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Abstract— We have used data from the Clementine and Lunar Prospector spacecraft in conjunction with reflectance spectra collected with Earth‐based telescopes to study the geology of the Hadley‐Apennine portion of the lunar Imbrium basin. The Apennine Mountains and the Imbrium backslope are composed of Imbrium basin ejecta with a noritic or anorthositic norite composition. We find that the two major facies of Imbrium ejecta, the Apenninus material and the Alpes Formation, differ in iron and titanium content. “Pure” anorthosite has tentatively been identified in the ejecta of the crater Conon, based on low‐iron content. A difference in Th and rare earth element (REE) abundance between the northeast Apennine Mountains (lower) and the southwest Apennines (higher) is noted. Pyroclastic deposits are common in the region and are dominated by mare basalt material, probably plug rock ejected in vulcanian eruptions. The Apennine Bench Formation, which is likely to be a deposit of non‐mare volcanic material, has an Fe, Ti and Th composition consistent with that of Apollo 15 KREEP basalt samples thought to be fragments of the Bench. Aristillus crater is a Th and REE hot spot, and the stratigraphy of the impact target site has been reconstructed from knowledge of the composition of the crater interior and exterior deposits. We infer that the target consisted of highland basement, KREEP plutonics and volcanics, and both high‐ and low‐Ti mare basalt.  相似文献   

Returned lunar KREEP basalts originated through impact processes or endogenous melting of the lunar interior. Various methods have been used to distinguish between these two origins, with varying degrees of success. Apollo 15 KREEP basalts are generally considered to be endogenous melts of the lunar interior. For example, sample 15434,181 is reported to have formed by a two‐stage cooling process, with large orthopyroxene (Opx) phenocrysts forming first and eventually cocrystalizing with smaller plagioclase crystals. However, major and trace element analyses of Opx and plagioclase coupled with calculated equilibrium liquids are inconsistent with the large orthopyroxenes being a phenocryst phase. Equilibrium liquid rare earth element (REE) profiles are enriched relative to the whole rock (WR) composition, inconsistent with Opx being an early crystallizing phase, and these are distinct from the plagioclase REE equilibrium liquids. Fractional crystallization modeling using the Opx equilibrium liquids as a parental composition cannot reproduce the WR values even with crystallization of late‐stage phosphates and zircon. This work concludes that instead of being a phenocryst phase, the large Opx crystals are actually xenocrysts that were subsequently affected by pyroxene overgrowths that formed intergrowths with cocrystallizing plagioclase.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 4898 is the only low‐Ti, high‐Al basaltic lunar meteorite yet recognized. It predominantly consists of pyroxene (53.8 vol%) and plagioclase (38.6 vol%). Pyroxene has a wide range of compositions (En12–62Fs25–62Wo11–36), which display a continuous trend from Mg‐rich cores toward Ca‐rich mantles and then to Fe‐rich rims. Plagioclase has relatively restricted compositions (An87–96Or0–1Ab4–13), and was transformed to maskelynite. The REE zoning of all silicate minerals was not significantly modified by shock metamorphism and weathering. Relatively large (up to 1 mm) olivine phenocrysts have homogenous inner parts with Fo ~74 and sharply decrease to 64 within the thin out rims (~30 μm in width). Four types of inclusions with a variety of textures and modal mineralogy were identified in olivine phenocrysts. The contrasting morphologies of these inclusions and the chemical zoning of olivine phenocrysts suggest NWA 4898 underwent at least two stages of crystallization. The aluminous chromite in NWA 4898 reveals that its high alumina character was inherited from the parental magma, rather than by fractional crystallization. The mineral chemistry and major element compositions of NWA 4898 are different from those of 12038 and Luna 16 basalts, but resemble those of Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts. However, the trace element compositions demonstrate that NWA 4898 and Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts could not have been derived from the same mantle source. REE compositions of its parental magma indicate that NWA 4898 probably originated from a unique depleted mantle source that has not been sampled yet. Unlike Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts, which assimilated KREEPy materials during their formation, NWA 4898 could have formed by closed‐system fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Abstract— Melting models indicate that the composition and abundance of olivine systematically co‐vary and are therefore excellent petrologic indicators. However, heliocentric distance, and thus surface temperature, has a significant effect on the spectra of olivine‐rich asteroids. We show that composition and temperature complexly interact spectrally, and must be simultaneously taken into account in order to infer olivine composition accurately. We find that most (7/9) of the olivine‐dominated asteroids are magnesian and thus likely sampled mantles differentiated from ordinary chondrite sources (e.g., pallasites). However, two other olivine‐rich asteroids (289 Nenetta and 246 Asporina) are found to be more ferroan. Melting models show that partial melting cannot produce olivine‐rich residues that are more ferroan than the chondrite precursor from which they formed. Thus, even moderately ferroan olivine must have non‐ordinary chondrite origins, and therefore likely originate from oxidized R chondrites or melts thereof, which reflect variations in nebular composition within the asteroid belt. This is consistent with the meteoritic record in which R chondrites and brachinites are rare relative to pallasites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Frontier Mountain (FRO) 93001 meteorite is a 4.86 g fragment of an unshocked, medium‐ to coarse‐grained rock from the acapulcoite‐lodranite (AL) parent body. It consists of anhedral orthoenstatite (Fs13.3 ± 0.4Wo3.1 ± 0.2), augite (Fs6.1 ± 0.7Wo42.3 ± 0.9; Cr2O3 = 1.54 ± 0.03), and oligoclase (Ab80.5 ± 3.3Or3.1 ± 0.6) up to >1 cm in size enclosing polycrystalline aggregates of fine‐grained olivine (average grain size: 460 ± 210 μm) showing granoblastic textures, often associated with Fe,Ni metal, troilite, chromite (cr# = 0.91 ± 0.03; fe# = 0.62 ± 0.04), schreibersite, and phosphates. Such aggregates appear to have been corroded by a melt. They are interpreted as lodranitic xenoliths. After the igneous (the term “igneous” is used here strictly to describe rocks or minerals that solidified from molten material) lithology intruding an acapulcoite host in Lewis Cliff (LEW) 86220, FRO 93001 is the second‐known silicate‐rich melt from the AL parent asteroid. Despite some similarities, the silicate igneous component of FRO 93001 (i.e., the pyroxene‐plagioclase mineral assemblage) differs in being coarser‐grained and containing abundant enstatite. Melting‐crystallization modeling suggests that FRO 93001 formed through high‐degree partial melting (≥35 wt%; namely, ≥15 wt% silicate melting and ?20 wt% metal melting) of an acapulcoitic source rock, or its chondritic precursor, at temperatures ≥1200 °C, under reducing conditions. The resulting magnesium‐rich silicate melt then underwent equilibrium crystallization; prior to complete crystallization at ?1040 °C, it incorporated lodranitic xenoliths. FRO 93001 is the highest‐temperature melt from the AL parent‐body so far available in laboratory. The fact that FRO 93001 could form by partial melting and crystallization under equilibrium conditions, coupled with the lack of quench‐textures and evidence for shock deformation in the xenoliths, suggests that FRO 93001 is a magmatic rock produced by endogenic heating rather than impact melting.  相似文献   

Abstract— D'Orbigny is an exceptional angrite. Chemically, it resembles other angrites such as Asuka‐881371, Sahara 99555, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 87051, and LEW 86010, but its structure and texture are peculiar. It has a compact and porous lithology, abundant glasses, augite‐bearing druses, and chemical and mineralogical properties that are highly unusual for igneous rocks. Our previous studies led us to a new view on angrites: they can possibly be considered as CAIs that grew to larger sizes than the ones we know from carbonaceous chondrites. Thus, angrites may bear a record of rare and special conditions in some part of the early solar nebula. Here we report trace element contents of D'Orbigny phases. Trace element data were obtained from both the porous and the compact part of this meteorite. We have confronted our results with the popular igneous genetic model. According to this model, if all phases of D'Orbigny crystallized from the same system, as an igneous origin implies, a record of this genesis should be expressed in the distribution of trace elements among early and late phases. Our results show that the trace element distribution of the two contemporaneous phases olivine and plagioclase, which form the backbone of the rock, seem to require liquids of different composition. Abundances of highly incompatible elements in all olivines, including the megacrysts, indicate disequilibrium with the bulk rock and suggest liquids very rich in these elements (>10,000 x CI), which is much richer than any fractional crystallization could possibly produce. In addition, trace element contents of late phases are incompatible with formation from the bulk system's residual melt. These results add additional severe constraints to the many conflicts that existed previously between an igneous model for the origin of angrites and the mineralogical and chemical observations. This new trace element content data, reported here, corroborate our previous results based on the shape, structure, mineralogy, chemical, and isotopic data of the whole meteorite, as well as on a petrographic and chemical composition study of all types of glasses and give strength to a new genetic model that postulates that D'Orbigny (and possibly all angrites) could have formed in the solar nebula under changing redox conditions, more akin to chondritic constituents (e.g., CAIs) than to planetary differentiated rock.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three types of glass‐bearing inclusions are present in olivine and chromite of the Chassigny achondrite: pure glass, monocrystal (glass plus a single mineral grain), and multiphase (glass plus a variety of minerals) inclusions. The occurrence, texture, and mineralogy of these inclusions and the chemical composition of the glass suggest an origin by heterogeneous trapping of these phases. The glass is rich in SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, K2O; and poor in MgO, FeO, and CaO; and contains appreciable amounts of Cl. The compositional variability of the glass is independent of the mineral content of the inclusions. Heating experiments with final temperatures of 900, 1000, and 1200 °C were performed with Chassigny inclusions for the first time. The glass of the heated inclusions has a chemical composition similar to that of unheated inclusions. This situation suggests that the glass cannot be a residual melt but rather is an independent component that was trapped with or without mineral phases. The extreme heterogeneity in alkali contents, and in particular Rb and Sr contents, also suggests precipitation and mixing of solid precursors. The most Rb‐rich glasses have near‐chondritic Rb/Sr ratios, possibly indicating a chondritic source for their precursor(s). None of the inclusions contain bubbles like those of typical melt inclusions in terrestrial igneous minerals. Furthermore, many inclusions are at the center of radial cracks in the host olivine, which indicates development of an overpressure within the inclusions at some time. A volume increase of the inclusions could have been achieved by differential thermal expansion of the content of the inclusion during a heating event. That mechanism requires bubble‐free and solid preheating inclusion contents. These features are incompatible with an origin of the inclusions by trapping of a silicate melt and point toward heterogeneous trapping of solid phases. The first N analyses performed in Chassigny glass‐bearing inclusions by nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) revealed high and variable N contents of the glass, which suggests trapping of a solid precursor (presumably at relatively low temperatures) from a fluid rather than a melt. In conclusion, the glass‐bearing inclusions in Chassigny olivine are not residuals after a closed‐system evolution of a trapped melt, but rather heterogeneously trapped precipitates of a fluid that existed during formation of Chassigny constituents. Consequently, it is very unlikely that the host olivine has an igneous origin.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Opportunity rover of the Mars Exploration Rover mission encountered an isolated rock fragment with textural, mineralogical, and chemical properties similar to basaltic shergottites. This finding was confirmed by all rover instruments, and a comprehensive study of these results is reported here. Spectra from the miniature thermal emission spectrometer and the Panoramic Camera reveal a pyroxene‐rich mineralogy, which is also evident in Mössbauer spectra and in normative mineralogy derived from bulk chemistry measured by the alpha particle X‐ray spectrometer. The correspondence of Bounce Rock’s chemical composition with the composition of certain basaltic shergottites, especially Elephant Moraine (EET) 79001 lithology B and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201, is very close, with only Cl, Fe, and Ti exhibiting deviations. Chemical analyses further demonstrate characteristics typical of Mars such as the Fe/Mn ratio and P concentrations. Possible shock features support the idea that Bounce Rock was ejected from an impact crater, most likely in the Meridiani Planum region. Bopolu crater, 19.3 km in diameter, located 75 km to the southwest could be the source crater. To date, no other rocks of this composition have been encountered by any of the rovers on Mars. The finding of Bounce Rock by the Opportunity rover provides further direct evidence for an origin of basaltic shergottite meteorites from Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— Our analyses of high quality spectra of several S‐type asteroids (17 Thetis, 847 Agnia, 808 Merxia, and members of the Agnia and Merxia families) reveal that they include both low‐ and high‐calcium pyroxene with minor amounts of olivine (<20%). In addition, we find that these asteroids have ratios of high‐calcium pyroxene to total pyroxene of >~0.4. High‐calcium pyroxene is a spectrally detectable and petrologically important indicator of igneous history and may prove critical in future studies aimed at understanding the history of asteroidal bodies. The silicate mineralogy inferred for Thetis and the Merxia and Agnia family members requires that these asteroids experienced igneous differentiation, producing broadly basaltic surface lithologies. Together with 4 Vesta (and its smaller “Vestoid” family members) and the main‐belt asteroid 1489 Magnya, these new asteroids provide strong evidence for igneous differentiation of at least five asteroid parent bodies. Based on this analysis of a small subset of the near‐infrared asteroid spectra taken to date with SpeX at the NASA IRTF, we expect that the number of known differentiated asteroids will increase, consistent with the large number of parent bodies inferred from studies of iron meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Found during the 2004 U.S. Antarctic Search for Meteorites season, LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 04841 represents an addition to the LaPaz lunar basalts suite and brings the total mass collected to 1.93 kg. The presence of FeNi grains, troilite, and the anorthositic composition of plagioclase are evidence for the lunar origin of this meteorite. Pyroxene and olivine Mn/Fe values plot along the trend set for lunar basalts. Analyses of chromite grains provide a V/(Al + Cr) ratio of 1.33 ± 13, translating to an fO2 one log unit below the IW buffer, in accordance with previous fO2 estimates for lunar basalts. Application of the Zr‐cooling speedometer, for ilmenite and ulvöspinel pairs, gives a cooling rate of 5.2 °C/day, matching previous estimates of cooling rates for the LaPaz lunar meteorites and Apollo mare basalts. Mineral modes and chemistries, as well as trace‐element patterns, provide compelling evidence for pairing of this meteorite to others in the LaPaz lunar basalt suite.  相似文献   

Abstract– Analyses by the Mars Exploration Rover (MER), Spirit, of Martian basalts from Gusev crater show that they are chemically very different from terrestrial basalts, being characterized in particular by high Mg‐ and Fe‐contents. To provide suitable analog basalts for the International Space Analogue Rockstore (ISAR), a collection of analog rocks and minerals for preparing in situ space missions, especially, the upcoming Mars mission MSL‐2011 and the future international Mars‐2018 mission, it is necessary to synthesize Martian basalts. The aim of this study was therefore to synthesize Martian basalt analogs to the Gusev crater basalts, based on the geochemical data from the MER rover Spirit. We present the results of two experiments, one producing a quench‐cooled basalt (<1 h) and one producing a more slowly cooled basalt (1 day). Pyroxene and olivine textures produced in the more slowly cooled basalt were surprisingly similar to spinifex textures in komatiites, a volcanic rock type very common on the early Earth. These kinds of ultramafic rocks and their associated alteration products may have important astrobiological implications when associated with aqueous environments. Such rocks could provide habitats for chemolithotrophic microorganisms, while the glass and phyllosilicate derivatives can fix organic compounds.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have carried out a detailed petrographic, mineralogical, and trace element study of Northwest Africa (NWA) 011. This meteorite bears many similarities to the eucrites it was initially identified with, although oxygen isotopic compositions rule out a genetic relationship. Like many eucrites, NWA 011 crystallized from a source with approximately chondritic proportions of REE, although a slightly LREE‐enriched bulk composition with a small positive Eu anomaly, as well as highly fractionated Fe/Mg ratios and depleted Sc abundances (Korotchantseva et al. 2003), suggest that the NWA 011 source experienced some pyroxene and/or olivine fractionation. Thermal metamorphism resulted in homogenization of REE abundances within grains, but NWA 011 did not experience the intergrain REE redistribution seen in some highly metamorphosed eucrites. Despite a similarity in oxygen isotopic compositions, NWA 011 does not represent a basaltic partial melt from the acapulcoite/lodranite parent body. The material from which NWA 011 originated may have been like some CH or CB chondrites, members of the CR chondrite clan, which are all related through oxygen isotopic compositions. The NWA 011 parent body is probably of asteroidal origin, possibly the basaltic asteroid 1459 Magnya.  相似文献   

The bulk matrix domain of the Martian breccia NWA 7034 was examined petrographically and isotopically to better understand the provenance and age of the source material that make up the breccia. Both 147Sm‐143Nd and 146Sm‐142Nd age results for mineral separates from the bulk matrix portion of breccia NWA 7034 suggest that various lithological components in the breccia probably formed contemporaneously ~4.44 Ga ago. This old age is in excellent agreement with the upper intersection ages (4.35–4.45 Ga) for U‐Pb discordia and also concordia defined by zircon and baddeleyite grains in matrix and igneous‐textured clasts. Consequently, we confirm an ancient age for the igneous components that make up the NWA 7034 breccia. Substantial disturbance in the Rb‐Sr system was detected, and no age significance could be gleaned from our Rb‐Sr data. The disturbance to the Rb‐Sr system may be due to a thermal event recorded by bulk‐rock K‐Ar ages of 1.56 Ga and U‐Pb ages of phosphates at about 1.35–1.5 Ga, which suggest partial resetting from an unknown thermal event(s), possibly accompanying breccia formation. The NWA 7034 bulk rock is LREE enriched and similar to KREEP‐rich lunar rocks, which indicates that the earliest Martian crust was geochemically enriched. This enrichment supports the idea that the crust is one of the enriched geochemical reservoirs on Mars that have been detected in studies of other Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Using chemical and petrologic evidence and modeling, we deduce that two chondrule‐like particles named Iris and Callie, from Stardust cometary track C2052,12,74, formed in an environment very similar to that seen for type II chondrules in meteorites. Iris was heated near liquidus, equilibrated, and cooled at ≤100 °C h‐1 and within ≈2 log units of the IW buffer with a high partial pressure of Na such as would be present with dust enrichments of ≈103. There was no detectable metamorphic, nebular, or aqueous alteration. In previous work, Ogliore et al. (2012) reported that Iris formed late, >3 Myr after CAIs, assuming 26Al was homogenously distributed, and was rich in heavy oxygen. Iris may be similar to assemblages found only in interplanetary dust particles and Stardust cometary samples called Kool particles. Callie is chemically and isotopically very similar, but not identical to Iris.  相似文献   

The Sun is the only star for which individual surface features can be observed directly. For other stars, the properties of starspots, stellar rotation, stellar flares, etc, are derived indirectly via variation of star‐integrated spectral line profiles or their luminosity measurements. Solar disk‐integrated and disk‐resolved observations allow for investigations of the contribution of individual solar disk features to sun‐as‐a‐star spectra. Here, we provide a brief overview of three sun‐as‐a‐star programs, currently in operation, and describe recent improvements in observations and data reduction for the Integrated Sunlight Spectrometer (ISS), one of three instruments comprising the Synoptic Optical Long‐term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) system. Next, we discuss studies employing sun‐as‐a‐star observations (including Ca II K line as proxy for total unsigned magnetic flux and 2800 MHz radio flux) as well as the effects of flares on solar disk‐integrated spectra. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— The outer portions of many type I chondrules (Fa and Fs <5 mol%) in CR chondrites (except Renazzo and Al Rais) consist of silica‐rich igneous rims (SIRs). The host chondrules are often layered and have a porphyritic core surrounded by a coarse‐grained igneous rim rich in low‐Ca pyroxene. The SIRs are sulfide‐free and consist of igneously‐zoned low‐Ca and high‐Ca pyroxenes, glassy mesostasis, Fe, Ni‐metal nodules, and a nearly pure SiO2 phase. The high‐Ca pyroxenes in these rims are enriched in Cr (up to 3.5 wt% Cr2O3) and Mn (up to 4.4 wt% MnO) and depleted in Al and Ti relative to those in the host chondrules, and contain detectable Na (up to 0.2 wt% Na2O). Mesostases show systematic compositional variations: Si, Na, K, and Mn contents increase, whereas Ca, Mg, Al, and Cr contents decrease from chondrule core, through pyroxene‐rich igneous rim (PIR), and to SIR; FeO content remains nearly constant. Glass melt inclusions in olivine phenocrysts in the chondrule cores have high Ca and Al, and low Si, with Na, K, and Mn contents that are below electron microprobe detection limits. Fe, Ni‐metal grains in SIRs are depleted in Ni and Co relative to those in the host chondrules. The presence of sulfide‐free, SIRs around sulfide‐free type I chondrules in CR chondrites may indicate that these chondrules formed at high (>800 K) ambient nebular temperatures and escaped remelting at lower ambient temperatures. We suggest that these rims formed either by gas‐solid condensation of silica‐normative materials onto chondrule surfaces and subsequent incomplete melting, or by direct SiO(gas) condensation into chondrule melts. In either case, the condensation occurred from a fractionated, nebular gas enriched in Si, Na, K, Mn, and Cr relative to Mg. The fractionation of these lithophile elements could be due to isolation (in the chondrules) of the higher temperature condensates from reaction with the nebular gas or to evaporation‐recondensation of these elements during chondrule formation. These mechanisms and the observed increase in pyroxene/olivine ratio toward the peripheries of most type I chondrules in CR, CV, and ordinary chondrites may explain the origin of olivine‐rich and pyroxene‐rich chondrules in general.  相似文献   

Abstract— Several solar gas rich lunar soils and breccias have trapped 40Ar/36Ar ratios >10, although solar Ar is expected to yield a ratio of <0.01. Radiogenic 40Ar produced in the lunar crust from 40K decay was outgassed into the lunar atmosphere, ionized, accelerated in the electromagnetic field of the solar wind, and reimplanted into lunar surface material. The 40Ar loss rate depends on the decreasing abundance of 40K. In order to calibrate the time dependence of the 40Ar/36Ar ratio in lunar surface material, the period of reimplantation of lunar atmospheric ions and of solar wind Ar was determined using the 235U‐136Xe dating method that relies on secondary cosmic‐ray neutron‐induced fission of 235U. We identified the trapped, fissiogenic, and cosmogenic noble gases in lunar breccia 14307 and lunar soils 70001‐8, 70181, 74261, and 75081. Uranium and Th concentrations were determined in the 74261 soil for which we obtain the 235U‐136Xe time of implantation of 3.25+0.38‐0.60 Ga ago. On the basis of several cosmogenic noble gas signatures we calculate the duration of this near surface exposure of 393 ± 45 Ma and an average shielding depth below the lunar surface of 73 ± 7 g/cm2. A second, recent exposure to solar and cosmic‐ray particles occurred after this soil was excavated from Shorty crater 17.2 ± 1.4 Ma ago. Using a compilation of all lunar data with reliable trapped Ar isotopic ratios and pre‐exposure times we infer a calibration curve of implantation times, based on the trapped40 Ar/36Ar ratio. A possible trend for the increase with time of the solar 3He/4He and 20Ne/22Ne ratios of about 12%/Ga and about 2%/Ga, respectively, is also discussed.  相似文献   

The disciplines of asteroseismology and extrasolar planet science overlap methodically in the branch of high‐precision photometric time series observations. Light curves are, amongst others, useful to measure intrinsic stellar variability due to oscillations, as well as to discover and characterize those extrasolar planets that transit in front of their host stars, periodically causing shallow dips in the observed brightness. Both fields ultimately derive fundamental parameters of stellar and planetary objects, allowing to study for example the physics of various classes of pulsating stars, or the variety of planetary systems, in the overall context of stellar and planetary system formation and evolution. Both methods typically also require extensive spectroscopic follow‐up to fully explore the dynamic characteristics of the processes under investigation. In particularly interesting cases, a combination of observed pulsations and signatures of a planet allows to characterize a system's components to a very high degree of completeness by combining complementary information. The planning of the relevant space missions has consequently converged with respect to science cases, where at the outset there was primarily a coincidence in instrumentation and techniques. Whether space‐ or ground‐based, a specific type of stellar pulsations can themselves be used in an innovative way to search for extrasolar planets. Results from this additional method at the interface of stellar pulsation studies and exoplanet hunts in a beyond‐mainstream area are presented (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The X‐shooter data reduction pipeline is an integral part of the X‐shooter project, it allows the production of reduced data in physical quantities from the raw data produced by the instrument. The pipeline is based on the data reduction library developed by the X‐shooter consortium with contributions from France, The Netherlands and ESO and it uses the Common Pipeline Library (CPL) developed at ESO. The pipeline has been developed for two main functions. The first function is to monitor the operation of the instrument through the reduction of the acquired data, both at Paranal, for a quick‐look control, and in Garching, for a more thorough evaluation. The second function is to allow an optimized data reduction for a scientific user. In the following I will first outline the main steps of data reduction with the pipeline then I will briefly show two examples of optimization of the results for science reduction (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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