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This paper considered the tide-induced head fluctuations in two coastal multi-layered aquifer systems. Model I comprises two semi-permeable layers and a confined aquifer between them. Model II is a four-layered aquifer system including an unconfined aquifer, an upper semi-permeable layer, a confined aquifer and a lower semi-permeable layer. In each model, the submarine outlet of the confined aquifer is covered with a skin layer (“outlet-capping”). Analytical solutions of the two models are derived. In both models, leakages of the semi-permeable layers decrease the tidal head fluctuations. The outlet-capping reduces the aquifer’s head fluctuation by a constant factor and shifts the phase by a positive constant. The solution to Model II explains the inconsistency between the relatively small lag time and the strong amplitude damping effect of the tidal head fluctuations reported by Trefry and Johnston [Ground Water 1998;36:427–33] near the Port Adelaide River, Australia.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions are presented for transient water-table profiles in finite unconfined aquifers due to infiltration occurring from a single canal or more than one canal. The aquifer boundaries are assumed to be parallel to the alignment of the canal(s) and the lower impervious bottom is horizontal. Further, the aquifer is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. Losses such as evapotranspiration are ignored; likewise replenishment from other sources, for example, rainfall, is also neglected.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a primary source of drinking water worldwide, but excess nutrients and emerging contaminants could compromise groundwater quality and limit its usage as a drinking water source. As such contaminants become increasingly prevalent in the biosphere, a fundamental understanding of their fate and transport in groundwater systems is necessary to implement successful remediation strategies. The dynamics of surface water-groundwater (hyporheic) exchange within a glacial, buried-valley aquifer system are examined in the context of their implications for the transport of nutrients and contaminants in riparian sediments. High conductivity facies act as preferential flow pathways which enhance nutrient and contaminant delivery, especially during storm events, but transport throughout the aquifer also depends on subsurface sedimentary architecture (e.g. interbedded high and low conductivity facies). Temperature and specific conductance measurements indicate extensive hyporheic mixing close to the river channel, but surface water influence was also observed far from the stream-aquifer interface. Measurements of river stage and hydraulic head indicate that significant flows during storms (i.e., hot moments) alter groundwater flow patterns, even between consecutive storm events, as riverbed conductivity and, more importantly, the hydraulic connectivity between the river and aquifer change. Given the similar mass transport characteristics among buried-valley aquifers, these findings are likely representative of glacial aquifer systems worldwide. Our results suggest that water resources management decisions based on average (base) flow conditions may inaccurately represent the system being evaluated, and could reduce the effectiveness of remediation strategies for nutrients and emerging contaminants.  相似文献   

Unsteady flow to wells in layered and fissured aquifer systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A solution has been developed for the calculation of drawdowns in leaky and confined multiaquifer systems, pumped by a well of constant discharge penetrating one or more of the aquifers. In contrast to earlier solutions the effects of elastic storage in separating and bounding aquitards have now completely been accounted for.

The computing technique is based on the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform. Two different methods are used and results are compared with an analytical solution. Both Stehfest's1 algorithm and Schapery's2 least squares method yield accurate results in a fraction of the computation time required for the analytical evaluation.

Selected sets of time-drawdown and distance-drawdown curves are plotted to illustrate multiple-aquifer well flow and to compare new solutions with results which were previously published. The analogy with flow is unconfined and fissured aquifers is demonstrated by multilayer models, representing multiple-porosity formations with linear and diffusive crossflow.  相似文献   

Analytical studies are carried out to investigate groundwater-head changes in a coastal aquifer system in response to tidal fluctuations. The system consists of an unconfined aquifer, a semi-confined aquifer and a semi-permeable confining unit between them. An exact analytical solution is derived to investigate the influences of both leakage and storage of the semi-permeable layer on the tide-induced groundwater-head fluctuation in the semi-confined aquifer. This solution is a generalization of the solution obtained by Jiao and Tang (Water Resource Research 35 (1999) 747–751) which ignored the storage of the semi-confining unit. The analytical solution indicates that both storage and leakage of the semi-permeable layer play an important role in the groundwater-head fluctuation in the confined aquifer. While leakage is generally more important than storage, the impact of storage on groundwater-head fluctuations changes with leakage. With the increase of leakage the fluctuation of groundwater-head in the confined aquifer will be controlled mainly by leakage. The study also demonstrates that the influence of storativity of the semi-permeable layer on groundwater-head fluctuation is negligible only when the storativity of the semi-permeable layer is comparable to or smaller than that of the confined aquifer. However, for aquifer systems with semi-permeable layer composed of thick, soft sedimentary materials, the storativity of the semi-permeable layer is usually much greater than that of the aquifer and its influence should be considered.  相似文献   

Wang X  Xu J  Cai Z 《Ground water》2012,50(3):348-354
A new finite layer method (FLM) is presented in this paper for transient flow analysis in layered radial two-zone aquifer systems. A radial two-zone system is an aquifer configuration in which a circular aquifer with finite radius is surrounded by a matrix possessing different permeability and storage properties. The aquifers can be pumped from fully or partially penetrating wells of infinitesimal radius. The trial function for drawdown is obtained through the use of piecewise linear correction functions in the present method. The trial function can satisfy the continuity conditions of flow and possess an appropriate continuity of C(0) at the two-zone interface. On the basis of Galerkin's method and the continuity condition of flow, the finite layer formulation is derived. The proposed method can cope with the anisotropy and layered heterogeneity in radial two-zone aquifer systems. Several numerical examples are presented to verify the validity of the present method through comparison with the analytical solution and the numerical results based on the finite difference method, in which a test of three-dimensional (3D) flow to a partially penetrating well in anisotropic two-zone aquifers is included. Furthermore, an additional application in simulating the two-zone flow in aquitard-aquifer systems is presented to demonstrate the applicability of FLM in modeling flow in more complex aquifer systems.  相似文献   

Redox processes and water quality of selected principal aquifer systems   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Reduction/oxidation (redox) conditions in 15 principal aquifer (PA) systems of the United States, and their impact on several water quality issues, were assessed from a large data base collected by the National Water-Quality Assessment Program of the USGS. The logic of these assessments was based on the observed ecological succession of electron acceptors such as dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and sulfate and threshold concentrations of these substrates needed to support active microbial metabolism. Similarly, the utilization of solid-phase electron acceptors such as Mn(IV) and Fe(III) is indicated by the production of dissolved manganese and iron. An internally consistent set of threshold concentration criteria was developed and applied to a large data set of 1692 water samples from the PAs to assess ambient redox conditions. The indicated redox conditions then were related to the occurrence of selected natural (arsenic) and anthropogenic (nitrate and volatile organic compounds) contaminants in ground water. For the natural and anthropogenic contaminants assessed in this study, considering redox conditions as defined by this framework of redox indicator species and threshold concentrations explained many water quality trends observed at a regional scale. An important finding of this study was that samples indicating mixed redox processes provide information on redox heterogeneity that is useful for assessing common water quality issues. Given the interpretive power of the redox framework and given that it is relatively inexpensive and easy to measure the chemical parameters included in the framework, those parameters should be included in routine water quality monitoring programs whenever possible.  相似文献   

Pumping wells are common in coastal aquifers affected by tides. Here we present analytical solutions of groundwater table or head variations during a constant rate pumping from a single, fully-penetrating well in coastal aquifer systems comprising an unconfined aquifer, a confined aquifer and semi-permeable layer between them. The unconfined aquifer terminates at the coastline (or river bank) and the other two layers extend under tidal water (sea or tidal river) for a certain distance L. Analytical solutions are derived for 11 reasonable combinations of different situations of the L-value (zero, finite, and infinite), of the middle layer’s permeability (semi-permeable and impermeable), of the boundary condition at the aquifer’s submarine terminal (Dirichlet describing direct connection with seawater and no-flow describing the existence of an impermeable capping), and of the tidal water body (sea and tidal river). Solutions are discussed with application examples in fitting field observations and parameter estimations.  相似文献   


A study of the effect of changes in climate on aquifer storage and river recharge using a simple model of an idealized aquifer/river system shows the combined influence of aquifer properties and climate change scenario on the system response. The study shows that changes in the seasonal distribution of recharge may have a critical effect on low flows in rivers supported by baseflow. However, rivers supported by slowly responding aquifers may show a considerable delay in response to climate change allowing an opportunity for water resources planning over an extended period.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical solution to tide‐induced head fluctuations in a two‐dimensional estuarine‐coastal aquifer system that consists of an unconfined aquifer and a heterogeneous confined aquifer extending under a tidal river with a semipermeable layer between them. This study considers the joint effects of tidal‐river leakage, inland leakage, dimensionless transmissivity between the tidal‐river and inland confined aquifer, and transmissivity anisotropic ratios. The analytical solution for this model is obtained via the separation of variables method. Three existing solutions related to head fluctuation in one‐ or two‐dimensional leaky confined aquifers are considered as special cases in the present solution. This study shows that there is a threshold of tidal‐river confined aquifer length. When the tidal‐river length is greater than the threshold length, the inland head fluctuations remain sensitive to the leakage effect but become insensitive to the tidal‐river width and dimensionless transmissivity. Considering leakage and transmissivity anisotropy, this study also demonstrates that at a location farther from the river–inland boundary, head fluctuations increase with increasing leakage and transmissivity anisotropy; the maximum head fluctuation occurs when leakage and transmissivity anisotropy are both at their maximum values. The combined action of the 3 effects of loading, tidal‐river aquifer leakage, and inland aquifer leakage differs significantly according to various aquifer parameters. The analytical solution in this paper can be applied to demonstrate the behaviours of the head fluctuations of an estuarine‐coastal aquifer system, and the head fluctuations can be clearly described when the tidal and hydrogeological parameters are derived from field measurement data or hypothetical cases.  相似文献   

We present an analytical solution of groundwater head response to tidal fluctuation in a coastal multilayered aquifer system consisting of an unconfined aquifer, a leaky confined aquifer and a semi‐permeable layer between them. The submarine outcrop of the confined aquifer is covered by a thin silt layer. A mathematical model and the analytical solution of this model are given. The silt layer reduces the amplitude of the hydraulic head fluctuation by a constant factor, and shifts the phase by a positive constant (time lag), both of which depend on the leakances of the silt layer and the semi‐permeable layer. The time lag is less than 1·5 h and 3·0 h for semi‐diurnal and diurnal sea tides respectively. When the leakance of the semi‐permeable layer or the silt layer assumes certain special values, the solution becomes the existing solutions derived by previous researchers. The amplitude of the hydraulic head fluctuation in the confined aquifer increases with the leakance of the silt layer and decreases with the leakance of the semi‐permeable layer, whereas the phase shift of the fluctuation decreases with both of them. A hypothetical example shows that neglecting the silt layer may result in significant parameter estimation discrepancy between the amplitude attenuation and the time‐lag fittings. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a coupling of a finite element model with a metaheuristic optimization algorithm for solving the inverse problem in groundwater flow (Darcy's equations). This coupling performed in 2 phases is based on the combination of 2 codes: This is the HySubF‐FEM code (hydrodynamic of subsurface flow by finite element method) used for the first phase allowing the calculation of the flow and the CMA‐ES code (covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy) adopted in the second phase for the optimization process. The combination of these 2 codes was implemented to identify the transmissivity field of groundwater by knowing the hydraulic head in some point of the studied domain. The integrated optimization algorithm HySubF‐FEM/CMA‐ES has been validated successfully on a schematic case offering an analytical solution. As realistic application, the integrated optimization algorithm HySubF‐FEM/CMA‐ES was applied to a complex groundwater in the north of France to identify the transmissivity field. This application does not use zonation techniques but solves an optimization problem at each internal node of the mesh. The obtained results are considered excellent with high accuracy and fully consistent with the hydrogeological characteristics of the studied aquifer.However, the various numerical simulations performed in this paper have shown that the CMA‐ES algorithm is time‐consuming. Finally, the paper concludes that the proposed algorithm can be considered as an efficient tool for solving inverse problems in groundwater flow.  相似文献   

A series of numerical simulations using a fully coupled poroelastic numerical model is performed to analyze the so-called Rhade effect. A three-layer aquifer system composed of two aquifers separated by an aquitard, and a corresponding single-layer aquifer system composed of an equivalent lumped material are simulated for the purpose of comparison. In the numerical simulation of the layered aquifer system, the Rhade effect is observed in the aquitard and upper aquifer immediately after the stop of groundwater pumping from the lower aquifer. In contrast, the numerical simulation results of the lumped aquifer system do not show such Rhade effect throughout the entire domain during the groundwater pumping shutoff period. These numerical simulation results strongly suggest that hydraulically less permeable and mechanically more deformable aquitards that generally exist in layered aquifer systems particularly play an important role in causing the Rhade effect at the end of groundwater pumping. The Rhade effect is caused by two mechanisms: a slower hydraulic propagation (head recovery) of the unpumping stress than its mechanical propagation (extension) from the pumped aquifer into the adjacent aquitard and unpumped aquifer due to the relatively lower hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard, and an amplification of the faster mechanical propagation (excessive extension) in the lower part of the aquitard due to its relatively higher deformability. However, the unpumping stress is evenly distributed throughout the entire domain of the lumped aquifer system over time without such hydrogeomechanical mechanisms since it does not have an aquitard and hence is hydraulically and mechanically homogeneous.  相似文献   

Wicks C  Kelley C  Peterson E 《Ground water》2004,42(3):384-389
Adverse impacts on the health of some fish populations, such as skewed sex distributions, have been noted in surface waters and in laboratory experiments with relatively low concentrations (above 25 ng/L) of natural estrogen (17 beta-estradiol--E2). Sources of E2 to surface and ground waters can include avian, human, and mammalian waste products. The Ozark Plateau Aquifer (OPA) is a karstic basin that receives a significant portion of its water through losing reaches of rivers. Thus, there is a direct connection between surface water and ground water. The OPA was targeted for an E2 study to assess the potential for adverse health effects to aquatic organisms living in the system. Eight springs, which drain the aquifer, were sampled quarterly. The concentrations of E2 in the OPA ranged from 13 to 80 ng/L. For any one sampling event, the concentrations of E2 at the spring waters were statistically similar; however, the concentrations of E2 at all springs varied throughout the year. At Maramec Spring, one of the larger springs, the E2 concentration, was correlated with discharge. Based on the correlation between discharge and E2 concentration, aquatic organisms living in the plateau or in its discharged waters, including the threatened southern cavefish T. subterraneus, are exposed to concentration of E2 above 25 ng/L approximately 60% of the time. This implies that organisms living in karst basins throughout the OPA are likely exposed to E2 concentrations that may adversely impact their reproductive success for a significant portion of each year.  相似文献   


New and previously published data sets including stable and radiogenic isotope measurements (18O, 2H, 3H, 13C and 14C) were used to investigate, conceptualize and compare groundwater hydrodynamics within three major multilayer aquifer systems located in central and southern Tunisia. It has been demonstrated that the investigated aquifer systems contain modern and palaeoclimatic waters. Modern groundwaters, which refer to contemporaneous and post-nuclear recharge waters, are characterized by enriched stable isotope contents, high carbon-14 activities and high to moderate tritium concentration. While palaeoclimatic groundwaters, which refer to Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene recharge waters, are distinguished by their depleted stable isotope contents, low carbon-14 activities and insignificant tritium concentrations. Established conceptual models have elucidated the groundwater hydrodynamics within the studied aquifer systems. They show that groundwater mixing occurs between end-members from the shallow and deep aquifers that migrate by downward and upward leakage towards the intermediate aquifer.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Faye

Citation Dassi, L. and Tarki, M., 2014. Isotopic tracing for conceptual models of groundwater hydrodynamics in multilayer aquifer systems of central and southern Tunisia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (6), 1240–1258. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2014.892206  相似文献   

A large quantity of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) of about 1000 m3 day?1 m?1 of the 600‐km‐long shoreline of South Atlantic Bight has been estimated by Moore (Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2010b, 24, GB4005, doi: 10.1029/2009GB003747 ). However, there is great uncertainty in estimating the percentage of net, land‐originated groundwater recharge of SGD. Moreover, most previous studies considered the homogeneous case for the coastal superficial aquifers. Here, we investigated the terrestrial‐originated SGD through a multilayered submarine aquifer system, which comprises two confined aquifers and two semi‐permeable layers. The inland recharge includes a constant part representing the annual average and a periodical part representing its seasonal variation. An analytical solution was derived and used to analyse the distributions of the terrestrial‐originated SGD from the multilayered aquifers along the Winyah Bay transect, South Atlantic Bight. It is found that the width of the zone of SGD from the upper aquifer ranges from ~0.8 to ~8.0 km depending on the leakance of the seabed semi‐permeable layer. A head of the upper aquifer at a coastline 1.0 m higher than the mean sea level will cause a SGD of 1.82– 18.3 m3 day?1 m?1 from that aquifer as the seabed semi‐permeable layer's leakance varies from 0.001 to 0.1 day?1, providing considerable possibility for considerable land‐originated SGD. Seasonal terrestrial‐originated SGD variations predicted by the analytical model provide consistent explanation of the seasonal variation of 226Ra observed by Moore (Journal of Geophysics, 2007, 112, C10013, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004199 ). The contribution of the lower aquifer to SGD is only 1.2–12% of that of the upper aquifer. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatio-temporal variability in groundwater recharge is a prerequisite to sustainable management of aquifers. Spatial analysis of groundwater stable isotopes uncovered predominant controls on groundwater recharge in the Nairobi aquifer system (NAS) and the South Coast aquifer (SC), two exemplar East African aquifers relied upon by 7 million people. We analysed 368 samples for stable isotopes and basic physico-chemical parameters. The NAS groundwater isotopes are controlled by precipitation orographic effects and enriched recharge from impounded lakes/wetlands; the SC isotopes are correlated with water-table depth influencing evapotranspiration. Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) data revealed groundwater recharge during months of heavy rains in the NAS, whilst the SC experiences spatio-temporally diffuse recharge. Inferred “isoscapes” show: in the NAS, (1) direct, rapid recharge favoured by faults, well-drained soils and ample rainfall in uplands, (2) delayed recharge from impounded lakes and wetlands in mid-lands, and (3) focused, event-based recharge in floodplains; and in the SC, diffuse recharge complicated by significant water-table evapotranspiration processes.  相似文献   


The feasibility of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) was tested in a deep aquifer near Koksijde, Belgium. To achieve this, oxic drinking water was injected into a deep aquifer (the Tienen Formation) that contains anoxic brackish water. The hydraulic properties of the aquifer were determined using a step-drawdown test. Chemical processes caused by the injection of the water were studied by two push—pull tests. The step-drawdown test was interpreted by means of an inverse numerical model, resulting in a transmissivity of 3.38 m2/d and a well loss coefficient of 0.00038 d2/m5. The push—pull tests identified mixing between the injection and pristine waters, and cation exchange, as the major processes determining the quality of the recovered water. Mobilization of DOC, aerobic respiration, denitrification and mobilization of phosphate were also observed.  相似文献   

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