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A numerical experiment of flow in variably saturated porous media was performed in order to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of the groundwater recharge at the phreatic surface for a shallow aquifer as a function of the input rainfall process and soil heterogeneity. The study focused on the groundwater recharge which resulted from the percolation of the excess rainfall for a 90-days period of an actual precipitation record. Groundwater recharge was defined as the water flux across the moving phreatic surface. The observed spatial non-uniformity of the groundwater recharge was caused by soil heterogeneity and is particularly pronounced during the stage of recharge peak (substantial percolation stage). During that stage the recharge is associated with preferential flow paths defined as soil zones of locally higher hydraulic conductivity. For the periods of low percolation intensity the groundwater recharge was exhibiting more uniform spatial characteristics. The temporal distribution of the recharge was found to be a function of the frequency and intensity of the rainfall events. Application of sampling design demonstrates the joint influence of the spatial and temporal recharge variability on the cost-effective monitoring of groundwater potentiometric surfaces.  相似文献   

地磁秒采样仪器观测过程中,易受各种环境干扰造成数据异常,如磁暴、高压直流输电、人为干扰、仪器故障等,不易被发现并识别,若不能及时处理,将会造成观测数据质量下降。若诸多干扰与磁扰叠加,将更不易识别,导致数据的错误处理。为了提高观测质量,利用现有编程技术,开发地磁秒采样数据智能分析系统软件,实现对地磁观测仪器工作状态、各种干扰、磁暴等现象的实时监控和分析,及时发现异常并报警,同时利用多台数据对比智能分析软件,对复杂干扰和高压直流输电干扰进行自动识别,并数据曲线中标示干扰位置,提高数据资料处理的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

As a component of arid ecosystems, groundwater plays an important role in plant growth; therefore, it is essential to use deterministic models to reconstruct the process of groundwater level change. Typically, the linearized solution of the one-dimensional (1-D) Boussinesq equation yields acceptable performance in simulating transient conditions over short recharge periods in ephemeral stream systems, but the ability of this solution to simulate multiyear changes in groundwater levels is limited. In this study, an improved groundwater hydraulics (GH-D2) model is built based on the groundwater hydraulics (GH) solution of the 1-D Boussinesq equation to simulate multiyear changes in the groundwater level in ephemeral stream systems. The model is validated in the lower reaches of the Tarim River to simulate groundwater level fluctuations within the scope of influence of the river (300, 500, 750, 1050 m) over a 16-year period (2000 to 2015). To evaluate the performance of the models, the bias, mean absolute error, root mean squared error, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), and coefficient of determination (R2) are calculated. The results show that the improved GH-D2 model, which considers ephemeral streamflow, unsteady flow theory and the delayed response effect of groundwater level changes, performs well in simulating multiyear changes in the groundwater level in the ephemeral stream system. The observed and simulated values of the groundwater level at different river distances are consistent, and the model provides a new basis for multiyear simulations of groundwater level fluctuations in ephemeral stream systems.  相似文献   

In the arid to semi-arid district of Chengcheng, Weinan City, in central Shaanxi Province, diminishing groundwater reserves in the shallow Quaternary (QLB) aquifer and elevated fluoride in the similarly shallow Permo-Triassic (PTF) aquifer, have promoted interest in the development of groundwater resources in the deep but poorly understood Cambrian-Ordovician carbonate aquifer system (COC). To investigate the origin of the COC groundwaters and the relationship between the deep and shallower systems, a hydrochemical study was undertaken involving 179 major and minor ion analyses, 39 stable isotope analyses (δD and δ18O), and 14 carbon isotope analyses (14C and δ13C). PHREEQC 3.0 was used to investigate mixing. Hydrochemical data support the presence of a well-connected regional flow system extending southwards from the more mountainous north. Stable isotope data indicate that the COC groundwaters originate as soil zone infiltration, under a much cooler regime than is found locally today. This is confirmed by 14C, which indicates the groundwater to be palaeowater recharged during the late Pleistocene (∼10–12 ka B.P.). The presence of nitrate in the COC groundwaters suggests leakage from overlying shallow aquifers currently provides an additional source of COC recharge, with major faults possibly providing the primary pathways for downward vertical flow.  相似文献   

高采样率四分量钻孔应变同震响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘琦  张晶  晏锐  武艳强  闫伟 《中国地震》2013,29(1):57-67
针对2012年4月11日苏门答腊北部附近海域8.6级地震,选取了2套10Hz采样YRY型四分量钻孔应变仪、1套100Hz采样FBS-3B型宽频带地震计的观测结果,在预处理后对比分析了上述观测结果在同震时段的响应特征.利用S变换方法研究了整个同震时段的频谱动态演化过程,并对各震相时段的频谱细节进行了分析.同站点地震仪与钻孔应变仪S变换结果表明,二者的同震频谱演化过程具有较好的一致性,可以相互参照进行波动信号的甄别,说明钻孔应变仪在高频端的监测结果是可靠的.  相似文献   

J. J. Yu  X. S. Qin  O. Larsen 《水文研究》2015,29(6):1267-1279
A generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) method incorporating moving least squares (MLS) with entropy for stochastic sampling (denoted as GLUE‐MLS‐E) was proposed for uncertainty analysis of flood inundation modelling. The MLS with entropy (MLS‐E) was established according to the pairs of parameters/likelihoods generated from a limited number of direct model executions. It was then applied to approximate the model evaluation to facilitate the target sample acceptance of GLUE during the Monte‐Carlo‐based stochastic simulation process. The results from a case study showed that the proposed GLUE‐MLS‐E method had a comparable performance as GLUE in terms of posterior parameter estimation and predicted confidence intervals; however, it could significantly reduce the computational cost. A comparison to other surrogate models, including MLS, quadratic response surface and artificial neural networks (ANN), revealed that the MLS‐E outperformed others in light of both the predicted confidence interval and the most likely value of water depths. ANN was shown to be a viable alternative, which performed slightly poorer than MLS‐E. The proposed surrogate method in stochastic sampling is of practical significance in computationally expensive problems like flood risk analysis, real‐time forecasting, and simulation‐based engineering design, and has a general applicability in many other numerical simulation fields that requires extensive efforts in uncertainty assessment. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A guide is provided to the minimum sample masses required to obtain reproducible measures of the particle-size distributions of coarse sediments. This is based on studies of the actual particle-size distributions of a range of clastic deposits. Procedures are given to enable representative bulk samples of tills, fluvial gravels and beach gravels to be taken.  相似文献   

China's continental deposition basins are characterized by complex geological structures and various reservoir lithologies. Therefore, high precision exploration methods are needed. High density spatial sampling is a new technology to increase the accuracy of seismic exploration. We briefly discuss point source and receiver technology, analyze the high density spatial sampling in situ method, introduce the symmetric sampling principles presented by Gijs J. O. Vermeer, and discuss high density spatial sampling technology from the point of view of wave field continuity. We emphasize the analysis of the high density spatial sampling characteristics, including the high density first break advantages for investigation of near surface structure, improving static correction precision, the use of dense receiver spacing at short offsets to increase the effective coverage at shallow depth, and the accuracy of reflection imaging. Coherent noise is not aliased and the noise analysis precision and suppression increases as a result. High density spatial sampling enhances wave field continuity and the accuracy of various mathematical transforms, which benefits wave field separation. Finally, we point out that the difficult part of high density spatial sampling technology is the data processing. More research needs to be done on the methods of analyzing and processing huge amounts of seismic data.  相似文献   

高密度空间采样地震数据特点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国陆相沉积盆地的地质结构复杂,储层岩性的多变,需要有高精度的勘探方法。高密度空间采样是提高地震勘探精度的一项新技术。本文简要说明了点激发和点接收技术,分析高密度空间采样的野外工作方法,介绍了Gijs j.o.Vermeer提出的对称采样原理,从波场连续性的角度探讨了高密度空间采样技术。重点分析高密度空间采样数据的特点, 即:高密集的初至波有利于近地表结构的调查,可提高静校正的精度;小偏移距、小点距接收增加了浅层的有效覆盖次数,提高浅层反射的成像精度; 对规则噪声可实现无假频采样,室内的噪声分析和噪声压制的精度随着提高;高密度采集使波场连续性增强,使得各种数学变换的精度提高,有利于不同波场的分离。最后指出高密度空间采样地震勘探技术的难点在于室内数据处理,针对海量数据的分析和处理方法还需要进行深入细致的研究工作。  相似文献   

The use of a split sampling technique for selecting a flood frequency analysis procedure is discussed in detail with the aid of simulation experiment results. Although this technique is unable to identify the most likely statistical distribution which generated given flood data, it is demonstrated that it provides useful results with which to compare the relative merits of different flood frequency estimation procedures.  相似文献   

射线法模拟分析井间地震观测的波场特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
按照井间地震的观测系统,用改进的突变点加插值射线追踪方法,追踪每炮每道的射线路径,计算几种主要类型的波沿射线路径的波至时间和射线振幅,制作井间地震多炮多道水平分量和垂直分量的合成记录.并将合成记录选排为井间共炮点道集、共接收点道集、共偏移距道集和共中心深度点道集,系统地分析了不同道集内几种主要类型的地震波的传播特征.对野外观测的实际井间地震记录进行了模拟,从复杂的井间地震记录中,识别出井间地震实际观测到的不同类型的波场,为随后的井间地震资料处理和应用提供了依据.  相似文献   

Groundwater-flow models depend on hydraulic head and flux observations for evaluation and calibration. A different type of observation—change in storage measured using repeat microgravity—can also be used for parameter estimation by simulating the expected change in gravity from a groundwater model and including the observation misfit in the objective function. The method is demonstrated using new software linked to MODFLOW input and output files and field data from the vicinity of the All American Canal in southeast California, USA. Over a 10-year period following lining of the previously highly permeable canal with concrete, gravity decreased by over 100 μGal (equivalent to about 2.5 m of free-standing water) at some locations as seepage decreased and the remnant groundwater mound dissipated into the aquifer or was removed by groundwater pumping. Simulated gravity from a MODFLOW model closely matched observations, and repeat microgravity data proved useful for constraining both hydraulic conductivity and specific yield estimates. Specific yield estimated using the infinite-horizontal slab approximation agreed well with model-derived values, and the departure from the linear, flat-water-table approximation was small, less than 2%, despite relatively large and dynamic water-table slope. First-order second-moment parameter uncertainty analysis shows reduction in uncertainty for all hydraulic conductivity and specific yield parameter estimates with the addition of repeat microgravity data, as compared to drawdown data alone.  相似文献   

Seventeen groundwater quality variables collected during an 8‐year period (2006 to 2013) in Andimeshk, Iran, were used to implement an artificial neural network (NN) with the purpose of constructing a water quality index (WQI). The method leading to the WQI avoids instabilities and overparameterization, two problems common when working with relatively small data sets. The groundwater quality variables used to construct the WQI were selected based on principal component analysis (PCA) by which the number of variables were decreased to six. To fulfill the goals of this study, the performance of three methods (1) bootstrap aggregation with early stopping; (2) noise injection; and (3) ensemble averaging with early stopping was compared. The criteria used for performance analysis was based on mean squared error (MSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) of the test data set and the correlation coefficients between WQI targets and NN predictions. This study confirmed the importance of PCA for variable selection and dimensionality reduction to reduce the risk of overfitting. Ensemble averaging with early stopping proved to be the best performed method. Owing to its high coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.80) and correlation coefficient (r=0.91), we recommended ensemble averaging with early stopping as an accurate NN modeling procedure for water quality prediction in similar studies.  相似文献   

介绍了广东阳江新洲地热田深部地下水关联井水显著异常,广西北流—广东化州M_S5.2级地震发震前,新洲地热田监测井中两次延续数十小时的水位上涌现象,该现象解析是由于地热田东西向断层被挤压,引起深部地下水上升受阻而向地热田周边浅层地下水排泄,最终导致监测井中水位上涨。这意味着新洲地热田浅层地下水受深部地下水的影响,这种地下水体系对地应力活动引起的应变更敏感。研究结果对地震先兆、深部水文、深部地热均有参考意义。  相似文献   

Gale and Hoare (1992) have provided a figure relating maximum particle diameter in a coarse clastic sediment to the size of sample required to generate a reproducible measure of the particle-size distribution of that sediment. However, they fail adequately to justify the basis for the criterion of sample adequacy adopted in their proposal. Additionally, there is a range of separate issues neglected by Gale and Hoare (1992) which makes their conclusion inapplicable in many situations. A fundamental issue that they neglect is the purpose lying behind a grain-size analysis: this issue determines what grain size measures are appropriate, rather than the empirical, seemingly purpose-independent, approach of Gale and Hoare (1992).  相似文献   

The work of Gale and Hoare (1992) provides a guide to the minimum mass of bulk sample required to obtain a reproducible measure of the complete particle-size distribution of coarse clastic sediments such as till, fluvial gravel and beach gravel. Dunkerley (1994) makes a number of criticisms and misrepresentations of this procedure. These are systematically refuted and corrected here, and further data obtained from till and beach gravel are provided to support the criterion adopted by Gale and Hoare (1992) for sample reliability. The procedure of Gale and Hoare (1992) is confirmed as a practical guide to the mass of bulk sample required to obtain a reliable measure of the particle-size distribution of coarse clastic sediment.  相似文献   

The PULSE analytical model, which calculates daily groundwater discharge on the basis of user‐specified recharge, was originally developed for calibration using streamflow data. This article describes a model application in which groundwater level data constitute the primary control on model input. As a test case, data were analyzed from a small basin in central Pennsylvania in which extensive groundwater level data are available. The timing and intensity of daily water‐level rises are used to ascertain temporal distribution of recharge, and the simulated groundwater discharge hydrograph has shape features that are similar to the streamflow hydrograph. This article does not include details about calibration, but some steps are illustrated and general procedures are described for calibration in specific hydrologic studies. The PULSE model can be used to assess results of fully automated base flow methods and can be used to define groundwater recharge and discharge at a relatively small time scale.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in the mechanistic understanding of sorption in groundwater systems, most contaminant transport models provide limited support for nonideal sorption processes such as nonlinear isotherms and/or diffusion-limited sorption. However, recent developments in the conceptualization of “dual mode” sorption for hydrophobic organic contaminants have provided more realistic and mechanistically sound alternatives to the commonly used Langmuir and Freundlich models. To support the inclusion of both nonlinear and diffusion-limited sorption processes in groundwater transport models, this paper presents two numerical algorithms based on the split operator approach. For the nonlinear equilibrium scenario, the commonly used two-step split operator algorithm has been modified to provide a more robust treatment of complex multi-parameter isotherms such as the Polanyi-partitioning model. For diffusion-limited sorption, a flexible three step split-operator procedure is presented to simulate intraparticle diffusion in multiple spherical particles with different sizes and nonlinear isotherms. Numerical experiments confirmed the accuracy of both algorithms for several candidate isotherms. However, the primary advantages of the algorithms are: (1) flexibility to accommodate any isotherm equation including “dual mode” and similar expressions, and (2) ease of adapting existing grid-based transport models of any dimensionality to include nonlinear sorption and/or intraparticle diffusion. Comparisons are developed for one-dimensional transport scenarios with different isotherms and particle configurations. Illustrative results highlight (1) the potential influence of isotherm model selection on solute transport predictions, and (2) the combined effects of intraparticle diffusion and nonlinear sorption on the plume transport and flushing for both single-particle and multi-particle scenarios.  相似文献   

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