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Suspended sediment fluxes to and from tidal wetlands are of increasing concern because of habitat restoration efforts, wetland sustainability as sea level rises, and potential contaminant accumulation. We measured water and sediment fluxes through two channels on Browns Island, at the landward end of San Francisco Bay, United States, to determine the factors that control sediment fluxes on and off the island. In situ instrumentation was deployed between October 10 and November 13, 2003. Acoustic Doppler current profilers and the index velocity method were employed to calculate water fluxes. Suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) were determined with optical sensors and cross-sectional water sampling. All procedures were analyzed for their contribution to total error in the flux measurement. The inability to close the water balance and determination of constituent concentration were identified as the main sources of error; total error was 27% for net sediment flux. The water budget for the island was computed, with an unaccounted input of 0.20 m3s−1 (22% of mean inflow), after considering channel flow, change in water storage, evapotranspiration, and precipitation. The net imbalance may be a combination of groundwater seepage, overland flow, and flow through minor channels. Change of island water storage, caused by local variations in water surface elevation, dominated the tidally averaged water flux. These variations were mainly caused by wind and barometric pressure change, which alter regional water levels throughout the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Peak instantaneous ebb flow was 35% greater than peak flood flow, indicating an ebbdominant system, though dominance varied with the spring-neap cycle. SSC were controlled by wind-wave resuspension adjacent to the island and local tidal currents that mobilized sediment from the channel bed. During neap tides sediment was imported onto the island but during spring tides sediment was exported because the main channel became ebb dominant. Over the 34-d monitoring period 14,000 kg of suspended sediment were imported through the two channels. The water imbalance may affect the sediment balance if the unmeasured water transport pathways are capable of transporting large amounts of sediment. We estimate a maximum of 2,800 kg of sediment may have been exported through unmeasured pathways, giving a minimum ent import of 11,200 kg. Sediment flux measurements provide insight on tidal to fortnightly marsh sedimentation processes, especially in complex systems where sedimentation is spatially and temporally variable.  相似文献   

Spatially varying water-level regimes are a factor controlling estuarine and tidal-fluvial wetland vegetation patterns. As described in Part I, water levels in the Lower Columbia River and estuary (LCRE) are influenced by tides, river flow, hydropower operations, and coastal processes. In Part II, regression models based on tidal theory are used to quantify the role of these processes in determining water levels in the mainstem river and floodplain wetlands, and to provide 21-year inundation hindcasts. Analyses are conducted at 19 LCRE mainstem channel stations and 23 tidally exposed floodplain wetland stations. Sum exceedance values (SEVs) are used to compare wetland hydrologic regimes at different locations on the river floodplain. A new predictive tool is introduced and validated, the potential SEV (pSEV), which can reduce the need for extensive new data collection in wetland restoration planning. Models of water levels and inundation frequency distinguish four zones encompassing eight reaches. The system zones are the wave- and current-dominated Entrance to river kilometer (rkm) 5; the Estuary (rkm-5 to 87), comprised of a lower reach with salinity, the energy minimum (where the turbidity maximum normally occurs), and an upper estuary reach without salinity; the Tidal River (rkm-87 to 229), with lower, middle, and upper reaches in which river flow becomes increasingly dominant over tides in determining water levels; and the steep and weakly tidal Cascade (rkm-229 to 234) immediately downstream from Bonneville Dam. The same zonation is seen in the water levels of floodplain stations, with considerable modification of tidal properties. The system zones and reaches defined here reflect geological features and their boundaries are congruent with five wetland vegetation zones.  相似文献   

Residual Exchange Flows in Subtropical Estuaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Observations of residual exchange flows at the entrance to four subtropical estuaries, two of them semiarid, indicate that these flows are mainly tidally driven, as they compare favorably with theoretical patterns of tidal residual flows. In every estuary examined, the tidal behavior was that of a standing or near-standing wave, i.e., tidal elevation and tidal currents were nearly in quadrature. The pattern of exchange flow that persisted at every estuary exhibited inflow in the channel and outflow over the shoals. Curiously, but also fortuitously, this pattern coincides with the exchange pattern driven by density gradients in other estuaries. The tidal stresses and the residual elevation slopes should be the dominant mechanisms that drive such tidal residual pattern because the Stokes transport mechanism is negligible for standing or near-standing waves. Time series measurements from the semiarid estuaries showed fortnightly modulation of the residual flow by tidal forcing in such a way that the strongest net exchange flows developed with the largest tidal distortions, i.e., during spring tides. This modulation is opposite to the modulation that typically results in temperate estuaries, where the strongest net exchange flows tend to develop during neap tides. The fortnightly modulation on tidal residual currents could be inferred from previous theoretical results because residual currents arise from tidal distortions but is made explicit in this study. The findings advanced herein should allow the drawing of generalities about exchange flow patterns in subtropical estuaries where residual flows are mainly driven by tides.  相似文献   

Hydrographic patterns and chlorophyll concentrations in the Columbia River estuary were compared for spring and summer periods during 2004 through 2006. Riverine and oceanic sources of chlorophyll were evaluated at stations along a 27-km along-estuary transect in relation to time series of wind stress, river flow, and tidal stage. Patterns of chlorophyll concentration varied between seasons and years. In spring, the chlorophyll distribution was dominated by high concentrations from freshwater sources. Periods of increased stream flow limited riverine chlorophyll production. In summer, conversely, upwelling winds induced input of high-salinity water from the ocean to the estuary, and this water was often associated with relatively high chlorophyll concentrations. The frequency, duration, and intensity of upwelling events varied both seasonally and interannually, and this variation affected the timing and magnitude of coastally derived material imported to the estuary. The main source of chlorophyll thus varied from riverine in spring to coastal in summer. In both spring and summer seasons and among years, modulation of the spring/neap tidal cycle determined stratification, patterns of mixing, and the fate of (especially freshwater) phytoplankton. Spring tides had higher mixing and neap tides greater stratification, which affected the vertical distribution of chlorophyll. The Columbia River differs from the more tidally dominated coastal estuaries in the Pacific Northwest by its large riverine phytoplankton production and transfer of this biogenic material to the estuary and coastal ocean. However, all Pacific Northwest coastal estuaries investigated to date have exhibited advection of coastally derived chlorophyll during the upwelling season. This constitutes a fundamental difference between Pacific Northwest estuaries and systems not bounded by a coastal upwelling zone.  相似文献   

Sediment transport and trapping in the Hudson River estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Hudson River estuary has a pronounced turbidity maximum zone, in which rapid, short-term deposition of sediment occurs during and following the spring freshet. Water-column measurements of currents and suspended sediment were performed during the spring of 1999 to determine the rate and mechanisms of sediment transport and trapping in the estuary. The net convergence of sediment in the lower estuary was approximately 300,000 tons, consistent with an estimate based on sediment cores. The major input of sediment from the watershed occurred during the spring freshet, as expected. Unexpected, however, was that an even larger quantity of sediment was transported landward into the estuary during the 3-mo observation period. The landward movement was largely accomplished by tidal pumping (i.e., the correlation between concentration and velocity at tidal frequencies) during spring tides, when the concentrations were 5 to 10 times higher than during neap tides. The landward flux is not consistent with the long-term sediment budget, which requires a seaward flux at the mouth to account for the excess input from the watershed relative to net accumulation. The anomalous, landward transport in 1999 occurred in part because the freshet was relatively weak, and the freshet occurred during neapetides when sediment resuspension was minimal. An extreme freshet occurred during 1998, which may have provided a repository of sediment just seaward of the mouth that re-entered the estuary in 1999. The amplitude of the spring freshet and its timing with respect to the spring-neap cycle cause large interannual variations in estuarine sediment flux. These variations can result in the remobilization of previously deposited sediment, the mass of which may exceed the annual inputs from the watershed.  相似文献   

A 3-D coastal ocean model with a tidal turbine module was used in this paper to study the effects of tidal energy extraction on temperature and salinity stratification and density-driven two-layer estuarine circulation. Numerical experiments with various turbine array configurations were carried out to investigate the changes in tidally averaged temperature, salinity, and velocity profiles in an idealized stratified estuary that connects to coastal water through a narrow tidal channel. The model was driven by tides, river inflow, and sea surface heat flux. To represent the realistic size of commercial tidal farms, model simulations were conducted based on a small percentage (less than 10 %) of the total number of turbines that would generate the maximum extractable energy in the system. Model results show that extraction of tidal in-stream energy will increase the vertical mixing and decrease the stratification in the estuary. Installation of in-stream tidal farm will cause a phase lag in tidal wave, which leads to large differences in tidal currents between baseline and tidal farm conditions. Extraction of tidal energy in an estuarine system has stronger impact on the tidally averaged salinity, temperature, and velocity in the surface layer than the bottom layer even though the turbine hub height is close to the bottom. Finally, model results also indicate that extraction of tidal energy weakens the two-layer estuarine circulation, especially during neap tides when tidal mixing is weakest and energy extraction is smallest.  相似文献   

The effects of fortnightly, semidiurnal, and quaterdiurnal lunar tidal cycles on suspended particle concentrations in the tidal freshwater zone of the Seine macrotidal estuary were studied during periods of medium to low freshwater flow. Long-term records of turbidity show semidiurnal and spring-neap erosion-sedimentation cycles. During spring tide, the rise in low tide levels in the upper estuary leads to storage of water in the upper estuary. This increases residence time of water and suspended particulate matter (SPM). During spring tide periods, significant tidal pumping, measured by flux calculations, prevents SPM transit to the middle estuary which is characterized by the turbidity maximum zone. On a long-term basis, this tidal pumping allows marine particles to move upstream for several tens of kilometers into the upper estuary. At the end of the spring tide period, when the concentrations of suspended particulate matter are at their peak values and the low-tide level drops, the transport of suspended particulate matter to the middle estuary reaches its highest point. This period of maximum turbidity is of short duration because a significant amount of the SPM settles during neap tide. The particles, which settle under these conditions, are trapped in the upper estuary and cannot be moved to the zone of maximum turbidity until the next spring tide. From the upper estuary to the zone of maximum turbidity, particulate transport is generated by pulses at the start of the spring-neap tide transition period.  相似文献   

Tidal currents and the spatial variability of tidally-induced shear stress were studied during a tidal cycle on four intertidal mudflats from the fluvial to the marine part of the Seine estuary. Measurements were carried out during low water discharge (<400 m3 s−1) in neap and spring tide conditions. Turbulent kinetic energy, covariance, and logarithmic profile methods were used and compared for the determination of shear stress. The cTKE coefficient value of 0.19 cited in the literature was confirmed. Shear stress values were shown to decrease above mudflats from the mouth to the fluvial part of the estuary due to dissipation of the tidal energy, from 1 to 0.2 N m−2 for spring tides and 0.8 to 0.05 N m−2 for neap tides. Flood currents dominate tidally-induced shear stress in the marine and lower fluvial estuary during neap and spring tides and in the upper fluvial part during spring tides. Ebb currents control tidally-induced shear stress in the upper fluvial part of the estuary during neap tides. These results revealed a linear relationship between friction velocities and current velocities. Bed roughness length values were calculated from the empirical relationship given by Mitchener and Torfs (1996) for each site; these values are in agreement with the modes of the sediment particle-size distribution. The influence of tidal currents on the mudflat dynamics of the Seine estuary was examined by comparing the tidally-induced bed shear stress and the critical erosion shear stress estimated from bed sediment properties. Bed sediment resuspension induced by tidal currents was shown to occur only in the lower part of the estuary.  相似文献   

Bertioga Channel is a partially mixed (type 2) tidal estuary on the coastal plain of São Paulo, Brazil. Hourly current and salinity measurements during neap and spring tides in July 1991 yielded information about the physical structure of the system. Peak along-channel velocities varied from 40 cm s?1 to 60 cm s?1 during flood tides and from 70 cm s?1 to 100 cm s?1 during ebb tides. Net vertical velocity profiles indicate that the net current reverses directions at a depth of 2.5–3.0 m in the halocline. Due to appreciable fortnightly tidal modulation, the estuary alternates from being highly stratified (type 2b) during neap tides, with advection and diffusion contributing equally to the net upstream salt flux, to being moderately stratified (type 2a) during spring tides, when 90% of the net upstream salt transport is the result of effective tidal diffusion. Decomposition of the salt flux indicates that the relative contribution to the upstream salt transport by gravitational circulation shear is greater than the oscillatory tidal flux by a factor of 2.6 during neap tides. The oscillatory tidal flux is generated by the correlation of the tidal components of the u-velocity and salinity and is responsible for approximately the same amount of upstream salt transport, during neap and spring tides. However, during spring tides, this oscillatory term is greater than the other salt flux terms by a factor of 1.4. The total salt transport, through a unit width of the section perpendicular to the flow, was within 2% of the sum of the seven major decomposed, advective and dispersive terms. On the assumption that the Bertioga Channel is laterally homogeneous, the results also indicate that the estuary is not in steady state with respect to salt flux.  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater sections of the Cooper River Estuary (South Carolina) include extensive wetlands, which were formerly impounded for rice culture during the 1,700s and 1,800s. Most of these former rice fields are now open to tidal exchange and have developed into productive wetlands that vary in bottom topography, tidal hydrography and vegetation dominants. The purpose of this project was to quantify nitrogen (N) transport via tidal exchange between the main estuarine channel and representative wetland types and to relate exchange patterns to the succession of vegetation dominants. We examined N concentration and mass exchange at the main tidal inlets for the three representative wetland types (submerged aquatic vegetation [SAV], floating leaf vegetation, and intertidal emergent marsh) over 18-21 tidal cycles (July 1998–August 2000). Nitrate + nitrite concentrations were significantly lower during ebb flow at all study sites, suggesting potential patterns of uptake by all wetland types. The magnitude of nitrate decline during ebb flow was negatively correlated with oxygen concentration, reflecting the potential importance of denitrification and nitrate reduction within hypoxic wetland waters and sediments. The net tidal exchange of nitrate + nitrite was particularly consistent for the intertidal emergent marsh, where flow-weighted ebb concentrations were usually 18–40% lower than during flood tides. Seasonal patterns for the emergent marsh indicated higher rates of nitrate + nitrite uptake during the spring and summer (> 400 μmol N m-2 tide-1) with an annual mean uptake of 248 ± 162 μmol m–2 tide–1. The emergent marsh also removed ammonium through most of the year (207 ± 109 μmol m–2 tide–1), and exported dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in the fall (1,690 ± 793 μmol m–2 tide–1), suggesting an approximate annual balance between the dissolved inorganic N uptake and DON export. The other wetland types (SAV and floating leaf vegetation) were less consistent in magnitude and direction of N exchange. Since the emergent marsh site had the highest bottom elevation and the highest relative cover of intertidal habitat, these results suggest that the nature of N exchange between the estuarine waters and bordering wetlands is affected by wetland morphometry, tidal hydrography, and corresponding vegetation dominants. With the recent diversion of river discharge, water levels in the upper Cooper estuary have dropped more than 10 cm, leading to a succession of wetland communities from subtidal habitats toward more intertidal habitats. Results of this study suggest that current trends of wetland succession in the upper Cooper River may result in higher rates of system-wide inorganic N removal and DON inputs by the growing distributions of intertidal emergent marshes.  相似文献   

This contribution presents a new perspective on water chemistry and its relation to tidal hydrology in marsh-dominated estuaries. Results are derived from both field and modeling experiments. A heuristic model based on a tidally-averaged advection-dispersion equation is used in conjunction with source-sink terms (for benthic, marsh surface, and open-water exchanges) to make predictions of nutrient concentrations in the water column. Spring-neap tidal contrasts are associated with significant changes in water-column chemistry for a variety of nutrients sampled during the growing season in the Parker River estuary (Massachusetts). For ammonium, phosphate, nitrate plus nitrite, total dissolved N, and total dissolved P, concentrations are significantly lower during spring tides (marshes flooded) than during neap tides (marshes unflooded). Model results indicate that physical changes and open-water processing are insufficient to produce the observed effect, and that explicit biogeochemical processing on marsh surfaces is required. Field observations of changes in nutrient to nutrient ratios with the onset of marsh inundation also support this conclusion. As tides progress from the neap to spring condition, a “spectrum” of trajectories emerges in salinity-nutrient plots developed from both observational datasets and model output. Care must therefore be exercised in designing sampling programs for water chemistry in marsh-dominated ecosystems and in interpreting the resulting mixing diagrams.  相似文献   

The speciation and partition of mercury in a macrotidal estuary (Seine estuary, France) was studied in order to explore the role of the high turbidity zone (HTZ) in mercury transfer to the adjacent coastal waters. Water and particles were analyzed to determine the concentrations of various mercury species, including monomethylmercury and the inorganic fraction. The exchangeable particulate mercury, which varies with salinity, and the mercury fraction associated with the amorphous oxyhydroxides were evaluated. The distribution of dissolved mercury species during early mixing suggests non-conservative behavior of organically bound mercury at the head of the estuary. Mercury in the particles covaried positively with suspended particulate matter concentrations up to a threshold, which constitutes the typical mercury load of particles and deposited sediments of the HTZ. This distribution pattern is well explained by a dilution model: a slowly settling, low metal population of particle, characterized by relatively invariant turbidity, becomes admixed with a variable amount of higher metal content particles derived from the resuspension in the HTZ. In addition, in the HTZ, which acts as a degradation reactor for particulate organic matter, particulate mercury concentrations increase with increasing C:N ratios and amorphous oxyhydroxides particles. Mercury reaches the estuarine HTZ mainly associated with the riverine and marine particles, including organic matter and oxyhydroxides, which are temporarily trapped in the HTZ and mixed with autochthonous HTZ particles. The largest particles periodically settle and undergo diagenetic reactions and resuspensions, which lead to their mercury enrichment. Depending upon hydrodynamic conditions, mercury escapes seaward as fine particulate within the plume, partially associated with the oxyhydroxides. A surface complexation model reproduces most of the partitioning observed. In the dissolved phase the model simulation suggests that a very strong ligand must be present to explain the field observations.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of larval behavior in regulating transport between well-mixed, low-inflow estuaries and coastal waters in seasonally arid climates is poorly known. We determined the flux of an assemblage of benthic crustacean larvae relative to physical conditions between a shallow estuary and coastal waters on the upwelling coast of northern California (38°18′N, 123°03′W) from 29 to 31 March 2006. We detected larval behaviors that regulate transport in adjacent coastal waters and other estuaries for only two taxa in the low-inflow estuary, but they were apparent for taxa outside the estuary. Vertical mixing in the shallow estuary may have overwhelmed larvae of some species, or salinity fluctuations may have been too slight to cue tidal vertical migrations. Nevertheless, all larval stages of species that complete development in nearshore coastal waters were present in the estuary, because they remained low in the water column reducing seaward advection or they were readily exchanged between the estuary and open coast by tidal flows. Weak tidal flows and gravitational circulation at the head of the estuary reduced seaward transport during development for species that completed development nearshore, whereas larval release during nocturnal ebb tides enhanced seaward transport for species that develop offshore. Thus, nonselective tidal processes dominated larval transport for most species back and forth between the low-inflow estuary and open coastal waters, whereas in adjacent open coastal waters, larval behavior in the presence of wind-induced shear was more important in regulating migrations between adult and larval habitats along this upwelling coast.  相似文献   

Turnagain Arm is a macrotidal fjord‐style estuary. Glacier Creek is a small, glacially fed stream which enters the estuary tangentially near Girdwood, Alaska. Trenches and daily sedimentation measurements were made in a mudflat along the fluvio–estuarine transition of Glacier Creek during several summers since 2003. Each year, the flats appear to erode during the winter and then accrete vertically in the spring and summer. In each of the years studied, tidal laminae in vertically thickening and thinning laminae bundles were deposited by twice daily tides in neap–spring tidal cycles. In 2004, bundles of thickening and thinning laminae couplets were noted in trenches cut into the flats. Five laminae bundles alternated between thicker and thinner bundles, corresponding to the perigean (high spring) and apogean (low spring) tides. Well‐preserved apogean–perigean cycles have rarely been documented in modern tidal flat sediments. At this location, vertical accretion of tidal rhythmites with well‐developed neap–spring cyclicity is possible because of the near‐complete removal of the flat from the previous year, which creates accommodation space for vertical accretion without significant reworking. Macrotidal conditions, no reworking by infaunal invertebrates, protection from the main tidal channel by a gravel bar and protection from storm waves and fluvial erosion by a recess in the sedge marsh that surrounds the flats all aid in preservation of rhythmites during aggradation. The position of the flats relative to tidal range allows for accumulation of complete spring cycles and incomplete neap cycles. In the summer of 2004, apogee and perigee were closely aligned with the new and full moons, resulting in successive strong perigee and apogee tides which probably aided in the accumulation of successive thick–thin spring cycles encoding the apogean and perigean tidal cycle. The apogean–perigean signal was not observed in subsequent years.  相似文献   

An ephemeral estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) occurs at high water in the macrotidal Taf estuary (SW Wales, United Kingdom). A new mechanism of ETM formation, due to resuspension and advection of material by flood tidal currents, is observed that differs from classical mechanisms of gravitational circulation and tidal pumping. The flood tide advances across intertidal sand flats in the main body of the estuary, progressively entraining material from the rippled sands. Resuspension creates, a turbid front that has suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) of about 4,000 mg I−1 by the time it reaches its landward limit which is also the landward limit of salt penetration. This turbid body constitutes the ETM. Deposition occurs at high slack water but the ETM retains SSC values up to 800 mg I−1, 1–2 orders of magnitude greater than ambient SSC values in the river and estuarine waters on either side. The ETM retreats down the estuary during the ebb; some material is deposited thinly across emergent intertidal flats and some is flushed out of the estuary. A new ETM is generated by the next flood tide. Both location and SSC of the ETM scale on Q/R3 where Q is tidal range and R is river discharge. The greatest expression of the ETM occurs when a spring tide coincides with low river discharge. It does not form during high river discharge conditions and is poorly developed on neap tides. Particles in the ETM have effective densities (120–160 kg m−3) that are 3–4 times less than those in the main part of the estuary at high water. High chlorophyll concentrations in the ETM suggest that flocs probably originate from biological production in the estuary, including production on the intertidal sand flats.  相似文献   

Reactive dissolved Hg (HgR), non-reactive dissolved Hg (HgNR), particulate Hg (HgP), dissolved organic C (DOC), particulate organic C (POC), salinity and other interpretative parameters were determined in water samples collected in the North Channel and in adjacent areas of the Tagus estuary (Portugal). Higher concentrations of both dissolved and particulate Hg in the North Channel indicate a pollution source and raise the possibility of Hg escaping to adjacent areas by tidal action. This transport was confirmed by the increase of HgR with salinity and HgNR with DOC, along a longitudinal axis paralleling the North Channel. Apparently, Hg leaving this channel is progressively complexed by inorganic and organic ligands. Near the mouth of the estuary, values decreased reflecting dilution with seawater. Moreover the HgP:POC ratio also increased seaward, suggesting mixing with Hg enriched particles that escaped the North Channel, or incorporation of dissolved Hg species in river-derived particles. These results suggest that the pathway of anthropogenic Hg in contaminated waters may be identified by their enrichment in organic matter, both in the dissolved and particulate fraction.  相似文献   

Using both the photosynthetically active chlorophylla (chla) content of the organic carbon fraction of suspended particulate matter (chla/POC) and the percentage of photosynthetically, active chla in fluorometrically measured chla plus pheophytina (% chla), we determined that under specified hydrodynamic conditions, neap-spring tidal differentiation in particle dynamics could be observed in the Columbia River estuary. During summer time neap tides, when river discharge was moderate, bottom chla/POC remained relatively unchanged from riverine chla/POC over the full 0–30 psu salinity range, suggesting a benign trapping environment. During summertime spring tides, bottom chla/POC decreased at mid range salinities indicating resuspension of chla-poor POC during flood-ebb transitions. Bottom % chla during neap tides tended to average higher than that during spring tides, suggesting that neap particles were more recently hydrodynamically trapped than those on the spring tides. Such differentiation supported the possibility of operation of a particle conveyor belt process, a process in which low-amplitude neap tides favor selective particle trapping in estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM)., while high-amplitude spring tides favor particle resuspension from the ETM. Untrapped river-derived particles at the surface would continue through the estuary to the coastal ocean on the neap tide; during spring tide some particles eroded from the ETM would combine with unsettled riverine particles in transit toward the ocean. Because in tensified biogeochemical activity is associated with ETM, these neap-spring differences may be critical to maintenance and renewal of populations and processes in the estuary. Very high river discharge (15, 000 m3 s−1) tended to overwhelm neap-spring differences, and significant oceanic input during very low river discharge (5,000 m3 s−1) tended to do the same in the estuarine channel most exposed to ocean input. During heavy springtime phytoplankton blooms, development of a thick bottom fluff layer rich in chla also appeared to negate neapspring differentiation because spring tides apparently acted to resuspend the same rich bottom material that was laid down during neap tides. When photosynthetic assimilation numbers [μgC (μgchl,a)−1h−1] were measured across, the full salinity range, no neap-spring differences and no river discharge effects occurred, indicating that within our suite of measurements the compositional distinction of suspended particulate material was mainly a function of chla/POC, and to a lesser extent % chla. Even though these measurements suggest the existence of a conveyor belt process, proof of actual operation of this phenomenon requires scalar flux measurements of chla properties in and out of the ETM on both neap and spring tides.  相似文献   

Particulate trace metal (Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn) and major element (Fe, Mn and Al) concentrations have been determined following intensive sampling over two consecutive spring tidal cycles in the 'turbidity maximum zone' (TMZ) of the Port Jackson estuary, Australia. Salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and chlorophyll a were also determined. A three-factor analysis of variance was used to test temporal variability in concentrations of particulate trace metals and major elements as a result of tidal oscillation. Estuarine master variables, such as temperature and pH, varied within a narrow range; nevertheless, the tidal signal was clear for surface and bottom waters. In surface water, no variance was detected in SPM concentrations between consecutive tidal cycles or between tidal stages (i.e. flood, ebb and slack water). In bottom water, however, SPM concentrations were significantly higher (PА.05) at flood tide than at slack high water and ebb tide. Concentrations of particulate trace metals and major elements in surface water do not display significant variability between tidal cycles or stages. Nevertheless, differences within each tidal stage were significant (PА.05) for all elements. In bottom water, only particulate Fe and Al exhibited significant differences (PА.05) between tidal cycles, whereas particulate Ni was the only trace element that presented significant differences (PА.05) between tidal stages, following the distribution of SPM, with highest concentrations at flood tide. Among the metals studied, significant variation was found at all three temporal scales examined (i.e. from hours to consecutive tidal cycles), although the patterns of variation were different for each metal. The semi-diurnal fluctuation of SPM and particulate trace metal concentrations during spring tides is interpreted as a resuspension-deposition cycle caused by cyclical oscillations of bottom currents. The results are discussed in the context of the implications of tidal cycle influence on the geochemistry and cycling of particulate trace metals in the Port Jackson estuary.  相似文献   

Hughes  Harris  & Hubble 《Sedimentology》1998,45(2):397-410
Bed sediment, velocity and turbidity data are presented from a large (145 km long), generally well-mixed, micro-tidal estuary in south-eastern Australia. The percentage of mud in the bed sediments reaches a maximum in a relatively narrow zone centred ≈30–40 km from the estuary mouth. Regular tidal resuspension of these bed sediments produces a turbidity maximum (TM) zone in the same location. The maximum recorded depth-averaged turbidity was 90 FTU and the maximum near-bed turbidity was 228 FTU. These values correspond to suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations of roughly 86 and 219 mg l?1, respectively. Neither of the two existing theories that describe the development and location of the TM zone in the extensively studied meso- and macro-tidal estuaries of northern Europe (namely, gravitational circulation and tidal asymmetry) provide a complete explanation for the location of the TM zone in the Hawkesbury River. Two important factors distinguish the Hawkesbury from these other estuaries: (1) the fresh water discharge rate and supply of sediment to the estuary head is very low for most of the time, and (2) suspension concentrations derived from tidal stirring of the bed sediments are comparatively low. The first factor means that sediment delivery to the estuary is largely restricted to short-lived, large-magnitude, fluvial flood events. During these events the estuary becomes partially mixed and it is hypothesized that the resulting gravitational circulation focuses mud deposition at the flood-determined salt intrusion limit (some 35 km seaward of the typical salt intrusion limit). The second factor means that easily entrained high concentration suspensions (or fluid muds), typical of meso- and macro-tidal estuaries, are absent. Maintenance of the TM zone during low-flow periods is due to an erosion-lag process, together with a local divergence in tidal velocity residuals, which prevent the TM zone from becoming diffused along the estuary axis.  相似文献   

The suspension transport away from the extensive turbidity zone of the St. Lawrence estuary is largely determined by the channel topography. The suspended sediments are advected downstream by a 40 km long turbid plume which takes its source in a turbidity maximum at the head of the estuary and flows downstream partly confined by the South Channel. During the ebbing phase of tidal cycles, the turbid waters of the plume are forced downstream through narrow converging sections of the channel, and slowed down through more opened diverging regions, particularly down-stream of the St. Roch Traverse. These, large fluctuations in stratification modulate the vertical transport of suspended material from the bottom to the surface layer. Midway down the estuary, dispersion of the plume occurs along a frontal zone which seasonally migrates 30 km or more in response to changes in fresh water discharge. The plume is reinforced and the turbidity gradient is intensified by local injections of inshore waters from Ste. Anne Bay, a subtidal platform highly enriched in suspended material by intertidal exchanges with large mudllats. Lateral erosion of the plume and cross-channel transport of suspended matter from the South into the North Channel is made possible by large horizontal shears developing in the central part of the middle estuary during the early flood. These are created by a one-hour tidal phase difference between the North and the South Channel.  相似文献   

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