic/sulfide forms, along with marginal amounts of Co in the exchangeable fraction. Large portions of Fe and Cr occurred in the residual fraction, whereas composite fractionation of Zn species was noticed. The exchangeable fractions of Fe and Cr as well as of easily reducible cobalt were below detection limits. The levels of Cr and Zn indicate anthropogenic inputs in this estuary, whereas Co and Ni show regional contamination exceeding natural levels. The analytical speciation procedure helps to deduce the sedimental diagenetic processes in the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation of heavy metals in a tropical estuary   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The lower part of the Coatzacoalcos River has great industrial development in which high pollution has been reported. Surface sediments of this area were studied over a year to observe spatial and seasonal sedimentological and chemical variations. Higher metal concentrations were found during the dry season, Pajaritos Dock and Teapa sampling points showing the highest values. Ni (182 ppm) and Co (37 ppm) concentrations are elevated relative to other estuarine areas. Metal normalization against Al2O3 content shows contaminant input in areas where urban and industrial discharges exist. A cluster analysis of the data separates sediment samples from the different sampling trips, suggesting the dynamic nature of the sediments. Through the statistical t-test, metal enrichment of Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn was evaluated and compared with metal concentration in sediments of the river higher parts. The percentage of bioavailable metals is a function of the physicochemical characteristics of the system.  相似文献   

The selective removal of trace metals by suspended matter in high turbidity zones plays a major role in the fluvial transport of terrigenous metals to the marine environment. The seasonal longitudinal variability of trace elements (Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Fe, and Mn) in Cochin estuary, a tropical positive estuary, was studied and the results were compared with the prevailing situation in other subtropical waterways. The hydrodynamical features showed increasing turbidity downstream with increasing salinities during both the seasons. In contrast with the temperate estuaries where the development of turbidity maxima causes the removal of metals, the estuaries of tropics modify the fluvial transport of metals by the way of redistribution between the dissolved and particulate fractions in the intermediate salinities. In Cochin estuary, the distributional features of trace metals are primarily influenced by the variations in salinities and river discharges. Consequently, this gives rise to two different types of distributional patterns: (1) during premonsoon, the estuarine reactivity is more pronounced and hence, mid-estuarine solubilization of the particulate metal appears to play a prominent role in controlling the fluxes of trace metals studied and (2) but during monsoon, the hydrological conditions influence the downstream transport of the metals more by physical dilution than chemical reactivity.  相似文献   

A sequential extraction procedure has been used to study the changes in the distribution and mobility of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in an acid lateritic soil amended with alkaline coal ash and neutral sludge individually and with their mixture of equal proportions at 25, 50 and 75 Mg/ha application rates and grown in a crop with peanuts. A separate set of experiments consisting of the same treatments was repeated with the addition of lime at 2 Mg/ha. Increases in total heavy-metal levels with application of various amendments were mainly associated with increases in the insoluble and less mobile forms of metals except for Cd, which showed an increase in its exchangeable form. An increase in pH of the amended soil restricted the metal mobility in their labile forms and was more pronounced after liming the treatments. Positive yield responses were observed in the amended soil, the magnitude being higher in only sludge-applied treatments. The vegetative plant parts showed maximum accumulation of metals indicating a physiological barrier in the transfer of metals from the root to the kernel. Linear relationships of total concentrations of heavy metals in soil with that in the crop were observed. Lime addition to the treatments further reduced the transfer and accumulation of metals from the soil to the plant, even though the relationship remained linear.  相似文献   

Mudflats and associated mangroves are most important ecosystems of tropical coastal regions. Mangroves play a very important role in maintaining the environmental balance; thus in addition to mangrove reforestation and restoration, afforestation has also been practiced. We studied distribution of sediment components (sand, silt, clay) organic carbon (OC), heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr and Co) and pH in six cores collected from one of the largest mudflats of Mandovi estuary, west coast of India. The temporal distribution patterns of these proxies suggested that past changes in tidal energy conditions, fresh water inflow and anthropogenic activities over the last few decades, together helped in development of a middle tidal flat in this estuary. In cores collected from the mangroves, trapping and deposition of finer particles and organic matter were enhanced by a complex aerial mangrove root system in recent years. Mangroves were, therefore, suggested to enhance the buildup of mudflats in Mandovi estuary. Cores collected from mudflats also exhibited higher deposition of finer particles and organic matter (except MF2) in recent years, suggesting maturity and greater stability of the entire mudflat in recent years. Middle tidal flats (mudflats) of Mandovi estuary may, therefore, prove to be suitable substrates for mangrove proliferation in the near future. Finer sediments deposited mainly from mining activities in recent years exhibited lower pH and higher metal content. Organisms dwelling in these recently deposited sediments are, therefore, at higher risk of bioaccumulation and metal toxicity.  相似文献   

Fractionation of phosphorus in the sediments of a tropical estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fractionation of phosphorus in the sediments of the Cochin estuary situated along the southwest coast of India was studied by applying sequential chemical extraction. The different forms of phosphorus were estimated seasonally (premonsoon, monsoon, and postmonsoon) under eight different schemes. The major forms of phosphorus analyzed were exchangeable P, anion exchangeable P, carbonate-bound P, labile and resistant organic P, Fe and Al P, calcium-bound P, and hydrolyzable surplus P. Quantitatively, the above fractions in isolation or in combination vary in content due to chemoestuarine variability and seasonal fluctuations. Changes in speciation have been noted in association with salinity variations in the waterway, especially following enhanced river runoff during the monsoon. The chemical forms of the sediment-bound phosphorus in the northern parts of this estuary have been shown to be modified by nonpoint sources. Sediment P fractionation defines the role of chemical speciation of phosphates (as nutrients) and is indicative of the processes controlling the pathways of P into the coastal waters. The changes in the exchangeable P, together with marked regional variations in calcium-bound P, exemplify the complex estuarine variability of phosphorus. Enhanced amounts of exchangeable P mark its appearence in high saline waters, signifying the presence of biologically available nutrient phosphorus. The calcium-bound P and hydrolyzable surplus P show significant relation with sediment organic carbon and Fe whereas other forms do not exhibit any marked covariation. The Ca and Na NTA extraction scheme is very specific in its selectivity.  相似文献   

The toxicity and potential bioavailability of heavy metals were studied in sewage sludge-amended ferralsols and chernosols, using bioassays with earthworms (Eisenia andrei). Acute toxicity tests and avoidance assays were performed according to standard protocols. Potentially bioavailable concentrations of heavy metals were estimated by quantifying their concentrations in tissues of survival earthworms. The results revealed that soil properties played an important role in the toxicity and bioavailability of heavy metals. In this respect, higher levels of toxicity were detected for the ferralsol. The abundance of 2:1 clay minerals, high fertility and more basic values of pH seem to be very important in the reduction of toxicity levels for earthworms. Organisms exposed to the chernosols were able to uptake higher amount of metals. In that case, higher contents of nutrients in chernosols may have influenced such bioavailability processes. Avoidance responses were the most sensible indicator of toxicity. In the near future, such data can subsidize the establishment of toxic reference concentrations able to reflect the characteristics of important tropical pedological occurrences, supporting the definition of sustainable indicators for using sewage sludge in the tropical agriculture.  相似文献   

The Mono estuary is an infilled, microtidal estuary located on the wave-dominated Bight of Benin coast which is subject to very strong eastward longshore drift. The estuarine fill comprises a thick unit of lagoonal mud deposited in a ‘central basin’between upland fluvial deposits and estuary-mouth wave-tide deposits. This lagoonal fill is capped by organic-rich tidal flat mud. In addition to tidal flat mud, the superficial facies overlying the ‘central basin’fill include remnants of spits resting on transgressive/washover sand, an estuary-mouth association of beach, shoreface, flood-tidal delta and tidal inlet deposits, and a thin sheet of fluvial sediments deposited over tidal flat mud. After an initial phase of spit intrusion over the infilled central basin east of the present Mono channel, the whole estuary mouth became bounded by a regressive barrier formed from sand supplied by the Volta Delta during the middle Holocene eustatic highstand. Barrier progradation ceased late in the Holocene following the establishment of an equilibrium plan-form shoreline alignment that allowed through-drift of Volta sand to sediment sinks further downdrift. Over the same period, accretion, from fluvially supplied sediments, of the estuarine plain close to the limit of spring high tides, or, over much of the lower valley, into a fluvial plain no longer subject to tidal flooding, induced marked meandering of the Mono and its tidal distributaries in response to confinement of much of the tidal prism to these channels. The process resulted in erosion of spit/washover and regressive barrier sand, and in reworking of the tidal flat and floodbasin deposits. The strong longshore drift, equilibrium shoreline alignment and the year-round persistence of a tidal inlet maintained by discharge from the Mono and from Lake Ahémé have resulted in a stationary barrier that is reworked by a mobile inlet. The Mono example shows that advanced estuarine infill may result in considerable facies reworking, obliteration of certain facies and marked spatial imbrication of fluvial, estuarine and wave-tide-deposited facies, and confirms patterns of sedimentary change described for microtidal estuaries on wave-influenced coasts. In addition, this study shows that local environmental factors such as sediment supply relative to limited accommodation space, and strong longshore drift, which may preclude accumulation of sediments in the vicinity of the estuary mouth, may lead to infilled equilibrium or near-equilibrium estuaries that will not necessarily evolve into deltas.  相似文献   

We have determined the concentration and isotopic composition of Os and Sr in the estuarine waters from the Godavari delta in Peninsular India. Additionally, we have obtained the concentration and isotopic composition of Os and Al concentration in selected suspended particulate matter recovered on 0.45 μm filters. The Na, K, Mg, and Ca concentrations of water samples obtained along salinity gradients from two distributary channels in the delta display a general two component mixing between river- and sea-water. The data also reveal that Al behaves non-conservatively and is affected by interactions with suspended particulates. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the riverine end member is 0.716303 and shows a linear decrease with salinity to seawater value and Sr isotope systematics indicate that its behavior is conservative in the estuary.The 187Os/188Os ratio of the Godavari river end-member is 1.24 and within error of the average eroding upper continental crust. The concentration and isotopic composition of Os through the two salinity transects shows that its behavior in the Godavari estuary is complex and non-conservative. By comparing the Al/Os ratios and Os isotopes in the waters with those of the suspended particulate we find that both Os gains and losses occur in the water column. However, in one of the distributaries (Vasishta) the Os concentration of suspended load increases and that of dissolved load decreases with increasing salinity towards the Bay of Bengal end-member. We infer that there is removal of seawater Os at higher salinities. The estimated mean residence time of Os in the oceans is 37 ± 14 (2σ) kyr. A comparison of the Os concentration of the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean waters indicates that the rainout rate of Os in Bay of Bengal is 30% faster than that in the open ocean and suggests that the observed discrepancy between the mean residence time calculated from mass balance considerations and that estimated from the relaxation of the Os isotopic ratio in marine record may not be real as the relaxation time experiments likely estimate the residence time for a basin/sub-basin and not for the entire ocean.  相似文献   

The larval and juvenile fish of the Cayenne river estuary (French Guiana, South America) were sampled at two stations from June 1989 until October 1990. A total of 52,989 individuals from 59 species, some still incompletely identified, were collected. Three families, Engraulidae, Gobiidae and Sciaenidae, accounted for over 97% of the total number of juveniles. The analysis of data over this period showed low diversity, and a difference in diversity between the two sampling locations (H′ = 1.24 and 1.68). The results conform to some theoretical models of abundance that suggest a relative equilibrium of juvenile assemblages. In contrast, the seasonal variations in diversity and abundance and the results of a correspondence analysis showed significant differences in species distribution and in their relative abundance at the two sampling locations at certain periods, mainly in the rainy season. Our study indicates that, in spite of an apparent stability, the year to year variation in salinity and freshwater inputs could affect juvenile recruitment of some species and induces modifications in the composition of larval and juvenile estuarine fish assemblages.  相似文献   

The sediments of the estuaries and offshore Tuticorin along the southern coast of Tamil Nadu were studied for their textural variation. Ninety sediment samples were collected from three sectors (river, estuary, offshore) on the basis of prevailing energy conditions and oceanographic parameters. Frequency curves show unimodal to bimodal in nature. Offshore samples also fall in bimodal with medium and fine sand where sediment is additionally deposited by the Tamiraparani River. The mean values ranging from 1.69 to 2.01 φ with medium to fine sand. The fine sand in the riverine region indicates the depositional nature of the sediments. In pre-monsoon, the standard deviation ranges from 0.29 to 0.81 φ, which falls in the very well sorted to moderately well sorted. Estuary ranges from 0.63 to 1.30 φ, with moderately sorted, whereas in the marine sediments ranges from 0.4 to 1.01 φ, with moderately to moderately well- sorted and some patches of poorly sorted is observed. In both monsoons, the grain size variations are mostly influenced in river and offshore samples compared to the estuaries. The CM pattern indicates the deposition of sediments in graded suspension. In estuary, the sediments are medium sand with moderately to poorly sorted, fine skewed which are indicative of denudation processes taking place there. In marine, the sediments are medium-to-fine, moderately-to-well sorted, and fine skewed to very fine skewed sediments, probably as a result of the influence of palaeo-sediments deposited by rivers from inland as well as by waves and currents from offshore. Further, the marine samples also highlight depositional processes.  相似文献   

The South Alligator River, Northern Territory of Australia, has a macrotidal estuary. Tidal influence (spring tidal range 5–6 m at the mouth) extends 105 km up the channel. It is dominated by freshwater in the wet season (December-April) with a salt wedge near the mouth, but is well mixed and becomes saline throughout the dry season. The tidal channel can be divided into four different channel types: an estuarine funnel, a sinuous meandering segment, a cuspate meandering segment (in which the inside of bends are pointed) and an upstream tidal channel. The distribution of morphologically defined land classes and morphological units within each land class on the floodplain flanking the estuary differs from one channel type to another. Several stratigraphic and morphostratigraphic units have been recognized from drill holes on the coastal and deltaic-estuarine plains, and a model of development is proposed on the basis of extensive radiocarbon chronology and palynology. The coastal plain has prograded with most rapid sedimentation between 5000 and 3000 yr BP. A similar pattern of progradation is identified in the estuarine funnel. In the sinuous segment of the estuary the channel has migrated laterally across the floodplain. Previous channel positions are indicated by palaeochannels and the meander tract is occupied by laminated channel sediments. Within the cuspate segment there are numerous sinuous palaeochannels on the plains. In the upstream segment, the channel and palaeochannels have long straight reaches with irregular bends and discontinuous levées, and channel avulsion is indicated. Mangrove mud is a widespread stratigraphic unit throughout the plains. The initial phase of development is a transgressive phase. 8000–6800 yr BP, when mangrove forests extended landwards into a pre-existing valley as sea-level rose. As sea-level stabilized, the transgressive phase was followed by a widespread mangrove phase, termed the ‘big swamp’ 6800–5300 yr BP. The mangrove forests disappeared from most of the plains as vertical accretion continued, and were replaced by grass and sedge-covered floodplains. During the sinuous phase, about 5300–2500 yr BP, the channel migrated laterally and eroded the deltaicestuarine plain and deposited lateral accretion deposits (laminated channel sediments). Part of the channel of the South Alligator River has then progressed from sinuous to cuspate in form, and erosion of river banks has occurred. Transgressive and big swamp phases occurred under rising and stabilizing sea-level, respectively. Later morphodynamic channel adjustments occurred under conditions of stable sea-level. The depositional model has direct application to other estuaries in northern Australia, and may be applied to other areas where sea-level change has been similar.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates including uronic acids are among the active components of dissolved organic carbon, and play an important role in biogeochemical cycling of organic carbon in marine environments. In order to understand their distribution, concentrations of total dissolved carbohydrate (TCHO), dissolved polysaccharide (PCHO), dissolved monosaccharide (MCHO), and dissolved uronic acid (URA) were measured in the Mandovi estuary, west coast of India during the monsoon and premonsoon seasons. The estuary experienced nearly fresh water condition during the monsoon season and marine condition during the pre-monsoon season. Concentrations of TCHO, MCHO and URA ranged from 17.7 to 67.3 μM C, 4.1 to 15.5 μM C and 2.3 to 10.8 μM C, and their contribution to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) varied from ∼11 to 60%, 2.5 to 9.7%, and 1.8 to 5.3%, respectively. PCHO accounted for ∼52 to 92% of the TCHO. Generally, concentrations and yields of TCHO species were greater during the monsoon season. Phytoplankton abundance and bacterial cell numbers influenced the distribution of TCHO in the pre-monsoon season but not during the monsoon season. Transport of TCHO rich (11 to 60%) dissolved organic matter from the Mandovi estuary to the coastal waters during the monsoon season may affect ecosystem function by fueling biological activity of heterotrophic micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Surficial sediment composition and spatial variability reflect the dynamics and level of natural and anthropogenic impact in estuarine systems. The aim of this study is to evaluate some key environmental and sedimentary variables, as well as to evaluate the current environmental quality in the tide-dominated Caravelas estuarine system (Brazil). Sixty-five surficial sediment samples were studied for grain size as well as calcium carbonate, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, metals, semi-metals and rare earth elements and for organic matter δ13C. Based on the spatial distribution of these data and summarizing our findings, three sectors can be individualized in the Caravelas estuarine system: i. Barra Velha inlet; ii. the main channel of the Caravelas estuary, and iii. the channel interconnecting Caravelas and Nova Viçosa estuaries. In the inlet the sedimentary organic matter is provided essentially by marine sources, which corroborates the small continental input. Freshwater dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon occur in the interconnecting channel, proving the occurrence of the residual transport towards the Caravelas estuary, with continental contribution towards Caravelas River. The geochemical fingerprint indicates that the Barreiras Group, composed by Neogene terrigenous deposits, located west of the study area, as an important source of terrigenous material to the entire Caravelas estuary system. The higher values of heavy rare earth elements (between 20 and 30 mg kg−1) in the northern sector of the study area may be related to the high degree of chemical weathering in magmatic or metamorphic rocks, which occur to the north of the study area.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1996,11(4):605-616
Lake Valencia is a tropical lowland lake in north-central Venezuela. Lake bottom sediments were collected from 25 locations in April, 1988. At 2 locations water pH, conductivity, dissolved O2 and temperature were measured at successive depths. After drying, 5 sediment samples were sieved into 5 mechanical fractions. Each was extracted with 1 M HNO3 and analysed for AI, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn. The <63 μm fraction of all samples was similarly analysed. Water temperatures declined with depth (1°C/25 m) from approximately 26°C. Conductivity varied little with depth but dissolved O2 contents indicated anoxic conditions < 25 m. Water pH (8.8–9.4) was consistent with high dissolved carbonates. There was little consistent relationship between grain size and sediment metal contents. Approximate baseline metal contents were calculated from 21 of 25 samples. The average composition of the sediments corresponded to an ideal mixture of shales/carbonate rocks as 0.5–0.7/0.5-0.3. Five samples from alluvial fans near the mouths of rivers traversing urban-industrial zones had compositions different from the other sediments. Generally, Ph, Zn, Ni, Cd and Cu were anthropogenically enriched by factors of 2–16. The major sources of pollutants were identified as domestic and industrial activities affecting the rivers that traverse the lakeside cities of Maracay and Valencia. Sodium, Mg, Ca, Mn and CO3 showed natural enrichment arising from carbonate precipitation following a physical mixing of 2 sedimentary components (biogenic carbonate and terrigenous material). Low geochemical mobility of metallic elements in neutral-basic and reducing waters, a processes of bury and mixture of sediments and precipitation of carbonate result in only 10% of the lake area being affected by contamination. Isoline plots of elements in the bottom sediments supported a hypothesis that material mixing, physical transport and carbonate precipitation are the main controls of spatial distribution patterns.  相似文献   

根据每组石灰石中都含有大量的海洋沉积窄盐度生物及藻类化石,推断船山矿床为浅海碳酸盐沉积;从每组石灰石的粒度、颜色、结构构造,推断出该矿床在形成过程中有两次大规模海侵,两次沉积中断.沉积环境的变化决定了石灰石的质量,氧化环境罩形成的石灰石颜色较浅较纯可作为熔剂,还原环境里形成的石厌石颜色较深,有机质含龄高只能作为水泥原料.  相似文献   

Germanium-silicon (Ge/Si) ratios were determined on quartz diorite bedrock, saprolite, soil, primary and secondary minerals, phytolith, soil and saprolite pore waters, and spring water and stream waters in an effort to understand Ge/Si fractionation during weathering of quartz diorite in the Rio Icacos watershed, Puerto Rico. The Ge/Si ratio of the bedrock is 2 μmol/mol, with individual primary mineral phases ranging between 0.5 and 7 μmol/mol. The ratios in the bulk saprolite are higher (∼3 μmol/mol) than values measured in the bedrock. The major saprolite secondary mineral, kaolinite, has Ge/Si ratios ranging between 4.8 and 6.1 μmol/mol. The high Ge/Si ratios in the saprolite are consistent with preferential incorporation of Ge during the precipitation of kaolinite. Bulk shallow soils have lower ratios (1.1-1.6 μmol/mol) primarily due to the residual accumulation of Ge-poor quartz.Ge/Si ratios measured on saprolite and soil pore waters reflect reactions that take place during mineral transformations at discrete depths. Spring water and baseflow stream waters have the lowest Ge/Si ratios (0.27-0.47 μmol/mol), reflecting deep initial weathering reactions resulting in the precipitation of Ge-enriched kaolinite at the saprolite-bedrock interface. Mass-balance calculations on saprolite require significant loss of Si and Al even within 1 m above the saprolite-bedrock interface. Higher pore water Ge/Si ratios (∼1.2 μmol/mol) are consistent with partial dissolution of this Ge-enriched kaolinite. Pore water Ge/Si ratios increase up through the saprolite and into the overlying soil, but never reach the high values predicted by mass balance, perhaps reflecting the influence of phytolith recycling in the shallow soil.  相似文献   

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