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The timing of Cu–Mo–U mineralisation at the Nori/RA prospect in the Paleoproterozoic Great Bear magmatic zone has been investigated using Re–Os molybdenite and 40Ar–39Ar biotite geochronology. The Re–Os molybdenite ages presented are the first robust sulphide mineralisation ages derived from the Great Bear magmatic zone. Cu–Mo–U mineralisation is hosted in early to syn-deformational hydrothermal veins consisting of quartz and K-feldspar or more commonly tourmaline-biotite-quartz-K-feldspar, with associated wall-rock alteration assemblages being predominantly biotite. Sulphide and oxide minerals consist of chalcopyrite, molybdenite and uraninite with lesser pyrite and magnetite. Elevated light rare earth elements and tungsten concentrations associated with the Cu–Mo–U mineralisation have also been reported at the prospect by previous workers. Molybdenite and uraninite occur intimately in dravitic tourmaline growth zones and at grain margins, attesting to their syngenetic nature (with respect to hydrothermal veining). Two molybdenite separates yield Re–Os model ages of 1,874.4 ± 8.7 (2σ) and 1,872.4 ± 8.8 Ma (2σ) with a weighted average model age of 1,873.4 ± 6.1 Ma (2σ). Laser step heating of biotite from the marginal alteration of the wall-rock adjacent to the veins yields a 40Ar–39Ar maximum cooling age of 1,875 ± 8 Ma (MSWD = 3.8; 2σ), indistinguishable from the Re–Os molybdenite model age and a previously dated ‘syn-tectonic’ aplitic dyke in the region. Dravitic tourmaline hosts abundant primary liquid–vapour–solid-bearing fluid inclusions. Analytical results indicate liquid–vapour homogenisation at >260°C constraining the minimum temperature of mineralisation. The solids, which are possibly trapped, did not homogenise with the liquid–vapour by 400°C. Salinities in the inclusions are variable. Raman spectra identify that at least some of the solids are calcite and anhydrite. Raman spectra also confirm the vapour phases contain some CO2; whereas clathrates or CH4 was not observed or detected. Quartz grains only host secondary fluid inclusions, which fluoresce under ultraviolet light, indicating trapped hydrocarbons. We speculate that these resulted from Phanerozoic fluid circulation through the Proterozoic basement. The collective interpretation of the age, hydrothermal character and associated metals, high temperature and variable salinity suggests that the Nori/RA Cu–Mo–U mineralisation can be linked with the earliest stages of plutonism in the Great Bear magmatic zone. From a regional perspective, the mineralisation may pre-date the extensive multi-element mineralisation now recognised as part of the iron oxide copper–gold (IOCG) spectrum of deposits. As IOCG provinces generally contain a variety of mineralisation styles, we interpret this as the earliest phase of the extensive mineralising system.  相似文献   

Palaeoproterozoic orogenesis within the Archean southeastern Rae craton is related to the initial amalgamation of Laurentia. Characterizing the accompanying tectonic processes during this time has been complicated due to polymetamorphism, which results in the obscuring of the age record of the terranes involved. To improve the knowledge of the tectonic evolution of the South Rae Craton, petrologic and structural analyses are applied in conjunction with in situ trace element chemistry, inclusion barometry, U–Pb monazite and titanite, and Lu–Hf garnet chronology. The data robustly constrain Palaeoproterozoic pressure–temperature–time paths of major deformational events along the southeastern Rae craton margin. D1 occurred between 1.94 and 1.93 Ga in the Dodge-Snowbird domain, which included prograde burial of metasedimentary rocks, deposited at 2.2–2.0 Ga, and the development of migmatitic layering and east-southeast trending folds (S1, F1). Peak metamorphism is recorded in metasedimentary units at c. 1.93 Ga when rocks reached conditions of 9.0–10.5 kbar and 810–830°C. Within the Dodge-Snowbird domain, D2 imparted north-northeast trending open folds and associated axial planar cleavage (S2, F2) between 1.93 and 1.90 Ga during east-west compression that appears to have been synchronous with cooling and exhumation. Later D2 deformation, localized within the Wholdaia Lake shear zone (WLsz; ST1), developed in the footwall of this thrust-sense structure at 1,873 ± 5 Ma at conditions of 9.5–11.0 kbar and 820–850°C. The hangingwall Dodge-Snowbird domain had already cooled to below 300°C by then, indicating a significant structural and metamorphic break across the domain's western boundary. A new phase of unroofing (D3) involved pervasive amphibolite- to greenschist facies extensional shearing (ST2) within the WLsz, which overprinted ST1 foliations between 1.87 and 1.86 Ga. Continued greenschist facies shearing younger than 1.86 Ga likely ended by c. 1.83 Ga when lamprophyre dykes cut the structure, which was followed by cooling until c. 1.80 Ga. This work highlights the utility and application of multiple chronometers (zircon, monazite, titanite, garnet) along with structural and petrologic analysis that together can resolve precise orogenic cycles in polymetamorphic terranes that may otherwise be undetected. The time-resolved P–T–D histories derived here enable more robust interpretations regarding the nature and evolution of 1.9 Ga tectonism along the southeast Rae craton margin, which may be used to refine models for Laurentian terrane amalgamation.  相似文献   


The Central Mackenzie Valley (CMV) area of Northwest Territories is underlain by Precambrian basement belonging to the North American Craton. The potential of this area to host kimberlitic diamond deposits is relatively high judging from the seismologically-defined lithospheric thickness, age of basement rocks (2.2–1.7 Ga) and presence of kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) in Quaternary sediments. This study presents data for a large collection of KIMs recovered from stream sediments and till samples from two study areas in the CMV, the Horn Plateau and Trout Lake. In the processed samples, peridotitic garnets dominate the KIM grain count for both regions (> 25% each) while eclogitic garnet is almost absent in both regions (< 1% each). KIM chemistry for the Horn Plateau indicates significant diamond potential, with a strong similarity to KIM systematics from the Central and Western Slave Craton. The most significant issue to resolve in assessing the local diamond potential is the degree to which KIM chemistry reflects local and/or distal kimberlite bodies. Radiogenic isotope analysis of detrital kimberlite-related CMV ilmenite and rutile grains requires at least two broad age groups for eroded source kimberlites. Statistical analysis of the data suggests that it is probable that some of these KIMs were derived from primary and/or secondary sources within the CMV area, while others may have been transported to the area from the east-northeast by Pleistocene glacial and/or glaciofluvial systems. At this stage, KIM chemistry does not allow the exact location of the kimberlitic source(s) to be constrained.


Two types of compositionally heterogeneous slags have been found in the wall masonry of the Gothic Castle ruin Obřany. The bright phase is composed of quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, and porous glass, while the dark one also contains feldspars, hercynite, magnetite, clinopyroxenes, and a suite of accessory phases. The bright slags have a similar chemical composition as the mortar from the castle masonry or local sandstones, based on rare earth elements (REE) and other trace element abundances. In contrast, the dark slags are characterized by elevated contents of Al2O3 (15.4–18.6 wt.%) and Fe2O3tot (4.1–10.0 wt.%), and consequently resemble the local clay. The investigated slags are not related to iron metallurgy in terms of their composition and texture. They probably originated in a medieval lime kiln through heat sintering of the inner lining during the burning process under relatively high temperatures (1080–1500°C). Simultaneously, the finding of relics of clinker‐like material together with products of its hydration in the hydraulic mortar from the wall masonry infers the production of hydraulic lime or Roman cement during the construction of the castle in the 14th century. The Obřany Castle appears to represent one of the first applications of hydraulic binders in Moravia.  相似文献   

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