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Uranium distributions have been determined in seventeen meteorites using fission track techniques. In seven cases, Th was also determined by a new method using fast neutrons. The actinides are generally concentrated in phosphates, usually whitlockite and/or chlorapatite. Wherever whitlockite and chlorapatite coexist, chlorapatite is richer in uranium. U concentrations in a given phosphate phase are highly variable from meteorite to meteorite and sometimes also show large variations in the same meteorite. A clinopyroxene phase enriched in U (0.2–0.3 ppm) is usually found in Ca-rich achondrites. The ThU ratios of phosphates differ considerably from whole rock values indicating that these elements were fractionated during the meteorite formation.  相似文献   

Abundances of U and Th have been determined in 21 kimberlites from India by delayed fission neutron technique. Whole-rock U ranges from 1.87 to 3.93 ppm but Th shows wider variation from 14.02 to 60.44 ppm. Average Th/U ratios in three main diatremes are 7.9, 8.8 and 10.0. The interrelationships between U, Th and K are variable and complex. A positive correlation exists between P2O5 and U and Th. Model calculations suggest that enrichment of U involved considerable mantle reaction during ascent.  相似文献   

Gustavsson, J. E. & Högberg, S. A. C.: Uranium/thorium dating of Quaternary carbonates. Boreas, Vol. 1, pp. 247–274. Oslo, 1st December, 1972.
The U/Th methods and particularly the theory of the 230Th-deficiency method are reviewed. The closed system question is discussed against the background of the growth and structure of the molluscan shells measured. The choice of the half-life value for 230Th, 75,200 years, is accounted for in a review of the five half-life determinations known to the authors. The measurement procedure starts with the mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning of the sample. Small portions are taken for X-ray analysis. The sample is then divided into two parts. One is treated chemically to separate the uraninium and the thorium, in order to determine the ratio between the activities of the uranium isotopes and to determine the content of 226Ra. The other part of the sample is used to make the total measurement on the uranium and thorium isotopes simultaneously from the same part of the sample without any chemical pretreatment.  相似文献   

The Kupferschiefer in Poland has an increased U content. The facies high in organic matter are significantly enriched in U. The maximum values of U are mostly in the lower part of the Kupferschiefer sequence. The mean (x) U content in the Kupferschiefer from the Lubin-Sieroszowice district is 61.5 ppm and from the rest of the Polish Zechstein basin is about 26 ppm. Thorium occurs only in small quantities (x) = 1.5 and 5 ppm respectively). The high variance of U and Th in the Kupferschiefer is due to multistage diagenetic processes. The main U carrier is thucholite. The investigated thucholite showed a Th-content below 0.36 ppm. Thucholite with uraninite exolutions showed small (up to 1.0 wt.%) admixtures of U and thucholite without microscopically visible exsolutions (up to 37.85 wt.% U). The phosphates showed significant amounts of U (up to 0.24 wt.). The U content in the Kupferschiefer is significantly lower than in black shales from other part of the world. Uranium in the Lubin district is not economic.  相似文献   

This paper reports a geochemical and mineralogical study on carbonatites from the Guli massif, which hosts rare-metal mineralization. The principal carriers of radioactive elements in the carbonatites are pyrochlore-group minerals, zirconolite, and thorianite, which are described here. They are characterized by elevated concentrations (wt %) of radioactive elements: up to 17.89 UO2 and 20.01 ThO2 in pyrochlore, up to 6.49 UO2 and 94.29 ThO2 in thorianite, and up to 6.74 ThO2 in zirconolite. The pyrochlore-group minerals, zirconolite, and thorianite from the early calcite carbonatites occur in intimate association with Ti-Zr oxides calzirtite, perovskite, and baddeleyite. Significant radioactive element fractionation in early-stage derivatives results in the depletion of the residual magmatic products in these elements. The dolomite carbonatites are reported to contain only trace amounts of pyrochlore-group minerals. It was shown that the distribution of U, Th, Nb, and Ta in the calcite and dolomite carbonatites is correlated with the evolutionary trends of pyrochlore composition. Typical schemes of isomorphic substitution are proposed for pyrochlore-group minerals and zirconolite. The pyrochlore-group minerals show an apparent evolutionary trend from U-rich towards more Th- and Ta-rich varieties, and Ba-Sr cation-deficient varieties originate during the latest stage of the evolution. The pyrochlore-group minerals, zirconolite, and thorianite may also accumulate in placers, together with gold. Because of the relative ease of extraction of the accessory minerals, the carbonatites of the Guli massif can be considered as commercial sources of radioactive raw materials.  相似文献   

Metal segregation and silicate melting on asteroids are the most incisive differentiation events in the early evolution of planetary bodies. The timing of these events can be constrained using the short-lived 182Hf-182W radionuclide system. Here we present new 182Hf-182W data for major types of primitive achondrites including acapulcoites, winonaites and one lodranite. These meteorites are of particular interest because they show only limited evidence for partial melting of silicates and are therefore intermediate between chondrites and achondrites.For acapulcoites we derived a 182Hf-182W age of ΔtCAI = 4.1 +1.2/−1.1 Ma. A model age for winonaite separates calculated from the intercept of the isochron defines an age of ΔtCAI = 4.8 +3.1/−2.6 Ma (assuming a bulk Hf/W ratio of ∼1.2). Both ages most likely define primary magmatic events on the respective parent bodies, such as melting of metal, although metal stayed in place and did not segregate to form a core. A later thermal event is responsible for resetting of the winonaite isochron, yielding an age of ΔtCAI = 14.3 +2.7/−2.2 Ma, significantly younger than the model age. Assuming a co-genetic relationship between winonaites and silicates present in IAB iron meteorites (based on oxygen isotope composition) and including data by Schulz et al. (2009), a common parent body chronology can be established. Magmatic activity occurred between ∼1.5 and 5 Ma after CAIs. More than 5 Ma later, intensive thermal metamorphism has redistributed Hf-W. Average cooling rates calculated for the winonaite/IAB parent asteroid range between ∼35 and ∼4 K/Ma, most likely reflecting different burial depths. Cooling rates obtained for acapulcoites were ∼40 K/Ma to ∼720 K and then ∼3 K/Ma to ∼550 K.Accretion and subsequent magmatism on the acapulcoite parent body occurred slightly later if compared to most achondrite parent bodies (e.g., angrites, ureilites and eucrites), in this case supporting the concept of an inverse correlation between accretion-age of asteroids and intensity of heating in their interiors as expected from heating by 26Al and 60Fe decay. However, the early accretion of the parent asteroid of primitive IAB silicates (∼1.0 Ma after CAIs; Schulz et al., 2009) and the possibly impact-induced melting-history of winonaites show that this concept is too simplistic. Parent body size, impact-driven melting as well as heat-insulating regolith cover also need to be considered in the early history of asteroid differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The granulite facies rocks of the Lower Austrian Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif were formed under conditions of the earth's lower crust. The U contents lie below 0.4 ppm. The rocks are also characterized by low Th contents (<3 ppm), although in some cases Th is higher in biotite-rich layers of banded granulites, which could be explained as a primary feature. Marginal parts of the granulite facies complexes occasionally exhibit retrograded U enrichments. The K contents of the granulites are generally lower than in the surrounding rock types of similar mineralogical composition (Gföhl gneisses).
Uran, Thorium und Kalium in Gesteinen der Granulit-Fazies aus der Böhmischen Masses in Niederösterreich, Österreich
Zusammenfassung Die Granulitfaziesgesteine des niederösterreichischen Moldanubikums wurden unter Bedingungen der tiefen Kruste gebildet. Die U-Gehalte der Gesteine liegen zum größten Teil unterhalb 0,4 ppm. Sie weisen auch geringe Th-Gehalte (<3 ppm) auf. Th ist allerdings in gewissen biotitreichen Partien höher, was auch als primäre Anlage gedeutet werden kann. In randlichen Bereichen der Granulitfacieskomplexe ist gelegentlich U leicht angereichert. Die K-Gehalte der Granulite sind im allgemeinen geringer als in umgebenden Gesteinen mit ähnlicher mineralogischer Zusammensetzung (GfÖhler Gneis).

With 4 Figures

Dedicated to Prof. DDr.H. Wieseneder on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

We determined Ag, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Se, Te, Tl and Zn in the 6 ureilite achondrites by neutron activation analysis. All 11 elements are depleted below Cl levels and their characteristic abundance pattern differs substantially from those of chondritic groups. Thus ureilites do not represent a simple mixture of volatile-rich chondrites with achondritic material but perhaps cosmochemically-fractionated achondritic material and a late ‘distillate’ of mobile elements.  相似文献   

The uranium/thorium (U/Th) dating method was applied to pedogenic/diagenic ferricretes developed within glacial drifts from the northern West Coast Ranges of Tasmania. The dates derived from the method are, by definition, minima for the sediments, with the ferricretes being secondary mineral deposits which appear in the form of bands, horizons or nodules comprised of indurated masses of iron oxy(hydr)oxides developed post-depositionally within the host sediment or soil. The absence of such deposits in well-identified drift sediments of the last glaciation suggests the development of ferricrete horizons in glacial drifts occurred during earlier interstadials and interglacials. This has been confirmed by the uranium/thorium dating of ferricrete bands within glacigenic sediments obtained from three drill cores from the Boco Valley. The ages derived were found to be consistent with estimates for the timing of glaciation derived from palaeomagnetic analyses, radiocarbon dating and relative dating techniques. The results show that the uranium/thorium method can be used to successfully date ferricretes obtained from within glacial sediments of ages <350000 yr and provides valuable information regarding the minimum age of the host sediment. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tranomaro地区钍矿化主要赋存在矽卡岩化Tranomaro辉岩中,其主要矿物成分有透辉石、方柱石和碳酸盐。钍以独立的钍矿物形式存在于辉岩中的辉石、方柱石、橄榄石及碳酸盐等矿物中,钍矿物大小为0.2~0.5mm,无共、伴生金属矿物。经电子探针测定,钍矿物的主要成分为ThO2、UO2和PbO,根据其成分特征和镜下特征确定钍矿物主要为方钍石和铀方钍石。赋矿主岩中无明显热液活动迹象,钍矿物主要形成于早(干)矽卡岩阶段。  相似文献   

Color, polarization and albedo data are summarized for the three known minor planets of optical type E— 44 Nysa, 64 Angelina and 434 Hungaria. The inventory of E asteroids with dimensions > 50 km is shown to be essentially complete.The surfaces of the E objects evidently consist of colorless, translucent, iron-free silicates such as plagioclase, forstefite, or enstatite. Their possible identification as the source of enstatite achondrites is consistent with new laboratory polarimetry of the Norton County aubrite. Both Nysa and Hungaria seem to be rather favorably situated for the production of meteorites.Nysa has a highly non-spherical shape, and is dynamically associated with the metal-rich asteroid 135 Hertha and several small objects also apparently of the metal-depleted E type. The configuration is suggestive of the fragments of a differentiated parent body, in which Hertha originated as the iron core and Nysa as the largest surviving mantle fragment. The relative volumes, however, are not consistent with simple igneous differentiation from a chondritic composition.  相似文献   

Results are presented from thermal-release argon 40-argon 39 dating experiments on four calcium-rich achondrites. Pasamonte shows an apparent age of 4.1 AE over 70 per cent of its gas release indicating a degassing event at this age. At higher temperatures, the apparent age for Pasamonte rises to 4.51 AE, defining a lower limit gas retention age which is identical to that of the chondrites St. Severin and Guareña. Petersburg has a high-temperature gas retention age of 4.40 ± 0.03AE, 100 million years younger than St. Severin, in agreement with previously reported Pu-Xe and K-Ar gas retention ages and the absence of Xe129from the decay of I129. Stannern has a complicated pattern of apparent age with gas release which cannot be accounted for in detail by simple diffusive loss following a well-defined initiation of gas retention. In broad scale, however, the Stannern pattern is relatively flat and confined to the range 3.5–3.9 AE, indicating that this meteorite was strongly degassed in this interval. The nakhlite Lafayette has an exceedingly young gas-retention age in the range 1.4–1.7 AE. These results indicate that as a group the calcium-rich achondrites have experienced a more diverse and extensive thermal history than have the chondritic meteorites.  相似文献   

华南富铀花岗岩和产铀花岗岩特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章简要叙述了我国南方5省(区)富铀花岗岩和产铀花岗岩概况,详细讨论了产铀花岗岩的主要特征:断裂构造发育,蚀变作用非常强烈,经常有二云母花岗岩出现,中基性和酸性脉岩比较发育。正是这些特征,决定了它们产出铀矿床的能力。  相似文献   

The composition (determined by INAA) of the Fe,Ni phase of the Norton County and Pesyanoe enstatite achondrites (aubrites) indicates that the fractionation trends of elements in the metal phase of aubrites are different from those predicted using the purely condensation or magmatic models for the genesis of aubrites. Metal nodules in aubrites with chemical composition similar to that of the metal of enstatite chondrites are relics of the primary condensates of the protoplanetary nebula. The matrix metal, which is depleted in refractory Ir relative to moderately volatile elements, underwent magmatic differentiation. The positive Ni-Au, Ni-As, and Au-As correlations in the metal of the Pesyanoe and Norton County aubrites and the negative Ir-Ni (Au) correlations in the matrix metal and nodules with low Ir concentrations testify to genetic relationship between these metal fractions. The matrix metal was produced by the partial melting of the nodules, which are the primary metal of the parent planetesimal body that had an enstatite chondrite composition. Its melting and differentiation produced the aubrite material. The composition of the aubrite Fe,Ni phase is consistent with the model of aubrite origin in two stages during the early evolution of the Solar System as a result of gravitational agglomeration of fragments that were ejected from different depths of a primary planetesimal with following formation of an asteroidal size body.  相似文献   

笔者以鄂尔多斯盆地东胜铀矿田的典型矿床——纳岭沟铀矿床为主要研究对象,通过铀矿体及围岩岩石地球化学、电子探针及稳定同位素测试等方法,综合分析了东胜砂岩型铀矿田的铀源及其地质意义。结果表明:主要含矿目标层中侏罗统直罗组在同生沉积过程中,铀预富集达212.45×10~(-6),围岩达41.34×10~(-6);预富集铀主要来自于盆地北缘蚀源区;铀矿体及围岩REE配分曲线总体具一致性,右倾,个别δEu正异常,富集重稀土,两者铀源具一致性;含铀砂岩δ~(13)C_(V-PDB)=-9.7‰,δ~(18)O_(SMOW)=18.9‰,黄铁矿δ~(34)S_(v-CDT)=-27.46‰,经历了强烈的有机地质作用;铀石围绕炭屑、星散状黄铁矿产出,被胶状黄铁矿肢解,铀富集于成岩作用后期。由此认为,直罗组同生沉积过程中预富集的铀为主要成矿铀源,东胜铀矿田属直罗组预富铀重新分配的产物。  相似文献   

草桃背矿床白垩纪橄榄玄粗岩与铀成矿关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赣南会昌断陷盆地沿石城-寻乌深断裂分布一条白垩纪橄榄玄粗岩系列的火山岩带。草桃背大型铀矿床内出露大富足岩体中-粗粒黑云母花岗岩及早白垩世晚期到晚白垩世早期橄榄玄粗岩系列火山岩。大富足花岗岩体岩石w(SiO2)平均为74.67%,碱总量(w(K2O+Na2O))平均为7.99%,w(K2O)>w(Na2O),w(CaO)平均为0.54%,w(Al2O3)>w(CaO+Na2O+K2O),属高钾钙碱性岩石系列。橄榄玄粗系列火山岩岩石w(SiO2)为45.78 %~59.78 %,w(K2O+Na2O)平均为7.37%,K2O/Na2O平均为1.02,w(TiO2)平均为0.86%, 全铁质量分数平均为7.09%,属偏碱性橄榄玄粗质火山岩类。草桃背铀矿床赋矿岩性为橄榄玄粗岩、碎裂花岗岩及隐爆角砾岩。赋存于碎裂花岗岩及隐爆角砾岩中铀矿石化学成分,与围岩花岗岩成分相似;赋存于橄榄玄粗岩中铀矿石,Fe2O3+Fe2O、CaO、MgO不同程度地带出,w(SiO2)明显增高,表明橄榄玄粗岩在成矿过程中,通过输出大量Fe、Mg、Ca等阳离子而促进铀离子从含矿溶液中沉淀。草桃背矿床的铀矿化与充填在草桃背火山口的橄榄玄粗岩关系密切,在时间上相近、在空间上相伴、在成生上相关,受橄榄玄粗岩岩浆系列热动力的影响,铀元素发生活化、转移或物质交换而成矿,成岩成矿时代属早白垩世晚期到晚白垩世早期。从草桃背铀矿床岩石学、地球化学及赋矿特征入手,总结了铀成矿是富铀矿的花岗岩基底、北东向构造及火山作用结合的产物,橄榄玄粗岩提供热源,并指出半岭、上寮、小富足等地段是寻找草桃背式铀矿床的极有利地区。  相似文献   

付湘 《铀矿地质》2012,28(3):137-141
相山铀矿田最后一期大规模火山熔岩喷发结束后,开始了大规模的铀成矿流体活动,在有利的构造部位形成热液活动中心.铀成矿流体在运移过程中,遇到圈闭构造发生矿质沉淀,形成铀矿石.因此,在相山铀矿田可以通过采用“热液活动中心十圈闭构造十多种物探方法”的铀矿床勘查模式,实现找矿新的突破.  相似文献   

长期以来,盆地中砂岩型铀矿的成矿与找矿仅关注表生低温氧化作用形成的铀矿化,忽视了复杂地质演化过程中多阶段、多模式的成矿作用.中国北方东部盆地自晚中生代以来经历了伸展-挤压-伸展的多阶段演化过程,铀成矿作用必将对这种多阶段构造演化密切响应.本研究通过中国北方东部巴音戈壁盆地塔木素矿床、二连盆地哈达图矿床、松辽盆地南部钱家店—白兴吐矿床等大型、巨型砂岩型铀矿床的精细解剖,分析矿床中矿体的变化特征和含矿目的层流体-岩石相互作用的标记,探索矿床形成的构造、沉积、铀源、还原剂等成矿控制因素,尤其是(古)太平洋板块在不同阶段、以不同的方式俯冲给研究区盆地带来的深刻影响.以区域构造演化为主线,确定早白垩世至晚白垩世早期,盆地在古太平洋板块高角度俯冲下发生伸展裂陷和拗陷作用,厘定砂岩型铀矿含矿目的层巴音戈壁组(K1b)辫状三角洲、赛汉组(K1bs)辫状河、姚家组(K2y)辫状河及曲流河等沉积环境.晚白垩世晚期,由于古太平洋板块的俯冲由高角度转变为低角度,盆地首次出现由伸展裂陷转变为挤压抬升的正反转演化,表生含铀含氧流体与砂岩相互作用,形成以赤铁矿、褐铁矿化等氧化作用为标志的早期氧化带型"卷状"铀矿化.始新世以来,太平洋板块的俯冲再次由低角度转变为高角度,盆地构造由挤压抬升转变为伸展张裂的负反转演化,导致正断层与基性岩浆活动,并伴随热流体与含矿目的层砂岩相互作用,出现大量的Fe、Mg碳酸盐、热液硫化物、绿泥石、绢云母等蚀变组合,铀矿体形态由原来的"卷状"变成了"透镜状"、"囊状"、"板状",并伴有高温钛铀矿的出现,形成晚期热液叠加铀矿化.两个成矿时期和两种不同方式的成矿作用被本文凝练为"双阶段双模式"铀成矿.结果表明,针对在中国北方东部提出的"双阶段双模式"铀成矿作用模型,下一步找矿上既要关注早期的氧化带型铀矿化,更要注重晚期的热流体叠加改造型铀矿化.  相似文献   

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