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在R和I波段对Mkn 501进行了测光观测,并结合历史文献得到Mkn 501在近30年间的光学、红外和射电等多个波段的光变曲线;讨论了光变与色指数之间的关系,发现色指数(B—V)与(B—R)之间有强相关,相关系数r=0.73.利用DCF方法分析了多波段光变的相关性,发现B波段与4.8GHz和红外波段的光变存在一定的正相关,利用CLEANest方法对B波段的光变曲线进行频谱分析,结果表明Mkn 501的光变曲线存在2个可能的周期,即(10.06±0.04)年和(21.60±0.17)年.  相似文献   

耀变体在多个波段的微光变和能谱变化多年来是中外天文观测研究的热点课题.耀变体的微光变于20世纪60年代被发现,20世纪80年代以来发现很多源的微光变具有不同的特性,目前对其物理机制的认识和理论、模型的研究还处于发展阶段.该文总结了7个目前观测最多的耀变体(3C 66A,3C 279,3C 454.3,AO 0235+164,BL Lac,OJ 287,S5 0716+714)在光学波段的微光变和能谱变化的观测历史和最新进展,并对其理论模型作了简单介绍.  相似文献   

3C 345和3C 273的光变分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用结构函数法,对两个经典的blazar 3C 273和3C 345的22 GHz、37 GHz和光学波段的数据进行了周期分析.结果显示,3C 273的周期性比较明显,22 GHz经分析存在7.0年和14.7年的周期,37 GHz存在7.2年和14.5年的周期,同时它的光学波段可能存在0.7年和8.7年的周期.3C 345的37 GHz存在比较明显的8.8年的周期,22 GHz和光学波段分别存在不太明显的9.3年和10.2年的周期.  相似文献   

本文给出了射电进BLLac天体的完备样品及它们的观测数据并讨论了它们的各种性质。  相似文献   

Estimates of AGN Black Hole Mass and Minimum Variability Timescale   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Black hole mass is one of the fundamental physical parameters of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), for which many methods of estimation have been proposed. One set of methods assumes that the broad-line region (BLR) is gravitationally bound by the central black hole potential, so the black hole mass can be estimated from the orbital radius and the Doppler velocity. Another set of methods assumes the observed variability timescale is determined by the orbital timescale near the innermost stable orbit around the Schwarzschild black hole or the Kerr black hole, or by the characteristic timescale of the accretion disk. We collect a sample of 21 AGNs, for which the minimum variability timescales have been obtained and their black hole masses (Mσ) have been well estimated from the stellar velocity dispersion or the BLR size-luminosity relation. Using the minimum variability timescales we estimated the black hole masses for 21 objects by the three different methods, the results are denoted by Ms, Mk and Md, respectively. We compared each of them with Mσindividually and found that: (1) using the minimum variability timescale with the Kerr black hole theory leads to small differences between Mσand Mk, none exceeding one order of magnitude, and the mean difference between them is about 0.53 dex; (2) using the minimum variability timescale with the Schwarzschild black hole theory leads to somewhat larger difference between Mσand Ms: larger than one order of magnitude for 6 of the 21 sources, and the mean difference is 0.74 dex; (3) using the minimum variability timescale with the accretion disk theory leads to much larger differences between Mσand Md, for 13 of the 21 sources the differences are larger than two orders of magnitude; and the mean difference is as high as about 2.01 dex.  相似文献   

External Faraday rotation has been detected in both the core and the parsec-scale jet of BL Lac in a four-frequency very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) experiment. This unexpected result indicates the presence of significant amounts of thermal gas close to the nucleus of this object. The rotation measure (RM) in the jet components is constant, and differs from the currently accepted Galactic RM, indicating that this value (−205 rad m−2) is not applicable to the components in the parsec-scale jet. The similarity of the RM in these jet components leads us to suspect that the jet RM is caused by a foreground screen in our Galaxy, although we cannot rule out a combination of Galactic RM and RM local to the jet. If the jet RM is due solely to the Galaxy, this would mean that the currently accepted value of the foreground RM (−205 rad m−2 ) is not correct, either because the value changed between 1982 and 1997, or because the assumption of no intrinsic source rotation was incorrect, as it was at our later epoch of observation. Our observations suggest a value of     .
After correcting for the foreground RM, the core value is −427 rad m−2, which is unexpected since, owing to the weakness of their line emission, BL Lac objects are often assumed to be depleted in gas. The core RM appears to be variable, probably because of the presence of at least two polarized components close to the core the relative contributions of which vary with time.  相似文献   

探索Blazar光变资料中的周期或准周期变化是1个有待深入研究的领域.由于光变资料的复杂性,目前寻找周期的算法还不够完善.文中以现代谱估计为基础,详细论述了自回归(Auto-regressive,AR)模型谱估计方法和最大熵谱估计的基本原理,分析了阶数选择对模型的重要影响,并把这些方法应用到类星体3C 279和BL Lac天体OJ287的光变周期分析中,得到它们的光变周期分别为7.14和11.76yr.通过验证,自回归 模型谱估计方法由于其分辨率高,可以作为1种较好的分析周期的方法.最后指出在应用谱估计分析Blazar天体的光变周期注意事项.  相似文献   

A kind of wavelet analysis method for identifying the light period of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 is introduced. The rather complete observed data in the four optical wavebands B, V, R, I are collected, and the long-term light curves based on 10-day averaging are obtained. On these light curves, the periodicity analysis is performed by using a wavelet analysis method. The result demonstrates that the wavelet analysis method is preferable for searching and identifying the light periods of BL Lac objects. From the contour map of the real part of the wavelet transform coefficient, the periodical light variations of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 can be precisely identified. By analyzing the wavelet variance curves at the 4 wavebands, it is found that the BL Lac Object S5 0716+174 has a stable light period of 1160 days. This result is consistent with the 3.3-year period given by Raiteri et al. It is predicted that the next outburst in this object will happen around the August of 2011.  相似文献   

The light variability is one of the main characteristics of blazar objects. Because of the complexity of their light curves, the present periodicity analysis methods are not yet perfect. Based on the modern spectral estimate theory, this paper has described in details the principles of the maximum entropy spectral estimate and autoregressive (AR) spectral estimate, analyzed the effect of the order number selection on the resultant model. Applying these methods to the periodicity analysis of the quasar 3C 279 and BL Lac object OJ 287, their light periods are obtained to be 7.14 and 11.76 yr, respectively. As is verified by experiments, the AR spectral estimate has a high resolution and is a rather good periodicity analysis method. Finally, the items noteworthy for the application of these spectrum estimation methods to the periodicity analysis of the light variations of blazars are mentioned.  相似文献   

A 100-ks XMM–Newton observation of the nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy Mkn 3 offers a unique opportunity to explore the complexity of its X-ray spectrum. We find the  ∼3–8 keV  continuum to be dominated by reflection from cold matter, with fluorescent K-shell lines detected from Ni, Fe, Ca, Ar, S, Si and Mg. At higher energies an intrinsic power-law continuum, with canonical Seyfert 1 photon index, is seen through a near-Compton-thick cold absorber. A soft excess below ∼3 keV is found to be dominated by line emission from an outflow of 'warm' gas, photoionized and photoexcited by the intrinsically strong X-ray continuum. Measured blueshifts in the strong Fe Kα and O  vii and O  viii emission lines are discussed in terms of the properties of the putative molecular torus and ionized outflow.  相似文献   

Mkn 841 has been observed during 3 different periods (January 2001, January 2005 and July 2005) by XMM‐Newton for a total cumulated exposure time of ∼108 ks. We present in this paper a broad band spectral analysis of the complete EPIC‐pn data sets. These observations confirm the presence of the strong soft excess and complex iron line profile known to be present in this source since a long time. They also reveal their extreme and puzzling spectral and temporal behaviors. Indeed, the 0.5–2 keV soft X‐ray flux decreases by a factor 3 between 2001 and 2005 and the line shape appears to be a mixed of broad and narrow components, both variable but on different timescales. The broad‐band 0.5–10 keV spectra are well described by a model including a primary power law continuum, a blurred photoionized reflection and a narrow iron line, the blurred reflection fitting self‐consistently the soft excess and the broad line component. The origin and nature of the narrow component is unclear. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present a new photometric catalogue of the Coma galaxy cluster in the Johnson U and V bands. We cover an area of 3360 arcmin2 of sky, to a depth of     in a 13-arcsec diameter aperture, and produce magnitudes for ∼1400 extended objects in metric apertures from 8.8- to 26-arcsec diameters. The mean internal rms scatter in the photometry is 0.014 mag in V , and 0.026 mag in U , for     .
We place new limits on the levels of scatter in the colour–magnitude relation (CMR) in the Coma cluster, and investigate how the slope and scatter of the CMR depend on galaxy morphology, luminosity and position within the cluster. As expected, the lowest levels of scatter are found in the elliptical galaxies, while the late-type galaxies have the highest numbers of galaxies bluewards of the CMR. We investigate whether the slope of the CMR is an artefact of colour gradients within galaxies, and show that it persists when the colours are measured within a diameter that scales with galaxy size. Looking at the environmental dependence of the CMR, we find a trend of systematically bluer galaxy colours with increasing projected radius from the centre of the cluster. Surprisingly, this is accompanied by a decreased scatter of the CMR. We investigate whether this gradient could be caused by dust in the cluster potential, however the reddening required would produce too large a scatter in the colours of the central galaxies. The gradient appears to be better reproduced by a gradient in the mean galactic ages with projected radius.  相似文献   

The multiple signal classi?cation (MUSIC) algorithm is introduced to the estimation of light periods of BL Lac objects. The principle of the MUSIC algorithm is given, together with a testing on its spectral resolution by using a simulative signal. From a lot of literature, we have collected a large number of effective observational data of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 in the three optical wavebands V, R, and I from 1994 to 2008. The light periods of S5 0716+714 are obtained by means of the MUSIC algorithm and average periodogram algorithm, respectively. It is found that there exist two major periodic components, one is the period of (3.33±0.08) yr, another is the period of (1.24±0.01) yr. The comparison of the performances of periodicity analysis of two algorithms indicates that the MUSIC algorithm has a smaller requirement on the sample length, as well as a good spectral resolution and anti-noise ability, to improve the accuracy of periodicity analysis in the case of short sample length.  相似文献   

Spectral measurement of Mkn 421 were made in the hard X-ray energy band of 20–200 keV using a high sensitivity, large area scintillation counter telescope on November 21, 2000 and these coincided with the onset of an active X-ray phase as seen in the ASM counting rates on board RXTE. The observed spectrum can not be fitted to a single power law similar to the PDS data of BeppoSAX. The data can be fitted both by a two component power-law function or a combination of an exponential function with a power law component at the high energies above 80 keV. We identify these components with those arising from the synchrotron self compton and the high energy power-law tail arising from the upgrading of the thermal photons due to multiple Compton scattering a la Cyg X-1. A comparison with the earlier data clearly suggests a spectral variability in the hard X-ray spectrum of the source. We propose a continuously flaring geometry for the source as the underlying mechanism for energy release.  相似文献   

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