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The date of fall of a meteorite may be estimated from its thermoluminescence (TL) and in this paper the principle of a method of utilising TL to determine the terrestrial ages of eight Antarctic meteorites (Allan Hills-77) is described. The TL in a meteorite is primarily induced by cosmic ray irradiation in space and once the meteorite is on the Earth's surface, it is shielded from further cosmic ray irradiation. Under these conditions the TL will decay at a rate governed by the thermal stability of the TL and by the environmental temperature.An estimate of the decay rate may be arrived at by using recently calculated data for the trapping parameters associated with meteorite TL. A major problem is the environmental storage temperature. The “effective” storage temperature of the Antarctic meteorites is unknown, but appears to be greater than the mean annual temperature of the region of the meteorite find.Only upper limits to the terrestrial ages can be calculated because the TL at the time of the fall to Earth is highly variable from sample to sample.  相似文献   

Résumé Les quatre espèces de Planaires étudiées forment la série suivante, à rhéophilie décroissante:C. alpina, D. gonocephala, P. nigra, P. felina. Cette rhéophilie se caractérise à la fois par une plus grande résistance à l'arrachement et par une indifférence à l'égard des courants rapides. De telles données permettent d'expliquer certains traits de l'habitat des espèces considérées et de leur succession le long du ruisseau.
Summary The species investigated can be set in the following order, according to their decreasing rheophilous character:Crenobia alpina, Dugesia gonocephala, Polycelis nigra, P. felina. This rheophilous character is marked both by a greater resistance to being torn off the substrate and carried away, and by an indifference to rapid currents. Those findings suggest possible explanations for the habitat of each species and some irregularities in their altitudinal succession.

Sans résumé La publication de cette étude a bénéficié d'une subvention du Fonds national suisse pour la recherche scientifique.—Voir cette Revue Vol. XVI, fasc. 2, 1954, études de MM.P. Mercier etS. Gay et deM. Ch. Linder.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the physico-chemical properties of volcanic plumes remains at an embryonic state, mainly because of the prohibitive cost of measurements made from aircraft, which alone can provide samples representative of the total aerosol and gaseous emission from a volcanic source. The authors show that a small Remotely Piloted Vehicle (R.P.V.), similar in design to the one they used for some probative flights over Mt. Etna, may be of great use in this field. They can, for instance, insure frequent measurement of the SO2/HCl ratio in volcanic emanations close to active craters at times when the eruptive vents themselves cannot be sampled directly. In June 1978, we were thus able to measure a mean ratio of SO2/HCl (7.6) in the Mt. Etna volcanic plume. In addition, a correlation spectrometer was in operation during the airborne sampling and allowed us to obtain order of magnitude values for the Mt. Etna discharge in water vapour (170000 tons/day), sulphur dioxide (1700 t/d), hydrochloric acid (340 t/d) and hydrofluoric acid (40 t/d). Widespread use of such R.P.V’s would insure the collection of a great deal of physicochemical data from volcanic plumes, data which are presently lacking and which could extensively enhance the efficiency of chemical methods of volcano surveillance.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2008,49(4):4.26-4.29
Jesús Martínez-Frías and Rosario Lunar provide a historical and scientific perspective of the outstanding fall and main features of this ordinary chondrite, in the context of its 150th anniversary.  相似文献   

Geophysical studies in recent volcanic zones of both Martinique and Guadeloupe have permitted either to bring to light or to precise the contribution of certain factors to the activities of these regions: pluviometric influence, presence of high temperature (135°C) in solfataric activities of the Guadeloupe, influence of the physico-chemical composition of the magma on the evolution of surface activities. C14 dating allows the epoque of the last important volcanic activity in the Guadeloupe to be determined. Results concerning the correlation of high seismicity connected with volcanic activities in the Guadeloupe are presented. Earthquake swarms (200 to 300 shocks) occur, on the average, every year.  相似文献   

Résumé On fait une application particulière de la théorie de la corrélation et de la régression pour l'interprétation des données résultant d'une prospection magnétique. Est déterminée, en premier lieu, la corrélation multiple entre l'intensité de la composante verticale du champ magnétique, la teneur en Fe et la profondeur d'un complexe porteur de minéralisations de fer. Le seconde partie de l'ouvrage présente un modèle d'estimation du contenu de fer et du volume de complexe minéralisé sur la base des courbes de régression déterminées. Dans la troisième partie du travail est effectué un calcul des erreurs d'appréciation de la qualité et de la quantité des réserves.  相似文献   

We have carried out a series of recordings reproducing the small scale structures of temperature and windspeed within the boundary layer. The results obtained have been processed by computer and a direct comparison made between the slope of the spectral density functions and the theoretical slopen=5/3 defining the turbulence in the region of the inertial subrange.The measurements made at various altitudes on thin atmospheric samples demonstrate the variability of the spectral density slope with altitude. The hypotheses put forward by A. M. Obukhov, R. Bolgiano, G. H. Shur, P. Misme, A. Monin or S. Panchev, for example, enable the spectral variations and certain discontinuities in the turbulence observed during the experiments, within and beyond the boundary layer, to be explained.

Rigaud  P. 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1973,106(1):1219-1225
Pure and Applied Geophysics - The aim of the experiment is the measurement of the variation of the ozone content of the mesosphere and upper stratosphere during the night and at sunrise. We have...  相似文献   

Sublimates were collected on Mt Etna in the gas escaping from the surface of an active lava flow. Deposition occurred on the wall of a silica tube. Temperatures of deposition for the different sublimates collected were recorded continuously with 6 Thermocouples along the tube. At high temperature (300 to 860 °C) the sulfates of sodium, potassium and iron deposited. Halogen were collected at low temperature with copper, zinc and nickel chloride; copper was also associated with sulfates.  相似文献   

Résumé Une étude écologique, à caractère synthétique, des systèmes aquatiques (5 étangs et un ruisseau) de la réserve naturelle de Bonfol (Canton de Berne) a été effectuée au cours de 3 missions de 4 jours entre mai et novembre 1971 par une équipe pluridisciplinaire. Après un examen des caractéristiques générales, morphologiques et physicochimiques, les cartes des associations végétales ainsi que les diagrammes ?écomorphologiques? sont établis pour les étangs. Un inventaire des espèces planctoniques et benthiques est dressé (microflore: 237 espèces-macro-invertébrés: 100 espèces) pour les étangs et le ruisseau du Corbéry puis, au terme d’un examen global, une tentative est effectuée pour dégager les principaux caractères des systèmes étudiés, définir le programme des aménagements ainsi que celui des études à entreprendre.
Summary An ecological study of five ponds and a brook was performed in the natural park of Bonfol (Berne Canton). Three field sampling campaigns were carried out by a multidisciplinary staff. Morphological and physicochemical properties were considered; plant-associations maps and ‘ecomorphological’ diagrams were drawn up in regards to the ponds. An inventory of benthic and planctonic species is taken for the ponds and Corbery brook (microflora: 237 species; macroinvertebrates: 100 species); then an attempt is made to pick out the main features of the systems and to define the development plans and the needs for further research.

Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit ist das Ergebnis von 3 Untersuchungen, welche im Naturreservat Bonfol (Jura, Kanton Bern) durch eine Spezialistengruppe ausgeführt und auf der Vergleichsbasis der chemischphysikalischen Bedingungen der aquatischen Lebensr?ume (5 Teiche, ein Bach) zu einer ?kologischen Studie zusammengefasst wurden. Nach einer Dokumentation der Morphologie der Lebensr?ume und ihrer chemisch-physikalischen Bedingungen ist die Verteilung der Pflanzengesellschaften kartiert, ferner werden die Teiche mit ?komorphologischen Diagrammen charakterisiert. Die Besiedlung der Teiche und des Baches Corbéry ist in Artenlisten zusammengestellt. Die Studie schliesst mit Vorschl?gen für neue Untersuchungen sowie für technische Sanierungsmassnahmen.

Avec la collaboration technique de MM. Berget, Boucheron, Faessel, Monnot.  相似文献   

Offshore seismic refraction profiles permitted us to characterize the extent of the geological formations which prolong the principal units of the Provence and Alpes Maritimes southwards and to establish their respective relationships. The concept of a “Var graben” is confirmed and defined. A magma chamber, probably in relation with the volcanic deposits of the Cap d'Ail, has been disclosed and coincides with the positive magnetic anomaly observed in this area.  相似文献   

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