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Existing instruments are unable to detect planets about stars other than the Sun but such detection would be important for the theory of origin of our solar system and in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Infrared offers an advantage of about 105 over visible light as regards the ratio of power received from star and planet. Infrared interferometry from Earth orbit would allow discrimination against the stellar infrared by the placement of an interference null on the star and a spinning infrared interferometer would modulate the planetary emission to permit extraction by synchronous detection from the background level. The limit to sensitivity will be set by thermal emission from the zodiacal light particles near the Earth's orbit unless the interferometer is launched out of the ecliptic or out to the orbit of Jupiter, in which case instrumental limitations will dominate. Technological developments in several fields will be required as also with astrometry, spectroscopic radial velocity measurement, and direct photography from orbit, three approaches with which infrared interferometry should be carefully compared.  相似文献   

Cherenkov telescopes have the capability of detecting high energy tau neutrinos in the energy range of 1–1000 PeV by searching for very inclined showers. If a tau lepton, produced by a tau neutrino, escapes from the Earth or a mountain, it will decay and initiate a shower in the air which can be detected by an air shower fluorescence or Cherenkov telescope. In this paper, we present detailed Monte Carlo simulations of corresponding event rates for the VERITAS and two proposed Cherenkov Telescope Array sites: Meteor Crater and Yavapai Ranch, which use representative AGN neutrino flux models and take into account topographic conditions of the detector sites. The calculated neutrino sensitivities depend on the observation time and the shape of the energy spectrum, but in some cases are comparable or even better than corresponding neutrino sensitivities of the IceCube detector. For VERITAS and the considered Cherenkov Telescope Array sites the expected neutrino sensitivities are up to factor 3 higher than for the MAGIC site because of the presence of surrounding mountains.  相似文献   

Neutrino telescopes of large area offer the possibility of searching for indirect signals of relic neutralinos in the galactic halo, due to annihilations in the Sun or the Earth. Here we investigate the sensitivity, using a supergravity scheme where the soft scalar mass terms are not constrained by universality conditions at the grand unification scale. We first discuss in which regions of the supersymmetric parameter space the neutralino may be considered as a good candidate for cold dark matter. The discovery potential of the search using neutrino telescopes is then compared to that of the direct search for relic neutralinos.  相似文献   

The space mission COROT (to be launched in 2002) will continuously monitor the flux of a number of stars during 150 days periods with a very high photometric accuracy. One of its objectives is the detection of extra-solar planets by looking for their transits in front of the disk of several tens thousand stars. COROT accommodates a 25 cm telescope with low straylight, and 4 2048×2048 CCDs, 2 of which monitoring 5000 to 12000 stars simultaneously up to mv= 16.5. The stability and noise performances should make easy the detection of Jupiter-like planets and possible the detection of Earth-like planets with radius 1.5R. Under study is a dispersive system that will allow to retrieve some chromatic information : this could be essential to discriminate actual transit events against stellar fluctuations that would mimic a transit and to identify properly the events occurring in binary stars. The mission, the instrument and the results of simulations are presented, together with a discussion on the number of expected events : the multiple ones with a short orbital period signature, or the single or double events identified by their (a)chromatic signature. The later ones may lead to the discovery of planets in the habitable zone.  相似文献   

The performance of large telescopes is determined both by their angular resolution and by their collection area. It is, therefore, important to achieve as high an angular resolution as possible by site selection, by avoiding image deterioration by the telescope and its environment, and by real time image restoration by adaptive optics. We summarize the principles of adaptive optics, their predicted performance and the current programs underway to implement adaptive optics for astronomical purposes.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

Reports on two optical designs studied in connection with the JNLT project: namely, the primary corrector and the camera for a spectrograph, are presented.Paper presented at the symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 2–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

Assuming a large collecting area, a good angular resolution and a large field of view expected for the Japanese National Large Telescope (JNLT), we demonstrate that JNLT will provide a useful means of studying cosmological objects of interest. Among them I discuss how cosmological parameters and evolutionary effects can be obtained from redshift-magnitude relations, galaxy counts, distant supernovae, quasar properties, and large-scale structures. An advantage of near infrared observations is emphasized.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

When it began operating in 1975, the Anglo-Australian Telescope set new standards for pointing, tracking, and efficient observing. Since then, several large telescopes with more advanced control systems and on better sites have come into competition but the AAT retains the reputation of having the best overall observing efficiency.A number of organizational factors in the design and construction phase and in the Anglo-Australian Observatory's operational years have contributed to the AAT's success. Careful consideration of these factors should help groups planning the construction and operation of new telescopes.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

G. Artzner 《Solar physics》1990,128(1):281-286
Observed temporal variations of shape and size of the solar disk as viewed from Earth may act as constraints for theories of the interior of the Sun. In addition to existing programs of solar diameter measurements we investigate a ground-based photographic method.The solar limb profile is recorded on a photoresist-coated substrate over a 20 radial length simultaneously all along the circonference as a three-dimensional 21 mm diameter, 0.0015mm thick permanent object available for inspection by interferometric methods. The exposure time is long enough for filtering much of the atmospheric turbulence, whereas the slope of the observed solar limb should help to locate a standard solar limb. The first results of February 1989 at large zenith distance and low altitude are a set of differential measurements of the position of a solar limb around a circle with, after taking into account the 3.7 atmospheric differential refraction, a 0.34r.m.s. dispersion of the residuals for a fit to a circular solar disk.We estimate that this method of accuracy comparable to other ground-based methods, with potentially more than 600 independent simultaneous measurements along the circonference, could help to discriminate between terrestrial and solar causes for variations of shape and size of the solar disk.We note that operation outside the Earth's atmosphere would provide access not only to undisturbed images but also to UV wavelengths, i.e., to a better definition of the solar limb.  相似文献   

The current achievements of the observational abilities of radio astronomy is briefly reviewed putting emphasis on the imaging capability. The new projects in radio astronomy are discussed in connection with the new generation of optical/IR telescope projects.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 1988.  相似文献   

New challenges for adaptive optics: extremely large telescopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of an adaptive optics (AO) system on a 100-m diameter ground-based telescope working in the visible range of the spectrum is computed using an analytical approach. The target Strehl ratio of 60 per cent is achieved at 0.5 μm with a limiting magnitude of the AO guide source near R   magnitude~10, at the cost of an extremely low sky coverage. To alleviate this problem, the concept of tomographic wavefront sensing in a wider field of view using either natural guide stars (NGS) or laser guide stars (LGS) is investigated. These methods use three or four reference sources and up to three deformable mirrors, which increase up to 8-fold the corrected field size (up to 60 arcsec at 0.5 μm). Operation with multiple NGS is limited to the infrared (in the J band this approach yields a sky coverage of 50 per cent with a Strehl ratio of 0.2). The option of open-loop wavefront correction in the visible using several bright NGS is discussed. The LGS approach involves the use of a faint ( R ~22) NGS for low-order correction, which results in a sky coverage of 40 per cent at the Galactic poles in the visible.  相似文献   

We describe the new, fast, high-precision microdensitometer SuperCOSMOS. Some aspects of hardware and software design that enable high-precision astrometry from photographic plates are explained. We show that the positioning repeatability of the measuring machine is less than 0.1 μ μ m standard error in either coordinate, and the absolute positional accuracy is about 0.15 μ m standard error. Furthermore, measurements of the same plate in different orientations show that the sampling errors are small (e.g. ∼ 0.2 μ m, rising to ∼ 1.0 μ m at the plate limit, for stellar images in a IIIaJ emulsion), thus allowing the extraction of relative positional information from Schmidt plates at accuracies less than 1 μ m. We demonstrate that SuperCOSMOS is capable of measuring the positions of bright stars (i.e. those more than ∼ 4 mag above the plate limit) to a precision ∼ 0.5 μ m with survey–grade photographic plates employing fine–grained emulsions.  相似文献   

The weak thermal emission from the largest minor planets can be detected and measured at all points around their orbits at microwave frequencies using the Very Large Array (VLA). Position determinations of astrometric quality have been obtained, and flux measurements have provided size estimates. When enough precise positional observations have been accumulated, the orbits of the minor planets and the Earth can be determined. This will allow the equinox to be located within the radio reference frame, providing a truly fundamental coordinate system for radio source positions. It will also provide a means of relating the optical and radio (quasar) coordinate systems.The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is operated by Associated Universities, Incorporated, under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The astrometry method has great advantages in searching for exoplanets in the habitable zone around solar-like stars. However, the presence of multiple planets may cause a problem with degeneracy when trying to compute accurate planet parameters from observation data and reduce detectability. The degeneracy problem is extremely critical, especially in a space mission which has limited observation time and cadence. In this series of papers, we study the detectability of habitable Earth-mass planets in different types of multi-planet systems, aiming to find the most favorable targets for the potential space mission–Habitable ExoPlanet Survey(HEPS). In the first paper, we present an algorithm to find planets in the habitable zone around solar-like stars using astrometry. We find the detectability can be well described by planets' signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) and a defined parameter S = M2/(T1-T2)2, where M2 and T2are the mass and period of the second planet, respectively. T1 is the period of the planet in the habitable zone. The parameter S represents the influence of planetary architectures. We fit the detectability as a function of both the SNR of the planet in the habitable zone and the parameter S. An Earth-like planet in a habitable zone is harder to detect(with detectability PHP 80%) in a system with a hot Jupiter or warm Jupiter(within2 AU), in which the parameter S is large. These results can be used in target selections and to determine the priority of target stars for HEPS, especially when we select and rank nearby planet hosts with a single planet.  相似文献   

A method for finishing the surface shape of large mirrors for space telescopes that are accurate up to λ/20 is described, as well as training of the method for manufacturing a systall mirror 2.6 m in diameter for the ZTSH telescope.  相似文献   

A broadband anti-reflective(AR) coating design for astronomical large-aperture telescopes is proposed. We give simulations of two-, three-and four-layer silica sol-gel on fused silica and finally get the optimal optical constants. As a comparison, we discuss the traditional dielectric material that has been applied to broadband AR coatings. To better guide the following experiment, we also conduct error analysis and feasibility analysis, combining with the technological characteristics of sol-gel. The analytical method is suitable for other wavebands and substrates. It is also instructive for large area AR coatings in the field of solar cells.  相似文献   

With the aim of evaluating the actual possibilities of doing, from the ground, sensitive radio astronomy at decametre wavelengths (particularly below ), an extensive program of radio observations was carried out, in 1999–2002, by using digital spectral and waveform analysers (DSP) of new generation, connected to several of the largest, decametre radio telescopes in the world (i.e., the UTR-2 and URANs arrays in Ukraine, and the Nançay Decametre Array in France).

We report and briefly discuss some new findings, dealing with decametre radiation from Jupiter and the Solar Corona: namely the discovery of new kinds of hyper fine structures in spectrograms of the active Sun, and a new characterisation of Jupiter's “millisecond” radiation, whose waveform samples, with time resolution down to 40 ns, and correlated measurements, by using far distant antennas (3000 km), have been obtained. In addition, scattering effects, caused by the terrestrial ionosphere and the interplanetary medium, could be disentangled through high time resolution and wide-band analyses of solar, planetary and strong galactic radio sources. Consequences for decametre wavelength imaging at high spatial resolution (VLBI) are outlined. Furthermore, in spite of the very unfavourable electromagnetic environment in this frequency range, a substantial increase in the quality of the observations was shown to be provided by using new generation spectrometers, based on sophisticated digital techniques. Indeed, the available, high dynamic range of such devices greatly decreases the effects of artificial and natural radio interference. We give several examples of successful signal detection in the case of much weaker radio sources than Solar System ones, down to the intensity level.

In summary, we conclude that searching for sensitivity improvement at the decametre wavelength is scientifically quite justified, and is now technically feasible, in particular by building giant, phased antenna arrays of much larger collecting area (as in the LOFAR project). In this task, one must be careful of some specifics of this wavelength range—somewhat unusual in “classical” radio astronomy—i.e., very high level and density of radio interference (telecommunications) and the variable terrestrial ionosphere.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency project of an astrometric satellite-HIPPARCOS-is shortly described. It will measure the angles between stars situated in fields separated by about 70°. The precision of the elementary measurements is expected to be of the order of 0.005. A similar accuracy is found to apply to the basic reduction giving the abcissae of stars referred to great circles on the sky. The final overall reduction should yield accuracies better than 0.002 in position and parallaxes and 0.002 per year in proper motions.The main features of the final catalogue are described and some possible consequences for fundamental astronomy are given.Presented at the Symposium Star Catalogues, Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, held in honor of Paul Herget at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, November 30, 1978.  相似文献   

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