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Sediment cores (~40–100 cm) were collected at 12 locations in the western Bohai Bay, the Haihe River estuary, the Yongding River estuary and the Tianjin Harbor, China, during 24–26 July 2007, and analyzed for 7Be and 210Pb activities. Due to localized hydrodynamic patterns and frequent disturbance from dredging activities, steady-state sedimentation features were not observed in this study. As demonstrated in the 7Be and 210Pb profiles, the temporal and spatial variations of these radionuclides support a non-steady state depositional environment in the study area. By comparing 7Be and 210Pb inventories in the sediments with those of the atmospheric source, we found that: 1) sediments dredged from the Tianjin Harbor or eroded from nearby estuarine and coastal areas are retained in the western Bohai Bay for relatively short intervals (several months), as reflected in the relatively high 7Be inventories in the western Bohai Bay; 2) over the long-term (years to decades), 210Pb inventories in the sediments imply that there is a net on-shore transport of sediments, and the sediments are mass-balanced in the entire study area. Overall, our results suggest that the sediments are retained in the estuaries and the western Bohai Bay despite local variability in sediment dynamics and disturbance due to human activities.  相似文献   

利用新三维地震资料,分析渤中西洼地层展布特征、断裂结构特征、活动强度,明确多期构造演化特征,探讨新生代构造演化对油气成藏的影响,建立油气成藏模式。结果表明:渤中西洼划分为断陷期、断拗期、拗陷期及拗断期4个构造演化阶段;断陷期渤中西洼强烈伸展控制形成东三段、沙河街组两套最重要的烃源岩层系,断拗期、拗陷期构造相对稳定,拗断期渤中西洼构造重新活化,断层大量产生而形成多种类型圈闭,油源断裂及晚期调节断层的强烈活动将深部油气向浅层运移,促进研究区的晚期成藏作用。该研究为下一步油气勘探提供依据。  相似文献   

根据渤海湾区域1999~2013年多期GPS站点速率资料,以营潍断裂带为界分为东西两个地块计算运动参数,求解主应变率和断裂带的应变率。基于应变率计算结果研究了区域应变-应力场。结果表明,1999~2011年渤海湾区域地壳整体受北东东-南西西向压应力和北北西-南南东向张应力作用,2011~2013年区域地壳压应力主方向为近南北向,张应力主方向呈近东西向,致使这一变化的主要原因是2011年日本3.11大地震。渤海湾区域不同地段的应力也存在差异,局部性变化明显。营潍断裂带不同时段的正应变率和剪应变率亦不同,1999~2011年为右旋剪应变-剪应力作用,2011~2013年为左旋剪应变-剪应力作用。  相似文献   

Sediment transport in estuarine systems has been of increasing interest for scientists during the past few decades. However, the mechanisms for sediment redistribution remain unclear. We characterized in detail sediment transport in the Xiaoqing River estuary using the mathematical Weibull function to partitiongrain-size components of surface sediments in the southwestern Laizhou Bay, Northeast China. Four partitioned components: finer than 4, 4.6–12.5, 23.4–63.3, and 67.1–132.6 μm were interpreted in terms of hydrodynamic conditions. During sediment transport, silt grains were suspended and moved seaward from three depositional centers, whereas fine-grained sands moved generally landward. Overall, sediments are transported clockwise in a generally NNE direction near shore and then turn eastward offshore. The mathematical partitioning method showed a great potential for future estuarine environmental studies.  相似文献   

The densities of 36 water samples from the Huanghe River estuary and Bohai Bay were determinedby a magnetic float densimcter under three temperatures from 15℃ to 25℃.All the measured densities ofsamples were greater than that of the values calculated from the International Equation of State of Seawater.The differences between the measured and calculated densities increased with the decrease of salinities.The dif-ferences appeared exponentially correlated with[Ca~(2+)]/s,[Mg~(2+)]/s and[SO_4~(2-)]/s,and had"s"type curverelationship with the alkalinity in all salinity range.But in the salinity ranging from 25.72 to 31.57,therelationships were all linear.The density difference can be estimated from the equation △ρ(10~3kg·m~(-3))=(-2.79+236.5([Ca~(2+)]/s)/(-9.7464×10~(-3)+[Ca~(2+)]/s).It was the high alkalinity and[Ca~(2+)]/s that resulted in the measured densi-ties of seawaters being higher than the calculated densities in the Huanghe estuary and Bohai Bay.  相似文献   

The study provides one of the first lines of evidence showing linkages between Antarctic phytoplankton abundance and composition in response to ENSO, based on historical reconstruction of sediment biomarkers. In addition to sediment biomarkers, field measured and remote sensing data of phytoplankton abundance were also recorded from Prydz Bay, Eastern Antarctica. Com-munity structure of field measured phytoplankton showed significant El Ni?o/La Ni?a-related succession during 1990 to 2002. In general, the number of algae species decreased during El Ni?o and La Ni?a years compared to normal years. Austral summer monthly variation of remotely sensed chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), particulate organic carbon (POC), and sea surface temperature (SST) indicated that ENSO impacted the timing of phytoplankton blooms during 2007 to 2011. Phytoplankton blooms (indicated by Chl-a and POC) preceded the increases in SST during El Ni?o years, and lagged behind the SST increases during La Ni?a years. Stratigraphic record of marine sedimentary lipid (brassicasterol, dinosterol and alkenones) biomarkers inferred that the proportions of different algae (diatoms, dinoflagellates and haptophytes) changed significantly between El Ni?o and La Ni?a events. The relative proportion of diatoms increased, with that of dinoflagellates being decreased during El Ni?o years, while it was reversed during La Ni?a years.  相似文献   

TheBohaibaybasin ,locatedineastrenChina ,isconsideredasabigCenozoiccontinentalriftbasin .Thebasinpossessesdeeperfault -trouth ,goodconsistencyandhugeperspectiveforpetroleumandnaturalgasex ploitationinPalaeogeneandpre -Palaeogenesystems .Thestudyontectonicch…  相似文献   

Synthetical analyzing the deep geophysical data within Bohai bay basin the authors detect the deep crustal struc-ture presenting high geothermal flux, thinned crust and arched Moho discontinuity, and the basin basement belongs to rigid continental crust. The development of the basin was controlled by two - dimensional faults in NNE and NWW directions. The tectonic units of the basin can be subdivided into three structural divisions: the east, middle and west division. The basin is considered as a continental rift. The tectonic background and regional right條ateral stress field during the late Cretaceous and Paleogene were a compound result of the Kula Plate W-directional subducting under Eurasia Continental Plate in 80-74Ma and the Philippine sea Plate W-directional subducting under the Eurasia Continental Plate since 60Ma, the long -rang effect of the India Continental Plate wedging into the Eurasia Continental Plate and of the Siberia Plate SE梔irectional relatively moving.  相似文献   

Synthetical analyzing the deep geophysical data within Bohai bay basin the authors detect the deep crustal structure presenting high geothermal flux, thinned crust and arched Moho discontinuity, and the basin basement belongs to rigid continental crust. The development of the basin was controlled by two - dimensional faults in NNE and NWW directions. The tectonic units of the basin can be subdivided into three structural divisions: the east, middle and west division. The basin is considered as a continental rift. The tectonic background and regional right - lateral stress field during the late Cretaceous and Paleogene were a compound result of the Kula Plate W - directional subducting under Eurasia Continental Plate in 80 ~ 74Ma and the Philippine sea Plate W -directional subducting under the Eurasia Continental Plate since 60Ma, the long-rang effect of the India Continental Plate wedging into the Eurasia Continental Plate and of the Siberia Plate SE - directional relatively moving.  相似文献   

Benthic nutrient recycling in shallow coastal waters of the Bohai Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sediment-water fluxes of N and P species in the Bohai Sea were investigated in September-October 1998 and April-May 1999. The benthic fluxes of nutrient species were determined by incubating sediment core samples with bottom seawater bubbled with air or nitrogen. NO^-2,NH4, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and phosphorus (TDP), and PO4^3- showed a net exchange flux from seawater to sediment, while NO^-3, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and SiO3^2- were released from sediment to seawater in the Bohai Sea. Sediment-water nutrient exchange increases DIN and reduces the phosphorus load in the Bohai Sea. The release of silicate from sediment to overlying seawater reduces potential silicate limitation of primary production resulted from decrease of riverine discharge.The exchange flux of nutrients showed no obvious seasonal variation. The present study showed that the concentrations and composition of nutrients in the water column were affected by suspended sediment, and that not all the exchangeable phosphate in sediment could be released via sediment resuspension.  相似文献   

地区油气显示普遍,这种沉积体系识别与刻画结果对于该区油气勘探具有重要意义。   相似文献   

Abstract Zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) concentrations were determined in the tissues (muscle, stomach, liver, gills, skin, and gonads) of five commercial fish species (mullet Liza haematocheilus, flathead Platycephalus indicus, mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius, silver pomfret Pampus argenteus, and sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus) from Laizhou Bay in the Bohai Sea. Metal bioaccumulation was highest in the metabolically active tissues of the gonads and liver. Bioconcentration factors for Zn were higher in all tissues (gonads 44.35, stomach 7.73, gills 7.72, liver 5.61, skin 4.88, and muscle 1.63) than the corresponding values for Cu (gonads 3.50, stomach 3.00, gills 1.60, liver 5.43, skin 1.50, and muscle 0.93). Mackerel tissues accumulated metal to higher concentrations than did other fish species, but bioaccumulation levels were not significantly correlated with the trophic levels of the fish. Zn and Cu concentrations in the tissues were generally negatively correlated with fish length, except for a few tissues of sea bass. Risk assessment based on national and international permissible limits and provisional tolerances for weekly intake of Zn and Cu revealed that the concentrations of these two metals in muscle were relatively low and would not pose hazards to human health.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions and sources of PAHs in sediment of Xiamen Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTIONTheindustrialdevelopmentandrisingpopulationintheXiamencoastalzonearelikelytoresultinincreasingpollutantsloadingwhichcanaffecttheoceanicecosystemsenvironmentthereandthreatenhumanhealth .PAHs ,asgoodenvironmentpollutionindicators(Aizenshat,1 973 ;Randahl,1 983 ) ,arerela tivelystableinairandwater,andarewidelydistributedintheaquaticenvironmentasaresultofhumanactivities.ProposedprimarysourcesofPAHsincludecombustionofvariousfossilfuels,nat uralfires,roadrunoff streetdustaswellas…  相似文献   

The whole metazoan community inhabiting Laizhou Bay and adjacent Bohai Sea waters were sampled in late autumn,2006.Secondary production estimates for macrofauna and meiofauna were made separately.Total benthic secondary production was as high as 8.38 ± 4.08 g ash-free dry weight(AFDW) m-2 a-1,which represented the autumn production level.In general,macrofaunal secondary production in Laizhou Bay was much lower than that in adjacent Bohai Sea areas.In contrast,meiofaunal secondary production in Laizhou Bay was higher than that in adjacent Bohai Sea areas.Macrofauna contributed 61% to benthic secondary production(5.09 ± 3.26 g AFDW m-2 a-1),lower than the value in previous studies in Bohai Sea.Sediment granulometric characteristics and bottom-water salinity could explain the substantial variability in the macrofauna biomass and production.Meiofaunal production was an important component of benthic production and exceeded macrofauna production under exceptional conditions,e.g.in Laizhou Bay,where macrofauna was restricted.Chlorophyll pigments(Chl-a) concentrations in sediment explained the general meiofaunal biomass and production distribution here.  相似文献   

为探究渤海湾盆地南乐地热田的岩溶热储特征及地热田成因机制,基于物探和地质资料,对渤海湾盆地南乐次凸地热田的热储展布规律、水化学特征、运移通道以及地温场等因素进行了剖析,构建了地热田成因概念模型。研究表明:南乐次凸地热田存在加里东、印支-海西、燕山、喜山4期奥陶系风化壳岩溶热储,顶板埋深1 427~2 135 m,有效厚度累计46.2~91.7 m;具有良好的盖层,地温梯度高达3.04~3.24℃/hm,地下水类型为SO4+Cl-Na+Ca-B型;地热田形成于较高的大地热流、渤海湾陆内裂陷盆地-东濮凹陷西斜坡带背景下,受西部太行山区和东部鲁西南山区裸露基岩大气降水的共同补给,进入基岩的冷水深部循环受到热流的"热折射""热流再分配"效应以及兰聊断裂摩擦生热等的共同加热、增温,沿区域内不整合面以及断裂向上运移、富集,最终形成了以奥陶系为热储的传导型地热田系统。南乐次凸地热田奥陶系岩溶热储可采地热资源量为1.02×109 GJ,折合标煤3.50×107 t,可满足供暖面积12.37×104万m2,具有良好的开发市场前景。研究成果对南乐地热田乃至渤海湾盆地的岩溶热储开发利用具有较好的指导意义。   相似文献   

Dai  Yanchen  Qiao  Lulu  Xu  Jishang  Zhou  Chunyan  Ding  Dong  Bi  Wei 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2015,14(3):425-432
Laizhou Bay and its adjacent waters are of great importance to China's marine oil and gas development. It is therefore crucial to estimate return-period values of marine environmental variables in this region to ensure the safety and success of maritime engineering and maritime exploration. In this study, we used numerical simulations to estimate extreme wave height, sea current velocity and sea-level height in western Laizhou Bay. The results show that the sea-level rise starts at the mouth of the bay, increases toward west/southwest, and reaches its maximum in the deepest basin of the bay. The 100-year return-period values of sea level rise can reach 3.4–4.0 m in the western bay. The elevation of the western part of the Qingdong Oil Field would remain above the sea surface during extreme low sea level, while the rest of the oil field would be 1.6–2.4 m below the sea surface. The return-period value of wave height is strongly affected by water depth; in fact, its spatial distribution is similar to the isobath's. The 100-year return-period values of effective wave height can be 6 m or higher in the central bay and be more than 1 m in the shallow water near shore. The 100-year return-period values of current velocity is about 1.2–1.8 m s-1 in the Qingdong Oil Field. These results provide scientific basis for ensuring construction safety and reducing construction cost.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Helium is a trace element in natural gas and the lightest element of all rare gases. It is formed during natural nuclear processes and it is chemi- cally stable. Because of its strong diffusibility and permeability, it is used as a very sen…  相似文献   

Selected trace metals(Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg) and arsenic in seawater and surface sediments of Laizhou Bay were determined, to evaluate their spatial distribution, pollution risk and potential ecological risk. Concentrations of the elements were 0.56–2.07, 0.14–0.38, 12.70–18.40, 0.014–0.094, and 1.13–2.37 μg/L in the seawater and 8.94–32.2, 0.18–0.67, 4.51–30.5, 0.006–0.058, and 5.75–15.3 mg/kg in sediments for Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg and As, respectively. High concentrations of the trace metals and arsenic in seawater and surface sediments were generally observed near the river estuary. The pollution risk result of the elements showed that Cu was the prominent trace metal pollutant in seawater, followed by Hg, Pb, Cd and As. The metal complex pollution index in seawater was at a medium level. The most important trace metal pollutant in sediments was Cd, followed by As, Cu, Pb, and Hg. Our pollution assessment suggests that trace metal pollution in Laizhou Bay sediments was at a low level. The potential ecological risk was also low in surface sediment.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment transport in streams is an effective indicator of soil erosion at the watershed scale. This process was studied using the data obtained from two continuous monitoring stations installed in Italian watersheds, the Rio Cordon and Torrente Carapelle. The catchments have substantially different climatic, morphological and land use characteristics. The Rio Cordon, a small Alpine watershed, has been monitored since 1986, while in the Torrente Carapelle, a medium-size Mediterranean watershed, the monitoring station has provided data since 2007. Several flood events with suspended sediment transport were isolated in the two catchments, excluding those determined by snowmelt in the Rio Cordon as this process does not affect the Carapelle watershed. Analysis of the events showed different behavior in terms of hysteresis loop trends between water discharge (m3 s-1) and suspended sediment concentration (g l-1) values, as the Rio Cordon confirms clockwise relationships most frequently, while counter-clockwise trends represent the majority of cases for the Carapelle Torrent. The different behavior of the two watersheds was further analyzed by evaluating relationships between the main hydrological parameters related to suspended sediment transport. Runoff controls the total sediment budget in both catchments. In contrast, it was noted that the runoff process does not interfere in the magnitude of the suspended sediment transport in the Rio Cordon catchment, while variations due to the larger size of the catchment area characterize the events in the Carapelle watershed. Lastly, a flow peak threshold that determines the advance or delay of the hydrograph peak with respect to the sedigraph peak was established for the Carapelle Torrent, while it was not reported in the Rio Cordon.  相似文献   

The study on sediment production and its relationship with climatic and hydrological factors in watershed is a major environment issue of concern in the international community. Based on the observational records covering the period from 1954 to 1999, the characteristics of precipitation changing over the Dasha River Watershed in Anhui Province and its relation to sediment yield were studied using tendency analysis and correlation analysis.Results showed that the precipitation of the Dasha River Watershed has high variability. In those 46 years, 34% of spring rainfall, 58% of summer rainfall and 30% of annual rainfall will be considered anomaly. The gray correlation analysis shows that sediment discharge correlates most closely with the frequency of the rainstorm with a daily precipitation above 100mm, secondly with the frequency of the rainstorm with a daily precipitation of 50-100mm, and thirdly with the number of rainy days. Their correlation coefficients are 0.98,0.90 and 0.85 respectively. In addition,the paper suggests the major countermeasures and methods for controlling of soil and water losses in this area.  相似文献   

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