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Iron silicate minerals are a significant component of sedimentary systems but their modes of formation remain controversial. Our analysis of published data identifies end‐member compositions and mixtures and allows us to recognize controls of formation of different mineral species. The compositional fields of glaucony, Fe‐illite, Fe–Al smectites are determined in the M+/4Si vs. Fe/Sum of octahedral cations (M+ = interlayer charge). Solid solutions could exist between these phases. The Fe–Al and Fe‐rich clay minerals form two distinct solid solutions. The earliest phases to be formed are Fe–Al smectites or berthierine depending on the sedimentation rate. Reductive microsystems appear in the vicinity of organic debris in unconsolidated sediments. The Fe is incorporated first in pyrite and then in silicates after oxidation. Potassium ions diffuse from the sea‐water–sediment interface. If not interrupted, the diffusion process is active until reaction completion is reached, i.e. formation of Fe‐illite or glauconite or a mineral assemblage (berthierine–nontronite) according to the available Al ion amounts in the microsystem. Mixed‐layer minerals are formed when the diffusion process is interrupted because of sedimentation, compaction or cementation. Despite the common belief of their value as palaeoenvironment indicators, these minerals can form in a variety of environments and over a period of millions of years during sediment burial.  相似文献   

Birks, H. J. B. & Seppä, H. 2010: Late‐Quaternary palaeoclimatic research in Fennoscandia – A historical review. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 655–673. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00160.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Ideas and understanding of Late‐Quaternary climatic history, especially in the Lateglacial and the postglacial, were initiated in Fennoscandia in the 19th century with pioneering studies on peat stratigraphy, megafossils and macrofossils. This review traces the history of palaeoclimatic research and the development of current ideas about climatic changes, with particular reference to the Lateglacial and its rapid climatic fluctuations, such as the Younger Dryas period, and to the Holocene, with its thermal maximum and shifts in precipitation.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic Jiao‐Liao‐Ji Belt is located in the eastern margin of the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. In this paper, we synthesize the tectonothermal evolution and deep crustal processes in the Jiao‐Liao‐Ji Belt based on recent information. A mantle plume‐related underplating from 2.53 to 2.36 Ga is envisaged which led to the emplacement of the 2.47–2.33 Ga alkali granite plutons and mafic dyke swarms, followed by the development of the Jiao‐Liao‐Ji Rift and bi‐modal volcanism. The underplating resulted not only in different sedimentary environments in the upper crust, but also in a differentiation of the initial thermal structure in the rift. This controlled the metamorphism and style of P‐T‐t paths in the different parts of the rift. Subsequent underplating resulted in the emplacement of the A‐type Liaoji granites of ca. 2.17 Ga in the lower crust, and the formation of associated pegmatites of 2.2 and 2.0 Ga, together with the development of a bedding‐parallel extension. However, the main orogeny occurred between 1.93 and 1.88 Ga with closing of the rift, compressional deformation and high‐pressure granulite metamorphism in the southern part of the orogen. Subsequently, lithospheric blocks were possibly delaminated at ∼1.85 Ga; anorogenic magmatic rocks such as rapakivi granite, alkaline granites and syenite were intruded, and pegmatite veins and mafic dyke swarms were emplaced cross‐cutting all the earlier structural traces. We identify that the underplating styles, collision processes and delamination types in the deep lithosphere controlled the tectonothermal evolution of the crust in the Jiao‐Liao‐Ji region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To assess the homogeneity of and provide the first Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐Pb isotopic reference values for the Chinese Geological Standard Glasses CGSG‐1, CGSG‐2, CGSG‐4 and CGSG‐5, we measured these isotopes in several measurement sessions over the course of nearly 3 years. The results were obtained by high‐precision MC‐ICP‐MS and TIMS. Our investigation indicates that these CGSG glass reference materials are homogenous with regard to Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐Pb isotopic distribution and are therefore suitable geochemical materials for Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐Pb isotope measurements. Clear differences in Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐Pb isotopic composition were observed between the glasses and the original powdered rock reference materials (CGSG‐2 and GSR‐7, and especially CGSG‐5 and GSR‐2) because of flux addition during preparation of the glasses. The new Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐Pb isotope data provided here might be useful to the geochemical community for in situ and bulk analysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate causes of injury during the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Data on patients injured during the Darfield (4 September 2010) and Christchurch (22 February 2011) earthquakes were sourced from the New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation. The total injury burden was analyzed for demography, context of injury, causes of injury, and injury type. Injury context was classified as direct (shaking of the primary earthquake or aftershocks causing unavoidable injuries), action (movement of person during the primary earthquake or aftershocks causing potentially avoidable injuries), and secondary (cause of injury after shaking ceased). Nine categories of injury cause were identified. Three times as many people were injured in the Christchurch earthquake as in the Darfield earthquake (7,171 vs. 2,256). The primary shaking caused approximately two-thirds of the injuries from both quakes. Actions during the primary shaking and aftershocks led to many injuries (51.3 % Darfield and 19.4 % Christchurch). Primary direct caused the highest proportion of injuries during the daytime Christchurch quake (43.6 %). Many people were injured after shaking stopped in both events: 499 (22.1 % Darfield) and 1,881 (26.2 % Christchurch). Most of these people were injured during clean-up (320 (14.2 %) Darfield; 622 (8.7 %) Christchurch). In both earthquakes, more females than males (1,453 vs. 803 Darfield; 4,646 vs. 2,525 Christchurch) were injured (except by masonry, damaged ground, and during clean-up); trip/fall (27.9 % Darfield; 26.1 % Christchurch) was the most common cause of injury; and soft tissue injuries (74.1 % Darfield; 70.4 % Christchurch) was the most common type of injury. This study demonstrated that where people were and their actions during and after earthquakes influenced their risk of injury.  相似文献   

Geomorphic evidence suggests that shorelines of 100–200 m above the modern lake levels were common across the Tibetan Plateau during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The timing of this lake‐level highstand is mainly based on radiocarbon ages. Problems surrounding the ages of lacustrine sediments at or beyond the limit of the radiocarbon‐dating method have created a need for alternative geochronometers. Chronological advances during the last decade have renewed interest in the timing of events beyond the limit of radiocarbon dating. Here, we synthesize published data for elevated lacustrine landforms of 48 lakes on the Tibetan Plateau, in order to provide a thorough perspective on the timing and pattern of lake‐level changes in this alpine area during the late Quaternary. The ages of these elevated shore features reveal a long‐term trend of relative lake‐level fall from at least MIS 5, instead of a peak in MIS 3, as previously thought. Dating lacustrine terrace sequences reveals that the rate of lake‐level fall ranged from ~1 to 3 mm a?1, comparable with that of related river downcutting across the plateau. Palaeoclimatic proxy records point to a sustained drying since the Last Interglacial, suggesting that long‐term aridification might be the culprit for this widespread and progressive lake‐level fall.  相似文献   

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