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Slapton Ley, a coastal lake, is the largest natural body of fresh water in south-west England. There was concern in the 1960s that the lake was becoming increasingly eutrophic. To quantify inputs of water, sediment and nutrients into the lake, Slapton Ley Field Centre initiated a programme of weekly water quality sampling in September 1970. Of all the chemical properties which have been measured over the decades, the nitrate record has been the subject of more research than any other. The weekly monitoring has been supplemented by research projects aimed at understanding aspects of processes and patterns of nitrate delivery to the stream network. Three aspects of the nitrate record are reviewed: short-term process dynamics; the annual cycle of influent streams and the lake itself; and long-term trends. In the first two decades of monitoring, there was increasing concern about a trend of rising nitrate concentrations, an issue in most lowland rivers in the United Kingdom at the time. In the 1990s, nitrate concentrations levelled off and then have fallen steadily in recent years. In relation to eutrophication, there are clear signs of improvement in the influent streams, but concerns remain about water quality in the lake itself.  相似文献   

Three dated structures up to 450 years in age display the effects of coastal weathering of the greenschist of which they are constructed. A variety of weathering forms is present. The various topographic surfaces of the structures create variation in weathering environments and consequent weathering processes and rates. Weathering is enhanced by direct exposure to salt-bearing spray and by humid conditions, and apparently limited by direct exposure to solar radiation. The maximum rates of weathering on the three surfaces approximate to 0·6 mm a−1 over this period, consistent with measured contemporary weathering rates for a natural surface formed by this rock type in a nearby coastal location. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently accumulated muddy sediments throughout the Severn Estuary contain substantial numbers of microscopic particles (white alumino-silicate and also opaque spheroids) attributable to coal-burning. The residues are most numerous in the finest textured sediments. In present-day (1985) muds their amount is of the order of 108 grains kg−1. The residues occur to a similar degree in the muddy sediments accumulated from about 1945 to the present, but decline rapidly in abundance in older deposits. A total of the order of 8 × 103 tonnes of these residues may now be present in the muds of the estuary, including the suspended load held in the water column. The spheroids come from a variety of sources and may reach the estuary by several pathways.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the UK's coastal defence strategy have resulted in the introduction of Managed Realignment (MR), a technique which attempts to establish salt marshes on low-lying coastal farmland. This work investigates the impact of MR, in particular on the interactions between sediment movement, changes in heavy metal concentrations and salt marsh development. Pre- and post-inundation samples were collected and analysed between 1995 and 1997. Sediment transport patterns (1996) demonstrated that sediment particles were distributed by tides around the site, resulting in a change in the spatial distribution of the metals which was related to the sediment particle size distribution. Despite the presence of some metal contaminants found within the MR site, vegetated salt marsh has developed since 1997. However, heavy metals such as Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn exhibited relative depletion in the sediment developing with salt marsh in 1997, which is in agreement with data indicating that concentrations of metals within sediments is related to frequency of tidal inundation. During initial development of the site, sediment transport was the main factor controlling metal distribution, however, subsequently the frequency of tidal inundation became the most significant factor. Further work may allow for prediction of how future MR sites will develop with respect to redistribution of sediments and subsequent transport of contaminants in the dissolved phase.  相似文献   

Concentrations of major and trace metals were determined in eight sediment cores collected from the inter-tidal zone of the Medway Estuary, Kent, UK. Metal associations and potential sources have been investigated using principal component analysis. These data provide the first detailed geochemical survey of recent sediments in the Medway Estuary. Metal concentrations in surface sediments lie in the mid to lower range for UK estuarine sediments indicating that the Medway receives low but appreciable contaminant inputs. Vertical metal distributions reveal variable redox zonation across the estuary and historically elevated anthropogenic inputs. Peak concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn can be traced laterally across the estuary and their positions indicate periods of past erosion and/or non-deposition. However, low rates of sediment accumulation do not allow these sub surface maxima to be used as accurate geochemical marker horizons. The salt marshes and inter-tidal mud flats in the Medway Estuary are experiencing erosion, however the erosion of historically contaminated sediments is unlikely to re-release significant amounts of heavy metals to the estuarine system.  相似文献   

Deposition and storage of fine‐grained (<62·5 μm) sediment in the hyporheic zone of gravel bed rivers frequently represents an important cause of aquatic habitat degradation. The particle size characteristics of such fine‐grained bed sediment (FGBS) exert an important control on its hydrodynamic properties and environmental impact. Traditionally, particle size analysis of FGBS in gravel bed rivers has focused on the absolute size distribution of the chemically dispersed mineral fraction. However, recent work has indicated that in common with fluvial suspended sediment, significant differences may exist between the absolute and the in situ, or effective, particle size composition of FGBS, as a result of the existence of aggregates, or composite particles. In the investigation reported in this paper, sealable bed traps that could be remotely opened to sample sediment deposited during specific storm runoff events and a laser back‐scatter probe were used to quantify the temporal and spatial variability of both the absolute and effective particle size composition of FGBS, and the associated suspended sediment from four gravel bed rivers in the Exe Basin, Devon, UK. The absolute particle size distributions of both the FGBS and suspended sediment evidenced c. >95%<62·5 μm sized primary particles and displayed a seasonal winter–summer fining, while the opposite trend was displayed by the effective particle size distribution of the FGBS and suspended sediment. The effective particle size distributions of both were typically highly aggregated, comprising up to 68%>62·5 μm sized particles. Spatial variation in the effective particle size and aggregation parameters was of secondary importance relative to temporal variation. The effective particle size distribution of the FGBS was consistently coarser and more aggregated than the associated suspended sediment and there was evidence of aggregate break‐up in samples of resuspended bed sediment. The implications of these findings for sediment transport modelling are considered. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a 1-year campaign to measure the seasonal variability of some key physical and biological properties of intertidal mudflats over a section of the central Tamar Estuary and to relate these to the physical environment. Seasonal variations in physical mudflat properties, such as grain size, density and moisture content were relatively small. With the exception of the particulate organic carbon content in the upper 0.002 m of surface sediment, biological variations were large. Redox potential exhibited considerable seasonal variation and showed that the sediments were less reduced in winter and more reduced in summer. Chlorophyll a and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) within the surface 0.002 m of sediment (due to the presence of benthic diatoms) were strongly correlated and exhibited a pronounced seasonal pattern, with smallest values during winter and greatest values during late summer and early autumn. EPS had a dominating influence on sediment erosion, as determined from annular flume measurements. Velocity measurements and velocity modelling indicated that during the flood, and for much of the time during benthic diatom bloom conditions of high chlorophyll a and EPS sediment contents, the stresses exerted by tidal currents were too small to cause significant suspension of sediments over much of the middle and upper mudflats. Suspended fine sediment in the turbidity maximum zone was transported down-estuary and deposited in the main channel at low-water (LW) slack. Some of this sediment, in the form of relatively large aggregates, was subsequently transported onto the mudflats during the flooding tide, where slack currents and fast settling velocities may have enhanced sediment deposition there.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

Liu GQ  Zhang G  Li XD  Li J  Peng XZ  Qi SH 《Marine pollution bulletin》2005,51(8-12):912-921
Owing to the hydrodynamic and sedimentation conditions, the western shoal of the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) is known to be an important sink of terrestrial substances including particle-associated pollutants from the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region. In this study, we report the sedimentary record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the 20(th) century in a sediment core from the western shoal of the PRE. The summation PAH concentration ranged from 59 ng g(-1) to 330 ng g(-1) in the core with two distinct peaks. An initial increase of summation PAH concentration was found around the 1860s. The amounts of PAHs remained relatively constant for roughly 100 years, followed by the first peak in the 1950s. Then, there was a decrease in PAH concentration and flux in the 1960s and 1970s. A sharp increase of PAH concentration was observed in the early 1980s with a maximum concentration in the 1990s. The PAH diagnostic ratios indicated that the PAHs in the sediment core were mainly of pyrolytic origin, and that atmospheric deposition and land runoff may serve as the important pathways for PAHs input to the sediment. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was used as an index of socioeconomic development in the PRD region, which was correlated positively with the changes of PAH concentration and flux in the sediment core. The rapid increase in vehicle numbers and energy consumption in the region in the last two decades may have contributed to the rapid PAH increase since the early 1980s. The results clearly elucidated the impact of regional economic development on the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of the properties of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) of the upper Humber and Ouse estuaries during transient, relatively low freshwater inflow conditions of September 1995. Very high concentrations of near-bed SPM (more than 100 g l−1) were observed in the low-salinity (less than 1), upper reaches. SPM within the ETM consisted largely of fine sediment (silt and clay) that existed as microfloc and macrofloc aggregates and individual particles. Primary sediment particles were very fine grained, and typically, about 20–30% was clay-sized at high water. The clay mineralogy was dominated by chlorite and illite. There was a pronounced increase in particle size in the tidal river, up-estuary of the ETM. The mean specific surface area (SSA) of near-bed SPM within the ETM was 22 m2 g−1 on a spring tide and 24 m2 g−1 on a neap tide. A tidal cycle of measurements within a near-bed, high concentration SPM layer during a very small neap tide gave a mean SSA of 26 m2 g−1. The percentage of silt and clay in surficial bed sediments along the main channel of the estuary varied strongly. The relatively low silt and clay percentage of surficial bed sediments (about 10–35%) within the ETM’s region of highest near-bed SPM concentrations and their low SSA values were in marked contrast to the overlying SPM. The loss on ignition (LOI) of near-bed SPM in the turbid reaches of the estuary was about 10%, compared with about 12% for surface SPM and more than 40% in the very low turbidity waters up-estuary of the ETM. Settling velocities of Humber–Ouse SPM, sampled in situ and measured using a settling column, maximized at 1.5 mm s−1 and exhibited hindered settling at higher SPM concentrations.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of benthic foraminifera and a range of elements have been analysed in six long cores (up to 10 m long) from the Bilbao estuary, N. Spain, to document environmental transformation of this estuarine ecosystem and to determine sediment contamination levels. Three different environmental zones could be distinguished in the recent sedimentary record based on its microfaunal and geochemical contents. Initially, a pre-industrial zone containing very abundant and diverse foraminiferal assemblages together with baseline metal levels. Secondly, an older industrial zone exhibiting co-existence of abundant and diverse foraminiferal assemblages with high concentrations of metals. Finally, a younger industrial zone with extreme concentrations of metals and barren of indigenous foraminifera. This environmental transformation has been caused by the discharge of untreated domestic and industrial effluents during the last 150 years. The occurrence of foraminifera in the two industrial zones and along the estuary is not related to defined levels of metals, and this seems to confirm oxygen limitation as the key factor to explain complete estuarine defaunation during deposition of the younger industrial zone (period 1950-2000). Effectiveness of current regeneration schemes could be assessed using microfaunal and geochemical proxies as environmental quality indicators.  相似文献   

A series of 150 samples from the contemporary intertidal zone of the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel have been analysed for levels of copper, lead, zinc, rubidium, and particulate coal debris to investigate the present pollution status of the system. The analysis reveals a systematic streamwise variation in pollution concentrations which is taken to reflect a combination of land-based pollutant inputs and the reworking of pollutant-rich sediments from the erosion of salt marshes along the margins of the estuary.

This streamwise variation demonstrates a down-stream decrease in concentration, superimposed on which are nine areas of contemporary pollutant input with regard to metals but non relating to coal. The occurrence of coal in modern intertidal sediments at levels significantly higher than the underlying pollution trend is only possible via the reworking of anthropogenically derived material stored in the intertidal sediments of the system and from a wreck located offshore.  相似文献   

A high-resolution climate record from 163.00 kaBP to 113.80 kaBP has been obtained through TIMS-U series dating and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of the three large stalagmites from two caves in the south of Guizhou Province, China. The record of the oxygen isotopes from the stalagmites reveals that the undulation characteristics between the cooling event of the glacial period and the warming event of the interglacial period in the research area can compare well to those of ice cores, lake sediments, loess and deep sea sediments on the scale of ten-thousand years or millennium time scale. The climate undulation provided by the record of the stalagmites has a coherence with the global changes and a tele-connection to the paleoclimate changes in the north polar region. Our results suggest that the direct dynamics of paleo-monsoon circulation changes reflected in the record of the stalagmites might be caused by changes of the global ice volume, and in turn related to various factors, including the solar radiation strength at the mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, the southern extension of the ice-rafted event in the North Atlantic, and changes of the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature at the low-latitudes. Using °18O values, we have calculated the temperatures and the results show that the temperature difference between the penultimate glacial period (with an average temperature of 8.1°C, and a minimum temperature range from 0.65°C to-1.43°C at stage 6) and the last interglacial period (with an average temperature of 18.24°C at sub-stage 5e) was about 10°C. This temperature difference from the record of the stalagmites corresponds in general to the record temperature variation (about 10°C) of measured ice cores. The climate records from the three stalagmites in the two caves have shown that the circulation strength of the Asian summer monsoon and the winter monsoon in the penultimate glacial period and the last inter-glacial period had a clear change. With the TIMS-U series method, termination II of the penultimate glacial period has been precisely dated at an age of (129.28± 1.10) kaBP for the three stalagmites in the south of Guizhou Province, China. This borderline age represents the beginning of the last interglacial period or the boundary between the Middle Pleistocene and the Late Pleistocene, and corresponds to the beginning age of the last interglacial period shown by the ice cores and in the SPECMAP curve of the marine oxygen isotopes. The chronology determination of termination II is not only of stratigraphic and chronological significance, but also lays an important foundation for discussing the short time scales of climate oscillation and rapidly changing events of paleoclimate in the circulation region of the East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

Slag material was dumped in two sites off southwestern Taiwan by the China Steel Corporation during 1984–1995. By geochemically analyzing four sediment cores, we investigated the impact of slag on the sediment chemistry. Elemental profiles from the dumping sites show a strong depletion in detrital elements and enrichment in alkaline and redox-sensitive elements, especially for the top ~20 cm of sediments. The relative enrichment factor (EFrel) exhibits wider range for Ca (0.73–13.33), Fe (0.88–3.03), Mg (0.94–9.58) and Mn (1.22–33.30) due to contamination of sediments by slag. Sediment weathering indicators also show a distinct change with lower values in sediments influenced by dumping due to Ca and Sr addition. Higher EFrel for As, Cd and Pb in the top sections of the cores indicate an additional modern/industrial input of these elements since ~1950. Our study suggests that slag dumping may have a localized effect on biogeochemical processes by inducing the diagenetic remobilization of certain elements.  相似文献   

This study presents a continental paleoclimatic record in the south of France, based on δ18O, δ13C and the 234U/238U activity ratio, dated by the 230Th/234U disequilibrium method with thermal ionization mass spectrometry. A stalagmite (Cla4) from the Clamouse Cave offers a discontinuous stable isotopic record between 189 ka and 74 ka which covers marine isotope stages (MIS) 7, 6.4, 5.5, 5.3 and 5.1. The growth phases of the Cla4 stalagmite correspond to high sea level stages, except during MIS 6.4 (169-162 ka). All the growth phases of Cla4 correspond to humid periods, corresponding to the sapropel events observed in the eastern Mediterranean basin. Thus, the influence of a strong hydrological activity in the eastern Mediterranean basin during these periods prevailed as far west as the south of France. Because the karstic system studied strongly buffers the isotopic composition of water, isotopic variations of the calcite deposited in the cave represent mainly global and large-scale environmental variations when isotopic equilibrium conditions prevailed for calcite crystallization. Sub-stage 5.3, the end of 5.5 and MIS 7 were colder by about 4-6°C (calculated temperature) compared to present-day temperature while the growth phases of sub-stages 5.1 and the beginning of 5.5 reflect environmental conditions close to present ones. The δ18O and δ13C values of cave deposits of the sub-stage 6.4 are: (1) strongly marked by kinetic fractionation processes such as evaporation due to moisture deficit within the cave atmosphere during the first step of this growth phase and (2) related to higher humidity due to a second period of enhanced rainfall during the second step of growth. This study shows that even if calcite has not been deposited at isotopic equilibrium, its isotopic composition can give insights into the environmental conditions at the time of deposition.  相似文献   

Research on suspended sediment transport in the catchments of the Old Mill reservoir and Slapton Lower Ley, South Devon, has attempted to discriminate changing catchment sources on the basis of downcore variations in the mineral magnetic properties of lake, reservoir and floodplain sediments. Here, we examine these downcore variations and also explore the variability in catchment sources and the influence of topographic controls on mineral magnetic signatures of topsoils and subsoils. Particle size controls on the mineral magnetic signatures are explored by an analysis of a fractionated sediment sample, whilst the possible impact of diagenesis is assessed by an examination of the Mn profiles in the lake and reservoir sediments. From this analysis it is evident that the mineral magnetic signatures of well sorted floodplain deposits are more likely to reflect the particle size composition of the transported material. By contrast, the mineral magnetic record in the sediment of Slapton Ley appears to be most strongly influenced by dissolution of magnetic minerals. The sediment of the Old Mill reservoir provides the only suitable record for the application of a simple mixing model which is developed in order to quantify changes in the relative contribution of topsoil and subsoil through time. The research has important implications for attempting to reconstruct sediment sources in highly eutrophic lakes and emphasizes the uncertainty in the application of simple mixing models. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hidden mineshafts located in urban areas are a significant problem across much of the industrialized world. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a technique that can detect and characterize hidden mine entries by exploiting resistivity contrasts between the shaft and surrounding materials, resulting from either compositional or structural differences. A case study is presented in which both surface and crosshole 3D ERT surveys are used to image a hidden backfilled mineshaft at a built environment site, situated on Carboniferous Lower Coal Measures strata in the UK.Backfilled shafts generally present the greatest challenge for detection using geophysical methods, as contrasts between the fill and bedrock are typically low compared to air or water-filled conditions. Nevertheless, the shaft in this case was identified by both the surface and crosshole 3D surveys. The shaft appeared as a strongly resistive anomaly relative to background materials, which we interpreted as resulting from the disturbed fabric of the fill materials rather than any significant compositional differences. The study highlighted the respective strengths and weaknesses of the surface and crosshole ERT methodologies for this type of problem. The surface survey, which covered a non-rectangular area to accommodate irregular boundaries and other physical obstructions, provided a relatively rapid means of investigating the study site. However, this method had a limited depth of investigation and was constrained in its coverage by the locations of buildings. By contrast, the 3D crosshole method was able to image the shaft to the level of the deepest borehole electrodes. Although crosshole ERT is too expensive to be used for large-scale mineshaft surveys, this study clearly demonstrates its suitability for targeted investigations where surface methods cannot be deployed, such as scanning beneath surface structures or in situations where it is essential for resolution to be maintained with depth.  相似文献   

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