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R.M. Batson  J.L. Inge 《Icarus》1976,27(4):531-536
A map of “albedo” boundaries (light and dark markings) on Mars was prepared from Mariner 9 images. After special digital processing, these pictures provide detailed locations of albedo boundaries, which is significant in interpreting recent eolian activity. Derivation of absolute albedo values from the spacecraft data was not attempted. The map correlates well with telescopic observations of Mars after the 1971 dust storm.  相似文献   

Thomas E. Thorpe 《Icarus》1973,20(4):482-489
The large quantity of Mariner 9 television pictures taken at phase angles ranging up to twice those accessible from Earth has been used to describe intergrated photometric properties of Mars. Although frame-to-frame variations emphasize the shortcomings of vidicon cameras when used in a photometric mode, statistical trends have yielded data comparable with Earth-based observations.Analysis of atmospheric parameters over a period of changing opacity, November 1971 through March 1972, has provided time-varying optical depths and light-scattering information. Linear function characterization of the Mars reflectance is clearly discrepant at large incidence or emission angles and at phase angles greater than 40°.  相似文献   

This paper contains a complete set of the best enhancements of Mariner 9 high resolution television pictures of Phobos and Deimos, consisting of 27 different views of Phobos, and 9 of Deimos. Pertinent data about the pictures are arranged in convenient tabular and graphical form.  相似文献   

Carl Sagan  Paul Fox 《Icarus》1975,25(4):602-612
The Lowellian canal network has been compared with the results of Mariner 9 photography of Mars. A small number of canals may correspond to rift valleys, ridge systems, crater chains, and linear surface albedo markings. But the vast bulk of classical canals correspond neither to topographic nor to albedo features, and appear to have no relation to the real Martian surface.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet spectrometer measurements of the reflectance at 3050 Å are modeled to give pressure-altitudes for Mars assuming a quiescent atmosphere. Ultraviolet light that is Rayleigh-scattered by the Mars molecular atmosphere, with allowance for uniform turbidity, is proportional to surface pressure independent of atmospheric temperature structure. All model constants except the over-all scaling factors are found by requiring ultraviolet spectrometer pressures of 47 locations on the planet to be the same when measured at different geometries. The overall scaling factor is found by intercomparison with Mariner 9 occultation pressures. Comparison with other Mars pressure-altitude measurements show deviations from the assumption of uniform turbidity to occur over the Hesperia plateau for ultraviolet measurements obtained during the 13–26 February 1972 time period.  相似文献   

The Mariner 9 Ultraviolet Spectrometer has observed the 2550 Å ozone spectral absorption feature on Mars. This absorption was previously detected in the south polar region by Mariner 7 in 1969. Mariner 9 did not observe ozone at any time in the equatorial region, nor at the south polar cap during its summer season. However, ozone was found in the north polar region beginning at a latitude of 45°N and extending northward. Ozone later appeared in the southern hemisphere southward of 50°S as the Mars autumnal equinox approached. The presence of ozone on Mars seems to be coupled to the water vapor content of its atmosphere.  相似文献   

After the touchdown of the two Viking landers on Mars, radio tracking measurements have been performed between them and Earth-based stations. With use of the first 9 months of data, we have improved the rotation rate and the mean orientation of the spin axis of Mars, referred to its mean orbit. For the first time, some nutations terms have also been estimated. Nevertheless the precise determination of the spin axis motion will require additional data collected during the extended mission. Our solution includes also the lander locations and the relativistic parameter .Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, Organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy - Orbit elements for the two Martian satellites Phobos and Deimos have been determined from 80 television photographs of the satellites taken by the...  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere of Mars is computed from ultraviolet spectra obtained by the Mariner 9 spacecraft. In the Northern Hemisphere the ozone scale height is much smaller than the atmospheric scale height in midlatitudes and increases rapidly to a maximum farther north. At high latitudes (above 60°) there is no significant difference between the scale heights of ozone in the Northern (winter) Hemisphere and the Southern (summer) Hemisphere. Comparison of the ozone distribution with atmospheric temperature structure indicates that at some locations in the North, the density of water vapor increases with altitude, and the time for vertical mixing is about 3 days or more.  相似文献   

As in seen from comparisons of Mariner 9 images obtained in 1972 and Viking Orbiter 1 images obtained in 1978, several changes have occurred in the Cerberus region of Mars. Changes in the boundary of the low albedo feature resulted in an increase of the total area of Cerberus by slightly more than 1%, although the southwestern boundary had shifted as much as 90 km. Relative darkening of Cerberus has resulted in a more uniform tone, and is accompanied by the disappearance of dark filamentary markings. Although several bright streaks within Cerberus changed in length, neither lengthening nor shortening of the streaks predominated. However, changes in streak direction indicate a clockwise rotation of mean streak azimuth between 1972 and 1978. These changes in the outline and appearance of Cerberus can best be explained by eolian redistribution and removal of bright material during major dust storms. Volcanic flow fronts which show through the albedo feature indicate that the contrast between Cerberusand the surrounding light plains is not due to a difference in lithology, but to the distribution of surficial deposits. Because of local topographic influences on the regional atmospheric circulation patterns, it is probable that Cerberus will retain a similar appearance and location.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 ultraviolet spectrometer observations show the Mars airglow consists principally of emissions that arise from the interaction of solar ultraviolet radiation with carbon dioxide, the principal constituent of the Mars atmosphere. Two minor constituents, atomic hydrogen and atomic oxygen, also produce airglow emissions. The airglow measurements show that ionized carbon dioxide is only a minor constituent of the ionosphere. Using the airglow measurements of atomic oxygen, it is possible to infer that the major ion is ionized molecular oxygen. The escape rate of atomic hydrogen measured by Mariner 9 is approximately the same as that measured two years earlier by Mariner 6 and 7. If the current escape rate has been operating for 4.5 billion years and if water vapor is the ultimate source, an amount of oxygen has been generated that is far in excess of that observed at present. Mariner 9 observations of Mars Lyman alpha emission over a period of 120 days show variations of 20%.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 (M9) and Mariner 6 and 7 photography of common regions of Mars are compared, with appropriate attention to the photometric properties of the camera systems. The comparison provides a 2.5yr time baseline for study of variable albedo features. We find the development of bright streaks and patches, a phenomenon unobserved through the entire M9 mission; the evolution of dark crater splotches into dark streaks; and a planetwide increase in splotchiness. Yet, a large number of splotches and albedo boundaries remain fixed over the same period. Many of the observations are interpreted in terms of a global fallout and subsequent local redistribution of bright fine particulates raised by global dust storms.  相似文献   

Gravity field and interior of Rhea from Cassini data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cassini spacecraft encountered Rhea on November 26, 2005. Analysis of the Doppler data acquired at and around closest approach yields the mass of Rhea and the quadrupole moments of its gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. We obtained which corresponds to a density of . Our results for J2 and C22 are (7.947±0.892)×10−4 and (2.3526±0.0476)×10−4, respectively. These values are consistent with hydrostatic equilibrium. From the value of C22, we infer the non-dimensional moment of inertia C/MR2=0.3721±0.0036. Our models of Rhea's interior based on the gravity data favor an almost undifferentiated satellite. A discontinuity between a core and a mantle is possible but not required by the data. Models with a constant silicate mass fraction throughout the body cannot account for the determined quadrupole coefficients. The data exclude fully differentiated models in which the core would be composed of unhydrated silicates and the mantle would be composed of pure ice. If the mantle contains 10% in mass of silicates, the core extends to 630 km in radius and has a silicate mass fraction of 40%. A continuous model in which the silicates are more concentrated toward the center of the body than in the outer layers is allowed by the gravity data but excluded by thermal evolution considerations. The one model that fits the gravity data and is self-consistent when energy transport and ice melting are qualitatively considered is an “almost undifferentiated” Rhea, in which a very large uniform core is surrounded by a relatively thin ice shell containing no rock at all.  相似文献   

Enhanced Mariner 9 imagery of Mars, which has been used in short term phenomenon study with Viking imagery, does not have a resolution useful for analysis of short term geological phenomenon such as slump formation.  相似文献   

Crater morphology and size play a major role in determining whether wind-blown streaks emanating from craters or dark splotches within craters will form. Both bright and dark streaks emanate almost exclusively from bowl-shaped craters. Dark splotches are found mainly in flat-floored craters, especially those that are deep and have high rim relief. Trends of dark splotches in the northern to southern midlatitudes closely follow those of bright streaks, suggesting both were formed by similar winds. In the high southern latitudes, on the other hand, dark splotch trends closely follow those of dark streaks.Qualitative models of streak and splotch formation have been derived from these data and results of Sagan et al. (1972, 1973). Bright streaks probably form by trapping and simultaneous streaming of bright dust downwind. Dark splotched craters in regions with bright streaks usually have upwind bright patches, suggesting these features form by dumping of bright dust over crater rims with some minor redistribution of dark materials toward the downwind sides of craters. Data are consistent with dark streaks forming by erosion or nondeposition of bright material or by trapping of dark material. Dark splotches in these regions are probably mainly the result of trapping of dark sand in the downwind sides of crater floors. Craters with dark splotches and dark streaks are usually rimless and shallow. This is consistent with ponded dark sands easily washing over crater walls and extending downwind.Plots of streak length versus crater diameter suggest a complex history of streak formation for most regions.Bright streak trends and latitudinal distributions are consistent with return flow of dust to the southern hemisphere. Some dark streaks may be direct relics of passing sand and dust storms. Trends of dark streaks and splotches away from the south pole are consistent with the spreading of a debris mantle from the polar regions toward the equator.  相似文献   

Robert L. Wildey 《Icarus》1975,25(4):613-626
The present investigation develops a new theory for the photoclinometric determination of topography when the photometric function of the planetary surface (or that which corresponds to the mean optical depth of emergent scattered solar radiation from an optically thick planetary atmosphere) is not restricted beyond the expectation that it is a function of phase angle, angle of incidence, and angle of emergence. Several versions of such an operational theory, which differ according to the auxiliary conditions employed to achieve mathematical determinacy, together with several approaches to the numerical analysis, have been evolved. The differences in the numerical methods arise from a variable trade-off between computing speed and stability and computer storage requirements. Although the computer encoding process is not yet fully operational, a first result has been worked out for an early frame in the Mariner 9 mission in which the dust-laden atmosphere appears to exhibit standing-wave patterns. Provided the assumption of homologous departures from plane-parallel atmospheric configuration is valid, the photoclinometric implication is that laminar flow lines in the optically viewable dust layer undergo a near-sinusoidal rise and fall of about 40 to 50m. Regardless of assumption, the resulting surface is a rigorous mean-emission surface.  相似文献   

The Mariner 9 infrared spectrometer obtained data over a large part of Mars for almost a year beginning late in 1971. Mars' infrared emission spectrum was measured from 200 to 2000 cm?1 with an apodized resolution of 2.4 cm?1. No significant deviation from terrestrial ratios of carbon (12C/13C) or oxygen (16O/18O; 16O/17O) isotopes was observed on Mars. The 12C/13C isotopic ratio was found to be terrestrial with an uncertainty of 15%. Upper limits have been calculated for several minor constituents. With an effective noise equivalent radiance of 1.2 × 10?9 W cm?2 sr?1/cm?1, new upper limits in centimeter-atmospheres of 2 × 10?5 for C2H2, 4 × 10?3 for C2H4, 3 × 10?3 for C2H6, 2 × 10?4 for CH4, 1 × 10?3 for N2O, 1 × 10?4 for NO2, 4 × 10?5 for NH3, 1 × 10?3 for PH3, 7 × 10?4 for SO2, and 1 × 10?4 for OCS have been derived.  相似文献   

M. Noland  J. Veverka  J.B. Pollack 《Icarus》1973,20(4):490-502
We have used the Mariner 9 A-camera system to measure the polarization (P) of Phobos and Deimos at large phase angles (α). For Deimos, P = +22 ± 4% at α = 74°; for Phobos P = +20.5 ± 4% at α = 77°, and P = +24.5 ± 4% at α = 81°. These measurements refer to orange light at about 0.57 μm. A comparison with laboratory measurements of powdered rock samples indicates that the observations are consistent with the presence of regoliths on the satellites.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 was inserted into orbit about Mars on November 14, 1971, to study that planet for a period of 90 days. Observations and measurements made by Mariner 9 continued beyond the planned 90 days, providing data to meet all science objectives. The new knowledge of Mars gained from this mission has made obsolete all previous concepts of Mars.A general background of the Mariner Mars 1971 Project and the significant events of the Mariner 9 mission are presented.  相似文献   

A.T. Young 《Icarus》1974,21(3):262-282
Television photometry is compared to conventional techniques. Reduced data from the Mariner 9 cameras should, under optimum conditions, have been accurate to a few percent. However, a combination of unstable camera properties and various unfortunate circumstances (see Appendix A) produced serious nonlinearities (typically 20–40%) and other systematic errors. The means of estimating these errors are described in detail; they lean heavily on the fortuitous presence of a few specks of dust on the faceplate of one vidicon (see Appendix B). Crude corrections, shown in Figs. 2 and 4, will (if applied by hand to “reduced” data) probably improve the photometric quality from that of the Bonner Durchmusterung to nearly that of the Revised Harvard Photometry, for the two most-used filter positions of the A camera. It would be very difficult to improve the photometry further (Appendix C). In view of their low photometric accuracy and detective quantum efficiency (Appendix D), vidicons do not seem likely to replace conventional photography, except for special applications.  相似文献   

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