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A modified version of the MODFLOW/MT3DMS‐based reactive transport model PHT3D was developed to extend current reactive transport capabilities to the variably‐saturated component of the subsurface system and incorporate diffusive reactive transport of gaseous species. Referred to as PHT3D‐UZF, this code incorporates flux terms calculated by MODFLOW's unsaturated‐zone flow (UZF1) package. A volume‐averaged approach similar to the method used in UZF‐MT3DMS was adopted. The PHREEQC‐based computation of chemical processes within PHT3D‐UZF in combination with the analytical solution method of UZF1 allows for comprehensive reactive transport investigations (i.e., biogeochemical transformations) that jointly involve saturated and unsaturated zone processes. Intended for regional‐scale applications, UZF1 simulates downward‐only flux within the unsaturated zone. The model was tested by comparing simulation results with those of existing numerical models. The comparison was performed for several benchmark problems that cover a range of important hydrological and reactive transport processes. A 2D simulation scenario was defined to illustrate the geochemical evolution following dewatering in a sandy acid sulfate soil environment. Other potential applications include the simulation of biogeochemical processes in variably‐saturated systems that track the transport and fate of agricultural pollutants, nutrients, natural and xenobiotic organic compounds and micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, as well as the evolution of isotope patterns.  相似文献   

Arsenic is a well‐known groundwater contaminant that causes toxicological and carcinogenic effects in humans. Predicting the transport of arsenic in the subsurface is often problematic because of its complex sorption characteristics. Numerous researchers have reported that arsenic sorption on soil material is initially fast and then subsequently slow. A dual‐site numerical sorption model was previously developed to describe arsenic desorption from arsenic‐contaminated soils in batch experiments in terms of two different release mechanisms. Experiments involving synthetic acid rain leaching of four arsenic‐contaminated soil columns were performed to verify the dual‐site numerical sorption model in the context of one‐dimensional vertical transport. The fitted models successfully simulated the signature long tailings and the two‐stage arsenic leaching patterns for all four soil columns. The dual‐site sorption model was incorporated within the general solute transport simulation code Modular Three‐Dimensional Multispecies (MT3DMS), version 5.10. The resulting version was named MT3DDS and is available for public access. This experimental study has shown that MT3DDS is capable of simulating phase redistribution during transport, and thus provides a new numerical tool for simulating arsenic transport in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Crushed recycled glass was evaluated as an alternative to silica sand in dual‐media filters. Pilot scale inline filtration experiments were carried out using raw waters from three different water sources with turbidities between 6.0 and 14.0 NTU. Two physically identical filter columns were operated in parallel in the experiments. One filter consisted of 62.5 cm silica sand and 41.5 cm anthracite coal, whereas the other filter contained 62.5 cm crushed recycled glass plus 41.5 cm anthracite coal. The total bed depth was 104 cm for both filters. The properties of the media were as follows: Glass effective size = 0.77 mm, uniformity coefficient = 1.41. Sand effective size = 0.79 mm, uniformity coefficient = 1.33. Coal effective size = 1.45 mm, uniformity coefficient = 1.39. Experiments were repeated five times as follows: (i) Without the use of a coagulant, (ii–iii) with 5 and 10 mg/L of alum, and (iv–v) with 5 and 10 mg/L of ferric chloride. The filtration rate used was 11.5 m/h. Turbidity, particle counts, and head losses were measured and compared as functions of time. The following were observed: (i) Effluent turbidities and particle counts of the two filters were very close, i.e., essentially the same effluent quality was obtained when crushed glass was used instead of silica sand. (ii) In the majority of the tests, the filter with crushed glass generated both a smaller clean‐bed head loss and smaller clogging head losses than those of the filter containing sand. It is concluded that crushed glass may be a good alternative to silica sand in dual‐media filtration.  相似文献   

In this work a coupling method for the characterisation of colloid‐mediated transport of the metal(loid) species in porous media was developed. For this transport experiments quartz sand was used as column packing material and the synthetic three‐layer clay mineral laponite as model colloid. The determination of colloids was conducted by means of UV detection. The quantification of the metal(loid) ions was carried out in two different ways: (1) The fractions collected at the column outlet were analysed with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP‐MS) (offline measurements); (2) the column system was directly coupled with ICP‐MS (online measurements). In the column experiments the influence of laponite colloids on the transport of Cu, Pb, Zn, Pt and As species was investigated. In the offline experiments as a consequence of dilution during sample preparation no metal(loid) species at the column outlet could be found. Unlike this the breakthrough of all metal(loid)s could be detected under the same experimental column conditions in the coupling experiments. This coupling technique offers the online detection of the metal species and colloidal particles with high resolution even at low concentrations and without any time‐consuming preparation. The coupling experiments have shown that the laponite particles accelerate the transport of the cationic metals. For anionic metal(loid) species no influence of laponite on their transport behaviour was found.  相似文献   

Salt water intrusion models are commonly used to support groundwater resource management in coastal aquifers. Concentration data used for model calibration are often sparse and limited in spatial extent. With airborne and ground‐based electromagnetic surveys, electrical resistivity models can be obtained to provide high‐resolution three‐dimensional models of subsurface resistivity variations that can be related to geology and salt concentrations on a regional scale. Several previous studies have calibrated salt water intrusion models with geophysical data, but are typically limited to the use of the inverted electrical resistivity models without considering the measured geophysical data directly. This induces a number of errors related to inconsistent scales between the geophysical and hydrologic models and the applied regularization constraints in the geophysical inversion. To overcome these errors, we perform a coupled hydrogeophysical inversion (CHI) in which we use a salt water intrusion model to interpret the geophysical data and guide the geophysical inversion. We refer to this methodology as a Coupled Hydrogeophysical Inversion‐State (CHI‐S), in which simulated salt concentrations are transformed to an electrical resistivity model, after which a geophysical forward response is calculated and compared with the measured geophysical data. This approach was applied for a field site in Santa Cruz County, California, where a time‐domain electromagnetic (TDEM) dataset was collected. For this location, a simple two‐dimensional cross‐sectional salt water intrusion model was developed, for which we estimated five uniform aquifer properties, incorporating the porosity that was also part of the employed petrophysical relationship. In addition, one geophysical parameter was estimated. The six parameters could be resolved well by fitting more than 300 apparent resistivities that were comprised by the TDEM dataset. Except for three sounding locations, all the TDEM data could be fitted close to a root‐mean‐square error of 1. Possible explanations for the poor fit of these soundings are the assumption of spatial uniformity, fixed boundary conditions and the neglecting of 3D effects in the groundwater model and the TDEM forward responses.  相似文献   

In many practical applications, the rates for ground water recharge and discharge are determined based on the analytical solution developed by Bredehoeft and Papadopulos (1965) to the one‐dimensional steady‐state heat transport equation. Groundwater flow processes are affected by the heterogeneity of subsurface systems; yet, the details of which cannot be anticipated precisely. There exists a great deal of uncertainty (variability) associated with the application of Bredehoeft and Papadopulos' solution (1965) to the field‐scale heat transport problems. However, the quantification of uncertainty involved in such application has so far not been addressed, which is the objective of this wok. In addition, the influence of the statistical properties of log hydraulic conductivity field on the variability in temperature field in a heterogeneous aquifer is also investigated. The results of the analysis demonstrate that the variability (or uncertainty) in the temperature field increases with the correlation scale of the log hydraulic conductivity covariance function and the variability of temperature field also depends positively on the position.  相似文献   

This paper explores the notion of detailing reinforced concrete structural walls to develop base and mid‐height plastic hinges to better control the seismic response of tall cantilever wall buildings to strong shaking. This concept, termed here dual‐plastic hinge (DPH) concept, is used to reduce the effects of higher modes of response in high‐rise buildings. Higher modes can significantly increase the flexural demands in tall cantilever wall buildings. Lumped‐mass Euler–Bernoulli cantilevers are used to model the case‐study buildings examined in this paper. Buildings with 10, 20 and 40 stories are designed according to three different approaches: ACI‐318, Eurocode 8 and the proposed DPH concept. The buildings are designed and subjected to three‐specific historical strong near‐fault ground motions. The investigation clearly shows the dual‐hinge design concept is effective at reducing the effects of the second mode of response. An advantage of the concept is that, when combined with capacity design, it can result in relaxation of special reinforcing detailing in large portions of the walls. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A crude‐oil spill occurred in 1979 when a pipeline burst near Bemidji, MN. In 1998, the pipeline company installed a dual‐pump recovery system designed to remove crude oil remaining in the subsurface at the site. The remediation from 1999 to 2003 resulted in removal of about 115,000 L of crude oil, representing between 36% and 41% of the volume of oil (280,000 to 316,000 L) estimated to be present in 1998. Effects of the 1999 to 2003 remediation on the dissolved plume were evaluated using measurements of oil thicknesses in wells plus measurements of dissolved oxygen in groundwater. Although the recovery system decreased oil thicknesses in the immediate vicinity of the remediation wells, average oil thicknesses measured in wells were largely unaffected. Dissolved‐oxygen measurements indicate that a secondary plume was caused by disposal of the pumped water in an upgradient infiltration gallery; this plume expanded rapidly immediately following the start of the remediation in 1999. The result was expansion of the anoxic zone of groundwater upgradient and beneath the existing natural attenuation plume. Oil‐phase recovery at this site was shown to be challenging, and considerable volumes of mobile and entrapped oil remain in the subsurface despite remediation efforts.  相似文献   

A new type of vertical circulation well (VCW) is used for groundwater dewatering at construction sites. This type of VCW consists of an abstraction screen in the upper part and an injection screen in the lower part of a borehole, whereby drawdown is achieved without net withdrawal of groundwater from the aquifer. The objective of this study is to evaluate the operation of such wells including the identification of relevant factors and parameters based on field data of a test site and comprehensive numerical simulations. The numerical model is able to delineate the drawdown of groundwater table, defined as free‐surface, by coupling the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian algorithm with the groundwater flow equation. Model validation is achieved by comparing the field observations with the model results. Eventually, the influences of selected well operation and aquifer parameters on drawdown and on the groundwater flow field are investigated by means of parameter sensitivity analysis. The results show that the drawdown is proportional to the flow rate, inversely proportional to the aquifer conductivity, and almost independent of the aquifer anisotropy in the direct vicinity of the well. The position of the abstraction screen has a stronger effect on drawdown than the position of the injection screen. The streamline pattern depends strongly on the separation length of the screens and on the aquifer anisotropy, but not on the flow rate and the horizontal hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

The oil content of oil-contaminated porous media is an important parameter for the assessment and remediation of oil pollution in soil and groundwater. However, an accurate measurement method is not available. In this study, we propose a new equation to calculate the oil content of water-bearing media based on traditional extraction–ultraviolet spectroscopy. Further, an improved experimental method was developed. The results indicate that the pure solid weight and oil content of oil-contaminated media can be accurately determined by introducing the oil drying loss coefficient (γ). The average relative errors of the improved method range from −0.14% to −0.96%. They are much smaller than errors of −4.49% to −10.97% of the original methods, indicating that the accuracy of measured oil content is enhanced. In addition, the accuracy of the new method does not depend on oil volatility and oil content.  相似文献   

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