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Buhlmann et al. (Can J Earth Sci 37: 1629–1650, 2000) studied the minettes and xenoliths from the Milk River area of southern Alberta, Canada. Based on previous work, they hypothesized that the minettes were derived from a source containing phlogopite?+?clinopyroxene?±?olivine, at pressures ≥1.7?GPa. To test this hypothesis, liquidus experiments were performed on a primitive minette between 1.33 and 2.21?GPa and between 1,300 and 1,400?°C to constrain the mineralogy of its source region. We found a multiple saturation point along the liquidus at 1.77 GPa and 1,350?°C, where the liquid coexists with orthopyroxene and olivine. Neither phlogopite nor clinopyroxene were found to be liquidus phases, which is inconsistent with Buhlmann et al.’s hypothesis. We suggest that our minette is not primary, but had re-equilibrated with harzburgitic mantle subsequent to formation. In such a scenario, partial melting of a veined source containing mica and clinopyroxene occurred at or near the base of the Wyoming craton (~200?km). Minimal heating or the introduction of hydrous fluids into the source would be required to induce partial melting. Rapid ascent rates, coupled with slow cooling rates, of the “primary minette magma” would preserve the high temperature observed in our experiments. At ~58?km, our “primary minette magma” likely stalled and re-equilibrated with the harzburgite surroundings.  相似文献   

A field-based reconstruction of the deglacial paleogeography in the Fort McMurray area permits: 1) constraining the timing of meltwater routing to the Arctic from the present Hudson Bay drainage basin; and 2) minimum-age estimates for ice-margin positions that can be used to constrain ice-sheet modeling results. A downslope recession of the Laurentide Ice Sheet resulted in a series of proglacial lakes forming between the ice margin and higher land to the southwest. The paleogeography of these lakes is poorly constrained in part from the masking effect of boreal forest vegetation and map-scale issues. However, recent space-shuttle based DEMs increase the number and spatial extent of moraines identified within the study area resulting in a coherent pattern of ice margin retreat focused on the Athabasca River valley. An intensive lake-coring program resulted in a minimum ten-fold increase in the radiocarbon database used to limit moraine ages. Results indicate that deglaciation in this region was younger than previously reported, and it is likely that the meltwater could not drain northward to the Arctic Ocean from any source southeast of the Fort McMurray area until approximately 9850–9660 14C BP.  相似文献   

A preliminary hydrogeological evaluation was undertaken on the gas potential of shallow coals in the Pembina–Warburg exploration area in the Alberta Basin, Alberta Canada. Regional data for the Late Cretaceous–Tertiary Ardley Coal Zone (ACZ) were compiled and supplemented with site-specific data collected from a key test- well drilled as part of a regional exploration program. Limited regional pressure data suggest hydraulic communication between the uppermost Ardley with the overlying Paskapoo Formation. A comparison between hydraulic head and topography suggests that flow, at least in part of the Ardley–Paskapoo, is gravity driven. However, a decoupling of the hydraulic regime appears evident from pressure test data in beds stratigraphically below the uppermost Scollard (Ardley) and above the base of Scollard at least in the eastern part of the study area where the test-well was drilled. The decoupling is evident in regional pressure data but the precise stratigraphic position may vary.Regionally, formation waters typically are Na–HCO3 type with salinities (as TDS) of less than 2000 mg/L. Anomalously high bicarbonate (dissolved inorganic carbon or DIC) concentrations exceeding 1500 mg/L with δ13CDIC + 22.50‰ and dissolved methane identified in formation waters collected directly from Ardley coal in test-well 103 point to the presence of secondary biogenic gas. The 13C isotopes for DIC, coupled with 18O and 2H isotopes for associated groundwater and regional hydraulic data, suggest that the uppermost Ardley Coal Zone in the eastern part of the study area is part of a regional, topographically driven, dynamic flow system in which methanogenic processes are modifying groundwater chemistry and gas charging parts of the area. Whether or not biogenic gas-charging in the Ardley is pervasive is uncertain. The relatively small coal data set requires that further exploration in the study area should consider the presence of microbial gas and the potential for hydrogeological controls on its distribution. However, further detailed testing will be necessary to develop a consistent and useful database for exploration and development.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Using a previously published temperature log of the 2363-m-deep borehole Hunt well (Alberta, Canada) and the results of its previous interpretation, the...  相似文献   

Because of their economic importance as hydrocarbon reservoirs, the Upper Devonian dolomitized carbonate reefs in southwest Alberta have been the subject of several studies. Still, there is no consensus on the process of matrix dolomitization and furthermore, the process of vug development is not often addressed. The studied outcrops show features of an early diagenetic matrix-selective dolomitization by a Late Devonian seawater-derived fluid. Seepage reflux dolomitization combined with latent reflux is proposed, which best explains most chemical characteristics. The cements in the vugs are precipitated from warm saline, 87Sr-enriched fluids and testify to thermogenic sulphate reduction based on the presence of sulphur, CO2 and H2S in inclusions, relatively high homogenization temperatures and depleted δ13C values, which sets constraints on the timing of vug formation. Secondary porosity may be created by the mixing of formation water with a tectonically and topographically driven fluid and by the dissolution of anhydrite nodules.  相似文献   

Zeolites, calcite, quartz, kaolinite, chlorite and other authigenic minerals occur in the non-marine sandstones of the Lower Cretaceous Blairmore Group of the southern Alberta Foothills, Canada. Zeolites are restricted to plagioclase-rich sandstones and do not occur with kaolinite. Laumontite and barian-strontian heulandite (containing up to 6.9 weight percent BaO and 4.1 weight percent SrO) generally occur as pore fillings, but laumontite also occurs within albitized plagioclase. About 80 percent of plagioclase grains examined by electron microprobe are partly to completely albitized. A structural-stratigraphic reconstruction of the areas sampled indicate maximum burial depths, including tectonic thickening, in the range 4.7 to 7.8 Km, with P load ~1 to ~2 Kb, respectively. A comparison of mineral assemblages in Blairmore rocks with published experimental data suggest T did not exceed ~250°–280°C, depending on the load pressure. If P H2OP load, the presence of laumontite and albite suggest minimum T on the order of 150°–180°C. The lack of lawsonite suggests P-load <3Kb, which is compatible with structural-stratigraphic data. The occurrence of the alternative assemblages calcite-kaolinite-quartz and laumontite implies gradients in f CO2/f HO2. Assemblages containing laumontite presumably equilibrated with fluids having X CO2a Mg++/a (H+)2. X-ray diffraction studies on disordered graphitic material indicate a comparable degree of graphitization between Blairmore graphitic material and that found in zeolite facies assemblages elsewhere. If log f O2 were at least as low as that defined by quartz-magnetite-fayalite buffer, disordered graphite could not have equilibrated with fluids of the same composition as those equilibrated with laumontite or kaolinite.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts were retrieved from three of the 88–86 Ma Buffalo Hills kimberlites (K6, K11, K14) for a reconnaissance study of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the Buffalo Head Terrane (Alberta, Canada). The xenoliths include spinel lherzolites, one garnet spinel lherzolite, garnet harzburgites, one sheared garnet lherzolite and pyroxenites. Pyroxenitic and wehrlitic garnet xenocrysts are derived primarily from the shallow mantle and lherzolitic garnet xenocrysts from the deep mantle. Harzburgite with Ca-saturated garnets is concentrated in a layer between 135–165 km depth. Garnet xenocrysts define a model conductive paleogeotherm corresponding to a heat flow of 38–39 mW/m2. The sheared garnet lherzolite lies on an inflection of this geotherm and may constrain the depth of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath this region to ca 180 km depth.

A loss of >20% partial melt is recorded by spinel lherzolites and up to 60% by the garnet harzburgites, which may be related to lithosphere formation. The mantle was subsequently modified during at least two metasomatic events. An older metasomatic event is evident in incompatible-element enrichments in homogeneous equilibrated garnet and clinopyroxene. Silicate melt metasomatism predominated in the deep lithosphere and led to enrichments in the HFSE with minor enrichments in LREE. Metasomatism by small-volume volatile-rich melts, such as carbonatite, appears to have been more important in the shallow lithosphere and led to enrichments in LREE with minor enrichments in HFSE. An intermediate metasomatic style, possibly a signature of volatile-rich silicate melts, is also recognised. These metasomatic styles may be related through modification of a single melt during progressive interaction with the mantle. This metasomatism is suggested to have occurred during Paleoproterozoic rifting of the Buffalo Head Terrane from the neighbouring Rae Province and may be responsible for the evolution of some samples toward unradiogenic Nd and Hf isotopic compositions.

Disturbed Re–Os isotope systematics, evident in implausible model ages, were obtained in situ for sulfides in several spinel lherzolites and suggest that many sulfides are secondary (metasomatic) or mixtures of primary and secondary sulfides. Sulfide in one peridotite has unradiogenic 187Os/188Os and gives a model age of 1.89±0.38 Ga. This age coincides with the inferred emplacement of mafic sheets in the crust and suggests that the melts parental to the intrusions interacted with the lithospheric mantle.

A younger metasomatic event is indicated by the occurrence of sulfide-rich melt patches, unequilibrated mineral compositions and overgrowths on spinel that are Ti-, Cr- and Fe-rich but Zn-poor. Subsequent cooling is recorded by fine exsolution lamellae in the pyroxenes and by arrested mineral reactions.

If the lithosphere beneath the Buffalo Head Terrane was formed in the Archaean, any unambiguous signatures of this ancient origin may have been obliterated during these multiple events.  相似文献   

Seven mud-filled incised valleys (MFIVs) in the paralic facies of the Dinosaur Park and Horseshoe Canyon formations (Upper Cretaceous) of southern Alberta were studied to better understand their morphology, geometry and depositional histories in an estuarine context. Two preservational geometries occur: simple, U-shaped forms; and internally complex forms. Both types of MFIV record deposition in the central zone of low energy (turbidity) in an estuarine setting. Simple, U-shaped MFIVs have sharp basal erosional surfaces and consist of mudstone-dominated heterolithic fills of channel-wide, concave-up laminae. Associated fossil assemblages are marine to brackish. Each simple MFIV records a cut-and-fill history associated with a cycle of relative sea-level drop and rise. Low-energy depositional settings, loss of channel form during infilling, and associated shoreface deposits, as well as the absence of clear tidal indicators suggest a coastal plain estuarine setting, along a wave-dominated, barred coastline. Complex MFIVs are rarer, and consist of imbricated, wedge-shaped sets of inclined-to-horizontal heterolithic strata. Tidal deposits and/or nonmarine-to-marine macrofossils occur locally. Complex MFIVs were infilled in meandering reaches of the central zone of low energy in tide-dominated estuaries. Their rarity compared to simple MFIVs and their freshwater palaeontological content suggest that they were contiguous landward with extensive fluvial channels. A complex MFIV near Onefour comprises three in-channel depositional cycles. Each cycle consists of an erosional surface overlain by lateral accretion bedding and a conformable transition to vertically aggraded strata. Each cycle reflects a cut-and-fill event under the control of changes in relative sea-level that culminated in overbank flooding. All MFIVs formed in low-gradient settings (≤0.03%) where estuarine zones were stretched out over many tens of kilometres. Tide-dominated estuaries apparently exhibited simple, straight-to-meandering upstream transitions and extensive landward penetration (≥200 km) of tidal backwater effects. Few modern estuaries serve as adequate modern analogues to these ancient, tide-dominated estuaries. Radiometric data indicate that MFIV cut-and-fill cycles were 100 000-400 000 years in maximum duration and thus, equivalent to 4th order sea-level cycles. However, negative evidence tentatively suggests that these cycles took place over time intervals 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller (5th order or higher sea-level cycles).  相似文献   

A conceptual model of the transboundary Milk River Aquifer (MRA), extending across the Canada–USA border, was developed based on literature, focused fieldwork and a three-dimensional geological model. The MRA corresponds to the Virgelle Member of the Milk River Formation (Eagle Formation in Montana, USA) and it is an important groundwater resource over a large area (25,000 km2). The Virgelle outcrops near the international border and along the Sweet Grass Arch in Montana. The down-gradient limit of the MRA is the unconformity separating the Virgelle from the gas-bearing sandy shale of the Alderson Member. The MRA is confined above by the Pakowki/Claggett Formations aquitards and below by the Colorado Group aquitard. The MRA contains higher transmissivity areas resulting in preferential flowpaths, confirmed by natural geochemical tracers. Tritium and 14C delineate restricted recharge areas along the outcrops on both sides of the international border. Drastic decreases in horizontal hydraulic gradients indicate that the Milk River intercepts a large proportion of groundwater flowing to the north from the recharge area. Downgradient of the Milk River, groundwater movement is slow, as shown by 36Cl residence times exceeding 1 Ma. These slow velocities imply that groundwater discharge downgradient of the Milk River is via vertical leakage through the Colorado Group and upward along buried valleys, which act as drains and correspond to artesian areas. When confined, the MRA contains a fossil groundwater resource, not significantly renewed by modern recharge. Groundwater exploitation thus far exceeds recharge, a situation requiring properly managed MRA groundwater depletion.  相似文献   

A recently discovered articulated partial skeleton of Ornithomimus from the Upper Cretaceous Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta, Canada is remarkable in the extent and quality of preservation of integumentary structures including feathers. It is the first ornithomimid to preserve a tail bearing extensive plumaceous feathers that are slightly more elongate in comparison to those present on the remainder of the body. However, the underside of the tail and the hind limb distal to the middle of the femur appear devoid of plumage. Overall, the plumage pattern in Ornithomimus is similar to that of Struthio camelus (ostrich) and other large palaeognaths, indicating a probable function in thermoregulation. The specimen also preserves the body outline around the legs, including a skin contour anterior to the femur, analogous to skin webs in extant birds. Whereas the knee web of birds bridges the knee to the abdomen, in Ornithomimus it spans from the mid-femoral shaft to the abdomen, and is herein referred to as an anterior femoral web. This is the first report of such soft tissue structures in non-avian theropods. It may indicate that the resting position of the femur was positioned more anteroventrally in ornithomimids than in most theropods, and in that sense may have been transitional to the situation in modern birds.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge sets a constraint on aquifer water balance in the context of water management. Historical data on groundwater and other relevant hydrological processes can be used to understand the effects of climatic variability on recharge, but such data sets are rare. The climate of the Canadian prairies is characterized by large inter-annual and inter-decadal variability in precipitation, which provides opportunities to examine the response of groundwater recharge to changes in meteorological conditions. A decadal study was conducted in a small (250 km2) prairie watershed in Alberta, Canada. Relative magnitude of annual recharge, indicated by water-level rise, was significantly correlated with a combination of growing-season precipitation and snowmelt runoff, which drives depression-focussed infiltration of meltwater. Annual precipitation was greater than vapour flux at an experimental site in some years and smaller in other years. On average precipitation minus vapour flux was 10 mm y?1, which was comparable to the magnitude of watershed-scale groundwater recharge estimated from creek baseflow. Average baseflow showed a distinct shift from a low value (4 mm y?1) in 1982–1995 to a high value (15 mm y?1) in 2003–2013, indicating the sensitivity of groundwater recharge to a decadal-scale variability of meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Tree rings were used to reconstruct mass balance for Peyto Glacier in the Canadian Rocky Mountains from A.D. 1673 to 1994. Summer balance was reconstructed from tree-ring estimates of summer temperature and precipitation in the Canadian Rockies. Winter balance was derived from tree-ring data from sites bordering the Gulf of Alaska and in western British Columbia. The models for winter and summer balance each explain over 40% of the variance in the appropriate mass-balance series. Over the period 1966-1994 the correlation between the reconstructed and measured net balances is 0.71. Strong positive mass balances are reconstructed for 1695-1720 and 1810-1825, when higher winter precipitation coincided with reduced ablation. Periods of reconstructed positive mass balance precede construction of terminal moraines throughout the Canadian Rockies ca. 1700-1725 and 1825-1850. Positive mass balances in the period 1845-1880 also correspond to intervals of glacier readvance. Mass balances were generally negative between 1760 and 1805. From 1673 to 1883 the mean annual net balance was +70 mm water equivalent per year (w.e./yr.), but it averaged −317 mm w.e./yr from 1884 to 1994. This reconstructed mass balance history provides a continuous record of glacier change that appears regionally representative and consistent with moraine and other proxy climate records.  相似文献   

Chars produced by the combustion of a set of three coals from Alberta, Canada, were classified morphologically using reflected light microscopy. Produced chars are different in morphological features, pore thickness, anisotropy and degree of reactivity, because of differences in the vitrinite and inertinite contents.The subbituminous A coal produced the highest percentage of unreactive or slightly reactive components due to its high inertinite content (20.0%), followed by isotropic cenospheres. Isotropic cenospheres, both thin- and thick-walled, and exploded cenospheres are the characteristic chars produced by the high-voltile bituminous B coal, whereas the low-volatile bituminous coking coal produced cenospheres with granular anisotropy (mosaic) on the walls and abundant coke fragmentsOptical microscopy is useful in differentiating the performance of a series of coals during combustion based on petrographic composition and rank and can aid in understanding the relationship between ‘reactive’ and ‘non-reactive’ coal macerals to burnout performance.  相似文献   

Since 2003, a series of over eighty sensors has been installed at Turtle Mountain, site of the 1903 Frank Slide. The purpose of these instruments is to both characterize and provide warning for a second large rock avalanche from the eastern face of the mountain, where various unstable masses have been identified. Although studies continue on the mountain to better understand the deformation patterns and interpretations of the slope kinematics, significant effort has been expended to develop a structure for the warning and emergency response that clearly outlines not only responsibilities and communications protocols during an emergency, but also day-to-day operational responses and procedures to ensure that the system remains operational. From a day-to-day operational perspective, a systematic and repeatable set of procedures is required in order to ensure that not only are data trends reviewed and reported on, but scheduled checks of system functionality are undertaken. An internal Roles and Responsibilities Manual has been developed to clearly outline responsibilities for geoengineering, information technology (IT), and management staff to ensure that system checks are completed and that support is in place on a 24/7 basis should components of the system cease to operate properly or should unacceptable deformations require review. In addition to that, a clear and concise troubleshooting manual has been developed. This document provides simple diagnoses of problems within the system and a clear roadmap of how to fix each component. From a warning and emergency response perspective, a series of color-coded alert conditions has been developed should unacceptable deformations be observed. At each alert level, clear responsibilities for actions and communications have been identified for geoengineering staff, provincial emergency management authorities, municipal officials, and first responders. This has been documented in the emergency response protocol. All documents described here are “living” documents that are updated on a regular basis as changes to the system are made. An annual mock warning exercise has been developed and run in order to test responses to a hypothetical emergency and generate updates to the system documentation.  相似文献   

The presence of feathers in Ornithomimus is questioned on poor evidence and a failure to observe scientific process and procedure.  相似文献   

The installation cost and the performance of geothermal heat pump systems are influenced by the thermal state and properties of the subsurface. The ground ability to transfer heat described by thermal conductivity is a dominant factor affecting the favorability of closed-loop ground heat exchangers installed in vertical boreholes. A study that aimed at evaluating the geothermal heat pump potential by mapping the thermal conductivity of rock sequences was, therefore, performed for the St. Lawrence Lowlands sedimentary basin in Canada. Thermal conductivity was measured in the laboratory on rock samples collected in outcrops and used to complete design calculations of a geothermal system with a single borehole. Results allowed the definition of thermostratigraphic units that can be linked to depositional environments. Basal quartz-rich sandstones formed in a rift environment show a high geothermal potential. Overlying dolomites, argillaceous limestones and shales deposited in a passive margin evolving to a foreland basin exhibit a transition toward the top from high to low geothermal potential. Upper turbidites and molasses have a moderate geothermal potential. The thermal conductivity of the thermostratigraphic units is dominantly influenced by the mineralogy of the sedimentary rocks. Understanding their origin is a key to improve geothermal resource assessment and system design to anticipate new installations in the area.  相似文献   

Understanding the transference of water resources within hydrogeological systems, particularly in coastal aquifers, in which groundwater discharge may occur through multiple pathways (through springs, into rivers and streams, towards the sea, etc.), is crucial for sustainable groundwater use. This research aims to demonstrate the usefulness of the application of conventional recharge assessment methods coupled to isotopic techniques for accurately quantifying the hydrogeological balance and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) from coastal carbonate aquifers. Sierra Almijara (Southern Spain), a carbonate aquifer formed of Triassic marbles, is considered as representative of Mediterranean coastal karst formations. The use of a multi-method approach has permitted the computation of a wide range of groundwater infiltration rates (17–60%) by means of direct application of hydrometeorological methods (Thornthwaite and Kessler) and spatially distributed information (modified APLIS method). A spatially weighted recharge rate of 42% results from the most coherent information on physiographic and hydrogeological characteristics of the studied system. Natural aquifer discharge and groundwater abstraction have been volumetrically quantified, based on flow and water-level data, while the relevance of SGD was estimated from the spatial analysis of salinity, 222Rn and the short-lived radium isotope 224Ra in coastal seawater. The total mean aquifer discharge (44.9–45.9 hm3 year?1) is in agreement with the average recharged groundwater (44.7 hm3 year?1), given that the system is volumetrically equilibrated during the study period. Besides the groundwater resources assessment, the methodological aspects of this research may be interesting for groundwater management and protection strategies in coastal areas, particularly karst environments.  相似文献   

In the Muskeg Trough of northcentral Alberta the Gilwood Member contains widespread carbonate deposits that formed within terrigenous mudstone and sandstone hosts. Stratigraphic, depositional and petrographic relationships indicate that these carbonates represent calcretes and dolocretes. Calcretes, observed best with cathodoluminescence, display microcrystalline alpha fabrics, circumgranular cracks, root networks, displacive growth fabrics, elongate channel voids and rare coloform growths with flower spar. Similarly, dolocretes have microcrystalline alpha fabrics, brecciation, gradational contacts with host mudstones, extensive layered nodular horizons and are associated with anhydrite and pyrite. δ13C values range between ?7‰ to +1‰ and –6‰ to +3‰ for calcretes and dolocretes, respectively. Oxygen isotopes are more variable and differ with host lithologies. δ18O of calcretes ranges between ?11‰ to ?8‰ for sandstones and ?8‰ to ?3‰ for mudstones, whereas δ18O of dolocretes ranges between ?3‰ to 1‰ for marine mudstones and ?6‰ to ?2‰ for pedogenic mudstones. Regional mapping indicates that calcretes thicken towards the deepest parts of the Muskeg Trough. Widespread dolocretes extend beyond the eastern and western limits of Muskeg Trough and are useful marker intervals for regional correlations. Dolocretes of restricted lateral extent are found within gleyed palaeosol mudstones next to calcretized channel sandstones. Calcrete isotopic values are interpreted as indicative of carbonate precipitation from waters with meteoric water input. However, the higher δ18O values in dolocretes are indicative of a contribution from an isotopically heavier source such as seawater. Stratigraphically, calcretes are most common along the western and northern edges of Muskeg Trough; thus, calcrete accumulation was further controlled by meteoric water in-flow from the highland to the west and sluggish groundwater flow in Muskeg Trough. In contrast, regionally widespread dolocrete horizons appear to have formed from mixing of fresh waters derived from the highland to the west and seawaters introduced from the east. Regionally restricted dolocretes which are found next to channel sandstones formed from groundwater out-flow from the permeable channel sandstones which resulted in calcretization in channel proximal mudstones and dolomitization in channel distal mudstones.  相似文献   

Fluvial systems tend to deposit sediment in well-defined relational geometries and in vertically and laterally repeating patterns. These sedimentary deposits are preserved to varying degrees depending on how much the fluvial system reworks the deposits. The Paskapoo bedrock aquifer system in southern Alberta, Canada, was deposited in a foreland depositional basin during uplift of the Rocky Mountains, and both the geomorphic model and field evidence indicate that the upper 100 m of the local aquifer system contains well-preserved, highly connected paleo-channels and associated overbank deposits. In order to evaluate the value of different types of data, a simplified stochastic-numerical groundwater flow model was developed to examine the sensitivity of results to model parameters. Parameters examined include: fraction of the formation made up of channel sands; meander and sinuosity factors; width-to-depth ratios of preserved channels; and crevasse splay conductivity. In all cases examined, the system exhibited anisotropic behavior with the along-channel flow direction being the most permeable and the vertical direction being least permeable. In general, the strongest control on the resulting effective anisotropic hydraulic conductivities was channel fraction, but geometric factors that control between-channel connectivity (e.g., channel sinuosity) had an appreciable effect on the across-channel flow direction effective permeability.  相似文献   

Although the effects of biodegradation on the composition and physical properties of crude oil have been well studied, effects of in-reservoir petroleum biodegradation on molecular and isotopic compositions of crude oils are not yet clearly understood. The Alberta Basin, in western Canada, is one of the world’s largest petroleum accumulations and constitutes an ideal example of a natural suite of sequentially biodegraded oils. The basin hosts moderately to severely biodegraded petroleum, regionally distributed and in single, more or less continuous, oil columns. In this study, a series of oil samples from the Alberta heavy oil and oil sands provinces, with varying degrees of biodegradation, were analyzed to assess the impact of progressive biodegradation on the molecular and C, H, N, and S isotopic compositions of oils. The results of the molecular characterization of the hydrocarbon fraction of the studied oils show that the oils have suffered biodegradation levels from 2 to 10+ (toward the Alberta–Saskatchewan border) on the Peters and Moldowan scale of biodegradation (abbreviated PM 2 to PM 10) and from tens to hundreds on the Manco scale. Within single reservoirs, increasing biodegradation was observed from top to bottom of the oil columns at all sites studied. The whole oil stable isotopic compositions of the samples varied in the ranges δ13C = −31.2‰ to −29.0‰, δ2H = −147‰ to −133‰, δ15N = 0.3–4.7‰ and δ34S = 0.4–6.4‰. The maximum differences between δ values of samples (Δ) within single oil columns were Δ13C = 1.4‰, Δ2H = 7‰, Δ15N = 1.7‰ and Δ34S = 1.0‰. Regional variations in the isotopic compositions of oil samples from different wells (averaged values from top to bottom) were 1.2‰ for δ13C, 12‰ for δ2H, 4.1‰ for δ15N and 5.5‰ for δ34S and hence generally significantly larger variations were seen than variations observed within single oil columns, especially for N and S. It appears that even severe levels of biodegradation do not cause observable systematic variations in carbon, nitrogen or sulfur isotope composition of whole oils. This indicates that sulfur and nitrogen isotopic compositions may be used in very degraded oils as indicators for oil charge from different source rock facies.  相似文献   

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