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PhotometricUBV-observations of VW Cep, a W UMa-type eclipsing binary, were made in 1971 and 1978–79. The (O-C)-diagram, with the newly determined times of minima extended, shows sudden increases and decreases in the period of VW Cep. The difference light curves (the observed light curves compared with a reference light curve) show some correlations with the sudden change of the period. In particular, the difference between the two light curves from 1971 and 1978 is also presented. The system may be in marginal contact, and as such is possibly unstable with respect to mass exchange between its components. In accordance with the variation of (O-C)-values the mass transfer between the both components is discussed. The difference between the depths of the two minima shows irregular changes, while that between the heights of the two maxima shows a long term variation on which irregular fluctuations are superimposed.  相似文献   

We present the full VRI light curves and the times of minima of TY UMa to provide a complete photometric solution and a long-term trend of period variation. The light curves show a high degree of asymmetry (the O'Connell effect). The maxima at 0.25 phase (Max I) are 0.021, 0.015, and 0.020 mag fainter than those at 0.75 phase (Max II) in V , R , and I , respectively. The period of TY UMa has varied in a sinusoidal way, superimposed on the long-term upward parabolic variation. The secularly increasing rate of the period is deduced as 1.83 s per century  ( P˙ / P =5.788×10-10 d d-1)  . The period of sinusoidal variation is about 57.4 yr. The spot model has been applied to fit the asymmetric light curves of TY UMa, to explain light variations. By changing only the spot parameters, the model light curves can fit the observed light curves for three epochs. This indicates that the variation of the spot location and size is the main reason for changing the shape of light curves, including two different maxima and the interchanging depths of occultation and transit minima.  相似文献   

DifferentialUBV observations of the small amplitude (0.12 mag inV) single-lined active binary V350 Lac are presented. It was observed that the light minima occur in conjunction time. A shift of the light curve (0.05 in orbital phase) towards lower phases could be due to a small error in the light elements. The primary minimum is about 0.04 mag deeper than the secondary. It was shown that different depths of two light minima are not produced by the reflection effect but due primarily to gravity darkening on the tidally elongated and synchronously rotating visible component. An O'Connel effect observed as the brighter primary maximum could be an indication of starspot activity or gas streaming between the components.  相似文献   

New CCD observations of the eclipsing binary TZ Boo in BVR bands were carried out in 2006 (presented three new minima) and used together with all published minima to study and update the orbital period of the system TZ Boo by means of an (O–C) diagram. The period variation from 1926 to 2011 is represented by polynomial of eighth degree and indicates period variation of about 9.752 × 10???10 days/yr. We studied light curve stability over 85 yr covering all published observations in the V band and confirm the cyclic light curve variations.  相似文献   

Two-colour photoelectric observations of the short-period RS CVn-type eclipsing binary UV Psc have been made between 1981–1986 at the Ege University Observatory. The present work deals with the light curve variations of the binary obtained in the observing seasons of 1981, 1982, and 1984. The shape of the light curve, the depths of the minima, and the total brightness of the system seemed to change in the course of time that covers three years of observing time. The value of the migration period of the wave-like distortion was roughly estimated to be between 1.5 and 2.0 years.  相似文献   

A long series of photoelectric observations of the W UMa-type eclipsing binary VW Cephei collected since 1952 is discussed. The so-called KWEE effect is examined — regarding the heights of maxima and the depths of minima — in order to detect periodicities i n the light curve changes. The frequency analysis reveals periodicities at the small homogeneous observational domains only, but the power spectrum (in sence of DFT) of all observations is very complicated for exact interpretation. The light curve changes are entirely real much exceeding the possible errors, but they have lost their periodic character in the whole discussed time interval.  相似文献   

We obtained several epochs of light minima and a complete R light curve of the W-type contact binary V1128 Tau in 2009. Two cool spots on the massive component are used to model the photometric light curve. Using all available data we find evidence for a long-term period variation with an amplitude of 0.0050±0.0012 days and a period of 16.7±0.9 years. Using parameters derived from a photometric model of the 2009 light curve we show that this period change could be explained by the Applegate mechanism on one of the components.  相似文献   

The firstV-photoelectric light curve (on theUBV system) of the eclipsing variable UU Sagittae (constituting the central star of a faint planetary nebula Abell 63) was obtained in 1979 with the 74 in. reflector at the Kottamia station of Helwan Observatory in Egypt, and analysed for the photometric elements of the system. Some of the geometrical elements obtained by us differ significantly from those previously deduced by Bondet al. (1978) from theirB-light curve secured in 1976; but there is no reason to suspect from this that any physical change has taken place in the system between 1976 and 1979.The most significant feature of the light curve of UU Sge (in both colours) is the large amplitude of the reflection effect exhibited between minima, as well as the fact that the secondary minimum appears to be almost wholly due to an eclipse of reflected light. This, combined with the depths of the alternate minima observed in both colours, leads us to conclude that the effective temperature of the O-type component is probably not much higher than 30 000 K, while that of the secondary component is not less than 6000 K (corresponding to a subgiant of spectral class close to G0).  相似文献   

New photoelectric photometry of TW Cam is presented. Fourier analysis of the light curve shows a group of peaks at 43d. The first return maps of the primary and secondary minima differ remarkably, that of the secondary minima showing significantly larger scatter. This difference implies that the pulsation period of the star is the formal period (i.e., the distance between two primary minima).  相似文献   

The RS CVn-type eclipsing binary MM Her was observed photoelectrically inB andV colours. The light curves obtained in 1984 and 1985 are presented. It was found that the depths of the primary minima are decreased from 1983 to 1985. However, the amplitude of the wave-like distortion outside the eclipses was detected to increase since 1976. The period of migration was determined to be about 3.57±0.08 years.  相似文献   

B andV photometry of DM UMa obtained between January, 1980 and June, 1984 is presented. Analysis yields a mean photometric period 7d.478±0d.010, compared to the known oribital period of 7d.492±0d.009. Light curves obtained during any two seasons do not agree in any of the following: shape, amplitude, phases of the light maxima and minima, mean light level, or brightness at the light maxima and minima. From the change inB-V over the photometric period, we concludethat the hemisphere visible during the light minimum is cooler than that seen during light maximum. The mean colorB-V=1m.065±0m.002 is consistent with K1 III or K2 IV. Phases of light minima lie on two well-separated groups with different slopes; the corresponding periods are 7d.471±0d.002 and 7d.481±0d.001, in dicating that both migrate linearly towards decreasing orbital phase. In terms of the starspot model this indicates that two respective centers of activity were situated at different longitudes and latitudes on a differentially rotating star. From circumstantial evidence we infer that the dark region seen from 1979 onwards disintegrated sometime between the 1982 and 1983 observing seasons, leaving behind an area of relatively high surface brightness. We can put a lower limit of about four years on the lifetime of a center of activity.  相似文献   

The optical light of the symbiotic binary BF Cyg during its last eruption after 2006 shows orbital variations because of an eclipse of the outbursting compact object. The first orbital minimum is deeper than the following ones. Moreover, the Balmer profiles of this system acquired additional satellite components indicating a bipolar collimated outflow at one time between the first and second orbital minima. This behaviour is interpreted in the framework of the model of a collimated stellar wind from the outbursting object. It is supposed that one extended disc‐like envelope covering the accretion disc of the compact object and collimating its stellar wind forms in the period between the first and second minima. The uneclipsed part of this envelope is responsible for the decrease of the depth of the orbital minimum. The calculated UBVRCIC fluxes of this uneclipsed part are in agreement with the observed residual of the depths of the first and second orbital minima. The parameters of the envelope require that it is the main emitting region of the line Hα but the Hα profile is less determined from its rotation and mostly from other mechanisms. It is concluded that the envelope is a transient nebular region and its destruction determines the increase of the depth of the orbital minimum with fading of the optical light. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Two-colour photoelectric photometry of the eclipsing binary BD + 13o4708 was carried out. Several features such as asymmetry in the branches, light difference between the maxima, an eccentric orbit, a dip around phase 0.2 are distinctive. The new light elements of the system were computed using also the previous times of primary minima given by Walker (1988).  相似文献   

We have analysed a large set of sunspot group data (1874 – 2004) and find that the meridional flow strongly varies with the phase of the solar cycle, and the variation is quite different in the northern and the southern hemispheres. We also find the existence of considerable cycle-to-cycle variation in the meridional velocity, and about a 11-year difference between the phases of the corresponding variations in the northern and the southern hemispheres. In addition, our analysis also indicates the following: (i) the existence of a considerable difference (about 180°) between the phases of the solar-cycle variations in the latitude-gradient terms of the northern and the southern hemispheres’ rotations; (ii) the existence of correlation (good in the northern hemisphere and weak in the southern hemisphere) between the mean solar-cycle variations of meridional flow and the latitude-gradient term of solar rotation; (iii) in the northern hemisphere, the cycle-to-cycle variation of the mean meridional velocity leads that of the equatorial rotation rate by about 11 years, and the corresponding variations have approximately the same phase in the southern hemisphere; and (iv) the directions of the mean meridional velocity is largely toward the pole in the longer sunspot cycles and largely toward the equator in the shorter cycles.  相似文献   

We explain a complex behaviour of the light curves (LC) of symbiotic binaries on the basis of their spectral energy distribution (SED) in the optical domain. During quiescent phases we observe a wave-like variation of the optical light as a function of orbital phase. This is produced by the orbitally-related variation of the emission measure (EM) of the symbiotic nebula. During active phases this type of variability disappears, the continuum level increases by 2–3 magnitudes in U and, in the case of a highly inclined orbit, narrow minima – eclipses – in the LC can occur. These phenomena are connected with the creation of a cool pseudo-photosphere around the hot star, whose contribution is significant in the optical, while the nebula practically disappears.  相似文献   

We present observations of Asteroid 21 Lutetia collected 2003–2008 using the SpeX instrument on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) covering 2–4 μm. We also reevaluate NSFCam observations obtained in 1996 (Rivkin, A.S., Lebofsky, L.A., Clark, B.E., Howell, E.S., Britt, D.T. [2000]. Icarus 145, 351–368). Taken together, these show deeper 3-μm band depths (of order 3–5%) in the southern hemisphere of Lutetia, and shallower band depths (of order 2% or less) in the north. Such variation is consistent with observations at shorter wavelength by previous workers (Nedelcu, D.A. et al. [2007]. Astron. Astrophys. 470, 1157–1164; Lazzarin, M. et al. [2010]. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 408, 1433–1437), who observed hemispheric-level variations from C-like spectra to X-like spectra.While the shallowness of absorption bands on Lutetia hinders identification of its surface composition, goethite appears plausible as a constituent in its southern hemisphere (Beck, P., Quirico, E., Sevestre, D., Montes-Hernandez, G., Pommerol, A., Schmitt, B. [2011]. Astron. Astrophys. 526, A85–A89). Mathematical models of space weathered goethite are most consistent with Lutetia’s southern hemisphere spectrum, but more work and further observations are necessary to confirm this suggestion.  相似文献   

The photoelectricB andV colour observations of the Lyrae-type eclipsing binary CN And were made on four nights at the Ege University Observatory. The new light elements, which were calculated by adding new times of minima obtained during the observations to the previous ones, were given. The light curve of the system varies cycle by cycle and the variation is discussed in some extent.  相似文献   

The latitudinal location of the sunspot zones in each hemisphere is determined by calculating the centroid position of sunspot areas for each solar rotation from May 1874 to June 2011. When these centroid positions are plotted and analyzed as functions of time from each sunspot cycle maximum, there appear to be systematic differences in the positions and equatorward drift rates as a function of sunspot cycle amplitude. If, instead, these centroid positions are plotted and analyzed as functions of time from each sunspot cycle minimum, then most of the differences in the positions and equatorward drift rates disappear. The differences that remain disappear entirely if curve fitting is used to determine the starting times (which vary by as much as eight months from the times of minima). The sunspot zone latitudes and equatorward drift measured relative to this starting time follow a standard path for all cycles with no dependence upon cycle strength or hemispheric dominance. Although Cycle 23 was peculiar in its length and the strength of the polar fields it produced, it too shows no significant variation from this standard. This standard law, and the lack of variation with sunspot cycle characteristics, is consistent with dynamo wave mechanisms but not consistent with current flux transport dynamo models for the equatorward drift of the sunspot zones.  相似文献   

We report results of extensive photometry of the suspected cataclysmic variable FBS 1220+753. The observations were obtained over 28 nights in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The total duration of the observations was 160 h. We clearly detected the highly coherent oscillation with a period of 1.0712887±0.0000013 h and a stable semi-amplitude of 0.03 mag. In a time scale of years, the oscillation period is very stable (dP/dt<(4.1±1.4)×10?10). The light curves of FBS 1220+753 show no obvious flickering. The significant brightness changes on large time intervals are also absent. Therefore, it is unlikely that FBS 1220+753 is a cataclysmic variable. The period is compatible with oscillations seen in δ Sct variables. But its high stability and the unchangeable oscillation amplitude suggest that the oscillation cannot be caused by multiperiodic stellar pulsations. The average pulse shape of the oscillation is very sinusoidal with slightly sharper maxima compared with minima, but it is somewhat changeable from year to year. The light curves obtained in 2011 and folded with the doubled oscillation period reveal that the adjacent oscillation cycles have slightly different depths of the minima and different steepness of the rise and decline. This behaviour resembles the behaviour of the binary subdwarf–white dwarf systems, in which the variability is caused by ellipsoidal variations. However, the folded light curve obtained from the data of 2010 reveal nearly equal shapes of the adjacent oscillation cycles, and this does not conform to such an interpretation. Thus, the nature of the oscillation seen in FBS 1220+753 remains puzzling. To solve this puzzle, detailed spectroscopic observations are needed.  相似文献   

On February 8, 1974, Skylab 1 was manoeuvred into a near circular orbit of inclination 50.04° and perigee near 420km. Orbital parameters have been computed at forty-six epochs thereafter using all available observations. Using these orbital elements, supplemented by orbital decay rates derived from NORAD bulletins, 193 values of air density were determined between 23 February, 1974 and 11, August, 1976. Corrected to a fixed height and normalised with respect to exospheric temperature these values reveal the semi-annual variation, exhibiting maxima in March–April and October–November, and minima in January–February and July–August. For 1974–1976 the July minima are more pronounced than the January minima whilst the April and October maxima appear equal. Overall the variation is greater than that indicated by CIRA 1972.  相似文献   

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