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Both the dissociation and evaporation of troilite. heated to its melting point in vacuo, are isotopically selective. The elemental sulphur from the dissociation of troilite has a 34S32S ratio which is 13.0‰ less than that of the undissociated material while the 34S32S ratio in evaporated troilite is 5.4‰ less than that of the residual material. The two processes occur simultaneously and the isotopic variations during the course of the reaction are in accord with those for a branched reaction where the unreacted material remains isotopically well-mixed, as in a Rayleigh distillation process. This isotopic selectivity must be taken into account, along with that in other lunar surface processes, when considering the heavy isotope enrichment of sulphur in lunar soils.  相似文献   

Analytical techniques have been developed for using a secondary ion mass spectrometer, the ion microprobe mass analyzer (IMMA), to determine, in situ, 207Pb206Pb and U/Pb ages on approximately 10-μm areas of individual mineral phases containing relatively abundant radiogenic Pb isotopes. Standard samples of known age and U, Th and Pb contents, together with the Andersen-Hinthorne local thermal equilibrium (LTE) model for predicting ionization parameters are used to establish a semi-empirical relationship for correcting observed U/Pb intensities to atom ratios. Measurements of isotope standards show that mass fractionation corrections are not required and that the accuracy and precision of analysis are generally limited by Poisson counting statistics.Many U-rich accessory minerals yield spectra which consist only of Pb at masses 204, 206, 207 and 208; thus the measurement of 207Pb206Pb ages is accomplished by simply measuring the intensities of these peaks and the background. An excellent correspondence of the ages determined using the IMMA with those from more conventional techniques is demonstrated for terrestrial, lunar and meteoritic phases. For example, the following 207Pb206Pb ages were obtained from polished thin sections of crystalline lunar samples: 10047, 3.75 ± 0.05 (2σ) Ga; 14310, 3.96 ± 0.03 Ga; and 15555, 3.36 ± 0.06 Ga. From small U-rich phases in CaAl-rich inclusions in the Allende carbonaceous chondrite, seven 207Pb206Pb ages were obtained, averaging 4.60 ± 0.09 (2σ) Ga.A method of correcting low-resolution Pb-isotope data for molecular ion interferences in zircon and baddeleyite is presented and shown to be practical through the analysis of terrestrial and lunar samples.  相似文献   

He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe concentrations and isotopic abundances were measured in three bulk grain size fractions prepared from sample L-16-19, No. 120 (C level, 20–22 cm depth) returned by the Luna 16 mission. The expected anticorrelation between the concentrations of trapped solar wind noble gases and grain size is observed. Elemental abundances of solar wind trapped noble gases are similar to those previously found in corresponding grain size fractions of the Apollo 11 and 12 fines. The trapped ratio 4He20Ne varies in the soils from different lunar maria due to diffusion losses. A rough correlation of 4He20Ne with the proportion of ilmenite in these samples is apparent. The elemental and isotopic ratios of the surface correlated noble gases in Luna 16 resemble those previously found in Apollo fines. Based on 21Ne, 78Kr and 126Xe a cosmic ray exposure age of 360 my was determined. This age is similar to those obtained for the soils from other lunar maria.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe analyses of returned lunar material have helped to demonstrate that U, Th and radiogenic Pb are concentrated in small accessory mineral phases. It is possible to measure the isotopic composition of this Pb and obtain a radiometric 207Pb206Pb age for the mineral. The ages so derived compare favorably with crystallization ages determined by conventional methods. A grain mount (22003,26) of Luna 20 material was searched for such accessory mineral phases and two were found. One of these phases gives an age of 4.12 ± 0.04 b.y. and the other an age of 4.42 ± 0.11 b.y. Ages of minerals dated by the ion probe in Apollo samples 14310 and 15555 are given for comparison. Data on the upper limit for Pb concentration in the outermost surface layers of free lunar soil particles are also given.  相似文献   

We describe the analytical techniques developed for the precise measurement of the titanium isotope abundances using a TiO+ ion beam. Terrestrial, lunar, and bulk meteorite samples yield identical results. Using a normalization to 46Ti48Ti for mass dependent isotope fractionation, we obtain the normal Ti composition: 46Ti48Ti = 0.108548; 47Ti48Ti = 0.099315 ± 0.000005; 49Ti48Ti = 0.074463 ± 0.000004; 50Ti48Ti = 0.072418 ± 0.000004 (2σ grand mean), taking 18O16O = 0.002045 and 17O16O = 0.00037. Measurements on thirteen coarse-grained and fine-grained Ca-Al-Ti-rich inclusions from the Allende and Leoville meteorites show the presence of widespread, significant, nonlinear isotope anomalies in the Ti isotopes which were not used for normalization. The data require the addition of at least three exotic components. The distinct correlation of non-linear effects for the most neutron-rich isotopes of Ca and Ti and the absence of substantial effects at 46Ca in the FUN samples EK-1-4-1 and C-1 indicate that the effects reflect neutron-rich equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium nucleosynthetic processes in the outer layers of a supernova core. The results on Ca and Ti in conjunction with the isotopic effects on other elements (Mg, Sr, Ba, Nd, Sm) show that the samples represent mixtures of different nucleosynthetic components from distinctive processes (‘e’, ‘r’, ‘p’) which do not appear to be related to processes in the same stellar sites.  相似文献   

The 176Lu-176Hf isotope method and its applications in earth sciences are discussed. Greater fractionation of Lu/Hf than Sm/Nd in planetary magmatic processes makes 176Hf177Hf a powerful geochemical tracer. In general, proportional variations of 176Hf177Hf exceed those of 143Ndl44Nd by factors of 1.5–3 in terrestrial and lunar materials. Lu-Hf studies therefore have a major contribution to make in understanding of terrestrial and other planetary evolution through time, and this is the principal importance of Lu-Hf. New data on basalts from oceanic islands show unequivocally that whereas considerable divergences occur in 176Hf177Hf-87Sr86Sr and 143Ndl44Nd-87Sr86Sr diagrams, 176Hf177Hf and 143Nd144Nd display a single, linear isotopic variation in the suboceanic mantle. These discordant 87Sr86Sr relationships may allow, with the acquisition of further Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic data, a distinction between processes such as mantle metasomatism, influence of seawater-altered material in the magma source, or recycling of sediments into the mantle. In order to evaluate the Hf-Nd isotopic correlation in terms of mantle fractionation history, there is a need for measurements of Hf distribution coefficients between silicate minerals and liquids, and specifically for a knowledge of Hf behavior in relation to rareearth elements. For studying ancient terrestrial Hf isotopic variations, the best quality Hf isotope data are obtained from granitoid rocks or zircons. New data show that very U-Pb discordant zircons may have upwardly-biased 176Hf177Hf, but that at least concordant to slightly discordant zircons appear to be reliable carriers of initial 176Hf177Hf. Until the controls on addition of radiogenic Hf to zircon are understood, combined zircon-whole rock studies are recommended. Lu-Hf has been demonstrated as a viable tool for dating of ancient terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples, but because it offers little advantage over existing methods, is unlikely to find wide application in pure chronological studies.  相似文献   

Measurements of the isotopic composition of nitrogen in the solar system are summarized. We show that the 30% change, during the last 3 to 4 billion years, of 15N14N in solar-wind-bearing lunar soils and breccias probably does not reflect changes in this ratio at the solar surface. Such changes, whether by spallation or thermonuclear reactions are ruled out by comparing the yields of 15N with those of other rare isotopes such as 9Be, 11B, 3He or 13C, even if an arbitrary degree of solar mixing is introduced. Moreover, we calculate that the solar activity required for producing significant amounts of 15N by spallation at the solar surface should have resulted in a particle bombardment of the Moon of an intensity that would have produced amounts of spallation isotopes (e.g.15N, 21Ne, 38Ar, 131Xe) several orders of magnitude in excess of what is actually found in the whole regolith.We argue that accretion of interstellar matter also does not work as a cause for a significant change of the photospheric 15N14N ratio. Evidence is presented that the mixing depth at the solar surface on a time scale of ?109 years is (10?2 ?10?1) M Mixing to this depth renders accretion of interstellar matter as a source of compositional changes at the solar surface inefficient, even if allowance is made for the expected large difference in the accretion rates of condensed and gaseous matter. A quantitative treatment of several alternatives of solar accretion leads to serious contradictions (e.g. with the low Ne abundances in planetary atmospheres or with the amounts of nitrogen that should have been directly accreted by the Moon), and we conclude that accretion during the main sequence life of the Sun is an unlikely source of changes in 15N14N at the solar surface.A ratio of 15N14N = (4.0 ± 0.3) × 10?3 is our best estimate for average solar system material and for the Sun. We propose that a rare, very light nitrogen component (called LPN) is admixed in varying amounts to planetary matter. Undiluted LPN has not been found in meteorites or planetary atmospheres, but we show that the combined effects of LPN admixture and isotope fractionation can in principle account for the variability of 15N14N observed in the planetary system. Determination of the Jovian 15N14N ratio with an accuracy of ~10% would crucially test our interpretation of the nitrogen isotope observations.  相似文献   

15 ordinary chondrites for which unusually high spallogenic Ne22Ne21 or He3Ne21 ratios had been reported and one meteorite with marked shock characteristics were selected in order to investigate the relations between Ne22Ne21 ratios, Al26 contents and depth. We report Al26 and K contents of 13 samples from 11 of these and-noble gas contents of 30 samples from all of these stones.A decrease in the Al26 production rate accompanies the increase of Ne22Ne21 towards the pre-atmospheric surface: Alobs26Alcalc26 = 3.2?2.0 Ne22Ne21 for 1.08 ≤ Ne22Ne21 ≤ 1.2. Large deviations from this relationship may indicate that a meteorite experienced an abnormal flux of cosmic rays.For Ne2Ne21 > 1.2 this trend continues but the data scatter more, probably because of the steadily increasing influence of pre-atmospheric size. Ne22Ne21 ratios increase most rapidly in the outermost few centimeters according both to a plot of Ne22Ne21 vs (recovered mass)13 and to track studies. The increase seems to derive from the enhanced importance of nuclear reactions on Si.Ne22Ne21 < 1.08 defines a region where the Al26 production rates are less sensitive to depth and vanish in the limit of large shielding; the weak correlation between Ne22Ne21 and Al26 in this region rules out the use of the Ne22Ne21 ratio as a basis for a shielding correction to Al26.  相似文献   

Stability constants of hydroxocomplexes of Al(III):Al(OH)2+ and A1(OH)4? have been measured in the 20–70°C temperature range by reactions involving only dissolved species. The stability constant 1K1 of the first complex ion is studied by measuring pH of solutions of aluminium salts at several concentrations. 1β4 of aluminate ion is deduced from equilibrium constants of the reaction between the trioxalato aluminium (III) complex ion and Al3+ in acid medium, and between the same complex ion and A1(OH)4? in alkaline medium. The K values and the associated ΔH are 1K1 = 10?5.00 and ΔH1 = 11.8 Kcal; 1β4 = 10?22.20 and ΔH4 = 42.45 Kcal. These last results are not in agreement with the values of recent tables for ΔG0? and ΔH0? of Al3+ and Al(OH)4?. We suggest a consistent set of data for dissolved and solid Al species and for some aluminosilicates.  相似文献   

143Nd144Nd ratios measured in Quaternary lavas from Java and the Banda arc of Indonesia range from 0.51242 to 0.51280 and exhibit an inverse correlation with 87Sr86Sr. Isotopically, the Indonesian samples resemble Andean rather than island arc lavas. The samples from Java plot either within, or adjacent to the mantle array, towards higher 87Sr86Sr ratios. Samples from the Banda arc and the anomalous calc-alkaline volcano Papandajan are characterized by relatively low 143Nd144Nd and high 87Sr86Sr ratios. These characteristics are consistent with the interpretation that subducted terrigenous material was involved in the genesis of these lavas. Furthermore the Banda arc samples appear to lie on a mixing line between isotopic compositions characteristic of the mantle and upper continental crust. A high-K trachyte from the alkaline volcano Muriah, Java, has isotopic characteristics of the mantle (143Nd144Nd = 0.51270, 87Sr86Sr = 0.70424), which implies that the extreme enrichment in large-ion-lithophile elements in its source must have occurred only shortly before its formation. The inferred 143Nd144Nd ratio of the unmodified mantle beneath Java and the Banda arc is lower than that observed in mid-ocean ridge basalt, which may have important implications for a better understanding of the geochemical structure of the mantle.  相似文献   

A linear relation is derived for the secular evolution of 206Pb204Pb, 207Pb204Pb and 208Pb204Pb ratios, that permits tests to be made for open system evolution on each system independently. Application of the method to conformable ore bodies of various geological age indicates that the available data do not demand an open system evolution for the last 3.8 b.y. 238U204Pb and 232Th204Pb of 9.66 ± 0.15 and 37.65 ± 1.14 respectively fit best the data for this time interval.A single stage evolution since 4.5 b.y. is unlikely, however, and the major events of continent formation postdate the Earth accretion by at least 400 m.y. The larger scatter of 207Pb204Pb data about the evolution line relative to the other isotopic ratios is also interpreted as resulting from a series of continental differentiation events taking place at 3.85 ± 0.15 b.y.  相似文献   

The 87Sr86Sr ratio in sea water has varied over geologic time due to the addition of strontium to the sea from rocks with a variety of 87Sr86Sr ratios. The measurements by Petermanet al. (Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta34, 105–120, 1970) of the value of the marine 87Sr86Sr ratio have been confirmed by several other workers and by some new measurements on JOIDES samples. They form the basis of a model calculation of the relative proportions of ‘basaltic’ (87Sr86Sr = 0.704) and ‘granitic’ (87Sr86Sr = 0.718) strontium being supplied to the sea. For the last 200 million years, the proportions of these two sources appear to reflect the history of global tectonics; ‘basaltic’ during rifting and increasingly ‘granitic’ during the present episodes of uplift and continental collision  相似文献   

Pleistocene and Recent lavas from the Sunda arc range from those showing affinities with the island arc tholeiitic series, through a spectrum of calc-alkaline to high-K alkaline rocks. The tholeiitic rocks have relatively low 87Sr86Sr ratios averaging 0–7043; the calc-alkaline rocks show a wide range (from 0.7038 to 0.7059, averaging 0.7048); the high-K alkaline rocks average 0.7045. A rhyolitic ignimbrite from Sumatra has an 87Sr86Sr ratio of 0.7139.The relationship between 87Sr86Sr and major and trace element geochemistry is variable and complex. Lavas from the same volcano sometimes show significant differences in 87Sr86Sr despite close geochemical relationships. Rocks of the calc-alkaline suite show a regular decrease in 87Sr86Sr from West Java to Bali and there is some evidence for increasing 87Sr86Sr with increasing depth to the Benioff zone. Calc-alkaline and tholeiitic rocks from the Sunda arc have significantly higher 87Sr86Sr ratios than those from other island arcs, except from those arcs where continental crustal involvement has been inferred (e.g. New Zealand).A model of 87Sr enrichment due to isotopic equilibration of oceanic crust with sea water and disequilibrium melting in the slab and/or mantle is favoured to explain the Sr isotopic composition of the tholeiitic and normal calc-alkaline lavas. Calc-alkaline lavas with high 87Sr86Sr ratios are best explained by either sialic contamination, or the presence of alkali basalt as a component of the downgoing slab. The Sr isotopic data for the high-K alkaline lavas suggest a mantle origin. The high 87Sr86Sr ratio in the Lake Toba rhyolite implies a crustal origin.  相似文献   

The U-Th-Pb isotope systematics of the eucrite “Juvinas” have been studied in whole rock fragments as well as in plagioclases and pyroxenes. The results show that this monomict breccia crystallized with a very high UPb initial ratio at T = 4.539 ± 0.004 AE ago. There is evidence for a less radiogenic Pb component (206Pb204Pb = 13.0; 207Pb204Pb = 13.5; 208Pb204Pb = 32.71) interpreted as “exotic lead” induced by a meteoritical impact at the surface of the Juvinas parent body, 1.92 ± 0.06 AE ago.  相似文献   

Abundances and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, Ar, and Xe have been measured in eight recently fallen chondrites. Ratios of concentrations of cosmic ray-produced 3He, 21Ne, 22Ne and 38Ar indicate that all eight samples experienced less than average cosmic ray shielding. 3He and 21Ne exposure ages were calculated using shielding corrected chondritic production rates and the measured 22Ne21Ne. Exposure ages calculated from 22Na22Ne and 26Al21Ne ratios and constant relative production rates show a bias between the two ages due to variations in 22Na26Al. Arguments are presented that this bias is due to irradiation hardness differences, and therefore the use of constant values for both the 22Na22Ne and 26Al21Ne production ratios is not permitted. Dwaleni, Swaziland, was found to be an unusual gas-rich chondrite with high concentrations of solar-derived He and Ne and planetary-type Xe.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of PANURGE, a modified CAMECA IMS3F ion microprobe, have been studied at a mass resolving power of 5000 for the purpose of determining isotopic ratios at a precision level approaching that of counting statistics using beam switching. The techniques used for this type of measurement are described. Using this approach, the isotopic composition of Mg and Si and the atomic ratio of AlMg in minerals from the Allende inclusion WA and the Allende FUN inclusion Cl have been measured with the ion microprobe at high mass resolving power. Enrichments in 26Mg of up to 260%. have been found. Mg and AlMg measurements on cogenetic spinel inclusions and host plagioclase crystals yield Mg-Al isochrons in excellent agreement with precise mineral isochrons determined by thermal emission mass spectrometry. The measurements confirm the presence of substantial excess 26Mg in WA (26Mg127Al = 5 × 10?5) and its near absence in Cl (26Mg127Al < 4 × 10?6). In WA plagioclase, data for which 27Al24Mg = 300 to 1000 define a linear array with 26Mg127Al = 3 × 105 and with initial 26Mg24Mg composition 30%. greater than in high Mg phases. This suggests a metamorphic reequilibration of Mg in Allende plagioclase at least 0.6 my after WA formation. There were no variations in detected 26Mg127Al in WA plagioclase associated with concentration of 26Mg1 into isolated clusters. We have confirmed by ion probe measurements that the Mg composition in Allende Cl is highly fractionated and is uniform among pyroxene, melilite, plagioclase, spinel crystals and spinel included in melilite and plagioclase crystals. Likewise, the Si composition is mass fractionated and is the same in pyroxene, melilite and plagioclase.  相似文献   

The 227Th230Th dating method is described in detail and its usefulness investigated by comparing ages of sixteen Pleistocene carbonates (mainly cave deposits) with those determined by the 231Pa235U and 230Th234U methods. The 227Th230Th ages are found to be critically dependent on corrections for decay of 227Th prior to alpha counting and ingrowth of daughter isotopes of 232Th derived from clastic detritus. Of nineteen sets of ages determined for the sixteen samples, good agreement is found for only seven sets. Differences are attributed to low U content of some samples and the possibility of excess 227Th in the calcite of samples younger than ~50 ky, possibly due to the coprecipitation of 231Pa during formation. Calculated “negative” 227Th230Th ages may be a direct result of this process and the fact that, unlike the other methods, the activity ratio is non-zero at zero age. Nevertheless, the 227Th230Th is found to be a useful alternative dating technique for carbonates which are between ~50 and 300 ky, because no spiking is required. It also serves as a check for partial concordancy with ages dated by the other methods.  相似文献   

Pb isotope ratios have been measured in 12 volcanic rocks from the South Sandwich Islands. The ranges are 206Pb204Pb = 18.51–18.66; 207Pb204Pb = 15.55–15.64; 208Pb204Pb = 38.42–38.64. In 207Pb204Pb-206Pb204Pb and 208Pb204Pb-206Pb204Pb correlation diagrams, the South Sandwich data plot distinctly above the fields for ocean ridge basalts, and yield trends showing apparent mixing with a sedimentary end member similar to South Atlantic pelagic sediments as reported by Chow and Patterson (1962) and this study. Armstrong and Cooper (1971) have likewise shown that volcanics from the Lesser Antilles show mixing trends with North Atlantic sediments in Pb isotope correlation diagrams. The North Atlantic sediments have distinctly higher 206Pb204Pb and 208Pb204Pb ratios compared to the South Atlantic sediments. The parallel relationships between sediments and volcanic island arc rocks of the North and South Atlantic provide strong evidence for a component of Pb from subducted sediments in the lavas of the west Atlantic basin. In contrast to these data, lavas from the Mariana Arc in the western Pacific show little or no component of Pb from pelagic sediments. The reason for the different behaviors in the two settings is speculative.  相似文献   

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