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The effects of feeding, egg laying, and fecal pellet production on the elimination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from the marine copepod Acartia tonsa were studied in a series of experiments. Copepods were exposed to 14C-labelled Aroclor 1254 and allowed to depurate in clean seawater. Copepods fed during depuration eliminated PCBs more rapidly than unfed copepods whether or not the original PCB exposure medium had contained food. Both eggs and fecal pellets contained PCBs during depuration, with the weight specific concentration of PCB in the eggs (up to 407 ppm, dry weight) exceeding four times that in the females that produced them. Female copepods eliminated PCBs twice as rapidly as males, indicating that egg production is an important route for PCB elimination.  相似文献   

Benthic, viable resting eggs of calanoid copepods were found for the first time in the Seine estuary (France) during July 2008. Vertical distribution of the resting eggs in the sediment was determined up to 10 cm depth. Hatching success of the eggs extracted from different 1-cm thick sediment layers was experimentally tested immediately after extraction and after a long refractory phase (i.e. 11 months) of storage at low temperature (4–5 °C). The hatching success of resting eggs obtained immediately after sediment incubation was lower (0.72%) than the value observed after 11 months (4.50%) with an overall hatching success of 2.37%. The marine, calanoid copepod Temora longicornis was the primary species to hatch from the eggs; however, the estuarine calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis also hatched from resting eggs. The mean abundance of eggs found in sediment (1.42 × 106 eggs m−2) was comparable to that reported for other marine and estuarine calanoid copepods. The Seine estuary sediment had a high variability of egg abundance (between 0.14 and 8.10 × 107 eggs m−3) suggesting that the hydrodynamics of this macrotidal estuary are likely responsible for this variability. Significant sediment resuspension occurs in the Seine estuary during flood periods and spring tides leading to resting eggs to contribute along the year to the nauplii recruitment of calanoid copepods. On average, around 400,000 nauplii m−3 month−1 of the main calanoid copepods can emerge from the surface layer sediment in the Seine estuary, suggesting that resting eggs could play an important role in the population dynamics of key calanoid copepods in the Seine estuary.  相似文献   

不同饵料对桡足类无节幼体存活、发育的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李捷  孙松  李超伦  蒲新明  张展 《海洋科学》2006,30(12):13-20
在食物中碳质量浓度为1.0 mg/L的条件下,通过室内实验研究了不同食物对中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)和双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)无节幼体存活和发育的影响。结果表明,桡足类无节幼体发育速度与存活率之间存在正相关关系。单种食物中粒径较小的微绿球藻和三角褐指藻在桡足类开口摄食期是最适宜的饵料,但在发育后期以及整个发育期则粒径较大的亚心型扁藻和中肋骨条藻更为适宜。在相同的发育阶段,小型桡足类双刺纺锤水蚤和中型桡足类中华哲水蚤对于食物粒径的选择也是不同的。与非硅藻食物相比,硅藻并非桡足类无节幼体发育的理想食物,而单种硅藻对桡足类无节幼体发育的负面影响可以通过对混合食物的摄食得到有效的减弱。  相似文献   

Main features of the zooplankton distribution and the ecological characteristics of the dominant species in the northern Benguela during different phases of upwelling are discussed. The composition of the zooplankton between 17 and 27°S was similar each year. Among the 20°30 most abundant species, 3°4 copepods dominated, influencing the distribution of total zooplankton biomass. During quiescent upwelling, zooplankton abundance was low and there were no significant differences in the inshore-offshore distribution of zooplankton biomass, the maximum occurring over the slope. During active upwelling, zooplankton biomass increased significantly, the maximum over the shelf being constituted almost entirely of developmental stages of herbivorous copepods. Over the inner shelf, all stages of the copepod Calanoides carinatus were feeding actively, removing up to 5 per cent per day of the standing stock of phytoplankton. Comparison of daily ration, respiration rate and biochemical composition of C. carinatus revealed active storage of energy inshore. Offshore populations of C. carinatus, found deeper than 200 m, comprised mainly copepodite stage V, which were not feeding and were characterized by decreased mobility and respiration and a high lipid content. It is estimated that the energy stored during active upwelling enables copepods to survive up to six months without any additional source of energy.  相似文献   

Abstract. The grazing of Acartia hudsonica and Acartia tonsa was observed on cultures of Olisthodiscus luteus and Dunaliella tertiotecta presented alone and in combination. Feeding on D. lertiolecla by both Acartia species increased directly with concentration but was always lower at equivalent food concentrations when O. luteus was present. In mixed phytoplankton cultures, A. hudsonica fed on both species at low O. luteus concentration, only on D, lertiolecla at intermediate levels and stopped feeding at highest O. luteus concentrations. A. tonsa showed a variable but similar result. These studies indicate the possible role of these dominant herbivores on the dynamics of O. luteus populations.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, the coastal wetlands in Korea have been rapidly degraded and destroyed mainly due to reclamation and landfills for coastal development. In order to recover damaged coastal environments and to develop wetland restoration technologies, a 4-year study on ecological the restoration of coastal vegetated ecosystems was started in 1998. As one of a series of studies, a small-scale experiment on salt marsh restoration was carried out from April 2000 to August 2001. The experiment was designed to find effective means of ecological restoration through a comparison of the changes in environmental components and species structure between two different experimental plots created using sediment fences, one with and one without small canals. Temporal variation in surface elevation, sedimentary facies, and benthic species were measured seasonally in each plot and in the adjacent natural reference sites. Monthly exposure occurred from 330 cm to mean sea level, which represents the critical tidal level (CTL) at which salt marsh plants colonize. Vegetation, especially Suaeda japonica, colonized the site the following spring and recovered to a similar extent in the natural marshes 16 months later. The sedimentary results indicated that the sediment fences had effects on particle size and sediment accumulation, especially in the plot with small canals. This experiment also showed that tidal height, especially that exceeding the CTL, is an important factor in the recovery of the benthic fauna of salt marshes. From these results, we suggested that designs for the restoration of salt marsh ecosystems must consider the inclusion of a tidal height exceeding CTL, as this may allow reconstruction of the previous natural ecosystem without artificial transplanting.  相似文献   

Acartia bifilosa (Copepoda: Calanoida) is a common species in offing of global waters and it often becomes dominant species in some estuaries. This species develops different strategy according to variation of environment. Despite its ecological role, Acartia bifilosa also has been concerned as live feeds in aquaculture, but study on egg production rate of this species in saturated diet in different temperature and different diet is so far not available. In order to interpret the importance of temperature and diet on natural population variation and also on aquaculture as foods of larval fish, the functional response of reproductive success of Acartia bifilosa was quantified in the laboratory using different temperatures and diets. Acartia bifilosa was captured in Jiaozhou Bay and acclimated to corresponding temperature for 3~4 days. In order to reduce the effect of large extent temperature range on organism, we captured Acartia bifilosa from March to June and acclimated them to temperature which is adjacent to natural temperature. Daily egg production rate (EPR, eggs female-1day-1) was detected for 11~15 days at 5 different temperatures ranged from 8.0 to 23 °C and all the females was feed on saturated diet all through the experiments. EPR on first day was not calculated in the mean EPR to eliminate the effect of different diets. This result showed that Acartia bifilosa spawned continuously during the experiment days and no obvious regulation was found. EPR was positively correlated with temperature from 8.0 to 23 °C. The highest mean EPR was observed at 23 °C (7.3 eggs female-1day-1), and the lowest value was found at 8 °C (3.8 eggs female-1day-1). The effect of diets on EPR was evaluated at two different temperatures (8.0 °C and 12.5 °C). Same trends were found at the two temperatures: mean EPR fed on Chaetoceros sp. was higher than that fed on Skeletonema costatum, and during the 14-day experiments, EPR was higher for females fed on Skeletonema costatum than chaetoceros sp. in the first few days (3~5 days), but it changed reversely in the subsequent days until the end of the experiments. Hatched eggs were observed in the two experiments at temperature 8°C and 12.5 °C and no diapause eggs were found. The hatching success rate was low at 8°C but reached 93.2% at 12.5 °C. According to the results in this paper, we detected the comfortable temperature range for EPR, and evaluated the effect of Skeletonema costatum which often brings out red tide in natural waters. These results are beneficial to ecological research for explaining population variation and population recruitment of this species, These data also can be used in Acartia bifilosa aquaculture.  相似文献   

分别在27℃和32℃高温条件下培养羊栖菜(Sargassum fusiforme), 以在22℃培养条件下生长的羊栖菜作为对照, 在培养的第0、1、3、5和7天分别取气囊样品, 采用植物生理学试验方法探讨高温胁迫对羊栖菜细胞膜损伤、渗透调节和抗氧化保护的影响。结果表明: 1) 高温胁迫导致羊栖菜细胞的相对电导率提高和丙二醛(MDA)质量摩尔浓度增加, 膜系统受到了损伤, 造成体内离子外渗、细胞膜脂发生过氧化; 2) 细胞内积累了可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖和脯氨酸等渗透调节物质并且胁迫组始终高于对照组, 其中可溶性蛋白在胁迫第7天时达到最大值(11.4μg·mg-1), 而可溶性糖和脯氨酸均呈现先升高后降低的趋势, 分别在高温培养的第3天和第5天时达到最大值; 3) 受到高温胁迫后, 羊栖菜超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)比活性增强, 而过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)比活性在高温胁迫过程中呈现下降的趋势, 说明羊栖菜主要通过抗氧化酶SOD比活性增强来降低胁迫对藻体带来的伤害。总之, 羊栖菜对高温胁迫比较敏感, 温度越高, 培养时间越长, 羊栖菜受到的伤害越大。  相似文献   

温度对凡纳滨对虾幼体生长、变态和存活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过不同水温的比较实验,研究了凡纳滨对虾人工育苗的适宜水温,旨在了解33℃及其以上水温对凡纳滨对虾幼体生长、变态和存活率可能造成的不良影响.实验结果表明,在29、31、33、35℃这4种温度实验组中,33℃组幼体的生长最快.Z1—P15期幼体的存活率以31℃组的最高(为29.8%),其次是33℃组(为20.9%),35℃组的最低(为4.7%).实验过程中31℃组幼体的活力状态最佳、最稳定.因此,31℃左右是凡纳滨对虾幼体生长、发育的适宜水温.考虑到33℃组幼体的总存活率虽然低于31℃组,但其具有生长较快的优势,因此可认为目前凡纳滨对虾人工育苗普遍采用的31~32℃水温是合适的.  相似文献   

A correction formula is theoretically derived to evaluate the change in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater upon heating. The constraints on the heating process are constant salinity, total alkalinity, and total carbon dioxide concentration. The result is
. This equation fits δPCO2/δt for open ocean seawater compositions to within approximately 9%. The almost constant 4.4%/°C effect is in agreement with that measured by Kanwisher (1960).  相似文献   

The significant underestimation of sea surface temperature (SST) and the temperature in the upper ocean is one of common problems in present climate models. The influence of the wave-induced mixing on SST and the temperature in the upper ocean was examined based on a global climate model. The results from the model coupled with wave-induced mixing showed a significant improvement in the simulation of SST and the temperature in the upper ocean compared with those of the original model without wave effects. Although there has still a cold bias, the new simulation is much closer to the climatology, especially in the northern ocean and tropical ocean. This study indicates that some important physical processes in the accurate simulation of the ocean may be ignored in present climate models, and the wave-induced mixing is one of those factors. Thus, the wave-induced mixing ( or the effect of surface waves) should be incorporated properly into climate models in order to simulate or forecast the ocean, then climate system, more accurately.  相似文献   

Embryos of the estuarine teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus, were exposed during development to different concentrations of the water-soluble fractions (WSF) of a No. 2 fuel oil under various temperature-salinity combinations. Temperatures and salinities were, respectively: 20, 25 or 30°C and 10, 20 or 30%S. The WSF were extracted from No. 2 fuel oil daily and diluted to concentrations of 15, 20 or 25% of the original mixture. Controls were exposed to seawater without WSF at each temperature-salinity combination.The length of eleutheroembryos was markedly decreased by exposure to WSF. Temperature exerted an effect on growth at low WSF concentrations (0 and 15% WSF) but not at higher ones. The two highest WSF concentrations had a predominant effect on growth that was not further modified by physical factor influences. Conversely, as the WSF exposure increased, the yolk diameter increased, indicating a decreased utilisation of yolk material during development. The mean number of vertebrae in the eleutheroembryos decreased at high WSF concentrations and at high temperatures. Morphological abnormalities consisted predominantly of spinal deformations (scoliosis and lordosis). The data indicate that the survivors of chemical toxicity during embryo development exhibit sublethal responses which would reduce their survival potential in later life.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to analyze constantlyhighly expressed proteins as a function of elevated midultraviolet (UVB, 280?C315 nm) radiation in Tigriopus japonicus sensu lato (T. japonicus s.l). We also analyzed associations between kinetics of radiation avoidance, measured as a covered distance per time unit, and highly expressed proteins. The obtained results indicate an increase in T. japonicus s.l. mobility between the control (no radiation) and mild UV radiation levels (15 kJ·m?2). Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with MALDI-MS-MS resulted in 2D protein map comprising of 686 protein spots, of which 19 were identified as highly expressed proteins across all experimental conditions. Obtained results indicate that calpain, vitellogenin, and collagenase are housekeeping protein that are expressed at a constant level independently of environmental changes and that adoption of a locomotive system for the avoidance of a UV source may be, at least partially, supported by hepatopancreas-driven metabolism.  相似文献   

The reversibility of the temperature effect on the chemical composition of interstitial waters of three deep-sea sediment samples was examined between 2 and 25°C for Cl, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Si, B, Mn and alkalinity. When the temperature of sediment samples was returned from 25°C to the initial value of 2°C, most chemical species gave nearly their initial concentrations. However, for alkalinity and in one case for magnesium, it took another three to four hours to reach their initial concentrations.  相似文献   

为进一步提高海南琼枝麒麟菜(Betaphycus gelatinum)产量,本研究主要探讨了温度对琼枝麒麟菜生长及色素含量的影响。结果表明,温度对琼枝麒麟菜生长的影响比较明显,27℃时琼枝麒麟菜生长最快,随着温度的升高或者降低,琼枝麒麟菜生长率均降低,长期低于18℃或者高于36℃会造成琼枝麒麟菜的死亡。在27℃时琼枝麒麟菜含水量最低,干物质积累最快,即光合作用率最大。不同温度下琼枝麒麟菜色素含量与生长率变化趋势基本一致,其藻胆蛋白含量远远大于叶绿素含量。  相似文献   

Seasonal cohorts of the large-sized copepod Calanoides patagoniensis allowed testing the relative ability of this species to exploit food resources that prevail during winter time in southern upwelling ecosystems of the Humboldt Current. This was achieved by considering a local winter flagellate assemblage (WFA), Thalassiosira rotula isolated from the local spring phytoplankton and a laboratory culture of Prorocentrum minimum, as food offers in consecutive 96 h experiments. Ingestion rates (IR) varied between 7 and 14 μg C f−1 d−1, egg production reached a peak of 70 eggs while egg production rates (EPR) varied between 27 ± 6 and 31 ± 4 eggs f−1 d−1. Feeding and reproductive traits were dependent on food offer, and after 72 h both IR and EPR decreased by 28% and 40% respectively, when copepods were steadily fed with the diatom. The relatively high reproductive performance supported by WFA was notable; showing the feeding behavior of this species can couple with food availability in the field with successful reproductive outcomes. Migration strategies allowing remain in upper food-rich coastal waters along with this flexible trophic behavior may better explain why this species is among the most recurrent ones in these variable yet productive upwelling areas.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of current management of the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) shore-based marine linefishery. Methods used included a stratified-random creel survey and an associated questionnaire survey. The study was undertaken between February 2009 and January 2010. Total participation ranged between 41 283 and 68 087 shore-anglers. Results show that there has been little change in participation in the KZN shore-fishery since 1994–1996. In contrast, total angler effort (779 382–843 702 angler-days y?1) has decreased substantially over the past 13 years. Overall catch per unit effort (CPUE) for the KZN shore-linefishery amounted to 0.18 ± 0.3 fish angler?1 h?1 or 0.07 ± 0.13 kg angler?1 h?1. In all, 84 fish species, belonging to 39 families, were recorded in catches of shore-anglers during the study period. Only five species accounted for 75% of the catch recorded along the coast (Sarpa salpa 34.8%, Pomatomus saltatrix 14.7%, Diplodus capensis 14.5%, Pomadasys olivaceum 6.5% and Rhabdosargus holubi 4.9%). The total annual catch for the KZN shore-linefishery was estimated between 249.2 and 276.7 t y?1 (or 636 589–706 995 fish y?1). Analysis of overall CPUE, catch composition and total catch in the shore-based linefishery of KZN suggested that it is currently in a relatively stable condition and that little change has occurred over the past 13 years. However, comparisons of species-specific CPUE values from this study with recent literature suggest that some species (e.g. Argyrosomus japonicus) are severely overexploited. Over the past few decades there seems to have been a gradual transition in landings from long-lived, high trophic-level, piscivorous fish (e.g. A. japonicus) to more short-lived, low trophic-level species (e.g. S. salpa). The results therefore suggest that present exploitation levels may not be sustainable for certain slow-growing, long-lived fish species. Current management regulations appear to have limited effectiveness based on poor angler compliance and knowledge of the regulations. In this regard, it is important to consider alternate management measures that may offer more effective protection to fish and at the same time be more easily understood by all anglers in the linefishery. Recommendations for improved management and the importance of the establishment of an effective MPA network are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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