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We examined the population genetic structure of the New Zealand endemic clam, Austrovenus stutchburyi, to determine (1) whether populations of this estuarine taxon are genetically subdivided and (2) if the locations of genetic boundaries were congruent with known biogeographic break points. We obtained sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase I for 372 A. stutchburyi from 29 New Zealand estuaries and conducted analyses to identify population genetic structure. We detected a pattern of genetic isolation by distance and identified six A. stutchburyi subpopulations, a greater number of subpopulations than reported for much of New Zealand’s open coast benthos. Although these data indicate that long distance dispersal may be less frequent in estuarine than in open coast taxa, partial congruence between genetic and biogeographic boundaries suggests that historical events and natural selection may also contribute to the observed population genetic structure.  相似文献   

塔里木西南缘(齐姆根弧)前陆构造及形成机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对齐姆根弧形构造地表地质构造和深部地球物理资料综合分析的基础上,阐述了齐姆根弧形构造的几何学、运动学和分段性,提出了齐姆根弧形构造由依格孜牙薄皮推覆构造段、齐姆根主弧形三角带构造段和叶尔羌棋盘对冲构造段组成,各弧形构造段之间以横向走滑斜冲断层为界;发现了齐姆根弧形构造中规模巨大的塔里木西南盆地白垩系新生界沉积盖层向西昆仑帕米尔被动反(逆)冲逆掩构造系统,阐述了齐姆根主弧形构造段由铁克里克主动逆冲推覆系统、塔里木西南盆地被动反冲逆掩系统和深部双重构造组成。齐姆根弧形构造的隆升时期为喜马拉雅运动,新生代,尤其是第四纪以来西昆仑帕米尔向北和北东整体推移导致的深部双重构造是齐姆根弧形隆升的主因。  相似文献   

It is widely believed that successful colonization of ecosystems by non-native species will have catastrophic consequences for the recipient system. Within the Mobile–Tensaw Delta, AL, exotic Eurasian milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) has been reported to trigger degradation of ecosystem structure and function. We evaluated the impacts of structurally complex milfoil on food web structure and predator-prey interactions via comparisons with two native grasses, structurally simple wild celery (Vallisneria americana) and the more complex water stargrass (Heteranthera dubia). While significant differences were not detected in the faunal compositions of milfoil and stargrass habitats, significant differences between milfoil and wild celery were found. Laboratory experiments showed that rainwater killifish, a key contributor to these differences, preferred milfoil over wild celery, but did not occupy milfoil more than stargrass. Subsequent experiments indicated that survivorship was drastically lower in wild celery. Though many of the documented impacts of Eurasian milfoil have been cast as detrimental, shelter-seeking organisms may perceive milfoil in the same way as other complex native species.  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘深部地壳结构特征及其形成机制探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柴达木盆地-祁连山地区位于青藏高原北缘,同青藏高原主体一样,该区具有多层地壳结构特征,并普遍出现壳内低速层,地壳厚度是华北及华南地区的2倍以上。其形成可能与地壳的横向挤压缩短及幔源物质的底侵作用有关。随着底侵作用增强,地壳厚度加大,岩石圈厚度则越趋于减薄,地壳上部表现为拉张,下部发生壳幔深熔及幔源流体的交代作用,从而导致了地壳低速层,地热和浅源地震的发育。同时,这也是青藏高原出现热壳冷幔的原因之一。  相似文献   

The eastern Alaska Beaufort Sea coast is characterized by numerous shallow (2–5 m) estuarine lagoons, fed by streams and small rivers that drain northward from the Brooks Range through the arctic coastal plain, and bounded seaward by barrier islands and shoals. Millions of birds from six continents nest and forage during the summer period in this region using the river deltas, lagoons, and shoreline along with several species of anadromous and marine fish. We examined biogeochemical processes linking the benthic community to the overall food web structure of these poorly studied but pristine estuaries, which are largely covered by 1.8 m of ice for 10 months annually. In summer, these lagoons are relatively warm with brackish salinities (5–10°C, S = 10–25) compared to more open coastal waters (0–5°C, S > 27). The stable isotopic composition of organic materials in sediments (i.e., benthic particulate organic matter) and water column suspended particulate organic matter from both streams and lagoons are largely indistinguishable and reflect strong terrestrial contributions, based upon δ13C and δ15N values (−25.6‰ to −27.4‰ and 1.4‰ to 3.3‰, respectively). By comparison, shifts toward more heavy isotope-enriched organic materials reflecting marine influence are observed on the adjacent coastal shelf (−24.8‰ to −25.4‰ and 3.4‰ to 5.3‰, respectively). The isotopic composition of lagoon fauna is consistent with a food web dominated by omnivorous detritovores strongly dependent on microbial processing of terrestrial sources of carbon. Biomagnification of 15N in benthic organisms indicate that the benthic food web in lagoons support up to four trophic levels, with carnivorous gastropod predators and benthic fishes (δ15N values up to 14.4‰) at the apex.  相似文献   

We conducted field investigations, whole-rock geochemical, Sr-Nd and zircon U-Pb-Lu-Hf isotopic analyses on a suite of intrusive complex in the southern Nalati Range, SW Chinese Tianshan in order to better understand the Paleozoic tectonic and magmatic evolution of the belt. The intrusive complex comprises weakly foliated diorite, low-grade altered diabase, and deformed monzogranite; these plutonic rocks were in turn crosscut by undeformed coarse-grained diorite, granodiorite as well as granite stock. Foliated Late Silurian diorites (421 ± 4 Ma) show arc-type geochemical features, slightly negative whole-rock εNd(t) value (− 1.7; TDM-Nd = 1.52 Ga) and variably positive zircon εHf(t) values (2.34 to 7.27; TDM-Hf: 0.95– 1.26 Ga). Deformed Early Devonian porphyritic monzogranites (411 ± 4 Ma) show geochemical features similar to A-type granite, and their zircon εHf(t) values range from − 6.63 to 1.02, with TDM-Hf ages of 1.82 to 1.33 Ga. Metamorphosed Early Devonian diabases (ca. 410 Ma) have OIB-like REE patterns, εNd(t) values of − 2.0 ~  0.8 and TDM-Nd ages of 1.37– 1.25 Ga. The undeformed Early Carboniferous diorite and granodiorite (353– 344 Ma) exhibit arc-type geochemical features, positive εHf(t) values of 6.11– 7.91 with TDM-Hf ages of 0.97– 0.86 Ga, and positive εNd(t) value of 1.9 with TDM-Nd age of 1.04 Ga. The Early Permian granite stock (292 ± 5 Ma) has highly differentiated REE pattern, slightly negative εNd(t) value (− 4.4) and variable zircon εHf(t) values of − 9.73– 6.36. Combining with available data, Early Paleozoic (500– 410 Ma) arc-related magmatic rocks occurring on both sides of the suture zone along the southern Nalati Range, likely resulted from a bi-directional subduction of the Paleo-Tianshan Ocean beneath the Yili Block to the north and the Central Tianshan to the south. Occurrences of A-type granites and OIB-like diabases (ca. 410 Ma) along the Nalati Range likely indicate a hot extensional regime probably induced by the break off of the northward subducting slab of the Paleo-Tianshan Ocean. The closure of the Paleo-Tianshan Ocean and subsequent amalgamation during Early Carboniferous resulted in the regional deformation and metamorphism of the Early Paleozoic arc-related magmatic rocks. From Early to Late Carboniferous, a magmatic arc that corresponded to the well-developed Late Paleozoic Balkhash-Yili active continental margin, superimposed upon the southern Yili Block, most likely resulted from the southward subduction of the Junggar-North Tianshan Ocean. After the closure of the North Tianshan Ocean in Late Carboniferous, the study area was dominated by post-orogenic magmatism.  相似文献   

Estuarine fronts are well known to influence transport of waterborne constituents such as phytoplankton and sediment, yet due to their ephemeral nature, capturing the physical driving mechanisms and their influence on stratification and mixing is difficult. We investigate a repetitive estuarine frontal feature in the Snohomish River Estuary that results from complex bathymetric shoal/channel interactions. In particular, we highlight a trapping mechanism by which mid-density water trapped over intertidal mudflats converges with dense water in the main channel forming a sharp front. The frontal density interface is maintained via convergent transverse circulation driven by the competition of lateral baroclinic and centrifugal forcing. The frontal presence and propagation give rise to spatial and temporal variations in stratification and vertical mixing. Importantly, this front leads to enhanced stratification and suppressed vertical mixing at the end of the large flood tide, in contrast to what is found in many estuarine systems. The observed mechanism fits within the broader context of frontogenesis mechanisms in which varying bathymetry drives lateral convergence and baroclinic forcing. We expect similar trapping-generated fronts may occur in a wide variety of estuaries with shoal/channel morphology and/or braided channels and will similarly influence stratification, mixing, and transport.  相似文献   

刘云华 《湖南地质》1997,16(3):167-170
某铀矿田QFI和QFV断裂带同属万安-遂川大断裂带的一部分,以左型侧列式出现,是该区控岩、控盆、控矿的I级大断裂,它与其次级断裂控制了该铀矿田中矿床(点)、矿体及矿化类型。  相似文献   

全球钾盐矿床分布广泛,总储量达35×10~8t,是最重要的蒸发岩型矿床之一,主要分布在加拿大、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、中国、美国、智利以及德国等地。文章分析了全球钾盐资源分布的时空特征,认为其主要以固体矿床形式分布于北半球海相、海陆相蒸发盐盆地中,主要成钾时期为寒武系、泥盆系、二叠系、侏罗系和白垩系。其中古生代的钾盐资源规模较大,分布于地壳相对稳定的板内坳陷区和板块边缘的坳陷带;而中新生代钾盐盆地在板内多位于拉张区域,而在板块边界上则可出现在伸展区或前陆盆地。结合古板块再造、古地理与古气候分析,认为全球钾矿资源形成和时空分布的因素包括:(1)古气候带。全球重要的钾盐矿床均形成于干旱气候,而其它无法保持长期干旱的气候环境,难以沉积钾矿资源;(2)全球海平面波动。海平面由高水位向低水位转换的海退环境最有利于钾盐的形成,在全球海平面处于非峰值且比较平稳的时期形成的钾盐较多;(3)大地构造环境。全球构造比较平静的时期(造山活动初期或造山后)与地区容易形成、聚集钾盐,而在造山事件频繁发生的时期钾盐形成较少。在此基础上,进一步讨论了中国钾矿资源分布广、规模小、分布集中的原因,即在全球最重要的钾盐沉积期,中国华北、华南与塔里木三大主要板块不能同时满足干旱环境和被浅海覆盖两个条件,不利于蒸发岩的形成。  相似文献   

岩体结构分形及应用研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
丁多文 《岩土力学》1993,14(3):67-72
岩体结构包括两个基本要素:结构面和结构体。通过分形理论研究岩体结构,得出结构面和结构体分布具有分形特征。根据结构网络图,可分别求出结构面和结构体的分形维数D_(PF)和D_(VF)。结构面分布分形维数D_(PF)越大,反映结构面分布越复杂,优势面(南京大学罗国煜教授提出)发育的方向范围就越大,相应地岩休质量就更差;结构体分布分形维数D_(VF)越大,反映结构体大小分布的状况是大的结构体所占分量趋于增加,结构面的密度、迹长、总面积趋于变小,则岩体质量趋于变好。最后指出结构面和结构体分布分形维数是决定岩体质量的两个指标,是对岩体质量进行评价的合适指标。  相似文献   

The fjords of southwestern Spitsbergen (European Arctic) are a climatically sensitive area neighbouring the mixing zone of warm northward-flowing Atlantic water-masses and cold Arctic Water. Owing to reasonably high accumulation rates, these settings are especially suitable for providing high-resolution sedimentary records of regional hydrological and environmental changes. A sediment core spanning the last millennium was retrieved from the outer Hornsund fjord basin, 14C dated and analysed for sediment grain size, ice-rafted debris (IRD), the distribution of benthic foraminifera and their oxygen and carbon stable isotope composition. The record of sub-centennial resolution reveals three distinctive periods: the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age (∼AD 1600–1900) and 20th-century warming. The marine record obtained is well correlated with regional high-resolution ice-core records as well as with atmospheric palaeotemperature reconstructions and sea-ice data. The colder periods stay in phase with the greater influence of less saline, cold Arctic Water indicated by subtle changes in benthic foraminifera assemblages and the δ18O signal, which is dominated by changes in salinity. The IRD record clearly indicates that tidewater glaciers were present in SW Spitsbergen throughout the last millennium, and most actively from the late 16th century until the end of the 19th century.  相似文献   

Pericontinental sedimentary basins in the northern Atlantic Ocean contain the largest reserves of oil and gas. In the Paleozoic-initial Paleogene period, they were developing as rift grabens subjected to repeated tectonic dislocations. Spreading of the oceanic bottom that started in this region in the Paleocene-Eocene was accompanied by rapid subsidence with accumulation of volcanogenic and turbiditic sediments. All these processes resulted in the formation of a thick sedimentary cover with both oil source and reservoir rocks at its different levels. The region under consideration is unique by the diverse composition and facies types of sediments.  相似文献   

新疆望峰金矿成矿流体研究及其成因意义   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
新疆望峰金矿,产于中天山结晶基底中的韧性剪切带内。围岩蚀变和流体包裹体研究表明,成矿过程包括了3个阶段,从早到晚有石英黄铁矿阶段、多金属硫化物阶段和石英碳酸盐阶段,温度分别集中在360~520℃、240~360℃和120~240℃;矿化以第Ⅱ阶段为主。成矿流体的δ18O值变化于1.15‰~2.70‰之间,属于变质热液与大气降水热液的混合流体。包裹体成分表明成矿流体来源较浅,但有利于金矿化;CO2/H2O比值多大于0.026,也有利于成矿。而包裹体捕获压力表明成矿作用发生在5.6~1.2km深度范围,主要发  相似文献   

成矿后含矿地质体的剥露程度与矿体的保存关系是矿床学研究的疑难问题之一.利用中酸性侵入岩体的出露程度, 结合磷灰石裂变径迹测试结果及现今发现的矿产展布特征, 探讨天山山脉剥露程度与内生金属矿产保存之间的关系, 进而为区域找矿提供理论指导.统计结果表明, 北天山西段的依连哈比尕尔山、中段的博格达山和西南天山山脉皆缺乏大面积分布的深成侵入岩, 已经发现的内生金属矿产较少, 且以中低温的矿床为主; 北天山南部的觉罗塔格地区、中天山和南天山东段都大面积出露中酸性岩体, 已经发现了大量大型-超大型规模内生金属矿床, 以中高温成矿为特征; 综合分析已有的磷灰石裂变径迹测年结果统计显示, 北天山西段的依连哈比尕山、中段的博格达山和西南天山中生代晚期开始隆升, 新生代25 Ma以来隆升强烈; 北天山南部、中天山以及南天山东段山脉从侏罗纪早期就已经开始隆升而接受剥蚀, 新生代隆升较弱.结合现今山脉的地质背景、内生金属矿产展布特征、山脉隆升时间及其现今地貌特征推测, 北天山西段的依连哈比尕山、中段的博格达山和西南天山山脉由于剥蚀时间短, 因而其剥蚀程度相对较低, 地表仍出露表壳的沉积-火山岩系, 以中酸性侵入岩体为代表的深成岩体由于剥蚀量不够而还没有出露于地表, 地表出露低温的内生金属矿产; 北天山南部、中天山以及南天山东段山脉开始隆升时间早, 新生代隆升弱, 因而总体上剥蚀量、剥蚀程度大, 表壳岩系已经剥蚀殆尽, 广泛出露深成侵入岩体, 与中酸性岩体侵位有关的中高温矿产广泛展布.为此, 进一步指出了在天山山脉不同构造分区内应该着重寻找不同类型、不同成矿温度的内生金属矿产, 推测西南天山具有较好的找矿远景空间, 并认为山体剥露程度的差异是造成所谓"大矿不过国界"的主要原因之一.   相似文献   

The major Indian rivers bring significant amount of freshwater along with inorganic nutrients and sediment load in to the northern Bay of Bengal (BOB) during the southwest monsoon (SWM); the southern bay does not experience equal freshening. This contrasting pattern may considerably impact the physicochemical features and phytoplankton community composition in this bay and was investigated during a coastal cruise during the SWM covering eight river plumes from both northern and southern bay; phytoplankton pigments and physicochemical parameters were analysed from different depths (0, 10, 25, and 50 m). Significant freshening, stratification and warmer waters were noticed in the northern bay relative to its southern part. Phytoplankton pigment analysis and diagnostic pigment-based size class analysis revealed the dominance of microphytoplankton (mainly diatoms) in the northern bay and were mostly confined to the surface waters. Their abundance was positively correlated with dissolved silicate (DSi) concentrations and inversely with salinity. Nanophytoplankton and picophytoplankton (prymnesiophytes, chrysophytes and cyanophytes) were mostly noticed in the subsurface waters and dominated the southern bay. This finding suggests that the dominance of microphytoplankton in the northern bay may significantly contribute to higher particle flux which has been reported earlier. Therefore, any modification in future river discharge, which is in turn related to the intensity of Indian summer monsoon, will alter the phytoplankton community structure in the coastal BOB and may be further cascaded to the other vital ecosystem components like fisheries resources, organic carbon export flux and benthic production.  相似文献   

塔西南新生代前陆盆地东段盆山结构与冲断带变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔西南新生代前陆盆地受西昆仑山造山带南北向挤压和帕米尔弧形构造带向北突进的影响,导致盆山结构与盆地冲断带构造变形在平行造山带方向表现出明显差异。本文通过地震资料解释,系统研究了塔西南新生代前陆盆地东段盆山结构与冲断带的构造变形特征,认为塔西南新生代前陆盆地东段盆山结构表现为西昆仑造山带向北大规模冲断,盆地区挠曲沉降,前陆地区发育宽的褶皱冲断带,冲断带前锋已扩展至捷得背斜一线,褶皱冲断带与前渊坳陷存在大范围重叠。盆地东段的褶皱冲断带在纵向上可以分为基底卷入变形带、滑脱变形带。山前第一排变形带受多期构造叠加影响,产生横向变形的分异:西段柯东段早期为构造楔形体变形形成的背斜构造,后期被甫沙–克里阳右行走滑断裂改造,剖面呈现复杂的变形特征;东段克里阳段构造变形以早期的逆冲推覆为主。结合生长地层与磁性地层分析,冲断带的变形总体表现出前展式的构造变形特征,上新世阿图什组沉积期开始形成柯东构造带;随后变形向北传播,在上新世早中期形成柯克亚构造带;至早中更新世晚期,构造变形扩展至固满–合什塔格构造带。  相似文献   

TAN Hongqi 《地质学报》2014,88(Z2):928-928
Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details.  相似文献   

南岭地区钨锡花岗岩的成矿矿物学:概念与实例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
南岭地区的钨锡成矿作用与花岗岩岩浆活动有十分密切的关系。花岗岩的物源与成矿元素的初始富集、花岗岩的分异程度和花岗岩中流体性质与活动性集中体现了花岗岩对成矿的控制能力,即花岗岩的成矿能力。初步建立了南岭地区钨锡花岗岩的成矿矿物学研究体系。黑云母、榍石、锆石、锡石、金红石、黑钨矿、白钨矿和钨铁铌矿等是讨论的重点矿物,它们可用于判别花岗岩的成矿能力。首先以矿物晶体化学为基础,介绍了上述矿物在钨锡花岗岩中的岩相学特征、内部构造和矿物化学及其变化,并分别论证了花岗岩原始含矿性、花岗岩结晶演化和花岗岩中成矿元素活动性的矿物学标志;其次,系统对比了南岭地区三类钨锡花岗岩(准铝质含锡花岗岩、过铝质含锡花岗岩和过铝质含钨花岗岩)的成矿矿物学特征。以湖南骑田岭花岗岩复式岩体为实例,进行了芙蓉- 菜岭含锡花岗岩和新田岭含钨花岗岩的成矿矿物学对比研究。前者以黑云母、榍石为典型含锡矿物,它们在流体富集阶段,经热液蚀变作用,导致锡的淋滤和结晶富集作用;后者则以出现岩浆白钨矿和黑钨矿为特征。提出的钨锡花岗岩成矿矿物学研究体系有助于深化矿床学研究和矿床勘探工作,并将在今后工作中进一步完善。  相似文献   

The late-Palaeozoic to Cenozoic stratigraphic and structural record of the southwestern margin of the Bohemian massif and its extension beneath the southward adjacent Molasse basin shows that it is controlled by a system of basement-involving faults which came into evidence during Stephanian– Autunian times and which were subsequently repeatedly reactivated. Thick Permo-Carboniferous clastics accumulated in fault-bounded transtensional basins aligned with the southwestern Bohemian border zone (SWBBZ). Following late-Autunian deformation of these basins, the SWBBZ was overstepped by late-Permian to Late Jurassic platform sediments, reflecting tectonic stability. During the Early Cretaceous the SWBBZ was strongly reactivated, causing disruption and erosion of its Mesozoic sedimentary cover. Sedimentation resumed in the area of the SWBBZ during late Early and Late Cretaceous with clastic influx from the Bohemian massif reflecting gradually increasing tectonic activity along the SWBBZ. During the Late Senonian and Paleocene transpressional deformations resulted in upthrusting of major basement blocks. In the Molasse basin such structures are sealed by transgressive Late Eocene marine strata. Mio-Pliocene uplift of the Bohemian massif, involving mild reactivation of the SWBBZ, is related to the development of the volcano-tectonic Eger zone. The structural configuration of the SWBBZ is largely the result of Late Senonian–Paleocene compressional intraplate tectonics which play a major role in the structural framework of the northern Alpine and Carpathian foreland.  相似文献   

陈静  赵宝成  战庆 《沉积学报》2014,32(4):692-699
随着长江入海泥沙减少,长江三角洲响应问题越来越受到关注。本文选取对水动力变化较为敏感的水下三角洲与陆架过渡区域,通过对钻孔沉积物进行210Pb 和137Cs同位素定年和粒度参数分析,并提取敏感粒级含量及平均粒径垂向变化,尝试探讨其对近百年来长江河口河势变化以及入海泥沙减少的响应。研究发现1954年之前,该区沉积物颗粒较细,粒度参数特征接近现代河口泥质区沉积物,敏感粒径特征反映出河流作用影响较强,说明当时处于泥质区沉积范围;之后沉积物明显粗化,参数特征向陆架残留砂过渡,海洋动力的影响明显增强,并带入陆架粗颗粒物质,说明当时泥质区南移,该区处于河口和陆架沉积过渡区。推测这一变化主要和1954年后长江口北支河道萎缩有关,该区从长江水沙覆盖范围内变为水沙向海输运的边界上,海洋动力对沉积物改造加剧,导致沉积物粗化。同时,并未发现该区沉积物对1980年代后长江入海泥沙显著下降有所响应。近期发现的长江口外泥-砂分界线的西移很可能也包含着河口河势变化而导致的沉积物粗化的贡献。  相似文献   

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