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Comet 81P/Wild 2 samples returned by NASA's Stardust mission provide an unequalled opportunity to study the contents of, and hence conditions and processes operating on, comets. They can potentially validate contentious interpretations of cometary infrared spectra and in situ mass spectrometry data: specifically the identification of phyllosilicates and carbonates. However, Wild 2 dust was collected via impact into capture media at ~6 km s?1, leading to uncertainty as to whether these minerals were captured intact, and, if subjected to alteration, whether they remain recognizable. We simulated Stardust Al foil capture conditions using a two‐stage light‐gas gun, and directly compared transmission electron microscope analyses of pre‐ and postimpact samples to investigate survivability of lizardite and cronstedtite (phyllosilicates) and calcite (carbonate). We find the phyllosilicates do not survive impact as intact crystalline materials but as moderately to highly vesiculated amorphous residues lining resultant impact craters, whose bulk cation to Si ratios remain close to that of the impacting grain. Closer inspection reveals variation in these elements on a submicron scale, where impact‐induced melting accompanied by reducing conditions (due to the production of oxygen scavenging molten Al from the target foils) has resulted in the production of native silicon and Fe‐ and Fe‐Si‐rich phases. In contrast, large areas of crystalline calcite are preserved within the calcite residue, with smaller regions of vesiculated, Al‐bearing calcic glass. Unambiguous identification of calcite impactors on Stardust Al foil is therefore possible, while phyllosilicate impactors may be inferred from vesiculated residues with appropriate bulk cation to Si ratios. Finally, we demonstrate that the characteristic textures and elemental distributions identifying phyllosilicates and carbonates by transmission electron microscopy can also be observed by state‐of‐the‐art scanning electron microscopy providing rapid, nondestructive initial mineral identifications in Stardust residues.  相似文献   

We present results of FIB–TEM studies of 12 Stardust analog Al foil craters which were created by firing refractory Si and Ti carbide and nitride grains into Al foils at 6.05 km s?1 with a light‐gas gun to simulate capture of cometary grains by the Stardust mission. These foils were prepared primarily to understand the low presolar grain abundances (both SiC and silicates) measured by SIMS in Stardust Al foil samples. Our results demonstrate the intact survival of submicron SiC, TiC, TiN, and less‐refractory Si3N4 grains. In small (<2 μm) craters that are formed by single grain impacts, the entire impacting crystalline grain is often preserved intact with minimal modification. While they also survive in crystalline form, grains at the bottom of larger craters (>5 μm) are typically fragmented and are somewhat flattened in the direction of impact due to partial melting and/or plastic deformation. The low presolar grain abundance estimates derived from SIMS measurements of large craters (mostly >50 μm) likely result from greater modification of these impactors (i.e., melting and isotopic dilution), due to higher peak temperatures/pressures in these crater impacts. The better survivability of grains in smaller craters suggests that more accurate presolar grain estimates may be achievable through measurement of such craters. It also suggests small craters can provide a complementary method of study of the Wild 2 fine fraction, especially for refractory CAI‐like minerals.  相似文献   

Abstract— The known encounter velocity (6.1 kms?1) and particle incidence angle (perpendicular) between the Stardust spacecraft and the dust emanating from the nucleus of comet Wild‐2 fall within a range that allows simulation in laboratory light‐gas gun (LGG) experiments designed to validate analytical methods for the interpretation of dust impacts on the aluminum foil components of the Stardust collector. Buckshot of a wide size, shape, and density range of mineral, glass, polymer, and metal grains, have been fired to impact perpendicularly on samples of Stardust Al 1100 foil, tightly wrapped onto aluminum alloy plate as an analogue of foil on the spacecraft collector. We have not yet been able to produce laboratory impacts by projectiles with weak and porous aggregate structure, as may occur in some cometary dust grains. In this report we present information on crater gross morphology and its dependence on particle size and density, the pre‐existing major‐ and trace‐element composition of the foil, geometrical issues for energy dispersive X‐ray analysis of the impact residues in scanning electron microscopes, and the modification of dust chemical composition during creation of impact craters as revealed by analytical transmission electron microscopy. Together, these observations help to underpin the interpretation of size, density, and composition for particles impacted on the Stardust aluminum foils.  相似文献   

Abstract— Metallic aluminum alloy foils exposed on the forward, comet‐facing surface of the aerogel tray on the Stardust spacecraft are likely to have been impacted by the same cometary particle population as the dedicated impact sensors and the aerogel collector. The ability of soft aluminum alloy to record hypervelocity impacts as bowl‐shaped craters offers an opportunistic substrate for recognition of impacts by particles of a potentially wide size range. In contrast to impact surveys conducted on samples from low Earth orbit, the simple encounter geometry for Stardust and Wild‐2, with a known and constant spacecraft‐particle relative velocity and effective surface‐perpendicular impact trajectories, permits closely comparable simulation in laboratory experiments. For a detailed calibration program, we have selected a suite of spherical glass projectiles of uniform density and hardness characteristics, with well‐documented particle size range from 10 μm to nearly 100 μm. Light gas gun buckshot firings of these particles at approximately 6 km s?1 onto samples of the same foil as employed on Stardust have yielded large numbers of craters. Scanning electron microscopy of both projectiles and impact features has allowed construction of a calibration plot, showing a linear relationship between impacting particle size and impact crater diameter. The close match between our experimental conditions and the Stardust mission encounter parameters should provide another opportunity to measure particle size distributions and fluxes close to the nucleus of Wild‐2, independent of the active impact detector instruments aboard the Stardust spacecraft.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three‐dimensional structures and elemental abundances of four impact tracks in silica aerogel keystones of Stardust samples from comet 81P/Wild 2 (bulbous track 67 and carrot‐type tracks 46, 47, and 68) were examined non‐destructively by synchrotron radiation‐based microtomography and X‐ray fluorescence analysis. Track features, such as lengths, volumes and width as a function of track depth, were obtained quantitatively by tomography. A bulbous portion was present near the track entrance even in carrot‐type tracks. Each impact of a cometary dust particle results in the particle disaggregated into small pieces that were widely distributed on the track walls as well as at its terminal. Fe, S, Ca, Ni, and eight minor elements are concentrated in the bulbous portion of track 68 as well as in terminal grains. It was confirmed that bulbous portions and thin tracks were formed by disaggregation of very fine fragile materials and relatively coarse crystalline particles, respectively. The almost constant ratio of whole Fe mass to track volume indicates that the track volume is almost proportional to the impact kinetic energy. The size of the original impactor was estimated from the absolute Fe mass by assuming its Fe content (CI) and bulk density. Relations between the track sizes normalized by the impactor size and impact conditions are roughly consistent with those of previous hypervelocity impact experiments.  相似文献   

Comet 81P/Wild 2 dust, the first comet sample of known provenance, was widely expected to resemble anhydrous chondritic porous (CP) interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). GEMS, distinctly characteristic of CP IDPs, have yet to be unambiguously identified in the Stardust mission samples despite claims of likely candidates. One such candidate is Stardust impact track 57 “Febo” in aerogel, which contains fine‐grained objects texturally and compositionally similar to GEMS. Their position adjacent the terminal particle suggests that they may be indigenous, fine‐grained, cometary material, like that in CP IDPs, shielded by the terminal particle from damage during deceleration from hypervelocity. Dark‐field imaging and multidetector energy‐dispersive X‐ray mapping were used to compare GEMS‐like‐objects in the Febo terminal particle with GEMS in an anhydrous, chondritic IDP. GEMS in the IDP are within 3× CI (solar) abundances for major and minor elements. In the Febo GEMS‐like objects, Mg and Ca are systematically and strongly depleted relative to CI; S and Fe are somewhat enriched; and Au, a known aerogel contaminant, is present, consistent with ablation, melting, abrasion, and mixing of the SiOx aerogel with crystalline Fe‐sulfide and minor enstatite, high‐Ni sulfide, and augite identified by elemental mapping in the terminal particle. Thus, GEMS‐like objects in “caches” of fine‐grained debris abutting terminal particles are most likely deceleration debris packed in place during particle transit through the aerogel.  相似文献   

Dust from comet 81P/Wild 2 was captured at high speed in silica aerogel collectors during the Stardust mission. Studies of deceleration tracks in aerogel showed that a number of cometary particles were poorly cohesive and fragmented during impact. Fragments are now scattered along the walls of impact cavities. Here, we report a transmission electron microscope study of a piece of aerogel extracted from the wall of track 10. We focused on micron‐sized secondary tracks along which fragments of a fine‐grained material are disseminated. Two populations of fragments were identified. The first is made of polycrystalline silicate assemblages (olivine, pyroxene, and spinel) that appear to be chemically related to each other. The second corresponds to silica‐rich glassy clumps characteristic of a mixture of melted cometary material and aerogel. A significant number of fragments have been found with a composition close to chondritic CI for the major elements Fe‐Mg‐S at a submicron scale. These fragments have thus never been chemically differentiated by high‐temperature processes prior to the accretion on the comet, in contrast to terminal particles, which are dominated by larger, denser, and frequently monomineralic components.  相似文献   

Aluminum foils from the Stardust cometary dust collector contain impact craters formed during the spacecraft's encounter with comet 81P/Wild 2 and retain residues that are among the few unambiguously cometary samples available for laboratory study. Our study investigates four micron‐scale (1.8–5.2 μm) and six submicron (220–380 nm) diameter craters to better characterize the fine (<1 μm) component of comet Wild 2. We perform initial crater identification with scanning electron microscopy, prepare the samples for further analysis with a focused ion beam, and analyze the cross sections of the impact craters with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All of the craters are dominated by combinations of silicate and iron sulfide residues. Two micron‐scale craters had subregions that are consistent with spinel and taenite impactors, indicating that the micron‐scale craters have a refractory component. Four submicron craters contained amorphous residue layers composed of silicate and sulfide impactors. The lack of refractory materials in the submicron craters suggests that refractory material abundances may differentiate Wild 2 dust on the scale of several hundred nanometers from larger particles on the scale of a micron. The submicron craters are enriched in moderately volatile elements (S, Zn) when normalized to Si and CI chondrite abundances, suggesting that, if these craters are representative of the Wild 2 fine component, the Wild 2 fines were not formed by high‐temperature condensation. This distinguishes the comet's fine component from the large terminal particles in Stardust aerogel tracks which mostly formed in high‐temperature events.  相似文献   

The 3.6 Ma El'gygytgyn impact structure, located in northeast Chukotka in Arctic Russia, was largely formed in acidic volcanic rocks. The 18 km diameter circular depression is today filled with Lake El'gygytgyn (diameter of 12 km) that contains a continuous record of lacustrine sediments of the Arctic from the past 3.6 Myr. In 2009, El'gygytgyn became the focus of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) in which a total of 642.4 m of drill core was recovered. Lithostratigraphically, the drill cores comprise lacustrine sediment sequences, impact breccias, and deformed target rocks. The impactite core was recovered from 316.08 to 517.30 meters below lake floor (mblf). Because of the rare, outstanding recovery, the transition zone, ranging from 311.47 to 317.38 m, between the postimpact lacustrine sediments and the impactite sequences, was studied petrographically and geochemically. The transition layer comprises a mixture of about 6 m of loose sedimentary and volcanic material containing isolated clasts of minerals and melt. Shock metamorphic effects, such as planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs), were observed in a few quartz grains. The discoveries of silica diaplectic glass hosting coesite, kinked micas and amphibole, lechatelierite, numerous impact melt shards and clasts, and spherules are associated with the impact event. The occurrence of spherules, impact melt clasts, silica diaplectic glass, and lechatelierite, about 1 m below the onset of the transition, marks the beginning of the more coherent impact ejecta layer. The results of siderophile interelement ratios of the transition layer spherules give indications of the relative contribution of the meteoritical component.  相似文献   

Abstract– We investigated three‐dimensional structures of comet Wild 2 coma particle impact tracks using synchrotron radiation (SR) X‐ray microtomography at SPring‐8 to elucidate the nature of comet Wild 2 coma dust particles captured in aerogel by understanding the capture process. All tracks have a similar entrance morphology, indicating a common track formation process near the entrance by impact shock propagation irrespective of impactor materials. Distributions of elements along the tracks were simultaneously measured using SR‐XRF. Iron is distributed throughout the tracks, but it tends to concentrate in the terminal grains and at the bottoms of bulbs. Based on these results, we propose an impact track formation process. We estimate the densities of cometary dust particles based on the hypothesis that the kinetic energy of impacting dust particles is proportional to the track volume. The density of 148 cometary dust particles we investigated ranges from 0.80 to 5.96 g cm?3 with an average of 1.01 (±0.25) g cm?3. Moreover, we suggest that less fragile crystalline particles account for approximately 5 vol% (20 wt%) of impacting particles. This value of crystalline particles corresponds to that of chondrules and CAIs, which were transported from the inner region of the solar system to the outer comet‐forming region. Our results also suggest the presence of volatile components, such as organic material and perhaps ice, in some bulbous tracks (type‐C).  相似文献   

Abstract– Keystones removed from the Stardust cometary collector show varying degrees of visible fluorescence when exposed to UV light, with the brightest fluorescence associated with the space‐exposed surface. We investigated the spatial characteristics of this phenomenon further by using fluorescence microscopy, confocal Raman microscopy, and synchrotron Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectromicroscopy. Twenty‐four keystones, extracted from the Stardust cometary collector, were analyzed. Fluorescence measurements show two distributions with different excitation characteristics, indicating the presence of at least two distinct fluorophores. The first distribution is confined to within about 10 μm of the space‐exposed surface, whereas the second distribution is much broader with a maximum that is typically about 30–50 μm below the surface. Confocal Raman measurements did not reveal any changes associated with the surface; however, only features associated with aliphatic hydrocarbons were strong enough to be observed. FTIR measurements, on the other hand, show two distinct distributions at the space‐exposed surface: (1) a narrow, surface‐confined distribution originating from ?O3SiH groups and (2) a broader, sub‐surface distribution originating from ?O2SiH2 groups. These functional groups were not observed in keystones extracted from the cometary flight spare or from the Stardust interstellar collector, indicating that they may result at least partially from cometary exposure. The presence of O3SiH and O2SiH2 groups at the comet‐exposed surface suggests that the enhanced surface fluorescence is caused by defects in the O‐Si‐O network and not by organic contamination.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Stardust collector shows diverse aerogel track shapes created by impacts of cometary dust. Tracks have been classified into three broad types (A, B, and C), based on relative dimensions of the elongate “stylus” (in Type A “carrots”) and broad “bulb” regions (Types B and C), with occurrence of smaller “styli” in Type B. From our experiments, using a diverse suite of projectile particles shot under Stardust cometary encounter conditions onto similar aerogel targets, we describe differences in impactor behavior and aerogel response resulting in the observed range of Stardust track shapes. We compare tracks made by mineral grains, natural and artificial aggregates of differing subgrain sizes, and diverse organic materials. Impacts of glasses and robust mineral grains generate elongate, narrow Type A tracks (as expected), but with differing levels of abrasion and lateral branch creation. Aggregate particles, both natural and artificial, of a wide range of compositions and volatile contents produce diverse Type B or C shapes. Creation of bulbous tracks is dependent upon impactor internal structure, grain size distribution, and strength, rather than overall grain density or content of volatile components. Nevertheless, pure organic particles do create Type C, or squat Type A* tracks, with length to width ratios dependent upon both specific organic composition and impactor grain size. From comparison with the published shape data for Stardust aerogel tracks, we conclude that the abundant larger Type B tracks on the Stardust collector represent impacts by particles similar to our carbonaceous chondrite meteorite powders.  相似文献   

Abstract— Various microscopic techniques were used to characterize experimental microcraters in aluminum foils to prepare for the comprehensive analysis of the cometary and interstellar particle impacts in aluminum foils to be returned by the Stardust mission. First, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDS) were used to study the morphology of the impact craters and the bulk composition of the residues left by soda‐lime glass impactors. A more detailed structural and compositional study of impactor remnants was then performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), EDS, and electron diffraction methods. The TEM samples were prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) methods. This technique proved to be especially valuable in studying impact crater residues and impact crater morphology. Finally, we also showed that infrared microscopy (IR) can be a quick and reliable tool for such investigations. The combination of all of these tools enables a complete microscopic characterization of the craters.  相似文献   

The 26 km diameter Nördlinger Ries is a complex impact structure with a ring structure that resembles a peak ring. A first research drilling through this “inner crystalline ring” of the Ries was performed at the Erbisberg hill (SW Ries) to better understand the internal structure and lithology of this feature, and possibly reveal impact‐induced hydrothermal alteration. The drill core intersected the slope of a 22 m thick postimpact travertine mound, before entering 42 m of blocks and breccias of crystalline rocks excavated from the Variscan basement at >500 m depth. Weakly shocked gneiss blocks that show that shock pressure did not exceed 5 GPa occur above polymict lithic breccias of shock stage Ia (10–20 GPa), with planar fractures and planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz. Only a narrow zone at 49.20–50.00 m core depth exhibits strong mosaicism in feldspar and {102} PDFs in quartz, which are indicative of shock stage Ib (20–35 GPa). Finally, 2 m of brecciated Keuper sediments at the base of the section point to an inverse layering of strata. While reverse grading of clast sizes in lithic breccias and gneiss blocks is consistent with lateral transport, the absence of diaplectic glass and melt products argues against dynamic overthrusting of material from a collapsing central peak, as seen in the much larger Chicxulub structure. Indeed, weakly shocked gneiss blocks are rather of local provenance (i.e., the transient crater wall), whereas moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias with geochemical composition and 87Sr/86Sr signature similar to Ries suevite were derived from a position closer to the impact center. Thus, the inner ring of the Ries is formed by moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias likely injected into the transient crater wall during the excavation stage and weakly shocked gneiss blocks of the collapsing transient crater wall that were emplaced during the modification stage. While the presence of an overturned flap is not evident from the Erbisberg drilling, a survey of all drillings at or near the inner ring point to inverted strata throughout its outer limb. Whether the central ring of the Ries represents remains of a collapsed central peak remains to be shown. Postimpact hydrothermal alteration along the Erbisberg section comprises chloritization, sulfide veinlets, and strong carbonatization. In addition, a narrow zone in the lower parts of the polymict lithic breccia sequence shows a positive Eu anomaly in its carbonate phase. The surface expression of this hydrothermal activity, i.e., the travertine mound, comprises subaerial as well as subaquatic growth phases. Intercalated lake sediments equivalent to the early parts of the evolution of the central crater basin succession confirm a persistent impact‐generated hydrothermal activity, although for less time than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages and Mars ejection times were calculated from the radionuclide 81Kr and stable Kr isotopes for seven martian meteorites. The following 81Kr‐Kr CRE ages were obtained: Los Angeles = 3.35 ± 0.70 Ma; Queen Alexandra Range 94201 = 2.22 ± 0.35 Ma; Shergotty = 3.05 ± 0.50 Ma; Zagami = 2.98 ± 0.30 Ma; Nakhla = 10.8 ± 0.8 Ma; Chassigny = 10.6 ± 2.0 Ma; and Allan Hills 84001 = 15.4 ± 5.0 Ma. Comparison of these ages with previously obtained CRE ages from the stable noble gas nuclei 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar shows excellent agreement. This indicates that the method for the production rate calculation for the stable nuclei is reliable. In all martian meteorites we observe effects induced by secondary cosmic‐ray produced epithermal neutrons. Epithermal neutron fluxes, φn (30–300 eV), are calculated based on the reaction 79Br(n, γβ)80Kr. We show that the neutron capture effects were induced in free space during Mars‐Earth transfer of the meteoroids and that they are not due to a pre‐exposure on Mars before ejection of the meteoritic material. Neutron fluxes and slowing down densities experienced by the meteoroids are calculated and pre‐atmospheric sizes are estimated. We obtain minimum radii in the range of 22–25 cm and minimum masses of 150–220 kg. These results are in good agreement with the mean sizes reported for model calculations using current semiempirical data.  相似文献   

Abstract– To constrain the effects of capture modification processes, the size distribution of nanoscale refractory Fe‐Ni‐S inclusions (“droplets”) was measured in five allocations extracted from throughout the depth of Stardust Track 35. The Fe/S ratio has been previously shown to increase significantly with penetration depth in this track, suggesting increasing capture‐related modification along the track. Astronomical image analysis tools were employed to measure the sizes of more than 8000 droplets from TEM images, and completeness simulations were used to correct the distribution for detection bias as a function of radius. The size distribution characteristics are found to be similar within independent regions of individual allocations, demonstrating uniformity within grains. The size distribution of the Fe‐Ni‐S droplets in each allocation is dominated by a mode near 11 nm, but is coarse‐skewed and leptokurtic with a mean of ~17 nm and a standard deviation of ~9 nm. The size distribution characteristics do not vary systematically with penetration depth, despite the strong trend in bulk Fe/S ratio. This suggests that the capture modification process is not primarily responsible for producing the morphology of these nanoscale droplets. The Stardust Track 35 droplet size distribution indicates slightly smaller sizes, but otherwise resembles those in carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094, and chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles that escaped nebular annealing of sulfides. The size distribution of metal‐sulfide beads in Stardust’s quenched melted‐grain emulsions appears to be inherited from the size distribution of unmelted sulfide mineral grains in comet‐dust particles of chondritic character.  相似文献   

Abstract– The deceleration tracks in the Stardust aerogel display a wide range of morphologies, which reveal a large diversity of incoming particles from comet 81P/Wild 2. If the large and dense mineral grains survived the extreme conditions of hypervelocity capture, this was not the case for the fine‐grained material that is found strongly damaged within the aerogel. Due to their low mechanical strength, these assemblages were disaggregated, dispersed, and flash melted in the aerogel in walls of bulbous deceleration tracks. Their petrologic and mineralogical properties are found significantly modified by the flash heating of the capture. Originating from a quenched melt mixture of comet material and aerogel, the representative microstructure consists of silica‐rich glassy clumps containing Fe‐Ni‐S inclusions, vesicles and “dust‐rich” patches, the latter being remnants of individual silicate components of the impacting aggregate. The average composition of these melted particle fragments is close to the chondritic CI composition. They might originate from ultrafine‐grained primitive components comparable to those found in chondritic porous IDPs. Capture effects in aerogel and associated sample biases are discussed in terms of size, chemical and mineralogical properties of the grains. These properties are essential for the grain survival in the extremely hot environment of hypervelocity impact capture in aerogel, and thus for inferring the correct properties of Wild 2 material.  相似文献   

Abstract– We present NanoSIMS four‐isotope S analyses of 24 comet Wild 2 dust impact residues in craters on aluminum foil C2037N returned by NASA’s Stardust mission. Except for one sample, all impact residues have normal S isotopic compositions within 2σ uncertainties of at least two S isotope ratios. This implies that most S‐rich Wild 2 dust impactors formed in the solar system. Instrumental isotope fractionation due to sample topography is the main contribution to our analytical uncertainty. One impact crater residue shows small anomalies of δ33S = ?57 ± 17‰, and δ34S = ?41 ± 17‰ (1σ uncertainties). Although this could be simply a statistical outlier or the fingerprint of a chemical isotope fractionation it is also possible that the observed anomaly results from the mixture of a cometary FeS particle with a small (150 nm diam.) presolar FeS supernova grain. This would translate into a presolar sulfide abundance of approximately 200 ppm.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we report the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk compositions of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs), amoeboid olivine aggregate (AOA), and Al‐rich chondrules (ARCs) in Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 290 CH chondrite. Eighty‐two CAIs (0.1% of the section surface area) were found. They are hibonite‐rich (9%), grossite‐rich (18%), melilite ± spinel‐rich (48%), fassaite ± spinel‐rich (15%), and fassaite‐anorthite‐rich (10%) refractory inclusions. Most CAIs are rounded in shape and small in size (average = 40 μm). They are more refractory than those of other groups of chondrites. CAIs in SaU 290 might have experienced higher peak heating temperatures, which could be due to the formation region closer to the center of protoplanetary disk or have formed earlier than those of other groups of chondrites. In SaU 290, refractory inclusions with a layered texture could have formed by gas‐solid condensation from the solar nebula and those with an igneous texture could have crystallized from melt droplets or experienced subsequent melting of pre‐existing condensates from the solar nebula. One refractory inclusion represents an evaporation product of pre‐existing refractory solid on the basis of its layered texture and melting temperature of constituting minerals. Only one AOA is observed (75 μm across). It consists of olivine, Al‐diopside, anorthite, and minor spinel with a layered texture. CAIs and AOA show no significant low‐temperature aqueous alteration. ARCs in SaU 290 consist of diopside, forsterite, anorthite, Al‐enstatite, spinel, and mesostasis or glass. They can be divided into diopside‐rich, Al‐enstatite‐rich, glass‐rich, and anorthite‐rich chondrules. Bulk compositions of most ARCs are consistent with a mixture origin of CAIs and ferromagnesian chondrules. Anorthite and Al‐enstatite do not coexist in a given ARC, implying a kinetic effect on their formation.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigate macroscopic characteristics, magnetic susceptibility, mineralogy, and mineral composition of Al Haggounia 001. The samples were collected during eight field missions in the period between 2015 and 2019. In the strewn field of about 65 km in length, the specimens are found either on the surface or shallowly buried in loose sediments, which rules out the previous suggestions that this meteorite is a fossil meteorite. Macroscopically, the samples exhibit three major lithologies with various colors, porosities, and distributions of oxidized veins. The data obtained using transmitted and reflected light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microprobe analysis confirm the macroscopic observations and show a heterogenous distribution of silicates and metal sulfides. Al Haggounia 001 is composed of enstatite, plagioclase, kamacite, taenite, schreibersite, daubreelite, troilite, graphite, sinoite, and silica polymorphs. We identified a new type of chondrules that are flattened and composed of rods of albite and enstatite, as well as elongated nodules of metal and sulfides, in addition to compression fractures in the form of subparallel veinlets. These features presumably reflect the deformation caused by shock. The magnetic susceptibility of Al Haggounia 001 (4.39 ± 0.20) is much lower than that of usual EH (5.48 ± 0.16) and EL (5.46 ± 0.04) chondrites but is in the range of E finds (5.05 ± 0.43). The thermomagnetic and hysteresis measurements are controlled by type, size, distribution of metal-sulfide nodules, arrangement of oxyhydroxide veins, and weathering. Al Haggounia 001 is an anomalous meteorite with a polymict nature. It records multiple events revealing its unique origin which expends the groups of enstatite chondrites and provides insights into the complex formation and evolution history of their parent body.  相似文献   

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