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John Caldwell 《Icarus》1977,32(2):190-209
Ultraviolet photometric and spectrophotometric observations of Mars and Saturn obtained by two Earth-orbiting satellites are combined in this report. High-resolution data from the S59 experiment aboard TD1A reveal no definite absorption features in the spectra of either planet. The absence of a prominent absorption in the Mars data near 2150 Å can be reconciled with the preliminary Viking measurement of NO only if that gas is preferentially concentrated at high Martian altitudes. Broadband photometry from OAO-2 shows that atmospheric dust on Mars during the great dust storm of 1971–1972 reduced the ultraviolet geometric albedo by a factor of ?3 at the height of the storm. This atmospheric energy deposition is probably an important mechanism in the storm dynamics. Diurnal variation in the ultraviolet brightness of Mars appears to be marginally detectable during the dust storm. A real brightness variation during a clear season is observed. The combined Saturn data from the two satellites strongly suggest that NH3 does not influence the ultraviolet spectrum of Saturn, but that some other absorber does. A candidate for such an absorber, H2S, is investigated. OAO-2 broadband photometry of Jupiter and of Saturn demonstrate that these planets have very similar albedos from 2100 to 2500 Å. This implies a common ultraviolet absorber on both planets, other than NH3.  相似文献   

Edward Shaya  John Caldwell 《Icarus》1976,27(2):255-264
Spectrophotometry of Venus from 2170 to about 1950 Å has been obtained by OAO-2 at 10 Å resolution. The new data confirm and extend previous indications that the geometric albedo decreases continuously below 2500 Å. Secular changes in either the amount or distribution, or both, of absorbing constituents in the upper atmosphere are strongly suggested. A narrow absorption feature is found near 2145 Å, confirming an earlier report by Anderson et al. [J. Atmos. Sci.26 (1969), 874–888]. Absorption by trace amounts of nitrogen-bearing molecules, including N2O, HNO3 in aqeous solution, and possibly also NO, together with Rayleigh scattering from CO2, can account for the variation in albedo below 3200 Å, but other explanations are not excluded. For example, H2S may contribute to or be responsible for the decrease in albedo below 2500 Å.  相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1979,3(4):349-371
Using the results of our latitude and time programs obtained with the impersonal astrolabe (OPL No. 30) of the Peking Observatory, we have calculated the corrections to individual star positions and the systematic corrections Δαδ and Δδδ to catalogue positions.  相似文献   

A spectrum of Mars of unprecedented quality was obtained in the range of 904-1183 Å with a spectral resolution of 0.2 Å using the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. Besides marking the first detection of molecular hydrogen on Mars (Krasnopolsky and Feldman, Science 2001 294, 1914-1917), the spectrum also revealed many emission lines of H, O, N, C, Ar, He, N+, C+, and Ar+ and the bands of N2 and CO. The spectrum makes it possible to study the emission multiplet structures and the component ratios and to separate many of the blended lines. From the argon lines, we retrieved Ar mixing ratios of 1.5 and 1.3% at 150 and 130 km, respectively, in excellent agreement with the Viking mass spectrometric measurements of 1.6% in the lower atmosphere. The He 584-Å emission observed in second order also agrees with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer detection of He on Mars. The observed spectrum may be used as a database to study specific problems such as the dayglow excitation, radiative transfer, and composition in Mars' upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

We examine the response of Martian climate to changes in solar energy deposition caused by variations of the Martian orbit and obliquity. We systematically investigate the seasonal cycles of carbon dioxide, water, and dust to provide a complete picture of the climate for various orbital configurations. We find that at low obliquity (15°) the atmospheric pressure will fall below 1 mbar; dust storms will cease; thick permanent CO2 caps will form; the regolith will release CO2; and H2O polar ice sheets will develop as the permafrost boundaries move poleward. At high obliquity (35°) the annual average polar temperature will increase by about 10°K, slightly desorbing the polar regolith and causing the atmospheric pressure to increase by not more than 10 to 20 mbar. Summer polar ground temperatures as high as 273°K will occur. Water ice caps will be unstable and may disappear as the equilibrium permafrost boundary moves equatorward. However, at high eccentricity, polar ice sheets will be favored at one pole over the other. At high obliquity dust storms may occur during summers in both hemispheres, independent of the eccentricity cycle. Eccentricity and longitude of perihelion are most significant at modest obliquity (25°). At high eccentricity and when the longitude of perihelion is close to the location of solstice hemispherical asymmetry in dust-storm generation and in polar ice extent and albedo will occur.The systematic examination of the relation of climate and planetary orbit provides a new theory for the formation of the polar laminae. The terraced structure of the polar laminae originates when eccentricity and/or obliquity variations begin to drive water ice off the dusty permanent H2O polar caps. Then a thin (meters) layer of consolidated dust forms on top of a dirty, slightly thicker (tens of meters) ice sheet and the composite is preserved as a layer of laminae composed predominately of water ice. Because of insolation variation on slopes, a series of poleward- and equatorward-facing scarps are formed where the edges of the laminae are exposed. Independently of orbital variations, these scarps propagate poleward both by erosion of the equatorward slopes and by deposition on the poleward slopes. Scarp propagation resurfaces and recycles the laminae forming the distinctive spiral bands of terraces observed and provides a supply of water to form new permanent ice caps. The polar laminae boundary marks the furthest eqautorward extension of the permanent H2O caps as the orbit varies. The polar debris boundary marks the furthest equatorward extension of the annual CO2 caps as the orbit varies.The Martian regolith is now a significant geochemical sink for carbon dioxide. CO2 has been irreversibly removed from the atmosphere by carbonate formation. CO2 has also benn removed by regolith adsorption. Polar temperature increases caused by orbital variations are not great enough  相似文献   

The results of observations of solar hard radiation recorded by two spacecraft—2001 Mars Odyssey and CORONAS-F—which were located in the vicinity of Mars and Earth, respectively, are discussed. The HEND instrument, developed at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recorded photons with energies ranging from 80 keV to 2 MeV, and the SPR and SONG instruments, developed at the Skobeltsyn Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University, detected radiation in the energy interval from 15 keV to 100 MeV. The rising of the sunspot group 10486 in late October 2003, which had been observed from Martian orbit before it was seen from the Earth’s surface, is analyzed in detail. In this case, observations made from directions that differ by 24° showed a close-to-24 h advance for the detection of hard radiation of flares. Stereoscopic observations of M-class flares near the limb show that the overwhelming part of radiation with energies above 80 keV arises at heights that do not exceed 7–10 thousand km. Also reported are the results of observations of the powerful flare on August 25, 2001, by the two devices, which complement each other substantially. The processes resulting in the formation of high-energy radiation of solar flares are discussed.  相似文献   

Pulkovo astrometric observations began in the 1840s using the Repsold transit instrument in the prime vertical and Ertel vertical circle. The first observers on these instruments were W.I. Struve, 1840–1856, and Kh.I. Peters, 1842–1849. In the present work, we collected and analyzed different series of latitude variations from observations made by M.O. Nuren, B. Wanach, A.A. Ivanov, I.N. Bonsdorf, and A.Ya. Orlov. In addition, results are given of investigations of a specific behavior of the Chandler polar motion in this interval, obtained by C. Chandler, Ivanov, Kh. Kimura, Orlov, and N. Sekiguchi. The aim of this paper is to search for and analyze the earliest series of Pulkovo latitudes, in order to evaluate the possibility of their use to study the motion of the pole at the maximum available range of observations. Different methods were used to isolate and analyze the sum of Chandler and annual latitude variations. The annex provides a series of Pulkovo latitude variations for 1840–1848, which may be used to extend latitude variation back to 1840.  相似文献   

With the development of the CPS (Global Positioning System) it has become possible to retrieve accurate profiles of atmospheric temperature, pressure and moisture from CPS occultation data. Using the inversion module developed in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, (SHAG), we obtained atmospheric profiles from more than 2700 CHAMP occultation events observed in the period 2002 Aug. 1–17. The retrieved profiles are compared with the data of the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), and their errors are analyzed. An optimal method of statistical analysis is proposed and applied. The statistical results show that GPS occultation data may contribute valuably to numerical weather forecast and long-term monitoring of the earth's climate.  相似文献   

Observations of photons at E ≥ 550 GeV from the Crab Nebula are presented and used to assess the potential of multi-telescope systems for γ-ray astronomy.

The Whipple observatory 10 m and 8 m imaging atmospheric erenkov telescopes have been used to provide a stereoscopic view of air showers to make a more complete measurement of air shower parameters. Here we present a measurement of the spread in the arrival direction of primary γ-rays originating from a point source. The data show that the shower arrival direction can be reconstructed with an accuracy of σ = 0.°14.  相似文献   

A systematic bias in right ascensions in the DE200 ephemeris for the outer planets is confirmed.  相似文献   

We describe a project for the measurement of elemental composition of the primary cosmic radiation to be performed by a space observatory orbiting around the Moon. The absence of atmosphere and the low intrinsic magnetic field of the Moon give access to the very low energy component of the cosmic radiation, allowing the search for rare events.The quest for antinuclei, the determination of the lunar lepton albedo and the abundance measurement of galactic radioactive clocks (Be10, C14, Al26) are the major tasks of the ANTARES apparatus (ANTimatter Assessment RESearch).We report details of the instrument design, the expected performance for single detectors, their capability to accomplish the proposed measurements and the characteristics of the space mission.  相似文献   

Recent ground-based astronomical short-exposure observations of Mercury have yielded more than 50000 electronic pictures of the planet at different phases and different positions relative to the Earth. The work was fulfilled in several observatories. The use of available and newly developed processing methods applied to large volumes of electronic frames allowed the images of a considerable portion of Mercury’s surface to be synthesized. We present the images of the 90°–180°W, 215°–280°W, and 50°–90°W sectors containing, among others, the longitudes not covered by spacecraft imaging. Along with the listed images, we present the results of recent observations of Mercury carried out on November 20–24, 2006 during the morning elongation at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) (Nizhnii Arkhyz, Karachai-Circassia, the Caucasus). The 265°–350°W longitude sector of Mercury was observed. The observations were made under good weather conditions. Among the main tasks of the new observations was obtaining a complete view of the S Basin. Previously, this basin had been investigated in fragments only by the actual solar illumination conditions. During the period of November 20–24, 2006, the S Basin was on the sunlit side of the planet. The complete image of the basin was obtained from the processing of a large number of electronic frames. The appearance of the S Basin is compared with the data on its relief acquired with radar methods. In this longitude sector, a number of other unusual surface features were found; among them, are a huge “Medallion” crater and other formations. The results considered in the present and earlier published studies are compared with the Mariner 10 data (1974–1975) and with the data received from the Messenger spacecraft during its first flyby of the planet (January 2008).  相似文献   

High-resolution observations of atmospheric phenomena by the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) during its first mapping year are presented. An atmospheric campaign was implemented on the basis of previous spacecraft imaging. This campaign, however, proved of limited success. This appears to be due to the late local time of the Odyssey orbit (the locations of activity at 4–6 p.m. appear to be different from those at 2 p.m.). Ironically, images targeting the surface were more useful for study of the atmosphere than those images specifically targeting atmospheric features. While many previously recognized features were found, novel THEMIS observations included persistent clouds in the southern polar layered deposits, dust or condensate plumes on the northern polar layered deposits, dust plumes as constituent parts of local dust storms, and mesospheric clouds. The former two features tend to be aligned parallel and normal to polar troughs, respectively, suggesting a wind system directed normal to troughs and radially outward from the center of the polar deposits. This is consistent with katabatic drainage of air off the polar deposits, analogous to flow off Antarctica. The observation of dust lifting plumes at unprecedented resolution associated with local dust storms not only demonstrates the importance of mean wind stresses (as opposed to dust devils) in initiation of dust storms, but is also seen to be morphologically identical to dust lifting in terrestrial dust storms. As Odyssey moves to earlier local times, we suggest that the atmospheric campaign from the first mapping year be repeated.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet spectroscopy and imaging of comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) were obtained from a variety of space platforms from shortly after the discovery of the comet through perihelion passage. Observations with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spanned the range of 6.8 to 2.7 AU pre-perihelion, but IUE was decommissioned in September 1996 and HST was precluded from near-perihelion observations because of its solar avoidance constraint. In September 1996, observations were made by the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) that showed the presence of soft X-rays offset from the optical center of the coma and provided a sensitive spectroscopic upper limit to the Ne/O abundance ratio. During the perihelion period NASA mounted a successful campaign of four sounding rockets that were launched at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, between March 25 and April 8, 1997. The payloads included long-slit spectroscopy and ultraviolet imaging polarimetry. In addition, Hale-Bopp was observed near perihelion by ultraviolet instruments on orbiting spacecraft that were designed for solar or terrestrial observations. Observations with HST, using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), installed during the February 1997 servicing mission, resumed in August 1997. Intercomparison of the ultraviolet observations and comparison with the results on gas composition and activity from ground-based visible, infrared and radio observations may permit the resolution of many discrepant results present in the literature. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dynamics of horizontal and vertical motions of East European GNSS stations has been studied at the GNSS Data Analysis Center, Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAO NASU). The GNSS station coordinates have been estimated from regional processing and reprocessing performed with the Bernese GNSS Software ver. 5.2 at the GNSS Data Analysis Center, MAO NASU. The velocity values have been computed for 42 GNSS stations, 15 of them located in Ukraine. Global and local offsets of the horizontal and vertical motions of the GNSS stations have been determined.  相似文献   

The preliminary results of the analysis of more than 1000 spectra of cataclysmic variables in the archive of the International Ultraviolet Explorer were presented at the meeting. To characterize the slope of the spectra I useF=log(f 1460Å/f 2880Å). For most spectraF lies between 0.2 and 0.7. No correlation of F with orbital period, inclination, system type or (for dwarf novae) length of the interoutburst interval are found, apart from somewhat lower values ofF for DQ Her type systems. Out of 16 dwarf novae for which spectra both at outburst maximum and minimum are available 11 show no large difference inF between maximum and minimum, and in 5F declines with the flux level. Out of 6 dwarf novae 5 show very red spectra during the rise to maximum, and 1 shows slopes during rise similar to those during decline.In the ultraviolet resonance lines, due to a wind from the disc, no correlation is found between inclination and terminal velocity.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

Thomas E. Thorpe 《Icarus》1978,36(2):204-215
The Viking Extended Mission has experienced two major dust storms that have changed the global photometric properties of Mars. Large quantities of atmospheric dust arising from the June 5, 1977, storm have been observed at very low phase angles to measure the opposition effect. These particles yield only a small increase in brightness at 0° phase angle with the least enhancement seen in violet light. The phase function is well modeled by nonspherical particles with a spectrally dependent single scattering albedo. It is doubtful, therefore, that atmospheric dust plays a significant role in the reported blue light brightness surge. Such particles as surface structure combined with a lunar photometric function could, however, produce the wavelength-dependent backscattering observed during the 1967 and 1969 oppositions under clearer conditions.  相似文献   

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