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Spiesberger J.L. Bushong P.J. Metzger K. Jr. Birdsall T.G. 《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》1989,14(1):108-119
Continuous acoustic transmission (133 Hz, 60-ms resolution) between a bottom-mounted source near Oahu, Hawaii, and a bottom-mounted receiver at 4000-km range near the coast of northern California was recorded to learn how to measure precisely the travel time so that basin-scale fluctuations in the Pacific can be detected. Daily incoherent averages of some of the multipaths exhibited stability during this period. The standard deviation of the travel time of the resolved peaks in the daily incoherent averages is about 30 ms. An acoustic method, based on cross-correlation, is derived to estimate the change in the average acoustic phase (travel time) to a precision of about 0.018 cycles (135 μs) every 2 min. Travel-time estimates based on the cross-correlator reduce the aberrations due to internal waves by about 19 dB in comparison with CW transmissions. The new travel-time estimator is applied to the measurements to examine some of the fluctuations of the Pacific 相似文献
Gennady A. Kivman 《Progress in Oceanography》1997,40(1-4)
Estimation of the open-boundary inputs solving a weak constraint variational formulation for an Arctic tide model is considered as an ill-posed problem in the sense that the solution is very sensitive to the data noise and to grid size. Mathematically, spatial discretization of a cost function to be minimized and penalization of normal flow through the open boundary act as regularization of the problem. An heuristic choosing rule for the regularization parameter is applied to assess a suitable spatial resolution and the weight referred to the open boundary penalty. It is shown that these provide a better fit of the solution to a control data set compared with a finer grid, the value of the energy flux through the open boundary being in agreement with other model estimates. The M2 solution obtained is much closer to the control data than other modern solutions while the accuracy of the simulated K1 constituent is within the same error level. The tidal maps for these waves exhibit certain distinctions in comparison with other charts. 相似文献
Sensitive Ocean Bottom Implanted Tiltmeters (OBITs) with a sophisticated data retrieval system have been developed in order to observe directly the subduction of oceanic lithosphere. The OBIT is the first long-term geophysical instrument which was designed to be deployed by a manned deep-sea submersible. When the OBIT is put on oceanic lithosphere which is bending and is about to subduct under a deep sea trench, the OBIT records the subduction by observing the tilt of the surface of the lithosphere. The OBIT system has a sensitivity of 10-8 radian, which is enough to detect the ongoing subduction in months or years. The OBIT may give an answer to the question whether there are fluctuations in the subduction rate.Two OBITs were successfully deployed on a seaward slope of the Kuril Trench by the newly built French deep submersible, Nautile. The OBITs were installed on the northwest shoulder of Erimo seamount, at a depth of 3930 m, in the Kuril Trench. In order to attain stable long-term observations of crustal deformations, the sensing unit was cemented onto bare rock by mortar. We have not yet had an opportunity to recover the data.The life of the instruments is expected to be more than five years. An acoustic data transmission system has been developed for the OBIT data recovery. The stored data can be retrieved at any moment during the observation period, with no need to retrieve the instruments nor to interrupt the observation, by use of the acoustic system. The acoustic system has a high data transmission rate as well as extremely low power consumption. This will be the first long-term crustal deformation measurement on the sea floor. 相似文献
A. A. Zelenko R. M. Vil’fand Yu. D. Resnyanskii B. S. Strukov M. D. Tsyrulnikov P. I. Svirenko 《Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics》2016,52(4):443-454
A new version of the ocean data assimilation system (ODAS) developed at the Hydrometcentre of Russia is presented. The assimilation is performed following the sequential scheme analysis–forecast–analysis. The main components of the ODAS are procedures for operational observation data processing, a variational analysis scheme, and an ocean general circulation model used to estimate the first guess fields involved in the analysis. In situ observations of temperature and salinity in the upper 1400-m ocean layer obtained from various observational platforms are used as input data. In the new ODAS version, the horizontal resolution of the assimilating model and of the output products is increased, the previous 2D-Var analysis scheme is replaced by a more general 3D-Var scheme, and a more flexible incremental analysis updating procedure is introduced to correct the model calculations. A reanalysis of the main World Ocean hydrophysical fields over the 2005–2015 period has been performed using the updated ODAS. The reanalysis results are compared with data from independent sources. 相似文献
This paper deals with numerical experiments based on the coupled ECHAM-HOPE model. The results of experiments are analyzed.
The initial fields for the calculations over time periods from one month to one year are constructed based on the results
of the data assimilation of temperature profiles from TOGA-TAO moorings. The perturbations of the initial fields and the propagation
of these perturbations with specific computational time intervals are analyzed on the basis of the results of these experiments.
It is shown that the strongest impacts of the perturbations are localized in specific regions of the World Ocean corresponding
to the energetically active zones of the Earth. The mechanism of the transition of these perturbations is also studied. Different
statistical properties of the ensemble of experiments are presented. 相似文献
Observed along-track data of sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs) over the Atlantic Ocean from the Jason-1 and Jason-2 satellites were assimilated into the Hybrid-Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) with the Ensemble Optimal Interpolation scheme (EnOI). The impact of assimilation of SSHA with focus on oceanic dynamics was investigated. Time series of analyzed and forecasted values were compared with a model free run with the same forcing but without assimilation. In addition, the results were compared with an independent run, the so-called HYCOM + NCODA analysis from the US Navy. The study shows that the assimilation technique with some modifications allowed substantial improvement in the 24 h ocean prediction by reducing the forecast errors in comparison with the free run. It is also shown that the analyzed sea surface fields contain mesoscale and synoptic variability, which are poorly seen in the free run. 相似文献
高度计波高数据同化对印度洋海域海浪模式预报影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为提高海浪模式预报的精度,改善初始场是途径之一。研制了基于最优插值(OI)方法的海浪数据同化并行程序模块,并将其植入第三代海浪模式WAVEWATCH IIITM,建立了印度洋海域海浪同化预报方法,使用卫星高度计波高数据进行了同化预报试验。OI模块的并行设计使得植入同化模块的海浪模式仍能以并行方式运行。文中5°S以北印度洋海域为目标区域,嵌套在WAVE-WATCH IIITM的全球网格中,使得目标区域开边界条件得到较好解决。同化数据使用Jason-2高度计测量有效波高(SWH)沿轨数据。海浪同化预报模式由大气模式WRF(Weather Research andForecasting)输出的1小时一次的海面10 m风场驱动。将同化的模式结果(SWH)、无同化的模式结果(SWH)分别与高度计沿轨数据(SWH)进行比较,表明同化改善模式预报初始场的效果是明显的。以同化初始场出发进行海浪预报试验,结果表明,高度计波高数据同化在一定程度上可改进海浪短期预报的精度。 相似文献
V. I. Agoshkov E. I. Parmuzin V. P. Shutyaev 《Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics》2013,49(6):592-602
The problem of the variational data assimilation of the sea-surface temperature for the model of the Black Sea dynamics has been formulated and numerically studied to reproduce surface heat fluxes. An analysis of sensitivity of the optimal solution to errors in observation data has been conducted. The results of numerical experiments have been presented. 相似文献
3‐dimensional variational algorithms are widely used for atmospheric data assimilation at the present time, particularly on the synoptic and global scales. However, mesoscale and convective scale phenomena are considerably more chaotic and intermittent and it is clear that true 4‐dimensional data assimilation algorithms will be required to properly analyze these phenomena. In its most general form, the data assimilation problem can be posed as the minimization of a 4‐dimensional cost function with the forecast model as a weak constraint. This is a much more difficult problem than the widely discussed 4DVAR algorithm where the model is a strong constraint. Bennett and collaborators have considered a method of solution to the weak constraint problem, based on representer theory. However, their method is not suitable for the numerical weather prediction problem, because it does not cycle in time. In this paper, the representer method is modified to permit cycling in time, in a manner which is entirely internally consistent. The method was applied to a simple 1‐dimensional constituent transport problem where the signal was sampled (perfectly and imperfectly) with various sparse observation network configurations. The cycling representer algorithm discussed here successfully extracted the signal from the noisy, sparse observations 相似文献
Asynchronous data assimilation with the EnKF 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This study revisits the problem of assimilation of asynchronous observations, or four-dimensional data assimilation, with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). We show that for a system with perfect model and linear dynamics the ensemble Kalman smoother (EnKS) provides a simple and efficient solution for the problem: one just needs to use the ensemble observations (that is, the forecast observations for each ensemble member) from the time of observation during the update, for each assimilated observation. This recipe can be used for assimilating both past and future data; in the context of assimilating generic asynchronous observations we refer to it as the asynchronous EnKF. The asynchronous EnKF is essentially equivalent to the four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var). It requires only one forward integration of the system to obtain and store the data necessary for the analysis, and therefore is feasible for large-scale applications. Unlike 4D-Var, the asynchronous EnKF requires no tangent linear or adjoint model. 相似文献
Very low data rate burst telemetry for long-range deep-ocean applications is discussed. Energy efficiency, propagation coherence, and waveform coding, together with transmitter constraints, influenced the design of proposed buoy-to-buoy and buoy-to-shore systems. 相似文献
Reciprocal travel-time data along acoustic multipaths between transceivers in the ocean sound channel can be inverted to form estimates of sound speed and horizontal current in the vertical plane of the transceiver pair. We investigate the quality of such estimates in a range-independent environment. Since most of the information gathered along an acoustic path is concentrated near its turning depths, inversions are characterized by strong sidelobe contamination. Estimates at depths in the upper ocean are contaminated by fields in the lower ocean and vice versa. Therefore estimates can be improved by use of a priori knowledge of contaminating fields at the position of the sidelobe. The Backus-Gilbert method is adapted to allow for use of a priori knowledge and three measures of system performance are defined, viz., resolution length, stochastic error, and ratio of sidelobe to primary lobe acceptance. Trade-off relations among these quantities are calculated for 17 eigenrays in a Munk canonical profile for various orders of a priori knowledge. The limit of perfect knowledge gives an absolute bound on system performance. Numerical examples indicate poor performance in the lower ocean; but good estimates of sound speed and acceptable estimates of horizontal current are feasible in the upper ocean. 相似文献
V. I. Agoshkov S. A. Lebedev E. I. Parmuzin 《Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics》2009,45(1):69-101
The problem of variational assimilation of satellite observational data on the ocean surface temperature is formulated and numerically investigated in order to reconstruct surface heat fluxes with the use of the global three-dimensional model of ocean hydrothermodynamics developed at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (INM RAS), and observational data close to the data actually observed in specified time intervals. The algorithms of the numerical solution to the problem are elaborated and substantiated, and the data assimilation block is developed and incorporated into the global three-dimensional model. Numerical experiments are carried out with the use of the Indian Ocean water area as an example. The data on the ocean surface temperature over the year 2000 are used as observational data. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical conclusions obtained and demonstrate the expediency of combining the model with a block of assimilating operational observational data on the surface temperature. 相似文献
Multiple time level adjustment for data assimilation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
融合法及其在数据同化中的应用研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
根据预报值具有最小方差这一要求,详细推导了融合法在观测数据为一维、多维和维数不同的情况下的具体同化表达形式,同时还给出了不同情况下与同化表达式相对应的预报误差公式.利用这些公式,可以用融合法处理常见的海洋观测数据的同化问题.在陆架海模式HAMSOM基础上,以4月份的渤海海表温度为例,我们验证了同化公式的正确性,并给出了同化后较好的同化结果。最后将融合法的同化结果与卡尔曼滤波同化结果进行了对比.比较表明,融合法使用起来更简单,且能有效地处理常见的海洋观测数据. 相似文献
[1]Battisti D S. 1988. The dynamics and 相似文献