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We constructed an aeolian soil database across arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid regions, China. Soil particle size distribution was measured with a laser diffraction technique, and fractal dimensions were calculated. The results showed that: (i) the predominant soil particle size distributed in fine and medium sand classifications, and fractal dimensions covered a wide range from 2.0810 to 2.6351; (ii) through logarithmic transformations, fractal dimensions were significantly positive correlated with clay and silt contents (R2 = 0.81 and 0.59, P < 0.01), and significantly negative correlated with sand content (R2 = 0.50, P < 0.01); (3) hierarchical cluster analysis divided the plots into three types which were similar to sand dune types indicating desertification degree. In a large spatial scale, fractal dimensions are still sensitive to wind-induced desertification. Therefore, we highly recommend that fractal dimension be used as a reliable and quantitative parameter to monitor soil environment changes in desertified regions. This improved information provides a firm basis for better understanding of desertification processes.  相似文献   

— Recent simulations using the particle dynamics method (PDM) have successfully captured many features of natural faults zones as illuminated in laboratory studies. However, 2-D simulations conducted on idealized assemblages of particles using simple elastic-frictional contact laws, yield friction values considerably lower than natural materials, and lack time- and velocity-dependent changes in strength that influence dynamic fault slip. Here, preliminary results of new PDM simulations are described, in which particle motions are restricted as a proxy for particle interlocking and out of plane contacts, and time-dependent contact healing is introduced to capture temporal strengthening of granular assemblages. Frictional strength is increased, and in the absence of interparticle rolling, can attain values observed in the laboratory. The resulting mechanical behavior is qualitatively similar to that described by empirically-based rate-state friction laws, providing new physical insight into the discrete mechanics of natural faults.  相似文献   

The water flow and sediment transport equations have been linearized and analytically solved under the hypothesis of quasi-equilibrium conditions. This solution permits to reconstruct the river bathymetry from planimetric data, the only ones available from satellite images for most of the large rivers of the world. The linearized quasi-equilibrium solution provides a criterion to evaluate the accuracy of the approximate (uniform-flow) model, compared to the regular (steady-flow) model. For non-equilibrium conditions, a further constraint on time resolution should be added, which is however generally satisfied for long-term morphological simulations. The uniform-flow solution presents many advantages which become crucial for long-term numerical computations at watershed scale. The article provides a detailed numerical comparison of the accuracy and resolution of both steady- and uniform-flow models, with an application to the evolution of the lower Zambezi River, which confirms the theoretical criterion. The accuracy of the uniform-flow solution appears to improve when the river is schematized with a coarse computational grid although, of course, with a corresponding loss of spatial resolution.  相似文献   

Despite the insight gained from 2-D particle models, and given that the dynamics of crustal faults occur in 3-D space, the question remains, how do the 3-D fault gouge dynamics differ from those in 2-D? Traditionally, 2-D modeling has been preferred over 3-D simulations because of the computational cost of solving 3-D problems. However, modern high performance computing architectures, combined with a parallel implementation of the Lattice Solid Model (LSM), provide the opportunity to explore 3-D fault micro-mechanics and to advance understanding of effective constitutive relations of fault gouge layers. In this paper, macroscopic friction values from 2-D and 3-D LSM simulations, performed on an SGI Altix 3700 super-cluster, are compared. Two rectangular elastic blocks of bonded particles, with a rough fault plane and separated by a region of randomly sized non-bonded gouge particles, are sheared in opposite directions by normally-loaded driving plates. The results demonstrate that the gouge particles in the 3-D models undergo significant out-of-plane motion during shear. The 3-D models also exhibit a higher mean macroscopic friction than the 2-D models for varying values of interparticle friction. 2-D LSM gouge models have previously been shown to exhibit accelerating energy release in simulated earthquake cycles, supporting the Critical Point hypothesis. The 3-D models are shown to also display accelerating energy release, and good fits of power law time-to-failure functions to the cumulative energy release are obtained.  相似文献   

—The size distribution of earthquakes has been investigated since the early 20th century. In 1932 Wadati assumed a power-law distribution n(E) = kE ?w for earthquake energy E and estimated the w value to be 1.7 ~ 2.1. Since the introduction of the magnitude-frequency relation by Gutenberg and Richter in 1944 in the form of log n(M) = a?bM, the spatial or temporal variation (or stability) of b value has been a frequently discussed subject in seismicity studies. The log n(M) versus M plots for some data sets exhibit considerable deviation from a straight line. Many modifications of the G-R relation have been proposed to represent such character. The modified equations include the truncated G-R equation, two-range G-R equation, equations with various additional terms to the original G-R equation. The gamma distribution of seismic moments is equivalent to one of these equations.¶In this paper we examine which equation is the most suitable to magnitude data from Japan and the world using AIC. In some cases, the original G-R equation is the most suitable, however in some cases other equations fit far better. The AIC is also a powerful tool to test the significance of the difference in parameter values between two sets of magnitude data under the assumption that the magnitudes are distributed according to a specified equation. Even if there is no significant difference in b value between two data sets (the G-R relation is assumed), we may find a significant difference between the same data sets under the assumption of another relation. To represent a character of the size distribution, there are indexes other than parameters in the magnitude-frequency distribution. The η value is one of such numbers. Although it is certain that these indexes vary among different data sets and are usable to represent a certain feature of seismicity, the usefulness of these indexes in some practical problems such as foreshock discrimination has not yet been established.  相似文献   

The study investigated the particle size distribution of major organic pollutants in black water and gray water fractions of domestic sewage. Particle size distribution was assessed by means of a filtration/ultrafiltration sequence together with laser diffraction. Emphasis was placed upon the correlation between the size distribution of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and its biodegradation characteristics obtained by respirometric analysis. Particle size distribution analysis provided specific fingerprints for COD, total organic carbon (TOC), carbohydrates, proteins, and color for black water and gray water: Aside from significant difference between COD contents, the more concentrated COD was predominantly in particulate form in black water, whereas soluble COD accounted for nearly 60% of the total in gray water. TOC and carbohydrate exhibited a similar pattern. Size distribution of particulate matter yielded different characteristics for the two fractions and indicated that settleable matter should be considered as a significant portion in assessing biodegradation. Particle size distribution of COD, although not directly related, gave an accurate image of biodegradation, indicating that particle size was basically the main parameter for differentiating and predicting major COD fractions with different biodegradation characteristics. It explained the dual hydrolysis mechanism associated with the black water based on the existence of a significant settleable COD fraction.  相似文献   

--Unsupervised learning techniques provide a way of investigating scientific data based on automated generation of statistical models. Because these techniques are not dependent on a priori information, they provide an unbiased method for separating data into distinct types. Thus they can be used as an objective method by which to identify data as belonging to previously known classes or to find previously unknown or rare classes and subclasses of data. Hidden Markov model based unsupervised learning methods are particularly applicable to geophysical systems because time relationships between classes, or states of the system, are included in the model. We have applied a modified version of hidden Markov models which employ a deterministic annealing technique to scientific analysis of seismicity and GPS data from the southern California region. Preliminary results indicate that the technique can isolate distinct classes of earthquakes from seismicity data.  相似文献   

Fractured aquifers are some of the most poorly characterized subsurface environments despite posing one of the highest risks to the protection of potable groundwater. This research was designed to improve the understanding of the factors affecting particle transport through fractures by developing a phenomenological model based on laboratory‐scale transport data. The model presented in this research employed data from over 70 particle tracer tests conducted in single, saturated, variable‐aperture fractures that were obtained from the natural environment and fractured in the laboratory or cast from epoxy in the laboratory. The particles employed were Escherichia coli RS2‐GFP and microspheres. The tracer experiments were conducted in natural (dolomitic limestone and granite) as well as epoxy replicas of the natural fractures. The multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the most important factors influencing particle retention in fractures are the ratio of the ionic strength of solution to collector charge, the ratio of particle to collector charge, and the ratio of advective to diffusive forces as described by the Peclet number. The model was able to reasonably (R2 = 0.64) predict the fraction of particles retained; however, it is evident that some factors not accounted for in the model also contributed to retention. This research presents a novel approach to understanding particle transport in fractures, and illustrates the relative importance of various factors affecting the transport mechanisms. The utility of this model lies in the increased understanding of particle transport in fractures, which is extremely useful for directing future research.  相似文献   

断层泥中石英碎砾溶蚀形貌的测年研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨振法  李日运 《地震研究》2006,29(2):188-192
考虑到同一条断层的同一个位置所取的断层泥中,不同碎砾的溶蚀形貌并不相同,即使是同一个碎砾,其不同的表面,溶蚀形貌也可能不同,将统计学参数估计的方法引入结果处理中,并把在金川水电站坝区F1断层一次所取得断层泥样品碎砾的各个表面的总体当作一个整体进行处理,得出此断层的活动时间可能为早更新世的结果。与ESR法测得的结果基本一致。  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that high concentrations of H2 gas are released from active fault zones. Experimental studies suggest that the H2 gas is derived from the reaction of water with free radicals formed when silicate minerals are fractured at hypocenter depths during fault activities. However, the pathways for migration of deep-seated fluids to surface are still unknown. In this study we performed quick, multipoint H2 gas measurements across a fault zone using a portable gas monitor and a hand drill. The fault zone studied includes a smectite-rich fault core dividing two clearly distinguishable damage zones: granite cataclasite and welded tuff fault breccia. The measurements show that H2 gas emissions collected in 2–3 h sampling periods from start of measurement range from 320.3 to 446.2 ppm/min in the granite cataclasite and 60.5 to 137.8 ppm/min in the welded tuff fault breccias. Negligible quantities of H2 gas could be collected from the fault core. Particle size distribution analyses of fault rocks indicate that the granite cataclasite tends to be rich in particles that are finer, i.e., less cohesive and easy to disaggregate, which leads to the inference that the granite cataclasite has high permeability. Based on the H2 gas measurements and the particle size distribution analyses, the H2 gas is considered to have migrated in permeable damage zones mostly by advection with groundwater. Multipoint H2 gas measurement will be effective in qualitative delineation of variations in permeability of regional structures.  相似文献   

In this paper, size‐exclusion chromatography (SEC) was used to determine the metal concentration in different size fractions of a bog lake water. Two methods were applied: (a) preparative SEC with off‐line metal concentration analysis and (b) direct coupling of an analytical SEC system on‐line with an inductively‐coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP‐MS). In the preparative SEC measurements, maximum concentrations were found for different metal ions in different size fractions of the natural organic matter (NOM). Normalization of metal concentrations to dissolved organic carbon concentration (DOC) yielded two maxima in the high and in the very low molecular‐weight fractions. Whereas good recoveries were found for Al, Fe, and Ni, only 40% were obtained for Pb. This indicates that Pb formed labile complexes with NOM, and hence could strongly interact with the column material. In the experiments with the analytical SEC‐ICP‐MS system, the same trends were observed, but with even lower recoveries than in the preparative system. Sample preconcentration and storage were also investigated with respect to decrease in metal concentration. During the ultrafiltration preconcentration step Al and Fe were removed only to a small extent, whereas about half of the initial Pb was lost. This indicates that Al and Fe were mainly bound to high molecular‐weight fractions of NOM. In contrast to that, Al and in particular Fe were removed from solution more than proportionally with respect to DOC because of aggregation of the NOM during storage, whereas Pb and Ni were concentrated relative to the DOC.  相似文献   

A model and computer-based numeric approximation for computing the equilibrium distributions of contaminants at petroleum release sites is presented. A database of contaminant-specific parameters, including solubility and organic-carbon partitioning coefficient, is assembled. Applications and limitations of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

A drainage basin simulation model is used to interpret the morphometry and historical evolution of Mancos Shale badlands in Utah. High relief slopes in these badlands feature narrow divides and linear profiles due to threshold mass-wasting. Threshold slopes become longer in proportion to erosion rate, implying lower drainage density and higher relief. By contrast, in slowly eroding areas of low relief, both model results and observations indicate that drainage density increases with relief, suggesting control by critical shear stress. Field relationships and simulation modelling indicate that the badlands have resulted from rapid downcutting of the master drainage below an Early Wisconsin terrace to the present river level, followed by base level stability. As a result, Early Wisconsin alluvial surfaces on the shale have been dissected up to 62 m into steep badlands, and a Holocene alluvial surface is gradually replacing the badland slopes which are erocing by parallel retreat. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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