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A supraglacial lake was surveyed on the Koxkar Glacier in southwest Tianshan from July to September 2007 and July to September 2008, and the temperature variation characteristics of the lake, debris and debris-free ice were analyzed at different depths to determine the thermal regimes. In addition, the discrepancies of temperature variation characteristics were investigated for different geomorphic units of the ablation zone of the Koxkar Glacier. It was found that daily temperature variation curves for deep water are V-shaped because meltwater from the glacier surface at temperatures of around 0°C feeds the lake and mixes with the relatively high-temperature surface water during the day. As the water temperature rises to approximately 4°C, the mixed water sinks and forms a low-temperature trough in the deep water of the lake in the middle of the day. The vertical lapse rate of the lake water temperature against depth (?0.33°C/m) has a magnitude lower than that of the debris (?4.29°C/m) and that of the debris-free ice (?0.38°C/m) in the Koxkar Glacier??s ablation zone. The temperature curve for the surface water largely varied between the temperature curves for the debris at depths of 0.2 and 0.5?m. The surface thermal condition of the ablation zone is significantly affected by the daily weather, and there is a limited influence in debris at a depth of 1?m and in the lake at a depth of 5?m.  相似文献   

利用天山南坡科其喀尔冰川3号观测站2009年全年的气象观测资料,分析研究了科其喀尔冰川表碛区的小气候特征. 结果表明:总辐射和净辐射夏秋季较高、冬春季较低;反射辐射和地表反照率反之. 与其他地区不同,该区主要受积雪物理性质和下垫面状况的影响,冬春季地表反照率日变化表现为由大到小的变化过程,夏秋季表现为倒U型. 温度年变化表现为夏秋季高、冬春季低,最高月均值出现在8月,为9.4℃,最低月均值出现在1月,为-9.6℃. 受山谷风和冰川风的影响,全年的风向以西北风和西北偏西风为主,风向的日变化以11:00为界发生转向. 受降水和冰川消融等的影响,比湿夏秋季月均值较大,冬春季月均值较小.  相似文献   

During the formation and development of glacial meltwater runoff, hydrochemical erosion is abundant, especially the hydrolysis of K/Na feldspar and carbonates, which can consume H+ in the water, promote the formation of bicarbonate by dissolving atmospheric CO2, and affect the regional carbon cycle. From July 21, 2015, to July 18, 2017, the CO2 concentration and flux were observed by the eddy covariance (EC) method in the relatively flat and open moraine cover area of Koxkar Glacier in western Mt. Tianshan, China. We found that: (1) atmospheric CO2 fluxes ranged from ??408.95 to 81.58 mmol m?2 day?1 (average ? 58.68 mmol m?2 day?1), suggesting that the study area is a significant carbon sink, (2) the CO2 flux footprint contribution areas were primarily within 150 m of the EC station, averaging total contribution rates of 93.30%, 91.39%, and 90.17% of the CO2 flux in the snow accumulation, snow melting, and glacial melting periods, respectively. Therefore, the contribution areas with significant influences on CO2 flux observed at EC stations were concentrated, demonstrating that grassland CO2 flux around the glaciers had little effect at the EC stations, (3) in the predominant wind direction, under stable daytime atmospheric stratification, the measurement of CO2 flux, as interpreted by the Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon footprint tool, was 79.09% ± 1.84% in the contribution area. This was slightly more than seen at night, but significantly lower than the average under unstable atmospheric stratification across the three periods of interest (89%). The average distance of the farthest point of the flux footprint under steady state atmospheric conditions was 202.61?±?69.33 m, markedly greater than that under non-steady state conditions (68.55?±?10.34 m). This also indicates that the CO2 flux observed using EC was affected primarily by hydrochemical erosion reactions in the glacier area, (4) a good negative correlation was found between net glacier exchange (NGE) of CO2 and air temperature on precipitation-free days. Strong ice and snow ablation could promote hydrochemical reactions of soluble substances in the debris area and accelerated sinking of atmospheric CO2. Precipitation events might reduce snow and ice melting, driven by reduced regional temperatures. However, a connection between NGE and precipitation, when less than 8.8 mm per day, was not obvious. When precipitation was greater than 8.8 mm per day, NGE decreased with increasing precipitation, (5) graphically, the slope of NGE, related to daily runoff, followed a trend: snow melting period?>?snow accumulation period?>?early glacial ablation period?>?late glacier ablation period?>?dramatic glacier ablation period. The slope was relatively large during snow melting, likely because of CO2 sinking caused by water–rock interactions. The chemical reaction during elution in the snow layer might also promote atmospheric CO2 drawdown. At the same time, the damping effect of snow cover and the almost-closed glacier hydrographic channel inhibited the formation of regional runoff, possibly providing sufficient time for the chemical reaction, thus promoting further CO2 drawdown.  相似文献   

科其喀尔巴西冰川的近地层基本气象特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
利用2003-2006年天山托木尔峰地区科其喀尔巴西冰川的考察资料,对该冰川近地层的基本气象特征进行了分析.研究表明:冰川从4月中下旬开始即有明显消融,主消融期为5-9月,1月冰川区的气温最低.冰川中上部的气温直减率较小,说明该处的冰川冷效应较弱;而冰川下部较大的气温直减率,则可能主要与消融区连续的表碛覆盖有关.5-9月集中了全年约75%的降水,而冬季的降水稀少.降水的分布存在明显的高低分带,低降水带位于冰川中上部的海拔3 700 m附近,而冰川末端和冰川上部的降水量较大.受地形和下垫面条件的影响,冰川下部的山谷风非常发育,而冰川上部局地环流较弱.  相似文献   

This paper presents the glacial runoff characteristics of the Koxkar Glacier, China using flow records collected near the snout of the glacier in four consecutive years (2005–2008). The mean annual discharge of the Koxkar Glacier is 102.86 × 106 m3, in which 93.6% occurs in ablation season (May–October). August brings about maximum discharge of about 29.6% to the total streamflow followed by July of some 26.0%. During the study years, total discharge varies little from year to year, whereas the inter-annual variability in monthly discharge is prominent, particularly in the beginning and in the end of the melt season. Seasonal runoff variability shows great monthly variations in discharge with mean coefficient of variation ranging from 0.02 in January to 0.77 in April. The mean diurnal amplitudes are found to be 0.90, 1.86, 4.71, 4.92, 1.17 and 0.43 m3 s−1 for May, June, July, August, September and October, respectively. In the melt season, the maximum runoff is observed during 1800–0200 hours and the minimum occurs during 0700–1000 hours. Delaying effects are prominent in discharge over the ablation period. The time-lag between meltwater generation and its appearance in the streamflow near the snout of the glacier varies between 4.00 and 10.00 h, and time to peak varies between 10.00 and 17.00 h over the entire melt season. The relationship between discharge and temperature on monthly scale (R 2 = 0.77) is better than that on daily scale (R 2 = 0.55).  相似文献   

Landslides commonly occurs in hilly areas and causes an enormous loss iof life and property every year. National highway-1D (NH-1D) is the only road link between the two districts (Kargil and Leh) of Ladakh region that connects these districts with Kashmir valley. The landslide failure record of the recent past along this sector of the highway is not available. The present study documents landslide susceptible zones and records occurrence of 60 landslides during the last 4 years showing an increasing trend in the occurrence of landslides over these years in this sector. The landslide susceptibility zonation map has been prepared based on the numerical rating of ten major factors viz. slope morphometry, lithology, structure, relative relief, land cover, landuse, rainfall, hydrological conditions, landslide incidences and Slope Erosion, categorised the area in different zones of instability based on the intensity of susceptibility. The landslide susceptibility map of the area encompassing 73.03 km2 is divided into 150 facets. Out of the total of 150 facets, 85 facets fall in low susceptibility zone covering 43.56 km2 which constitute about 59.65% of the total area under investigation with a record of 5 landslides; 40 facets fall in the moderate susceptibility zone covering 16.94km2 which constitutes about 23.19% of the study area with a record of 20 landslides; and 25 facets fall in the high susceptibility zone covering 12.53 km2 which constitute about 17.15% of the study area with a record of 35 landslides. Most of the facets which fall in HSZ are attributed to slope modification for road widening.  相似文献   

两类度日模型在天山科其喀尔巴西冰川消融估算中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用辐射传输参数化方案估算太阳入射短波辐射,并以小时气温作为输入数据,在200、100和50 m 3种海拔梯度下,分别应用传统度日模型和改进度日模型对科其喀尔巴西冰川2008年夏季消融区非表碛覆盖区消融进行了模拟分析.研究表明:太阳小时入射总辐射计算与实测结果具有较好的一致性;科其喀尔巴西冰川度日因子存在明显的时空差异性;随着空间分辨率提高,2类度日模型的模拟效果都变好;在200和100 m海拔梯度下,改进度日模型的模拟结果优于传统度日模型,而在50 m海拔梯度下,无明显改进.  相似文献   

科其喀尔冰川表碛区冰崖形态调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用随机抽样的方法对科其喀尔冰川表碛区冰崖的规模及形态进行了调查.在冰崖比较集中的表碛区东侧任意选取了20个冰崖,利用测绳、皮尺并结合GPS测量的方法对冰崖的长度和高度进行了调查,同时用地质罗盘对冰崖的坡向和坡度进行了测量,从而了解冰崖的长度、高度、坡面面积、坡向和坡度等形态特征及其关系.对冰崖形态的分析表明,消融区内冰崖的规模相差很大,且随着海拔高度的增加,冰崖规模有减小的趋势;这可能主要与地形起伏随海拔高度的差异性变化有关,消融区下部冰崖表面消融过程较为活跃也是一个重要的因素.通过对冰崖的坡向和规模之间的分析可以看到,坡向为NW和NNE方向的冰崖最多,其规模也较大,而太阳直接辐射是影响冰崖发育坡向和发育规模的重要因素.  相似文献   

天山南坡科其卡尔巴契冰川度日因子变化特征研究   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
度日模型是估算冰川消融的一种简单而有效的方法.根据科其卡尔巴契冰川2003年的观测资料,分析了该冰川度日因子的空间变化规律及其影响因素.研究表明:各高度上的度日因子,介于2.0~9.7mm·℃-1·d-1之间变化,平均值为5.7mm·℃-1·d-1,与青藏高原各冰川及其它地区冰川相比较小;随着海拔的增高,度日因子随之递增;随平均气温的升高而随之递减.由于冰面状况复杂,度日因子变化幅度较大,裸冰区的度日因子明显大于表碛覆盖区.人为测量误差、反照率、地形等对度日因子的影响也不容忽视.  相似文献   

科其喀尔冰川表碛区冰崖消融的度日因子研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩海东  王建  王欣  张鹏飞 《冰川冻土》2009,31(4):620-627
度日因子.冰崖坡向的变化也对度日因子产生了影响,总体表现为NEE-SE方向及SW-W方向的度日因子较大,NWW-N-NE方向的较小,S方向的最小,这主要与该地区的辐射、气温等气象条件的变化特征有关.研究还表明,冰崖的坡度对度日因子的影响较小.  相似文献   

Glacier flow is a key factor in understanding the nature of glaciers, and it is also one of the main research contents of glacier dynamics, which can provide basic support for rational utilization of glacier resources and early warning of glacier disasters. There are many mountain glaciers located in the west of China. The study on the spatiotemporal variation of surface velocity of glaciers also has great significance for the social and economic development of the western China. Koxkar Baxi Glacier, locates on the southern slopes of the Tomur Peak, is a typical dendritic glacier. In order to obtain the conditions of Koxkar Baxi Glacier’flow rates and its variation to further reveal the future of the variation of glacier, the spatiotemporal variability of glacier velocity was surveyed using correlation(COSI-Corr)method on Landsat imagery from 2014 to 2020. The results show that: (1)The average annual flow velocity of the Koxkar Baxi Glacier was 0. 04~0. 05 m·d-1 during 2014 to 2020. (2)The glacier reaches its maximum flow velocity near the center part, and the velocity decreased towards both lateral margins. In a longitudinal profile, ice flow velocity in the accumulation area increased down to the equilibrium line, while decreased towards the glacier terminal. The maximum velocity with 0. 17~ 0. 20 m·d-1 was found near the equilibrium line altitude. (3)The glacier flow velocity in warm seasons were 16. 67% faster than that in cold seasons. (4)The glacier flow velocity from 2014 to 2020 showed a slight decreasing trend, and the average flow velocity decreased 0. 01 m·d-1. (5)Temperature and precipitation had certain influence on the seasonal fluctuation and interannual variation of the flow velocity of the glacier. © 2022 Science Press (China). All rights reserved.  相似文献   

基于2009年5月至2011年10月科其喀尔冰川的花杆观测资料,对其消融区的表面运动特征进行分析. 结果表明:冰川消融区的年水平运动速度最大值为86.69 m·a-1,年垂直运动速度最大值为15.34 m·a-1,均出现在冰川海拔4 000~4 200 m的消融区上部;在靠近冰川末端的冰舌下部,受冰量补给减弱、厚层表碛覆盖等影响,冰川运动缓慢,年水平运动速度小于5 m·a-1,而垂直运动速度值小于2 m·a-1. 大多数横剖面的水平运动速度具有从中部向边缘逐渐减小的特征,而有的剖面却出现局部速度增大的区域. 整体而言,冰川水平及垂直运动速度随海拔降低而减小,符合冰川运动的一般规律,但主要受地形作用的影响,垂直运动速度随海拔的变化会出现波动. 消融期月水平运动速度与同期气温和降水的变化具有一定的相关性,可能反映出气候快速变化对冰川运动的影响.  相似文献   

藏东南嘎隆拉冰川表碛冻融过程与零点幕效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冰川表碛区冻融过程的观测分析有助于厘清各层之间能量和水分传输的关系,从而为构建相应的能量平衡模型以及冰川径流模型提供理论支持。基于2015年10月至2016年11月嘎隆拉冰川表碛区自动气象站气象资料,对表碛区冻融过程进行分析,结果表明:表碛中出现冻土中常见的秋季和春季零点幕效应,秋季零点幕持续时间32天,春季零点幕持续58天;春季零点幕期间,气温和地表温度均呈现清晨低,午后高的日变化特征,而表碛层内温度没有明显的日变化特征,其体积含水率呈“脉冲式”变化;春季零点幕效应结束,底层冻结层破坏后,冰川冰消融才开始;嘎隆拉冰川表碛对冰川冰消融的影响不仅是因为表碛较厚,在消融量上抑制了冰川冰的消融,而且更重要的是表碛产生零点幕效应,延迟了表碛下冰川冰开始消融的日期,在时间上抑制了冰川冰消融。  相似文献   

The measurement of surface energy balance over a land surface in an open area in Bangalore is reported. Measurements of all variables needed to calculate the surface energy balance on time scales longer than a week are made. Components of radiative fluxes are measured while sensible and latent heat fluxes are based on the bulk method using measurements made at two levels on a micrometeorological tower of 10m height. The bulk flux formulation is verified by comparing its fluxes with direct fluxes using sonic anemometer data sampled at 10Hz. Soil temperature is measured at 4 depths. Data have been continuously collected for over 6 months covering pre-monsoon and monsoon periods during the year 2006. The study first addresses the issue of getting the fluxes accurately. It is shown that water vapour measurements are the most crucial. A bias of 0.25% in relative humidity, which is well above the normal accuracy assumed by the manufacturers but achievable in the field using a combination of laboratory calibration and field intercomparisons, results in about 20W m−2 change in the latent heat flux on the seasonal time scale. When seen on the seasonal time scale, the net longwave radiation is the largest energy loss term at the experimental site. The seasonal variation in the energy sink term is small compared to that in the energy source term.  相似文献   

天山托木尔峰科其喀尔巴西冰川表面运动速度特征分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
天山托木尔峰科其喀尔巴西冰川是典型的树枝状山谷冰川,利用3组(6期)ASTER遥感影像通过COSI-corr软件反演了该冰川表面运动速度.与花杆测量数据进行对比,反演冰川表面运动速度平均绝对误差为3.1 m·a-1,相对误差为11.9%,二者在空间上的分布基本一致,表明其反演精度符合要求.在此基础上,分析冰川表面运动速...  相似文献   

中国冰川运动速度研究进展   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
我国开展冰川运动速度研究已有50a的历程,依国内现有的山谷冰川运动速度资料为基础,分析研究了中国冰川运动速度的研究现状与取得的主要成果,总结了冰川运动监测的技术方法.结果表明:各大山系的冰川运动速度都在逐渐减小,但减小幅度不同,这与冰川的规模相关.监测方法上以实地测量为主也不断发展新的空间监测方法.未来应该加强冰川运动的机理研究,多种观测方法综合应用于冰川运动监测,保证资料的连续性与完整性.  相似文献   

云量对祁连山老虎沟12号冰川表面能量平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨云量对冰川表面能量平衡(SEB)的影响,利用架设在老虎沟12号冰川(简称12号冰川)消融区(4 550m a. s. l.)的自动气象站资料,结合能量平衡模型计算各能量分量并分析其季节变化,通过云量参数化方案获取云量因子并量化其对冰川表面能量收支的影响。结果表明:净短波辐射为冰川表面主要的能量来源(92%),净长波辐射为主要能量支出(61%),二者均受云量影响,但云的短波辐射效应更强(-37W·m-2)。云量通过影响辐射收支和湍流通量进而影响冰川表面能量收支,随云量的增加,冰川表面获得的能量减少,冰川消融速率降低。与其他区域的冰川表面能量收支对比,除地理位置、反照率、气温等因素外,海拔和云量的影响也非常显著。  相似文献   

基于2005—2016年青藏高原多年冻土区唐古拉和西大滩站的气象、涡动通量以及活动层资料,利用涡动相关法、气象梯度法和SHAW模型等方法探究了气候变化背景下高原多年冻土区地表能量通量变化规律及其对活动层的影响。结果表明:2005—2016年唐古拉和西大滩气温、地气温差有所升高,年降水量、10 cm土壤含水量及风速有所下降。2005年以来唐古拉和西大滩净辐射(Rn )与感热(H)呈增加趋势,潜热(LE)呈减小趋势,地表土壤热通量(G)变化较小。唐古拉和西大滩地表能量通量季节变化明显,但受海拔、纬度、坡向、土壤冻融过程、降水、下垫面状况等因素的影响,地表能量通量存在区域差异。研究时段内,唐古拉和西大滩地表冻结指数与土壤热通量呈负相关;融化指数、活动层厚度与土壤热通量呈正相关,融化期间土壤热通量积累量与融化深度的变化呈线性增加关系。  相似文献   

基于青海玉树隆宝湿地2011年10月-2012年9月气象观测数据, 利用组合法计算其近地面的感热通量和潜热通量, 进而分析近地面能量收支状况. 结果表明: 隆宝湿地太阳辐射资源充足, 达6 770.8 MJ·m-2, 受积雪影响, 冬季日反射率最高可达0.93; 11月和12月地面吸收的90%以上短波能量以辐射形式传给大气, 而6月份则不到30%. 地面全年以净辐射和土壤热通量吸收能量, 其中, 77%以潜热形式支出, 23%以感热形式支出, 但各月能量收支特征与之有所不同.  相似文献   

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