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Relativistic stellar structures can be obtained both analytically and by computation, but all these models do not stand the tests of physical reality. It is shown that for a physically reasonable solution d/dr -r and d(e v /dr r near the centre, d(P/)/dr<-0 and (dP/d)>-(P/). If we change the variabler tox=Cr 2, whereC is a constant, the field equations are reduced to a form which is easier to solve. A new set of exact solutions is obtained by consideringe v (1-x) n . Also, a method has been given to obtain generalized solution.It is shown that the solution discussed by Durgapal and Rawat (1980) is the only exact solution which in its most generalized form for a given density distribution stands all the tests of physical reality and for which both (P/) and (dP/d) decrase with increasing value ofr.Neutron star model is proposed by assuming >-2×1014g cm–3. Two specific cases are considered, viz.,P<-1/3 and dP/d<-1, respectively. The structures are found to be bound and stable under radial perturbations. The models have been studied for slow rotation and the mass of the Crab pulsar has been estimated for different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Resume On étudie la stabilité des solutions périodiques d'un couplage de systèmes linéaires au voisinage de résonances. Les valeurs propres distinctes k de la matrice du système linéaire non perturbé sont telles que kj=iq pour tout couple [k, j]; i=–1, q est un nombre entier, la fréquence de la solution. Une application est faite pour un système à trois degrés de liberté au voisinage de la résonance 221.
Hamiltonian systems in the neighbourhood of an equilibrium solution. II:The stability of periodic solutions
The stability of the periodic solutions for an Hamiltonian system is investigated. Here the distinct eigen values k of the matrix of the unperturbated linear system are such that kj=iq for any [k, j]; i=–1, q is an integer, is the frequency of the periodic solution. An application is made for a system with three degrees of freedom, near the resonance 221.

Résumé On considère souvent que le milieu coronal est en équilibre hydrostatique si bien que l'étude de la distribution verticale de la matière est censée donner une bonne estimation de la température coronale (Billings, 1966). De fait, le gradient vertical de densité observé dans la basse couronne (altitudes inférieures à 300 000 km) où l'effet du vent solaire est peu important conduit à une température hydrostatique de 1 500 000 K en moyenne, en assez bon accord avec les déterminations fondées sur l'étude du rayonnement radioélectrique et sur celle de l'ionisation. Il semblerait néanmoins souhaitable de chercher à préciser cette concordance moyenne en comparant dans le détail les variations de la température coronale et celles du gradient vertical de densité pour voir si l'hypothèse de l'équilibre hydrostatique est partout vérifiée.Cette comparaison ne peut être tentée qu'à partir d'un jeu d'observations suffisamment variées pour que l'on puisse déterminer de façon indépendante la densité et la température dans une même région de la couronne: un tel matériel est disponible grâce aux observations coronales effectuées entre 1967 et 1969 à l'Observatoire du Pic du Midi, qui comportent notamment, pour 81 journées d'observations, (a) la mesure de l'intensité des raies 5303 Å et 6374 Å, à 1 du bord, tous les 5° autour du Soleil (b) la mesure de la brillance de la couronne K pour les mêmes angles de position, à 15 et à 5 du bord. Sans discuter ici des caractéristiques propres à ces deux catégories d'observations, qui ont déjà été décrites dans d'autres publications, nous allons chercher dans ce travail à les utiliser pour mettre à l'épreuve la validité de l'hypothèse de l'équilibre hydrostatique dans la basse couronne.
The observations performed at the Pic du Midi Observatory with a K-coronameter at different altitudes above the solar limb allow us to compute the vertical density gradient of the corona, therefore giving the value of the hydrostatic temperature T h computed under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium in the lower corona. We compare T h with the ratio r = I 5303/I 6374 of the intensities of the green and the red coronal lines observed at the same position angle and on the same day: r is expected to yield the proportion of cold regions and hot regions along the line of sight under study. As a matter of fact no relation appears between individual values of T h and r nor between averaged values of T h and r (Figure 1). In a second step we compute the 5303 Å emission which should be observed, for selected position angles where 6374 Å emissions are faint, making use of the electron density values which can be deduced from the K corona observations. The ratio q = (I 5303) obs/(I 5303) calc of observed to computed 5303 Å intensities should depend upon the corona temperature according to the ionization theory. But again, we do not find the expected relation since Figure 2 displays only a large scatter of points. We conclude that large deviations to hydrostatic equilibrium probably occur in the corona but it is still possible that the presence of arch structures in the lower corona makes it unrealistic to interpret a ratio of intensities integrated along different lines of sight in term of a regular density gradient, although this procedure has been universally used up to now.

Résumé Après avoir écrit le système d'équations de la magnétohydrodynamique régissant le transport du champ magnétique avecla matière nébulaire, nous montrons, sous des hypothèses simples, que sa résolution conduit naturellement à la présence d'un champ magnétique 10–3–10–4 G au sein du gaz nébulaire, le champ au voisinage de l'étoile centrale étant supposé de l'ordre de Gauss. La conditionH 2/8nkT étant vérifiée dans la nébuleuse, le champ peut alors faire appraître des structures typiquement magnétiques telles que dans NGC 650-1, NGC 7293, etc ....
On the existence of the magnetic field in planetary nebulae
The resolution of a set of magnetohydrodynamic equations governing the ejected matter, under some simple assumptions, lead to the existence of a magnetic field about 10–3–10–4 G within the shell of planetary nebulae. The stellar magnetic field, at the time of ejection, is supposed equal to 1 G. The conditionH 2/8nkT is then satisfied in most of planetary nebulae showing magnetic features such as NGC 650-1, NG 7293, etc ....

It is shown that, to any change of variables:q i=qi(r, t) (i=1,..., n; =1,...,n+m; mn) increasing the number of variables, it is possible to associate a Mathieu's transformation and conversely. The results are applied to the theory of the osculating plane of motion.
Resumé On montre qu'à toute transformation:q i=qi(r, t)(i=1,..., n; =1,...,n+m; mn) augmentant le nombre de variables, on peut associer une transformation de Mathieu et réciproquement. Les résultats sont appliqués à la théorie du plan osculateur du mouvement.

Resume On étudie les solutions périodiques d'un système Hamiltonien au voisinage des résonances i/j Ni et Nj sont des nombres entiers premiers entre eux.Dans le cas ou l'hamiltonien à la forme H=H0+H1, une procédure générale est donnée pour trouver les familles de solutions périodiques. Le développement asymptotique de la solution peut être calculé explicitement. L'étude de la stabilité est traitée (Stellmacher, 1984).Une application aux problèmes de dynamique galactique pour un système à trois degrés de liberté est faite pour le voisinage de la résonance 221.
Hamiltonian systems in the neighbourhood of an equilibrium solution. I:Periodic orbits in cases of resonance
We study the periodic solutions of an Hamiltonian system with n degrees of freedom, near an equilibrium point, in the vicinity of the resonances i/jNi/Nj. Ni/Nj are fractions in their lowest terms for any pair (i, j).In this case, a general procedure to find the families of periodic solutions is given. The asymptotic solutions can explicitly be calculated including the periods. (The stability will be presented in Stellmacher (1984).) An application to a galactic dynamics problem in a system with three degrees of freedom near the resonances 221, is analytically treated in detail.

R. Muller 《Solar physics》1973,32(2):409-420
Resumé L'analyse microphotométrique des structures fines de la pénombre d'une tache solaire, photographiée en lumiére blanche au Pic du Midi avec une résolution de l'ordre de 0'.3, permet d'en donner, à 15280, l'image suivante: elle est constituée d'un fond sombre (espaces interfilamentaires) de brillance I/I d = 0.6 à peu près uniforme, avec un léger gradient radial, sur lequel se détachent des grains brillants alignés en filaments, de brillance moyenne I/I b = 0.95, de largeur moyenne 0'.36 (270 km) et qui recouvrent 43% de sa surface.
The microphotometric analysis of the fine structure of a sunspot penumbra, photographed in white light with the 38 cm refractor of the Pic du Midi Observatory with a resolution very close to 0'.3, allows to give from it, at 5280, the following picture: the penumbra appears to consist of bright grains, lined up in the form of filaments, with an average brightness I/I b = 0.95 of average width 0.36 (270 km) and which cover 43% of its surface, showing up a dark background of brightness I/I d = 0.6 nearly uniform.

Ce travail a été en grande partie réalisé alors que l'auteur faisait un séjour à l'Universitäts Sternéwarte de Göttingen.  相似文献   

Résumé Il existe une certaine symétrie dans l'évolution des Centres Actifs (C.A.) simples nés à l'est (p) ou à l'ouest (f) d'un centre ancien.Dans l'un et l'autre cas, les taches directement exposées à la polarité inverse du C.A. ancien deviennent les taches de plus grande surface du groupe: tache de tête Tt des p, tache de queue Tq des f.Dans le même temps leur mouvement propre tend à les rapprocher du centre ancien. Les déplacements en longitude sont supérieurs, en valeur absolue, aux déplacements moyens des taches homologues d'un C.A. isolé. Les différences ainsi mesurées sont les mêmes pour les Tt ou les Tq et égales à environ 1°.5 en 3 jours pour les groupes de l'échantillon choisi, les déplacements mesurés étant en moyenne de l'ordre de 3°.
Following the study of anomalies in spot groups correlated to the existence of an older active center (A.C.) in the same region, we compared the evolution of 50 A.C. of simple magnetic configuration or .We associated the growth and the proper motion of their spots to the absence or the presence of an A.C. in the vicinity, and in that eventuality to the relative disposition of the two A.C. in presence.We find that a group situated to the west of an older one evolves to the type f and shows an eastward motion of the following spot greater than in the case of an isolated group.Symmetrically, the evolution to p of a group situated to the east of the original formation is associated with a westward motion of the leading spot greater than in the case of an undisturbed group.The difference between those displacements and the average ones corresponding to an isolated A.C. is the same in both cases and is equal to about 1°.5 in three days for the groups of the sample chosen.

It is suggested that the minimum mass of a star at the time of its formation is approximately 0.01M . Making use of this fact and the stellar mass functionF(M) M , it is found that the hidden mass (or the missing mass) in the solar neighborhood may be explained by the presence of a large number of invisible stars of very low mass (0.01M M<0.07M ).  相似文献   

The aim of this paper has been to study the neutral helium triplet emission lines identified in the spectrum of the envelope of Nova Delphini. By comparing the observed flux of the neutral helium lines with that calculated theoretically by Robbins, we find that the optical thickness in the center of the line 3889 is of the order of 21.50 for summer 1969. The optical thickness obtained by this method is here denoted tran(3889).On the other hand, we obtain the number of neutral helium atoms in the 23S state [N(23S)] by considering the equilibrium between the mechanisms that populate and depopulate this state. We then find that the depopulation by photoionization due to the radiation of Ly (Hi), transitions to the 21S, 21p and 23p states by electron collision, photoionization due to the continuum radiation of the central star, are 82.70%, 13.20%, 2.40%, 0.90% and 0.80% respectively. We find that the mechanism of the photoionization by Ly is the dominant mechanism of depopulation of 23S state. We calculated ( 3889) of the order of 82.37, fromN(23S), obtained in the preceding paragraph. The optical thickness obtained by this method is here denoted bal(3889).The difference between tran(3889) and bal(3889) is very large and it cannot be attributed to calculation errors. We have considered all the mechanisms that can depopulate the 23S state, so we then conclude that the difference between tran(3889) and bal(3889) is due to the heterogeneity of the envelope of the Nova, already found by us in our previous study of the profiles of the permitted and forbidden lines. Finally, we find from this study a filling factor of the order of 0.30.  相似文献   

Continuous spectra of the Be objects HD 50138 and HD 51585 have been investigated between 1.6 and 1.2 -1. The infrared gradient IR of HD 50138 (B5eV) is found to be 2.09±0.10, while the typical B5V star And indicates IR=1.17. A B5V (HD 16219) star located at about the same distance as HD 50138 has IR=1.29 and it is shown that interstellar reddening may account for IR between HD 16219 and And. The difference in gradient between HD 50138 and HD 16219 ( IR=0.8) may be explained by a continuous reemission in a lenticular envelope with a radius equal to 4R *. The peculiar object HD 51585 exhibits a B0.5 continuous spectrum, for which the value d logI /d(1/) should be 1.13 according to model atmospheres computations. The distance as derived from color excess leads to disagreement between measured and computed (for a B0.5 star) values of d logI /d(1/). The reddening may be explained by reemission in an envelope the radius of which is smaller than 5R*. In conclusion, the narrowness of the spectral range under consideration does not permit to decide whether the observed reddening is due to recombination to the third level of the hydrogen atom or whether it is part a thermal reemission in a circumstellar cloud at lower temperature, as it has been observed around 10 by various authors.

Les spectres utilisés dans ce travail ont été obtenus à l'aide des téléscopes de 193 cm et 120 cm de l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence (CNRS).  相似文献   

An exact analysis of the effects of mass transfer on the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid past an uniformly accelerated vertical porous and non-porous plate has been presented on taking into account the free convection currents. The results are discussed with the effects of the Grashof number Gr, the modified Grashof number Sc, the Schmidt number Sc, and the suction parametera for Pr (the Prandtl number)=0.71 representating air at 20°C.Nomenclature a suction parameter - C species concentration - C species concentration at the free stream - g acceleration due gravity - Gc modified Grashof number (vg*(C C )/U 0 3 ) - Pr Prandtl number (C p/K) - T temperature of the fluid near the plate - T dimensionless temperature near the plate ((T-T )/(T -T )) - U(t) dimensionless velocity of the plate (U/U 0) - v normal velocity component - v 0 suction/injection velocity - x, y coordinate along and normal to the plate - v kinematic viscosity (/gr) - C p specific heat at constant pressure - C w species concentration at the plate - C non-dimensional species concentration ((C-C )/(C w -C )) - Gr Grashof number (g(T w -T )/U 0 3 ) - D chemical molecular diffusivity - K thermal conductivity - Sc Schmidt number (/D) - T w temperature of the plate - T free stream temperature - t time variable - t dimensionless time (tU 0 2 /) - U 0 reference velocity - u velocity of the fluid near the plate - u non-dimensional velocity (u/U 0) - v dimensionless velocity (v/U 0) - v 0 non-dimensionalv 0 (v 0 /U0)=–at–1/2 - y dimensionless ordinate (yU 0/) - density of the fluid - coefficient of viscosity  相似文献   

Résumé La transformation de Lyapunov transforme une équation de Hill en une autre qui occupe la même place dans la classification de Yakubovich.Soit (C) une solution périodique d'un système conservatif à deux degrés de liberté. D'après le principe de moindre action de Maupertuis (C) est l'image d'une géodésique ().Nous montrons que les équations aux variations au voisinage de (C) et de () sont réductibles à deux équations de Hill qui se correspondent par une transformation de Lyapunov.
The Lyapunov transformation of Hill's equation and his dynamic interpretation
The Lyapunov transformation carries Hill's equationÿ+F(t)y=0,F(t+T)=F(t) into another one which belongs to the same class in Yakubovich's classification.Let (C) be a closed trajectory of a Lagrangian conservative system with two degrees of freedom. By the Principle of Least action, we know that (C) is the image of a geodesic () of a certain two-dimensional surface ().We show that the two Hill equations associated with (C) and () are related by a certain Lyapunov transformation.

Paper presented at the 1981 Oberwolfach Conference on Mathematical Methods in Celestial Mechanics.  相似文献   

Neckel  Heinz 《Solar physics》2003,212(2):239-250
The coefficients A 0 of the limb-darkening functions I()/I center=P 5()=A ii (i=0,...5, =cos), published by Neckel and Labs (1994), and the corresponding disk-center intensities I center=I(=1), which were taken from the absolutely calibrated Kitt Peak FTS Atlas of the disk center (Brault et al., see Neckel and Labs, 1984, and Neckel 1999), are used to derive `limb intensities' I limb=I(=0)=A 0 I center. The corresponding `limb temperatures' T limb vary only slightly with wavelength; the mean value (4750 K) and the wavelength of maximum intensity (605 nm) conform to Wien's law (max T=0.288 cm K). Further, T limb agrees closely with that temperature, which follows from Avrett's (2000) model of the photosphere for 5000.006; for this layer the optical thickness along the line of sight is close to 1 (`the limb'; compare Unsöld, 1968). The slight variation of T limb with wavelength is presumably due to systematic errors in the Neckel and Labs intensity data: it corresponds almost precisely to the differences between their data and the more recent ones provided by, e.g., Burlov-Vasiljev, Gurtovenko, and Matvejev (1995), and Burlov-Vasiljev, Matvejev, and Vasiljeva (1998). Two simple correction functions (for 550 nm and 550 nm) are proposed, which apply to all Neckel and Labs intensity data (disk center and full disk, line spectrum and (quasi) continuum), and to the absolutely calibrated Kitt-Peak FTS Atlas (spectra of disk center and full disk) as well.  相似文献   

The relevant data for the known 147 pulsars are presented in graphical and tabular forms. Various data correlations are discussed, and a detailed analysis of pulsar dispersion measures and distances is given. The range of the electron densities in the diffuse interstellar medium is found to be 0.01 cm–3n e0.1 cm–3, and n e0.03 cm–3. The dispersion scale height for pulsars is found to be 5.9±0.7 pc cm–3 implying a linear scale height of 200 pc, which is much smaller than the electron scale height of our Galaxy.Astrophysics and Space Science Review Paper.  相似文献   

Low frequency or Alfvén waves in streaming plasmas can become unstable when the square of the Alfvén velocity is smaller than the mean square of the bulk motion in a co-moving reference frame, (u u )2, whereu stands for the bulk velocity of each species and u is the average bulk velocity of the plasma as a whole. For these new Alfvén instabilities the streaming effects can be enhanced by a suitable pressure anisotropy. Perpendicular pressure effects are stabilizing, parallel pressure effects are destabilizing, as in the usual firehose instability. The observed velocity differences between helium and the main (hydrogen) flow in the solar wind plasma are such that the Alfvén waves are getting close to marginal instability. These new Alfvén instabilities limit the velocity differences between helium and hydrogen and thus provide a possible mechanism for accelerating the helium particles up to the order of the main flow velocity.  相似文献   

I give an interpretation of a result of Simpsonet al. (1988) on the variation with kinetic energyT i of the mean pathlengthX m (T i ) of the galactic cosmic rays (CGRs) in the range 0.1T i 10.0 GeV nucl–1. I argue that the data onX m (T i ) may be interpreted in terms of a model of GCR diffusion on the one-dimensional Alfvén-wave turbulence, having a cutoff in the spectrum at frequencies h , where h is the proton gyrofrequency. The cutoff results in changing of the character of variation of the GCR diffusion coefficientD(T i )T a in the rangeT i 1 GeV nucl–1 towards some more complicated variation at 0.1T i 1.0 GeV nucl–1 due to the peculiarities of the pitch-angle scattering at 900.  相似文献   

Résumé On étudie l'effet du champ magnétique terrestre sur le mouvement d'un satellite autour de son centre de gravité. Le satellite possède une symétrie dynamique et un moment magnétique propre dirigé suivant l'un des axes principaux d'inertie; le champ magnétique terrestre est assimilé au champ d'un dipôle dont les pôles coïncident avec les pôles terrestres. On néglige les perturbations de la trajectoire du satellite qui est supposée circulaire. La position du satellite par rapport à son centre de gravité est repérée dans un système d'axes lié au plan de l'orbite et le mouvement est décrit à l'aide des angles d'Euler , , . La symétrie sphérique et le choix du moment magnétique sur l'un des axes d'inertie permettent d'éliminer l'angle .La solution pour et peut se développer en séries de puissance d'un petit paramètre . Les séries convergent pour ||<1.Lorsque le moment magnétique est faible on la rotation du satellite rapide, est faible. Les développements sont calculés effectivement jusqu'à 2.La comparaison des résultats avec l'intégration numérique du système d'équations différentielles est satisfaisante.
The effect of the Earth's magnetic field on the motion of a satellite around its centre of mass is investigated. The satellite is assumed to be dynamically symmetric and to be magnetized in the same direction as that of a principal axis. The Earth's magnetic field is assumed to be a dipole field whose poles coincide with the rotation poles of the Earth. The satellite's orbit is circular and perturbations are neglected. The position of the satellite with respect to its centre of mass is given with respect to a coordinate system fixed in the orbital plane and the motion is described by Euler's angles , , . The spherical symmetry and the coincidence of the magnetic moment with a principal axis allow one to eliminate the angle .The solution for and , can be expanded in power series for small parameter .The series converge for <1. is small for a small magnetic moment or a high angular velocity of the rotating satellite. The terms of the expansion of the series are calculated up to 2.The comparison of the results with those obtained by numerical integration of the differential equation is satisfactory.

In the present paper we prove a theorem giving rigorous estimates in the problem of bringing to normal form a nearly integrable Hamiltonian system, using methods of classical perturbation theory, i.e. series expansions in the small parameter . For any order of normalization, we give a lower bound * r for the convergence radius of the normalized Hamiltonian, and a greater bound for the remainder, i.e. the non normalized part of the Hamiltonian. As an application, we consider the case of weakly coupled harmonic oscillators with highly nonresonant frequencies and show how, by optimizing, for fixed , the orderr of normalization, one gets for the remainder a greater bound of the formAe (*1/) a , with positive constantsA,a and 1 * exponential estimate of Nekhoroshev's type.  相似文献   

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