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使用中科院的LASGη模式对1991年4月16日-19日、1992年3月16日-17日、1996 年11月16日 -18日和1998年3月18日-20日四次高原牧区雪灾过程进行了降水模拟和成因分析,揭示了造成这次雪灾天气的主要因素,模拟雨量与实况吻合较好,证明了该模式对冬季高原降雪天气过程有一定的预报能力.  相似文献   

青藏高原雪灾天气的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用中科院的LASGη模式对1991 年4 月16 日—19 日、1992 年3 月16 日—17 日、1996 年11 月16 日—18 日和1998 年3 月18 日—20 日四次高原牧区雪灾过程进行了降水模拟和成因分析,揭示了造成这次雪灾天气的主要因素,模拟雨量与实况吻合较好,证明了该模式对冬季高原降雪天气过程有一定的预报能力。  相似文献   

青藏高原上中尺度对流系统(MCSs)的个例分析及其比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对1995年7月25—28日高原上连续数日出现MCSs的现象进行了红外云图特征及其演变、大尺度环境背景场和对流有效位能的分析。可以发现,所有这些MCSs有着相似的日变化演变过程;它们的初始对流在中午由于日射加热开始活跃,之后迅速发展,这些MCSs在后下午形成,在傍晚达到最强,之后逐渐减弱。其中26日MCS最为强大,它是在单一的强大的近于圆形的高原反气旋高压背景下受强的低层热力强迫和条件不稳定的驱动而发生的。这些发生条件都与高原本身的热力作用紧密相关,所以它的发生发展主要与高原特有的较为纯粹的热力因子相联系。28日MCS是另一个很强的MCS,它明显地受到中纬度西风槽的斜压区的影响,这二个很强的MCS有着不同的发展机制和显著不同的表现特征。  相似文献   

高原地势高耸、地形复杂,称为"世界屋脊”.青藏高原对东亚及全球大气环流的影响是举世瞩目的.青藏高原近地面层及边界层大气物理参数的观删研究与任何地点的观测研究相比,难度更大,而且意义十分重要.  相似文献   


利用1979-2018年实测降水资料对同期中国区域地面气象要素数据集(China Meteorological Forcing Dataset,CMFD)、中国全球陆面再分析40年产品(CRA-40/Land,CRA-40)再分析降水资料在湖南省内的均值、年际变化和相关性等进行比较评估。结果表明:(1)在年平均降水分布上,两套再分析资料对少雨区反映均较好,CMFD对湘西北、湘南地区降水分布反映较CRA-40好,而CRA-40对湘东地区降水分布反映好于CMFD。(2)CMFD资料和CRA-40资料的降水值绝对偏差均主要集中在0~50 mm和50.1~100 mm区间,CMFD资料分别占比56.8%和20%,CAR-40资料分别占比40%和35.8%。(3)在多年各季平均降水分布上,CMFD资料的四季平均降水均以大于实况值为主;CRA-40资料四季平均降水在湘北以负偏差为主,在湘南则以正偏差为主。(4)在年平均降水的年际变化上,两套资料各时段变化趋势均与实况一致,1979-1984年、1999-2010年年降水量呈减小趋势,1985-1998年、2011-2018年为增加趋势,对比各时段气候倾向率可知,CMFD降水资料较CRA-40更接近实况。(5)两套再分析资料的降水与实况降水的相关系数普遍在0.75以上,有90%以上的站点相关系数通过0.05显著性水平检验,再分析降水资料与实况降水资料的年际变率相关性在湘北和湘南地区最好、在湘中一带较差。


This paper presents the impact of two snow cover schemes (NY07 and SL12) in the Community Land Model version 4.5 (CLM4.5) on the snow distribution and surface energy budget over the Tibetan Plateau. The simulated snow cover fraction (SCF), snow depth, and snow cover days were evaluated against in situ snow depth observations and a satellite-based snow cover product and snow depth dataset. The results show that the SL12 scheme, which considers snow accumulation and snowmelt processes separately, has a higher overall accuracy (81.8%) than the NY07 (75.8%). The newer scheme performs better in the prediction of overall accuracy compared with the NY07; however, SL12 yields a 15.1% underestimation rate while NY07 overestimated the SCF with a 15.2% overestimation rate. Both two schemes capture the distribution of the maximum snow depth well but show large positive biases in the average value through all periods (3.37, 3.15, and 1.48 cm for NY07; 3.91, 3.52, and 1.17 cm for SL12) and overestimate snow cover days compared with the satellite-based product and in situ observations. Higher altitudes show larger root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) in the simulations of snow depth and snow cover days during the snow-free period. Moreover, the surface energy flux estimations from the SL12 scheme are generally superior to the simulation from NY07 when evaluated against ground-based observations, in particular for net radiation and sensible heat flux. This study has great implications for further improvement of the subgrid-scale snow variations over the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Surface Flux Parameterization in the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
This study investigates some basic aspects related to surface-flux parameterization in the Tibetan Plateau, based on the measurement at three sites. These sites are essentially flat and covered by very sparse and short grasses in the monsoon season. The main contributions include: (1) an optimization technique is proposed to estimate aerodynamic roughness length based on wind and temperature profiles. The approach is not sensitive to random measurement errors if the number of data samples is large enough. The optimized values reasonably vary with surface characteristics. (2) At the three sites, kB-1 (the logarithm of the ratio of aerodynamic roughness length to thermal roughness length) experiences seasonal and diurnal variations in addition to a dependence on surface types. The mean values for the individual sites vary over a range of 2.7 to 6.4 with large standard deviations. (3) A formula for estimatingthe value of kB-1 isproposed to account for the effect of seasonal variation of aerodynamic roughness length and diurnal variation of surface temperature. With the formula, the flux parameterization with surface temperature estimates sensible heat flux better than profile parameterization for all the sites.  相似文献   

青藏高原地区地表及行星反射率   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
文章讨论了利用ISCCP卫星观测资料确定青藏高原地区地表反射率的方法,在无积雪地区和季节,地表反射率可以ISCCP可见光反射率为基础,在模式计算过程中,假定紫外反射率以及红外与可见光反射率的比值分别为常数。敏感性试验表明,由这两个假设所产生的误差并不显著。在有积雪地区或季节,地表平均反射率可直接由ISCCP可见光反射率表示。试验结果与地面实际观测作了比较,除沙漠区外,两者比较一致。文中还计算了高原晴天行星反射率。经与ERBE卫星观测比较,发现从5月至9月高原周围沙漠区气溶胶对辐射平衡有较显著的影响。而在其  相似文献   

Weather and Climate Effects of the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Progress in observation experiments and studies concerning the effects of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) on weather and climate during the last 5 years are reviewed. The mesoscale topography over the TP plays an important role in generating and enhancing mesoscale disturbances. These disturbances increase the surface sensible heat (SH) flux over the TP and propagate eastward to enhance convection and precipitation in the valley of Yangtze River. Some new evidence from both observations and numerical simulations shows that the southwesterly flow, which lies on the southeastern flank of the TP, is highly correlated with the SH of the southeastern TP in seasonal and interannual variability. The mechanical and thermal forcing of the TP is an important climatic cause of the spring persistent rains over southeastern China. Moreover, the thermodynamic processes over the TP can influence the atmospheric circulation and climate over North America and Europe by stimulating the large-scale teleconnections such as the Asian-Pacific oscillation and can affect the atmospheric circulation over the southern Indian Ocean. Estimating the trend in the atmospheric heat source over the TP shows that, in contrast to the strong surface and troposphere warming, the SH over the TP has undergone a significant decreasing trend since the mid-1980s. Despite the fact that in situ latent heating presents a weak increasing trend, the springtime atmospheric heat source over the TP is losing its strength. This gives rise to reduced precipitation along the southern and eastern slopes of the TP and to increased rainfall over northeastern India and the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原地面热源和高原低涡生成频数的日变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过1981—2010年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析出夏季青藏高原地面热源具有强烈的日变化,白天高原是强热源,夜间高原地面转变为弱热汇,日较差可达420 W·m~(-2),呈由西向东递减分布。其中地面感热和潜热加热的日变化均十分明显,日较差分别可达300 W·m~(-2)和200 W·m~(-2);感热加热的日变幅由西北向东南递减,而潜热加热由南向北递减。同时,利用人工识别的高原低涡数据集初步分析了夏季高原低涡生成频数的日变化,发现夜间生成的高原低涡频数略高于白天,其中00 UTC的低涡源地主要在西藏那曲和林芝(工布江达),12 UTC低涡源地主要在西藏那曲和青海玉树。  相似文献   

青藏高原上中尺度对流系统(MCS)的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A mesoscale convective system (MCS) developing over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on 26 July 1995 issimulated using the fifth version of the Penn State-NCAR nonhydrostatic mesoscale model (MM5). Theresults obtained are inspiring and are as follows. (1) The model simulates well the largescale conditionsin which the MCS concerned is embedded, which are the well-known anticyclonic Qinghai-Xizang PlateauHigh in the upper layers and the strong thermal forcing in the lower layers. In particular, the modelcaptures the meso-α scale cyclonic vortex associated with the MCS, which can be analyzed in the 500 hPaobservational winds; and to some degree, the model reproduces even its meso-β scale substructure similarto satellite images, reflected in the model-simulated 400 hPa rainwater. On the other hand, there aresome distinct deficiencies in the simulation; for example, the simulated MCS occurs with a lag of 3 hoursand a westward deviation of 3-5° longitude. (2) The structure and evolution of the meso-α scale vortexassociated with the MCS are undescribable for upper-air sounding data. The vortex is confined to thelower troposphere under 450 hPa over the plateau and shrinks its extent with height, with a diameter of4° longitude at 500 hPa. It is within the updraft area, but with an upper-level anticyclone and downdraftover it. The vortex originates over the plateau, and does not form until the mature stage of the MCS. Itlasts for 3-6 hours. In its processes of both formation and decay, the change in geopotential height fieldis prior to that in the wind field. It follows that the vortex is closely associated with the thermal effectsover the plateau. (3) A series of sensitivity experiments are conducted to investigate the impact of varioussurface thermal forcings and other physical processes on the MCS over the plateau. The results indicatethat under the background conditions of the upper-level Qinghai-Xizang High, the MCS involved is mainlydominated by the low-level thermal forcing. The simulation described here is a good indication that itmay be possible to reproduce the MCS over the plateau under certain large-scale conditions and with theincorporation of proper thermal physics in the lower layers.  相似文献   

根据NCEP/DOE再分析资料的地面感热通量和潜热通量以及MICAPS天气图资料识别的高原低涡资料集,研究了近30年来青藏高原夏季地面热源和高原低涡生成频数的气候学特征,分析了高原地面加热与低涡生成频数的时间相关性及其物理成因.得到如下认知:夏季高原地面感热通量的气候均值为58 W m-2,近30年地面感热总体呈微弱的减小趋势.其中在1980年代初期和21世纪前10年的大部分时段,地面感热呈增大趋势,而中间时段呈波动式下降.地面感热具有准3年为主的周期振荡,1996年前后是其开始减弱的突变点.高原夏季地面潜热通量的气候均值为62 W m-2,近30年呈波动状变化并伴有增大趋势.地面潜热的周期振荡以准4年为主,地面潜热增大的突变始于2004年前后.夏季高原地面热源的气候均值为120 W m-2,其中地面感热与地面潜热对地面热源的贡献在夏季大致相当.地面热源总体呈幅度不大的减弱趋势,其中1980年代到1990年代末偏强,21世纪前6年明显偏弱,随后又转为偏强.地面热源亦呈准3年为主的周期振荡并在1997年前后发生由强转弱的突变.根据MICAPS天气图资料的识别和统计,近30来夏季高原低涡的生成频数整体呈现一定程度的线性减少趋势,低涡高发期主要集中在1980年代到1990年代中后期.低涡生成频数有准7年为主的周期振荡现象,自1990年代中期开始的低涡生成频数的减少态势在1998年前后发生了突变.夏季高原低涡生成频数与同期高原地面感热呈高度正相关,与地面潜热呈一定程度的负相关,但与同期地面热源仍呈较显著的正相关.因此,在气候尺度上,高原地面热源偏强特别是地面感热偏强的时期,对应高原低涡的多发期.本研究从气候统计的时间相关性角度揭示了高原地面加热作用对催生高原低涡乃至高原对流活动的重要性.  相似文献   

Properties of cloud and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of seasonal precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) were investigated using TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) precipitation data(3B43). Sensitive regions of summer precipitation interannual variation anomalies were investigated using EOF(empirical orthogonal function) analysis. Furthermore, the profiles of cloud water content(CWC) and precipitable water in different regions and seasons were analyzed using TRMM-3A12 data observed by the TRMM Microwave Imager. Good agreement was found between hydrometeors and precipitation over the eastern and southeastern TP, where water vapor is adequate, while the water vapor amount is not significant over the western and northern TP.Further analysis showed meridional and zonal anomalies of CWC centers in the ascending branch of the Hadley and Walker Circulation, especially over the south and east of the TP. The interannual variation of hydrometeors over the past decade showed a decrease over the southeastern and northwestern TP, along with a corresponding increase over other regions.  相似文献   

基于新耦合气溶胶气候模式FGOALS-f3-L模拟分析了2002-2011年青藏高原地区气溶胶时空分布特征.结果表明:青藏高原地区,沙尘,硫酸盐,碳质气溶胶(包括黑碳,有机碳和混合碳)地表质量浓度分别占比为53.6%,32.2%,14.2%;在拉萨站点,模拟的气溶胶地表质量浓度被低估,尤其是黑碳和有机碳气溶胶;模拟的气...  相似文献   

夏季高原大气热源的气候特征以及与高原低涡生成的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刘云丰  李国平 《大气科学》2016,40(4):864-876
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和基于此再分析资料的高原低涡统计数据集,采用线性趋势、Morlet小波、EOF分解、合成分析等方法,分析了1981~2010年夏季高原大气热源气候特征以及与高原低涡生成的联系。结果表明:夏季高原大气热源平均强度为105 W m-2,随时间有减弱趋势,具有明显的年代际变化,存在显著的准3年周期振荡。高原低涡高发年,高原大气热源强度明显高于气候态,主要表现为高原大气热源的水平分布差异。在低涡高发年,涡度平流的空间分布和大气经向垂直环流结构显示:高原沿东南向西北存在500 hPa正涡度平流带,为高原低涡生成提供了有利的涡度场。同时,高原大气热源异常的水平分布促使高原上空产生上升气流,有助于高原上形成低层辐合、气旋式环流,整层上升运动,高层辐散、反气旋式环流的三维流场,促进高原低涡在低层生成,此时高原主体低空为正涡度区。并且,大气热源在垂直方向的变化也影响低涡的生成。最后,根据本文结果和我们前期的相关研究,从热成风原理和高原大气热力适应理论两方面对高原大气热源与高原低涡生成频数的统计结果给出了机理解释。  相似文献   

李国平  张万诚 《暴雨灾害》2019,38(5):464-471



We analyzed interannual variability (IAV) of precipitation and air temperature over a 40-year period (1969–2008) for 11 sites along a precipitation gradient on the Tibetan Plateau. The observed IAV for both precipitation and air temperature decreases with increasing mean annual precipitation. Using Biome-BGC, a process-based ecosystem model, we simulated net primary production (NPP) along this gradient and find that the IAV of NPP is positively correlated to the IAV of precipitation and temperature. Following projected climate change scenarios for the Tibetan Plateau, our simulations suggest that with increasing IAV of precipitation and temperature, the IAV of NPP will also increase and that climate thresholds exist that, if surpassed, lead to ecosystem die-off. The impacts of these changes on ecosystem processes and climate-vegetation feedbacks on the rapidly warming Tibetan Plateau are potentially quite significant.  相似文献   

Dynamic and Numerical Study of Waves in the Tibetan Plateau Vortex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In terms of its dynamics, The Tibetan Plateau Vortex (TPV) is assumed to be a vortex in the botmdary layer forced by diabatic heating and friction. In order to analyze the basic characteristics of waves in the vortex, the governing equations for the vortex were established in column coordinates with the balance of gradient wind. Based on this, the type of mixed waves and their dispersion characteristics were deduced by solving the linear model. Two numerical simulations with triple-nested domains--one idealized large-eddy simulation and one of a TPV that took place on 14 August 2006---were also carried out. The aim of the simulations was to validate the mixed wave deduced from the governing equations. The high-resolution model output data were analyzed and the results showed that the tangential flow field of the TPV in the form of center heating was cyclonic and convergent in the lower levels and anticyclonic and divergent in the upper levels. The simulations also showed that the vorticity of the vortex is uneven and might have shear flow along the radial direction. The changing vorticity causes the formation and spreading of vortex Rossby (VR) waves, and divergence will cause changes to the n~otion of the excitation and evolution of inertial gravity (IG) waves. Therefore, the vortex may contain what we call mixed :inertial gravity-vortex Rossby (IG-VR) waves. It is suggested that some strongly developed TPVs should be studied in the future, because of their effects on weather in downstream areas.  相似文献   

南亚高压上下高原时间及其与高原季风建立早晚的关系   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用1948—2013年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,定义了南亚高压动态特征指数,讨论了南亚高压上下高原的时间以及与高原季风建立早晚的关系。研究表明,南亚高压北界位置在4月初开始北移,5月迅速北抬,最北可达到55°N,9月开始南撤,西伸脊点在5—10月移动较稳定,5—7月向西移动到青藏高原上空,8—10月向东移动撤离高原,11月—次年4月东西摆动剧烈。南亚高压初上高原大致为6月第3候(33候),而撤离约为10月第4候(58候)。南亚高压移上高原的时间较高原夏季风建立晚73 d左右。南亚高压撤离高原时间较高原冬季风建立约早5 d。高原夏季风的建立和南亚高压初上高原是青藏高原热力作用在不同阶段的结果,反映在了高原的高低层上。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、FY-2E卫星观测的TBB资料,对2015年8月19日发生在林芝地区的一次暴雨过程进行天气分析,并利用中尺度数值模式WRF的模拟结果分析此次暴雨过程中尺度系统的结构特征。结果表明,此次暴雨过程发生在高原低涡切变的环流形势下,伴随辐合线发展的线状对流系统是此次暴雨发生的主要原因。WRF模式可较好地模拟出暴雨过程的环流形势和降水的落区、量级。西南风引导的暖湿气流为暴雨的发生、发展提供充沛的水汽条件;对中尺度结构的分析表明,低层辐合、高层辐散的结构以及在降水区存在的正涡度伴随强烈的上升运动为此次暴雨过程提供了有利的动力条件,假相当位温的分布能够为暴雨提供有利的热力条件,垂直螺旋度低层正中心的配置反映出大气的不稳定分布,有利于中尺度对流系统的发展与维持。  相似文献   

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