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Two groups of granitoids associated with gold mineralization in the Appalachian orogen of southwestern New Brunswick are recognized: a Late Silurian to Early Devonian (423–396 Ma) granodioritic to monzogranitic series (GMS), and a Late Devonian (370–360 Ma) granitic series (GS). The GMS granitoids are relatively low in silica, calc-alkaline, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, and show characteristics of normal (oxidized) to reduced I-type granites depending on the properties of country rocks. They may have been derived from partial melting of lower crustal rocks triggered by underplated basaltic magmas; and country rocks bearing reduced organic carbon and/or graphite may have played an important role in the reduction of normal I-type intrusions to reduced I-type, which is essential in the formation of intrusion-related gold systems. In contrast, the GS granites, although calc-alkaline and metaluminous to peraluminous, are relatively rich in silica, incompatible elements, and high field strength elements. They are fractionated I-type granites, and are probably related to the coeval Mount Douglas granite in the Saint George batholith through fractional crystallization. Their parental magmas may have been derived from partial melting of quartzofeldspathic sources at relatively low temperatures. Both GMS and GS intrusions are orogenic, although some of them display the affinity of those emplaced into a within-plate environment. The origin of intrusion-related gold systems in this region appears to be controlled by several factors, including magma sources, magmatic processes, redox conditions (country-rock nature), and local structural regimes.  相似文献   

新疆西准噶尔塔北地区晚古生代中酸性侵入岩的成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
塔尔巴哈台-萨吾尔地区位于西准噶尔北部,中酸性岩浆侵入作用十分强烈。本文对塔尔巴哈台-萨吾尔地区西段的塔北地区出露的克孜贝提、哲北、巴斯、卡姆斯台、阿西和科鲁克6个代表性中酸性岩体的地质、成岩年代和地球化学特征进行研究。结果表明,塔北地区中酸性岩浆作用可分为早石炭世早期(343~338Ma)、早石炭世晚期(328~324Ma)和晚石炭世(315Ma)三个阶段:早石炭世早期中酸性岩体包括克孜贝提、哲北岩体;岩性主要为闪长岩,具有碱性、过铝质岩石的特点;早石炭世晚期中酸性岩体包括巴斯、卡姆斯台和阿西岩体,岩性主要为花岗闪长岩,具有钙碱性-碱性和准铝质-过铝质岩石的特点;晚古生代中酸性侵入岩体为科鲁克岩体,岩性为钾长花岗岩,具有碱性和过铝质岩石的特点。从早石炭世至晚石炭世,塔北地区中酸性岩具有向富K、Si和贫Ca演化的趋势,研究源区以壳源为主、有幔源物质混入的特征;岩浆演化具有分离结晶增强、围岩混染减弱的特点。塔北地区早石炭世早期中酸性岩体形成于俯冲岛弧环境,早石炭世晚期-晚石炭世岩浆侵位于后碰撞环境。  相似文献   

Bulk δ 34Srock values, sulfur contents, and magnetic susceptibility were determined for 12 gold-related granitoid intrusions in southwestern New Brunswick, the Canadian Appalachians. The sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals in some of the granitoid samples were also analyzed. This new dataset was used to characterize two distinctive groups of granitoids: (1) a Late Devonian granitic series (GS) and (2) a Late Silurian to Early Devonian granodioritic to monzogranitic series (GMS). The GS rocks have a large range in δ 34S values of −7.1‰ to +13‰ with an average of 2.2 ± 5.0‰ (1σ), low bulk-S contents (33 to 7,710 ppm) and low magnetic susceptibility values (<10−4 SI), consistent with reduced ilmenite-series granites. The GMS rocks have a relatively narrower variation in δ 34S values of −4.4‰ to +7.3‰ with an average 1.2 ± 2.9‰ but with larger ranges in bulk-S contents (45 to 11,100 ppm) and high magnetic susceptibility values (>10−3 SI), indicative of oxidized magnetite-series granites. The exceptions for the GMS rocks are the Lake George granodiorite and Tower Hill granite that display reduced characteristics, which may have resulted from interaction of the magmas forming these intrusions with graphite- or organic carbon-bearing sedimentary rocks. The bulk δ 34S values and S contents of the GMS rocks are interpreted in terms of selective assimilation–fractional crystallization (SAFC) processes. Degassing processes may account for the δ 34S values and S contents of some GS rocks. The characteristics of our sulfur isotope and abundance data suggest that mineralizing components S and Au in intrusion-related gold systems are dominantly derived from magmatic sources, although minor contaminants derived from country rocks are evident. In addition, the molar sulfate to sulfide ratio in a granitic rock sample can be calculated from the δ 34Srock value of the whole-rock sample and the δ 34Ssulfide (or δ 34Ssulfate) value of sulfide and/or sulfate mineral in the sample on the basis of S-isotope fractionation and mass balance under the condition of magmatic equilibrium. This may be used to predict the speciation of sulfur in granitic rocks, which can be a potential exploration tool for intrusion-related gold systems.  相似文献   

 Oxidation of a flotation-derived, low-sulfide tailings containing approximately 0.4 wt.% S was compared with simultaneously oxidized tailings containing 1.0 wt.% S and 2.5 wt.% S to assess their acid generating characteristics. Each tailings type was exposed to oxidation for three years in laboratory columns and in lysimeter pits in the field. In these tailings the sulfide mineral of principal concern with respect to acid generation is pyrrhotite (Fe 1-x S). In past studies the alteration of pyrrhotite has been characterized by initial replacement with marcasite (FeS2) and ferric iron sulfates, which are followed by development of ferric oxyhydroxides such as goethite and lepidocrocite. Macroscopic characterization of the tailings shows varying and progressive degrees of oxidation correlative with the three different sulfur contents. As expected, the tailings with the lowest sulfur content are the least oxidized, and those with the highest sulfur content have reacted the most. The column tests, which represent accelerated reaction conditions relative to those for the lysimeter pits, show much higher degrees of oxidation, and a markedly more distinct boundary between the oxidized and unoxidized zones; as well, differences among the three tailings types are more pronounced. Received: 31 October 1997 · Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   

Chemical composition of rock-forming minerals in Appalachian Siluro-Devonian granitoid intrusions, southwestern New Brunswick, was systematically determined by electron microprobe. The mineral chemical data together with petrographic examination was used to test magmatic equilibration and to constrain crystallization conditions, volatile exsolution, and fluorine-chlorine activity of fluids associated with these intrusions. Mineralogical distinction between Late Silurian to Early Devonian granodioritic to monzogranitic series (GMS) and Late Devonian granitic series (GS) rocks is evident, although both are subsolvus I-type to evolved I-type granitoids. Oxidized to reduced GMS rocks consist of quartz, plagioclase (An>10), K-feldspar, biotite, apatite, titanite, zircon, monazite, ± hornblende, ± pyroxene, ± magnetite, ± ilmenite, and ± sulfide. GS rocks comprise quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase (An<10), mica group minerals, zircon, monazite, apatite, sulfide, ± ilmente, ± magnetite, ± topaz, ± columbite, and ± xenotime. Inter-intrusion and intra-intrusion variations in mineral chemistry are interpreted to reflect petrogenetic processes (e.g., assimilation and fractional crystallization) during granitoid evolution. Although magmatic equilibration among rock-forming minerals are disturbed by subsolidus hydrothermal processes, GMS rocks appear to have higher magmatic temperatures, variable levels of emplacement, a range of (i.e., reduced intrusions 10−16.7∼10−13.4 and oxidized intrusions 10−14.0∼10−10.5 bars), and relatively low f HF/f HCl ratios (10−3.0∼10−1.0) in exsolved fluids, compared to GS rocks. Reduced GMS intrusions bear higher gold potential and thus may be prospective targets for intrusion-related gold systems. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

In the late Precambrian Avalon composite terrane of the Canadian Appalachians, the local juxtaposition of Avalonian successions against gneiss complex–platformal metasedimentary rock associations of uncertain relationship to the Avalonian overstep sequence has raised important questions about the configuration of the composite terrane. Typical of this relationship is the juxtapostion of Avalonian arc-related packages (Caledonia assemblage) with the migmatitic Brookville Gneiss and metacarbonate–quartzite Green Head Group (Brookville assemblage) along the Caledonia Fault in southern New Brunswick. Polyphase deformation of the predominantly greenschist facies Green Head Group accompanied development of a regional ductile shear zone that separates the group from the amphibolite facies Brookville Gneiss. Heterogeneous ductile flow in carbonate rocks and the development of a regional foliation was followed by NW-directed shortening and the local development of a penetrative axial planar fabric that intensifies towards the shear zone. Associated structural elements suggest regional dextral transpression, consistent with the metamorphic contrast across the shear zone. Steeply plunging east–west folds may record younger, sinistral movement on associated NE–SW faults. Deformation coincident with metamorphic culmination in the Brookville Gneiss produced a gneissic foliation that was later deformed to produce widespread minor folds of sheath-like geometry. These folds are best developed proximal to the shear zone where they locally document dextral shear, and probably include several generations that overlap early phases of deformation of the Green Head Group. Kinematic indicators within the gneiss are predominantly dextral. 36Ar/40Ar versus 39Ar/40Ar isotope-correlation ages recorded by metamorphic hornblende suggest that regional cooling of the Brookville Gneiss through ca. 500°C occurred at ca. 540 Ma, providing a minimum age for initial deformation and concomitant metamorphic culmination in the gneiss. 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages for metamorphic muscovite suggest cooling through ca. 375°C at ca. 500–520 Ma, providing a minimum age for progressive deformation in both lithotectonic sequences. Low temperature age discordance in the muscovite spectra suggest partial rejuvenation in the mid- and late Palaeozoic. Protracted Cambrian tectonothermal activity in the Brookville assemblage contrasts with the Avalonian tectonostratigraphic record of the Caledonia assemblage in which late Precambrian arc-related packages are overstepped by Cambrian–Ordovician shallow marine strata. Significant Cambrian separation between the two assemblages is therefore suggested, despite Precambrian similarities in their tectonothermal evolution. Separation as a consequence of terrane dispersal is suggested, and may imply a significant rearrangement of the Avalon composite terrane at this time. Final juxtaposition of the two assemblages pre-dates their shared late Palaeozoic rejuvenation, and may correspond to an earlier, mid-Palaeozoic thermal overprint correlated with tectonothermal activity accompanying accretion of the Avalon and outboard Meguma terranes to more inboard tectonic elements of the northern Appalachians.  相似文献   

胶东金矿床碳酸盐矿物的碳-氧和锶-钕同位素地球化学研究   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
对胶东四类金矿床(盆地边缘砾岩型、斑岩型-浅成热液型、石英脉型和破碎带蚀变岩型)矿石中的碳酸盐矿物开展了系统的碳-氧同位素和锶-钕同位素地球化学研究。研究结果表明,与宏观的成矿地质条件和矿床地质特征相对应,山东金矿床可能有亲岩浆岩和亲沉积盆地两个不同的成矿系统。前者包括斑岩型-浅成热液型、石英脉型和破碎带蚀变岩型三类金矿床,后者指盆地边缘砾岩型金矿床,二者具有不同的碳-氧和锶-钕同位素地球化学特征。山东亲岩浆岩系列的金矿床,其锶-钕同位素与同时代的幔源岩浆岩一致,碳同位素显示幔源碳和岩浆碳的特征,氧同位素则显示初生水与大气降水不同比例混合的可能性,因此有可能是以CO2为主、富合成矿金属的地幔流体与浅部下渗大气降水相互作用的结果。而与岩浆岩关系不密切、主要受盆地边缘断裂控制的盆地边缘砾岩型金矿床,其碳-氧和锶-钕同位素组成均较分散,可能主要与地壳浅部下渗大气降水对上地壳各种岩石淋滤萃取演化而成的成矿流体有关。  相似文献   

This study examines the depletion of ferromagnesian silicate minerals from a sequence of thin, distal, mainly rhyolitic tephra layers of Holocene age preserved in an acid peat bog (Kopouatai), North Island, New Zealand. The rate of such depletion has been fast, as indicated by the complete loss of biotite from one tephra layer (Kaharoa Tephra), in which it is normally dominant, in only ca. 770 yr. Chemical dissolution is advocated as the likely cause for the depletion, with amphiboles and other mineral grains commonly showing etch pits, microcaves, and other characteristic surface solution features. Theoretical thermodynamic and kinetic models show a marked increase in the rate of dissolution of all ferromagnesian minerals under conditions of low pH (< 4), but that where silica concentrations in solution are high the relative proportions of minerals remaining are unaffected. However, where concentrations of dissolved silica are low, as in most bog environments, the relative proportions of ferromagnesian minerals are affected as well as absolute amounts being decreased. Amphiboles are depleted relative to pyroxenes, consistent with kinetic studies. The results show that the identification and correlation of tephras on the basis of relative abundances of ferromagnesian minerals alone may be unreliable, and emphasise the need to use multiple criteria in such studies.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphic and palynological analysis of two cores recovered from the ‘Grand Lac’ (New Caledonia), combined with 35 14C AMS dates, yields a paleoenvironmental record spanning the last 2000 yr. The lithology is represented mainly by clayey or laminated layers. A catastrophic event, which is marked by very coarse deposits, occurred probably between ca 1070-960 cal yr B.P. and possibly is associated with an unusually severe La Niña event. Before and after this event, a similar combination of the two main sediment types is recorded. The repeated alternation of laminated and clayey layers is interpreted as the response to local hydrologic forcing, which may reflect a shift from relatively wet to relatively drier conditions, respectively. Variable amount of micro-charcoal is detected all along the profile. Without additional evidence, notwithstanding the initial local human settlement documented since ca 2900 14C yr B.P., micro-charcoal occurrence and variability cannot be linked directly to an anthropogenic origin. No distinct palynological zonations in relation to the lithology are observed, and the vegetation changes may only represent minor transitions across environmental limits.  相似文献   

大型超大型金属矿床形成的深部物质组成和壳幔结构一直是地学研究中被关注的焦点和难点问题。胶东地区发育很多(燕山期)的大型超大型的金矿,是我国著名的金矿集区。本文基于板块构造理论,通过揭示区域火成岩、致矿火成岩组合及其特征,探讨金矿发育时的深部物质组成和壳幔结构。区域上成矿前的侵入岩组合为含少量英云闪长岩+奥长花岗岩(TT)的花岗闪长岩+花岗岩(G1G2)组合;区域上发育的青山群为含有高镁安山岩(HMA)和镁安山岩(MA)的玄武安山岩安山岩英安岩流纹岩以及粗安岩玄粗岩粗面岩组合;矿集区的致矿火成岩组合为含有高Mg闪长岩类(HMgδ)+Mg闪长岩类(Mgδ)的宽谱系岩墙群(WSDS),岩性从基性到酸性均有。上述火成岩组合,以及TTG1、HMA与MA系列火山岩、HMgδ和Mgδ的存在,指示弧火成岩的组合,其各种岩石地球化学特征亦具有弧的特征,因此,上述火成岩及金矿形成于洋俯冲环境,具有俯冲带的壳幔结构和物质组成。各种不同的火成岩指示其可能分别来源于俯冲带不同部位的局部熔融,指示洋壳、上覆地幔楔以及上覆陆壳具有异常热的壳幔结构,即热的洋壳、热的上覆地幔(软流圈)、热的陆壳。致矿火成岩事件、成矿事件均在大规模的壳源(或壳幔)侵入岩浆活动之后。  相似文献   

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