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Temperate shelf carbonates form in cool marine waters and have skeletal and mineralogical compositions which are different from their tropical counterparts. They commonly lack non-skeletal grains and are often composed of low- and high-magnesium calcite with subordinate aragonite. Many of the aragonitic components found in tropical carbonates, such as corals, ooids, blue-green algae and lime mud, are absent.

Temperate shelf carbonates undergo diagenesis in marine waters with lower carbonate saturation than do tropical carbonates, and are exposed to cool climates with moderate to low rainfall. Marine cementation is rare because of low carbonate saturations in the surrounding waters. However, aragonite and high-magnesium calcite cements have been reported forming under specialized conditions associated with biogenic precipitation, submarine methane and sulphate-reducing bacteria, and more commonly in the intertidal environment where evaporation has increased carbonate concentrations.

In Pleistocene and Tertiary temperate shelf carbonates from southeastern Australia, evidence of marine diagenesis is rare to absent. Diagenetic stabilization of aragonite and high-magnesium calcite has taken from 80,000 y to 1 My, or longer, during subaerial exposure. This is slower than rates reported from tropical climates. A general lack of aragonite in some facies within these temperate carbonates leads to a lack of secondary porosity and only sparse low-magnesium calcite cement, even after prolonged fresh-water diagenesis. However, with lengthy exposure and under the right climatic conditions, karstic solution and calcrete precipitation can occur.

In sequences containing siliciclastic clays, pyrite and glauconite, abundant iron is present in interstitial waters leading to the precipitation of ferroan calcite cements in the phreatic and shallow burial environments, and to the substitution of iron for magnesium in stabilizing high-magnesium calcite skeletal material.

A unique void-filling, micritic internal sediment occurs in discrete layers in many of the Tertiary temperate shelf carbonate sequences in southeastern Australia. This internal sediment is localized as a pore-filling material above permeability barriers such as fine-grained sediments or volcanics, and above paleo-water tables which formed during periods of subaerial exposure. It is a feature of the vadose zone and lithifies to form a dense micritic low-magnesium calcite cement with characteristic pink/brown coloration, often associated with erosion surfaces and nodule beds.

Dolomite is uncommon in the southeastern Australian temperate shelf carbonates. It forms associated with preferential fluid pathways or mixing zones. Ferroan dolomite forms in siliciclastic clay-rich carbonates in the shallow burial environment. The ubiquitous fine, evaporite-related dolomite so common in tropical carbonates is absent.  相似文献   

Shallow estuarine lagoons characterize >70 % of the eastern Alaskan Beaufort Sea coastline and, like temperate and tropical lagoons, support diverse and productive biological communities. These lagoons experience large variations in temperature (?2 to 14 °C) and salinity (0 to >45) throughout the year. Unlike lower latitude coastal systems, transitions between seasons are physically extreme and event-driven. On Arctic coastlines, a brief summer open-water period is followed by a 9-month ice-covered period that concludes with a late-spring sea ice breakup and intense freshwater run-off. From 2011 to 2014, we examined interannual variations in water column physical structure (temperature, salinity, and δ18O) in five lagoons that differ with respect to their degree of exchange with adjacent marine waters and magnitude of freshwater inputs. Temperature, salinity, and source water composition (calculated using a salinity and δ18O mixing model) were variable in space and time. During sea ice breakup in June, water column δ18O and salinity measurements showed that low salinity waters originated from meteoric inputs (50–80 %; which include river inputs and direct precipitation) and sea ice melt (18–51 %). Following breakup, polar marine waters became prevalent within a mixed water column over the summer open-water period within all five lagoons (26–63 %). At the peak of ice-cover extent and thickness in April, marine water sources dominated (75–87 %) and hypersaline conditions developed in some lagoons. Seasonal runoff dynamics and differences in lagoon geomorphology (i.e., connectivity to the Beaufort Sea) are considered key potential drivers of observed salinity and source water variations.  相似文献   

Fisheries catch statistics for temperate Western Australia are considered in conjunction with life cycle data to elucidate the importance of estuaries to the commercial and recreational fisheries in this region. The data are used to discuss whether the term estuarine-dependent is strictly applicable to all species of finfish found in abundance in estuaries. Between 1976 and 1984, 96 species of finfish, 7 species of crustaceans and 12 species of mollusks contributed to the large commercial fishery in estuaries, protected coastal areas and open marine waters of temperate Western Australia. The mean annual weight and monetary value (in 1984 terms) of this fishery was 21,355 t and $A151.3×106. The contribution of the weight (4,340 t) and value ($A3.7×106) of the estuarine-dependent species to the total fishery was 20.3 and 2.4%, respectively. Estuarine-dependent marine species frequently use protected inshore waters in temperate Western Australia, and have to do so when they occur in subtropical regions in Western Australia where there are no permanent estuaries. Even the semi-anadromous Perth herring and some species which are estuarinesensu stricto in south-western Australia complete their life cycle within the marine waters of this latter more northern region. Since virtually none of the commercially important marine species in temperate Western Australia can be considered to be entirely dependent on estuaries, and a similar conclusion is valid for many species of marine teleosts found in abundance in estuaries in temperate waters elsewhere in the world, these marine species would be best regarded as estuarine opportunists rather than estuarine dependents.  相似文献   

海洋浮游生物图像观测技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浮游生物图像自动识别技术是当前海洋浮游生态学的研究热点。该技术结合水体成像系统和自动识别软件,能够对浮游生物的种类组成和丰度进行快速自动识别和定量分析,从而获得关于浮游生物分布和丰度更及时、更准确的信息,为大尺度、实时、连续地研究浮游生物分类学和生态学特征提供了一种有效手段。重点分析了当前国际上浮游生物图像识别技术研究的最新进展、主要应用领域、存在的问题以及未来的发展方向,旨在进一步推进该技术在我国近海及大洋浮游生态学及相关研究领域中的应用。  相似文献   

岩溶生态系统是受岩溶环境制约的生态系统,是脆弱的生态系统,缺水、少土、富钙是岩溶生态系统无机环境的基本特征,植物与岩溶环境长期的相互作用,演化出独特的岩溶植物。岩溶植物具有喜钙性、石生性、旱生性,其多样性表现为少属科、寡种属和特有种,更有岩溶生态系统中特有的洞穴弱光带、天坑植物群落。植物是生态系统的生产者,肩负着生态系统的生产力、生态服务功能的重任,退化岩溶生态系统的修复,需要根据中国岩溶生态系统发育特色,探索发展具有仿自然特色的生态产业,走出岩溶区“绿水青山就是金山银山”的道路,完善中国岩溶生态系统理论。   相似文献   

Components of suspended matter in surface waters between western Africa and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were removed by filtration and measured by scanning electron and optical microscopy. Skeletal debris from diatoms, dinoflagellates, and other plankton are most concentrated in Antarctic surface water and in regions of coastal upwelling. Detrital mineral grains are most concentrated in nearshore regions, from discharge of major rivers, erosion of sea cliffs, and deposition from offshore winds. Farther offshore are high concentrations of mineral grains brought by trade winds from deserts in both northern and southern Africa. The winds also bring freshwater diatoms and woody tissue. The remaining component on the filters is marine organic matter, mostly in thin films. These films trap skeletal debris and mineral grains. Presumably, animals that graze upon the films further concentrate the grains into faecal pellets whose rapid settling carries the grains into deeper waters and to the bottom. The films were found in all other areas of the world ocean from which surface samples were spot-checked: off eastern Asia, off eastern North America, and the central Pacific. Thus they appear to be a major factor in marine sedimentation. In areas of upwelling off western Africa, the total suspended matter in surface waters averages about 0.1 mg/1 of filtrate, about five times that present in the open ocean. It consists of about 70% organic matter, 29.6% skeletal debris, and 0.4% mineral grains, in contrast with concentrations in the open ocean of 90%, 8% and 2%, respectively.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystem plays a vital role in the economy and society because of its service and production function. Marine ecosystem always changes under the pressure of climate change and human activities. We concern about the status and future of the ecosystem, but it is very difficult to assess and predict the ecosystem health condition. Marine biodiversity is one of the very important indicators of the marine ecosystem change. We focus not only on species composition and quantity change of marine organisms. It is important to determine which are the main contributors to the structure and function of the ecosystem. According to the function of various plankton species in an ecosystem, they can be divided into different functional groups based on the similarity of their ecological roles. By studying the changes of the functional groups, we can enhance our ability to understand the structure and function of ecosystem, and to predict the trend of ecosystem change and the resultant effect on marine biological resource and environment under the multiple pressures of global climate change and human activities. This will help us to establish the marine ecosystem based management.  相似文献   

The differences and similarities between near-pristine estuaries of different latitudinal regions were examined by selecting three tropical systems from North Queensland, Australia (Jardine, Annan, Daintree) and three temperate systems from Scotland, United Kingdom (Inverness, Cromarty, Dornoch Firths) for comparison. Although estuaries from the different regions have a number of unifying features, such as salinity gradients, tidal variations and terrestrial inputs they also have a number of important differences. The most distinct of these is the timing and variability of the major physical forcings on the estuary (e.g., river flow, insolation). The three tropical estuaries were much more episodic than their temperate counterparts, with a much more dynamic salinity structure and more variable riverwater concentrations, so that delivery of material to the estuary is dominated by short-lived flood events. In contrast, seawater concentrations were more stable in the tropical estuaries due to a more constant input of insolation, resulting in year round biological activity. There was biological removal of dissolved inorganic phosphorus in the low salinity region of the tropical Jardine and Daintree estuaries and a low salinity input of nitrate in the tropical Annan estuary most likely due to nitrification in the bottom sediments, and the biological reaction zone in the tropical Annan Estuary was flushed out of the estuarine basin to the edge of the offshore plume during a flood. Similar effects were not seen in the temperate Inverness, Cromarty, and Dornoch Firths. Similarities between estuaries include mid-estuary inputs of ammonium which were seen in both the temperate and tropical estuaries, although they occur under vastly contrasting conditions of low river discharge and periods of flood, respectively. Five of the estuaries show a general increase in dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentrations towards the sea during low flows, reflecting their pristine condition, and all six estuaries had low salinity silicate maxima probably sourced from the dissolution of freshwater biogenic silicate that has been carried seaward, except in the tropical estuaries during the dry season when a benthic source is proposed.  相似文献   

In its evolution through geologic time, the oceanic plankton has reflected many changes in the physical environment while both causing and being affected by evolutionary change in the associated biota. Temporal variations in the vertical and latitudinal habitat partitioning also affected geochemical balances in the oceans and accumulation rates of biogenic sediments, and perhaps the atmospheric oxygen pressure. Advantages of the oceanic plankton habitat that led to its occupation by a varied sequence of organisms include its extensive geographic area, the possibility for rapid dispersal by currents, the availability of resources (ranging from light, carbon dioxide, and dissolved nutrients for the autotrophic organisms to the various lower trophic levels required by the heterotrophs), and the better oxygenation of the upper water layers.Convergent morphology of the plankton represents adaptations for suspension in the water column, for movement within this water mass to increase nutrient uptake, and for protection against grazing or predation. Necessary attributes for cosmopolitan species include eurythermy and euryhalinity. The patchiness of plankton diversity results from small-scale variations in water masses, the low level of interorganism contact or competition, and the possibility of rapid exploitation of favorable conditions by species present in the local area.Parallel evolution, radiation, and extinction of the various components of the oceanic plankton are similar in pattern to an ecologic succession — early evolution and conditions following major periods of extinction being homologous with the physically controlled or immature modern ecosystem associated with high stress levels and characterized by high net but low gross productivity, low diversity but great intraspecific variability, and small biomass. Evolutionary radiation is associated with more stable physical conditions and, like the seral progression, of an ecosystem, results in high diversity but less intraspecific variability. Increased biological interaction leads to higher gross but lower net productivity, hence more efficient energy and resource utilization. The drop in gross oceanic productivity at times of major extinction is associated with low diversity and decreased rate of accumulation of biogenic ooze, hence the apparent worldwide disconformities, as at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, even in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Within the coastal marine environment, populations of phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria, viruses, and aggregations of marine snow are frequently concentrated beneath the surface in discrete, vertically thin layers. Thin layers range in vertical dimension from a few centimeters to three meters, and have been observed to extend horizontally for kilometers. They appear in the water column episodically and can persist for days. We present some of the results of an investigation of four coastal sites along the west coast of the United States to assess frequency of occurrence of thin layers of zooplankton. Our study sites included coastal sites near East Sound, Washington; Cape Perpetua, Oregon; Monterey Bay, California; and Santa Barbara, California. At each site, we collected several, weeks-long time series of hydrography, current velocity, and acoustic backscatter due to mesozooplankton. Our results show that thin layers were common features at all four sites. Across all study sites, a change in the predominant physical regime, usually precipitated by a change in the wind pattern, corresponded with an absence of thin Zooplankton layers. In order to make a first-order prediction about when thin layers have the possibility of occurring in a coastal environment, we found it useful to examine regional wind and circulation patterns and to determine how they affect stratification in each local environment.  相似文献   

The marine shelf areas in subtropical and tropical regions represent only 35% of the total shelf areas globally, but receive a disproportionately large amount of water (65%) and sediment (58%) discharges that enter such environments. Small rivers and/or streams that drain the mountainous areas in these climatic zones deliver the majority of the sediment and nutrient inputs to these narrow shelf environments; such inputs often occur as discrete, episodic introductions associated with storm events. To gain insight into the linked biogeochemical behavior of subtropical/tropical mountainous watershed-coastal ocean ecosystems, this work describes the use of a buoy system to monitor autonomously water quality responses to land-derived nutrient inputs and physical forcing associated with local storm events in the coastal ocean of southern Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, USA. The data represent 2.5 years of near-real time observations at a fixed station, collected concurrently with spatially distributed synoptic sampling over larger sections of Kaneohe Bay. Storm events cause most of the fluvial nutrient, particulate, and dissolved organic carbon inputs to Kaneohe Bay. Nutrient loadings from direct rainfall and/or terrestrial runoff produce an immediate increase in the N:P ratio of bay waters up to values of 48 and drive phytoplankton biomass growth. Rapid uptake of such nutrient subsidies by phytoplankton causes rapid declines of N levels, return to N-limited conditions, and subsequent decline of phytoplankton biomass over timescales ranging from a few days to several weeks, depending on conditions and proximity to the sources of runoff. The enhanced productivity may promote the drawing down of pCO2 and lowering of surface water column carbonate saturation states, and in some events, a temporary shift from N to P limitation. The productivity-driven CO2 drawdown may temporarily lead to air-to-sea transfer of atmospheric CO2 in a system that is on an annual basis a source of CO2 to the atmosphere due to calcification and perhaps heterotrophy. Storms may also strongly affect proximal coastal zone pCO2 and hence carbonate saturation state due to river runoff flushing out high pCO2 soil and ground waters. Mixing of the CO2-charged water with seawater causes a salting out effect that releases CO2 to the atmosphere. Many subtropical and tropical systems throughout the Pacific region are similar to Kaneohe Bay, and our work provides an important indication of the variability and range of CO2 dynamics that are likely to exist elsewhere. Such variability must be taken into account in any analysis of the direction and magnitude of the air?Csea CO2 exchange for the integrated coastal ocean, proximal and distal. It cannot be overemphasized that this research illustrates several examples of how high frequency sampling by a moored autonomous system can provide details about ecosystem responses to stochastic atmospheric forcing that are commonly missed by traditional synoptic observational approaches. Finally, the work exemplifies the utility of combining synoptic sampling and real-time autonomous observations to elucidate the biogeochemical and physical responses of coastal subtropical/tropical coral reef ecosystems to climatic perturbations.  相似文献   

We analyzed the deuterium composition of individual plant-waxes in lake sediments from 28 watersheds that span a range of precipitation D/H, vegetation types and climates. The apparent isotopic fractionation (εa) between plant-wax n-alkanes and precipitation differs with watershed ecosystem type and structure, and decreases with increasing regional aridity as measured by enrichment of 2H and 18O associated with evaporation of lake waters. The most negative εa values represent signatures least affected by aridity; these values were −125 ± 5‰ for tropical evergreen and dry forests, −130‰ for a temperate broadleaf forest, −120 ± 9‰ for the high-altitude tropical páramo (herbs, shrubs and grasses), and −98 ± 6‰ for North American montane gymnosperm forests. Minimum εa values reflect ecosystem-dependent differences in leaf water enrichment and soil evaporation. Slopes of lipid/lake water isotopic enrichments differ slightly with ecosystem structure (i.e. open shrublands versus forests) and overall are quite small (slopes = 0-2), indicating low sensitivity of lipid δD variations to aridity compared with coexisting lake waters. This finding provides an approach for reconstructing ancient precipitation signatures based on plant-wax δD measurements and independent proxies for lake water changes with regional aridity. To illustrate this approach, we employ paired plant-wax δD and carbonate-δ18O measurements on lake sediments to estimate the isotopic composition of Miocene precipitation on the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

The distribution of macroinfauna was quantified in subtidal, soft-bottom habitats, extending from the estuarine mouth to the tidal head of the Gamtoos—a small, shallow, temperate estuary situated on the south coast of South Africa. Sampling covered the full salinity gradient from fresh to marine waters, and all sediment types from marine sands to fluvial silts. A total of 35 taxa was recorded, of which 22 occurred throughout the year. Species richness and diversity declined from the seawater-dominated mouth region toward the fresh water section at the tidal head of the estuary. Sediment type generally bore no clear relation to biotic diversity. A marked drop in salinity between winter and summer sample series (Δ 0.2‰ to 24‰) coincided with a reduction of mean macrofaunal density by 70%, a more seaward relocation, and a compression of axial ranges of most taxa. Numerical classification and ordination of faunistically similar regions and of co-occurring species delineated four habitat zones along the longitudinal axis of the estuary which harbour four distinct macrofaunal assemblages: 1) A tidal inlet area with salinities close to seawater; clean, coarse, marine sands, rich in CaCO3 harbour a stenohaline fauna normally found on adjacent, marine sandy beaches. 2) In the lower reaches, where fine, fluvial silts of high organic content prevail, euryhaline polychaetes dominate the macrozoobenthic community; bottom salinities in this zone seldom dropped below 25‰ 3) The middle reaches, characterized by oligohaline- to polyhaline waters, stretch over sandy sediments of intermediate carbonate, silt, and organic fractions; the fauna comprises typical estuarine forms, which occurred throughout most of the estuary except at its seaward and landward limits. 4) The upper reaches encompass the limnetic waters near the tidal head of the estuary with sediments in this zone being composed mostly of coarse, clean sands, low in CaCO3; the macrobenthos in this region is dominated by taxa of freshwater origin, which generally do not penetrate seaward beyond the oligohaline waters, and by exceptionally euryhaline estuarine species. Salinity appears as the main factor in controlling faunal assemblages at both extremes of the estuarine gradient (i.e., tidal inlet and head), whereas sediment type delineates between communities in the mesohaline to polyhaline reaches. Axial (i.e., from tidal inlet to tidal head of the estuary) zonation patterns of macroinfauna broadly matched those of mesozooplankton and fishes, supporting the notion of a general structure underlying species distribution patterns in the Gamtoos estuary.  相似文献   

Fractal Correction of Well Logging Curves   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
INTRODUCTIONBecausewellloggingmeasurementsgiveanaverageresultsnearbyconcurrentdepthpointsoftheprobesasshowninFig .1a ,wellloggingcurvedoesnotsupplytherealgeophysicalpropertiesatconcurrentdepthbutadisturbedresultofadjacentlayersandboreholeenvironment .Ho…  相似文献   

A paucity of empirical non‐marine data means that uncertainty surrounds the impact of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems in tropical regions beyond the last glacial period. The sedimentary fill of the Bosumtwi impact crater (Ghana) provides the longest continuous Quaternary terrestrial archive of environmental change in West Africa, spanning the last ~1.08 million years. Here we explore the drivers of change in ecosystem and climate in tropical West Africa for the past ~540 000 years using pollen analysis and the nitrogen isotope composition of bulk organic matter preserved in sediments from Lake Bosumtwi. Variations in grass pollen abundance (0?99%) indicate transitions between grassland and forest. Coeval variations in the nitrogen isotopic composition of organic matter indicate that intervals of grassland expansion coincided with minimum lake levels and low regional moisture availability. The observed changes responded to orbitally paced global climate variations on both glacial–interglacial and shorter timescales. Importantly, the magnitude of ecosystem change revealed by our data exceeds that previously determined from marine records, demonstrating for the first time the high sensitivity of tropical lowland ecosystems to Quaternary climate change.

Middle and Upper Eocene biogenic sediments in the Willunga Embayment along the eastern margin of the St Vincent Basin are a series of warm‐temperate limestones, marls and spiculites. The Middle Eocene Tortachilla Limestone is a thin, coarse grained, quartzose, biofragmental, bryozoan–mollusc calcarenite of stacked metre‐scale depositional cycles with hardground caps. Lithification, aragonite dissolution and the filling of moulds by sediment and cement characterize early marine‐meteoric diagenesis. Further meteoric diagenesis at the end of Tortachilla deposition resulted in dissolution, Fe‐oxide precipitation and calcite cementation. The Upper Eocene Blanche Point Formation is composed of coccolith and spiculite marl and spiculite, all locally rich in glauconite, turritellid gastropods and sponges. Decimetre‐scale units, locally capped by firmgrounds, have fossiliferous lower parts and relatively barren upper parts. Carbonate diagenesis is minor, with much aragonite still present, but early silicification is extensive, except in the spiculite, which is still opal‐A. All depositional environments are interpreted as relatively shallow water: high energy during the Middle Eocene and low energy during the Upper Eocene, reflecting the variable importance of a basin‐entrance archipelago of carbonate highs. Marls and spiculites are interpreted to have formed under an overall estuarine circulation system in a humid climate. Basinal waters, although well mixed, were turbid and rich in land‐derived nutrients, yet subphotic near the sea floor. These low‐energy, inner‐shelf biosiliceous sediments occur in coeval environments across other parts of Australia and elsewhere in the rock record, suggesting that they are a recurring element of the cool‐water, carbonate shelf depositional system. Thus, spiculites and spiculitic carbonates in the rock record need be neither deep basinal nor polar in origin. The paradox of a shallow‐water carbonate–spiculite association may be more common in geological history than generally realized and may reflect a characteristic mid‐latitude, humid climate, temperate water, palaeoenvironmental association.  相似文献   

海洋浮游细菌的生态学研究   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
海洋浮游细菌在海洋生态系统中的重要作用随着对其生物量和生产力的深入研究而得到了充分肯定。以浮游细菌为核心的微食物环研究的开展,也显示出微食物环在海洋生态系统动力学过程中有不可替代的作用,是主食物链的重要补充,特别是在贫营养的大洋生态系统中。在不同水 层和特殊环境中对海洋浮游细菌的研究结果表明其研究潜力巨大。就国内在这方面的研究现状和需进一步研究的内容进行了阐述。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the results of the first automated continuous multi-year high temporal frequency study of CO2 dynamics in a coastal coral reef ecosystem. The data cover 2.5?years of nearly continuous operation of the CRIMP-CO2 buoy spanning particularly wet and dry seasons in southern Kaneohe Bay, a semi-enclosed tropical coral reef ecosystem in Hawaii. We interpret our observational results in the context of how rapidly changing physical and biogeochemical conditions affect the pCO2 of surface waters and the magnitude and direction of air–sea exchange of CO2. Local climatic forcing strongly affects the biogeochemistry, water column properties, and gas exchange between the ocean and atmosphere in Kaneohe Bay. Rainfall driven by trade winds and other localized storms generates pulses of nutrient-rich water, which exert a strong control on primary productivity and impact carbon cycling in the water column of the bay. The “La Ni?a” winter of 2005–2006 was one of the wettest winters in Hawaii in 30?years and contrasted sharply with preceding and subsequent drier winter seasons. In addition, short-term variability in physical forcing adds complexity and helps drive the response of the CO2–carbonic acid system of the bay. Freshwater pulses to Kaneohe Bay provide nutrient subsidies to bay waters, relieving the normal nitrogen limitation of this system and driving phytoplankton productivity. Seawater pCO2 responds to the blooms as well as to physical forcing mechanisms, leading to a relatively wide range of pCO2 in seawater from about 250 to 650?μatm, depending on conditions. Large drawdowns in pCO2 following storms occasionally cause bay waters to switch from being a source of CO2 to the atmosphere to being a sink. Yet, during our study period, the southern sector of Kaneohe Bay remained a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere on an annualized basis. The integrated net annual flux of CO2 from the bay to the atmosphere varied between years by a factor of more than two and was lower during the wet “La Ni?a” year, than during the following year. Over the study period, the net annualized flux was 1.80?mol?C?m?2?year?1. Our CO2 flux estimates are consistent with prior synoptic work in Kaneohe Bay and with estimates in other tropical coral reef ecosystems studied to date. The high degree of climatological, physical, and biogeochemical variability observed in this study suggests that automated high-frequency observations are needed to capture the short-, intermediate-, and long-term variability of CO2 and other properties of these highly dynamic coastal coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Western Amazonia's landscape and biota were shaped by an enormous wetland during the Miocene epoch. Among the most discussed topics of this ecosystem range the question on the transitory influx of marine waters. Inter alia the occurrence of typically brackish water associated ostracods is repeatedly consulted to infer elevated salinities or even marine ingressions. The taxonomical investigation of ostracod faunas derived from the upper part of the Solimões Formation (Eirunepé; W-Brazil) documents a moderately diverse assemblage (19 species). A wealth of freshwater ostracods (mainly Cytheridella, Penthesilenula) was found co-occurring with taxa (chiefly Cyprideis) usually related to marginal marine settings today. The observed faunal compositions as well as constantly very light δ18O- and δ13C-values obtained by measuring both, the freshwater and brackish water ostracod group, refer to entirely freshwater conditions. These results corroborate with previous sedimentological and palaeontological observations, which proposed a fluvial depositional system for this part of western Amazonia during the Late Miocene. We demonstrate that some endemic, “brackish” water ostracods (i.e., Cyprideis) have been effectively adapted to freshwater conditions. Thus, their occurrence is no univocal evidence for the influence of brackish or marine waters in western Amazonia during the Miocene.  相似文献   

我国海洋生态调查指南编制说明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋生态调查的主要目的是了解海洋生态系统基本的群落结构和生态功能及其重要影响因素,掌握生态系统健康状况,把握其变化趋势。基于生态系统健康理论建立我国海洋生态调查的基本框架体系,编制了我国海洋生态调查指南。根据目前的技术设备、实用方法和经费限制,确定最能反映我国海洋生态系统特征的生态要素和评价内容,并规定了相应的调查和评价方法。与《海洋调查规范海洋生物调查》和《海洋监测规范》比较,该指南具有3个显著特点:①调查要素不仅包括海洋生物和海洋环境等自然要素,还包括人为活动要素,充分考虑我国近海生态系统的高强度开发利用的特点;②从生态系统的结构、功能和压力3个方面建立起海洋生态系统健康评价的核心框架体系;③提出生态压力的量化指标,定量评估人类活动对生态系统的压力。  相似文献   

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