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Forestation has been encouraged worldwide due to increasing demand for forest products, and for its ecological benefits such as soil erosion control and sediment reduction. However, forestation reduces runoff, thus potentially aggravating water shortages in arid regions. In order to quantitatively estimate the possible water yield reductions caused by forestation in an arid region, a small watershed (the Pailugou watershed) in the Qilian Mountains of northwest China was chosen as a study area. The responses of hydrological dynamics to different forestation scenarios in the study area were simulated using the TOPOG model. The results showed that forestation could lead to a complete loss of runoff at the site scale. At the watershed scale, a 10% increase in forest coverage led to a runoff reduction of 25.6 mm, equivalent to 13% of the runoff in the un-forested watershed. However, due to climatological and topographical constraints, the potential forest distribution occupied only 46.3% of the watershed area, and runoff reduction was estimated to reach a maximum of 60% when the forest cover ratio increased from 0.41% to 46.1%. Actual forest coverage is 36% in the study area, thus the water yield will be reduced with any further increase in forest area. Our study suggested that a trade-off between the numerous benefits of forest coverage increase and its negative impact on water yield should be carefully addressed in arid regions with inherently severe water-shortage.  相似文献   

Groundwater responses in temperate mountainous terrain are assessed using groundwater, hydrometric and climatic data from southern British Columbia, Canada. Well and stream hydrographs are analysed using a series of diagnostic tools including time series plots, hysteresis plots, and cross‐correlation plots. Characterizing the seasonal timing of the response requires consideration of the hydroclimatology of the region: rainfall‐dominated (pluvial), snowmelt‐dominated (nival) or hybrid (mixture of rain and snow). The magnitude and timing of the recharge and discharge response of the groundwater system was shown to depend on the storage and permeability characteristics of the aquifer and whether the system is stream‐driven or recharge‐driven. These two dominant stream‐aquifer system types were defined based on classifying different aquifer types found in the southwest portion of the province. The classification scheme and diagnostic tools have the potential to provide a framework for evaluating the responses of wells in other mountainous regions. Using this framework, the potential consequences of future climate change may then be better understood based on the interactions between the hydrogeological and hydroclimatic settings of these aquifers. Copyright © 2010 Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada. Published by John Wiley & Sons. Ltd  相似文献   

Precipitation temporal and spatial variability often controls terrestrial hydrological processes and states. Common remote-sensing and modeling precipitation products have a spatial resolution that is often too coarse to reveal hydrologically important spatial variability. A statistical algorithm was developed for downscaling low-resolution spatial precipitation fields. This algorithm auto-searches precipitation spatial structures (rain-pixel clusters), and orographic effects on precipitation distribution without prior knowledge of atmospheric setting. It is composed of three components: rain-pixel clustering, multivariate regression, and random cascade. The only required input data for the downscaling algorithm are coarse-pixel precipitation map and a topographic map. The algorithm was demonstrated with 4 km × 4 km Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) precipitation fields, and tested by downscaling NEXRAD-aggregated 16 km × 16 km precipitation fields to 4 km × 4 km pixel precipitation, which was then compared to the original NEXRAD data. The demonstration and testing were performed at both daily and hourly temporal resolutions for the northern New Mexico mountainous terrain and the central Texas Hill Country. The algorithm downscaled daily precipitation fields are in good agreement with the original 4 km × 4 km NEXRAD precipitation, as measured by precipitation spatial structures and the statistics between the downscaling and the original NEXRAD precipitation maps. For three daily precipitation events, downscaled precipitation map reproduces precipitation variance of the disaggregation field, and with Pearson correlation coefficients between the downscaled map and the NEXRAD map of 0.65, 0.71, and 0.80. The algorithm does not perform as well on downscaling hourly precipitation fields at the examined scale range (from 16 km to 4 km), which underestimates precipitation variance of the disaggregation field. For a scale range from 4 km to 1 km, the algorithm has potential to perform well at both daily and hourly precipitation fields, indicated from good regression performance.  相似文献   

The ability to continually monitor several meteorological parameters is needed to estimate snow surface energy balance components in mountainous terrain. In remote mountainous locations, limited accessibility and extreme weather conditions limit the use of delicate meteorological instrumentation. Robust instrumentation and radio telemetry are often needed to measure snow surface energy exchanges. This study examined the practicality and effectiveness of robust instrumentation in estimating radiative and turbulent exchanges in the forested Bear River Mountains of northern Utah. Measurement of reflected shortwave radiation was problematic due to possible selective absorption in the infra-red range. This resulted in overestimates of reflected shortwave radiation and decreased estimates of now surface albedo. During high snowfall, the pyranometer and net radiometer were occasionally covered with snow, resulting in inaccurate radiation measurements. Snow typically melted from instrument surfaces in less than one day under full sun. A relative humidity measurement accuracy of ± 4% may have resulted in a possible error of 20% in the calculation of vapour pressure. Snow depth measurement with an acoustical sensor was affected by new or blowing snow, which resulted in inaccurate snow depth measurement 16.2% of the time. The longest period without a valid snow depth measurement was 19.5 hours. A new snow temperature thermocouple ladder was designed and constructed and provided accurate within-pack temperature measurements throughout the pre-melt and melt season.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian (Rayleigh) distillation model is used to track the evolution of stable isotopes in precipitation over mountainous terrain from the Pacific Coast of Canada to two alpine field sites in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Precipitation δ18O at Vancouver constrains the model and air–mass back trajectories provide the water vapour pathway for 10 winter storm events. Isotopic values along storm pathways are modelled with a classical Rayleigh model that prescribes a linear decrease in temperature and pressure from initial to final conditions, and two models that account directly for orographic precipitation processes by: (i) applying an orographic rainfall model and (ii) using North American Regional Reanalysis data to calculate the change in vapour content along storm pathways. All models are significant predictors of snowpack δ18O, but the orographic model provides the best fit to precipitation‐weighted δ18O for each storm. The improvement in modelled δ18O by accounting for terrain along storm trajectories illustrates the need to account for orographically driven moisture loss when modelling vapour transport to ice core sites with mountainous upwind terrain. This finding is also applicable to isotopic studies of paleoaltimetry and source areas of groundwater recharge. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical approximate model for unsaturated flow in a spatially variable field, coupled with infiltration and evapotranspiration at the upper boundary and a fluctuating water-table at the lower boundary, has been developed. The unsaturated flow equations depend on parameterizations of θ(Φ) and K(Φ). They are based on the notion of a moving, discontinuous front. The field heterogeneity refers to saturated hydraulic conductivity only. Horizontal variability is considered, and the flow medium is approximated as a set of uncorrelated, vertically homogeneous columns. Expectations and variances obtained with this approach have been compared with observations of the field hydrological processes. Three important aspects of the hydrology in this lateritic terrain are rapid water-table response, Hortonian surface runoff generation and soil suction variability. The stochastic conceptualization used explains to a high degree these characteristics, although some limitations are demonstrated.  相似文献   


A procedure is presented for using the bivariate normal distribution to describe the joint distribution of storm peaks (maximum rainfall intensities) and amounts which are mutually correlated. The Box-Cox transformation method is used to normalize original marginal distributions of storm peaks and amounts regardless of the original forms of these distributions. The transformation parameter is estimated using the maximum likelihood method. The joint cumulative distribution function, the conditional cumulative distribution function, and the associated return periods can be readily obtained based on the bivariate normal distribution. The method is tested and validated using two rainfall data sets from two meteorological stations that are located in different climatic regions of Japan. The theoretical distributions show a good fit to observed ones.  相似文献   

Meteorological observations at high elevations in mountainous regions are often lacking. One opportunity to fill this data gap is through the use of downscaled output from weather reanalysis models. In this study, we tested the accuracy of downscaled output from the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) against high‐elevation surface observations at four ridgetop locations in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. NARR model output was downscaled to the surface observation locations through three‐dimensional interpolation for air temperature, vapour pressure and wind speed and two‐dimensional interpolation for radiation variables. Accuracy was tested at both the 3‐hourly and daily time scales. Air temperature displayed a high level of agreement, especially at the daily scale, with root mean square error (RMSE) values ranging from 0.98 to 1.21 °C across all sites. Vapour pressure downscaling accuracy was also quite high (RMSE of 0.06 to 0.11 hPa) but displayed some site specific bias. Although NARR overestimated wind speed, there were moderate to strong linear relations (r2 from 0.38 to 0.84 for daily means), suggesting that the NARR output could be used as an index and bias‐corrected. NARR output reproduced the seasonal cycle for incoming short‐wave radiation, with Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiencies ranging from 0.78 to 0.87, but accuracy suffered on days with cloud cover, resulting in a positive bias and RMSE ranged from 42 to 46 Wm? 2. Although fewer data were available, incoming long‐wave radiation from NARR had an RMSE of 19 Wm? 2 and outperformed common methods for estimating incoming long‐wave radiation. NARR air temperature showed potential to assist in hydrologic analysis and modelling during an atmospheric river storm event, which are characterized by warm and wet air masses with atypical vertical temperature gradients. The incorporation of a synthetic NARR air temperature station to better represent the higher freezing levels resulted in increased predicted peak flows, which better match the observed run‐off during the event. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Daily swath MODIS Terra Collection 6 fractional snow cover (MOD10_L2) estimates were validated with two‐day Landsat TM/ETM + snow‐covered area estimates across central Idaho and southwestern Montana, USA. Snow cover maps during spring snowmelt for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009 were compared between MODIS Terra and Landsat TM/ETM + using least‐squared regression. Strong spatial and temporal map agreement was found between MODIS Terra fractional snow cover and Landsat TM/ETM + snow‐covered area, although map disagreement was observed for two validation dates. High‐altitude cirrus cloud contamination during low snow conditions as well as late season transient snowfall resulted in map disagreement. MODIS Terra's spatial resolution limits retrieval of thin‐patchy snow cover, especially during partially cloudy conditions. Landsat's image acquisition frequency can introduce difficulty when discriminating between transient and resident mountain snow cover. Furthermore, transient snowfall later in the snowmelt season, which is a stochastic accumulation event that does not usually persist beyond the daily timescale, will skew decadal snow‐covered area variability if bi‐monthly climate data record development is the objective. As a quality control step, ground‐based daily snow telemetry snow‐water‐equivalent measurements can be used to verify transient snowfall events. Users of daily MODIS Terra fractional snow products should be aware that local solar illumination and sensor viewing geometry might influence fractional snow cover estimation in mountainous terrain. Cross‐sensor interoperability has been confirmed between MODIS Terra and Landsat TM/ETM + when mapping snow from the visible/infrared spectrum. This relationship is strong and supports operational multi‐sensor snow cover mapping, specifically climate data record development to expand cryosphere, climate, and hydrological science applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impacts of climate change on future water yield with associated uncertainties in a mountainous catchment in Australia using a multi‐model approach based on four global climate models (GCMs), 200 realisations (50 realisations from each GCM) of downscaled rainfalls, 2 hydrological models and 6 sets of model parameters. The ensemble projections by the GCMs showed that the mean annual rainfall is likely to reduce in the future decades by 2–5% in comparison with the current climate (1987–2012). The results of ensemble runoff projections indicated that the mean annual runoff would reduce in future decades by 35%. However, considerable uncertainty in the runoff estimates was found as the ensemble results project changes of the 5th (dry scenario) and 95th (wet scenario) percentiles by ?73% to +27%, ?73% to +12%, ?77% to +21% and ?80% to +24% in the decades of 2021–2030, 2031–2040, 2061–2070 and 2071–2080, respectively. Results of uncertainty estimation demonstrated that the choice of GCMs dominates overall uncertainty. Realisation uncertainty (arising from repetitive simulations for a given time step during downscaling of the GCM data to catchment scale) of the downscaled rainfall data was also found to be remarkably high. Uncertainty linked to the choice of hydrological models was found to be quite small in comparison with the GCM and realisation uncertainty. The hydrological model parameter uncertainty was found to be lowest among the sources of uncertainties considered in this study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》2006,316(1-4):71-83
Estimates of recharge to bedrock aquifers from infiltration of precipitation can be difficult to obtain, especially in areas with large spatial and temporal variability in precipitation. In the Black Hills area of western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming, streamflow yield is highly influenced by annual precipitation, with yield efficiency (annual yield divided by annual precipitation) increasing with increasing annual precipitation. Spatial variability in annual yield characteristics for Black Hills streams is predictably influenced by precipitation patterns. Relations between precipitation and yield efficiency were used to estimate annual recharge from long-term records of annual precipitation. A series of geographic information system algorithms was used to derive annual estimates for 1000- by 1000-m grid cells. These algorithms were composited to derive estimates of annual recharge rates to the Madison and Minnelusa aquifers in the Black Hills area of western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming during water years 1931–1998 and an estimate of average recharge for water years 1950–1998. This approach provides a systematic method of obtaining consistent and reproducible estimates of recharge from infiltration of precipitation. Resulting estimates of average annual recharge (water years 1950–1998) ranged from 1 cm in the southern Black Hills to 22 cm in the northwestern Black Hills. Recharge rates to these aquifers from infiltration of precipitation on outcrops was estimated to range from 0.9 m3/s in 1936 to 18.8 m3/s in 1995.  相似文献   

Soil loss, fluvial erosion, and sedimentation are major problems in semi‐arid environments due to the high associated costs of decreasing services such as provisioning and regulating water resources. The objective of this research is to analyse sediment yield in a mountainous semi‐arid basin, paying special attention to the sources of sediment, the associated uncertainties, and the transport processes involved. The segregation hypothesis along a reservoir of the sediment coming from hillslopes or fluvial systems is also evaluated. For this purpose, bottom‐set and deltaic deposits of a reservoir (110 hm3 ) in southern Spain have been measured and compared with basin erosion and fluvial transport monitoring over a 12‐year period. The volume of sediment stored at the bottomset of the reservoir shows a relative match with parametric predictions based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation/Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation hillslope models and rating curves, estimated as being between 7 and 13 t·ha?1·year?1. Similarly, the measured volume of deltaic deposit fits the average value of stochastic simulations from different bedload transport equations. These contributions represent 50–65% of the total volume measured regarding suspended sediment inputs, way above that described in previous works. This highlights the importance of considering bedload when estimating the useful life of reservoirs in semi‐arid environments. The major differences in sediment grain size between hillslopes and river systems, and the size fractions measured along the reservoir, support the assertion of segregation hypothesis. Nonetheless, based on the processes observed and the uncertainty related to modelling, that assertion has to be taken with caution. At basin scale, a specific sediment yield of between 19 and 24 t·ha?1·year?1 has been estimated, which includes hillslopes and fluvial contributions. This rate is in the range of sediment yield reported for Mediterranean mountain areas of a torrential character. The pulse‐like nature of the system and the spatial heterogeneity of fluvial and hillslope erosion rates points out the importance of considering mid to long‐term and process‐based approaches and emphasizes the limitations of annual estimations for management purposes.  相似文献   


This paper attempts to search for a suitable structure of a monthly water yield model applicable for seasonally snow-covered mountainous catchments located in a semiarid area. In this respect several model structures based on a soil water balance concept were compared. The main distinction between the different structures was made by the inclusion of either a linear or a nonlinear transformation element for the conversion of overland flow or baseflow into total runoff. A combined water balance model having two main elements, a soil storage element generating excess water, and a transformation element conceptualized by a linear storage-discharge relationship, was found to be the most accurate.  相似文献   

Water yield issues in the jarrah forest of south-western Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The jarrah forest of south-western Australia produces little streamflow from moderate rainfall. Water yield from water supply catchments for Perth, Western Australia, are low, averaging 71 mm (7% of annual rainfall). The low water yields are attributed to the large soil water storage available for continuous use by the forest vegetation. A number of water yield studies in south-western Australia have examined the impact on water yield of land use practices including clearing for agricultural development, forest harvesting and regeneration, forest thinning and bauxite mining. A permanent reduction in forest cover by clearing for agriculture led to permanent increases of water yield of approximately 28% of annual rainfall in a high rainfall catchment. Thinning of a high rainfall catchment led to an increase in water yield of 20% of annual rainfall. However, it is not clear for how long the increased water yield will persist. Forest harvesting and regeneration have led to water yield increases of 16% of annual rainfall. The subsequent recovery of vegetation cover has led to water yields returning to pre-disturbance levels after an estimated 12–15 years. Bauxite mining of a high rainfall catchment led to a water yield increase of 8% of annual rainfall, followed by a return to pre-disturbance water yield after 12 years. The magnitude of specific streamflow generation mechanisms in small catchments subject to forest disturbance vary considerably, typically in a number of distinct stages. The presence of a permanent groundwater discharge area was shown to be instrumental in determining the magnitude of the streamflow response after forest disturbance. The long-term prognosis for water yield from areas subject to forest thinning, harvesting and regeneration, and bauxite mining are uncertain, owing to the complex interrelationship between vegetation cover, tree height and age, and catchment evapotranspiration. Management of the forest for water yield needs to acknowledge this complexity and evaluate forest management strategies both at the large catchment scale and at long time-scales. The extensive network of small catchment experiments, regional studies, process studies and catchment modelling at both the small and large scale, which are carried out in the jarrah forest, are all considered as integral components of the research to develop these management strategies to optimise water yield from the jarrah forest, without forfeiting other forest values.  相似文献   


The method of L-moment ratio diagrams and the average weighted distance (AWD) are used to determine the probability distribution type of annual, seasonal and monthly precipitation in Japan. For annual precipitation, the log-Pearson type III (LP3) distribution provides the best fit to the observations with the generalized-extreme value (GEV), three-parameter lognormal (LN3) and Pearson type III (P3) distributions as potential alternatives. For seasonal precipitation, the P3 distribution shows the best fit to the observations of spring precipitation; the LP3 the best fit for summer and winter precipitation; and the LN3 the best fit for autumn precipitation with the LP3 as a potential alternative. For monthly precipitation, the P3 distribution fits the precipitation best for January, February, March, May, July, October and December; the LP3 for June; and the LN3 for April, August, September and November. The identified probability distribution types of annual, seasonal and monthly precipitation are basically consistent. Overall, the P3 and LP3 distributions are acceptable distribution types for representing statistics of precipitation in Japan with the LN3 distribution as a potential alternative.  相似文献   

One active stalagmite from the Water Cave in Liaoning Province contains growth layers of three sizes. Based on thermal ionization mass spectrometry 230Th dating, we found that middle size layers are annual layers, with each middle layer consisting of one narrow dark layer and a wide bright layer. The small layers within middle layers are sub-annual layers and the large layers are multi-year layers. Based on the layer-counting method, we established a high-resolution time scale for layer thickness. Our results reveal two dramatic century-scale climate cycles over the past 1000 years in this region.  相似文献   

A feedback mechanism in annual rainfall, Central Sudan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annual rainfall in many parts of the world is an independent process. Yet annual rainfall series in some regions of Africa show characteristics incompatible with such an hypothesis.

The annual rainfall process in Central Sudan is weakly dependent. The hypothesis that the dependence is due to a “feedback mechanism” is investigated using a mathematical model based on the water balance of the neighbouring region, Bahr Elghazal.  相似文献   

The simultaneous transfer of pore fluid and vapour was studied in the unsaturated shallow subsurface of a Plio-Pleistocene marine mudstone badland slope in southwestern Taiwan during the dry season using field monitoring data and numerical simulations. Data from field monitoring show mass-basis water contents of ~0.05 to ~0.10 that decrease towards the unsaturated ground surface and were invariant during the middle part of the dry season, except for daily fluctuations. In addition, the observed daily fluctuations in water content correlate with fluctuations in bedrock temperature, especially at depths of 2.5–5.0 cm. Periodic increases in water content occurred most notably during the day, when the bedrock temperature showed the greatest increase. Water contents then decreased to the previous state as bedrock temperature decreased during the night. Calculated vapour fluxes within the mudstone during the day increased up to 6 × 10−6–1 × 10−5 kg m−2 s−1, deriving a 0.01–0.02 increase in mass-basis water content at 2.5 cm depth for a 12-h period. This agrees with field monitoring data, suggesting that increases in water content occurred due to vapour intrusions into the bedrock. Pore water electrical conductivity (EC) showed periodic variations due to vapour intrusion, and gradually increased between the ground surface and depths of 2.5–5.0 cm. In contrast, pore water EC gradually decreased between 15 and 40 cm depth. Calculated water fluxes at depths of 2.5–40.0 cm varied from −4 × 10−6 to −2 × 10−9 kg m−2 s−1. These fluxes generated an increase in solute concentrations at the ground surface, with negative values of water flux indicating an upwards movement of water towards the surface. We show that the increase in solute content due to solute transfer from depth is highly dependent on variations in water flux with depth. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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