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Edwin K. Schneider 《Icarus》1983,55(2):302-331
The simplified theory of steady, nearly inviscid, thermally forced axially symmetric atmospheric motions developed by Schneider (1977) is applied to the study of the problem of the Martian great dust storms. A highly idealized calculation of the atmospheric response to heating concentrated in a small latitude band is carried out. Qualitatively different local and global response regimes are identified. As the heating is increased from zero, some critical value is reached at which the response jumps from local to global. It is suggested that this transition from local to global response may be related to the observed explosive growth of great dust storms. Results from the idealized model indicate that subtropical latitudes are favored for the initiation of a dust raising global dust storm, as the meridional scale of the response to a heat source of fixed intensity is largest for the heat source located close to the equator, but the surface stress in the zonal direction produced by the response increases as the heat source is moved towards the poles. Also, the steady axially symmetric Martian response to solar forcing is examined. Modification to the solar forced response due to an added latitudinally localized heat source is briefly discussed, and it is indicated that similar transition behavior to that obtained in the more idealized model is to be expected in this case also. Implications of the dynamical model for the dependence of the occurence of great dust storms on orbital parameters are remarked on.  相似文献   

G.S. Golitsyn 《Icarus》1975,24(1):70-75
Mean wind velocities, U, and horizontal temperature differences, δT, are estimated for the Titan atmosphere using the similarity theory of the author. It is found that U is of order 1 m/sec and δT ~ 0.1 K. The last value agrees with its estimate by Leovy and Pollack (1973, Icarus19, 195–201); however the values of U are an order of magnitude less. While analyzing the causes of the difference it is found that the circulation models developed in I overestimate considerably the atmospheric efficiency in transformation of solar energy into the kinetic energy of motions. Possible reasons for such an overestimate are discussed. We conclude that the efficiency coefficient is a very sensitive characteristic of a circulation regime and that its determination is an efficient means for checking the correspondence of various circulation models with reality. Arguments are presented stressing the conclusion of I that the Titan atmospheric circulation is in the Hadley symmetric regime, which is strongly influenced by the satellite's own rotation. At the same time a thermal tide should be a noticeable feature of the circulation. In the upper part of the Titan atmosphere something like the phenomenon of the 4-day Venus circulation may be developed. It is noted that the analogy between the Titan and Venus atmospheric circulations might be a very close one.  相似文献   

P. Ambrož 《Solar physics》2004,224(1-2):61-68
Large-scale magnetic field regions are evolving on a time scale of many weeks and months and are also modified during the solar activity cycle. The position of the regions are compared in a pair of consecutive synoptic charts and the horizontal velocity field responsible for their position changes, is inferred. Besides the axially symmetric zonal and meridional drifts, relating to differential rotation and meridional circulation, also non-axially symmetric velocity structures were observed during the last three solar activity cycles. Changes of the position and spatial distribution, as well as temporal variations of the field strength, closely relate to the occurrence and variations of other forms of solar activity such as sunspots, filaments and prominences and coronal structures. In combination with 11-yr cyclic changes of the large-scale velocity field, a new global dynamic regime of the convection zone is described.  相似文献   

S.A. Stern  L. Trafton 《Icarus》1984,57(2):231-240
Cosmic abundance, vapor pressure, and molecular weight considerations restrict the likely gas candidates for Pluto's atmosphere to Ne, N2, CO, O2, and Ar, in addition to the already detected CH4. The vapor pressures and cosmic abundances of these gases indicate that all except Ne should be saturated in Pluto's atmosphere. The vapor pressure of Ne is so high that the existence of solid or liquid Ne on Pluto's surface is very unlikely; cosmic abundance arguments imply that Ne cannot attain saturation in Pluto's atmosphere. At both perihelion, N2 should dominate the saturated gases. CO2 should have the next highest mixing ratio, followed by O2 and Ar. CH4 should have the smallest mixing ratio. Because vapor pressures of these gases vary with temperature at diverse rates, the bulk and constituent mixing ratios of Pluto's atmosphere should vary with season. Between perihelion and aphelion, the column abundance of CH4 may change by a factor of 260 while that of N2 changes by only a factor of 52. The potential seasonal variation of Pluto's atmosphere was investigated by considering the behavior of these gases when individually mixed with CH4. The effects of diurnal and latitudinal variation of insolation and eclipses on the atmosphere also were investigated. Seasonal effects are shown to dominate. It was shown that the atmospheric bulk may not be a minimum near aphelion but rather at intermediate distances from the Sun during summer/winter inadequate ice deposits may allow the atmosphere to collapse by freezing out over winter latitudes. If the atmosphere does not collapse, its weight is sufficient to keep it distributed uniformly around Pluto's surface. In this case, the atmosphere tends to regulate the surface temperature to a seasonally dependent value which is uniform over the globe.Finally, the likely global circulation regimes for each model atmosphere as a function of temperature were investigated and it was concluded that if CH4, O2, or CO dominates the atmosphere, Pluto will exhibit cyclic variations between an axially symmetric circulation system at perihelion and a baroclinic wave regime at aphelion. However, if N2 dominates, as is likely, the wave regime should hold continuously. If the atmosphere collapses to a thin halo during summer/winter seasons, only a weak, symmetric circulation should occur.  相似文献   

Space probes entering planetary atmospheres are used for in situ study of their physical structures. During the entry phase aerodynamic forces exerted on the probe depend on atmospheric density. As a consequence accelerations measured by on-board sensors can be used to derive probe trajectory as well as atmospheric density, pressure and temperature profiles. In this work acceleration data acquired by the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI) have been used to reconstruct the probe trajectory and the Titan's atmospheric structure from down to of altitude. An accurate six degree of freedom model of Huygens during the entry phase has been developed and a new reconstruction technique based on Kalman filtering is presented. This technique estimates simultaneously the probe trajectory, the attitude profile consistent with measured data and the atmospheric density, pressure and temperature.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the effectiveness of the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory mission concept for constraining the atmospheric properties of hot and warm gas giants and super Earths. Synthetic primary and secondary transit spectra for a range of planets are passed through EChOSim [13] to obtain the expected level of noise for different observational scenarios; these are then used as inputs for the NEMESIS atmospheric retrieval code and the retrieved atmospheric properties (temperature structure, composition and cloud properties) compared with the known input values, following the method of [1]. To correctly retrieve the temperature structure and composition of the atmosphere to within 2 σ, we find that we require: a single transit or eclipse of a hot Jupiter orbiting a sun-like (G2) star at 35 pc to constrain the terminator and dayside atmospheres; 20 transits or eclipses of a warm Jupiter orbiting a similar star; 10 transits/eclipses of a hot Neptune orbiting an M dwarf at 6 pc; and 30 transits or eclipses of a GJ1214b-like planet.  相似文献   

Data acquired by the Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) on the Cassini spacecraft during its close encounter with Titan on 26 October 2004 reveal the structure of its upper atmosphere. Altitude profiles of N2, CH4, and H2, inferred from INMS measurements, determine the temperature, vertical mixing rate, and escape flux from the upper atmosphere. The mean atmospheric temperature in the region sampled by the INMS is 149±3 K, where the variance is a consequence of local time variations in temperature. The CH4 mole fraction at 1174 km is 2.71±0.1%. The effects of diffusive separation are clearly seen in the data that we interpret as an eddy diffusion coefficient of , that, along with the measured CH4 mole fraction, implies a mole fraction in the stratosphere of 2.2±0.2%. The H2 distribution is affected primarily by upward flow and atmospheric escape. The H2 mole fraction at 1200 km is 4±1×10−3 and analysis of the altitude profile indicates an upward flux of , referred to the surface. If horizontal variations in temperature and H2 density are small, this upward flux also represents the escape flux from the atmosphere. The CH4 density exhibits significant horizontal variations that are likely an indication of dynamical processes in the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

Falciani  R.  Rigutti  M.  Roberti  G. 《Solar physics》1974,35(2):277-280
From the variations in equivalent width of a selected set of Fraunhofer lines, we derived the variation of effective temperature and microturbulence velocity between the equator and the regions at heliographic latitude of - 72°. The reliability of the results (T/T = 0 ± 0.6%, / = 6% ± 13%) needs further investigations, but from the analysis of our data we can state that temperature variations, if any, are very small. Some suggestions for more fruitful measurements are also given.  相似文献   

Sanjay S. Limaye 《Icarus》1984,57(3):362-385
Polarization observations obtained from the Orbiter Cloud Photopolarimeter (OCPP) show local, organized features whose morphology is similar to that of the ultraviolet clouds. No obvious correlation between the observed amount of polarization and relative brightness was found, suggesting that the polarization features are not due to variations in the unpolarized intensity alone, but rather to other causes such are the existence of a haze. Many of the features that can be seen even at 935 nm wavelength are believed to be signatures of local variations in the haze of submicron-size particles that have been detected from the OCCP data (K. Kawabata, D. L/ Cooffeen, J. E. Hansen, W. A. Lane, M. Sato, and L. D. Travis (1980). J. Geophys. Res.85, 8129–8140). Substantial variations in the structure and visibility of the polarization features that are observed suggest that the haze amount mixed with and above the main cloud layer may not be constant by varies with time. Some of these features last for least a few days thus allowing measurements of their apparent motions. The small number of measurements possible from the available data shows movements similar to those of the ultraviolet clouds in both direction and speed. According to Kawabata et al. the haze extends well above the main cloud layer to about 5 mb pressure level while the optical depth unity at 365 nm (corresponding to the level of the ultraviolet clouds tracked to infer the cloud-top level circulation) occurs at about 30 mb pressure level. Thus, the rapid retrograde circulation suggested by the movements of haze features in the polarimetry data would indicate that the layer in which such rapid circulation exists is fairly deep.  相似文献   

Measurements of the vertical and latitudinal variations of temperature and C2H2 and C2H6 abundances in the stratosphere of Saturn can be used as stringent constraints on seasonal climate models, photochemical models, and dynamics. The summertime photochemical loss timescale for C2H6 in Saturn's middle and lower stratosphere (∼40-10,000 years, depending on altitude and latitude) is much greater than the atmospheric transport timescale; ethane observations may therefore be used to trace stratospheric dynamics. The shorter chemical lifetime for C2H2 (∼1-7 years depending on altitude and latitude) makes the acetylene abundance less sensitive to transport effects and more sensitive to insolation and seasonal effects. To obtain information on the temperature and hydrocarbon abundance distributions in Saturn's stratosphere, high-resolution spectral observations were obtained on September 13-14, 2002 UT at NASA's IRTF using the mid-infrared TEXES grating spectrograph. At the time of the observations, Saturn was at a LS≈270°, corresponding to Saturn's southern summer solstice. The observed spectra exhibit a strong increase in the strength of methane emission at 1230 cm−1 with increasing southern latitude. Line-by-line radiative transfer calculations indicate that a temperature increase in the stratosphere of ≈10 K from the equator to the south pole between 10 and 0.01 mbar is implied. Similar observations of acetylene and ethane were also recorded. We find the 1.16 mbar mixing ratio of C2H2 at −1° and −83° planetocentric latitude to be and , respectively. The C2H2 mixing ratio at 0.12 mbar is found to be at −1° planetocentric latitude and at −83° planetocentric latitude. The 2.3 mbar mixing ratio of C2H6 inferred from the data is and at −1° and −83° planetocentric latitude, respectively. Further observations, creating a time baseline, will be required to completely resolve the question of how much the latitudinal variations of C2H2 and C2H6 are affected by seasonal forcing and/or stratospheric circulation.  相似文献   

Starting November 1999 we are carrying out simultaneous seeing observations with the Solar Differential Image Motion Monitor (S-DIMM) at the Fuxian Lake station of the Yunnan Observatory and a solar scintillometer of the type used in the recent site survey by one of us (Beckers et al., 1997). The purpose was to compare the two methods of assessing the daytime atmospheric seeing for a lake site. We report here the first results of this comparison. We find that the relation between the seeing as measured by the S-DIMM (the Fried parameter r 0) and the scintillation in the solar irradiance (I) differs greatly from the relation found by Seykora (1993) for NSO/Sac Peak. We conclude that the I measurements give a good indication for the amount of near-Earth seeing but that they are a poor proxy for the total atmospheric seeing. We interpret the simultaneous (r 0, I) observations in terms of an atmospheric seeing model and find good quantitative agreement with a model in which a fraction () of the seeing originated near the Earth (ground or water) and the rest (1–) originates at higher layers. For lake sites is small all day and the seeing is determined primarily by the refractive index variations at higher atmospheric layers. For land sites is small in the early morning but rapidly increases as the day progresses, near-Earth seeing dominating there most of the time.  相似文献   

Spectral images of Mars obtained by the Mars Express/OMEGA experiment in the near infrared are the result of a complex combination of atmospheric, aerosol and ground features. Retrieving the atmospheric information from the data is important, not only to decorrelate mineralogical against atmospheric features, but also to retrieve the atmospheric variability. Once the illumination conditions have been taken into account, the main source of variation on the CO2 absorption is due to the altitude of the surface, which governs atmospheric pressure variation by more than an order of magnitude between the summit of Olympus Mons down to the bottom of Valles Marineris. In this article we present a simplified atmospheric spectral model without scattering, specially developed for the OMEGA observations, which is used to retrieve the local topography through the analysis of the CO2 band. OMEGA atmospheric observations increase the horizontal resolution compared to MOLA altimetry measurements, and therefore complement the mineralogical studies from the same instrument. Finally, residual variations of the pressure can be related to atmospheric structure variation.  相似文献   

D. Summers 《Solar physics》1978,56(2):429-438
The collisional equations for the solar wind assuming steady, spherically symmetric flow and including thermal conduction and an anisotropic proton temperature are analysed in the absence of a heat source function. The equations are cast in a form that involves one dimensionless parameter, effectively equal to the inverse Péclet number for protons, and the small quantity , the square-root of the electron-proton mass ratio. Analytic forms for the proton temperature anisotropy and other flow variables are derived by applying the limit 0, and using asymptotic techniques. It is found that the model based purely on Coulomb collisions predicts values for the proton temperature anisotropy in the vicinity of the Earth that are much smaller than those observed, and that increasing the coronal base temperature serves to decrease the predicted anisotropy still further.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

G.S. Golitsyn 《Icarus》1979,38(3):333-341
A short review of the atmospheric dynamics for the outer planets and some of their satellites with atmospheres is presented. Their physical properties are discussed. A survey of observational data for atmospheric motions on the large planets is presented and similarity parameters are given for all objects. General problems of the vertical structure of atmospheres are then considered with some detailed discussion for rarefied atmospheres on Io and Ganymede. The low densities of these atmospheres make their dynamics similar to those of the thermospheres of the terrestrial planets but with a specific boundary layer. The atmospheric temperature regime must be strongly coupled to that of their surface, and so winds should be of the order of the velocity of sound. Similarities and differences are noted between the dynamics of Titan and possibly of Pluto and the circulation on Venus. For large and rapidly rotating planets, some analogies with the oceans are pointed out. The “soliton” hypothesis is discussed in some detail for circulation perturbations observed on Jupiter's disk. Finally, it is noted that the bimodal rotation period found for Neptune [D.P. Cruikshank, Astrophys. J. 220, 157–159 (1978)] may be interpreted as an indication of an equatorial jet on the planet with a relative velocity of about 140 m sec?1.  相似文献   

Karlický  Marian  Kotrč  Pavel  Kupryakov  Yurij A. 《Solar physics》2001,199(1):145-155
Large Doppler velocities with unique, almost regular elliptical features were observed in the H spectra of the May 15, 2000 eruptive prominence. These features were interpreted in the frame of axially symmetric models of the eruptive prominence. The rotational (7–60 km s–1), expansion (30–44 km s–1), axial (3–19 km s–1), and global (66–160 km s–1) prominence plasma velocities were derived. The plasma velocity patterns were compared with the observed helical structures of the H prominence. The velocities of selected H blobs in the image plane were determined. The axially symmetric detwisting process of the magnetic flux rope of the eruptive prominence was recognized.  相似文献   

The radio observations of the coronal streamers obtained using Clark Lake radioheliograph at 73.8, 50.0, and 38.5 MHz during a period of minimum activity in September 1986 are presented. Streamers appear to correlate with two prominent disk sources whose intensities fluctuated randomly. The variations in half-power diameter of the radio Sun are found to correspond with the variations in the white-light extents of the coronal streamers. It appears that the shape of the radio Sun is not a function of the phase of the solar cycle; instead it depends on the relative positions of the streamers in the corona. The observed peak brightness temperatures,T B , of the streamers are found to be very low, being 6 × 104 K.We compute the brightness temperature distribution along the equator by tracing the rays in the coronal plasma. The rays are deflected away by the streamers before reaching the critical density level, whereas they penetrate deeper into the coronal hole for small angles between the line of sight and the streamer axis. As a consequence, it is found that the streamers and coronal holes appear in the calculated equatorial brightness distribution as irregular brightness depressions and enhancements, respectively. The fine structures are found to disappear when the scattering due to small-scale density inhomogeneities is included in the ray-tracing calculations. The required relative level of density fluctuations, 1 = N/N, is found to be greater than 12% to reduce the peak brightness temperature from 106 K to 6 × 104 K for all the three frequencies.On leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560034, India.  相似文献   

We formulate the first order theory of meridian circulation in radiative zones of approximate chemical homogeneity so as to allow calculation of circulation velocities in a star subject to an arbitrary axially symmetric angular velocity ω(r, θ). The calculation includes circulation due to perturbations in the nuclear burning rate. The formalism agrees with previous calculations relevant to special cases, and assumes maximum simplicity for rotation on cylinders. We find two types of steady state configurations: (1) rotation according to a special class of distributions ω(r, θ) which drive no currents, and (2) rotation according to arbitrary ω(r, θ), but with a correction to the molecular weight μ such that the net circulation velocity is zero. We find that a small μ gradient can quench the circulation in many cases. In particular, we conclude that a large differential rotation in the Sun might have escaped disruption by meridian currents, for a μ stratification of a few parts in 103.  相似文献   

The plots of dimensionless parameters, for helium plasma are given, as they are of great importance for the study of physical conditions prevalent in stellar interiors consuming helium. The relevant temperature and density leading to weak and strong screening can be obtained from the plots to compute the effect of screening to enhance the thermonuclear reaction rates. To make a realistic approach, the pycnonuclear triple alpha reaction rates are found for the 7.66 (O+) MeV level for pair creation. The equation used here is suitable for white dwarfs satisfying 0<3/1. The rates are enhanced approximately 1042 times, which indicates that the mean life will be reduced by the same factor. The extent of the pycnonuclear regime is shown in diagram.  相似文献   

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